The Newsletter n°688 — 19 oct. 2015
La Lettre
Louise Borjes, Luis Bouza Garcia, Piotr Buras, Thierry Chopin, Sergio Fabbrini, Juha Jokela, Martin Koopmann, Christian Lequesne, Anand Menon, Pauline Schnapper, Andrew Scott
19 October 2015
710,000 migrants entered the EU in nine months says FRONTEX
18 October 2015

Report on progress made in the management of the refugee crisis
18 October 2015
A European Council devoted to migratory issues
18 October 2015
Germany: asylum law will be strengthened
18 October 2015
Budgetary measures under the European Migration Agenda
19 October 2015
Hungary closes its border with Croatia
19 October 2015
Greek Parliament adopts further reforms
19 October 2015

Tunisia and the EU launch negotiations on the free-trade agreement
18 October 2015

The Commission launches its "seal of excellence"
18 October 2015
2020 Horizon Work programme 2016-2017
18 October 2015
New trade and investment strategy
18 October 2015
Tripartite social summit
18 October 2015
Merger review: China and the EU set a cooperation framework
18 October 2015
Launch of the campaign in support of Strasbourg: seat of the European Parliament
19 October 2015

Lifting of sanctions against Iran
19 October 2015

New GDP growth forecasts
18 October 2015

Turkey: Angela Merkel visits Istanbul
19 October 2015
Presentation of the Austrian 2016 budget
18 October 2015

The Commission asks for further budgetary efforts by Spain in 2016
18 October 2015

ECB report on Spain
19 October 2015
The government unveils its 2016 budget
18 October 2015

Privatisation of the Italian Post Office
18 October 2015

Reform of the Italian Senate
18 October 2015
Adoption of the draft budget 2016
18 October 2015
Ban Ki-Moon at the Italian Parliament
18 October 2015
Polish/Lithuanian gas pipeline
18 October 2015

Luxembourg unveils its 2016 budget
18 October 2015

Referendum in the Netherlands on the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU in 2016
18 October 2015

Most recent polls on the parliamentary elections in Poland
19 October 2015

Memorandum of Understanding between the Visegrad Group countries
18 October 2015

Launch of a pro-European campaign "Britain Stronger in Europe"
19 October 2015

Scotland will campaign to keep the UK in the EU
19 October 2015
British strategy to counter extremism
19 October 2015
According to the OSCE the Belarus election did not respect democratic standards
18 October 2015

Elections in Switzerland: sweeping victory for the right
19 October 2015

International goods trade figures
18 October 2015

Annual Inflation rates down to -0.1%
18 October 2015
Europeans still know too little about what the EU does for women's rights
18 October 2015

"Brief history of Seven Killings" wins the Man Booker Prize 2015
18 October 2015

International Fair of Contemporary Art (FIAC) in Paris
19 October 2015
Edvard Munch Exhibition the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid
19 October 2015
Goya Exhibition at the National Gallery - London
19 October 2015
Exhibition of the Treasures of Asia in Amsterdam
19 October 2015
Rush of Color - masterpieces of German Expressionism
19 October 2015
Balthus Exhibition at the Medicis Villa and the Scuderie del Quirinale
19 October 2015
"Impressionism and Japan" in Bonn
19 October 2015
22nd October 2015
Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Luxembourg)
22nd October 2015
Council of Governors of the European Central Bank (Malta)
25th October
Parliamentary elections (Poland)
les 26th-29th October
Plenary Session - European Parliament (Strasbourg)
26th October
Foreign Affairs Council (development) (Luxembourg)
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Morgane Humbert, Nelson Pajot, Joséphine Staron, Frédéric Strack,Orsolya Topa, Hyung Jun Yoon, Maximilian Zielke
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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