The Newsletter n°696 — 14 déc. 2015
La Lettre
Thierry Chopin
14 December 2015
Publication of the 3rd edition of the Atlas of the European Union
13 December 2015

CNAM conference on "Dynamiques européennes, fragmentation ou intégration?"
13 December 2015
Austria erects a first fence on the Slovenian border
13 December 2015

A European Border Guard
14 December 2015
Finland introduces a migrant action plan
13 December 2015
Refugees: more than 410,000 first time asylum seekers in the third quarter
13 December 2015
Eight infringement proceedings for non-transposition of the common European asylum regime
13 December 2015
Art trafficking financing IS: Berlin, Paris and Rome are demanding measures from the EU
13 December 2015

The European passenger name record was adopted in the Committee at the European Parliament
13 December 2015
Payment of 2.71 billion € from the ESM to recapitalise the Bank of Greece
13 December 2015

Euro zone: growth of 0.3% in the third quarter
13 December 2015
D.Tusk's letter on the UK and Europe
13 December 2015

Single Digital Market
13 December 2015

Agreement on cybersecurity
13 December 2015
Conclusions of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council
13 December 2015

Conclusions of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council
13 December 2015
Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council
14 December 2015
Conclusions of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council
15 December 2015
Conference on Accession
15 December 2015

In 2022 Europe will launch the Juice probe to study Jupiter
13 December 2015

Frontex is to deploy the RABIT operation in the Aegean
13 December 2015
Time magazine appoints Angela Merkel personality of the year
13 December 2015

Facebook under surveillance
13 December 2015

Resignation of the Bulgarian Justice Minister
13 December 2015

Bulgaria liberalises its electricity market
13 December 2015
Last surveys before the election
14 December 2015

Adoption by French Parliament of the text on the EU's own resources
13 December 2015

Franco-German Defence Cooperation
13 December 2015
Conference on Libya
14 December 2015

Mediterranean Forum
14 December 2015
Lithuania: adoption of the 2016 Budget
14 December 2015

Visit by David Cameron to Romania and Poland
13 December 2015

IMF warns of uncertainty regarding the referendum on a possible exit of the EU
13 December 2015
Stabilisation and Association Council between Bosnia-Herzegovina and the EU
13 December 2015

Russian-Ukrainian tension over debt
13 December 2015

Election of the Swiss government
13 December 2015

Ukraine: more than 9000 deaths since the start of the conflict according to the UN
13 December 2015

COP21: Agreement on world climate policy
13 December 2015
Publication of a study on the possible effects of a Brexit
13 December 2015

Exhibition in Paris "Delacroix and Antiquity"
13 December 2015

Only one God: the heritage of Abraham on the Nile
13 December 2015
Byzantium in Switzerland
14 December 2015
Nobel Prize Award Ceremony
14 December 2015
les 14th-17th December
Plenary Session European Parliament (Strasbourg)
14th and 15th December
Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)
14th December
Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)
15th December
General Affairs Council (Brussels)
16th December
Environment Council (Brussels)
17th and 18th December
European Council (Brussels)
20th December
Parliamentary Elections (Spain)
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Nelson Pajot, Joséphine Staron, Frédéric Strack,Hyung Jun Yoon, Maximilian Zielke
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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