The Newsletter67729 juin 2015

La Lettre

Alain Lamassoure

29 June 2015

In an interview Alain Lamassoure, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament's Committee on Tax Rulings (TAXE) reviews the main economic issues of the moment for the Robert Schuman Foundation. He recalls the progress made regarding transparency and financial regulation in Europe but that there is still a great deal to do.

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The Grand Greek Theatrical Performance

28 June 2015

In an editorial on his site Jean-Dominique Giuliani highlights the irresponsibility and incompetence of the Greek government which is guided by ideological, demagogic, political considerations to the detriment of a suffering Greek population.

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Financial Crisis

Euro zone: private economic activity

29 June 2015

The growth of private activity in the euro zone reached its highest level in four years in June and recovery involves all countries in the region in spite of uncertainty about the outcome of the Greek crisis. The composite PMI index lay at 54.1 in June against 53.6 in May indicated Markit on 23rd June. "In spite of the cloud of the Greek debt crisis which is threatening the region economic growth in the euro zone is gathering pace."

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Rise in unemployment in France

29 June 2015

According to figures published by the French Labour Ministry on 24th June the number of job seekers registered with the country's employment agency totalled 3,552,200 on mainland France at the end of May 2015. This figure is up in comparison with April 2015 (+0.5 %, i.e.+16 200). Over one year this represents an increase of 5%. The number of job seekers registered in terms of part time work totalled 1,862,000 at the end of May 2015. In all the number of job seekers registered in all categories totals 5,414,200 on mainland France at the end of May 2015 (5,717 900 in France when including its overseas territories). This figure increased by 1.3% in May (+69 600). Over one year it has increased by 7.9 %.

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No agreement following the "unilateral" break-down in negotiations by Greece with its creditors

29 June 2015

The Finance Ministers of the euro zone (Eurogroup) promised on 27th June to do everything they could to avoid "the risk of contagion". They said they would use all of the instruments available to them to guarantee the "stability" of the euro zone, after a final meeting that took place with 18 participants - without Greece - since Yanis Varoufakis left his counterparts after announcing that a referendum would be held on 5th July decided in the night of 26th June whilst an agreement was being developed.

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The IMF call for an end to the crisis

29 June 2015

In a press release published on 28th June Christine Lagarde, the IMF's Managing Director indicated that she had informed the executive of the recent discussions with the Greek government and points to her disappointment over the conclusions achieved to date but recalls her commitment to continue talks. She also indicated that the next few days will be vital and that she shares the same opinion as the Eurogroup whereby the euro zone is in a strong position to respond to all types of scenario. She hopes for a balanced position on the basis of structural and tax reform and sufficient financing.

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The Greek banks are closed

29 June 2015

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced on TV on 28th June that the banks in Greece would be closed temporarily and that capital control was to be introduced whilst asking the population to remain calm. The Greek Financial Stability Council recommended that cash points be closed as of 29th June and that withdrawals be limited to 60€ per day per person.

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European Council

European Council Conclusions

29 June 2015

On 25th and 26th June the European Council, bringing together the 28 heads of State and government focused mainly on Greece. Hence Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem reviewed negotiations with the country. A conclusion to the issue was hoped for on 27th June. The European Council then addressed the voluntary relocation of 40,000 asylum seekers who have landed in Italy and Greece as well as the resettlement of 20,000 asylum seekers who are at present in third countries. They defined a return policy for those migrants who have no legal right to enter the EU. Leaders also agreed to enhance Frontex's powers. The UK referendum on its EU membership was also addressed briefly with David Cameron. Finally European leaders exchanged views over security and defence as well as economic issues. Moreover Jacques Delors was appointed honorary citizen of Europe.

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Commission aid for entrepreneurs

29 June 2015

On 24th June a new convention between the European Commission and the European Investment Fund was signed to promote growth and employment in Europe. This convention will lead to the release of 500 million euro in aid for people who want to create or develop their business and who are encountering obstacles on the labour market. Marianne Thyssen, the Commission responsible for Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, stressed that "thanks to this financing tens of thousands of jobs will be created."

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Appointments at the European Commission

29 June 2015

On 24th June Alexander Italianer was appointed Secretary General of the Commission in replacement of Catherine Day as of 1st September 2015. This appointment is part of a wider reshuffle amongst the leading executives of the community institutions. Hence 11 DGs out of 33 in the Commission will be changing department or function.

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New partnerships for the European Alliance for Apprenticeships

29 June 2015

On 22nd June the European Alliance for Apprenticeships was joined by more than forty businesses and organisations which brings the number of apprenticeship contracts and training schemes available to young Europeans up to 140,000. These contracts help them improve their chances of finding work on the labour market. Marianne Thyssen, the Commissioner responsible for this portfolio indicated that he "welcomed the new partners who were joining the European Apprenticeship Alliance. Helping young Europeans to access quality employment is one of my first priorities."

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Publication of the list of measures negotiated with the Greek government

29 June 2015

On 28th June in a bid for transparency the European Commission published a list of measures discussed with the Greek government by the "Brussels Group" comprising the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Commission. This document covers the measures accepted by the creditors and proposed on 8th, 14th and 22nd June before Greece unilaterally quit the negotiations on 27th June. These measures notably encompassed the Greeks' wishes to limit VAT increase, some transitory measures on pre-retirement pensions and the reform of the labour market.

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Investment Plan of 31.1 billion euro for Transport infrastructures

29 June 2015

On 29th June 2015 the European Commission unveiled its investment plan of 13.1 billion euro in the transport sector calling for tender under the European Interconnection Mechanism. This plan is part of the wider pro-active move to revive growth and employment in Europe. This investment will enable the freeing of additional co-financing - public and private - totalling 28.2 billion euro overall.

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Approval of the European Strategic Investment Fund

29 June 2015

On 24th June the European Parliament adopted the regulation on the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), the central element in the Juncker Investment Plan totalling 315 billion euro. MEPs adopted the text 464 votes in support, 131 against and 19 abstentions. With this the EFSI will be operational by September 2015.

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Launch of interinstitutional agreement for better regulation

29 June 2015

On 25th June negotiations regarding proposals to revise the interinstitutional agreement for "better regulation" started with a first meeting between the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, the Latvian Prime Minister representing the present Presidency of the Council, Laimdota Straujuma, as well as Luxembourg, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, who represented the future Presidency of the Council. These negotiations come under a wider "Better Regulation" programme unveiled by the European Commission on 19th May. This programme aims to "ensure that the Union's policies achieve their goals more effectively and in as an efficient a manner as possible."

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Euro Zone Governance

29 June 2015

On 24th June 2015 MEPs looked into a resolution on the governance of the euro zone. After assessing the economic governance of the euro zone, this resolution supports the introduction of the European Fund for Strategic Investment, the consolidation of the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund. Moreover MEPs declared that they supported the Commission's "three pillars" and that they wanted to make the euro zone's economic governance more democratic and transparent.

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Conclusions of the General Affairs Council

29 June 2015

On 23rd June the 28 European Affairs Ministers, who met in Luxembourg, completed the preparations for the European Council that took place on 25th and 26th June. Ministers also adopted conclusions regarding the present political crisis in Macedonia (FYROM) and called for all sides to honour the commitments they made on 2nd June 2015. Finally ministers exchanged views on the "Better Regulation" programme presented on 19th May by the Commission.

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Meeting of French, German, Ukrainian and Russia Foreign Ministers

29 June 2015

The French, German, Russian and Ukrainian Foreign Ministers met in the "Normandy" Format on 23rd June to discuss the developments in the cease-fire in the east of Ukraine. The different sides repeated their support to the peace process established in Minsk. Ministers called for a total withdrawal of heavy arms from the front line within the next few weeks, the implementation of the desescalation plan for the town of Chirokine on the front, the end of restrictions on the movement of OSCE observers, the removal of all impediments placed on humanitarian aid and the liberation of all prisoners according to the "all against all" rule.

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EU-China Summit

1 January 1970

On 29th June in Brussels the 17th EU/China Summit took place. It marked the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two sides. During this summit China and the EU lauded the progress achieved in the implementation of the strategic agenda for cooperation and they agreed on cooperation in the energy sector. Moreover China and the EU maintained that they wanted to work together for peace, development and human rights in the world. Regarding Ukraine both sides called for the respect of the Minsk Agreements and said that they would like to see a diplomatic settlement to the conflict.

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The ECB maintains its emergency aid to the Greek Banks

29 June 2015

On 28th June the ECB announced that it was maintaining the ELAs (Emergency Liquidity Assistance) granted to Greek banks at their present levels thereby leaving a door open to a political solution to prevent the collapse of the Greek economy and the "Grexit". "In view of the present circumstances the Council of Governors has decided to maintain the ceiling on the provision of emergency liquidities at the levels decided on Friday," said a press release. The Council is "assessing the situation and its potential implications carefully in terms of its monetary policy," said the communication.

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European Agencies

Successful launch of Sentinel-2A satellite

29 June 2015

A European observation satellite, Sentinel-2A was successfully launched into orbit by a Vega rocket that lifted off in the night of 22nd to 23rd June from the Guianese Space Centre Kourou announced Arianespace. This was the fifth lift-off by the European light launcher which flew for the first time in February 2012. To date they have always succeeded. "It was Vega's mission to place this satellite in orbit at an altitude of 786km. This optical satellite, Sentinel-2A has a launch mass of 1.1 tonnes and is devoted to monitoring the landmasses and coastlines. It will enable the analysis of land, fields and forests and will be useful for the environment, agriculture and civilian security."

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Migration Analysis May 2015

29 June 2015

Frontex has published its monthly analysis of migration for May. According to this study in May the number of migrants attempting to cross the borders of Europe totalled 50,500 corresponding to an increase of 26% in comparison with April 2015. Since the beginning of the year the number of migrants seen near the EU's borders totalled 153,000. In comparison with the same period in 2014 there has been an increase of 149%.

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Europe Financial Summit

29 June 2015

On 25th and 26th June a European Financial Summit took place in Frankfurt/Main and was organised by the Institute of International Finance bringing together personalities and experts from the sector such as Jens Weidmann, President of the Bundesbank and Wolfgang Schäuble, the German Finance Minister. Participants in the summit exchanged views on the strategies to enable the generation of faster, more sustainable, more inclusive growth in Europe. In his speech Wolfgang Schäuble reviewed the progress achieved by the EU and the euro zone in countering systemic risks and economic crises, whilst pinpointing the potential causes of the latter.

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The IMF lauds Cyprus on its good economic results

29 June 2015

On 23rd June the IMF published a report on the state of the Cypriot economy. Deep reforms undertaken by Cyprus (structural reform, support to banks with toxic loans) have produced positive results. Indeed, since the first quarter of 2015 and for the first time in four years, Cyprus's economy is now growing again. The Chief of Mission in Cyprus for the IMF declared that the results were better than expected but Cyprus still faces several challenges to overcome such as for example ensuring that the banks can offer more loans, reducing the debt and attracting investors.

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New Government in Denmark

29 June 2015

On 28th June the new Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen presented his new government after having officially accepted the post following a meeting with Queen Margrethe II. The Danish government will comprise 17 members all from the Venstre Party given the inability of the parties in the centre and right to come to a consensus over the composition of the new executive. Lars Løkke Rasmussen and the Venstre Party came third in the Danish general elections on 18th June behind the Social Democratic Party and the Danish People's Party. However the support of the People's Party, the Liberal Alliance and the People's Conservative Party enabled the Venstre leader to form a government with 34 mandates, in other words the smallest Danish government since 1973.

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New Education, Culture and Sports Minister in Spain

29 June 2015

On 26th June the head of the Spanish government Mariano Rajoy attended the mission statement of Íñigo Méndez de Vigo before the King of Spain as the new Minister for Education, Culture and Sport. After being Secretary of State for the European Union he is now replacing Ignacio Wert.

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French Parliament gives the greenlight to the association between the EU and Ukraine

29 June 2015

On 25th June the National Assembly approved the ratification of the association between the EU and Ukraine. After the vote in the Senate in May the entire French Parliament has now given the greenlight to this agreement. All of the EU's national parliaments must ratify this agreement for it to enter into force. With the exception of the Front de Gauche all of the parliamentary groups voted in support. Elisabeth Guigou (PS) Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee for the Assembly explained that it is "a way of paying tribute to those who have fought for their country both in Ukraine and Georgia, to start reform, to fight in a real way to overcome their problems and to draw as close as possible to European standards."

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Skopje and Athens want to re-establish trust to settle their dispute

29 June 2015

The head of Greek diplomacy Nikos Kotzias and his Macedonian counterpart Nikola Popsko agreed measures on 24th June aiming to re-establish trust between the two States in settlement of their dispute over the name of the former Yugoslav Republic. The dispute between Skopje and Athens dates back to 1991, when Greece refused its neighbour's right to use the name Macedonia which it deems historically to be Greek. Mr. Kotzias is the first Greek leader of this rank to visit Skopje in over ten years, a sign that the two sides want to resume dialogue over the problem that exists between their two countries. "We do not agree over the name but there is a solution to every problem," he declared adding, "we agreed on 11 measures the aim of which is to enhance confidence between our States and to create a climate that is more favourable for the quest of a solution to our problem."

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Referendum announced for 5th July

29 June 2015

During the night of 27th to 28th June the Greek parliament approved the referendum proposed by Alexis Tsipras's government regarding the most recent agreement offer made by the creditors (EU, ECB, IMF) to Greece. The referendum planned for 5th July was approved by 178 MPs out of a total 300. The number of MPs who voted against the referendum totalled 120 and 2 did not take part. MPs from the government majority - SYRIZA, far left, and their sovereignist right wing allies ANEL voted in support of the referendum, likewise the MPs from the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn. MPs from New Democracy and PASOK voted against as did the communists from the KKE and the centrist party Potami.

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Hungary and the implementation of the Dublin Agreements

29 June 2015

On 23rd June the Hungarian government announced that it was unilaterally suspending the European rules governing European asylum rights (the Dublin III Regulation") for an unknown period of time due to "technical reasons". The Dublin III Regulation provides that an asylum request must be assessed by the first State in which the asylum seeker arrives. The Hungarian government said this decision came due to the major influx of migrants experienced by the country since the beginning of the year. However in the face of pressure on the part of the European Union and Austria the Hungarian government revised its decision on 24th June but asked Austria to be "patient" regarding the reconduction of refugees towards Hungary.

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Romanian Parliament approves reduction of VAT

29 June 2015

The Romanian Parliament ignored the reticence of the IMF on 24th June as it pronounced its support to a reduction in VAT. The new tax code whose leading measure is the reduction of VAT from 24% to 19% as of January 1st 2016 was adopted by 306 votes.

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Queen Elizabeth II visits Germany

29 June 2015

The Queen of England, Elizabeth II was on a state visit to Germany from 23rd to 26th June. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was "delighted that Queen Elizabeth was coming to Germany." The Chancellor believes that the two countries "have much in common from a political point of view" and she said she hoped that the UK would remain in the EU. The Queen met the Chancellor on 23rd June and German President Joachim Gauck on 24th June. The Queen also visited Frankfurt-am-Main and the memorial at the concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen. During her speech the Queen implicitly said that she wanted the UK to remain in the EU: "Great Britain and Germany have achieved a great deal by working together. I am confident that this will continue in the years to come."

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Launch of two new chapters in negotiations between the EU and Montenegro

29 June 2015

During the 6th meeting with Montenegro the EU announced on 22nd June that two new chapters in membership negotiations were to be opened with Montenegro: financial (chapter 9) and trans-European networks (chapter 21). This brings the number of chapters opened to 20 two of which have been completed. There are 35 chapters in the negotiations. They were launched in June 2012 with Montenegro.

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Council of Europe

Bosnian Presidency of the Council of Europe presents its priorities

29 June 2015

On 23rd June Igor Crnadak, the Foreign Minister of Bosnia-Herzegovina addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe presenting it with the priorities of Bosnia's presidency that will be taking place from May to November 2015. He said he was honoured to "take on the presidency for the first time since Bosnia's accession to the Organisation in 2002." Among those priorities, he underlined, are the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention), the Council of Europe policy towards neighbouring regions, the Organisation's activities in the sphere of culture, and enhancing the Council of Europe's action with respect to the religious dimension of intercultural dialogue.

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Ban Ki-moon calls to counter violent extremism as he speaks at the Council of Europe

29 June 2015

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon spoke during the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on 23rd June. He reassured his audience of the UN's support to Europe in the fight to counter violent extremism and the rise of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and associated discrimination. He announced a UN action plan for the prevention of extremism which will be launched in November. Ban Ki-moon also advocated the protection of the rights of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. He also recalled the need to implement the Minsk Agreements to the letter as he spoke of the conflict in Ukraine.

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NATO Meeting on Ukraine

29 June 2015

The NATO Members' Defence Ministers' meeting that took place on 25th June provided an opportunity for them to repeat their support to Ukraine. They discussed the situation there and NATO's assistance to the country. The Secretary General welcomed the Ukrainian government's determination to undertake economic reform in spite of its "fight to counter separatists who are supported and being trained and equipped by Russia." Moreover he asked Russia to bring its destabilising actions in Ukraine to an end."

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Defence Ministers decide to strengthen NATO's Response Force

29 June 2015

Defence Ministers of NATO's Member States decided on 25th June to strengthen NATO's Response Force (NRF) thereby enabling the enhancement of collective defence. The NRF will therefore comprise 40,000 men instead of 13,000. Ministers decided to accelerate the decision making process regarding both political and military plans, notably by giving the supreme command of the allied forces in Europe the possibility of preparing troops to act as soon as a political decision is taken. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg indicated that NATO is monitoring Russia's movements. Finally ministers discussed defence spending that are due to increase to reach 2% of the budget of each member "although progress has been made, more has to be done," declared Mr Stoltenberg.

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Eurostat publication on tourism

29 June 2015

On 25th June Eurostat published a study on summertime tourism in the European Union. It emerges that more than half of the annual number of tourist nights are spent by EU citizens (51.9%) in the summer season, ie between June and September. Moreover amongst these nights 60% are spent in their own country (this then comes under national tourism).

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Publication of trade figures with China

29 June 2015

According to Eurostat China is the EU's second trade partner after the USA representing 14% of all of the Union's goods trade with the rest of the world in 2014. Imports of goods into the EU from China rose significantly with the value of the latter rising from 129.2 billion euro in 2004 to 302.5 billion euro in 2014. The export of goods has more than tripled over the period whilst the Union's trade deficit with China declined between 2010 and 2013 only to increase again in 2014 to lie at -137.7 billion euro. The EU's trade surplus in services with China witnessed an increase of 4 billion euro between 2012 and 2014 to total 9.2 billion euro.

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2014 ESM Annual Report

29 June 2015

The European Stability Mechanism (ESM) published its annual report on 2014. Last year confirmed the positive impact of the financial aid programmes contained within the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and the ESM. After Ireland and Spain, Portugal successfully ended the programme in May 2014, unlike Cyprus and Greece which continue to benefit from these programmes. The President of the Eurogroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem lauded the performance of the ESM and the EFSF, combined with major structural reform - a vital condition if a country is to receive financial aid - which has facilitated a return of confidence in the market and a revival in economic growth.

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Report on the teaching profession

29 June 2015

A study by Eurydice Network and the Research Centre for Education and Permanent Teaching was published on 25th June. According to this study Europe needs more qualified teachers in replacement of old teachers who are retiring. Moreover teachers must have longer and more diverse training. Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sports indicates that "well qualified teachers need all of our support to turn future generations into creative, responsible Europeans."

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World Report on Drugs 2015

29 June 2015

The World Report on Drugs by UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes) has been published. This organisation declares that drug consumption is stabilising in the world. It also indicates that 246 million people between the ages of 15 and 64 consumed illegal drugs in 2013 in the world. This stabilisation is still unacceptable in the UN's opinion since the taking of drugs leads to early death. This year the report addresses strategies in more depth to help people who are economically dependent on the cultivation of crops used to make illegal drugs.

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OECD Business and Finance Outlook

29 June 2015

According to a report Business and Finance Outlook published by the Organisation on 24th June present low interest rates are causing significant long term risk for the sustainability of pension funds as well as insurance companies in that these players have to undertake a "search for yield" strategy in order to be able to honour their commitments with their savers and beneficiaries - a position which causes risks notably in terms of solvency. The report delivers an analysis of the rise of the shadow banking system which means intermediation and lending outside of the traditional banking system, as well as the impact of financial sector reforms. The report concludes that many measures still have to be implemented to "remedy the under-pricing of the present risks and to increase the system's capacity to absorb future shocks."

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The European Union's Literature Prize

29 June 2015

On 23rd June a ceremony for the winners of the 2015 EU Literature Prize took place in Brussels together with the Commissioner for Culture Tibor Navracsics. This year twelve authors from all over Europe were awarded this price which aims to encourage promising writers.

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Festival of Aix-en-Provence

29 June 2015

The Festival of Aix-en-Provence opened its doors from 2nd to 21st July. The lyrical arts festival includes many plays and operas as well as classical music concerts. It is also possible to attend "masterclasses" and interviews with artists.

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Festival of Verona

29 June 2015

The 93rd Festival of the Arena di Verona will be taking place until 6th September 2015. Operas such as Nabucco and Aida by Verdi, Mozart's Don Giovanni, Puccini's Tosca, Rossini's Barber of Seville and Gounod's Romeo and Juliet will be produced using some innovative techniques. The festival will also offer some ballets and concerts.

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Montreux Jazz Festival

29 June 2015

The 49th Montreux Jazz Festival will be taking place from 3rd to 18th July 2015. This year there will be jazz shows but Sinead O'Connor and the Chemical Brothers will also be taking part. The Montreux Jazz Festival started in 1967 on the initiative of three passionate jazz lovers: Claude Nobs, the founder, Géo Voumard and René Langel.

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32nd International Theatre Festival of Almada

29 June 2015

From 4th to 18th July the 32nd Theatre Festival of Almada will be taking place in Lisbon and Almada. The festival organised by the town theatre of Almada will be hosting 27 indoor on stage and 27 street shows this shows. Directors of international fame on this year's agenda are Peter Stein, Christoph Marthaler, Luis Miguel Cintra, Matthias Langhoff and Katie Mitchell, making it one of the biggest ever organised. This festival will also provide an opportunity to celebrate 10 years of the town theatre Joaquim Benite and to organise many debates, seminars and exhibitions.

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"Sensations de Nature" at the Courbet Museum

29 June 2015

From 4th July to 12th October 2015 the Courbet Museum of Ornans is running an exhibition together with the Hartung Bergman Foundation of Antibes and the Musée d'Orsay of fifty works by Courbet, Penone, Cézanne, Monet, Pissarro, Staël, Sérusier, Bonnard etc ... The exhibition "Sensations de Nature" presents the development of the artistic representation of nature in the 19th century via a more sensitive, personal approach that succeeded in conveying nature through painting and not simply by showing it.

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29th June

EU-China Summit (Brussels)

1st July

Start of Luxembourg Presidency of the Council ()

5th July

Referendum on Greece ()

les 6th-9th July

Plenary Session - European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

Europe and Putin: Should realism prevail over reality?

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Marion Attia, Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger,Francesca Tortorella, Matthias Touillon, Antoine Villedey

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial, Greece/Referendum, European Council, Denmark/Government, Juncker Plan


The Newsletter n°677- version of 29 juin 2015