The Newsletter70529 févr. 2016

La Lettre

Sébastien Richard

29 February 2016

On 15th May 2014 the European Union adopted an implementing directive that meant to define the rules for the application of directive 96/71 concerning posted workers. This text is supposed to prevent the risk of fraud in a context that is marked by an increasing use of this arrangement. The new text is notably being completed by national initiatives in Germany and France. The European Commission is drafting a new text to be published on 8th March, a further reform of the 1996 directive.

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Tight results in the Irish election

1 January 1970

During the general elections which took place on 26th February in Ireland, Fine Gael, led by outgoing Prime Minister Enda Kenny, won 25.52% of the vote and 47 seats. It drew ahead of Fianna Fail which won 24.3% and 43 seats, Sinn Fein 13.8% and 22 seats, the Labour Party 6.9% and 6 seats, the Alliance against Austerity-People Before Profits (AAA-PBP), 3.9% and 5 seats, the Social Democrats 3% and 3 seats and the Green Party 2.72% and 2 seats. The Independent Alliance (IA) won 4.2% and 4 seats, whilst the independent candidates won 13% and 16 seats. Forming a government is going to be difficult. Will Fine Gael and Fianna Fail, which have governed Ireland alternately since 1930, form a coalition?

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Permanent Atlas of the European Union (3rd edition)

29 February 2016

The third edition of the Atlas of the European Union is a work of reference which presents the Union, its institutions, each of the 28 Member States and a new feature - their overseas territories via their history, culture and their reality.

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Financial Crisis

Portugal adopts a high risk budget

29 February 2016

On 23rd February Portuguese MPs adopted a high risk budget on first reading, which intends to release pressure by reducing deficits, whilst Brussels and the financial markets look on with concern.

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OECD: 2016 report "growth objective"

28 February 2016

On 26th February the OECD published its 2016 "growth objective" report indicating the continued slowing of reform in 2015.

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Conclusions of the G20 Finance meeting in Shanghai

29 February 2016

On 26th and 27th February Shanghai hosted the G20 finance meeting. On this occasion ministers committed to supporting growth although the idea of a world revival plan (as in 2009) was rejected. At the same time they stressed the possible "shock" that the exit of the UK from the EU might cause before exchanging views on the fight to counter tax evasion.

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Economic confidence continues to decline in February

28 February 2016

Economic confidence in the EU and the euro zone continued to decline in February according to figures published on 26th February by the European Commission.

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More than 110,000 migrants arrived in Europe via the Mediterranean in 2016

28 February 2016

102,547 migrants have arrived via Greece and 7,507 via Italy in Europe since January by crossing the Mediterranean announced the International Organisation for Migrants (IOM).

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Migrants: Austria and the Balkans step up pressure on the EU

29 February 2016

Austria and the countries of the Balkans stressed on 24th February that the "migratory flow via the Balkans must be drastically reduced," in spite of reticence on the part of the European Commission regarding the means to do this.

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European Migrant Smuggling Centre

28 February 2016

On 22nd February the European Commissioner for Migration, Dimitris Avramopoulos inaugurated the new European Migrant Smuggling Centre in the Hague (EMSC) which is tasked to help the Member States to dismantle criminal networks.

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British migratory statistics

29 February 2016

On 25th February the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published its quarterly report on migration for the year ending 30th September 2015 demonstrating that there were 617,000 immigrants and 294,000 emigrants.

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Referendum on Refugee Quotas in Hungary

29 February 2016

On 24th February Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced the organisation of a referendum during which Hungarian citizens will be able to vote on the European plan to distribute refugees within the EU.

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Greece will not participate in any further talks unless the migratory burden is shared

29 February 2016

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras declared on 24th February that his country "will not participate in the conclusion of any further agreements (with Europe) if the costs and responsibilities of migration are not fairly shared."

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German MPs approve tougher asylum conditions

29 February 2016

On 25th February German MPs adopted measures that aim to toughen up asylum conditions, 429 votes in support, 147 against and 4 abstentions - the latter aim to restrict conditions for asylum and notably conditions of family reunion.

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Appeal made by Ban Ki-moon to European countries

29 February 2016

On 26th February the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on all European countries "to maintain their borders open and to make the conditions for achieving asylum easier for those requesting it."

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Migration: the Council of Europe criticises the closure of borders

29 February 2016

The countries of Europe are "closing themselves in an ever tighter vicious circle as they close their borders to asylum seekers," criticised the Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe, Nils Muižnieks on 26th February.

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Agreement to impose external border checks

29 February 2016

On 25th February the 28 Home Affairs Ministers held a meeting marked by a series of altercations, since the situation is worsening in the field which in turn is leading to fears of a humanitarian crisis in Greece. An agreement was found to impose obligatory, systematic external border checks applicable to all citizens.

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EU-Monaco Tax Agreement

28 February 2016

On 22nd February the European Commission and the Principality of Monaco signed a new agreement on tax transparency which heralds further progress in the fight to counter tax evasion.

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The Commission publishes country by country reports

28 February 2016

On 26th February the European Commission published "country by country" reports that analyse the economic and social challenges specific to each EU Member State under the European Semester.

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The EU and the US has progressed in negotiations

28 February 2016

On 26th February the EU and the US concluded the 12th round of negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

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MEPs adopt the priorities for 2016

29 February 2016

On 25th February MEPs adopted their economic and social priorities for 2016. These priorities notably focus on investment, structural reform, social equity, the single market and SMEs.

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Conclusions of the Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Council

29 February 2016

On 24th February during the "Education, Youth, Culture and Sports" Council Ministers adopted a resolution on socio-economic development and European integration.

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Conclusions of the Competitiveness Council

29 February 2016

On 29th February on the occasion of the Competitiveness Council the 28 European Ministers adopted conclusions regarding SMEs, start-ups and innovative businesses. At the same time they called for the total support of the steel sector by stepping up anti-dumping measures amongst other things. Finally the Council took position in support of national "competitiveness checks".

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Court of Justice

The EU's Court of Justice validates the restriction of social advantages

28 February 2016

On 25th February the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled in support of a law stating that Member States can refuse to grant social advantages to citizens from another EU Member States for the first three months of their stay.

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Ciudadanos will support a government coalition with the PSOE

29 February 2016

The Spanish Social Workers' Party (PSOE) announced on 24th February that an agreement had been found with Ciudadanos, but neither political party holds a majority in Parliament.

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Publication of the strategic document for Europe

28 February 2016

On 22nd February the Italian government published a strategic document for Europe which contains proposals for the future of the European Union, notably regarding growth, work and stability.

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David Cameron speaks to the Common about Europe

28 February 2016

An exit of the UK from the EU would threaten the country's economy and security, maintained British Prime Minister David Cameron on 22nd February when he spoke to MPs in parliament.

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The IMF notes "uncertainty" linked to the referendum on the Brexit

28 February 2016

The IMF noted on 24th February that the "uncertainties" rising over the upkeep of the UK in the EU might weigh on investment in the country.

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Jean-Marc Ayrault and Frank-Walter Steinmeier visit Ukraine

28 February 2016

French and German Foreign Ministers Jean-Marc Ayrault and Frank-Walter Steinmeier met on 22nd February in Berlin and travelled to Kyiv on 23rd to assess the respect of the Minsk agreements.

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Declaration by Kyiv on the anniversary of the occupation of Crimea

29 February 2016

On 22nd February the Ukrainian Foreign Minister made a declaration on the occasion of the anniversary of the occupation of Crimea by the Russian armed forces. He denounced the act of Russian aggression.

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The conviction of Alexey Navalny was arbitrary

29 February 2016

On 23rd February the European Court of Human Rights deemed that the 2013 conviction of Russian opponent Alexey Navalny to five years in a prison camp for embezzlement was "arbitrary" and even of a "political nature".

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Inflation in the negative again in February

29 February 2016

According to a Eurostat publication on 29th February the annual euro zone inflation rate lay at -0.2% in February 2016 whilst it was 0.3% in January.

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The end of Schengen could cost Europe 1,400 billion € over ten years

28 February 2016

A study by the economic prospective institute Prognos for the German foundation, Bertelsmann, published on 22nd February deems that the collapse of the Schengen area might cost the EU up to 1,400 billion € over ten years.

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Europe being tested by globalisation

29 February 2016

Under the management of Philippe Gréciano the publication "L'Europe à l'épreuve de la mondialisation" (Mare & Martin) brings together many European experts who deliver their analyses of the role and place of Europe in the present context of globalisation.

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Modigliani Exhibition in Villeneuve-d'Ascq

29 February 2016

The Museum of Modern Art (LaM) in Villeneuve-d'Ascq is running an exceptional retrospective devoted to the work of Amédeo Modigliani until 5th June.

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Theo Van Doesburg and Rembrandt Exhibitions in Brussels

29 February 2016

The Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels (Bozar) is hosting two exhibitions until 29th May. One is devoted to the work of avant-gardist Theo van Doesburg and the other to the black and white work of Rembrandt.

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Exhibition on Charlotte Brontë in London

29 February 2016

The National Portrait Gallery in London is hosting an exhibition "Celebrating Charlotte Brontë: 1816-1855" until 14th August in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the 19th century author's birth.

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Exhibition Jean Dubuffet in Basel

29 February 2016

The Beyeler Foundation in Basel is hosting the first major retrospective of Jean Dubuffet's work entitled "Metamorphoses of Landscape" until 8th May.

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Paul Klee and Ivan Agueli at the Modern Art Museum in Stockholm

29 February 2016

The Modern Art Museum of Stockholm, the Moderna Museet, is running an exhibition on Paul Klee and Ivan Agueli until 24th April. Although these two artists never met the exhibition reveals their joint links to the visual arts.

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Re-opening of the Verdun Memorial

29 February 2016

The Verdun Memorial re-opened its doors on 22nd February 100 years after the start of the most inhuman battle of the First World War.

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29th February

Competitiveness Council (Brussels)

3rd March

Franco-British Summit (Amiens)

4th March

"Environment" Council (Brussels)

5th March

General elections (Slovakia)

7th March

EU/Turkey Summit (Brussels)

7th March

Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

7th March

"Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumers" Council (Brussels)

les 7th-10th March

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Emma Giraud,Morgane Mounier, Joséphine Staron, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Elections/Ireland, European Semester, External Borders, Migration, Schengen


The Newsletter n°705- version of 29 févr. 2016