The Newsletter67515 juin 2015

La Lettre

Philippe Delivet

15 June 2015

30 years after its signature on 14th June 1985, the Schengen agreement, which set up an area for the free movement of people, is fundamental to the building of Europe. It is an example of cooperation that combined at the outset a small number of States before being extended within the framework of treaties, whilst allowing participation by States that are not members of the European Union. The Foundation publishes a study by Philippe Delivet that draws up a report on this cooperation and insists on the challenges ahead. Confronted with challenges that are without precedent within a context of profound destabilisation amongst its neighbours, the Schengen area must be strengthened in order to ensure effective control of its external borders whilst responding to the humanitarian emergency.

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Publication of the 2015 edition of the Schuman Report on the State of the Union

15 June 2015

The 6th Schuman Report on the State of the Union has been published and provides a better understanding of the challenges before us: strengthening of the euro zone, growth and employment, investments, energy union, immigration, terrorism, European defence and security challenges in the East and South, transatlantic stakes, etc. Top personalities, including Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, as well as the best experts, have chosen to voice their opinions in the Report. The 2015 Schuman Report on the State of the Union is available in bookshops, from the Foundation's website and in digital version. Order it now!

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Patience and virtue

14 June 2015

Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Foundation president has published an editorial on his website on the need for European integration and the dithering of Member States and their national leaders in this regard. "We are still awaiting courageous progress to be made by our national leaders to get over the quarrel of legitimacy between precious national identities and the essential efficiency of supranationality. To valorise the European Union".

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Financial Crisis

Greece: no agreement found after the negotiations in Brussels

15 June 2015

Negotiations between Athens and its creditors in Brussels came to an end on 14th June, with no agreement having been found. There will not be any further meetings before the Eurogroupe meeting on 18th June. On 30th June Greece must reimburse an instalment of 1.6 billion euros to the IMF and expects the payment of all or part of the 7.2 billion euros agreed within the context of the second aid plan for the country. Whereas on 11th June the IMF announced that it was withdrawing its teams from the Brussels negotiations, referring to "major differences" between Athens and its creditors, the Greek government refuses to lower small pensions and impose VAT at a rate of 23% on electricity, as demanded by its creditors.

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The ECB contributes to the recovery

15 June 2015

In an interview with the French newspaper "La Croix" on 11th June, Benoît Coeuré, a member of the board of the European Central Bank (ECB), drew a picture of the major economic challenges in Europe. In his opinion, the ECB is contributing to the restart of economic activity in the euro zone, by reducing interest rates, euro exchange rates and the cost of finance for short and long term investments. However, this recovery must be consolidated by measures setting up a regulatory and social environment that is favourable to business and a climate of confidence for investments.

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IMF growth forecasts for Spain

15 June 2015

On 8th June the IMF revealed its growth forecasts for the Spanish economy, at 3.1% this year and 2.5% in 2016, compared with 2.5% and 2% respectively last April. This increase in economic activity is due mainly to the reduction in oil prices, the fall in the euro and the ECB's accommodating policy. However, the recovery remains fragile and structural reforms are necessary, with three priorities: support for long-term growth, a continued reduction in private debt and a confidence-building fiscal environment.

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EU-ECB-IMF: second surveillance mission in Portugal

15 June 2015

Despite improvement in the economic and financial position of Portugal, the Troika (EU-ECB-IMF) stated on 12th June, following its second surveillance mission, that the country must continue with its efforts to reduce its budgetary deficit. "Economic recovery is still being held back by macroeconomic imbalances, (...) efforts to reduce the structural budgetary deficit must continue", said the Commission and the European Central Bank. "There is a risk that the objective of a 2.7% GDP deficit is not achieved without more spending restrictions" added the International Monetary Fund.

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European Council

Adoption of a compromise agreement on the Investment Plan

15 June 2015

On 9th June 2015 the Council adopted a compromise agreement on the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), which is key to the Investment Plan of 315 billion € put forward by the Commission. This agreement clarifies the nature of the projects supported, the life-span of the funds, its financing as well as the structure of its governance. The agreement with the European Parliament was reached during a trilogue in Brussels on 27th and 28th May, whilst final approval on the agreement was reached on 4th June. The EFSI regulation will now be submitted to vote by the European Parliament on 24th June when the European Council is due to approve it. Final adoption is planned for the end of June which will enable entry into force of the measure at the beginning of July and the financing of the first projects by the EFSI in mid-September.

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Towards greater integration of European energy markets

15 June 2015

On 8th June, the European Commission and countries in the Baltic sea region signed a memorandum of understanding providing for modernisation and reinforcement of the plan to inter-connect the energy markets of the Baltic region. At the same time, 12 European countries signed a declaration of regional cooperation on the security of electricity supply within the domestic market. This signature was followed by a political declaration by the Pentalateral energy Forum, a forum that acts as the framework for regional cooperation in Central and Western Europe. The memorandum and the two declarations are part of the creation of the energy market and should allow for greater integration within the Single Market as well as liberation of renewable energy potential within the European energy system.

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New enquiry into Amazon

14 June 2015

On 11th June the European Commission opened a new enquiry into Amazon, a company that is already in the firing line for the tax regime it enjoys in Luxembourg, and now suspected by Brussels of abuse of its dominant position in the sale of digital books. The Commission fears that some of the clauses signed with publishers are an obstacle to competition and constitute an abuse of Amazon's dominant position on the market, as leading distributor of digital books in Europe, through its reader, Kindle. More specifically, the clauses in question oblige publishing houses to inform Amazon if they offer more favourable or different conditions to its competitors and to grant it similar conditions that are at least as favourable.

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Slovakia to contribute 400 million euros to the investment plan

15 June 2015

On 15th June Slovakia announced that it would contribute 400 million euros to projects benefitting from financing by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), which is the cornerstone of the 315 billion euro investment plan for Europe. After Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Poland, Slovakia is the seventh country to contribute to the plan.

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Are businesses afraid of transparency?

14 June 2015

The European Parliament's special committee on tax fraud regrets the lack of cooperation on the part of multinational businesses. On 9th June it decided therefore to publish the list of groups which have politely declined its invitation. These include McDonalds, Google, Ikea, HSBC and Amazon, who have refused so far to answer questions set by MEPs over fiscal arrangements. Only one company, Total, accepted to appear before the committee on 23rd June.

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Parliament resolution on gender equality

14 June 2015

A resolution adopted by MEPs on 9th June encourages the EU to set clear, concrete goals in its gender equality strategy. Parliament is asking for the introduction of specific measures for migrant women and those from ethnic minorities. MEPs also pointed to the need to counter new forms of violence against women such as cyber-bullying.

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MEPs call for greater protection for intellectual property

15 June 2015

On 9th June MEPs called on the European Commission to install greater protection for intellectual property in Europe. Indeed, they believe that the increasing power of organised crime and increasing violations of intellectual property are endangering the spirit of innovation in Europe, a spirit that is fundamental for economic growth. MEPs also highlighted the need to differentiate between counterfeit (physical domain) and violations of property rights in the digital domain.

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MEPs condemn declarations on the death penalty and immigration

15 June 2015

On 10th June MEPs asked the European Commission, by 362 votes to 247 and 88 abstentions, to place Hungary under "surveillance" after declarations made by that country's head of government Viktor Orban asking for the re-introduction of the death penalty and against immigrants. Abolition of the death penalty is part of the EU's charter of fundamental rights and MEPs deplored "a systemic threat to the State of law" in Hungary, which could justify the implementation of the sanctions laid down in article 7 of the EU treaty, such as the suspension of voting rights at the European Council. They also "denounce" the public consultation on immigration launched by the Hungarian government in which the arrival of foreigners is associated with threats to jobs and security problems in the country.

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MEPs call for a reassessment of relations with Russia

15 June 2015

MEPs asked the European Union, on 10th June, for "a critical reassessment" of its relations with Russia, by 494 votes to 135 and 69 abstentions. This resolution came further to "the aggression" against Ukraine, and the interference of Russia in European policies (notably through the financing of European radical and extremist parties). The European Union must now implement a non-coercive emergency plan to combat the aggressive policies of Moscow and to combat Russia propaganda. MEPs also called for no bilateral agreements to be signed with Russia, which could harm EU unity, and condemned the "arbitrary" Russian black list, banning 89 Europeans from entering the country.

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Postponement by the European Parliament of the vote and debate on the TTIP

15 June 2015

On 9th June 2015 Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, decided on the basis of article 175 of the European Parliament's Regulation to postpone the vote on the resolution on the TTIP which was due to take place on 10th June. MEPs also decided to postpone the debate regarding this resolution on the basis of article 152.

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Towards reform of the Community Trade Marks Office System

14 June 2015

On 10th June 2015 the Council approved a compromise agreement on the reform of the Community Trade Marks Office system. This reform will improve businesses' innovative capacities whilst providing them with greater protection against counterfeiting. Moreover this reform aims to make the trade mark registration system more accessible and more effective for the latter. The compromise agreement now has to be adopted by the Judicial Affairs Committee at the European Parliament and then by the Council on first reading. Once the Council's position has been adopted the text will be submitted to a second reading vote in a plenary session at the European Parliament.

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First eastern partnership ministerial meeting on the digital economy

15 June 2015

The first eastern partnership ministerial meeting on the digital economy, organised by the Latvian presidency in collaboration with the European Commission, was held on 11th June in Luxembourg. Participants stated their common commitment to developing the digital economy, which is essential for economic development, growth and job creation. Amongst the topics addressed were, in particular, electronic services for on-line administration (health on line and electronic customs), E-commerce for SMBs, cyber-security and E-logistics.

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Council Conclusions on Transport and Telecommunications

14 June 2015

On 11th and 12th June, the 28 European Transport and Telecommunications Ministers adopted an approach on technical instructions for internal navigation vessels that aims to harmonise existing procedures. They took note of progress made with governance and liberalisation implemented within the context of the 4th "rail package" and discussed progress made with negotiations on the rights of European passengers. The Latvian Presidency has drawn up a report on progress made with proposals regarding the single telecommunications market and the single digital market. They passed a programme on interoperability solutions for public authorities, citizens and businesses (ISA2), as well as conclusions on the transfer of management of IANA functions. Finally, they took note of progress on the proposal aimed at facilitating access to certain websites.

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Initial conclusions from the Justice Council

15 June 2015

On 15th June, the 28 European justice ministers agreed on the regulation for data protection, an agreement that will permit the start of negotiations with the European Parliament. A trilogue is planned in this respect for 24th June 2015. They also adopted a general outline for draft legislation on the promotion of free circulation of citizens and economic players and which aims to simplify public administrative obligations on this matter. They expressed their support for the first 16 articles of the proposal on the creation of a European public prosecutor's department. Finally, they adopted a decision authorising certain Member States to accept the accession of Andorra and Singapore to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (1980).

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Environment Council conclusions

1 January 1970

On 15th June, the 28 European environment ministers debated the proposed directive on national emissions reductions of certain atmospheric pollutants. This text is part of the "Pure Air for Europe" programme and aims to combat health risks linked to air pollution. The debate should result, in the future, in a joint position amongst Member States on this question. They noted progress made with negotiations on climate change looking ahead to the COP21 that will be held in Paris in December 2015. In this respect they have expressed some concern regarding the slowness of negotiations and specifically have called on those State that have not yet done so to communicate details of their national contributions. The Council's conclusions on the international negotiations on climate change should be adopted on 18th September 2015.

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EU-CELAC summit

14 June 2015

The EU-CELAC summit (Community of Latin-American and Caribbean States) was held on 10th and 11th June in Brussels. It was an opportunity for the two parties to reinforce their cooperation and take their partnership further. They re-stated their will to respect international law and the UN charter. The European Union announced that it would support Columbia financially in the combat to disarm guerrilla groups once a peace agreement has been reached, and stated its desire to see the "modernisation" of its relations with Cuba. Moreover it signed an agreement to remove the need for visas for short stays by Peruvian and Columbian nationals in the Schengen area. As well as the climate, progress was made with multilateral agreements. The European Union also announced that an amount of 118 million euros would be released in aid for businesses.

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EU-Mexico summit

14 June 2015

A summit meeting between the European Union and Mexico was held on 12th June. This enabled both parties to strengthen their partnership and set up greater bilateral cooperation in order to deal with common problems and challenges. It was an opportunity for launching negotiations to modernise the bilateral legal framework. Relations will therefore be intensified in the areas of energy security, renewable energies, research, education, the combat against drug trafficking, humanitarian aid and international migration.

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Meeting between the EU and Caribbean States

15 June 2015

The heads of State and government of the Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM) together with Donald Tusk, President of the European Council and Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union met on the side-lines of the CELAC Summit in Brussels on 11th June 2015. This meeting provided the chance for debate between participants about the Joint Strategy of the EU/Caribbean Partnership adopted in November 2012. The EU and CARIFORUM signed a regional cooperation programme for a total of 346 million euros which will be devoted to a regional integration programme, the development of renewable energy, security ... this programme is part of one billion euros in aid provided by the EU to the Caribbean covering the period 2014-2020.

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European Agencies

Philae has woken up

15 June 2015

After seven months' hibernation, hidden somewhere on the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Philae, the landing craft of the Rosetta mission woke up on 13th June. Brief signals were received, indicating that the little robot has sufficient energy available to transmit its data. Jean-Yves Le Gall, President of the CNES, declared "We have been able to collect signals from it for two minutes as well as 40 seconds of data". The re-awakening can be explained notably by the comet's movement; by getting closer to the sun it enabled the robot's solar panels to restart.

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51st Air Show in Le Bourget

15 June 2015

The 51st Le Bourget air show will be held from 15th to 21st June. All the major players in the aeronautical industry will be present to show their new products. Almost 120 civil and military aircraft, amongst the most innovative and spectacular in the world, will be presented this year, some of which will perform daily flying demonstrations. The show is reserved for professionals only from 15th to 18th June and will be open to the general public on 19th June.

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Migration: Matteo Renzi threatens a plan B

15 June 2015

On 14th June, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi stated that a "plan B" would be implemented in his country if EU solidarity with regard to Italy was not improved, with regard to taking charge of refugees. This declaration came within a context of tension between Member States who are having difficulty agreeing on the plan put forward by the European Commission that aims, notably at the distribution of 24,000 refugees amongst them. Matteo Renzi will discuss the question of immigration with French President François Hollande and British Prime Minister David Cameron, during their respective visits this week to Milan, as well as with the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The migrant question will also be on the agenda of the next European council of the 25 States, on 25th and 26th June.

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Resignation of several ministers in Poland

15 June 2015

The phone tapping scandal has rebounded in Poland, causing a real political explosion. Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz announced on 10th June the resignation of six ministers or Secretaries of State and the resignation of the President of Parliament Radoslaw Sikorski, all of whom were named in an explosive affair of illegal phone tapping. At the end of a press conference, Ewa Kopacz asked the Polish people for forgiveness. She also cancelled a trip to Brussels with the country in the midst of political turmoil, two days after the businessman and political militant Zbigniew Stonoga published on his Facebook page the entire legal file on the incidents involving recordings, without their knowledge, of several people close to the party in power.

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Polish Prime Minister's visit to the Vatican

15 June 2015

On 12th June 2015 Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz was received by Pope Francis during an audience at the Vatican. During this meeting, the Prime Minister and the Pope discussed his next visit to Poland for the World Youth Day that will be held in Krakow at the end of July 2016, the contribution made by the Catholic church in Poland, ethical questions and international affairs, notably the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.

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Victor Ponta accused of corruption by the Romanian anti-corruption agency

15 June 2015

On 9th June the Romanian Parliament rejected by 231 votes to 120 the request to lift the immunity of Victor Ponta, the Romanian Prime Minister accused of corruption. The Romanian anti-corruption agency (DNA) had requested the opening of an enquiry against the head of government suspected of tax evasion and money laundering when he was a lawyer between 2007 and 2011. The President, Klaus Iohannis, who campaigned in 2014 on the combat against corruption, requested the Prime Minister's resignation and qualified Parliament's decision as irresponsible insofar as Victor Ponta cannot be the object of legal proceedings for the period when he is in office and can be suspended only by the President.

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Debate on the draft bill on a referendum on European Union membership

14 June 2015

On 9th June, a majority of British members of parliament (544 to 53) approved a draft bill on the organisation of a referendum on UK membership of the EU, and rejected the amendment put forward by the Scottish National Party (SNP) to block the text. Supported by both Conservative and Labour members, adoption of the bill, which still has to go for second reading before the Commons, is not in any doubt although debates highlighted tensions within the Conservative camp. After adoption of the bill, the date for the referendum will depend mainly on negotiations between David Cameron and his European counterparts on the terms of UK membership, since the UK wants to recover a large share of its competences.

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Speech by the British Chancellor of the Exchequer

15 June 2015

In his annual Mansion House speech on 10th June, the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne indicated that the government wanted to put forward legislation forcing future governments to spend less than their fiscal income during normal economic conditions - a "golden rule" that very few countries have attempted to implement. Similarly, he specified the planned privatisation plan and notably the way in which the government was going to sell off its shares in Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS).

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Visit to Europe by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper

15 June 2015

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper came to Europe from 6th to 11th June, visiting Ukraine, Poland and Italy. During his meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Porochenko, he confirmed Canada's support against Russian aggression and in the undertaking of economic and democratic reforms in Ukraine. In Poland he met with Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz, President Bronislaw Komorowski and President elect Andrzej Duda, and announced the signature of a declaration of intent between the Defence Ministers of the two countries, indicating their common commitment to reinforcing their cooperation in terms of defence. In Rome he discussed investments and bilateral trade with Matteo Renzi. Finally, he had a private audience with Pope Francis at which they discussed the importance of defending the interests of Christians and other religious minorities under threat in the Middle East, in eastern Ukraine, in Crimea and in Africa, and stated the need to reinforce their collaboration in the defence of religious freedom worldwide.

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Vladimir Putin on a visit to Italy and the Vatican

15 June 2015

On the occasion of Russia Day at the Universal Expo in Milan on 10th June, the President of the Italian Council Matteo Renzi hosted Russian President Vladimir Putin. The central themes of the visit were the crisis in Ukraine, Russian-Italian relations and international terrorism. In Rome Vladimir Putin met with President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and then with Pope Francis who, at a private meeting in the Vatican, requested a major commitment from Russia for peace in Ukraine and the Middle East.

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Resignation of the Turkish government

15 June 2015

On 9th June Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan accepted the resignation of Ahmet Davutoglu's government, following the results of general elections held on 7th June. The formation of a coalition government between the AKP and the opposition is set to be difficult because the three opposition parties have, for the time being, excluded any kind of alliance with the AKP.

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Ukraine must not use its Central Bank reserves to pay off its private creditors

15 June 2015

Ukraine cannot draw from its Central Bank reserves to pay off its private creditors within the context of current negotiations on the rescheduling of its debt, said IMF chief Christine Lagarde, on 12th June. According to her, Ukraine needs to retain large cash reserves to ensure the success of its economic reform programme and "in this respect, Ukrainian Central Bank reserves cannot be used to service the external debt without the government taking out more debt, which would be incompatible with the success of the operation".

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UNHCR: 103 000 migrants have arrived in Europe via the Mediterranean in 2015

14 June 2015

According to official figures published on 9th June by the UN Agency for Refugees, some 103,000 refugees and migrants have already crossed the Mediterranean to disembark in Europe in 2015 with peaks recorded daily in the Greek islands. 54,000 have arrived in Italy, 48,000 in Greece. This total includes around 6000 migrants and refugees who arrived in the south of Italy on the weekend of 6th-7th June following a major rescue operation coordinated by the Italian coastguard and in which navy ships deployed by Frontex, Italy, Germany, UK, Ireland, Spain and also the MOAS (Migrant Offshore Aid Station) took part.

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GDP up by 0.4% in the euro zone and in the EU over the 1st quarter 2015

14 June 2015

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was up by 0.4% over the 1st quarter in the euro zone and in the European Union, particularly thanks to household consumption, according to figures published on 9th June by the European statistics office, Eurostat. GDP was already up by 0.4% during the fourth quarter 2014, points out Eurostat.

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CELAC is the EU's fifth most important trade partner

15 June 2015

According to a Eurostat study published on 9th June the trade balance of the 28 EU Member States with the 33 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, which are members of the Community of Latino-American States and the Caribbean (CELAC), is in surplus lying at 12 billion € in 2014. The imports of goods from the CELAC totalled 110.6 billion € in 2014. Together the CELAC countries were the EU's fifth trade partner in 2014 behind the USA, China, Russia and Switzerland.

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Structure of Member States' government debt in 2014

15 June 2015

A Eurostat study published on 10th June reveals that the government debt of most EU Member States is mainly held by non-residents. This is the case with 81% of the Finnish debt but only 2% of the Luxembourg debt. On the other hand long-term maturities are the most frequent. In Sweden 29% of the total government debt has a term below one year. Bulgaria (21%), Italy (15%), Hungary (14%), Portugal (13%) and France (12%) recorded shares of short-term maturity debt of more than 10%. Conversely government debts in Poland, Estonia and Slovakia almost all have long-term maturities.

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The United States are the EU's leading commercial partners in the services sector

15 June 2015

A Eurostat study published on 11th June shows that almost a third of trade in EU services took place with the United States in 2014, with a total EU surplus of 151 billion euros. Exports of services from the EU to the rest of the world have increased by 29% over the past five years, to reach 734.8 billion euros in 2014. For their part imports increased a little more slowly (+27% over five years). Transports and travel represented a third of all EU exports. Although the European Union mainly traded with the United States, its other commercial partners in the services sector are notably Switzerland, China, Russia, Japan, Canada, India, Brazil and Hong Kong.

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International Trade Surplus in goods in the euro zone and the EU

15 June 2015

According to data published by Eurostat on 15th June, exports of goods from the euro zone to the rest of the world amounted to 173.6 billion euros in April 2015, up by 9% compared to April 2014. Imports from the rest of the world were 148.7 billion euros, i.e. up by 3%. Consequently, in April 2015 the euro zone recorded a surplus of 24.9 billion euros in its international trade in goods with the rest of the world. In the UE, exports of goods amounted to 155.4 billion euros, up by 12% compared to April 2014. Imports from the rest of the world came to 143.2 billion euros, that is an increase of 4%. The EU therefore showed a surplus of 12.2 billion euros in April 2015 in its international trade in goods with the rest of the world.

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Andare insieme, andare lontano: book by Enric Letta

15 June 2015

Enrico Letta, former president of the Italian government, has brought out "Andare insieme, andare lontano" (Walking together, going further) published by Mondadori. The author tells the history of Italy and Europe, convinced of the need to get back to the spirit of the Founding Fathers and thereby achieve the dream of a united Europe. Italy needs a joint, united effort in order to combat its internal problems, notably unemployment.

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Anish Kapoor showing at Versailles Palace

15 June 2015

Until 1st November the gardens of Versailles Palace will welcome an exhibition of contemporary art by British artist Anish Kapoor. The artist, for whom a work only truly exists in the eyes of the spectator, has chosen to combine dualities: sky and earth, visible and invisible, outside and inside, shadow and light, to create an imaginary, unstable world, contrasting with the controlled reality of Versailles Palace.

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Art Basel contemporary art exhibition in Basel

15 June 2015

From 18th to 21st June the city of Basel is host to the annual exhibition of modern and contemporary art: Art Basel. It brings together all forms of art, sculpture, painting, drawing, photography, videos and installations from the 300 biggest art galleries in the world, from North America to Asia. Art Basel is the largest modern and contemporary art fair in the world.

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Hampton Court Palace Festival

15 June 2015

The Hampton Court Festival will be held in the Tudor Courtyard through until 23rd June. This year it welcomes artists such as Jools Holland, Burt Bacharach and Alfie Boe and takes place in the most gorgeous setting, notably with spectators having the possibility of going to the East Front Gardens, where various activities will be on offer between the concerts.

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Music Festival

15 June 2015

The 2015 Music Festival (Fête de la Musique) will be held on 21st June. The programme for this 34th event, on the theme "living music together" brings together several thousand concerts by a mixture of artists, both amateur and professional. Started in France in 1982 the "Fête de la Musique" is now held in over 100 countries across 5 continents, every 21st of June.

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15th June

Environment Council (Luxembourg)

15th and 16th June

Justice/Internal Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

16th June

"Agriculture and Fishing" Council (Luxembourg)

18th and 19th June

"Employment, social policy, health and consumers" Council (Luxembourg)

18th June

Eurogroupe Meeting (Luxembourg)

18th June

General Elections in Denmark (Denmark)

19th June

"Economy and Finance" Council (Luxembourg)

22nd June

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Marion Attia, Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger,Noémie Rossi, Francesca Tortorella, Matthias Touillon, Antoine Villedey

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial, Philae, Mexico, Latin America, the Caribbean, Protection/data, TTIP


The Newsletter n°675- version of 15 juin 2015