The Newsletter7028 févr. 2016

La Lettre

Jean-Pierre Filiu

8 February 2016

The international community met in London on 4th February in a bid to collate financing to help the displaced and Syrian refugees. On this occasion the Foundation offers its readers an interview with Jean-Pierre Filiu.

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General elections in Slovakia on 5th March

8 February 2016

On 5th March next 4.4 million Slovaks are being called to ballot to renew the 150 members of the National Council of the Republic, the only chamber of parliament, 23 parties are running.

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Permanent Atlas of the European Union (3rd edition)

7 February 2016

The third edition of the Permanent Atlas of the European Union is a work of reference which presents the Union, its institutions, each of its 28 Member States and now a new feature - their overseas territories - via their history, their culture and their everyday life...

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European Council

British referendum: proposals by Tusk, Cameron's response

7 February 2016

The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk announced his proposals in response to requests to reform the Union put forward by British Prime Minister David Cameron.

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Presentation of an action plan to counter the financing of terrorism

7 February 2016

On 2nd February the European Commission presented an action plan to counter the financing of terrorism.

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Free trade agreement EU/Vietnam

7 February 2016

On February 1st the European Commission published the text on the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Vietnam.

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The Commission has published its Winter Economic Forecast

7 February 2016

On 4th February the European Commission published its Winter Economic Forecast for the coming months and deemed that growth would remain moderate.

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"Risk of collapse" of steel sector

8 February 2016

Several European Ministers for the Economy warned on 8th February of a "major, imminent risk of collapse of the European steel sector", that is confronted by "dumping" on the part of China and a situation of over production worldwide.

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China's market economy status

8 February 2016

On 1st February Cecilia Malmström debated China's status as a market economy with MEPs.

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The President of Estonia calls for greater European solidarity

7 February 2016

Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves addressed MEPs on 2nd February. He called on Member States to "stand by" their partners who were most affected by the migratory crisis.

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Agreement on services trade: Parliament approves recommendations

8 February 2016

On 3rd February MEPs approved recommendations regarding negotiations over the trade of services.

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Resolutions concerning Serbia and Kosovo

8 February 2016

On 4th February MEPs adopted to resolutions regarding Serbia and Kosovo. They welcomed the progress made between the two countries in terms of the appeasement of their relations and encouraged them to continue work in the implementation of various reforms.

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Schengen Border Code

8 February 2016

On 2nd February MEPs adopted a resolution on the rules governing the movement of people across borders.

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Member States' agreement on financing of 3 billion euro for Turkey

8 February 2016

On 3rd February the 28 Member States came to agreement on the financing of 3 billion euro in aid of the refugee situation in Turkey.

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Informal defence council

8 February 2016

On 5th February Federica Mogherini presented the main issues for the informal defence council: cooperation between the EU and NATO, various operations in Africa, Sahel, Libya and in Afghanistan, as well as the preparation of the Union's global strategy.

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London Conference in aid of Syria

8 February 2016

An international conference in support of Syria, organised jointly by the UK, Germany, Kuwait, Norway and the UN, took place on 4th February in London in view of collating funds to help those affected by war in Syria.

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ECB: first economic bulletin of 2016

7 February 2016

On 4th February the ECB published the first economic bulletin 2016 devoted to recent economic and monetary developments.

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Military cooperation between Germany and the Netherlands

8 February 2016

On 4th February the Dutch Defence Minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert and her German counterpart, Ursula von der Leyen, signed two agreements on enhanced military cooperation.

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Franco-Belgian summit on the fight to counter terrorism

7 February 2016

On February 1st the Belgian and French Prime Ministers, Charles Michel and Manuel Valls decided to step up bilateral and European cooperation in terms of data exchange and reporting.

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Pedro Sanchez responsible for forming a Spanish government

7 February 2016

On 2nd February the leader of the lower chamber of the Spanish parliament announced the appointment of Pedro Sanchez by King Felipe VI to form a new government.

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Giving up the Schengen Agreements would cost France 10 billion euro

7 February 2016

In an analytical paper dated February 3rd France Stratégie estimates the long term financial losses if the Schengen agreements were relinquished at 10 billion euro.

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The Senate suggests a European resolution on the demand for reform of the EU by the UK

7 February 2016

The European Affairs Committee at the French Senate delivered a draft European resolution by Fabienne Keller on the requests for the reform of the EU put forward by the UK.

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General elections in Ireland on 26th February

7 February 2016

Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny announced on 3rd February the dissolution of the lower house of parliament (Dáil Éireann) by the President of Ireland Michael D Higgins. Elections will be held on 26th February next.

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Polish Prime Minister visits France

8 February 2016

On 3rd February Beata Szydlo, the Polish Prime Minister held talks with the French President François Hollande in Paris.

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Commission's opinion on Portugal's 2016 draft budget

7 February 2016

On February 5th the European Commission adopted an opinion on Portugal's 2016 draft budget indicating that there was a continued danger of "non-conformity" with the requirements of the Stability Pact.

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The Portuguese Prime Minister visits Germany

8 February 2016

On 5th February, after her meeting with Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa, German Chancellor Angela Merkel praised the economic work achieved by Portugal and recalled that the management of the migratory crisis was a common goal for both countries.

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Visit by David Cameron to Poland and Denmark

8 February 2016

On 5th February British Prime Minister David Cameron travelled to Warsaw and to Copenhagen.

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Sweden: report to close schools to begging migrant children

8 February 2016

On 2nd February Martin Valfridsson (national coordinator for vulnerable European citizens) delivered his report in which he recommends that migrant children surviving from begging should no longer have access to Swedish schools.

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Resignation of the Ukrainian Economy Minister

7 February 2016

Ukrainian Economy Minister Aïvaras Abromavicius announced that he was resigning from government on 3rd February.

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The OSCE denounces an escalation in violence in the east of Ukraine

7 February 2016

On February 4th OSCE Chair Frank-Walter Steinmeier deplored the repeated ceasefire infringements on the east of Ukraine.

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Meeting between Angela Merkel and Petro Poroshenko

8 February 2016

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko travelled to Berlin on 1st February and met German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss the situation in the east of Ukraine.

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UN: moral responsibility to help refugees

8 February 2016

On 5th February Peter Sutherland, the Special Envoy of the Secretary General for International Migration, indicated that it was a moral responsibility for European countries to help the refugees.

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The US are to quadruple their military spending in Europe

7 February 2016

On 2nd February the US announced that they were quadrupling their military spending in Europe in 2017. The present package of 789 million $ is due to rise to 3.4 billion $.

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More than half of young Europeans are learning at least two foreign languages

8 February 2016

Around 60% of young Europeans in the first part of their secondary education were learning at least two foreign languages in 2014 announced Eurostat on 1st February.

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Eurostat confirms Europe's dependence on energy imports

7 February 2016

On 4th February Eurostat announced that the European Union had imported more than half of its energy requirements in 2014 (53.4%).

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Unemployment declines to 9% in the EU and to 10% in the euro zone

8 February 2016

According to Eurostat on 2nd February, in December 2015 unemployment totalled 10.4% in the euro zone and 9% in the EU. This is the lowest unemployment rate since September 2011 and June 2009 in both zones respectively.

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Report on European unemployment insurance

8 February 2016

The European Affairs Committee at the French National Assembly has delivered an information report by Jean-Patrick Gille on European unemployment insurance.

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Report on French influence within the European Union

8 February 2016

On 2nd February the European Affairs Committee at the French National Assembly published the information report by Pierre Lequiller and Christophe Caresche on French influence in the European Union.

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Exhibition on Anton Maria Zanetti in Zurich

8 February 2016

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) is hosting an exhibition on Anton Maria Zanetti from 10th February to 3rd April next. This artist played a major role in 18th century Venetian cultural life.

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Helena Almeida Exhibition at the Jeu de Paume

8 February 2016

From 9th February to 22nd May 2016 the Jeu de Paume in Paris is hosting the exhibition "Corpus" by Helena Almeida.

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Exhibition by Francis Towne in London

8 February 2016

An exhibition devoted to Francis Towne (1739-1816) is taking place until 14th August 2016 at the British Museum.

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66th Berlinale

8 February 2016

From 11th to 20th February the Berlin Festival, the Berlinale 2016, is taking place, focusing largely on the refugee crisis, with 18 films running in the competition. The jury is chaired by American actress Meryl Streep.

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11th February

Eurogroup Meeting ()

12th February

Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Brussels)

15th February

"Foreign Affairs" Council and "Agriculture and Fisheries" Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Emma Giraud,Joséphine Staron, Lena Therry, Hyung Jun Yoon

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Syria, Economic Forecast, Budget/Portugal, EU/UK, Election/Slovakia, Counter/Ter...


The Newsletter n°702- version of 8 févr. 2016