The Newsletter n°678 — 6 juil. 2015
La Lettre
Laimdota Straujuma
6 July 2015
Europe under pressure of its extremes
6 July 2015

Greece in default of payment
6 July 2015

Fitch places four banks in "partial default" following capital control
6 July 2015
Upkeep of emergency aid to Greece by the ECB
6 July 2015
Eurogroup Conclusions on Greece
6 July 2015
Victory for the "no" in the referendum
6 July 2015
Meeting between Angela Merkel and François Hollande on Greece
6 July 2015
Antonis Samaras and Yanis Varoufakis resign
6 July 2015
Growth in the manufacturing sector in the euro zone accelerates in June 2015
6 July 2015

Assessment of action taken by France to reduce its excessive deficit
6 July 2015
Growth forecasts raised and tax cuts put forward
6 July 2015
Investment Plan for Transport
6 July 2015

Roaming fees in the EU abolished as of June 2017
6 July 2015

Agreement over the European small claims procedure
6 July 2015
Agreement over the transparency of securities financing operations
6 July 2015
Start of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union
6 July 2015
Speech by the German Chancellor to the Bundestag
6 July 2015

Bulgarian contribution to the European investment plan
6 July 2015

An IMF report on Croatia
6 July 2015

Referendum on judicial exemptions
6 July 2015

Denmark-border control and reduction of benefits awarded to asylum seekers
6 July 2015
Interview with the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang
6 July 2015

Matteo Renzi meets Angela Merkel in Berlin
6 July 2015

Review of the 6-month Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
7 July 2015

Visit by the Lithuanian President to Croatia
6 July 2015

Gazprom announces the halt to gas deliveries in Ukraine
6 July 2015

Increase in EU humanitarian aid to Ukraine
6 July 2015
Agreement between IMF and Ukraine on extended fund facility arrangement
6 July 2015
Award of North/South Prize 2014
6 July 2015

137,000 migrants crossed the Mediterranean in the 1st Semester 2015 according to the UNHCR
6 July 2015

NATO Secretary General visits Romania
6 July 2015

Speech by Juncker to the European Parliament on Greece and the Latvian Presidency
7 July 2015

Unemployment stability in the euro zone and the EU
6 July 2015

Drop in annual inflation rates in the euro zone
6 July 2015
Publication of nationality acquisition figures by the Member States
6 July 2015
Report on the efficacy of the European budget
6 July 2015

OECD Report on children of immigrants
6 July 2015
From Rubens to Van Dyck at the Paris Pinacothèque
6 July 2015

Tribute to Audrey Hepburn at the National Portrait Gallery in London
6 July 2015
Rock Festival Rome
6 July 2015
Photography Meeting of Arles
6 July 2015
The Gent Jazz Festival
6 July 2015
les 6th-9th July
Plenary Session - European Parliament (Strasbourg)
7th July
Euro zone summit (Brussels)
7th July
Eurogroup (Brussels)
Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Marion Attia, Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger,Francesca Tortorella, Matthias Touillon, Antoine Villedey
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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