The Newsletter6919 nov. 2015

La Lettre

Charles de Marcilly, Matthias Touillon

9 November 2015

The 2015 version of ""Better Regulation"", the last stage in a policy on- going for the last fifteen years, aims to provide new impetus to European public action, and has been undertaken in view of reforming the Union's decision making process and the ensuing regulations. It intends to improve the efficiency of the European legislative process via greater transparency and the use of pertinent expertise.

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Short victory for the opposition in Croatia

9 November 2015

According to still partial results the right-wing coalition Domoljubna Koalicija (Patriotic Coalition), led by the Democratic Union (HDZ) and Tomislav Karamarko came out ahead in the general elections that took place on 8th November in Croatia. It is due to win 59 of the 151 seats in Parliament. The Hrvatska Raste (Croatia is growing) led by the Social Democratic Party (SDP) of outgoing Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic is due to win 56 MPs. Most (Bridge) came 3rd and is due to win 19 seats. Three other parties have won 7 seats between them, whilst the other 8 are reserved to national minorities.

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European Summit in Prague

9 November 2015

As part of the European Summit in Prague on 12th and 13th November, Thierry Chopin, Studies Director at the Foundation will be speaking about the European Institutions' ability to face crises.

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Conference on air transport at the European Parliament

9 November 2015

On 17th November in Brussels at the European Parliament Franck Proust (EPP, FR) and the Robert Schuman Foundation are organising a conference entitled "European aviation, zone of turbulence?". Debate will focus on emergency measures to revive the competitiveness of European air transport.

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Jean-Claude Piris and the independence of Catalonia

9 November 2015

Jean-Claude Piris, formerly Legal Counsel to the EU's Council issues his quite pessimistic opinion about the possible independence of Catalonia.

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Financial Crisis

Economic recovery is continuing

8 November 2015

According to European Commission forecasts published on 5th November economic recovery is due to gather pace in the euro zone and in the EU (+1.6% and 1.9% GDP respectively). Recovery is still fragile however.

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53 European banks will be subject to stress tests

8 November 2015

On 5th November the European Central Bank unveiled a list of 53 banks that will be subject to stress tests, 39 of whom are reliant on the European Single Supervisory Mechanism.

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Adoption of further reform by the Greek Parliament

9 November 2015

On 6th November the Greek Parliament adopted further reform in response to some of the demands made by its international creditors. There still remains some measures that the Greek government has to adopt before 11th November.

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Austria : tightening the asylum law

9 November 2015

As of 15th November the Austrian State will only grant asylum for a defined period of three years maximum. Stricter regulations apply for family grouping.

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First relocation of refugees to Luxembourg from Greece

9 November 2015

On 4th November the Greek government undertook its first relocation of asylum seekers to Luxembourg under the European relocation mechanism.

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Finland updates its migration legislation

9 November 2015

The Finnish Home Affairs Minister Petteri Orpo has set up a project to assess the terms for the emission of residence permits in respect of European rules.

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Germany strengthens its asylum and reception policy

9 November 2015

Germany registered 181,166 migrants in October - people intending to claim asylum, i.e. a total of 758,473 since the beginning of the year said the German Home Affairs Minister on 5th November. The federal government increased financial support to 2 billion € whilst maintaining budgetary balance.

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Entry into force of the law reforming asylum in France

9 November 2015

The law reforming asylum in France entered into force on 2nd November. During the migratory crisis in Europe this law will enable a reduction in the time taken to process applications down to 9 months, which to date, had taken 2 years on average.

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Adoption of national refugee relocation programme in Spain

9 November 2015

The Spanish council of Ministers approved the national refugee relocation programme on 6th November which provides for the relocation of 824 refugees from the Syrian conflict in 2015.

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7.6 billion € for transport

8 November 2015

On 5th November the Commission launched a call for tender of 7.6 billion € under the Connecting Europe Facility to foster investments in transport.

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Speech by Eurogroup President J. Dijsselbloem at the Tatra Summit

9 November 2015

Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem recalled that the euro zone could not afford to neglect in-depth thought about its remaining weaknesses.

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Eurogroup Meeting

10 November 2015

Euro zone Finance Ministers met in Brussels on 9th November. The Chairman of the Single Resolution Board (SRB) presented them with the work undertaken since the establishment of the SRB on 1st January 2015. The Ministers were also informed of progress in terms of Greece's economic adjustment programme including the payment of 2 billion euro. This sum represents the total amount remaining in the first tranche of financial aid under the European Stability Mechanism which was the focus of an agreement under the programme. Finance Ministers from the euro zone deem that the country has not adopted all of the reforms planned for in the rescue plan validated this summer and have did not give the greenlight to the disbursement of the tranche of aid. The situation might be settled this week however.

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Justice and Home Affairs Council Meeting

10 November 2015

Justice and Home Affairs Ministers met on 9th November in Brussels to assess the management of the refugee crisis. The upkeep of the Schengen area and the reduction of migratory pressure are priority. They recalled that cooperation with third countries, the upkeep of reception capacities and the effective introduction of "hotspots" were vital. Stepping up the relocation process, which is still not in full swing, is also a priority.

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Competitiveness Council devoted to Steel

10 November 2015

Ministers responsible for competitiveness met in Brussels on 9th November for a Council devoted to the steel sector. The European steel industry is facing many challenges, particularly disloyal competition and high energy prices that are impacting thousands of jobs. Ministers recommend the introduction of a specific Steel Action Plan originally put forward in 2013, to ensure that competition rules are respected along with the implementation of the Emission Trading System in order to be on an equal footing with world competitors.

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12th Asia/Europe Meeting (ASEM)

8 November 2015

The 12th meeting of ministers in the Asia-Europe dialogue (ASEM) on 6th November was devoted to the fight to counter climate change and the issues at stake in terms of Europe/Asia cooperation.

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Volkswagen (VW): the most powerful engines were also rigged

9 November 2015

The German car manufacturer Volkswagen is said to have installed devices designed to trick anti-pollution rules in the USA on the most powerful diesel engines announced the EPA (Environment Protection Agency), on 2nd November.

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G7 Conference in Berlin

9 November 2015

German Development Minister Gerd Müller is organising a G7 Conference in Berlin "Economic Empowerment of Women in Developing Countries".

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Meeting of Hungarian, Greek and Bulgarian Foreign Ministers

8 November 2015

On 5th November the Bulgarian, Greek and Hungarian Foreign Affairs Ministers discussed the future of energy supplies in Central and South East Europe and the "South Stream" project.

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UK and France step up military cooperation

8 November 2015

French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and his British counterpart Michael Fallon recalled on 3rd November the importance of cooperation between the two countries and signed an agreement confirming their work together in establishing a new generation of missiles.

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Defence Council on Syria and Iraq

8 November 2015

In Paris during a Defence Council on 5th November French President François Hollande recalled that political transition in Syria demanded the departure of Bachar el-Assad.

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Trip to China and South Korea

8 November 2015

From 2nd to 5th November French President François Hollande travelled to China and South Korea notably to discuss the COP21 meeting.

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Portugal: a leftwing alliance?

9 November 2015

Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, who lost the absolute majority in the election on 4th October, might not win Parliament's confidence on 10th November since the parties on the left (Socialist Party, Communist Party and the Left Bloc) are said to have formed an alliance and have decided to overthrow the government.

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Sorin Campeanu takes over as interim Prime Minister

8 November 2015

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis appointed Sorin Campeanu, Education Minister in the outgoing government as interim Prime Minister on 5th November. He will manage the country's current affairs until a new government is formed. Prime Minister Victor Ponta announced his resignation on 4th November.

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London wants a special regime for the non-euro zone countries

8 November 2015

Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne asked in Berlin on 3rd November for special protection for the EU countries which want to remain outside of the single currency, the euro.

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Meeting between the Serb and Bosnian governments

8 November 2015

On 4th November, for the first time since the 1990's, the Serb and Bosnian governments signed several memoranda to strengthen cooperation between their countries, including telecommunications and electricity interconnection amongst others.

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Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers in the Normandy Format

9 November 2015

On 6th November the German Foreign Affairs Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, invited his French, Russian and Ukrainian counterparts to review the situation in the east of Ukraine.

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Council of Europe

The Council of Europe is concerned about the humanitarian situation in the East of Ukraine

8 November 2015

5 million people "need assistance" due to the conflict in the East, including 2 million who are living in the "zone adjacent to the contact line between government forces and armed groups including in the buffer zone," maintains Nils Muiznieks, Commissioner of Human Rights for the Council of Europe in a report published on 3rd November.

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Observation of the Turkish elections

8 November 2015

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), which observed the elections in Turkey, noted that this election had been compromised by the tense security situation, acts of violence and restrictions placed on the media.

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Statistics Book on energy, transport and the environment

8 November 2015

On 4th November Eurostat published statistics on the development of results by Member States in terms of energy, transport and environment. It emerges for example that 20 States have already fulfilled their 2020 commitments to reduce energy consumption.

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Growing support for the single currency

8 November 2015

Eurobarometer published a report on 6th November showing increasing support to the euro amongst the European population. Indeed 61% think that the euro is an asset to their country (up by 4 points in comparison with last year).

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Brexit would be very costly to the Irish economy

8 November 2015

On 5th November the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) published a study on the impact of a possible Brexit to the Irish economy. In its opinion a potential exit by the UK would reduce the flow of bilateral trade by at least 20%.

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UN report on climate change

8 November 2015

On 6th November the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) deemed that the States' commitments are far from adequate and called to step up efforts to contain warming to 2°C.

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Publication of the Global Monitoring Report

9 November 2015

On 6th November the World Bank, together with the FMI, published the Global Monitoring Report 2015/2016 entitled "Development Goals in an Era of Demographic Change."

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Loss of influence by the UK in the world

9 November 2015

A study by the Diplomacy Commission of the London School of Economics, (LSE) published on 9th November stresses that the UK, as the world's fifth biggest power, holds all the necessary cards to be a major player but deplores the fact that it has become "a reticent protagonist in the international arena."

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The Age of Vermeer Period exhibition in London

9 November 2015

From 13th November 2015 to 14th February 2016 is holding an exhibition devoted to the Dutch artists of 17th century at Buckingham Palace, London. The exhibition brings together 27 works from the British Royal Family's collection "The Age of Vermeer".

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Marc Chagall, the Colours of Life

9 November 2015

From 13th November 2015 to 24th April 2016 the Centre for Art La Malmaison in Cannes is presenting "Marc Chagall, the Colours of Life". It provides a glimpse at Chagall's work via more than 200 prints.

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Albrecht Dürer and Lucas van Leyden

9 November 2015

The Stuttgart State Gallery is running an exhibition from 15th November 2015 to 14th February 2016 showing pictures from the 16th century by Albrecht Dürer and Lucas van Leyden. The exhibition focuses on the meeting between the two artists in 1521 in Antwerp.

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Klimt, Schiele and Kokoschka's Women

9 November 2015

The Belvedere Museum in Vienna is presenting "Klimt, Schiele, and Kokoschka's Women." The exhibition shows their work in light of sexual freedom providing a glimpse into relations between the sexes at the beginning of the 20th century.

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"Tomi Ungerer Incognito" Exhibition

9 November 2015

The Kunsthaus Museum in Zürich is presenting "Tomi Ungerer - Incognito" until 7th February 2016. This exhibition shows his assemblages, collages and sculptures, created since 1950 but which are not as well known as his books for children.

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Re-opening of the Rodin Museum in Paris

9 November 2015

After three years of renovation, the Rodin Museum in Paris is re-opening its doors to the public as of 12th November.

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9th November

"Justice-Internal Affairs" Council (Brussels)

9th November

"Competitiveness" Council (Brussels)

9th November

Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

10th November

"Economic and Financial Affairs" Council (Brussels)

From 11th to 12th November

International Summit on Immigration (La Valette)

12th November

Informal Meeting of the 28 EU Heads of State and government (La Vallette)

13th November

"Economic and Financial Affairs" Council (Budget) (Brussels)

15th and 16th November

G20 Summit (Antalya)

16th and 17th November

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Brussels)

20th November

Meeting of 28 Home Affairs Ministers (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Nelson Pajot, Joséphine Staron, Frédéric Strack,Hyung Jun Yoon, Maximilian Zielke

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Economic Forecasts, Asia, Elections/Croatia, Resignation/Romania, Air Transport


The Newsletter n°691- version of 9 nov. 2015