The Newsletter68926 oct. 2015

La Lettre

Lukáš Macek

26 October 2015

The Foundation has published an interview with Lukas Macek, Director of the European Campus-Central and Eastern Europe Sciences Po Paris in Dijon on the most recent rifts that have appeared between certain States of Central Europe, notably regarding the migratory issue.

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The Law and Justice Party wins the parliamentary elections in Poland

26 October 2015

The Law and Justice Party (PiS) won the general elections that took place in Poland on 25th October with 37.58% of the vote. It has won the absolute majority and is due therefore to govern Poland alone for the next four years, a first in the country's history since the fall of communism in 1989.

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Re-election of Joseph Daul as head of the EPP

25 October 2015

On 21st October during the 23rd Congress of the European People's Party (EPP) in Madrid Joseph Daul was re-elected as head of the party for the next three years. On 22nd October the EPP also elected its 10 new Vice-Presidents, its Secretary General and Treasurer.

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Slovenia calls on the army to manage migrant flows

25 October 2015

Given the influx of nearly 50,000 migrants into its territory in just a few days the Slovenian government decided to mobilise the army to help the police on the borders.

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Hungary temporarily re-introduces the control of its border with Slovenia

25 October 2015

On 19th October the Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Péter Szijjártó declared that border controls had been temporarily introduced between Slovenia and Hungary.

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Germany strengthens its return policy

25 October 2015

Germany is planning to use military planes to expulse migrants who do not meet the criteria for refugee status indicated the Defence Minister, Ursula von der Leyen on 21st October.

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Western Balkan leaders' Summit

26 October 2015

On 25th October Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, Greece, Serbia, Macedonia and Albania adopted a 17 point action plan for immediate implementation to manage refugee flows on their migratory route across the Western Balkans.

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Calais: the government has announced new sanitary measures for the migrants

26 October 2015

The French Home and Social Affairs Ministers announced on 23rd October measures to improve the sanitary care of migrants in Calais estimated at 6,000 people.

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Financial Crisis

Euro zone: boost for growth in October

26 October 2015

Private activity growth gathered pace in October in the euro zone with a brightening on the employment front said the Markit consultancy on 23rd October.

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EMU: implementation of phase 1 of the "Five Presidents' Report"

25 October 2015

On 21st October the Commission published the list of actions necessary to implement phase 1 "Deepening by Doing" of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU): the external representation of the euro zone, revamped European Semester and improvement in the economic governance tools.

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Aid granted to Starbucks and Fiat deemed illegal

25 October 2015

On 21st October the Commission "came to the conclusion that Luxembourg had granted fiscal advantages to FIAT and that the Netherlands had done the same in support of Starbucks.

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11th round of TTIP talks

26 October 2015

From 19th to 23rd October during the 11th round of talks regarding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) significant progress was made regarding market access by both European and American companies.

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Conclusions of the "Agriculture and Fisheries" Council

25 October 2015

On 22nd October the 28 Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers came to agreement on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea in 2016 and discussed the fisheries agreement between the EU and Norway.

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Conclusions of the Environment Council

27 October 2015

On 26th October the 28 Environment Ministers met in Luxembourg. The Council debated the revision of the community emissions trading system (EU ETS) and concluded that its reform would be a major step towards achieving the EU's climate goals. There was also an exchange of views on the greening of the European Semester. Finally ministers discussed the 2030 agenda on sustainable development with their Development and Cooperation counterparts.

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Court of Justice

Bitcoins exempt of VAT

25 October 2015

According to a decision delivered by the European Court of Justice on 22nd October bitcoins (a virtual currency not issued by a Central Bank) should be exempt of VAT during traditional currency exchange against bitcoins in the same way as traditional currencies are in standard currency conversions.

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Court of Auditors

Illegal use of forests: the EU should put its "own house in order"

25 October 2015

According to a report by the Court of Auditors published on 22nd October Spain, Greece, Hungary and Romania "still haven't transposed all of the EU's regulations in terms of timber" which was introduced to prevent illegal timber from being marketed in the EU.

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The ECB opened the way to further support measures before the end of the year

25 October 2015

The President of the European Central Bank (ECB) spoke after an ECB Council of Governors meeting on 22nd October in Malta guaranteeing that he "wanted to act and had the capacity to do so if necessary," to continue supporting the economy in the euro zone and to counter the threat of deflation.

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Conclusions of the "Foreign Affairs" Council

27 October 2015

On 26th October the 28 Foreign Affairs Ministers met in Luxembourg. The Council adopted conclusions on Afghanistan, on the 2015 report on Policy Coherence for Development and the European Regional Action Plan 2015-2020 in the Horn of Africa. They also asked for the launch of consultations with Burundi under article 96 of the Cotonou Agreement for the non-respect of vital elements of the agreement. Finally Ministers held an in depth debate over migration, after which they agreed to strengthen cooperation with third countries. There was also an exchange of views over the future of the partnership with the countries of Africa-Caribbean-Pacific (ACP) and humanitarian affairs.

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German/Ukraine Economic Conference

26 October 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk inaugurated the German/Ukraine Economic Conference on 23rd October at the Chamber for the German Economy in Berlin.

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Adoption of the 2016 Budget in Spain

25 October 2015

The Spanish 2016 budget was finally adopted by the Congress of Deputies on 20th October. It notably features the "redistribution of the results of the effort made to society" during the five years of recession and economic stagnation.

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The French President makes an official visit to Greece

25 October 2015

On 22nd and 23rd October French President François Hollande travelled to Greece to discuss the reforms that had been undertaken and those still to come, as well as the migrant issue.

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The High Court of Ireland orders an enquiry into the transfer of EU/USA data

25 October 2015

The High Court of Ireland ordered the National Data Protection Commissioner on 20th October to investigate the dispatch of the personal data of European citizens to the USA via Facebook after the European Court of Justice's invalidation of transatlantic transfers.

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Women=Economic Growth

26 October 2015

On 23rd October the closing conference of the European event "Women mean business and economic growth - promoting gender balance on company boards" aims to "promote a balanced representation of men and women in terms of economic decision making."

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Pedro Passos Coelho appointed Prime Minister of Portugal

25 October 2015

On 22nd October Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva appointed outgoing Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, winner in the general elections on 4th October, head of the next government.

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Chinese President Xi Jinping in London

25 October 2015

From 20th to 23rd October Chinese President Xi Jinping was in London in view of strengthening economic and financial ties between the two countries, the value of which is estimated at over £30 billion. He indicated that he hoped that the UK would remain "an important member" of the EU.

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British businesses say they want to stay in a reformed Europe

25 October 2015

On 21st October the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), the biggest British employers' organisation, made its support of the UK remaining in the EU official.

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The Bank of English publishes its report on the country's membership of the EU

25 October 2015

On 21st October the Bank of England published a report on the economic impact of the UK remaining in the EU. Speaking at the University of Oxford, Mark Carney deemed that the UK was possibly the "first beneficiary" of the single European market and that its membership had supported economic growth since its accession in 1973.

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Ukraine attacks Russia at the WTO

25 October 2015

On 21st October Ukraine launched a procedure against Russia at the WTO. The dispute involves railway equipment imports from Ukraine into Russia.

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Air traffic ceased between Ukraine and Russia

25 October 2015

Direct flights between Ukraine and Russia ceased completely on 25th October. This new chapter in the Kyiv/Moscow crisis will affect hundreds of thousands of passengers who travel monthly by plane between the two countries.

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Council of Europe

Stepping up the effort to counter "foreign terrorist fighters"

25 October 2015

17 countries of the Council of Europe including France, Germany, the UK, and Belgium as well as the EU signed an agreement on 22nd October in Riga that is designed to counter "foreign terrorist fighters" who travel to areas of conflict, notably Syria and Iraq.

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EU Current Account

26 October 2015

According to a Eurostat report on 20th October, "the EU's current account registered a surplus of 12.5 billion € in August 2015".

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2.3 million new residence permits granted in the EU in 2014

25 October 2015

According to a Eurostat report published on 20th October in 2014 2.3 million new residence permits were delivered in the EU to citizens from third countries (mainly from Ukraine, America and China).

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The Commission announces a 23% reduction in greenhouse gases

25 October 2015

According to the report "Trends and projections in Europe in 2015" published on 20th October by the European Agency for the Environment, greenhouse gases declined by 23% between 1990 and 2014 and now lay at the lowest levels ever recorded.

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Study of policies in the face of financial crises

25 October 2015

The Centre for Economic Studies (CES) and the IFO institute published a study on policy development in the face of the financial crises from 1870 to 2014. By studying more than 800 general elections, the authors note that the far right won 30% of the vote on average following the financial crises. However after a decade, data reveals that the far right parties lose this electoral gain.

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"L'euro. Un dessein inachevé"

25 October 2015

The new copy of the review "Questions internationales" is entitled "L'euro. Un dessein inachevé." (The euro. An incomplete project). It notably analyses the difficulty in preceding political union by monetary union and the apparent need for European economic government.

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Kandinsky retrospective in Madrid

25 October 2015

The Cibeles Centre in Madrid is hosting, until 28th February 2016, one of the biggest monographic exhibitions ever undertaken in Spain on the painter Vassily Kandinsky.

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Gauguin in Milan Exhibition

25 October 2015

From 28th October 2015 to 21st February 2016 an exhibition devoted to Gauguin is running at the Museum of Culture of Milan (MUDEC). It is showing over 70 of the artist's works.

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Liotard Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts

25 October 2015

The Royal Academy of Arts in London is running an exhibition of the work by the Swiss portrait artist Jean-Etienne Liotard. This is the first retrospective in the UK of this most essential figure of the Enlightenment.

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Anselm Kiefer, the alchemy of books

26 October 2015

An exhibition is running until 7th February 2016 devoted to books by Anselm Kiefer at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. This exhibition is showing over 100 books that the German artist has created in the period 1968 to 2015.

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les 26th-29th October

Plenary Session - European Parliament (Strasbourg)

26th October

Foreign Affairs Council (development) (Luxembourg)

26tb October 2015

"Environment" Council (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Morgane Humbert, Nelson Pajot, Joséphine Staron, Frédéric Strack,Orsolya Topa, Hyung Jun Yoon, Maximilian Zielke

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Louis Jung, Elections/Poland, EMU, Migration/Balkans, Prime Minister/Portugal


The Newsletter n°689- version of 26 oct. 2015