The Newsletter7011 févr. 2016

La Lettre

Jean-Paul Betbeze

1 February 2016

The euro is irreversible. There, with these few words, which are all at the same time – political, psychological, financial and economic – (and in that order), everything has been said! At last, there is an explanation to the problems and difficulties encountered at present in the management of the euro zone, in the strategic wager that led to its birth. And so how should we understand the wager of the euro zone and the difficulties in implementing it? How should we understand its importance, not only that of it as "a" monetary zone but also the "the" leading economic entity in the world? What is the next step?

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Permanent Atlas of the European Union (3rd edition)

31 January 2016

The third edition of the Permanent Atlas of the European Union is a work of reference which presents the Union, its institutions, each of its 28 Member States and now a novelty - their overseas territories - via their history, their culture and their everyday life.

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Informal Justice-Home Affairs Meeting

31 January 2016

An informal meeting of the Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs on 25th and 26th January in Amsterdam led to an assessment of the means available to the EU to enhance the Schengen Area and the joint management of the external borders.

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Denmark: the controversial reform of the asylum law adopted in Parliament

1 February 2016

On 26th January the Danish Parliament adopted a controversial law affecting asylum law, 81 votes in support, 27 against and 1 abstention. The latter aims to discourage migrants from trying their luck in Denmark since their valuables can now potentially be confiscated.

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Sweden wants to expel at least 60,000 migrants who are ineligible for asylum

1 February 2016

In an interview on 27th January in the Dagens Industri, Anders Ygeman, the Swedish Home Affairs Minister announced that Sweden will expel all asylum seekers whose bid has been rejected.

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German coalition comes to agreement on asylum reform

31 January 2016

On 27th January the German government announced an agreement on asylum notably the suspension of family reunion for two years, the extension of the list of safe countries and the expulsion of convicted migrants - even those with a suspended sentence.

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OECD and HCR Conference

31 January 2016

On 28th January the leaders of the OECD and the UNHCR called on the States to step up their work to enable better integration of refugees and to provide them with a chance to contribute to the economy and to the development of society.

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Financial Crisis

Contraction of the Greek economy by 0.2% in 2015

31 January 2016

On 25th January the Bank of Greece published its economic results for 2015 which states that the Greek economy contracted by 0.2% in 2015.

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Unemployment rises in France

31 January 2016

According to a DARES study published on 27th January there were 5,475,700 people affected by unemployment in December 2015 in France. The numbers of job seekers in all categories increased by 0.6 points over one month, ie 33,200 people.

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Proposal regarding vehicle compliance procedure

31 January 2016

On 27th January the Commission proposed improved monitoring and supervision of the vehicle compliance procedure in the European Union.

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Evaluation report of Schengen in Greece

31 January 2016

On 27th January the European Commission published the conclusions of an evaluation report undertaken in Greece to determine the efficacy of external border control measures.

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Bulgaria and Romania are reforming slowly

31 January 2016

On 27th January the European Commission published a report on developments in Bulgaria and Romania.

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Presentation of new measures to counter tax avoidance

31 January 2016

On 28th January the Commission presented new measures to counter tax avoidance aiming to ensure that profits are taxed in the place of their creation.

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Conclusions of political dialogue between the EU and Turkey

31 January 2016

On 25th January Federica Mogherini, the EU's High Representative travelled to Ankara to hold political discussions with Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, the Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs.

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Tunisia: extension of asset freeze

31 January 2016

On 28th January the Council extended the freeze on assets of 48 people (and their associates) until 31st January 2017. The latter are suspected of having embezzled public funds in Tunisia.

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Tour of Iranian President Hassan Rohani in Europe

31 January 2016

On 25th January Iranian President Hassan Rohani started his official visit to Europe. He first travelled to Italy. On 26th January Pope Francis received him at the Vatican. On 28th January he was received by French President François Hollande. Several industrial contracts were concluded with Teheran in France and Italy.

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Court of Auditors

European Court of Auditors' report on the management of the financial crisis

31 January 2016

On 26th January in a report published by the European Court of Auditors, guardian of the EU's finances, the weaknesses in the management of the 2008 financial crisis by the European Commission are highlighted. It is suggested that the Commission failed to interpret prior signs to the turbulence.

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European Agencies

IS's modus operandi deciphered by Europol

31 January 2016

In a report published on 25th January Europol analyses a change in modus operandi in the way IS undertakes its terrorist attacks.

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Launch of Intelsat 29e and Eutelsat's 9B satellites

31 January 2016

Intelsat 29e satellite was launched from Kourou on 28th January and Eutelsat 9B on 29th January from Baïkonour. The latter is part of the SpaceDataHighway (EDRS) programme.

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Irish Prime Minister wants the UK to remain in the EU

31 January 2016

Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny declared on 25th January that he wants the UK to remain "a key member" of the EU after a meeting with his British counterpart David Cameron.

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A guarantee mechanism for toxic loans held by Italian banks

31 January 2016

On 26th January the Italian Finance Minister and the Commissioner for Trade came to agreement over the implementation of a guarantee mechanism for nearly 200 billion € in toxic loans held by Italian banks.

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Meeting between Angela Merkel and Matteo Renzi

1 February 2016

On 29th January the President of the Italian Council and the German Chancellor met in Berlin. In spite of their differences regarding economic policy and budgetary austerity they stressed their joint work to settle the migrant crisis and to counter a common adversary, populism.

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Trip by David Cameron to Brussels

1 February 2016

On 29th January British Prime Minister David Cameron travelled to Brussels. He also hosted the President European Council, Donald Tusk in London on 31st January. They came to an agreement of an extra 24 hours before the publication of the provisional negotiation texts.

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Emergency meeting at the WHO regarding Zika

1 February 2016

On 28th January the WHO provided its first conclusions regarding the Zika virus. An emergency committee met on February 1st to assess whether an international public health emergency needs to be triggered.

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The plan to counter tax avoidance by multinationals signed by 31 countries

31 January 2016

31 countries signed a plan to counter tax avoidance by multinationals on 27th January. The plan was drawn up by the OECD and presented as decisive progress by the organisation's Secretary General Angel Gurria.

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USA leading EU partner in terms of FDI

31 January 2016

On 25th January Eurostat announced that the EU held a net investment position of €1, 166 billion vis-a-vis the rest of the world. Washington is the EU's "leading partner in terms of FDI" ahead of Switzerland (14%), Brazil (6%) and Canada (5%).

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Annual euro zone inflation rate up to 0.4%

31 January 2016

On 29th January Eurostat indicated that the euro zone's annual inflation rate lay at 0.4% in January 2016 ie 0.2 points more than in December 2015.

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Evaluation of the 7th Framework Research Programme

31 January 2016

On 25th January the European Commission published an evaluation report of the financing of the 2007-2013 research programme.

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Report on the first year of Erasmus+ (2014-2020)

31 January 2016

On 26th January the European Commission published its report on the first year of the implementation of Erasmus+ with around 650,000 individual mobility grants having been awarded.

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NATO annual report

31 January 2016

On 28th January Jens Stoltenberg, NATO's Secretary General, presented the organisation's annual report which shows that there has been a strengthening in terms of collective defence and deterrence procedures, greater presence in the east and the deployment of air forces over Turkey.

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Report on the effects of the generalised scheme of preference system (GSP+)

31 January 2016

On 28th January the European Commission and the EU's High Representative published a report on the effects of the GSP+: a trade tool that aims to exempt certain third countries from customs duties, as they export products to the EU, on condition that they have ratified 27 international conventions.

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"Holocaust Art" in Berlin

31 January 2016

The German Historic Museum of Berlin is running the exhibition "Holocaust Art" until 3rd April which brings together 100 pieces of work lent by the Yad Vashem memorial in Israel.

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Exhibition Painting the Garden from Monet to Matisse

31 January 2016

The Royal Academy of Art in London is running an exhibition until 20th April on Monet's work based the role of gardens in artistic developments from the 1860's to the 1920's".

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les 1-4th February

Plenary session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

2nd February

Informal meeting of Ministers for Development and Trade (Amsterdam)

les 4th-5th February

Informal meeting of Defence Ministers (Amsterdam)

les 5th-6th February

Informal meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers ("Gymnich") (Amsterdam)

Newsletter Archives

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Emma Giraud,Joséphine Staron, Lena Therry, Hyung Jun Yoon

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

UK/Negotiation, Iran/Visit, Tax Avoidance/Measures, Asylum/Germany/Agreement


The Newsletter n°701- version of 1 févr. 2016