The Newsletter n°681 — 31 août 2015
La Lettre
Corinne Deloy
31 August 2015
Franco-British Agreement on Immigration in Calais
31 August 2015

Rise in number of migrants on the EU's borders
31 August 2015
A European response to migration
31 August 2015
France and Germany call for a unified asylum regime
31 August 2015
The Commission allocates 2.4 billion euro for migration
31 August 2015
HCR calls for urgent action in the face of the flow of refugees to Europe
31 August 2015
Germany suspends the return of Syrian refugees to the countries where they entered the EU
31 August 2015
Migratory crisis at the Vienna summit between EU and Balkan leaders
31 August 2015
Hungary: completion of the barbed-wire anti-migrant fence along the Serb border
31 August 2015
Joint declaration by the French, German and British Home Affairs Ministers
31 August 2015
Euro zone: growth of private activity gathers pace in August
31 August 2015

IMF Conclusions about the euro zone
31 August 2015
Adoption of the last measures for the launch of the EFSI
31 August 2015

Free Trade: agreement in principle between the EU and Vietnam
31 August 2015
Google responds to the EU's accusations
31 August 2015
Revision of EFSM to non-euro zone Member State
31 August 2015

UN and EU implementation of the Iranian nuclear agreement and visit by Federica Mogherini to Teheran
31 August 2015

EEAS New Organisation
31 August 2015
Belgrade and Pristina formalise an agreement in Brussels
31 August 2015
The ECB may open its regular financing to Greek banks before October
31 August 2015

Angela Merkel is counting on strong commitment on the part of Brazil in support of the climate
31 August 2015

German "Experts'" Report on the Greek Crisis
31 August 2015
Call for the respect of the Minsk Agreements
31 August 2015
Border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia
31 August 2015

Denmark will organise a referendum on Europol in December 2015
31 August 2015

Estonia is to erect a fence on its border with Russia
31 August 2015

Alliance for a land army "Airbus"
31 August 2015

Franco-Russian Agreement concerning the BPC Mistral ships
31 August 2015
European meeting on cross-border rail transport security
31 August 2015
The 3rd Financial Assistance Plan to Greece entered into force
31 August 2015

Resignation of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and appointment of his interim
31 August 2015
General elections in Greece on 20th September
31 August 2015
Investiture of the new Polish President
31 August 2015

New Prime Minister in Moldova
31 August 2015

Constitutional reform gives more autonomy to the pro-Russian East
31 August 2015

Agreement over the restructuring of the Ukrainian debt
31 August 2015
Visit by Petro Poroshenko to Brussels
31 August 2015
Growth slightly up in the euro zone and the EU
31 August 2015

The euro zone unemployment rate at 11.1%
31 August 2015
The euro zone's annual inflation stable at 0.2%
31 August 2015
Publication of the Spring 2015 Eurobarometer
31 August 2015

72nd Venice Film Festival
31 August 2015

Piet Mondrian exhibition in Berlin
31 August 2015
3rd September
ECB: Monetary Policy Meeting (Frankfurt)
7th September
Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)
7th to 10th September
Plenary Session of European Parliament (Strasbourg)
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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