The Newsletter70714 mars 2016

La Lettre

Gilles de Kerchove

14 March 2016

The Foundation has published an interview with Gilles de Kerchove, the European Coordinator to counter terrorism during which he recalls that the 28 Member States have stepped up their cooperation together. Goals are based on the optimal use of existing European platforms, controls on the external borders and also preventive measures.

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Hearing on European Citizenship

14 March 2016

On 15th March the Commission and the Parliament are organising a joint hearing on European citizenship with the participation of Jean-Paul Gauzès, member of the Executive Board of the Robert Schuman Foundation.

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Turkey and the new Copenhagen criteria: Asylum!

14 March 2016

After the EU-Turkey summit on 7th March Europeans and Turks agreed that Turkey will take back refugees who arrive in Greece via its territory in exchange for financial aid. Cengiz Aktar, political expert, journalist and Turkish writer believes that the EU is giving up its values in the face of an unscrupulous regime.

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Financial Crisis

Conclusions of the ECB Council of Governors

13 March 2016

On 10th March the ECB Council of Governors adopted several decisions regarding monetary policy including the reduction of the key rate by 0.05% to 0% along with the interest deposit rate from -0.3% to -0.4%, the increase in monthly asset purchases to 80€ billion and four long term refinancing operations as of June 2016.

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Economic study of Greece

13 March 2016

On 10th March the OECD published an economic study of Greece which highlights that poverty is now affecting one third of the population.

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Slovenia closes its border to migratory flows

14 March 2016

Since 9th March the Slovenian police toughened up its controls on the borders to prevent the influx of migrants from the Balkan route.

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Hungary declares state of emergency due to the migratory crisis

13 March 2016

On 9th March Hungarian Minister Sandor Pinter declared the establishment of the state of emergency due to mass migration.

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Increase in women and children amongst the migrants

13 March 2016

On 7th March the Council of Europe launched an appeal to guarantee improvements in the protection of migrant women and children's rights in Europe.

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Record number of illegal border crossings

13 March 2016

According to Frontex in the fourth quarter of 2015 the number of illegal border crossings in Europe totalled 978,300, i.e. the highest number recorded since 2007.

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The Balkan route now closed to migrants

14 March 2016

Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic said on 10th March that it was important that "illegal migrants no longer take the Balkan route".

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Angela Merkel calls for a common solution to the migratory crisis

13 March 2016

German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared that only a common solution found by the 28 EU Member States will enable a solution to the challenge set by the migratory wave.

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Reform of the directive on posted workers

13 March 2016

On 8th March the European Commission presented a reform of the directive on posted workers which should help deepen and make Europe's labour market fairer.

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Reminder to Member States of their fiscal obligations

13 March 2016

On 9th March the Commission reminded the Member States of their fiscal obligations regarding the Stability and Growth Pact under the European Semester. This reminder notably targeted Spain, Belgium, Croatia, Finland, Italy and Romania. However Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Italy and Portugal have excessive imbalances.

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The Commission suggests to lift visa obligations for Georgian citizens

14 March 2016

On 9th March the Commission suggested lifting visa obligations regarding Georgian citizens who want to travel to the Schengen Area.

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Parliament: conclusions of the plenary session in Strasbourg

14 March 2016

During the plenary session in Strasbourg from 7th to 10th March MEPs approved the first priorities set by the EU Budget 2017, the EU-Andorra agreement. They were against any renewal of agreements with the tobacco industry. They debated with the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfden.

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EU-China/Japan: bilateral air safety agreements

14 March 2016

On 7th March the Council allowed the European Commission to launch negotiations with China and Japan for the conclusion of bilateral air safety agreements (BASA).

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Conclusions of the Economy and Finances Council

13 March 2016

On 8th March the 28 Finance Ministers approved a draft directive to enable the automatic exchange of information regarding corporate tax. They supported the strengthening of a code of conduct in the fight to counter unfair tax competition.

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Conclusions of the Justice/Home Affairs Council

13 March 2016

On 10th and 11th March the 28 Home Affairs and Justice Ministers discussed the migratory situation and the fight to counter terrorism.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council

1 January 1970

On 14th March the 28 Foreign Affairs Ministers conditioned the development of the European position toward Russia according to the implementation of the Minsk Agreements. In the meantime the European Neighbourhood Policy will be stepped up. They discussed various of cooperation possibilities with Iran. Finally they decided to suspend all direct financing to the government of Burundi whilst maintaining humanitarian assistance.

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Conclusions of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council

1 January 1970

On 14th March the Council and the Commission announced the immediate implementation of additional measures targeting farmers. At the same time the agriculture ministers adopted conclusions on strengthening support to timber -producing countries (FLEGT plan) and on the improvement of the management and implementation of fisheries agreements with third countries.

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Discussion between the EU and China on steel

14 March 2016

A meeting between the EU and China regarding overcapacity in the steel sector took place on 11th March in Beijing. After producing steel at an incredible pace Beijing is being forced to rebalance its economic model.

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Cuba and the EU sign an agreement to normalise relations

13 March 2016

On 11th March Cuba and the EU signed a political dialogue agreement in Havana, which includes the difficult issue of Human Rights and which also officialises the normalisation of their relations.

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Elections in three Länder: Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt

14 March 2016

The German regional elections on 13th March in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt were marked by the rise of the populist party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and by regression on the part of the government parties, CDU and SPD.

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IMF Conclusions on Belgium

14 March 2016

In its conclusions published on 7th March regarding Belgium the IMF deemed that the government debt as well as structural inflexibility may pose long term problems for the country.

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Visit by the King and Queen of the Netherlands to France

14 March 2016

On 10th and 11th March King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands made a State visit to France to deepen bilateral relations. They were hosted by the President of the Republic François Hollande.

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Resignation of the Prime Minister of Ireland

13 March 2016

On 10th March the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Enda Kenny presented his resignation to the Irish President Michael Higgins. Candidate to his own succession he won 57 votes against 94 and five abstentions.

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33rd Franco-Italian Summit

14 March 2016

On 8th March during the 33rd Franco-Italian summit the President of the Italian Council Matteo Renzi hosted French President François Hollande in Venice to discuss certain international questions, but also to sign an additional protocol regarding the Lyon-Turin railway connection.

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The Constitutional Court of Poland believes that its independence is threatened

13 March 2016

On 8th March the Polish Constitutional Court invalidated the law targeting its reform because it is contrary to the Constitution. This was also the opinion of the Council of Europe's Venice Commission.

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Investiture of the new Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

13 March 2016

On 9th March the new Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa took office for five years.

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David Cameron's economic arguments to remain in the EU

13 March 2016

On 10th March British Prime Minister D. Cameron gave a speech in which he spoke of the numerous economic advantages that the UK benefits from within the EU.

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Ukraine-Russia: EU extends its sanctions for a further six months

13 March 2016

On 10th March the Council extended the sanctions decided upon against 146 people and 37 Russian or Eastern Ukrainian businesses for their involvement in the conflict. They continue to "threaten Ukraine's territorial, sovereignty and independence."

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Russian constitutional law must be changed

13 March 2016

The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe stated on 11th that the fact that the Russian Constitutional Court can now declare international decisions invalid, including decisions by the European Court of Human Rights is incompatible with Russia's international legal obligations.

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Call for the liberation of Nadejda Savchenko

13 March 2016

The Ukrainian President and Prime Minister and many westerners are asking for the liberation of Nadejda Savchenko, the Ukrainian pilot convicted in Russia for crimes that she did not commit.

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GDP up in the EU and the euro zone

13 March 2016

According to Eurostat on 8th March the GDP rose by 0.3% in the euro zone and by 0.4% in the EU in the fourth quarter 2015 in comparison with the previous quarter and by 1.6% and 1.8% in comparison with fourth quarter of 2014.

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General report on the EU's activities in 2015

13 March 2016

On 9th March the European Commission published the general report "The EU in 2015" which covers activities and achievements made by the EU in 2015.

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The OECD publishes its recommendation on gender equality

13 March 2016

On 8th March the Council of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development published its 2015 recommendation on gender equality in public life.

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The ECB publishes its economic forecasts for the euro zone

14 March 2016

On 10th March the European Centra Bank published its economic forecasts for the euro zone covering the period 2016-2018.

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Hubert Robert Exhibition at the Louvre

14 March 2016

Until 30th May 2016 the Louvre museum is showing the work of Hubert Robert, a visionary of the Enlightenment and amongst the founders of the Louvre as a museum.

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Georges de la Tour exhibition at the Prado Museum

14 March 2016

The Prado Museum in Madrid is running an exhibition until 12th June 2016 on Georges de la Tour, a mid-17th century Lorraine painter. The show covers his career via his works which were forgotten until the 20th century.

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Russian avant-garde: from Chagall to Malevich at the Albertina Museum in Vienna

14 March 2016

The Albertina in Vienna is running an exhibition to the Russian avant-garde painters of the 20th century. Kandinsky, Chagall and Malevich feature amongst the 130 pieces of work on show.

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Easter Festival in Baden-Baden

14 March 2016

From 19th to 28th March 2016 the town of Baden-Baden in Germany is hosting the fourth Easter Festival with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Berlin. Major operas, notably 'Tristan and Isolde' and many concerts form the heart of the programme.

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Easter Festival in Salzburg

14 March 2016

The 2016 Easter Festival in Salzburg will take place from 19th to 28th March paying tribute to the opera "Otello" by Giuseppe Verdi, as well as the influence William Shakespeare has held over the world of music.

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Russian-European mission ExoMars 2016 starts its journey to the red planet

14 March 2016

The Russian-European mission ExoMars 2016 entered into orbit on 14th March starting the first leg of its long journey from the cosmodrome in Baikonur to the red planet where it is supposed to be searching for possible biological activity on the planet's surface.

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14th March

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)

14th March

External Affairs Council (Brussels)

15th March

General Affairs Council (Brussels)

les 17th-18th March

European Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Emma Giraud,Morgane Mounier, Joséphine Staron, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

ECB/Rates, EU-Turkey, Posted/Work, Migration, Fiscal/States, Space/Mars


The Newsletter n°707- version of 14 mars 2016