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Euclide Taskalotos, the new Greek Finance Minister

13 July 2015

Deputy Foreign Minister Euclide Tsakalotos, coordinator in the negotiations with Greece's creditors - the EU and the IMF was appointed Finance Minister on 6th July in place of Yanis Varoufakis who resigned after the referendum indicated the Presidency of the Republic. He took part in his first euro zone Finance Ministers' meeting on 7th July in Brussels.

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The ECB maintains its emergency aid to Greek banks

13 July 2015

On 6th July the European Central Bank (ECB) left the emergency loans that it grants to the Greek banks unchanged at 89 billion euro. It did however decided to adjust the haircut on the collateral that the Greek banks will have to provide for the emergency loans. The ECB repeated this position on 8th July leaving the emergency lending levels at the same rate. This level has been the same since 26th June.

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Declaration on Greece

13 July 2015

IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde declared on 6th July that the "IMF had taken note" of the results of the Greek referendum which took place the day before. It expressed the rejection of the creditors' plan for Greece. "We are monitoring the situation closely and we are prepared to help Greece if we are asked," she added. In a paper published on 9th July Olivier Blanchard, the IMF's Chief Economist assessed criticism and prospects for Greece's future.

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Conclusions of the Eurogroup

13 July 2015

On 11th and 12th July meetings took place between the 19 euro zone Finance Ministers (Eurogroup) in order to prepare the meeting of heads of State and government of the euro zone. Although no conclusion was found it seems that the ministers wanted guarantees from Greece to re-establish confidence lost with the referendum and the rejection of the most recent proposals. The measures put forward on 8th July by the Greek government in exchange for a new aid plan were analysed. In this context ministers wanted more proposals to be approved before 15th July by the Greek parliament in order to be able to plan a third aid programme.

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Speech by Alexis Tsipras to the European Parliament

11 July 2015

On 8th July Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras spoke to the European Parliament in Strasbourg. He reviewed the "courageous choice" made by the Greek population and said that this was not one of "rupture with Europe" but that of a "return to the founding principles of Europe." He criticised the efficacy and the justification of the austerity plan implemented in Greece. However he admitted that "all of the country's ills could not be blamed on foreigners. If Greece is in this situation it is because various successive governments have governed to suit a certain population for decades, supporting corruption, colluding with economic power with no control of tax fraud on the part of the wealthiest." Finally he said he wanted to "come to an honourable compromise to avoid breaking up European tradition" - an agreement which "shows a possibility of settling the crisis" and an "agreement that includes reform."

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New Greek proposals to the institutions

13 July 2015

On 9th July Greece submitted new proposals as requested by the leaders of the euro zone. Amongst the measures put forward by the government notably feature an increase in taxes on maritime transport as well as on businesses, the abolition of tax exemptions on Greek islands by the end of 2016, an increase in VAT in restaurants to 23%, the reduction of military spending, a progressive reform of retirement pensions by 2022, la deregulation of certain professions as well as the tourist sector, the modernisation of the civil service as well as privatisations. On 8th July the European Stability Mechanism formally confirmed that it has received a request for aid on the part of Greece. This comprised a necessary condition requested by the Eurogroup for them to be able to assess whether negotiations could start up again between Athens and its creditors. The Greek Parliament gave its go-head on 10th July to the draft agreement submitted to the country's creditors by Alex Tsipras's government. The text was adopted by 251 votes out of a total of 300 MPs. 8 Syriza MPs abstained and 2 voted against the plan.

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Agreement of the euro zone summit on Greece

13 July 2015

The 19 heads of State and government of the euro zone came to agreement on Greece after negotiations that started on 12th July and ended during the morning of the 13th. Negotiations between the leaders of Europe were based on the Eurogroup conclusions that preceded the summit which did not reach a final agreement. The end result is the fruit of bitter discussion, a "laborious agreement" according to the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, but which guarantees that there will be no "Grexit". Indeed "confidence has been the key issue" in discussions between certain governments who have questioned the confidence they can have in Alexis Tsipras's government said Jeroen Dijsselbloem. The agreement provides for the introduction of a new "aid programme for Greece via the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) with in depth reform and financial support." Amongst the reforms and in conjunction with those that already demanded (tax reform, pension system, civil service etc ...) feature the introduction of a fund that will take on some of Greece's assets. This fund will be based in Greece and be provided with 50 billion euro. 25 billion euro will also be allocated to the recapitalisation of the Greek banks. Moreover Greece will ask for further aid from the IMF in March 2016 after the end of the ongoing programme whilst the Eurogroup is prepared to grant extra payment time and will assess the introduction of an emergency bridging loan. The agreement now has to be approved by some national parliaments. Once the national ratifications have been achieved the leaders of Europe will have a mandate to launch official negotiations.

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Financial Crisis

The IMF's New World Economic Outlook

11 July 2015

On 9th July the IMF decreased its growth forecast for the world's economy in 2015 and warned against "financial tension" in Europe due to the Greek crisis. The world GDP is only due to grow this year by 3.3% - meaning a 0.2 point decline in comparison with forecasts in April and a slight slowing in comparison with the 3.4% accumulated in 2014 said the new IMF's new forecasts.

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Commission publication of the report on infringements in 2014

11 July 2015

On 9th July the European Commission adopted the 32nd Annual Report on the "Monitoring of the Application of Union Law" which aggregates the results achieved by the 28 Member States in terms of applying EU law as well as the advanced principles recorded in terms of the policy application of legislation 2014. In 2014 1347 infringement procedures were launched including 78 against France. The areas of action in which most of the infringement procedures were launches in 2014 cover the environment (322), transport (223) and the Internal Market (162).

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The Parliament approves additional funds to help rise to the migratory challenge

11 July 2015

On 7th July MEPs met in plenary session and supported the proposal put forward by the European Commission which aims to increase the budget of the three organisations that manage migratory flows towards the EU as well as the Union's various funds focusing on migration by 69.6 million euro. The European Commission's proposal was adopted 592 votes in support, 75 against and 41 abstentions. These new funds aim to provide more staff devoted migration as well as to cover further costs. Hence the European border management agency, FRONTEX will be provided with 26.8 million euro i.e. a tripling in the funds available for the operations Triton and Poseidon. This budget increase was also approved by the Council on 19th June.

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The European Parliament positions itself regarding the TTIP

11 July 2015

On 8th July MEPs adopted recommendations adopted in a resolution regarding negotiations undertaken by the European Commission on the transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) between the EU and the USA, 436 votes in support, 241 against and 32 abstentions. According to the European Parliament the TTIP should allow access by European businesses to the American market and yet protect the Union's standards. Moreover MEPs deemed that a new legal system led by publicly appointed judges, who will be subject to requirements of scrutiny and transparency should replace private arbitration under the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) to settle trade-related investor-state disputes. To enter into force the TTIP agreement has to be approved by the Council.

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Emissions quotas: the stability reserve approved by the European Parliament

11 July 2015

On 8th July MEPs adopted a reform of the European Trading System (ETS),which is due to be operational by 2019. An agreement on this reform was previously reached informally with the Latvian presidency of the Council of the European Council, which was confirmed by the adoption on the part of the European Parliament. The reform of the ETS intends to reduce the surplus of carbon credits available for trade and thereby support the price of emission rights. This reduction should enable the achievement of the EU's goals in terms of reducing CO2 emission. To enter into force the text has to be approved by the Council in September 2015.

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European Parliament Resolution on the Capital Markets Union

13 July 2015

On 9th July MEPs approved a resolution on the Capital Markets Union (CMU) 532 votes in support, 111 against and 24 abstentions. In this non-legislative resolution they ask that the CMU enable the provision of new, more effective means to bring savings to small businesses. Moreover they are asking that the CMU guarantee protection for cross-border investors in the EU. In this regard they want the CMU pillars (wider range of investment choice, tools to attenuate risk, clear information on investment opportunities) to enter into force by 2018, to provide a complement to bank financing.

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European Parliament Resolution on the Circular Economy

13 July 2015

On 9th July MEPs invited the EU to make better use of the resources at its disposal in a resolution adopted 394 votes in support, 197 against and 82 abstentions. According to MEPs a 30% rise in resource productivity by 2030 might increase the GDP by nearly 1% and create 2 million of sustainable jobs. MEPs are asking the EU to revise its approach to waste management to foster a zero waste society, to rethink its legislation on ecodesign and to draft measures that will enable uncouple growth from the use of natural resources. To this effect they are calling on the European Commission to present new legislation in this area by the end of 2015.

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Parliament adopts position on copyright

13 July 2015

On 9th July the European Parliament took position on copyright reform - via a non-legislative resolution, whilst the European Commission is due to put a proposal forward by the end of 2015 to modernise the latter and adapt to the digital era. MEPs have requested that future proposals on the part of Berlaymont ensure "a fair balance between rights and author/creator interests and those of the consumers." Moreover European Parliament is asking for solutions to improve access to on-line content beyond the borders in parallel to the acknowledgement of the importance territorial licences.

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The end of roaming fees

11 July 2015

On 8th July the Council approved the agreement achieved with the European Parliament on the end of roaming fees by mid-2017. A first reduction of the latter will occur in 2016. The agreement approved also contains the first European standards that guarantee free access to internet which is due to enter into force by 30th April 2016. The text approved now has to be accepted by the Council by the autumn 2015 as well as by the Parliament.

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Informal council on migration and Franco-German declaration

11 July 2015

After an informal Council of Ministers on 9th July the German and French Interior Ministers, Bernard Cazeneuve and Thomas de Maizière, announced that France and Germany intended to accept the European Commission's initial proposal regarding the distribution of political refugees and asylum seekers. France will take in 2375 people under the resettlement process and 6752 people under the relocation process over the next two years.

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The EU budget for 2016: the Council takes position

11 July 2015

On 9th July the Council adopted its position on the EU's draft budget 2016 on the basis of a compromise text put forward by the Luxembourg Presidency. The Council supported the funds put forward by the Commission in certain priority areas. These notably include the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), the external policy, migration and research. The Council's position includes a decrease in the total number of commitments to a total of 5.36% and a rise in the number of payments to a total of 0.59% in comparison with the EU budget 2015. The Council has to adopt its position in written form at the beginning of September. It will be used by the Luxembourg Presidency to negotiate the EU budget 2016 with the European Parliament.

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Angela Merkel in the Balkans

11 July 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was on an official in the Western Balkans on 8th and 9th July to discuss bilateral issues and the prospects of membership. The Chancellor first travelled to Albania to talk with Prime Minister Edi Rama, and Albanian President, Bujar Nishani. The second stage in Belgrade included a meeting with the Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić and Serb President, Tomislav Nikolić, then with representatives of civil society. In Bosnia Herzegovina the Chancellor met Prime Minister Denis Zvizdić, and attended a permanent exhibition "11/07/1995 Srebrenica" on the massacre of 8000 men during the civil war. She then met some survivors, "Mothers of Srebrenica". The Balkans are on the path to membership and are at various stages in the process with very different situations but there is still a great deal of work to do notably regarding regional cooperation and the fight to counter corruption.

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Go ahead given by Hungarian Parliament to closure of border with Serbia

11 July 2015

On 6th July the Hungarian Parliament voted in support laws required to build a fence along the 175km border between Hungary and Serbia to prevent the flow of refugees who are trying to get into Europe via these two countries. The parliament adopted a series of laws that will enable the construction of a four metre high fence 151 votes against 141. The law notably provides for the expropriation of land 10 metres either side of the future fence. The new legislation, effective as of 1st August, also includes asylum assessment procedures so for faster processing but which limit the possibility of appeal.

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The IMF reassesses its estimates regarding Italy

11 July 2015

On 7th July the IMF published its conclusions on Italy's economic situation. Estimates are positive. The euro zone's third economy is emerging progressively from the recession and confidence is rising. Italy's economy is growing at a rate of 0.7% in 2015 (+0.2% in comparison with the spring estimates) and by 1.2% in 2016 thanks to major reforms notably the government's Jobs Act as well as the ECB's quantitative easing. Recovery however remains "weak" notably because of the inefficacy of the civil service - a problem that the IMF expects to see resolved through reform.

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Raimonds Vējonis, the new President of Latvia

11 July 2015

On 8th July Raimonds Vējonis spoke to the Latvian parliament on the occasion of his investiture as President of the Republic. Elected on 3rd June last he succeeds Andris Bērziņš in office since 2011 and who did not stand again. Moreover the Foundation published an interview with Laimdota Straujuma, the Latvian Prime Minister on 6th July.

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Speech by Xavier Bettel to the European Parliament

11 July 2015

On 8th July Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel presented the seven priorities of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the 12th in its history, but the first under the Lisbon Treaty. Xavier Bettel laid out the action that the Luxembourg Presidency intends to undertake over the next six months - freeing investment for growth and employment; deepening the European social dimension; managing migration, allying freedom, justice and security; providing the internal market with new dynamism by focusing on the digital market; including European competitiveness in a global, transparent framework; promoting a sustainable approach to development; strengthening the EU's profile in the world. Xavier Bettel also recalled on this occasion that Luxembourg was against any idea of a Grexit.

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Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta under prosecution

13 July 2015

Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta who has been under prosecution for corruption since June went to the Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office on 13th July for a hearing with the prosecutors. He was indicted for corruption in affairs that date back to when he was a lawyer announced the prosecution office (DNA). The latter launched criminal proceedings against him in June for fraud, complicity in tax fraud and money laundering. Victor Ponta is also suspected of a conflict of interests in the exercise of his post as Prime Minister. The prosecutors did not however launch any proceedings regarding this since Parliament has refused to lift his parliamentary immunity. On 12th July the Prime Minister announced on Facebook that he was quitting as leader of the Social Democratic Party "until he could prove his innocence."

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Presentation of the 2015 budget

11 July 2015

On 8th July the British Finance Minister George Osborne presented the summer budget 2015 to Parliament. Amongst the proposals notably feature the introduction of a new minimum salary of £9/hour by 2020, a reduction of the government deficit by 1% of the GDP by 2019, a reform of the social aid system with an increase in the amount of personal allowances and a better control of defence spending. Parliament now has to vote on the budget.

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François Holland meets the Slovenian Prime Minister

11 July 2015

French President François Hollande hosted Miroslav Cerar, the Slovenian Prime Minister on 8th July. They said they were pleased with the excellent relations that France and Slovenia have in all areas and which were confirmed by the signature of an action plan in April for the Strategic Partnership covering the period 2015-2018. They marked their determination to strengthen economic exchange and investments further, notably as part of the privatisation process ongoing in Slovenia.

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IMF Conclusions on the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)

11 July 2015

An IMF mission visited Skopje on 27th June to 7th July as part of the regular monitoring undertaken by the organisation. According to the IMF Macedonian growth is forecast to lie at 3.2% of the GDP in 2015 thanks to investments in public infrastructures, to growth in loans, to improving conditions on the labour market and strong export growth. The main threats to this growth lies in the country's political instability and its difficult relations with neighbouring Greece.

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Council of Europe

Council of Europe's Declaration on NGO legislation in Russia

11 July 2015

The Council of Europe's Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muižnieks called on the Russian authorities to modify their legislation governing non-governmental organisations so that this is in line with European standards. Indeed a law dating July 2013 introduced the term "foreign agents". Hence a list of 70 NGOs have been labelled "foreign agents" because of their political activities and their financing that comes from abroad. There have been 181 trials in Russia to counter this label but only 28 NGOs achieved a decision in their favour. Since the introduction of the law 20 NGOs have ceased their work partially or entirely in Russia.

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508.2 million inhabitants in the EU

11 July 2015

According to Eurostat the EU's population rose from 506.9 million inhabitants to 508.2 million between 1st January 2014 and 1st January 2015. Over this period the natural increase in the population lay at 0.2 million. The most populous Member States in decreasing order are Germany (81.2 million residents), France (66.4 million), UK (64.8 million) and Italy (60.8 million). Moreover the most important demographic increases were recorded in Luxembourg (+23.9 for 1000 residents), Sweden (+10.6 for 1000 residents) and Malta (+9.3 for 1000 residents).

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Stabilisation of business investment rates in the euro zone

13 July 2015

According to a study published on 13th July by Eurostat the business investment rate in the euro zone remained stable at 21.8% in the first quarter of 2015 in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2014. The share of business profit rose for its part to total 39.7% in the first quarter of 2015 in comparison with 39.3% in the last quarter of 2014.

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Stabilisation of savings rates in the euro zone

13 July 2015

According to estimates published on 13th July by Eurostat household savings rates in the euro zone stabilised in the first quarter of 2015 at 12.8% in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2014. The household investment rate for its part lay at 8.2% in the first quarter of 2015 in the euro zone ie stable in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2014.

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Report on the major developments in European public opinion about the EU

11 July 2015

On 6th July the European Parliament published an exploratory study on major developments in European public opinion about the EU undertaken by the TNS opinion. The results will help gauge the perception the Europeans have of the EU via its main institutional, political, economic and social stages over the last 40 years (1973-2014). The main themes addressed are the following: development of European public opinion regarding the EU and its institutions; democracy, economy, social issues and immigration.

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Report "Greek Tragedy: new chapter or exodus?"

11 July 2015

The World Institute of Economy of the University of Kiel (Institute für Weltwirtschaft" has published a policy brief devoted to Greece. Entitled "The Greek Tragedy: new chapter or exodus?" this report written by Klaus Schrader, David Bencek and Claus-Friedrich Laaser, looks into the causes of the Greek crisis, to its structure, as well as the scenario which might enable the settlement of the latter.

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Study "Indicators of Sustainable Governance"

11 July 2015

The Bertelsmann Foundation published the fourth version of its study "Sustainable Governance Indicators". This study which includes 140 quantitative and qualitative indicators, delivers an analysis of the future viability of 41 OECD countries and the European Union. More than 100 reputed experts contributed to the study. The latter measures sustainable governance around three pillars: political performance, democracy and governance.

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Exhibition "Canova and masters of marble" in Carrara

11 July 2015

Palazzo Cucchiari, the sumptuous 19th century residence of Carrara (Tuscany) is running an exhibition devoted to the sculptor Canova and the Carrara school until 4th October. The exhibition organised by the Fondazione Giorgio Conti with the Ermitage Museum and the townhall of Carrara includes many marble sculptures, notably lent by the Hermitage of Saint Petersburg which illustrates Tsar Nicolas 1st's taste for these sculptures.

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Zelt Musik Festival Freiburg

11 July 2015

The Zelt Musik Festival is taking place in Freiburg until 19th July. The festival rallies artists from different trends from electro to pop, rock and classical music. The festival also offers activities to children, such as workshops and shows.

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The Salzburg Festival

11 July 2015

From 18th July to 30th August the Salzburg Summer Festival is taking place. It is one of the most famous in the world particularly for music and opera and yearly it attracts nearly 240,000 visitors. This year they will be able to appreciate Verdi, Strauss and Beethoven amongst others.

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Golden age of Naples painting

11 July 2015

The Fabre Museum of Montpellier is offering practical artistic workshops to children, adolescents and adults until 11th October - these have been designed as part of the temporary "Golden Age of the Painting of Naples: from Ribera to Giodarno" exhibition. The exhibition reviews the links between art and the turbulent history of Naples, from the eruption of Vesuvius in 1631 to the plague in 1656, as well as the rebellion of Masaniello in 1647. The Fabre Museum together with the National Institute of the History of Art and the National Heritage Institute in Paris is proposing a panorama of one of the most brilliant moments in Italian art.

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Monday 13th July

Eurogroup (Brussels)

13th July

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)

14th July

Economy and Finance Council (Brussels)

16th July

ECB Council of Governors (Frankfurt)

20th July

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Marion Attia, Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger,Francesca Tortorella, Matthias Touillon

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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