The Newsletter68020 juil. 2015

La Lettre

20 July 2015

Is the European Union seen as a democratic space? Are its institutions seen to function effectively? And finally what place is there for any intermediary organisations in this new definition of European democracy? The democratic divide between the political world and its citizens is the focus of public debate now more than ever before. There is a fear of losing status, a feeling of exclusion from places of power and by those who occupy that space: it has to be admitted that a feeling of mistrust now reigns within European civil society. Disenchantment with Europe is not inevitable however. Solutions can be found to revive citizen enthusiasm, to encourage their renewed acceptance of the European cause and of the project for society which this implies. This means reconciling economic and social results.

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The IMF deems that the Greek debt is "totally unviable"

19 July 2015

On 14th July the IMF published a report deeming that the euro zone must "go further than planned" to alleviate Greece's debt and that it might even be forced to wipe out a part of it. According to the IMF the Greek debt is "totally unviable" and that this will be close to 200% of its GDP in the "next two years" against a present 175%. The IMF has put forward three options: extend the "period of grace" from 10 to 30 years during which time Greece would not have to pay back its debt; establish "annual transfers" of funds to Greece; quite simply "cancel" the debt.

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Short term Financial Assistance Loan to Greece

19 July 2015

On 14th July the Commission published a proposal focusing on a short term financial assistance loan to Greece for a total of 7 billion euro, whose maximum maturity would be three months and implemented under the European financial stability mechanism. On 17th July the Council approved this loan. The latter will be undertaken in two stages and will enable Greece to pay back its debt to the IMF and the Bank of Greece as well as its debt to the European Central Bank. This loan ensures the interim before the launch of the third aid plan to Athens which will come under the European Stability Mechanism. Moreover a specific measure has been established to guarantee that non euro zone members do not run any risk if the loan is not repaid by Greece.

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Plan for employment and growth in Greece

19 July 2015

On 15th July and in line with the agreement that was met during the euro zone summit on 12th and 13th July last the European Commission unveiled its "Plan for Employment and Growth" designed to support economic recovery in Greece. The plan will mobilise 35 billion euro in support of the Greek economy, by means of an optimal use of European funds and programmes and is one of the counterbalances to the reforms that Athens has promised to undertake. This plan notably introduces exceptional co-financing conditions under the European funds for the Greeks covering the periods 2007-2013 and 2014-2020. Moreover a High Level Group placed under the management of the Vice-President of the Commission Valdis Dombrovskis will aim to support the Greek authorities to ensure that the country takes optimal advantage of the European funds made available. The European Fund for Strategic Investment will also be used.

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The Vouli adopts the first reforms planned in the Euro Zone Summit Agreement

19 July 2015

On 16th July the Greek Parliament adopted the first round of reforms (VAT increases, retirement measures, adoption of a golden budgetary rule) provided for in the agreement achieved during the euro zone summit on 12th and 13th July. The Vouli voted in support of the measures: 229 MPs voted in support, 64 MPs voted against (39 of whom were from Syriza) and 6 MPs abstained. These reforms comprise the first counterbalance demanded by the countries of the euro zone in order to be able to start the negotiation phase for a third bail out for Athens.

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Eurogroup gives the greenlight for the third aid plan to Greece

20 July 2015

On 16th July and following the adoption of the first reforms requested by the heads of State and government of the euro zone on 12th and 13th July by the Greek Parliament, the Eurogroup decided to grant a further aid plan to Greece for a three year period which will be implemented immediately via the European Stability Mechanism. The official decision will come after the procedure provided to this effect and will also depend on Greece's respect of its other engagements. On 17th July the Council of Governors of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) invited the institutions to negotiation a Memorandum of Understanding with Greece, a vital condition for the payment of the third aid plan to Athens.

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National Parliament vote in support of an aid plan to Greece

20 July 2015

The French National Assembly approved the draft agreement on the Greek debt on 15th July 412 votes against 69. In the Senate the majority was 260 against 23. On 16th July the Finnish Eduskunta gave its go-ahead to the temporary financing of Greece and to the negotiation of an euro zone aid plan. This greenlight was given by the Parliament's Grand Committee, a body of 25 MPs who are competent in this area, 16 votes in support, 4 against and 5 abstentions. On the same day the Estonian government delivered the proposal to the European Affairs Committee in the Riigikogu (parliament) for the adoption of a position on the Greek situation. On 17th July the Bundestag, the lower chamber in the German Parliament, approved 439 votes in support 119 against and 40 abstentions. The vote was preceded by a speech by Angela Merkel who explained that Greece must absolutely stay in the euro zone or "chaos would ensue". The Swedish Riksdag gave its consent on the same day to the emergency loan: the European Affairs Committee has given its agreement." Within the Committee, the two government parties, Social Democrats and Greens and the four centre-right opposition movements voted in favour whilst the Left and the Democrats of Sweden voted against. The Austrian Parliament, which met in extraordinary session, approved the negotiation on 17th July. The mandate was given by a simple majority of the Social Democratic Parties (SPÖ) and the Christian Democrats (ÖVP) of the grand left-right coalition in office, without the votes of the opposition parties on the far right and the ecologists.

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Resignation and discontent in the Greek Prime Minister's party

20 July 2015

After the resignation of Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis on 6th July, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras faced further departures: Deputy Finance Minister Nadia Valavani, and Secretary General of the same ministry, Manos Manousakis also resigned on 15th July before the vote of Parliament on 16th which approved the first package of measures demanded by the euro zone in exchange for the release of a third aid plan to Greece. On 17th July Alexis Tsipras announced a ministerial reshuffle comprising ten portfolio changes including the departure of the energy minister Panagotis Lafazanis. With this reshuffle Alexis Tsipras decided not to respond to European pressure which demanded the formation of a new coalition with the opposition parties and notably with the centrist party To Potami.

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Re-opening of Greek banks

20 July 2015

On 20th July the Greek banks were open again after having been closed for three weeks. Greek citizens will now be able to withdraw 420 euro per week once only. The re-opening follows the agreement found last week with the Eurogroup and a legislative act on 18th July. Capital control remains effective however.

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Agreement over Iranian nuclear issue

19 July 2015

On 14th July after several negotiation extensions Iran and the countries of the "E3+3" (USA, Russia, China, France, UK and Germany) came to a compromise over the nuclear issue. In conference in Vienna those involved agreed on a 100-page document comprising the main text and five annexes, the main outlines of which involve the limitation of uranium enrichment, the limitation of the production of plutonium, an increase in inspections, the lifting of sanctions directed at Iran and the upkeep of the embargo on arms. With this agreement the E3+3 countries intend to ensure that Iran cannot produce any atomic weapons over the next few years. Following this agreement the EU decided to lift its sanctions for a six-month period. The lifting of international sanctions against Iran, in force since 2006 and stepped up in 2012 by the USA and the EU will lead to a revival of an economy in crisis. However recovery might take several months before it becomes apparent.

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Further humanitarian aid on the part of the EU to help in the Syrian crisis

19 July 2015

On 16th July the European Union announced the provision of further humanitarian aid of 64 million euro in response to the Syrian crisis. This new aid follows growing concern about the displacement of the population in Syria and in neighbouring countries. Aid aims to meet healthcare, food, water, hygiene and population protection requirements. To date 3.7 billion euro have been mobilised by the EU and its Member States to palliate the humanitarian situation in Syria.

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Conclusion of the Foreign Affairs Council

20 July 2015

On 20th July the EU's Foreign Ministers met in Brussels for a Foreign Affairs Council. They addressed recent European diplomatic events including the recent agreement achieved by the P5+1 with Iran - an agreement that the Ministers welcomed. The Council also took note of recent developments in Libya notably regarding political dialogue established under the UN and the role played by the EU in this regard. Moreover ministers exchanged views over the peace process in the Middle East and the action to undertake to improve the situation. Finally the Council adopted the new action plan regarding Human Rights and Democracy for the period 2015-2019.

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The EU allocates 150 million euro to energy infrastructure projects

19 July 2015

On 14th July the Member States came to agreement on a proposal made by the Commission which aims to allocate 150 million euro to key energy infrastructure projects. The main part of support is designed for projects in Central and South East Europe as well as projects in the Baltic region. In all 20 projects have been chosen as part of a call for tender in the Connecting Europe Facility; these projects will enable an increase in energy security for the Member States whilst contributing to the completion of the European energy market.

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Commission Package to transform the European energy system

19 July 2015

On 15th July the European Commission presented its package of proposals to transform the European energy system as part of its Energy Union strategy. The package focuses on four proposals that aim to adapt the European quota trading system to bring it in line with the EU's environmental and energy goals, to revise energy labelling for transparency purposes, to reorganise the European electricity market in order to offer consumers a better energy deal. The completion of Energy Union is one of the Juncker Commission's ten priorities.

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10th round of talks over the transatlantic trade agreement

20 July 2015

From 13th to 17th July the 10th round of negotiations over the transatlantic partnership for trade and investment took place in Brussels between the EU and the USA. This round of negotiations notably came after the European Parliament's vote on 8th July last on a resolution on the TTIP in which it expressed its support as well as its conditions in the negotiations. Discussions focused on all negotiation issues in the partnership: market access with particular focus on revised offers on services, regulatory cooperation and trade legislation.

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LIBE Committee Compromise over passenger name records (PNR)

19 July 2015

On 15th July MEPs from the Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE) agreed on a compromise regarding a draft set of community rules over the exchange and protection of passenger name records, (PNR) coming from or travelling to the Union, as well as their use by the 28 Member States and Europol under the fight to counter terrorism and serious transnational crimes. The text was adopted 32 votes in support, 27 against. The compromise achieved provides that data will only be used to prevent or detect infringements as well as for undertaking investigations and prosecutions in this respect. Moreover measures were introduced to guarantee the legal nature of PNR data storage, analysis, transfer and use. Following the vote a negotiation mandate was given to the rapporteur to start trilogue negotiations with the Council and the European Commission. The mandate was approved 36 votes in support, 14 against and 8 abstentions.

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Re-appointment of Jeroen Dijsselbloem as head of the Eurogroup

19 July 2015

The 19 euro zone Finance Ministers met in Brussels under the Eurogroup on 13th July. Unlike the previous meetings this one was not just devoted to Greece although ministers exchanged views on the measures to be implemented by Athens to achieve financial aid on the part of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), in line with the agreement achieved on the same day by the euro zone's heads of State and government. The Eurogroup also assessed the transposition of budgetary measures under the Stability, Coordination and Governance Treaty in national legislation. Moreover ministers gave their opinion of the five presidents' report. Finally they re-elected Jeroen Dijsselbloem as president of the Eurogroup for a second mandate.

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Conclusions of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council

19 July 2015

On 13th July Europe's ministers for agriculture and fisheries who met in Brussels noted the Luxembourg presidency's programme especially the importance of the idea of sustainability for the development of European agriculture, alongside economic and social aspects as well as factors linked to healthcare and the environment. The ministers were informed by the European Commission of a draft regulation on Member States being able to restrict or ban the use of GMO foodstuffs or animal feed within their territories. Finally they analysed information on the development of the agricultural markets.

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Conclusions of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council

19 July 2015

On 14th July an Economic and Financial Affairs Council took place in Brussels. The 28 Ministers exchanged views on the Luxembourg Presidency's work programme in which investment will play a central role. They also gave their opinions on the "five presidents' report that targets the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union. On 14th July the Council delivered its recommendations and opinions on the economic, employment and budgetary policies of the Member States thereby closing the European Semester 2015. In this context they made recommendations about the Member States' economic, employment and budgetary policies. They also published recommendations on the euro zone's economic policies. The recommendations concern 26 of the 28 EU Member States; Cyprus and Greece were excluded due to the macro-economic programmes that are on-going in these two states at present.

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Conclusions of the Justice and Internal Affairs Council

20 July 2015

On 20th July Ministers of the 28 Member States met in Brussels for a "Justice and Internal Affairs" Council devoted to the issue of migration. Ministers agreed on a draft decision establishing a temporary and exceptional relocation mechanism for 40,000 people migrating through Italy and Greece towards other Member States. The Council agreed on the distribution of 32,256 people whilst the remaining 7,744 people will be distributed after a decision taken at the end of 2015. This decision will be formally adopted once the European Parliament has given its opinion ie in September. Moreover the Council adopted conclusions on the re-settlement of 22,504 people living in third countries and who require international protection. Finally the Council adopted conclusions on the designation of some third countries as being safe countries of origin according to the directive on asylum procedures.

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ECB Council of Governors

19 July 2015

The European Central Bank (ECB) decided to raise the cap on the emergency loans for the Greek banks by 900 million euro over one week, thereby representing their last source of financing, announced the President of the ECB Mario Draghi on 16th July. "We have decided to raise the ELA," which had been capped at nearly 89 billion euro since the end of June. The raise of 900 million euro matches the request made by the Bank of Greece for its banks. Moreover Mario Draghi acknowledged that there were questions about the "will and ability" of the Greek government to implement the reforms promised to its creditors in exchange for financing. He did however deem that there was no doubt that Greece would reimburse the monetary institution, as well as the IMF. "On 20th July (date when Greece had to reimburse some 4.2 billion euro to the ECB), we shall be reimbursed likewise the IMF," declared Mario Draghi during a press conference. Moreover the ECB also decided not to change the key interest rates on the main refinancing operations (0.05%) as well as the marginal lending facility rates (0.30%) and the deposit facility (-0.20%).

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European Agencies

The CERN reveals new particles: pentaquarks

19 July 2015

It was announced on 14th July that the biggest particle accelerator in the world, the CERN's LHC had brought to light a category of particles, the pentaquarks, whose existence had been surmised but never proven by scientists. The pentaquark "comprises quarks, ie the fundamental components of protons and neutrons, assembled according to a pattern which in over fifty years of experimental research had never been observed." "The study of its properties might help us understand better how ordinary matter is made up, ie the protons and the neutrons of which we are all made."

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VAT Fraud: arrests Europe wide

19 July 2015

Several European police forces arrested 14 people on 14th July who are suspected of having organised VAT fraud to a total of hundreds of millions of euro said Europol. The arrests took place in the UK, Germany, Poland and in other countries under the operation Vertigo 2, undertaken together with the European judicial coordination body "Eurojust". "The leaders of a criminal ring responsible for fraud to a total of 300 million euro in tax revenues" were arrested said a joint Europol/Eurojust declaration in their HQ's at The Hague, Netherlands.

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EASA recommendations in terms of aviation safety

19 July 2015

On 17th July the Commission published the report drafted by the European Aviation Safety Agency's work group on the crash of Germanwings flight 9525. After analysing the preliminary conclusions of the inquiry into the accident and checking the nature of the community's aviation safety rules, the EASA's working group published six recommendations in order to improve the checks made on crew members. These recommendations will be analysed by the European Commission which will have to decide whether it is appropriate to take new measures in this area.

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Interview with Angela Merkel on Europe

20 July 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was interviewed on TV on 19th July on Europe. She notably spoke of Greece with whom it "rapid negotiations" were necessary with the goal of completing them successfully but also guaranteeing that "what we have written is implemented." She explained that Europe is experiencing some difficult times but that recovery is there notably in Spain, Ireland and Portugal where growth is back on track. Russia was also one of the themes addressed, notably sanctions. Finally the issue of refugees and their distribution between the countries of Europe was a focus of discussion. The Chancellor believes that distribution between Europeans should be improved but the issue of criteria remained.

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Jean-Claude Juncker visits Cyprus

20 July 2015

The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker travelled to Cyprus on 16th and 17th July. This visit was the first official visit by the President of the European Commission to a Member State since he took office. During this visit he met Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiades and the leader of the northern part of the island, Mustafa Akinci. He exchanged views with the latter over the country's economy, energy issues as well as the progress made in reunification talks.

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Participation by Spain in the European operation of EURONAVFOR/MED

20 July 2015

On 15th July the lower chamber of the Spanish Parliament approved the participation of the Spanish armed forces in the European operation EUNAVFOR MED to counter illegal immigration and trafficking in the Mediterranean 301 votes in support, 1 against and 14 abstentions.

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François Hollande advocates economic government and a euro zone Parliament

20 July 2015

On 14th July French President François Hollande spoke of the European negotiations with Greece. He reviewed France's position in these talks, the prospects offered by the agreement achieved between the heads of State and government as well as the role played by the Franco-German couple in the negotiations. Moreover he announced that France together with Germany would take steps to introduce economic governance of the euro zone that will be allocated with a budget and a dedicated parliament. On 19th July he paid tribute to Jacques Delors, the EU's citizen of honour, on his 90th birthday. The French President said, "I have suggested we take up Jacques Delors idea of a euro zone government and add to it a specific budget as well as a parliament to guarantee democratic control. Sharing a currency, means more than just wanting convergence. It is a choice made by 19 countries because it is in their interest (...) This choice calls for greater organisation, and with countries which decide to move forward, an avant-garde will be formed."

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Poland: adoption of the development strategy

20 July 2015

The Polish government has adopted the Development Strategy for Central Poland. This strategy is to be introduced between 2020 and 2030 and aims to strengthen cooperation between the provinces of Mazowieckie and Łódzkie as well as links between Warsaw and Łódź. This supra-regional strategy includes greater integration of innovation and knowledge, a network of medical and pharmaceutical innovations. The aim is to develop regional cooperation notably in scientific and cultural areas as well as in terms of infrastructure and finally the integrated management of European financing.

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Participation by the UK in the European Fund for Strategic Investment

19 July 2015

On 16th July the UK announced that it will be contributing to the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI) to a total of 8.5 billion euro. The UK's contribution, the biggest on the part of a Member State so far is the ninth of its kind after Germany (8 billion), France (8 billion), Italy (8 billion), Poland (8 billion), Spain (1.5 billion), Slovakia (800 million), Bulgaria (100 million) and Luxembourg (80 million). The EFSI is a key element in the Juncker Commission's investment plan.

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Wage equality between men and women

20 July 2015

On 14th July British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke in support of the eradication of the wage gap between men and women in the UK. To do this he suggests several solutions: each company of over 250 employees must publish its accounts and notably the average wage difference between men and women; and the launch of a new consultation designed to assess how the regulation of the wage gap can be defined. Finally the Prime Minister said he was pleased that FTSE 100 companies had achieved the 25% goal of women in executive positions.

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Agreement to end the political crisis

19 July 2015

European Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn managed to clinch an agreement between those in power and the opposition in Skopje on 15th July in a bid to bring Macedonia out of the political crisis that has been paralysing the country for months. "An agreement has been signed by the four main parties and we shall have early elections," he declared. The main Macedonian parties came to agreement on 2nd June under the aegis of the EU planning for early elections before the end of April 2016, ie two years before the constitutional four year deadline. In virtue of the agreement Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and his government will be replaced "100 days before the elections by a transition government responsible for organising the election," explained the head of government. "The political crisis is over, a new transition Prime Minister will be appointed by our party (VMRO-DPMNE), 100 days before the election ie as of 15th January and we shall have elections on 24th April 2016," declared Mr Gruevski. The principle of a transition government responsible for the organisation of the election in Macedonia will be implemented systematically in the future, he said.

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Ukrainian Prime Minister visits the UK

19 July 2015

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk visited the UK on 15th July. He met his British counterpart, David Cameron, to discuss progress in terms of reform in Ukraine, notably deregulation and the assistance provided by the UK via the Good Governance Fund. The heads of government discussed the crisis in the country's east as well as the need for the full implementation of the Minsk Agreements. The Ukrainian government thanked the UK for the support it has been providing, notably the dispatch of non-lethal equipment.

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The Ukrainian government launches project for constitutional reform

19 July 2015

The Ukrainian government presented a project for constitutional reform to Parliament in order to provide the separatist regions with greater autonomy. This reform, which is controversial in Ukraine, has the support of the western powers which view it as a means to appease the present conflict. Ukrainian MPs approved the dispatch of the project to the Constitutional Court - which is vital before a vote is taken in Parliament.

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Euro zone and EU trade surpluses in May 2015

19 July 2015

In May 2015 the euro zone and the EU both recorded surpluses in their international goods trade of 18.8 billion and 6.3 billion euro announced Eurostat in a study published on 16th July.

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Drop in annual inflation rates in the euro zone and the EU

19 July 2015

In June 2015 the euro zone's annual inflation rate lay at 0.2% against 0.3% in May 2015 said Eurostat. Over the same period the EU's annual inflation rate lay at 0.1% instead of 0.3%. The lowest annual inflation rates were recorded in Cyprus (-2.1%), Greece (-1.1%), Romania (-0.9%) and Slovenia (-0.9%). Conversely the highest rates were recorded in Malta (1.1%), Austria 1.0%), Belgium (0.9%) and in the Czech Republic (0.9%).

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Commission report on the development of the labour market in the EU

19 July 2015

On 17th July the European Commission published its report on the labour market in the EU. The report points to an improvement in the labour market with the latter distinguishing itself via a decline in unemployment. The progressive recovery of the European economy explains this improvement in part. However in spite of this 23.6 million people were unemployed in the first quarter of 2015 in the European Union, of whom 4.9% are long term unemployed. Moreover the report highlights the need to strengthen the economy via government action both in terms of demand to foster job creation as well as supply in terms of supporting the unemployed. The report does however recognise that a certain number of reforms have been implemented in the Member States since 2008 in order to improve the economic situation.

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Publication of the survey results on bank loans

20 July 2015

On 14th July the European Central Bank published the results of its quarterly survey on bank loans undertaken between 9th and 24th June amongst 142 banks. The survey aims to provide better understanding of lending behaviour in the euro zone. It highlights four behavioural trends amongst the banks interviewed: a continued easing in lending standards on business loans; a clear easing in standards for housing loans granted to households; easing in the net demand for business and house purchase loans; and the use of additional liquidities provided by the TLTRO's (targeted longer-term refinancing operations) to grant loans.

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Beauté Congo exhibition in Paris

20 July 2015

The Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art is running an exhibition until 15th November on art in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Taking the birth of modern painting in the Congo in the 1920's as a starting point this exhibition covers nearly a century of Congolese art. Music, sculpture, photography and comic strip will also be on show enabling visitors a view of the diversity and liveliness of this country's artistic landscape.

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Paléo Festival in Nyon

20 July 2015

Nyon in Switzerland is hosting the Paléo Festival until 26th July. Over 230,000 visitors are expected and there will be more than 230 concerts and shows produced on 6 stages. The Paleo Festival is a major music event in Europe. On the line-up this year Joan Baez, Patti Smith, Charlie Winston, David Guetta, Christine and the Queen and Ben Harper and many others ...

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Bayreuth Festival

20 July 2015

The town of Bayreuth in Bavaria is hosting its traditional yearly music and opera festival on the theme of Richard Wagner - as it does every year. The latter founded the festival in 1876 and the Festival Hall has maintained the tradition in tribute to the composer. Wagner's ten main operas will be played from 25th July to 28th August, including "Siegfried", "Tristan and Isolde". The event attracts many opera enthusiasts due to the quality of the production and also because of Wagner's name and the Germanic legends which are the main focus of his works.

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Sziget Festival

20 July 2015

From 10th to 17th August Budapest is hosting one of the biggest music festivals in Europe on the island of Obuda on the banks of the Danube. Nearly 400,000 people will be attending this year, and the festival will be awarded the prize for being the Best European Festival 2014. This year many artists like Asaf Avidan, C2C, Limp Bizkit, Kasabian, Robbie Williams and the Kings of Leon, Alt-J will be playing.

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Jazz Festival of Marciac

20 July 2015

The 38th Marciac Jazz Festival will be taking place from 27th July to 16th August. This year there will be over 37 concerts in the main tent, 30 in the Astrada and over 120 in the Bis Festival. This year the line-up includes Wynton Marsalis, Robin McKelle, George Clinton, Chick Corea, Mélody Gardot, Larry Carlton, Gilberto Gil, Zaz, with a mix of rhythm and tunes to enjoy as you wish.

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The Chaise-Dieu Festival

20 July 2015

The Chaise-Dieu Festival is taking place from 21st to 30th August in cooperation with Radio France which will be broadcasting concerts on "France Musique". This festival brings together orchestras that focus mainly on classical music with works by Beethoven, Bach and Scarlatti. A Spanish evening and also a jazz version of classical themes are on the programme together with workshops for children.

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20th July

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

20th July

Justice and Internal Affairs Council (Brussels)

20th and 21st July

Informal meeting ministers responsible for competitiveness (Luxembourg)

22nd and 23rd July

Informal meeting of environment ministers (Luxembourg)

22nd July

Greek Parliament vote on the 2nd package of reforms (Athens)

23rd and 24th July

Informal meeting of General Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Marion Attia, Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger,Francesca Tortorella, Matthias Touillon

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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Greece/Agreement and Reforms, ECB, Iran/Nuclear, Energy, Immigration, Pentaquark...


The Newsletter n°680- version of 20 juil. 2015