The Newsletter71218 avr. 2016

La Lettre

Charles de Marcilly, Angéline Garde

18 April 2016

With the consultation by the Commission, hearings at the European Parliament, corporate involvement and petitions, the status of China as a market economy is the focus of debate in Brussels. The temporary application (15 years) of specifically restrictive anti-dumping measures will soon be coming to an end. 12th December 2016 now seems to be a Damocles sword now seems to be hanging over many European businesses - two legal systems – that of the WTO and that of the EU – are struggling to work in harmony.

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3rd edition of the Atlas of the European Union

18 April 2016

The third edition of the Atlas of the European Union is a work of reference which presents the Union, its institutions, each of the 28 Member States and a new feature - their overseas territories, via their history, their culture and their reality.

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Financial Crisis

The IMF publishes a negative bulletin on the world's economy

17 April 2016

On 12th April the IMF published a pessimistic review of the world's economy, noting that growth would be 3.2% in 2016 and 3.5% in 2017. In the euro zone it would be 1.5% in 2016 and 1.6% in 2017.

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France: budgetary stability programme 2016-2019

17 April 2016

The French government unveiled its "budgetary stability programme" 2016-2019 on 13th April - a document designed for Brussels, should confirm Paris's commitment to bringing its government deficit below the 3% mark of the GDP in 2017.

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Euro zone economic outlook

17 April 2016

On 12th April three statistics institutes INSEE (France), ISTAT (Italy) and IFO (Germany) published their economic outlook for the euro zone.

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G20 Finance Conclusions Washington

17 April 2016

The industrialised and emerging powers of the G20 re-iterated the importance on 15th April of "the priority granted to financial transparency" and asked the OECD to pinpoint the tax havens that were refusing to cooperate with the international community by July this year.

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Migratory Crisis: assessment of Greece's action plan

17 April 2016

On 12th April the Commission adopted its assessment of the Greek authorities' action plan on the country's shortcomings in the management of its external borders.

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Assessment of relocation and resettlement policies

17 April 2016

On 12th April the European Commission made its first assessment of the action undertaken by the Member States as part of the refugee crisis.

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Law on integration of refugees in Germany

17 April 2016

On 14th April the German government approved measures surrounding the integration of refugees, their rights and their duties.

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A centralised asylum system

17 April 2016

MEPs adopted a resolution on 12th April in support of a centralised asylum system for an improved management of flows of migrants and asylum seekers.

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Surge in Migrant Arrivals in Italy

18 April 2016

Nearly 6,000 migrants arrived in Italy between 12th and 15th April ie nearly the total of all arrivals in Europe this week according to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).

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The Pope visits Lesbos

18 April 2016

On 16th April Pope Francis visited the Greek island of Lesbos to meet refugees and to speak of the migratory crisis. He decided to host twelve Syrian refugees at the Vatican six of whom are children.

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Improvement of the social situation and employment in the EU

17 April 2016

On 12th April the European Commission published its quarterly spring review on the social situation and employment in the EU.

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Public Income tax rules for multinationals

17 April 2016

On 12th April the European Commission published a proposal on tax evasion which would oblige multinational companies to be more transparent about their profits and their taxes.

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Approval of PNR files and data protection

17 April 2016

On 14th April MEPs adopted successively the directive on the regulation of passenger data use, 461 votes in support, 179 against and 9 abstentions and the new European measures on data protection.

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Warning to the Polish authorities

18 April 2016

On 13th April MEPs approved a resolution calling on the Polish authorities to implement fully the Venice Commission's recommendations on the independence of the Constitutional Court of Poland.

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Strengthening of business secrecy

17 April 2016

On 14th April businesses and the press achieved the support of MEPs who adopted new rules regarding business secrecy 503 votes in support, 131 against and 18 abstentions.

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Additional funds to aid refugees and to counter terrorism

17 April 2016

MEPs voted in 13th April in support of additional funds of 100 million € to help refugees and 2 million € for recruitment within the European Centre to counter terrorism.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council

1 January 1970

The 28 Foreign Affairs Ministers who met on 18th April spoke of the need to strengthen their work in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean, the two main migratory routes at present. They expressed their satisfaction at the arrival of the Council of the Presidency in Libya on 30th March. They gave details of the "real projects" that will support the new government of national unity in the economic and security areas. Finally they discussed the Eastern Partnership.

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European Agencies

Privacy data shield between the EU and the USA

17 April 2016

The European regulation authorities deemed on 13th April that the agreement between the EU and the USA regarding personal data was far from satisfactory.

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News from the ExoMars probe

17 April 2016

The Russian-European probe "ExoMars 2016", which is on its way to the red planet is in "excellent health" and sent its first pictures showing a starry sky announced the European Space Agency (ESA) on 14th April.

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In the Ireland the formation of a government is proving difficult

1 January 1970

On Thursday 14th April the Irish Parliament did not succeed in coming to agreement over a government for the country. This was the third investiture debate the Assembly had held since the elections on February 26th. Neither the outgoing Prime Minister Enda Kenny nor his direct rival, Micheál Martin (Fianna Fáil), leader of the opposition succeeded in forming a vital consensus for any investiture. Putting a government together remains difficult. The Labour Party seems to have some reservations about renewing its participation in the government coalition and opposes the investiture of a minority government led by Enda Kenny.

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Inauguration of the Robert Schuman Institution

17 April 2016

On 11th April the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg inaugurated the Robert Schuman Institute for European Affairs at the University of Luxembourg.

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The Netherlands

Final results of the consultative referendum on the EU-Ukraine Agreement

17 April 2016

The Central Electoral Committee of the Netherlands published the official results of the consultative referendum on the EU-Ukraine Agreement on 12th April (61% against and 38.21% in support).

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Official launch of the referendum campaign

17 April 2016

On 15th April the campaign in view of the referendum on 23rd June was launched. The British Electoral Commission appointed "The In Campaign" to lead the campaign in support of staying in the EU and the "Vote Leave" to undertake that advocating Britain's exit.

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Meeting between NATO's Secretary General and David Cameron

17 April 2016

On 14th April NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met British Prime Minister David Cameron to discuss the way NATO was adapting to present security challenges.

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Demonstrators against the President

18 April 2016

Since 13th April in Skopje demonstrators have been protesting against the Macedonian President's decision to grant amnesty to political figures involved in an illegal phone tapping scandal, and against the decision to organise a snap election on 5th June.

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Russian provocation over the Baltic Sea

18 April 2016

The American army denounced the manoeuvres of Russian fighter planes over the Baltic Sea, likewise the Polish spokesperson at the Polish Defence Ministry on 18th April.

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Vladimir Putin's Press Conference

18 April 2016

On 14th April Russian President Vladimir Putin held his 14th question and answer session on Russian television.

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Volodymyr Groïsman, new Prime Minister

17 April 2016

The appointment of the leader of the Ukrainian Parliament, Volodymyr Groïsman as the new Prime Minister of Ukraine was approved on 14th April by Parliament.

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Council of Europe

Freedom of the press and the protection of journalism

17 April 2016

On 13th April the Council of Europe adopted the guidelines aiming to ensure the protection of the freedom of the press and the safety of journalists in the 47 Member States.

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Report by the Council of Europe on Human Rights in Crimea

17 April 2016

On 13th April Ambassador Gérard Stoudmann presented the report on his recent mission to assess the human rights situation in Crimea undertaken in January 2016 to the Committee of Ministers at the Council of Europe.

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Downturn in the Human Rights situation in Turkey

17 April 2016

On 14th April after a visit to Turkey the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights denounced the worsening human rights situation in Turkey.

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European countries are leading countries in Public Development Aid

17 April 2016

2015 figures relative to Public Development Aid published by the OECD on 13th April place 19 EU Member in the Development Aid Committee (DAC) of the OECD as the "first donors" in 2015 (73.5 billion $) ahead of the USA (31.5 billion $).

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Euro zone and EU inflation rates up

17 April 2016

The euro zone and EU's annual inflation rates lay at 0% in March 2016, against -0.2% and -0.1% respectively in February.

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Trade surplus up in the EU, down in the euro zone

17 April 2016

In February, according to Eurostat, the euro zone registered a surplus in its international goods and services trade of 19 billion € and the EU 3 billion € (against 20 billion € and 1.8 billion € in February 2015).

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Transatlantic Economy in 2016

17 April 2016

Dan Hamilton and Jo Quinlan have published their study on the transatlantic economy 2016 laying out in detail the investments and trade flows between the USA and the EU.

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Publication of the annual report on the G20

17 April 2016

On 13th April the DG Economy and Finance at the European Commission published its annual report on the advantages of belonging to the G20.

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European Strategy and Defence

18 April 2016

The European Union's Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) has just published two studies on Europe's overall defence and strategy.

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Apollinaire, the vision of the poet

18 April 2016

Until 18th July the Orangerie Museum in Paris is hosting an exhibition "Apollinaire, the vision of the poet", in reference to the period during which Guillaume Apollinaire was an art critic.

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Sigmar Polke Exhibition at the Grassi Palazzo

18 April 2016

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of its re-opening, the Grassi Palazzo in Venice is hosting an exhibition until 6th November devoted to Sigmar Polke.

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European Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art

18 April 2016

Until 4th September the Museum for Modern Art in Frankfurt is hosting a temporary Imagined Museum using loans from two other European modern and contemporary art museums - the Pompidou Centre and the Tate.

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Exhibition on the Rolling Stones in London

18 April 2016

Until 4th September the Saatchi Gallery in London is presenting its first international exhibition on the Rolling Stones entitled "Exhibitionism".

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Shakespeare at the National Opera of Warsaw

18 April 2016

The Grand Theatre-National Opera of Warsaw is organising a series of productions on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare: The Tempest, Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.

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18th and 19th April

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

21st April

Justice and Internal Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

21st April

ECB Council of Governors (Frankfurt/Main)

22nd April

Opening of Paris Agreement (COP 21) to signature at the UN (New York)

22nd April

Eurogroup Meeting (Amsterdam)

24th April

Presidential election (1st round) (Austria)

24th April

Early general elections (Serbia)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Emma Giraud,Morgane Mounier, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

PNR, Business Secrecy, Refugees, Transparency/G20


The Newsletter n°712- version of 18 avr. 2016