The Newsletter70821 mars 2016

La Lettre

Emmanuel Lefebvre

21 March 2016

Franco-German cooperation is clearly set out in joint declarations. It often helps towards finding compromises which support the progressive integration of the European Union. However, real achievements are lacking, particularly in terms of a more cooperative industrial policy. To do this it seems that new impetus is necessary, targeting trust/confidence and support in a two-pronged movement: top-down – i.e. on the part of the State in the shape of inter-ministerial action and bottom-up i.e. on the part of the regions and economic players.

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Permanent Atlas of the European Union (3rd edition)

21 March 2016

The third edition of the Permanent Atlas of the European Union is a work of reference that presents the Union, its institutions each of its 28 Member States and a new feature - their overseas territories, via their history, their culture and reality. An absolute must to learn everything there is to learn about Europe.

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Proposal for a European central system for the management of asylum seekers

21 March 2016

On 16th March MEPs from the Civil Liberties Committee supported a resolution proposing to revise the Dublin III regulation.

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Relocation and resettlement

21 March 2016

On 16th March the European Commission presented a report on the implementation of the temporary relocation programme and the European resettlement programme.

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Speech by Angela Merkel at the Bundestag

21 March 2016

On 16th March on the eve of the European Council German Chancellor Angela Merkel repeated to the Bundestag that only a European solution was possible regarding the refugee question.

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Financial Crisis

Merger agreement between London and Frankfurt stock exchanges

21 March 2016

The German and British stock exchanges, Deutsche Börse and London Stock Exchange, have agreed to merge on 16th March. If the deal is accepted by the shareholders the merger will be completed in the 1st quarter of 2017 at the latest.

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INSEE announces that the French economy is gathering pace

21 March 2016

The French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies announced on 17th March that France's economy had started along a moderate, but effectively faster path.

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European Council

Conclusions of the European Council

21 March 2016

On 17th and 18th March the 28 Heads of state and government approved the report on annual growth and encouraged the strengthening of energy security. Regarding the action plan with Turkey they approved the plan "1 Syrian returned for one hosted"; they opened two new negotiation chapters and decided to accelerate the visa liberalisation procedure.

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Additional measures for agriculture

21 March 2016

On 14th March as part of the Common Agricultural Policy, the European Commission announced two additional measures that aim to protect farmers as well as the European internal market.

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Communication on the steel sector in Europe

21 March 2016

On 16th March the European Commission published a communication on the issues at stake, both short and mid-term, in the steel sector in Europe.

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Multiannual agreement on the management of fisheries in the Baltic Sea

21 March 2016

An agreement between the 28 countries of the EU, the parliament and the Commission on 16th March opens the way for the introduction of a multiannual management plan of fishing in the Baltic Sea, the first of its kind in the EU.

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Conclusions of the General Affairs Council

21 March 2016

On 15th March the 28 European Affairs Ministers adopted the regulation establishing the European emergency aid instrument and approved the inter-institutional agreement on "better regulation".

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Court of Justice

1,711 cases at the European Court of Justice in 2015

21 March 2016

In 2015 1,711 cases were addressed at the European Court of Justice and 1,755 others were closed, which is a historic record, both in terms of activity and productivity on the part of the European legal institution.

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European Agencies

Inauguration of the European Mentoring Center

21 March 2016

The European Mentoring Center devoted to research, knowledge and applied research method sharing was inaugurated on 17th March in Leeuwarden (Netherlands).

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Towards the completion of the trans-European infrastructures

21 March 2016

On 17th March the European Commission approved ten major projects for a total of 3.3 billion € for the construction of 330km of new express roads in Poland.

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2016 Budget in the UK

21 March 2016

On 16th March during the presentation of the 2016 budget to the House of Commons the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne recalled that his country's withdrawal from the EU would have unpredictable economic consequences.

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Resignation of the British Work and Pensions Minister

21 March 2016

British Work and Pensions Minister, Iain Duncan Smith, a supporter of the UK's exit from the EU resigned on 18th March. He was replaced by Stephen Crabb, who has been Minister for Wales to date.

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Slovakian Prime Minister forms a government coalition

21 March 2016

The Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico announced that his party SMER-SD has signed a coalition agreement with nationalist party, SNS and two centrist parties, Most-Hid and Siet, representing 82 seats out of 150.

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Association Agreement EU/Moldova

21 March 2016

On 14th March during the second association agreement meeting between the EU and Moldova both parties reasserted their determination to strengthen the political and economic integration of Moldova into the EU.

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Moscow announces its withdrawal of its troops from Syria

21 March 2016

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria on 14th March.

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Adoption of a law and liberalisation of visas with the EU

21 March 2016

The Ukrainian Parliament adopted an anti-corruption law on 14th March that was vital to win the lifting of visa obligations for Ukrainians travelling to the EU for visits of under 90 days. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced on 17th March that the visa liberalisation would take place very soon.

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Anniversary of the illegal annexation of Crimea

21 March 2016

On 18th March on the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of the illegal annexation of Crimea Federica Mogherini and six European ministers denounced the non-respect of Human Rights in Crimea and repeated their support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

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Council of Europe

The Venice Commission publishes an opinion on France

21 March 2016

On 15th March the Venice Commission published an opinion on the constitutional reform started in France, notably regarding the constitutionnalisation of the state of emergency and the deprivation of nationality.

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Employment up

21 March 2016

According to a Eurostat communication dated 15th March in the fourth quarter of 2015 employment rose by 0.3% in the euro zone and by 0.1% in the EU in comparison with the previous quarter and by 1.2% and 1% respectively in comparison with the 4th quarter of 2014.

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Births and fertility in the EU

21 March 2016

In 2014 5.13 million babies were born in the EU in comparison with 5.06 in 2001. Amongst the Member States France still records the highest number of births ahead of the UK, Germany and Italy.

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International goods trade - EU and Euro Zone

21 March 2016

On 17th March Eurostat announced a surplus of 6.2 billion € for the euro zone and a deficit of 11 billion € for the EU in the international goods trade for the month of January 2016.

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Annual inflation down -0.2%

21 March 2016

According to a communication by Eurostat published on 17th March the EU and euro zone's annual inflation rates lay at -0.2% in February 2016.

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Perception of the idea of European citizenship

21 March 2016

A Eurobarometer study on the idea of European citizenship undertaken in October 2015 and published on 15th March notably highlights that 87% of Europeans are familiar with the term, but that only 42% felt that they were informed about their rights.

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Exit from the EU would cost the British economy £100 billion

21 March 2016

The UK's exit from the European Union might cost the British economy £100 billion and destroy nearly a million jobs according to a study published on 20th March by the CBI, the country's main employers' confederation.

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Seven European States in the top 10 of the happiest countries

21 March 2016

The 2016 version of the world happiness report was published on 16th March. Amongst the 156 countries studied 7 European States rank in the top 10 (Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Netherlands and Sweden).

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Senate Information Report on the European proposals

21 March 2016

On 10th March Senators Fabienne Keller and Jean-Yves Leconte published a report in which they oppose certain proposals for reform with the exception of the accumulation of "mandates between MPs sitting in national or regional parliaments with that of MEP."

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Exhibition of "Uncensored Photographs" by Andres Serrano in Brussels

21 March 2016

The Royal Museum BOZAR in Brussels is running an exhibition "Uncensored Photographs" by artist Andres Serrano until 21st August.

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Exposition "Carambolages" at the Grand Palais

21 March 2016

The Grand Palais in Paris is running an exhibition until 4th July offering visitors an opportunity to go beyond the traditional idea of the history of art with "Carambolages", a mix of 185 works of art from different areas, styles and countries.

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Easter Festival in Aix-en-Provence

21 March 2016

From 22nd March to 3rd April the 4th Easter Festival of Aix-en-Provence devoted to classical music will be taking place.

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Museum of Art and Design in Brussels

21 March 2016

The new museum and art centre, the Atomium of Brussels provides visitors with a glimpse of art and design in the 20th century up to the present day.

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21st March

EU-OPEP Dialogue on Energy ()

23rd March

Meeting between French Prime Minister and the European Commission (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Emma Giraud,Morgane Mounier, Joséphine Staron, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

EU/Turkey, Migrations, Results/ECJ, Agriculture, Crimea


The Newsletter n°708- version of 21 mars 2016