The Newsletter71325 avr. 2016

La Lettre

Jean-Paul Perruche

25 April 2016

The Foundation has published a European Interview with Jean-Paul Perruche, Lieutenant General (2S), Chairman of EuroDefense-France and member of the Foundation's Scientific Committee. He reviews future priorities whilst the 28 heads of State and government are to adopt an updated European security strategy at the end of June.

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Results of the first round of the presidential election in Austria

25 April 2016

During the first round of voting in the presidential election in Austria on 24th April Norbert Hofer, the candidate of the far right Liberal Party (FPÖ) won 36.4% of the vote and the Green Party candidate Alexander Van der Bellen, 20.38%. They will face each other in a second round on 22nd May. The candidates of the two parties in office at present - the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) and the People's Party (ÖVP) were eliminated - something that had not occurred since the Second World War.

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Publication of the 10th edition of the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2016"

25 April 2016

The Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2016 - the 10th to be published in French, the 7th in English, has just been published. It is available now in bookshops and from the Foundation's site in digital form.

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"To be or not to be in the European Union? That is the question"

25 April 2016

On 3rd May a conference ""To be or not to be in the European Union? That is the question" will take place in Paris with David Lidington, the British European Affairs Minister.

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Significant decline in migrant arrivals in the Greek islands

25 April 2016

According to Frontex estimates published on 18th April 26,460 migrants arrived in Greece in March, i.e. less than half of the number recorded in February.

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European funds for refugees in Turkey and Greece

25 April 2016

On 19th April the European Commission announced additional funds of 110 millions € in support of refugees in Turkey and 83 million € in support of refugees in Greece.

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New action to counter illegal migration

25 April 2016

The European Commission adopted 20 actions on 18th April in support of stability and to counter the deep causes of illegal migration. These actions will be undertaken in the Sahel and the basin of Lake Chad, to a total of 280 million €.

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Commission report on the EU-Turkey agreement

25 April 2016

According to a report on the implementation of the agreement made between the EU and Turkey published on 20th April the Commission deems that work and commitment have to continue in terms of return and resettlement operations that are part of the long term.

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Asylum seekers in the EU

25 April 2016

According to a Eurostat press release on 20th April the 28 EU Member States granted protection to 330,000 asylum seekers in 2015 half of whom were Syrians.

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Visit by European leaders to Turkey

25 April 2016

On 23rd April Donald Tusk, Angela Merkel and Frans Timmermans travelled to Turkey. They stressed the work undertaken by Ankara in managing the migratory crisis.

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European industry in the digital era

25 April 2016

On 19th April as part of a strategy in support of the creation of a single digital market, the Commission unveiled a series of measures designed to optimise the use of new technologies by European industry.

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Agreement on the fourth railway package

25 April 2016

On 19th April the Council and the Parliament came to agreement on the fourth railway package which will progressively open up national rail passenger transport markets.

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European Security Programme

25 April 2016

On 20th April the European Commission presented action to be undertaken in view of introducing real, effective security in the EU on the basis of a European Security Programme presented on 28th April 2015.

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Objections over the abuse of dominant position by Google

24 April 2016

On 20th April the European Commission informed Google of its preliminary conclusion whereby the company, in contravention of the Community's competition rules, has abused its dominant position by imposing restrictions on manufacturers of Android equipment and on mobile phone operators.

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Investment in innovative SMEs

25 April 2016

On 21st April the Commission announced the selection of 189 SMEs from 26 different Member States for the last phase in the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument.

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Conclusions of the Justice and Home Affairs Ministers' Meeting

25 April 2016

The 28 European Home Affairs Ministers adopted a common position on 21st April on the creation of a new European border guard to control migratory flows.

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Eurogroup Conclusions

24 April 2016

On 22nd April the Eurogroup discussed the implementation of the Greek economic adjustment plan and agreed on the principles for the improvement of the legal framework for insolvency procedures.

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Foreign Affairs Council Conclusions

25 April 2016

On 18th April the 28 Foreign Affairs Ministers spoke of the need to strengthen their action in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean. Defence Ministers decided on 19th to "mobilise the European Union's instruments" to counter hybrid threats.

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Global European Strategy

25 April 2016

On 22nd April as part of the European Global Strategy Federica Mogherini stressed the importance of a common European strategy in terms of diplomacy and security, insisting on the fact that "no isolated country can bear the weight of the world on its shoulders."

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Court of Auditors

The Commission "is not strict enough" in terms of deficit

25 April 2016

In a report published on 19th April, the European Court of Auditors deemed that the European Commission was not strict enough in its application of the procedure regarding excessive deficits.

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Decisions by the ECB's Council of Governors

24 April 2016

The Council of Governors of the European Central Bank that met on 21st April did not change the key interest rates and announced that it had increased its purchase of monthly assets to 80 billion €. It provided details about the implementation of the securities purchase programme in the corporate sector that will be effective as of June 2016.

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Visit by Barack Obama to Germany

25 April 2016

On 24th April Barack Obama and Angela Merkel stood together in support of the transatlantic trade and investment partnership agreement (TTIP) and expressed their concern about the situation in Syria. They inaugurated the Hannover Fair, the biggest industrial fair in the world.

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Investment plan for Europe in Greece

25 April 2016

On 18th April the Commission approved the first financing in the investment plan for Europe (Juncker Plan) for a Greek industrial company.

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No favourable trade agreement if the UK leaves the EU

25 April 2016

A favourable agreement for the UK in the event of it leaving the EU is "pure fantasy" stressed the British Finance Minister George Osborne on 18th April as he presented a report to the Treasury on the dangers of a "Brexit".

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Barack Obama supports the UK remaining in the EU

24 April 2016

President Barack Obama visited the UK and in an article in the Daily Telegraph on 22nd April he clearly indicated that he supported the UK remaining in the EU: "The EU does not reduce British influence - it amplifies it."

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Victory of the party led by Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic in the general elections

25 April 2016

According still incomplete results during the snap election in Serbia on 24th April the Progressive Party, (SNS) led by Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic won 48.26% of the vote.

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Proposal for free movement of Ukrainians in Schengen

25 April 2016

On 20th April the Commission proposed to the Council and Parliament to transfer Ukraine to the list of countries whose citizens do not need a visa to circulate within the Schengen area.

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Council of Europe

Speech by Jean-Claude Juncker at the Council of Europe

25 April 2016

On 19th April during a speech delivered to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker maintained that "the Council of European and the European Union were partners which were founded on the same basis and the same ideals". He added that one of the priorities of his presidency was that of the EU's membership of the European Convention on Human Rights

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Activity report by the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights

25 April 2016

"2015 was marked by fear and insecurity in Europe," declared Nils Muižnieks, Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe, on 18th April as he presented the 2015 edition of his annual report.

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Signature of the COP21 Agreement on the Climate

25 April 2016

On 22nd April at the UN's HQ in New York, 175 Heads of State and government signed the agreement concluded at the COP21 on the climate that took place in December 2015 in Paris.

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NATO-Russia Meeting ends on "deep, on-going disagreement"

25 April 2016

The NATO-Russia Council that took place on Wednesday 20th April in Brussels was the first meeting of this type between the Alliance and Moscow since the annexation of Crimea and the rise in tension again in the East of Ukraine: "NATO and Russia have deep, on-going disagreements."

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Employment situation in the OECD zone

25 April 2016

On 19th April the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published its results on the employment situation in the OECD zone in the fourth quarter of 2015. The employment rate in the OECD zone lay at 66.5% - a high since the crisis of 2008. The employment rate in the euro zone had increased to 64.7%, up for the ninth consecutive quarter.

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The IMF, UN, OECD and the World Bank are to cooperate on taxation

25 April 2016

On 19th April the IMF and the World Bank announced that they were joining forces with the OECD and the UN in cooperation over tax issues and the introduction of new tools and new norms to bring tax evasion to an end.

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Intellectual property: increase in registration of trade marks in the EU

25 April 2016

According to Eurostat on 25th April the European Union's Office for Intellectual Property (EUIPO) received 89,420 requests for trade mark protection on the part of the Member States of the EU.

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Report on Counterfeiting

25 April 2016

According to a report published by the OECD on 18th April world trade in counterfeit products totalled nearly 500 billion $ per year.

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World Freedom of the Press Ranking 2016

24 April 2016

Reporters sans Frontières published the world ranking of the freedom of the press 2016 on 20th April covering 180 countries. Europe is still the area where the media are the most free.

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Annual report by the EU Institute for Security Studies

25 April 2016

The European Union's Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) published its annual report on 19th April on the state of European security and the measure linked to the development of the CDSP/CFSP.

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Europeans mainly support the UK remaining in the EU

25 April 2016

According to a TNS survey undertaken in five EU countries and published on 20th April most of the Europeans interviewed want the UK to remain an EU member.

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Report on the Capital Markets Union

25 April 2016

On 25th April the European Commission published its first report on the status of the Capital Markets Union for which it presented a plan of action on 30th September 2015. This planned for the establishment of an integrated capital market in the EU by 2019 to support growth and employment via greater access being given to corporate investments via the capital markets and greater dynamics in cross border investments amongst other things.

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The economic effects of a Brexit on the EU

25 April 2016

On 21st April the Centre for European Reform published a study on the economic effects that a possible Brexit by the UK from the EU would lead to.

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Picasso Exhibition at the MuCEM

25 April 2016

The Museum of Civilisations of Europe and the Mediterranean (MuCEM) is running an exhibition until 29th August showing the 270 works which aim to show how Picasso's work was influenced by popular art and tradition.

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William Shakespeare at the British Library

25 April 2016

The British Library is running an exhibition until 6th September "Shakespeare in Ten Acts" on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's birth. This exhibition brings together unique works by the Bard which have made him an icon through the ages.

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Triennale Milan 2016

25 April 2016

The 21st International Exhibition of the Triennale di Milano, entitled "21st Century. Design After Design", is being held until 12th September 2016. It will focus on the theme of the relationship between the town and design and design in a globalised world.

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26th April

Presentation of the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016" (Brussels)

les 27-28th April

Session at the European Parliament (Brussels)

28th April

Presentation of the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2016" (Paris)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Emma Giraud,Morgane Mounier, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°713- version of 25 avr. 2016