The Newsletter68131 août 2015

La Lettre

Corinne Deloy

31 August 2015

Following the resignation of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on 20th August the Greeks are being called to ballot on 20th September to renew the 300 members of the Vouli, the only chamber in Parliament. This election will be the fifth organised in the country in six years and the third in 2015 alone. The Radical Left Coalition SYRIZA is due to just squeeze ahead according to the most recent polls, taking the lead over New Democracy. Given the split in the party in office and the creation of a new party "Popular Unity", the issue at stake in this election is to see whether Alexis Tsipras can win a majority.

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Franco-British Agreement on Immigration in Calais

31 August 2015

French and British Home Affairs Ministers Bernard Cazeneuve and Therese May met on 20th August to sign an agreement stepping up their cooperation in terms of immigration in Calais in the north of France where thousands of refugees of all nationalities are converging in the hope of ending their European journey in the UK. The agreement notably provides for the creation of a "joint command and control centre" to counter traffickers. The Eurotunnel site will be made secure with the creation of an "integrated control room" and search teams operating 24/24 to prevent all types of intrusion.

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Rise in number of migrants on the EU's borders

31 August 2015

The number of migrants reaching the EU's external borders tripled in July in comparison with the same month last year - totalling 107,500 announced the European agency Frontex on 18th August. The latter is responsible for organising cooperation between the Member States in this area. "The figure is the third consecutive monthly record, well over the 70,000 in June," said Frontex. Over the first seven months of the year the number of migrants totalled 340,000, against 123,500 over the same period in 2014, "thereby creating unprecedented pressure on the border control authorities in Italy, Greece and Hungary," noted the Agency. Syrians and Afghanis comprise the main share of the migrants entering the EU illegally. Fleeing instability in their country they first reach Greece from Turkey. Moreover, according to Frontex data published on 25th August 95,000 migrants have been received over the last seven months. In a press release the agency said that "ships and the aeroplane working as part of the Triton mission coordinated by Frontex helped save nearly 3,400 of the 5,300 migrants rescued last week off the coast of Libya."

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A European response to migration

31 August 2015

The world is facing the "worst refugee crisis since the Second World War" and Europe, in which several countries are overwhelmed by flows of asylum seekers, must receive them "decently" and in a "civilised" manner, declared the European Commissioner for Internal Affairs, Dimitris Avramopoulos on 14th August. Europe "is struggling to manage major inflows of people seeking refuge within our borders," noted Mr Avramopoulos during a press conference in Brussels. But the EU is notably built on the principle of "solidarity with those in need." The European Commission denounced the inertia of the Balkan countries in the face of illegal immigration and asked them to take steps to close a route that has become increasingly popular with traffickers. "The route through the Balkans is open to illegal immigration because some countries are not doing what is necessary to keep the situation under control," deplored the European Commissioner.

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France and Germany call for a unified asylum regime

31 August 2015

On 24th August French President François Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel who met in Berlin discussed the migration issue as part of a bilateral meeting. They spoke of the need to see a "unified response" on the part of Europe in order to rise to the challenge of the present migratory crisis.

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The Commission allocates 2.4 billion euro for migration

31 August 2015

On 10th August the European Commission approved the allocation of 2.4 billion euro over the period 2014-2020 to help 19 countries to improve their refugee reception capacities and the security of their borders. The two main beneficiaries of this financing are Italy to a total of 558 million euro and Greece with 474 million euro. The first payments designed to finance real projects put forward by each of the countries benefiting from the aid must come rapidly. The other beneficiaries are Spain (521.8 million euro), Sweden (154 million), Hungary (61.4 million), Bulgaria (72.7 million), Cyprus (74 million), Austria (26.5 million), Estonia (35.2 million), Finland (52.9 million), Ireland (9.2 million), Lithuania (17.2 million), Luxembourg (7.5 million), Malta (74.6 million), Poland (69.3 million) , Portugal (38.6 million), Romania (98.4 million), Slovakia (13 million) and Slovenia (41 million). The financing comes from the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration and the Internal Security Fund (ISF) which have a total budget of 7 billion euro over the period 2014-2020.

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HCR calls for urgent action in the face of the flow of refugees to Europe

31 August 2015

More than 300,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean since January, many more than in 2014 and more than 2,500 people have died at sea after trying to reach Europe announced the UN's High Commission for Refugees on 28th August. "The number of refugees and migrants having crossed the Mediterranean this year is now over 300,000, around 200,000 crossing to Greece and 110,000 to Italy," in comparison with 219,000 in 2014. The International Migrations Office indicated that more than 2,000 migrants and refugees had come to Spain since January.

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Germany suspends the return of Syrian refugees to the countries where they entered the EU

31 August 2015

On 25th August the Federal Immigration and Refugee Office announced that in view of the present European migratory situation Germany was suspending the return of Syrian refugees to their point of entry into the EU, which is provided for in the Dublin II regulation. This decision was welcomed by the European Commission, the latter describing the German choice as an "act of European solidarity". In 2015 Germany is forecasting the reception of 800,000 asylum seekers.

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Migratory crisis at the Vienna summit between EU and Balkan leaders

31 August 2015

On 27th August the EU leaders including Angela Merkel and those from the Western Balkans met in Vienna. Initially devoted to regional cooperation and EU enlargement prospects the summit finally focussed on the migratory crisis. During this meeting the countries of the Western Balkans which are facing a significant increase in migratory flows - such as Macedonia and Serbia - called for a response on the part of the EU in order to help them overcome the crisis. French Home Affairs Ministers Bernard Cazeneuve and the UN's High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres asked for the urgent establishment of reception centres, financed by the EU. This summit took place just as on 26th August Ban Ki-moon, the UN's Secretary General asked for "countries in Europe and elsewhere to show compassion and do more to bring the crisis to an end."

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Hungary: completion of the barbed-wire anti-migrant fence along the Serb border

31 August 2015

On 29th August the Hungarian Defence Ministry announced that the country had completed the erection of a 175km barbed-wire fence along the country's border with Serbia two days ahead of schedule. The aim of the fence is to prevent the entry of thousands of migrants who are converging on its border with Serbia. The Hungarian government also put forward a draft law on 28th August which plans to step up sanctions against the illegal crossing of its borders, including a three year prison sentence for anyone caught crossing the border on its border with Serbia.

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Joint declaration by the French, German and British Home Affairs Ministers

31 August 2015

In a joint declaration the French, German and British Home Affairs Ministers, Bernard Cazeneuve, Thomas de Maizière and Theresa May notably recall the "urgent need to introduce sorting centres before the end of the year" in Greece and Italy to separate potential refugees and illegal economic migrants. The three ministers also hope to establish a "list of safe countries of origin" quite rapidly in order to "complete the joint European asylum regime, to protect refugees and to ensure the effective return of illegal migrants to their countries." A meeting of the 28 Home Affairs Ministers is planned for 14th September to review migratory pressure, ongoing political action and to discuss the next steps to strengthen Europe's response.

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Financial Crisis

Euro zone: growth of private activity gathers pace in August

31 August 2015

The growth of private activity gathered pace in August in the euro zone notably thanks to Germany and in spite of a slowing noted in France said Markit on 21st August as it published the first PMI index estimation. This rose to 54.1 in August against 53.9 in July stressed Markit in a press release.

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IMF Conclusions about the euro zone

31 August 2015

According to an IMF study published on 27th July low growth in the euro zone is insufficient to create jobs or to prepare for further shocks. Banks have not finished consolidating their balance sheets in order to be able to lend to PMEs. After five years of stagnation, and even recession the euro zone has finally adopted the path of growth. The IMF is forecasting a rate of 1.5% in 2015 and 1.7% next year. However it is too early to be too optimistic. Mid-term growth rates will develop at around 1% per year, which is far too weak a rate to absorb unemployment which is affecting 10% of the working population. Above all growth as low as this will not enable the euro zone to shield itself from any future shocks.

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Adoption of the last measures for the launch of the EFSI

31 August 2015

On 22nd July the European Commission adopted the last series of measures necessary for the operational launch of the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI) as of autumn 2015. This series of measures includes a communication on the contribution made by the National Promotional Banks (NPB), an agreement between the European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) on working methods, the confirmation of the pre-financed projects, the appointment of four EFSI steering committee members. On the same day the IEB approved further financing totalling nearly 10 billion € in support of strategic infrastructures for 45 projects, five of which will enjoy the guarantee of the Union's budget under the EFSI. The five projects focus on the large scale deployment of smart meters for the improved management of energy consumption in the UK, loans aiming to improve financing access for small scale projects involving renewable energies in Germany and France as well as the upgrading of internal navigable routes in the Netherlands.

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Free Trade: agreement in principle between the EU and Vietnam

31 August 2015

On 4th August the EU and Vietnam came to an agreement in principle on free trade. This agreement that is due to be made official comes after two and a half years of negotiations. The latter will now continue in order to settle technical issues and to draft the final text. The final agreement will lead to the lifting of all tariff barriers on the trade of goods.

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Google responds to the EU's accusations

31 August 2015

Accused by the European Commission of abusing its dominant position in internet search results Google deemed on 27th August that the objections brought by the European Competition watchdog were incorrect. This is a further chapter in the dispute between the two ongoing for the last five years. In April the Commission addressed a "Statement of Objections" which opened a new stage in the competition investigation thereby enabling those involved to exercise their right to defence. Google had until 31st August to do this and announced that it had provided the Commission with its written response which was confirmed by the latter. The response states: "... we believe the allegations are incorrect, in terms of the facts and from an economic and legal point of view," writes Google summarising its line of argument in an article posted on its blog.

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Revision of EFSM to non-euro zone Member State

31 August 2015

On 4th August the Council officially approved the principle adopted on 17th July last by the Commission and the Council via the adoption of a regulation to modify the European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism (EFSM) whereby a protection of non-euro zone Member States must be guaranteed in the event of possible economic and financial risks generated by the financial assistance granted to a euro zone Member State. The changes put forward will enable the compensation of non-euro zone Member States in the event of financial losses.

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UN and EU implementation of the Iranian nuclear agreement and visit by Federica Mogherini to Teheran

31 August 2015

On 20th July the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution that finalises the nuclear agreement signed in Vienna on 14th July by Iran, the five permanent members of the Council (US, China, Russia, France, UK) and Germany. The agreement provides for the progressive, conditional lifting of sanctions, in exchange for Teheran's guarantee not to acquire any atomic weapons. Hence if Iran respects the agreement to the letter the seven UN resolutions adopted since 2006 against Iran "will be abolished." On 28th July the EU's High Representative Federica Mogherini welcomed the opening of a new chapter in relations with Iran on the occasion of her visit to Teheran. On 31st July the Council agreed on the first legal measures regarding the implementation of the Common Action Plan adopted during the agreement on 14th July. These initial measures aim to transcribe the measures included in the Security Council's resolution dated 20th July.

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EEAS New Organisation

31 August 2015

On 28th July Federica Mogherini, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy announced a reshuffle amongst the departments of the European External Action Service (EEAS) as well as new appointments. The reshuffle of the EEAS falls in line with the recommendations made in the 2013 EEAS Report as well as with the survey undertaken amongst the latter's staff. Hence as of mid-September the Secretary General will be assisted by three Deputies who will be responsible for Political Affairs, the CDSP and Crisis Response and also Economic and Global questions. Moreover the post of Gender Advisor has been created with the EEAS. Finally Federica Mogherini also announced 19 appointments.

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Belgrade and Pristina formalise an agreement in Brussels

31 August 2015

Belgrade and Pristina said they were extremely pleased with the "historic" agreement that was reached on 25th August in Brussels which represents a major step towards normalising relations. Serb Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and his Kosovar counterpart Isa Mustafa made agreements in four areas: the creation of an association of the Serb towns in Kosovo, energy, telecommunications and an agreement on the Mitrovica Bridge, disputed by both populations which live in this town in the north of Kosovo, announced the head of the EU's diplomacy, Federica Mogherini.

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The ECB may open its regular financing to Greek banks before October

31 August 2015

In a speech delivered to the Conference of French Ambassadors in Paris on 27th August Benoit Coeuré, a member of the ECB board, highlighted the strengths and assets of the euro and called for increased governance. Under the third aid plan of 86 billion euro Athens' creditors plan to undertake a first assessment of the reforms promised by the Greek government in October. "We might possibly act earlier," so that Greek banks can access the ECB's regular financing operations, declared Mr Coeuré in an interview with the Börsen Zeitung on 15th August. "The issue at stake for the board of governors is to see whether these "first actions" are enough to meet our criteria," he added.

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Angela Merkel is counting on strong commitment on the part of Brazil in support of the climate

31 August 2015

Germany and Brazil announced joint action to reduce global warming during a visit on 20th August by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel together with seven ministers and five deputy ministers. The Chancellor is counting on strong commitment on the part of Brazil in view of the international climate conference (COP21) at the end of November in Paris. "Brazil is 'a key player' in terms of all climate goals. But it is also key for the upkeep of biodiversity in the world since Brazil is the richest country in terms of this. And what is destroyed cannot be replaced," stressed the Chancellor hoping that the example set by Brazil will have a domino effect in Latin America and on other emerging economies.

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German "Experts'" Report on the Greek Crisis

31 August 2015

On 28th July the experts, a group of influential economists who advise Angela Merkel, spoke against the proposals notably on the part of France to step up the political integration of the euro zone and also against an ad hoc Finance Minister. In a fifty-page report devoted to the Greek crisis and to the lessons to be learnt from this delivered to the German government the five academics "reject the reform proposals at present under discussion likewise talks regarding a budget, unemployment insurance and an economic government of the euro zone."

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Call for the respect of the Minsk Agreements

31 August 2015

On 24th August French President François Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel who met in Berlin with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in relation to the implementation of the Minsk Agreements called for the respect of the cease-fire.

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Border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia

31 August 2015

On 29th July the European Commission demanded that Zagreb should not leave the arbitration process on-going with Slovenia to settle a border dispute whilst the Croatian parliament voted in support of withdrawal. This decision came after revelations about discussions between the Slovenian judge in the arbitration process and a government official from Ljubljana. This led to the resignation of the Slovenian judge. Croatia and Slovenia agreed in 2009 to turn to the Permanent Arbitration Court (PAC) in the Hague to settle their quarrel, which dates back to the dissolution of Yugoslavia at the beginning of the 1990's, over access to the northern Adriatic. On 19th August the PAC announced that the arbitration process would only begin again when the two judges in the arbitration process have been replaced.

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Denmark will organise a referendum on Europol in December 2015

31 August 2015

Denmark will organise a referendum on 3rd December on whether to remain in Europol and on the integration of the EU's judicial and police cooperation system announced the government on 21st August. To be able to remain within the police agency the country has to review one of the four opt-out clauses in the European treaties that it negotiated after the "no" given by its electorate to the Maastricht Treaty in 1992. This referendum on technical legal issues was initially planned for 2016. But the date has been brought forward according to the Danish press to prevent an assimilation by voters with the referendum to be organised by the UK in 2016 or 2017. "The central issue is the upkeep of Danish participation in cooperation within Europol," declared the Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

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Estonia is to erect a fence on its border with Russia

31 August 2015

Estonia is to install a fence along its border with Russia to step up the protection of this area, a Schengen external border, of which the country is a member, indicated the Estonian Home Office on 27th August. The barbed-wire fence which will be 2.5 metres high will be erected along 110km of the Russian-Estonian border except in the marshy areas. Its construction will start in 2018.

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Alliance for a land army "Airbus"

31 August 2015

On 29th July the French group Nexter and German KMW both manufacturers of the Leclerc and Leopard tanks sealed their alliance to form a new European armoured vehicles giant. The result of eleven years of talks and negotiations, the agreement seals the association between two entities in a joint enterprise representing an accumulated turnover of 1.8 billion €, and a total staff of 6000 people. The future alliance, whose provisional name is Newco will be based in Amsterdam (Netherlands). This rapprochement should help both groups withstand world competition. Hence Newco will occupy second place in terms of European land arms as well as fourth position worldwide.

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Franco-Russian Agreement concerning the BPC Mistral ships

31 August 2015

On 5th August after eight months of intense negotiation the Elysée announced that an agreement had been found with Russia following an interview between François Hollande and Vladimir Putin thereby bringing the issue of the two helicopter landing ships that have not been delivered to Russia to an end. France "will have full ownership and free use of the two ships," indicated the Elysée, saying that Russia will be "exclusively and totally reimbursed." Moscow announced that this issue was now deemed to be "totally settled."

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European meeting on cross-border rail transport security

31 August 2015

On 29th August the French, German, Belgian, Luxembourg, Spanish, Italian, British and Swiss Home Affairs and Transport Ministers - the European Migration and Transport Commissioners as well as the European Coordinator to counter terrorism met in Paris for an exceptional summit in response to recent terrorist events that took place on the Thalys. On this occasion ministers announced the implementation of greater cooperation measures to prevent terrorist threats (establishment of a European PNR in cooperation with the European Parliament, targeted modification of the Schengen rules, the strengthening of control and surveillance measures in the area of transport ...) Moreover on 19th October a high level ministerial conference devoted to "Criminal Justice response to radicalisation" will take place in Brussels.

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The 3rd Financial Assistance Plan to Greece entered into force

31 August 2015

The euro zone Finance Ministers reached agreement on 14th August on the 3rd aid plan to Greece totalling up to 86 billion euro spread over three years. The agreement was adopted on 14th August in the morning by the Vouli, the Greek Parliament. 222 MPs of 300 voted in support, 64 voted against (32 of whom were from SYRIZA) and 11 abstained (all from SYRIZA). Now the national ratification process for the agreement can begin, with some countries like Germany, Spain and the Netherlands having adopted the text. The first tranche of the plan totalling 26 billion euro was released by the ESM on 19th August. 10 billion euro paid into an account are to be used to recapitalise the Greek banks. 13 billion euro were paid immediately to the country to ensure that Athens could honour its reimbursement deadlines. Hence on 20th August the country paid the ECB 3.4 billion euro. Athens also reimbursed 7.16 billion euro granted to it as an emergency in July to honour a payment to the ECB as well as the debt it had with the IMF. The remaining 3 billion euro will be paid "at the end of November at the latest," depending on the progress made in terms of the reforms demanded of the country by its creditors.

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Resignation of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and appointment of his interim

31 August 2015

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced his resignation on 20th August during a speech on television as he convened early elections. At least 25 rebel MPs from the Radical Left Party, Syriza, announced on 21st August that they were forming a parliamentary group called "Popular Unity", which now comprises the third political group in the Vouli. Following Tsipras's resignation the Greek President appointed an interim Prime Minister, Vassiliki Thanou, who will be responsible for managing the country until the election on 20th September. Aged 65 Vassiliki Thanou, the first Greek woman to lead the government, was also the first woman to preside over the union of magistrates and prosecutors before being appointed as head of the Supreme Court.

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General elections in Greece on 20th September

31 August 2015

The general elections in Greece announced after the resignation of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will take place on 20th September according to the presidential decree that was published on 28th August. The President of the Republic Prokopis Pavlopoulos signed the decree which provides for the dissolution of the Parliament and the organisation of the election. On 28th August the interim government also entered into office - its 23 members will ensure the transition until the election. The Radical Left Party, SYRIZA, leads in terms of voting intentions in spite of its division and the polls forecast that New Democracy will follow in second place.

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Investiture of the new Polish President

31 August 2015

Andrzej Duda (Law and Justice PiS) elected last May was sworn in on 6th August as President of Poland. Aged 43 he succeeds Bronislaw Komorowski (PO). He took oath before MPs and Senators who met with the former Polish heads of State and government in attendance, including the historic leader of the union Solidarity, Lech Walesa. The competences of the Polish head of State are relatively limited since the government exercises real power. The upcoming parliamentary elections in the autumn will be a major political text notably in the event of a possible return to office of Law and Justice (PiS) led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Mr Duda's mentor.

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New Prime Minister in Moldova

31 August 2015

Moldovan MPs approved the appointment of a new Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet on 30th July to lead a pro-European government after making the fight to counter corruption his priority. Mr Strelet won the support of 52 MPs out of a total 101. The new Prime Minister who leads the Liberal Democratic Party in office will head a coalition of pro-European parties. The post of Prime Minister had been vacant since the resignation mid-June of Chiril Gaburici. The government comprises 21 members including 6 women.

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Constitutional reform gives more autonomy to the pro-Russian East

31 August 2015

The Ukrainian Constitutional Court approved a project to reform the constitution on 31st July which includes plans for greater autonomy in the separatists regions in the East. The presidential project supported by the West, which considers this a means to appease the armed conflict, was dispatched by MPs on 16th July to the Court whose greenlight was necessary before the bill's approval. "The Court's decision on decentralisation is a major step towards change for the State", said Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. As a result on 31st August the Ukrainian parliament gave its greenlight to the draft constitutional reform. MPs adopted the text 265 votes in support - a minimum of 226 was required. This vote took place in a climate of extreme tension outside of Parliament with fighting occurring between the Ukrainian police force and nationalists. This led to the death of one policeman whilst a further 100 people were injured.

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Agreement over the restructuring of the Ukrainian debt

31 August 2015

On 27th August Ukraine and its creditors came to agreement over the restructuring of the country's debt notably taking on board the cancellation of 20% (3.6 billion euro) of the latter, a slight increase in the interest rate which will rise from a present 7.2% to 7.75% on average, as well as a four year extension of the reimbursement period.

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Visit by Petro Poroshenko to Brussels

31 August 2015

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko travelled to Brussels on 27th August to meet Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission and Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council in quest of the EU's support just as the Minsk agreements are under increasing threat by fighting between the army and the pro-Russian separatists.

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Growth slightly up in the euro zone and the EU

31 August 2015

According to estimates published on 14th August by Eurostat, the euro zone's GDP rose by 0.3ù in the second quarter of 2015, whilst this increase totalled 0.4% in the EU. In comparison with the second quarter of 2014 the GDP recorded an increase in the euro zone and the EU of 1.2% and 1.6% respectively.

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The euro zone unemployment rate at 11.1%

31 August 2015

Unemployment remained unchanged in the euro zone in June at 11.1% according to figures published on 31st July by Eurostat. A year ago the rate lay at 11.6%. In June last the euro zone had 17.75 million unemployed ie 31,000 more than a month previously but 811,000 less than a year ago. The lowest unemployment rates in the euro zone were recorded in Germany, 4.7%. Malta takes second place with 5.5% ahead of Luxembourg (5.7%) and Austria (6%). The highest rate was recorded in Greece where it totalled 25.6% according to available data dated April. Then comes Spain (22.5%) and Cyprus (16.2%).

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The euro zone's annual inflation stable at 0.2%

31 August 2015

Inflation in the euro zone remained stable in August 2015 at 0.2% in comparison with the month of July indicated Eurostat, the EU's Statistics Office on 31st August.

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Publication of the Spring 2015 Eurobarometer

31 August 2015

On 31st July the European Commission published the results of its Spring 2015 Eurobarometer based on individual interviews undertaken between 16th and 27th May 2015 amongst 31,868 people in the EU's Member States and candidate countries. Firstly the migratory issue is the main point of concern for European citizens (38%) ahead of the economic situation (27%) and unemployment (24%). Moreover the survey stresses that most of those interviewed support the Commission's priorities notably in the areas of energy (72%) investment (59%) and migration (73%). In addition to this the survey reveals an improvement in the way the EU is perceived by the Europeans with a positive EU image totalling 41% in May 2015 against 39% in November 2014 (date of the last Eurobarometer survey). Finally the survey notes expectations regarding the economy are improving whilst support to the euro remains stable (69% in the zone euro).

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72nd Venice Film Festival

31 August 2015

From 2nd to 12th September the 72nd International Venice Film Festival will be taking place. Under the management of Alberto Barbera, the Mostra will be presenting 55 films this year: 21 in the official selection Venezia 21, 16 "hors competition" and 18 in the Orizzonti section. The festival is open to professionals, journalists and also the general public.

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Piet Mondrian exhibition in Berlin

31 August 2015

From 4th September to 6th December an exhibition will be devoted to Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) at the Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin. The exhibition will show 50 paintings and drawings by the Dutch artist highlighting the artistic career of the latter. Piet Mondrian is deemed to be one of the founders of abstract art.

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3rd September

ECB: Monetary Policy Meeting (Frankfurt)

7th September

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)

7th to 10th September

Plenary Session of European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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Greece/Elections, Migration/Asylum/Refugees, Poland/President, Poroshenko/Brusse...


The Newsletter n°681- version of 31 août 2015