The Newsletter n°691 — 9 nov. 2015
La Lettre
Charles de Marcilly, Matthias Touillon
9 November 2015
Short victory for the opposition in Croatia
9 November 2015

European Summit in Prague
9 November 2015

Conference on air transport at the European Parliament
9 November 2015
Jean-Claude Piris and the independence of Catalonia
9 November 2015
Economic recovery is continuing
8 November 2015

53 European banks will be subject to stress tests
8 November 2015
Adoption of further reform by the Greek Parliament
9 November 2015
Austria : tightening the asylum law
9 November 2015

First relocation of refugees to Luxembourg from Greece
9 November 2015
Finland updates its migration legislation
9 November 2015
Germany strengthens its asylum and reception policy
9 November 2015
Entry into force of the law reforming asylum in France
9 November 2015
Adoption of national refugee relocation programme in Spain
9 November 2015
7.6 billion € for transport
8 November 2015

Speech by Eurogroup President J. Dijsselbloem at the Tatra Summit
9 November 2015

Eurogroup Meeting
10 November 2015
Justice and Home Affairs Council Meeting
10 November 2015
Competitiveness Council devoted to Steel
10 November 2015
12th Asia/Europe Meeting (ASEM)
8 November 2015

Volkswagen (VW): the most powerful engines were also rigged
9 November 2015

G7 Conference in Berlin
9 November 2015
Meeting of Hungarian, Greek and Bulgarian Foreign Ministers
8 November 2015

UK and France step up military cooperation
8 November 2015

Defence Council on Syria and Iraq
8 November 2015
Trip to China and South Korea
8 November 2015
Portugal: a leftwing alliance?
9 November 2015

Sorin Campeanu takes over as interim Prime Minister
8 November 2015

London wants a special regime for the non-euro zone countries
8 November 2015

Meeting between the Serb and Bosnian governments
8 November 2015

Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers in the Normandy Format
9 November 2015

The Council of Europe is concerned about the humanitarian situation in the East of Ukraine
8 November 2015

Observation of the Turkish elections
8 November 2015
Statistics Book on energy, transport and the environment
8 November 2015

Growing support for the single currency
8 November 2015

Brexit would be very costly to the Irish economy
8 November 2015

UN report on climate change
8 November 2015
Publication of the Global Monitoring Report
9 November 2015
Loss of influence by the UK in the world
9 November 2015
The Age of Vermeer Period exhibition in London
9 November 2015

Marc Chagall, the Colours of Life
9 November 2015
Albrecht Dürer and Lucas van Leyden
9 November 2015
Klimt, Schiele and Kokoschka's Women
9 November 2015
"Tomi Ungerer Incognito" Exhibition
9 November 2015
Re-opening of the Rodin Museum in Paris
9 November 2015
9th November
"Justice-Internal Affairs" Council (Brussels)
9th November
"Competitiveness" Council (Brussels)
9th November
Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)
10th November
"Economic and Financial Affairs" Council (Brussels)
From 11th to 12th November
International Summit on Immigration (La Valette)
12th November
Informal Meeting of the 28 EU Heads of State and government (La Vallette)
13th November
"Economic and Financial Affairs" Council (Budget) (Brussels)
15th and 16th November
G20 Summit (Antalya)
16th and 17th November
"Foreign Affairs" Council (Brussels)
20th November
Meeting of 28 Home Affairs Ministers (Brussels)
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Nelson Pajot, Joséphine Staron, Frédéric Strack,Hyung Jun Yoon, Maximilian Zielke
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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