The Newsletter n°680 — 20 juil. 2015
La Lettre
20 July 2015
The IMF deems that the Greek debt is "totally unviable"
19 July 2015

Short term Financial Assistance Loan to Greece
19 July 2015
Plan for employment and growth in Greece
19 July 2015
The Vouli adopts the first reforms planned in the Euro Zone Summit Agreement
19 July 2015
Eurogroup gives the greenlight for the third aid plan to Greece
20 July 2015
National Parliament vote in support of an aid plan to Greece
20 July 2015
Read more -another link -another link -another link -another link -another link -another link
Resignation and discontent in the Greek Prime Minister's party
20 July 2015
Re-opening of Greek banks
20 July 2015
Agreement over Iranian nuclear issue
19 July 2015

Further humanitarian aid on the part of the EU to help in the Syrian crisis
19 July 2015
Conclusion of the Foreign Affairs Council
20 July 2015
The EU allocates 150 million euro to energy infrastructure projects
19 July 2015

Commission Package to transform the European energy system
19 July 2015
10th round of talks over the transatlantic trade agreement
20 July 2015
LIBE Committee Compromise over passenger name records (PNR)
19 July 2015

Re-appointment of Jeroen Dijsselbloem as head of the Eurogroup
19 July 2015

Conclusions of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council
19 July 2015
Conclusions of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council
19 July 2015
Conclusions of the Justice and Internal Affairs Council
20 July 2015
ECB Council of Governors
19 July 2015

The CERN reveals new particles: pentaquarks
19 July 2015

VAT Fraud: arrests Europe wide
19 July 2015
EASA recommendations in terms of aviation safety
19 July 2015
Interview with Angela Merkel on Europe
20 July 2015

Jean-Claude Juncker visits Cyprus
20 July 2015

Participation by Spain in the European operation of EURONAVFOR/MED
20 July 2015

François Hollande advocates economic government and a euro zone Parliament
20 July 2015

Poland: adoption of the development strategy
20 July 2015

Participation by the UK in the European Fund for Strategic Investment
19 July 2015

Wage equality between men and women
20 July 2015
Agreement to end the political crisis
19 July 2015

Ukrainian Prime Minister visits the UK
19 July 2015

The Ukrainian government launches project for constitutional reform
19 July 2015
Euro zone and EU trade surpluses in May 2015
19 July 2015

Drop in annual inflation rates in the euro zone and the EU
19 July 2015
Commission report on the development of the labour market in the EU
19 July 2015

Publication of the survey results on bank loans
20 July 2015
Beauté Congo exhibition in Paris
20 July 2015

Paléo Festival in Nyon
20 July 2015
Bayreuth Festival
20 July 2015
Sziget Festival
20 July 2015
Jazz Festival of Marciac
20 July 2015
The Chaise-Dieu Festival
20 July 2015
20th July
Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)
20th July
Justice and Internal Affairs Council (Brussels)
20th and 21st July
Informal meeting ministers responsible for competitiveness (Luxembourg)
22nd and 23rd July
Informal meeting of environment ministers (Luxembourg)
22nd July
Greek Parliament vote on the 2nd package of reforms (Athens)
23rd and 24th July
Informal meeting of General Affairs Council (Luxembourg)
Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Marion Attia, Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger,Francesca Tortorella, Matthias Touillon
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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