The Newsletter68819 oct. 2015

La Lettre

Louise Borjes, Luis Bouza Garcia, Piotr Buras, Thierry Chopin, Sergio Fabbrini, Juha Jokela, Martin Koopmann, Christian Lequesne, Anand Menon, Pauline Schnapper, Andrew Scott

19 October 2015

On the invitation of the Centre for International Research at Sciences Po (CERI) 11 European experts explore the future of Britain within the EU: what does the British government want? What is it demanding? Is this acceptable or not? How far are its partners willing to go to keep the UK in the Union? Is a compromise possible? If so what would its main lines be? The referendum result will depend in part on negotiations that are to start between London and its European partners and the answers given to these questions. Also readers are invited to consult the study by Jean-Claude Piris published by the Foundation on this issue.

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710,000 migrants entered the EU in nine months says FRONTEX

18 October 2015

More than 710,000 migrants entered the EU between January 1st and September 30th this year in comparison with a total of 282,000 for the whole of last year announced the European border monitoring agency, FRONTEX on 13th October.

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Report on progress made in the management of the refugee crisis

18 October 2015

On 14th October the European Commission published a communication which related progress achieved in the implementation of priority action in the management of the refugee crisis.

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A European Council devoted to migratory issues

18 October 2015

On 15th October the 28 heads of State and government defined new guidelines regarding migration and notably cooperation with third countries to stem flows and strengthen the EU's external borders.

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Germany: asylum law will be strengthened

18 October 2015

The German parliament (Bundestag and the Bundesrat) voted in support of a reform of the asylum law on 15th and 16th October which will enter into force on November 1st.

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Budgetary measures under the European Migration Agenda

19 October 2015

MEPs adopted an additional sum of 401.3 million euro to manage the refugee crisis 577 votes in support, 66 against and 14 abstentions.

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Hungary closes its border with Croatia

19 October 2015

The Hungarian-Croatian border was closed on 17th October. Only "transit points" that enable refugees to lodge an official request for asylum remained open.

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Financial Crisis

Greek Parliament adopts further reforms

19 October 2015

On 17th October the Greek Parliament adopted further reform measures, 154 votes in support, 140 against to ensure that their country is granted the third rescue plan. The draft bill comprises, amongst others, the delay in the retirement age.

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Tunisia and the EU launch negotiations on the free-trade agreement

18 October 2015

On 13th October the European Union and Tunisia officially launched negotiations for a deep and comprehensive Free-Trade Agreement.

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The Commission launches its "seal of excellence"

18 October 2015

On 12th October the European Commission launched its "seal of excellence" to improve the quality of regional research financing.

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2020 Horizon Work programme 2016-2017

18 October 2015

On 13th October the European Commission unveiled its Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-2017 in support of research and innovation whose budget will total 16 billion euro.

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New trade and investment strategy

18 October 2015

On 14th October the European Commission unveiled its new trade and investment strategy entitled "Trade for All: towards a more responsible trade and investment policy."

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Tripartite social summit

18 October 2015

On 15th October the tripartite social summit provided the occasion for discussion over the role played by social partners in progressing employment and growth in Europe and over their future role in refugee integration.

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Merger review: China and the EU set a cooperation framework

18 October 2015

The European and Chinese authorities adopted a best practice framework on 15th October focusing on cooperation in the reviewing of mergers and acquisitions.

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Launch of the campaign in support of Strasbourg: seat of the European Parliament

19 October 2015

On 21st October in Brussels Catherine Trautmann officially launched the campaign in support of "Strasbourg, seat of the European Parliament."

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Lifting of sanctions against Iran

19 October 2015

On 18th October the EU adopted the legislative framework to lift all sanctions from Iran in virtue of the nuclear agreement reached in July. This measure will be effective only if Teheran fulfils its commitments.

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New GDP growth forecasts

18 October 2015

According to a publication by the German Economy Ministry on 14th October the government is forecasting an increase in the GDP of 1.7% in 2015 and 1.8% in 2016.

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Turkey: Angela Merkel visits Istanbul

19 October 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel travelled on 18th October to Istanbul to discuss a plan that aims to encourage Turkey to stem migrant flows towards Europe, notably those fleeing war in Syria by maintaining them in Turkey itself.

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Presentation of the Austrian 2016 budget

18 October 2015

The reception of refugees and asylum seekers, who have arrived en masse in Austria since the beginning of the year, will cost the State budget one billion euro in 2016 ie 0.3% of the GDP in contrast to 0.1% in 2015 indicated the Austrian Finance Ministry on 14th October.

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The Commission asks for further budgetary efforts by Spain in 2016

18 October 2015

On 12th October the European Commission asked Spain to make further efforts to reduce its government deficit in 2016 after having studied its draft budget that may not fall within the European norms.

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ECB report on Spain

19 October 2015

On 12th October the European Central Bank (ECB) published its report on the 4th post-programme on Spain.

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The government unveils its 2016 budget

18 October 2015

On 13th October Irish Finance and Public Expenditure Ministers unveiled a draft 2016 budget to the Parliament which comprises, amongst other things, a reduction in the Universal Social Charge (income tax).

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Privatisation of the Italian Post Office

18 October 2015

The process that is due to lead to the historic "privatisation" and listing of nearly 40% of the Italian Post Office started on 12th October. This phase will end on 22nd October before entry onto the Stock Exchange in the week of 26th October.

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Reform of the Italian Senate

18 October 2015

On 13th October the Italian Senate approved the end of the bicameral system that had been in force since 1947, 178 votes in support, 16 against and 7 abstentions. It is to become a consultative assembly of 100 Senators (in comparison with 315 at present). The text is now due to be assessed by the Chamber of Deputies.

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Adoption of the draft budget 2016

18 October 2015

The Italian government approved the 2016 budget on 15th October with the growth forecast up and taxation down. It is also forecasting a contraction in the GDP/debt ratio for the very first time.

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Ban Ki-Moon at the Italian Parliament

18 October 2015

On 15th October the UN's Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon attended the Chamber of Deputies on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Italy's membership of the UN.

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Polish/Lithuanian gas pipeline

18 October 2015

A financial agreement was signed on 15th October in Brussels for the construction of a gas pipeline financed in part by the EU, between Poland and Lithuania which should lead to the end of energy isolation for the Baltic states.

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Luxembourg unveils its 2016 budget

18 October 2015

The Luxembourg Finance Minister unveiled the draft 2016 budget that provides for a 5.4% increase in revenues, in contrast to an increase in public spending of 4.8% ie a reduction in the volume of the budgetary deficit in comparison with 2015.

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The Netherlands

Referendum in the Netherlands on the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU in 2016

18 October 2015

427,939 signatures were gathered for a non-binding referendum to be organised within the next 6 months on the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine. According to a law that entered into force on July 1st in the Netherlands, citizens can ask for the organisation of a referendum on controversial issues if they manage to gather more than 300,000 signatures.

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Most recent polls on the parliamentary elections in Poland

19 October 2015

According to several polls published on 13th and 14th October the Law and Justice Party leads over Civic Platform in the run up to the election on 25th October in Poland.

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Czech Republic

Memorandum of Understanding between the Visegrad Group countries

18 October 2015

On 13th October a memorandum of understanding for regional cooperation in the areas of innovation and start-ups was signed by Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

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Launch of a pro-European campaign "Britain Stronger in Europe"

19 October 2015

On 12th October an official campaign was launched to promote the UK's continued membership of the EU under the banner "Britain Stronger in Europe."

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Scotland will campaign to keep the UK in the EU

19 October 2015

Scottish First Minister Nicolas Sturgeon guaranteed on 17th October that the Scottish National Party would campaign to keep the UK in the EU in the referendum.

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British strategy to counter extremism

19 October 2015

British Prime Minister David Cameron laid out details of measure to counter extremism on 19th October, notably the facilitation of passport withdrawal from those under 18 to prevent them joining groups like Islamic State.

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According to the OSCE the Belarus election did not respect democratic standards

18 October 2015

The "election" that took place in Belarus on 11th October did not respect democratic standards said OSCE observers, (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe).

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Elections in Switzerland: sweeping victory for the right

19 October 2015

On 18th October the Swiss renewed the two chambers of their parliament. The conservative right (UDC) won 11 additional seats in comparison with 2011. The right therefore has an absolute majority in Parliament.

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International goods trade figures

18 October 2015

According to a Eurostat report published on 16th October the euro zone's international goods trade registered a surplus of 11.2 billion € in August 2015; the EU registered a deficit of 2.3 billion €.

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Annual Inflation rates down to -0.1%

18 October 2015

According to a Eurostat report on 16th October the annual inflation rate was down to -0.1% in the euro zone and the EU in September 2015 in contrast to 0.1% and 0% in August 2015.

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Europeans still know too little about what the EU does for women's rights

18 October 2015

Nearly half of European women (49%) believe that the EU is a factor of progress in terms of women's rights but 61% admit that they do not know what the EU really does in support of gender equality said a study published on 15th October by Mazars.

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"Brief history of Seven Killings" wins the Man Booker Prize 2015

18 October 2015

"Brief history of Seven Killings" by Marlon James (Oneworld Publications) is the winner of the Man Booker Prize 2015.

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International Fair of Contemporary Art (FIAC) in Paris

19 October 2015

The International Fair of Contemporary Art (FIAC) is taking place in Paris from 22nd to 25th October in Paris bringing together 173 art galleries from 23 different countries.

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Edvard Munch Exhibition the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid

19 October 2015

The Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum is running an exhibition "Edvard Munch: Archetypes" until 17th January 2016. It explores the painter's contribution to the history of modern art.

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Goya Exhibition at the National Gallery - London

19 October 2015

The Goya Exhibition which brings together portraits made throughout the painter's career is running at the National Gallery in London until 10th January 2016.

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Exhibition of the Treasures of Asia in Amsterdam

19 October 2015

The Rijksmuseum of Amsterdam is running an exhibition until 17th January 2016 entitled "Asia, Amsterdam, Luxury in the Golden Century" which shows the wealth brought back to the country which then dominated part of Asia in the 17th century, when Amsterdam was the capital of world trade.

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Rush of Color - masterpieces of German Expressionism

19 October 2015

The Leopold Museum in Vienna is running an exhibition until 11th January 2016 of the exceptional works in German Expressionism. These include Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Otto Mueller Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Gabriele Münter, Alexej von Jawlensky and Franz Marc.

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Balthus Exhibition at the Medicis Villa and the Scuderie del Quirinale

19 October 2015

The Académie de France in Rome is organising the Balthasar Klossowski de Rola (Balthus) exhibition in two separate venues - the Médicis Villas and the Scuderie del Quirinale until 31st January 2016.

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"Impressionism and Japan" in Bonn

19 October 2015

For the first time in Europe and until 21st February 2016 the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn is showing more than 100 French Impressionist and post-Impressionist works on loan from Japanese museums.

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22nd October 2015

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Luxembourg)

22nd October 2015

Council of Governors of the European Central Bank (Malta)

25th October

Parliamentary elections (Poland)

les 26th-29th October

Plenary Session - European Parliament (Strasbourg)

26th October

Foreign Affairs Council (development) (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Morgane Humbert, Nelson Pajot, Joséphine Staron, Frédéric Strack,Orsolya Topa, Hyung Jun Yoon, Maximilian Zielke

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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Greece/Reforms, Iran/Sanctions, Migrations/Council/Turkey, Switzerland/Elections...


The Newsletter n°688- version of 19 oct. 2015