The Newsletter6902 nov. 2015

La Lettre

Michel Derdevet

2 November 2015

Just weeks before COP21 the issues at stake in Europe's energy policy revolve more than ever before around sustainable, reliable, affordable energy for all Europeans, both businesses and citizens alike. The dual economic and ecological challenge facing Europe under energy transition must be seen as industrial policy and competitiveness goals. The vast project of Energy Union is precisely "a historic opportunity" to reshape the foundations of European leadership.

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16th Parliamentary energy meetings

1 November 2015

On 4th November during the Parliamentary Energy Meetings Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation will be speaking on "What solutions are there to protect Europe's energy future?"

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3rd "Euro-West" Forum: Europe and the migratory challenge

1 November 2015

Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Foundation will be taking part in the "Euro-West" Forum on 7th November in Angers on the theme "What is Europe doing about the flow of migrants that is crossing Europe's external borders on a daily basis?"

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11th Assises de l'Economie de la Mer

1 November 2015

On 3rd and 4th November the "Assises de l'Economie de la Mer" will be taking place in Marseilles. Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation will be speaking on the theme "La Méditerranée est-elle la seule terre des migrants?"

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Financial Crisis

Germany: the economy is still "strong"

1 November 2015

The basic trend in the Germany economy is "still particularly strong" maintained the German Central Bank (Bundesbank) on 26th October in its October monthly report whilst conceding that the third quarter had been less dynamic.

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British economic growth slowed more than forecast

1 November 2015

On 26th October the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicated that British economic growth was only 0.5% in the third quarter of 2015 against 0.7% in the second.

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Greek banks need 14.4 billion €

2 November 2015

According to the European Central Bank, the four biggest banks in Greece have a deficit of 14.4 billion €. They have to explain to the ECB how they intend to cover this sum before 6th November.

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IMF Annual Report devoted to imbalances and growth in the G20 countries

2 November 2015

On 30th October the IMF published its annual report devoted to imbalances and growth in the G20 countries. Although the situation in Germany is better than mid-term indicators lead us to believe, the IMF is concerned about the continued decline of the French economy.

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Euro zone: economic sentiment improves slightly in October

2 November 2015

Economic sentiment improved slightly in October in the euro zone reaching its highest level in four years according to data published on 29th October by the European Commission.

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The Commission's second work programme

1 November 2015

On 27th October the European Commission adopted its second annual work programme for 2016 which lays emphasis on the completion of 10 priorities in the implementation of 23 initiatives since "time can no longer be managed in a conventional manner."

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Road-map on "deep and fairer market"

1 November 2015

On 28th October the European Commission published a road-map whose goal it "is to fulfil the political commitment taken by President Jean-Claude Juncker in terms of using the single market's full potential and to use it as a trampoline for Europe's prosperity on a world scale."

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More effective public procurement

1 November 2015

On 29th October the European Commission published a series of recommendations for use by the Member States so that their public procurement markets might become more effective.

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The Juncker Commission - one year on

2 November 2015

On 1st November the European Commission published a review of the first year of Jean-Claude Juncker's mandate, recalling both the goals and projects that have been set in place.

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The ban on roaming fees will enter into force in June 2017

1 November 2015

On 27th October MEPs approved the end of roaming fees on calls made by mobile phones from other EU countries by the summer of 2017.

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MEPs reject the proposal for the national ban on GMOs

2 November 2015

On 28th October MEPs rejected the Commission's proposal that aims to give Member States more freedom in the import and trade of GMO products designed for both animal and human consumption 577 votes against 75 and 38 abstentions.

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Better protection for holidaymakers purchasing on-line packages

1 November 2015

European holidaymakers who purchase on-line packages will enjoy the same rights as those using the services of a traditional travel agent thanks to a directive adopted on 27th October by MEPs.

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Adoption of regulation on the transparency of asset financing operations

1 November 2015

On 29th October MEPs adopted a regulation on the transparency of asset financing operations. This text will enable "the establishment of new European rules to improve the transparency of certain financial operations."

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EU Budget 2016

1 November 2015

On 28th October MEPs adopted a resolution, 434 votes in support, 185 against and 80 abstentions, to increase funds for the management of refugee flows, to finance the creation of youth employment and to improve the EU's competitiveness. A conciliation period of three weeks between the Council and the Parliament started on 29th October.

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Raïf Badawi winner of the Sakharov Prize

1 November 2015

The 2015 Sakharov Prize was awarded to Saudi Raïf Badawi in virtue of his criticism of puritanical trends in Islam.

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Signature of an agreement on tax transparency with Liechtenstein

1 November 2015

On 28th October the EU and Liechtenstein signed an agreement regarding tax transparency in virtue of which "Liechtenstein and the EU's Member States will automatically exchange information about the financial accounts of their respective residents as of 2017.

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The EU and New Zealand will step up cooperation

1 November 2015

On 29th October the EU and New Zealand committed to opening negotiations in view of a free trade agreement as quickly as possible and to step up cooperation.

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Angela Merkel on an official visit to China

1 November 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel travelled to China for a two-day official visit on 29th and 30th October with the signature of several trade agreements. Germany is the European country with the most trade links with Beijing.

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Agreement between political parties on Spanish unity

2 November 2015

The leader of the Spanish government Mariano Rajoy announced on 30th October that the main political parties (PP, PSOE, Ciudadanos, Podemos) had come to a national agreement on the country's unity given the intention of the Catalan separatists to vote in a text that will start the process of independence.

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Franco-German Digital Conference

1 November 2015

On the occasion of the Franco-German conference on the theme "increasing the digital transformation of the economy" on 27th October, the "implementation of bilateral cooperation to achieve a single digital market in Europe" was announced.

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Official visit of the Polish President to France

1 November 2015

On 28th October Polish President Andrzej Duda made an official visit to France where he met his French counterpart, François Hollande to speak of bilateral issues, the migratory crisis and the climate conference.

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Portugal: Pedro Passos Coelho presents his government

1 November 2015

Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho presented his new government to Head of State Anibal Cavaco Silva on 27th October, re-instating the main ministers of the outgoing executive to key posts.

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UK: the House of Lords postpones the vote in the 2016 draft budget

1 November 2015

On 26th October the House of Lords postponed the adoption of a controversial tax measure regarding employees' tax credits that David Cameron's government would like to reduce.

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Signature of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Kosovo

1 November 2015

On 27th October the EU and Kosovo signed a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Kosovo, the first stage on the long path to EU membership.

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Provisional lifting of sanctions against Belarus

1 November 2015

On 29th October the EU temporarily suspended most of the sanctions it had taken out against Belarus (for a 4 month period) thereby acknowledging an "improvement in relations" with this country after the recent liberation of some political prisoners.

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Elections in Turkey

2 November 2015

The party of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (AKP) won the elections organised on 1st November winning back the absolute majority that it lost in June. The AKP won 49.4% of the vote and 316 of the 550 seats in Parliament.

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Ukraine: local "democratic" elections but reform vital

1 November 2015

OSCE observers lauded the organisation of local elections in Ukraine on 26th October and deemed them "democratic" and "transparent" in spite of the cancellation of the vote in Mariupol. They stressed however the need to undertake more reform.

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Decline in unemployment in the EU and the Euro Zone

2 November 2015

According to a Eurostat study published on 30th October the unemployment rate totalled 9.3% in the EU and 10.8% in the euro zone in September 2015. This is the lowest level registered since September 2009.

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The Euro zone's annual inflation rate at 0%

2 November 2015

Inflation came out of the red in October in the euro zone to lie at 0% according to figures released on 30th October by Eurostat. In September annual inflation lay at -0.1%.

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Eurobarometer publishes it regional opinion poll on the EU

2 November 2015

On 26th October Eurobarometer published a public opinion survey of the European regions regarding the EU. The survey shows that around 42% of European citizens have confidence in the EU.

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World Bank: Doing Business 2016 Report

1 November 2015

On 27th October the World Bank published its annual "Doing Business" report, a inevitable reference on the ease of trading. Singapore takes the lead. Five European countries are the in top 10: Denmark (3rd), the UK (6th) and Sweden, Norway and Finland (8th, 9th, 10th).

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Fight to counter counterfeiting

1 November 2015

A European Commission report published on 27th October shows that the EU's customs authorities intercepted 35.5 million falsified or counterfeit articles to a total value of over 617 million €.

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Discovery of oxygen on the comet Churymurov-Gerasimenko

1 November 2015

The European probe Rosetta has discovered a plentiful supply of oxygen in the atmosphere of the comet "Chury" which might lead to a review of models of how the solar system was formed. This molecular oxygen might be older than our solar system, which dates back 4.6 billion years said a study published on 28th October in the British review Nature.

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"Qui a peur des femmes photographes?"

2 November 2015

The Orangerie Museum and the Orsay Museum in Paris are running an exhibition until 24th January 2016 which presents for the very first time "Qui a peur des femmes photographes ?". It comprises two parts 1839 to 1919 (Orangerie) and 1914 to 1945 (Orsay).

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Claude Mellan in Vevey

2 November 2015

The Jenisch Museum in Vevey is running an exhibition until 7th February 2016 devoted to Claude Mellan (1598-1688) which brings together almost all of the work by this French artist who invented a new engraving method.

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The Brive Book Fair

2 November 2015

On 6th, 7th and 8th November the Brive Book Fair is taking place during which many prizes will be awarded notably the French Language Prize.

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Making Africa Exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

2 November 2015

The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao is running an exhibition until 21st February 2016 entitled "Making Africa", a continent of contemporary design, providing visitors with a glimpse of creative fields in Africa.

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8th November

General Elections (Croatia)

9th November

"Justice-Internal Affairs" Council (Brussels)

9th November

"Competitiveness" Council (Brussels)

9th November

Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Morgane Humbert, Nelson Pajot, Joséphine Staron, Frédéric Strack,Orsolya Topa, Hyung Jun Yoon, Maximilian Zielke

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Commission/2016, GMO, Roaming/Fees, Single Market, Space/Chury


The Newsletter n°690- version of 2 nov. 2015