The Newsletter n° — Invalid Date
La Lettre
Euclide Taskalotos, the new Greek Finance Minister
13 July 2015

The ECB maintains its emergency aid to Greek banks
13 July 2015
Declaration on Greece
13 July 2015
Conclusions of the Eurogroup
13 July 2015
Speech by Alexis Tsipras to the European Parliament
11 July 2015
New Greek proposals to the institutions
13 July 2015
Agreement of the euro zone summit on Greece
13 July 2015
The IMF's New World Economic Outlook
11 July 2015

Commission publication of the report on infringements in 2014
11 July 2015

The Parliament approves additional funds to help rise to the migratory challenge
11 July 2015

The European Parliament positions itself regarding the TTIP
11 July 2015
Emissions quotas: the stability reserve approved by the European Parliament
11 July 2015
European Parliament Resolution on the Capital Markets Union
13 July 2015
European Parliament Resolution on the Circular Economy
13 July 2015
Parliament adopts position on copyright
13 July 2015
The end of roaming fees
11 July 2015

Informal council on migration and Franco-German declaration
11 July 2015
The EU budget for 2016: the Council takes position
11 July 2015
Angela Merkel in the Balkans
11 July 2015

Go ahead given by Hungarian Parliament to closure of border with Serbia
11 July 2015

The IMF reassesses its estimates regarding Italy
11 July 2015

Raimonds Vējonis, the new President of Latvia
11 July 2015

Speech by Xavier Bettel to the European Parliament
11 July 2015

Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta under prosecution
13 July 2015

Presentation of the 2015 budget
11 July 2015

François Holland meets the Slovenian Prime Minister
11 July 2015

IMF Conclusions on the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
11 July 2015

Council of Europe's Declaration on NGO legislation in Russia
11 July 2015

508.2 million inhabitants in the EU
11 July 2015

Stabilisation of business investment rates in the euro zone
13 July 2015
Stabilisation of savings rates in the euro zone
13 July 2015
Report on the major developments in European public opinion about the EU
11 July 2015

Report "Greek Tragedy: new chapter or exodus?"
11 July 2015

Study "Indicators of Sustainable Governance"
11 July 2015
Exhibition "Canova and masters of marble" in Carrara
11 July 2015

Zelt Musik Festival Freiburg
11 July 2015
The Salzburg Festival
11 July 2015
Golden age of Naples painting
11 July 2015
Monday 13th July
Eurogroup (Brussels)
13th July
Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)
14th July
Economy and Finance Council (Brussels)
16th July
ECB Council of Governors (Frankfurt)
20th July
Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)
Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Marion Attia, Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger,Francesca Tortorella, Matthias Touillon
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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