The Newsletter7067 mars 2016

La Lettre

Pascale Joannin

7 March 2016

For several years no our studies have shown that the situation of women in Europe, which is still one of the best in the world - at the moment - is progressing at a pace that is far too slow for us to measure clear, significant progress. In spite of the laws that have been approved and work which shows that women's involvement and participation would be beneficial, women are struggling to move forward. If there were more women in positions of responsibility on this continent wouldn't things be better?

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No party wins the majority in the general elections on 5th March in Slovakia

7 March 2016

Direction-Social Democracy (SMER-SD) of outgoing Prime Minister Robert Fico came out ahead of the general elections on 5th March in Slovakia but it failed to win a majority (28.28% and 49 seats - 34 less than last time). Freedom and solidarity (Sloboda and Solidarita, SaS) came second with 12.1% (21 seats - 10 more than last time), followed by OL'aNO and NOVA which won 11.02% and 19 seats together. The National Party (SNS) took fourth place with 8.64% and 15 seats (+15) and the People's Party Our Slovakia (LSNS) 8.04% (14 seats). SME-Rodina won 6.62% (11 seats), Most-Hid 6.5% and 11 seats (-2) and SIET 5.6% and 10 seats. In all 8 parties will be represented in Parliament. Given this fragmentation what might the future government coalition be?

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Permanent Atlas of the European Union (3rd edition)

7 March 2016

The third edition of the Atlas of the European Union is a reference work which presents the Union, its institutions, each of its 28 Member States and a new feature - their overseas territories - via their history, their culture and their reality.

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Management of the Migratory Crisis

6 March 2016

On 2nd March the Commission put forward the implementation of a new emergency aid tool regarding the migratory crisis which should enable the EU to respond more rapidly and thereby support Member States in the management of refugee flows.

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HCR recommendations to settle the refugee situation

6 March 2016

The UN Agency for Refugees presented a six-point action plan on 4th March to settle the present refugee situation in Europe. It announced on March 1st that a humanitarian crisis was imminent in Greece.

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A State can impose a place of residence on certain migrants

7 March 2016

The EU's Court of Justice validated the obligation to a place of residence on 1st March regarding certain categories of migrants who receive social aid on condition that they "face more integration difficulties" than other foreigners.

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Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic meets Angela Merkel

7 March 2016

On March 1st Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic met German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss the refugee crisis in particular.

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Record number of asylum seekers

6 March 2016

On 4th March Eurostat published a press release according to which in 2015 1,255,600 primo-asylum requests were made in the Member States of the EU i.e. double the 2014 figure.

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Meeting between François Hollande and Angela Merkel

6 March 2016

On 4th March President François Hollande hosted German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Elysée to discuss the migratory crisis, placing particular emphasis on the strengthening of the external borders of the Schengen Area.

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Croatia wants to deploy its army on the borders

7 March 2016

On 4th March the Croatian government adopted amendments on the law for the defence and control of the borders so that the armed forces can be deployed if there are humanitarian or security reasons to do so.

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NATO mission in the Aegean

7 March 2016

On 6th March NATO announced that it was extending the maritime zone covered by its support operation to settling the migratory crisis in the Aegean Sea in support of Frontex. The UK and France confirmed the mobilisation of ships in support of NATO's anti-smuggling operations.

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Financial Crisis

Unemployment at 8.9% in the EU and 10.3% in the euro zone

6 March 2016

According to Eurostat figures published on March 1st unemployment lay at 8.9% in January 2016 in the EU and at 10.3% in the euro zone. This is the lowest rate in the EU since May 2009 and in the euro zone since August 2011.

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New measures for Financial Stability

6 March 2016

On March 1st the European Commission adopted new rules regarding the centralised clearing obligation on certain contracts of lending derivatives.

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The financial crisis has reduced Europe's middle classes

7 March 2016

According to a report published on 29th February by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) the financial crisis and the development of labour relations have caused the contraction of the middle classes in most EU countries over the last ten years.

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Personal data protection measures

7 March 2016

On 29th February, as part of the exchange of information between the US and the EU, the Commission presented its measures for the protection of personal data.

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6 March 2016

On 29th February as part of its legal assessment, the trade agreement between the EU and Canada was modified to include a new European approach to investment protection and the settlement of litigation.

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Assessment of the implications of the agreement on the climate for the EU

7 March 2016

On 2nd March the European Commission presented an assessment of the implications for the EU of the new world agreement on the climate adopted in December 2015 in Paris.

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Roadmap for the Schengen Area

6 March 2016

On 4th March the European Commission published its roadmap to make the Schengen system fully functional thanks to the protection of the external borders, immediate financial aid to Greece, the implementation of the Schengen rules.

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Conclusions of the European Parliament on Ukraine

7 March 2016

On 2nd March after the conference between the European Parliament and the Verkhovna Rada, Andrej Plenkovic (EPP, HR) announced an agreement aiming to improve the quality of the legislative process at the Ukrainian Parliament.

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Conclusions of the Environment Council

6 March 2016

The 28 Environment Ministers assessed the action plan in support of the circular economy, they discussed the follow up to the Paris Agreement on climate change and stressed the importance of defining the scientific criteria regarding endocrine disruptors.

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Eurogroup Conclusions

8 March 2016

On 7th March the 19 Eurogroup Finance Ministers declared that the budgetary situation of the euro zone continued to improve with a progressive reduction in debt ratios. They said they were pleased with the improvement in the situation in Cyprus and the early exit of the country from the international aid plan. At the same time ministers discussed the revision of the Greek economic adjustment plan and were informed of the upcoming visit by European political leaders to Athens.

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"Employment, social policy, healthcare and consumers" Council

8 March 2016

On 7th March during the Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumers Council the 28 Ministers debated the implementation of the recommendations in the European Semester but did not reach agreement. At the same time the Commission presented the legislative package on worker mobility.

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European Council

EU/Turkey Summit

8 March 2016

At the end of the EU/Turkey Summit the heads of State and government came to agreement on the following points: the return of illegal migrants leaving from Turkey travelling to the Greek islands; the resettlement of Syrians in the EU Member States and an acceleration in EU/Turkey discussions (roadmap for the liberalisation of visas, financial aid of 3 billion euro, the opening of EU membership negotiation chapters).

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European Patents Office

Requests for European patents by Asian and US businesses

6 March 2016

According to figures published on March 3rd requests for European patents by Asian and US businesses rose sharply in 2015 thereby contributing to a new filings record in Europe.

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France is no longer Germany's leading trade partner

6 March 2016

For the first time since the 1970's France has lost its place as Germany's lead trade partner to the benefit of the USA, indicated the Federal Statistics Office on 2nd March.

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The Spanish Parliament votes against the investiture of Pedro Sanchez

7 March 2016

On 2nd and then 4th March the Spanish Parliament rejected the investiture of the socialist candidate Pedro Sanchez. The leader of the PSOE needed an absolute majority 176 votes on 2nd, then the simple majority on 4th, but he only won 131 against 219.

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34th Franco-British Summit

6 March 2016

During the 34th Franco-British Summit that took place on 3rd March in Amiens, the British Prime Minister David Cameron promised to release €22 million to help France in its management of the migrants in Calais.

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Seven countries join the European road network "Via Carpatia"

7 March 2016

Seven countries (Lithuania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Ukraine and Turkey) want to build a road "Via Carpatia" linking Lithuania to Bulgaria according to a joint declaration signed on 3rd March in Warsaw.

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The Netherlands

Trade agreement on secondary raw materials

7 March 2016

On 3rd March the Netherlands, France, UK signed the North Sea Resources Roundabout (NSSR) agreement with businesses to facilitate the trade of raw materials that result from the incineration of waste and to develop the circular economy.

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Scotland might vote for independence in the event of a Brexit

6 March 2016

On 29th February Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she hoped that the referendum on 23rd June would enable the UK to remain in the EU. In the event of the contrary this decision would not be in Scotland's interest.

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General elections in Serbia on 24th April

7 March 2016

On 4th March Serb President Tomislav Nikolic dissolved the Serbian Parliament and convened early general elections on 24th April.

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OSCE deems its role vital in Ukraine

7 March 2016

On 29th February during a speech to the UN Security Council, Frank-Walter Steinmeier declared that the OSCE's role was vital in light of the situation in Ukraine.

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French, German, Ukrainian and Russian Ministers' meeting

7 March 2016

On 3rd March the Foreign Affairs Ministers from France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia met in Paris to discuss progress in the implementation of the Minsk Agreements as well as the action to take to guarantee the cease-fire.

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The Union's image damaged but still better than that of the States

7 March 2016

Eurobarometer published the poll on March 1st whereby overall trust of citizens in the EU remains higher than in the national authorities.

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British government's reports on the possible exit from the EU

7 March 2016

On 29th February and 2nd March the British government issued to reports on the possible Brexit which would take around take ten years and trigger a long process of renegotiation with the EU.

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EU: men/women pay gap

7 March 2016

On 7th March Eurostat published a press release indicating that the wage gap between men and women lay at 16.1% in the EU.

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Salvador Dali Exhibition in Liège

6 March 2016

The exhibition of works by Salvador Dali is taking place at the TGV station of Liège-Guillemins until 31st August. Following a circuit of over 2000m2 visitors will find themselves immersed in the Spanish painter's alternative world.

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Picasso sculptures in Paris

7 March 2016

From 8th March to 26th March 2016 the Picasso Museum in Paris is hosting an exhibition devoted to sculptures made by Pablo Picasso.

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Botticelli exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum London

6 March 2016

The Victoria and Albert Museum in London is hosting an exhibition until 3rd July on Sandro Botticelli exploring the way artists and designers have re-interpreted his works.

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Andy Warhol Exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao

7 March 2016

Until 2nd October the Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao is showing the 102 silkscreened canvas panels made by Andy Warhol, comprising his "Shadows" work which aimed to formalize earlier explorations with abstraction.

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TEFAF Art Fair Maastricht

7 March 2016

From 11th to 20th March Maastricht is hosting the TEFAF art fair, one of the most prestigious art and antiques fairs in the world, which brings together 250 art and antiques dealers.

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7th March

EU/Turkey Summit (Brussels)

7th March

Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

7th March

"Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumers" Council (Brussels)

les 7th-10th March

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

8th March

"Economy/Finance" Council (Brussels)

10th March

ECB Council of Governors (Frankfurt/Main)

les 10th-11th March

"Justice and Internal Affairs" Council (Brussels)

14th March

"Foreign Affairs" Council, "General Affairs" Council, "Agriculture and Fisheries" Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Emma Giraud,Morgane Mounier, Joséphine Staron, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Elections/Slovakia, Equality men/women, Migrations/Turkey/Balkans, Future/Scheng...


The Newsletter n°706- version of 7 mars 2016