The Newsletter n°682 — 7 sept. 2015
La Lettre
Vincent Cochetel
7 September 2015
General Elections in Portugal 4th October
7 September 2015

EU financial aid for France to help with the situation in Calais
6 September 2015

Germany and France suggest "fair distribution" in Europe
6 September 2015
The Council of Europe and the HCR want to protect refugees' rights
7 September 2015
New position of the British government regarding refugees
7 September 2015
Informal Foreign Affairs Council
7 September 2015
New law in Hungary
7 September 2015
The UN calls on Europe to change its migratory policy
7 September 2015
Frans Timmermans and Dimitris Avramopoulos travel to Greece
7 September 2015
Additional budget to receive refugees in Germany
7 September 2015
Declaration by the four Visigrad Group heads of government
7 September 2015
The Pope advocates the reception of refugees in each parish
7 September 2015
The ECB's monetary policy decisions
6 September 2015

Meeting of G20 Finance Ministers
7 September 2015
Publication of interim report on the EU's strategy in terms of sustainable development
6 September 2015

The EU adopts its position for the World Humanitarian Summit 2016
6 September 2015
Publication of the Commission's figures on VAT figures
6 September 2015
Informal Meeting of EU Defence Ministers
6 September 2015

Extraordinary Agriculture and Fisheries Council
7 September 2015
Angela Merkel's Press Conference
6 September 2015

Meeting between Angela Merkel and Mariano Rajoy
6 September 2015
Meeting between Angela Merkel and Simonetta Sommaruga
7 September 2015
General Elections in Spain will take place in December 2015
7 September 2015

Viktor Orban travels to Brussels
6 September 2015

Visit by Enda Kenny to France
7 September 2015

41st Ambrosetti Forum
7 September 2015

David Cameron visits Spain and Portugal
7 September 2015

Brexit : legislation on the EU referendum will be brought to the House of Lords
1 January 1970
Meeting between Petro Poroshenko and Christine Lagarde
7 September 2015

The roadmap of Ukrainian/Polish dialogue
7 September 2015
Meeting on climate change in Bonn
7 September 2015

Six New Headquarters opened with Eastern Allies
6 September 2015

Decline in unemployment rates in the euro zone and the EU
6 September 2015

Publication of the 2015 report "The EU in the World"
6 September 2015
"Continuons l'Europe! Mais avec qui?
7 September 2015

International Photojournalism Festival
7 September 2015

"Le Livre sur la Place"
7 September 2015
European Heritage Days
7 September 2015
"From Hockney to Holbein" Exhibition
7 September 2015
7th September
Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)
7th to 10th September
Plenary Session of European Parliament (Strasbourg)
9th September
Speech on the State of the Union by Jean-Claude Juncker to the European Parliament (Strasbourg)
11th and 12th September
Informal Meeting of Economic and Financial Affairs Ministers (Luxembourg)
12th September
Eurogroup Meeting (Luxembourg)
14th September
Justice and Internal Affairs Council (Brussels)
14th September
General Affairs Council (Brussels)
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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