The Newsletter n°697 — 21 déc. 2015
La Lettre
Karine Lisbonne-de Vergeron
21 December 2015
No party wins the majority in Spain
21 December 2015

Publication of the 3rd edition of the Atlas of the European Union
20 December 2015

Conference on the impact of the Spanish elections
21 December 2015
Sweden exempt from the migrant relocation programme
20 December 2015

Launch of a reception programme for 20,000 asylum seekers in Greece
20 December 2015
Denmark will control its German border as of January 2016
20 December 2015
The EU improves the protection of its borders
20 December 2015
Migrant Crisis: the EU launches the second phase of its action plan
20 December 2015
First mission for the German airforce in Syria
20 December 2015

Privatisation of the Greek airports
20 December 2015

The EBRD opens its doors to China and its investments
20 December 2015
Conclusions of the European Council
20 December 2015

Optimising the contribution of the European Structural and Investment Fund
20 December 2015

The EU steps airplane safety
20 December 2015
Provisional agreement on trade secrets
20 December 2015

Committee of Inquiry into anti-pollution test fraud in the automotive sector
20 December 2015
Raïf Badawi receives the Sakharov Prize
20 December 2015
Agreement on data protection
20 December 2015

Programme of the Dutch Presidency of the Council
20 December 2015
Adoption of the Better Law-Making programme and the programme for the years to come
20 December 2015
Strategy for biodiversity and pollutant reduction
20 December 2015
Publication of the free-trade agreement negotiations between the EU and Canada
20 December 2015

Meeting with countries of Central Asia
21 December 2015
Failure of trade talks between EU, Ukraine and Russia
22 December 2015
Launch into orbit of two new Galileo satellites
20 December 2015

Germany will achieve budgetary balance in 2016
20 December 2015

Spain: adoption of the last ESF programme
21 December 2015

The National Assembly adopts the 2016 budget
20 December 2015

House of Lords vote on the draft British bill organising the referendum on the EU
21 December 2015

Albania: adoption of a bill to ban former criminals from politics
21 December 2015

Montenegro/EU: launch of two new negotiation chapters
21 December 2015

Suspension of free-trade zone between Russia/Ukraine by Moscow
20 December 2015

The EU extends its economic sanctions against Moscow
21 December 2015
Ukraine refuses to reimburse the debt of three billion dollars it owes to Russia
20 December 2015

WTO Summit: abolition of customs duties on high-tech products
20 December 2015

Euro zone annual inflation rate up to 0.2% and that of the EU to 0.1%
20 December 2015

Euro zone trade surplus increases
20 December 2015
Less than 7% of foreigners in the Member States in 2014
20 December 2015
NASA's air quality map
20 December 2015

SIPRI report on the arms industry
20 December 2015
Magnasco Exhibition in Paris
21 December 2015

New Year's Concert in Vienna
20 December 2015
Giselle from 26th to 28th December in Athens
21 December 2015
The MIAM celebrates its 15 year anniversary in Providence
21 December 2015
1st January 2016
Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union ()
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Nelson Pajot, Joséphine Staron, Frédéric Strack,Hyung Jun Yoon, Maximilian Zielke
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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