The Newsletter67622 juin 2015

La Lettre

Olivier Marty

22 June 2015

The "Juncker Plan" to revive investment is one of the points on the agenda of the European Council on 24th and 25th June. This economic, financial but also political initiative taken forward by the President of the Commission has apparently been the focus of bitter debate in Parliament and the Council. It is due to enter into force this summer. Olivier Marty reviews the points debated during the trilogue for the Foundation and assesses the agreement that was reached. He then analyses the constructive nature of the discussions undertaken by those involved. Finally he discusses the economic environment in which the plan will be implemented.

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Denmark: victory by the right-wing in the general elections

22 June 2015

The right-wing coalition won the general elections in Denmark on 18th June 2015 notably thanks to a breakthrough by the People's Party (DF). The right-wing block led by Lars Lokke Rasmussen, Chair of the Liberal Party won 90 seats against 85 for the left. The People's Party recorded its best score taking 21.1% of the vote whilst the Liberal Party won 19.5% of the vote. Outgoing Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt resigned as leader of the Social Democratic Party which is still the country's leading party, as it won 47 seats in Parliament ahead of the People's Party (37 seats) and the Liberal Party (34 seats).

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Publication of the 2015 Schuman Report on the State of the Union

22 June 2015

The 6th Schuman Report on the State of the Union has been published and provides a better understanding of the challenges before us: strengthening of the euro zone, growth and employment, investments, energy union, immigration, terrorism, European defence and security challenges in the East and South, transatlantic stakes, etc. Top personalities, including Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, as well as the best experts, have chosen to voice their opinions in the Report. The 2015 Schuman Report on the State of the Union is available in bookshops, from the Foundation's website and in digital version. Order it now!

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European Economic Forum 'EcoRévolutions'

22 June 2015

On 26th June the European Economic Forum 'EcoRévolutions' will take place in Nancy - it is organised by the review Le Point and the Robert Schuman Foundation is a partner. The theme of this third forum is "And what if we tried freedom?" The forum will take place around four round tables, 2 face to face interviews during which 16 personalities and experts such as Lech Walesa and Peter Hartz will be taking part.

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Financial Crisis

IMF: Assessment of the Dutch economy

22 June 2015

According to an IMF study published on 15th June recovery is gathering pace in the Netherlands as it is supported by investments, exports, house price increases and greater consumption. Risks due to developments in exchange rates and oil prices and uncertainty associated to the euro zone are undermining recovery somewhat however.

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The ECB raises aid for Greek banks

22 June 2015

On 17th June the European Central Bank raised the ceiling on emergency aid (ELA) made available to the Greek banks since February 2015 by 1.1 € and then on 19th June it raised it further (between +1.8 billion and +3 billion euro depending on sources) and also on 22nd June (total unknown). In all events these funds correlate to worrying figures that have been circulating over the last few days regarding withdrawals of savings, which totalled 3 billion € this week, by households and businesses who are worried about the possible introduction of capital control if the euro zone summit fails on 22nd June. Mario Draghi, the ECB President maintained on 15th June, during a hearing with the European Parliament's ECON committee, that the ceilings on loans granted to Greece under the emergency aid fund could be extended.

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Eurogroup meeting and Euro zone summit on Greece

22 June 2015

On 18th June the meeting of the 19 euro zone finance ministers was mainly devoted to the economic situation in Athens and concluded without agreement after a little less than an hour and a half of discussions. A new meeting then took place in Brussels on 22nd June. During this second meeting Ministers were mainly receptive of the reform plan put forward by the Greek government and asked for the institutions in the Brussels Group - European Commission, European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund - to analyse the latter in order to set out a list of priorities with the Greek government that will lead to a final agreement during the week. This Eurogroup meeting was followed by a Summit between the 19 heads of State and government of the euro zone, which had been convened as an emergency on 18th June by the President of the euro zone summit, Donald Tusk. The 19 leaders exchanged views on Greece and clarified their positions on the present negotiations between the Greek authorities and the institutions. Donald Tusk stressed after the summit that the reform plan put forward by Greece on 22nd June 2015 was a significant step forward in the negotiation process but that more indepth assessment by the institutions was necessary. A further Eurogroup meeting is planned for 24th June to this end.

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The Eurogroup and the IMF welcome Cypriot reforms

22 June 2015

On 18th June the Eurogroup lauded the efforts made by Cyprus in implementing reform. For the 19 euro zone finance ministers taxation continues to be effective, the debt perspective has improved and structural reforms are increasing in various sectors. They also agreed to say that confidence is returning, that the economy seems to be emerging from recession and that in spite of still high unemployment rates the labour market has stabilised. Moreover the Cypriot government has implemented several measures in the financial sector such as a new foreclosure procedure. The Eurogroup has accepted the disbursement a further tranche of aid totalling 100 million €, the IMF approved the payment of a further 280 million € to Cyprus also.

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The Commission's plan of action for corporate tax

21 June 2015

On 17th June the European Commission published its action plan for corporate tax in the EU. Its plan aims to make corporate tax fairer and more effective. Amongst the measures put forward are the idea of a common consolidate corporate tax base (ACCIS), effective pro-active taxation, ie that businesses pay tax where they make their profits, as well as the consolidation of tax transparency.

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Report by the five Presidents on strengthening EMU

22 June 2015

On 22nd June the "five Presidents" - Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the Commission, Donald Tusk, President of the Council, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, President of the Eurogroup, Mario Draghi, President of the ECB and Martin Schulz, President of Parliament, published their report entitled "Completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union". This report highlights a strategy to enhance the EMU in three stages. The first (July 2015-June 2017) would aim, under the existing treaties, to improve budgetary responsibilities as well as completing financial union and improve democratic control. The second would entail the introduction of jointly defined convergence criteria on legal bases as well as a euro zone public Treasury. All of these measures would enable the completion of the EMU (third stage) by 2025 at the latest. The European Commission will present a White Paper to enable a transition between the first two stages.

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Creation of a new political group in the European Parliament

22 June 2015

Since 16th June an 8th political group "Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF) has taken its place on the benches of the European Parliament. The group comprises 36 MEPs which makes it the smallest group. It brings together 20 of the 23 French Front National representatives, 5 representatives from the Italian Northern League, 4 MEPs from the Austrian FPÖ, 3 from the Dutch PVV, 2 Polish MEPs from the KNP and 1 Belgian MEP from the Vlaams Belang and one British MEP who sat with UKIP. There are now only 16 non-attached.

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Agriculture and Fisheries Council Conclusions

22 June 2015

On 16th June the 28 Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers came to agreement on a general approach to a draft proposal on organic agriculture. This proposal hopes to revise the legislation in force on organic production and the labelling of organic products as well as to abolish obstacles that are impeding the development of organic agriculture. Ministers then exchanged views on the respective positions regarding the European Commission's communication on fishing opportunities in 2016.

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Agreement on data protection, no agreement on migration

22 June 2015

On 15th and 16th June the 28 European Justice Ministers agreed on the regulation of data protection which will enable the start of negotiations with the European Parliament. They also adopted the general guidelines for draft legislation on the promotion of the free movement of citizens and economic players that aims to simplify public administrative obligations. The 28 Ministers for Home Affairs discussed the European migratory agenda as well as its implementation but they did not reach agreement on a minimum amount of solidarity in terms of hosting asylum seekers and of relieving the Mediterranean countries like Italy and Greece which are facing record flows of migrants.

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Conclusions of the Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer Affairs Council

21 June 2015

On 18th and 19th June the 28 Ministers responsible for employment held a debate on measures in terms of employment and social policy included as part of the country specific recommendations of the European Semester. They reached agreement on the four guidelines to be followed by employment policy in the Member States i.e. increasing the demand for work, improving competences and knowledge about employment offers, improving the functioning of labour markets and developing social inclusion, as well as countering poverty and promoting equal opportunities. They also adopted conclusions on the Youth Guarantee scheme. Finally they took note of the progress achieved under the directive on equal treatment. The 28 Healthcare Ministers adopted two draft regulations that aim to modernise medical equipment.

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Economy and Finance Council Conclusions

21 June 2015

The 28 Economy and Finance Ministers who met on 19th June discussed bank reform, capital markets union and economic policy. They would like to strengthen financial stability by protecting savers and banks from risky trading activities. The 28 Ministers also approved the position adopted by the Commission for the capital markets union. To strengthen this union they want to make the European Union more attractive for investments and to facilitate access to sources of financing for startups and innovation. Moreover ministers ended the excessive deficit procedures against Poland and Malta. They also said they supported specific country-per-country recommendations in terms of the economy and taxation.

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The EU's economic sanctions against Russia extended until the end of January 2016

22 June 2015

On 22nd June the 28 European Foreign Ministers formally extended the heavy economic sanctions decided against Russia until the end of January 2016 because of its role in the conflict in Ukraine. These sanctions that are hitting entire sections of the Russian economy including the banks, defence and the oil sectors, prevented from finding finance on the European markets, were due to conclude at the end of July. They have been extended until "Russia fulfils its obligations under the Minsk Agreement."

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Crimea: the EU extends restrictive measures in response to illegal annexation

22 June 2015

On 19th June the Council decided to extend the restrictive measures in response to the illegal annexation of Crimea until 23rd June 2016. In particular these sanctions ban the import of products from Crimea, investments and services linked to tourism in Crimea, as well as the export of certain products and technologies in the direction of businesses in Crimea in the sectors of transport, telecommunications and energies (oil, gas and mining).

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Outcome of the Foreign Affairs Council

22 June 2015

On 22nd June the 28 European Foreign Affairs Ministers met in Luxembourg for a Foreign Affairs Council. The Council agreed on the launch of a naval mission to counter migrant trafficking in the Mediterranean (Euronavfor Med) which will be restricted at first to increased surveillance of traffickers' networks. Ships, sub-marines, patrol planes and European drones will be deployed in about a week's time. The ministers also formally extended the heavy economic sanctions decided against Russia until the end of January 2016 because of its role in the conflict in Ukraine. These sanctions that are hitting entire sections of the Russian economy including the banks, defence and the oil sectors, prevented from finding finance on the European markets, were due to conclude at the end of July. They have been extended until "Russia fulfils its obligations under the Minsk Agreement." Finally ministers presented their conclusions on Burundi and Lebanon. In regard to the latter they notably called for the election of a new President as well as stability in the country. They also assessed the situation in Myanmar and discussed the EU's relations with the countries of ASEAN.

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Court of Justice

Greenlight for the ECB's OMT Programme by the ECJ

21 June 2015

On 16th June the European Union's Court of Justice gave the greenlight to the ECB's OMT (Outright Monetary Transactions) programme. The ECB launched this programme in 2012 so that the European Central Bank System could purchase sovereign bonds on the secondary markets, in other terms to purchase government debt. The Constitutional Court of Germany questioned the conformity of the programme with the ECB's mandate in February 2014.

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Angela Merkel's speech to the Bundestag

22 June 2015

Berlin wanted to give a sign of hope in negotiations between Athens and its creditors deeming that an agreement could be found to avoid default by Greece. "I am still convinced that when we want to, we can" declared the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a speech delivered to German MPs on 18th June as she used the pro-active formula that she had employed a week earlier in Brussels. "If the Greek leaders are willing, an agreement is possible." But to do this Greece "must address reforms" promised to its partners in a decided manner she insisted whilst Athens and its creditors continue to blame each other for the stalemate that has prevented progress in negotiations over the last few months.

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28th Hispano-Portuguese Summit

22 June 2015

On 22nd June the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and his Portuguese counterpart Pedro Passos Coelho met for the 28th bilateral summit between the two countries that took place in Baiona in Spain, with the aim of stepping up relations between the two countries. The summit started with the 5th Hispano-Portuguese Security and Defence Council meeting followed by meetings between Prime Ministers and other ministers according to the respective areas of competence (Foreign Affairs, Defence, Home Affairs and Energy). Structural reforms were introduced for economic growth and the creation of jobs in both countries. The two Prime Ministers and their government members also exchanged views on present negotiations between the EU, the IMF and Greece as well as migratory issues. Finally the summit closed with the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Spain and Portugal's accession to the EU.

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Mini government reshuffle in France

22 June 2015

MPs Clotilde Valter and Martine Pinville were appointed respectively, Secretary of State for the Reform of the State and Simplification and Secretary of State for Trade and the Craftmanship announced the Elysée on 17th June in a press release. Clotilde Valter will replace Thierry Mandon who occupied this position since June 2014, who has now been appointed Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research in replacement of Geneviève Fioraso who left the government on health grounds. Martine Pinville replaces Carole Delga as Secretary of State for Trade, Craftmanship, Consumer Affairs and Social Economy with Emmanuel Marcon's Ministry for the Economy. Laurence Rossignol, Secretary of State for the Family takes over the Childhood portfolio.

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Concerns expressed by the Bank of Greece

22 June 2015

The Bank of Greece issued a warning on 17th June to the country's government of the danger of exiting the euro zone and even of the EU in the event of failed negotiations with creditors. If there is no agreement the axe will fall warns the Bank of Greece: "default of payment by Greece, then at the end of the day, the country's exit from the euro zone and probably the EU," writes the institution in its annual report whilst stressing that not much is required in order to come to a compromise.

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Closure of border between Hungary and Serbia

22 June 2015

On 17th June 2015 the Hungarian Foreign and Trade Minister Péter Szijjártó officially announced that the government had asked Home Affairs Minister Sándor Pintér to prepare the closure of the 175km border with Serbia by 24th June. The Hungarian government intends to implement this closure via the building of a four metre high fence. This decision comes in a tense European context regarding migration, with Hungary deeming to be the European country most affected by immigration.

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Meeting between the Latvian and Lithuanian Prime Ministers

22 June 2015

On 15th June the Latvian Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma met his counterpart Lithuanian Algirdas Butkevicius to discuss economic, security and energy issues in the region of the Baltic Sea, the bilateral relations and the results of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the Union.

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Luxembourg Prime Minister visits Berlin

22 June 2015

Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel was on an official visit to Berlin on 16th June to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The two heads of government discussed major topical issues. They also discussed the priorities of the Luxembourg presidency of the Council of the EU (1st July to 31st December 2015). Xavier Bettel gave a speech on the challenges that Europe faces.

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Poland: appointment of new members of government

22 June 2015

On 16th June the Polish Prime Minister Eva Kopacz appointed new ministers in her government. Eva Kopacz who hope for a new start for her government in order to win the confidence of the Poles before the upcoming elections has made an ambitious choice: these three ministers have never been involved in politics. Hence Marian Zemblala Minister for Healthcare is a specialist surgeon in heart and lung transplants; Andrzej Czerwinski, Finance Minister is an energy expert; Adam Korol, Sports Minister is an Olympic rowing champion.

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Ailing Romanian Prime Minister replaced temporarily by his deputy

22 June 2015

Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta has had to leave his post temporarily on health grounds! Mr Ponta who is undergoing treatment in Turkey will be replaced by his deputy Gabriel Oprea as head of government in the 45-day interim period, as provided for in the Constitution. The Romanian government did however say that the Prime Minister will be back before this time has elapsed. Victor Ponta is also being prosecuted for corruption, complicity in tax fraud and money laundering.

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Celebration of the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta

21 June 2015

On the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, the charter that was signed to guarantee British constitutional rights, British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke of the document's importance and its vital interest. The text indeed protects the individual's fundamental rights by limiting the executive's power, guaranteeing access to justice and assuring the rule of law, a fundamental element of democracy.

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David Cameron's European Visit

22 June 2015

On 17th June the President of the Italian Council hosted his British counterpart at the Universal Exposition in Milan. Mr Renzi and Mr Cameron notably exchanged views on economic issues and immigration. The two men also exchanged views on the Brexit, with Mr Renzi maintaining that the EU without the UK was "unthinkable". Then David Cameron travelled to Luxembourg to speak with his counterpart, Xavier Bettel, on economic, migratory and Ukrainian issues. Finally he travelled to the Global Security Forum in Bratislava and he met Slovakian President Andrej Kiska with whom he discussed immigration and British negotiations over the EU.

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Visegrad Summit in Bratislava

22 June 2015

On 19th June the heads of the Slovakian, Czech, Hungarian and Polish governments met in Bratislava for a Visegrad Group meeting in which the French President François Hollande also took part. They exchanged views on the energy and climate policies in view of the COP21 conference that will take place in Paris in December 2015. They also discussed economic growth, regional security as well as migratory issues and the fight to counter unemployment. Regarding the migratory issue involving asylum seekers and refugees, participants in the meeting stressed that they wanted to see the introduction of a pro-active policy and not distribution quotas. The four Visegrad countries then adopted a final declaration on energy, transport, defence and the digital economy.

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10th Global Security Forum in Bratislava

22 June 2015

The Global Security Forum took place from 19th to 21st June in Bratislava. The tenth meeting took place to a backdrop of serious tension between Russia and the USA with projects to deploy heavy arms to Eastern Europe. The Globsec conference also looked into the Ukrainian crisis, the situation of refugees, the war against the Islamic State. This forum rallied a great number of political leaders who came to discuss the world's security issues.

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Laudato si': the Pope's encyclical letter on ecology

21 June 2015

Pope Francis's encyclical letter on ecology 'Laudato Si' was presented on 18th June at the Vatican. Laudato Si is the first encyclical letter focused on the issue of ecology in which the Pope invites each of us to "new dialogue in the way we are building the planet's future". The text was written after having called on dozens of experts and scientists together with the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. In 246 paragraphs Pope Francis articulates his thoughts on the planet which is dying and in which man has his share of responsibility.

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Signature of a financing agreement with Ukraine as part of EU SURE

22 June 2015

On 18th June the European Commissioner for Enlargement and the European Neighbourhood Policy Johannes Hahn and Ukrainian Economy Minister Aivaras Abromavicius signed an agreement to a total 55 million euro between the EU and Ukraine. This financing agreement comes under the EU SURE programme (EU Support to Ukraine to Re-launch the Economy). European aid to Ukraine via this programme totals 200 million euro in 2015. At the same time the Ukrainian Parliament ratified the protocol agreement on the EU's third macro-financial assistance programme to Ukraine which for its part totals 1.8 billion euro.

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Christine Lagarde validates the reforms in Ukraine

22 June 2015

In a press release on 19th June Christine Lagarde, General Manager of the IMF congratulated the Ukrainian authorities for having adopted a law strengthening the independence of the Central Bank of Ukraine as part of the structural reforms supported by the IMF to modernise the economy. Ms Lagarde also congratulated the Ukrainian government on its work undertaken with its creditors regarding the Ukrainian government debt. The general manager did however recall that the reform programme must go hand in hand with a rapid settlement of the debt issue.

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Rise in annual inflation rates in the euro zone and the EU

22 June 2015

In May 2015 annual inflation rates in the euro zone and the EU both lay at 0.3% against 0% in April 2015, said Eurostat. The lowest inflation rates were recorded in Cyprus (-1.7%), Greece (-1.4%) as well as in Slovenia (-0.8%). Conversely the most significant inflation rates were seen in Romania (+1.3%), Malta (+1.3%) and Latvia (+1.2%).

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Rise in employment in the euro zone and the EU

22 June 2015

In the third quarter of 2015 the number of people in work rose by 0.1% in the euro zone and by 0.3% in the EU said Eurostat estimates. In comparison with the first quarter of 2014 employment increased by 0.8% in the euro zone and by 1.1% in the EU. Over the first quarter of 2015 the most important growth rates were recorded in Latvia (+1.5%), Hungary (+1.5%), Estonia (+0.9%) and Spain (+0.8%). Conversely Greece (-0.8%) and Malta (-0.4%) recorded the sharpest decreases whilst employment remained stable in France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands.

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Stabilisation of asylum requests in the EU

21 June 2015

In the third quarter of 2015 185,000 requests for protection in the EU were made by asylum seekers said Eurostat. This figure is stable in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2014 but it was up by 86% in comparison with the first quarter of 2014. Over the first three months of 2015 the biggest number of first time asylum requests were recorded in Germany (40% of the EU total), and Hungary (18%). Then came Italy (8%), France (8%) and Sweden (6%). Half of the first asylum seekers came from Kosovo (26% of the EU total), Syria (16%) and Afghanistan (7%).

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EU Trade surplus

22 June 2015

The EU's current account, adjusted to seasonal variations, recorded a surplus of 14.9 billion euro in April 2015 in contrast to a surplus of 11 billion euro in March 2015 and 4.9 billion in April 2014 according to Eurostat estimates published on 19th June.

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Amnesty International presents its report on refugees

22 June 2015

On 15th June Amnesty International presented its report "The Global Refugee Crisis: A conspiracy of neglect" in Beirut. The NGO stressed that the refugee crisis is one of the major challenges of the 21st century and that the response on the part of the international community is "shameful and a failure". Given the indifference shown by the world's leaders Amnesty International puts forward proposals for a system to protect refugees demanding that the States take firm commitments "to fulfil their individual legal obligations" and to show their determination to "take on this shared responsibility internationally."

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Report on renewable energies

22 June 2015

On 16th June a report was published by the European Commission regarding the respect of the renewable energy goals set for 2020. This report stresses that the EU is progressing well in view of having 20% of renewable energies in its energy mix. Indeed the share of renewable energies achieved in terms of final consumption in 2014 was 15.3%. The Commissioner for climate and energy declared: "This report shows once more that Europe is achieving good results in terms of renewable energies and that these energies are beneficial for Europe."

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Annual Report on Roma Integration

22 June 2015

On 18th June the Commission adopted an annual report on the integration of the Roma. The report's conclusions highlight the constant progress undertaken by the Member States in terms of Roma integration, but at the same time note that further work has to be made in terms of fighting to counter discrimination and to increase cooperation with civil society and the local authorities. Hence the European Commission called on the States to continue their work "notably by creating national platforms for the Roma, and stepping up efforts to counter discrimination and segregation and by implementing more widely practices that have been proven and crowned with success."

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Annual report on Human Rights and Democracy

22 June 2015

During their session on 22nd June the 28 European Foreign Affairs Ministers adopted the EU's annual report 2014 on the situation of Human Rights and democracy in the world.

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Glastonbury Festival

22 June 2015

The Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts, more currently known as "Glasto" which schedules famous international musicians and also dance, theatre, circus and cabaret shows, is opening its doors from 24th to 28th June. Leading the way this year are Kanye West, Florence and the Machine and The Who. Also on stage will be Mary J. Blige, Motörhead, Pharrell Williams, George Ezra, The Water Boys, Texas, Ben Howard, Lionel Ritchie, Patti Smith, Hozier, Chemical Brothers, Tricky, Ryan Adams and FFS (Franz Ferdinand & Sparks). Founded in 1970 Glastonbury is one of the biggest open air festivals in the world and brings together over 175,000 people for hundreds of concerts on some 100 different stages.

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35th Vienne Jazz Festival

22 June 2015

The French town of Vienne (Isère) will be hosting its 35th jazz festival from 27th June to 11th July. The festival presents shows in four venues including the Old Theatre and the Midnight Club with its oak floor, red velvet drapes and crystal chandeliers offering concerts in various styles of music (electro, hip-hop, soul, etc)...

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Roskilde Festival

22 June 2015

The Roskilde Festival in Denmark, one of the biggest rock and pop festivals in Europe organised by the Roskilde Festival Charity Society will take place from 27th June to 4th July. The aim is to support initiatives to the benefit of children and young people and support humanitarian and cultural activities independently of political parties and geographical borders. Paul McCartney will be playing on 4th July.

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22nd June

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

22nd June

Extraordinary Euro Zone Summit on Greece (Brussels)

22nd June

Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

22nd to 25th June

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (Strasbourg)

23rd June

"General Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

25th and 26th June

European Council (Brussels)

29th June

EU-China Summit (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Marion Attia, Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger,Francesca Tortorella, Matthias Touillon, Antoine Villedey

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Sanctions/Russia, Greece, Elections/Denmark, EMU/Report, ECB/OMT


The Newsletter n°676- version of 22 juin 2015