The Newsletter6731 juin 2015

La Lettre

Pauline Schnapper

1 June 2015

The 2015 UK general election has been unlike any other since 1945. At first sight it has featured a return to a two-party system and a clear victory for the Conservative Party. Yet this election was actually a further step in the long-term evolution of the two-party political system. The questions it raises are two-fold – that of the country as a united kingdom, because of the success of the Scottish nationalists, and the future of the United Kingdom in the European Union, because of the risky promise made by David Cameron to organise an in/out referendum by the end of 2017.

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General Elections - Denmark 18th June

1 June 2015

General elections will take place in Denmark on 18th June. The 179 members of the Folketing, the only chamber of parliament, are elected every four years. Eight political parties have seats at present: Social Democratic Party (SD), People's Socialist Party (SF), Social Liberal Party (RV), Unity-Red/Green Alliance (E), Liberal Party (V), the Danish People's Party (DF), the People's Conservative Party (KF), Liberal Alliance. The most recent poll by Voxmeter, published on 27th May credits the Social Democratic Party with 24.7% of the vote. It is followed by the Liberal Party which is due to win 23.8% and the People's Party, 18.4%. The Liberal Alliance is credited with 7.8%, Unity-Red/Green Alliance 7.7%, the People's Socialist party 6.2%, the Social Liberal Party 5.8% and the People's Conservative Party 3.2%. With 54.3% of the vote the Blue Block is forecast to draw ahead of the Red Block which is due to win 45.6% of the vote.

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Publication of the 2015 Schuman Report on the State of the Union

31 May 2015

The 9th (6th in English) edition of the Schuman Report on the State of the Union has been published. It gives readers an overall of view of present current affairs: strengthening the euro zone, growth and employment, investments, Energy Union, immigration, terrorism, European defence and security challenges in the East and South, transatlantic issues, etc. The most respected personalities including Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, as well as the best experts have chosen to contribute articles. The Schuman Report 2015 on the State of the Union is available in bookshops, from the Foundation's site and it digital form. Order your copy!.

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Myths and realities of European Defence

31 May 2015

On 2nd June 2015 Europe Avenir is organising a conference-debate entitled "Myths and realities of European Defence". This conference will be attended by General Jean-Paul Perruche, Chair of the association EuroDéfense and member of the Scientific Committee of the Robert Schuman Foundation. The conference will take place at the Médiathèque at Rueil Malmaison. The conference is open to everyone and entry is free.

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Financial Crisis

The OECD's Skills Outlook 2015 for youth employment

31 May 2015

On 27th May the OECD published its Skills Outlook 2015 in which is notes the employability of young people in the countries belonging to the OECD. It notes that more than 35 million young people aged 16 to 29 in the OECD are not in employment right now nor are they following any training and that their chances of being unemployed are double that of the higher age bracket. Moreover half of these young people living on margins of the education and social systems are not looking for work and many new graduates are also experiencing difficulties. Hence the OECD has drawn up a series of recommendations to governments to foster the integration of young people into the labour market: early support to children in difficulty at school, the introduction of "second chance" training programmes and the promotion of apprenticeship through work.

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Adoption of 24 new rural development programmes

1 June 2015

On 26th May the Commission approved 24 new rural development programmes (RDP). These programmes aim to improve the competitiveness of the EU's agricultural sector but also to limit the effect of agricultural activities on the land and the climate. Some 40,000 jobs are due to be created in rural areas and 700,000 training placements will be made available in the areas of innovation, sustainable agricultural practices and rural entrepreneurship. These programmes will be financed by the EU's budget to a total of 27 billion euro and will be completed by government financing nationally and regionally, as well as by private financing. The Member States involved in these programmes are Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Spain, Sweden and the UK.

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Presentation of the draft 2016 EU Budget

31 May 2015

On 27th May 2015 the European Commission presented the draft EU budget 2016. Next year's budget which totals 143.5 billion euros in credit payments, according to the version put forward by the Commission, will focus on five main priority area, ie "the stimulation of innovation, the creation of jobs, the promotion of convergence between the Member States and between regions, the more effective management of migration and the strengthening of the EU's role as a world player." Moreover it should be noted that there will be a contribution from the 2016 budget to the European Fund for Strategic Investment to a total of 2 billion euro in commitments and 500 million euro in payments. Now the draft budget 2016 has to be communicated to the European Parliament as well as to the 28 Member States who will jointly set out the final version.

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Draft of an action plan to promote fairer tax systems by the Commission

1 June 2015

On 27th May 2015 the 28 European Commissioners agreed on the need for the EU to adopt a new corporate tax strategy in order to address abusive tax practices more effectively, to guarantee sustainable revenues and to promote an adapted environment for businesses in the single market. This stance is in line with the March 2015 presentation by the European Commission of a package of measures that aim to strengthen tax transparency in the Union. The project will be part of an action plan to be presented in June and that will cover a strategy to introduce Europe-wide a joint consolidated corporate tax base (ACCIS), measures to counter tax fraud being drafted by the OECD as well as an improvement in tax transparency.

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Commission Progress on the Migration Agenda

31 May 2015

On 27th May 2015 the European Commission adopted its first proposals regarding a global approach to improve migration management. These first positions follow the presentation by the European Commission of the European Migration Agenda that was set mid-May. Amongst these proposals feature the launch of an emergency mechanism for a relocation programme, a recommendation establishing the means to relocate migrants, an EU action plan to counter migrant trafficking, guidelines on the taking of digital finger prints as well as the organisation of a public consultation on the future of the "blue card" directive.

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Public Consultation on the Circular Economy

1 June 2015

On 28th May 2015 the European Commission launched a public consultation aiming to collate the civil society's opinion on the main possibilities available so that a new approach towards the circular economy can be drafted. An action plan on this theme is planned by the end of 2015 by the European Commission whose work is notably being supervised by Frans Timmermans, the Commission's First Vice-President responsible for improving regulation, interinstitutional relations, the rule of law and fundamental rights. The European Commission would like to this plan to cover the entire life cycle of products taking on board the diversity of situations within the Member States. The Foundation published a study on this theme in November 2014.

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Emergency meeting in Greece

1 January 1970

On Monday 1st June French President François Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, IMF Director General Christine Lagarde and Mario Draghi the President of the European Central Bank met in Berlin to exchange views over the Greek situation. This meeting aimed to define a common position for Greece's creditors who are due to release the last tranche of aid totalling 7.2 billion euro to enable the country to honour the IMF payment deadlines to a total of 1.6 billion euro in June. However no agreement between the creditors was found.

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UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's speech

31 May 2015

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, attended the European Parliament on 27th May 2015. He addressed migratory issues recalling that 1,800 people had died this year as they tried to cross the Mediterranean. He stressed that "Europe had a major role to play and a collective responsibility in terms of the response to be given. Saving lives should be a priority." He called for the implementation of a more global approach to the issue repeating his reticence about a naval operation against migrant traffickers in the Mediterranean established by the European Union. Ban Ki-moon also spoke of the problem of violent extremism. Finally he recalled the major role to be played by the EU in terms of sustainable development.

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EU-USA free-trade agreement partially adopted by the European Parliament's "trade" committee

31 May 2015

The free-trade agreement under negotiation between the Europeans and Americans was given a first mark of support on the part of the European Parliament on 28th May with the greenlight of the Trade Committee (INTA). This free-trade agreement otherwise known as the "TTIP" received the support of 28 MEPs (S&S, EPP, ALDE), who are members of the trade committee. 13 voted against (Greens/EFA). The European Parliament will vote in plenary on 10th Jun on the TTIP.

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Conclusions of Council devoted to Development

31 May 2015

On 26th May 2015 the 28 Development Ministers exchanged points of view regarding the financing of development in view of negotiations over a new post-2015 agenda. They adopted conclusions defining the EU's position for the development financing conference in July as well as for the UN Summit in September. They then addressed issues linked to migration and development. On this occasion they recalled that the Union's overall approach comprised addressing the causes of illegal migration. Moreover they recalled that the EU is committed to improving its work regarding migration and development whilst countering infringements of human rights and fostering the settlement of conflict in the countries of origin.

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Agreement on the creation of a European investment fund

31 May 2015

An agreement was found on 28th May between the Council and the European Parliament on the creation and means of the European Investment Fund, the key element in the Juncker Plan for economic revival, thereby opening the way for the first financing at the end of the summer. The final agreement of European Parliament should be taken on 24th June. "This means that the funds will be operational and projects will be funded as of the end of the summer," stressed the Commission. The Juncker Plan is designed to revive growth and employment in Europe. It should enable the mobilisation of 315 billion euro in investments over three years via the creation of a European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI). The fund is due to be financed by the European budget and the European Investment Bank (EIB) to a total of 21 billion euro, whilst the States have been asked to contribute. Six of them - Poland, Germany, Spain, France, Italy and Luxembourg - have already announced that they will contribute to finance national projects.

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Conclusions of the Competitiveness Council

31 May 2015

On 28th and 29th May 2015 ministers responsible for competitiveness exchanged views of the single digital market strategy and adopted conclusions on the digital transformation of European industry. In this regard they stressed the importance of targeting sectors in which transformation is necessary. Moreover they reached agreement on the revised rules of the "travel package" which aims to improve travellers' rights, notably during on-line purchases, as well as increasing business opportunities in this sector. Discussions also ended in agreement on an overall approach to the establishment of the new form of "limited company" with one associate only. Finally they adopted conclusions on the roadmap for 2015-2020 for the European Research Area as well as on open, networked and data research.

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23rd EU/Japan Summit: towards a free-trade agreement?

31 May 2015

On 29th May 2015 the 23rd EU/Summit took place in Tokyo together with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Donald Tusk, President of the European Council and Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission. This summit enabled partners to pick out some areas of cooperation for the future as well as defining the major strategic guidelines for relations between the EU and Japan. These guidelines focus on four themes: development of a strategic partnership notably including a free-trade agreement, joint action for world peace and security, the promotion of growth, sustainable prosperity and development, as well as the deepening of mutual understanding between the two partners.

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Six monthly report on financial stability by the ECB

1 June 2015

The European Central Bank published its six-monthly report on 28th May on financial stability. In the ECB's opinion rates close to zero are putting pressure on insurers and on banks that are finding it difficult to make enough yields to cover their costs and to make any profit. At the same time if share and bond markets are adjusted too harshly this might compromise recovery in the euro zone. Moreover the Greek situation is still threatening the States of Europe. Although the ECB's Vice-President Vitor Constancio is confident about Greece remaining in the euro zone he believes that the country might default on its rescue plan.

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European Agencies

The Ariane 5 rocket launches two satellites

31 May 2015

The European Ariane 5 rocket launched the DirectTV-15 and SKY Mexico-I satellites from French Guiana on 27th May. DirectTV-15 will provide additional digital TV services to over 20 million users in the USA whose territory will be covered entirely. This is the "USA's most powerful TV broadcast satellite," maintained Airbus Defence and Space.

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Meeting of G7 Finance Ministers

1 June 2015

G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bankers agreed on 29th May on the principle of adding the Chinese Yuan to the IMF's reference currency basket but also on necessary technical studies prior to this. ""We were completely agreed that it is desirable in principle, that the technical conditions must be examined, but there are no politically divergent views on this," said German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble during a press conference. The Finance Ministers accepted that there must be more international cooperation to implement fairer taxation, notably between fiscal administrations. Ministers also discussed improvements to provide development aid, to fight to counter the financing of terrorism, and finally the Greek situation.

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Angela Merkel interview on the G7 Summit

1 June 2015

"The intense discussions at the G7 Summit are of great value in finding joint solutions," explained Angela Merkel in an interview in preparation for the G7 summit. This meeting is particularly important within a worrying international context of climate change and medical problems. Moreover negotiations over the TTIP are ongoing.

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Settling the Cypriot problem

1 June 2015

On 26th May the President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades spoke during a seminar organised by the NGO Youth Organisation of Cyprus in support of the quest for a solution to the Cypriot problem that would be viable, functional and respectful of Human Rights. He notably called on young Cypriots and inhabitants in the northern part of the island who face the same problems to create a climate for the pacification of relations between the two zones. He finally launched an appeal to Turkey to negotiate the reunification of the country.

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440,000 jobs created in 2014 in Spain

1 June 2015

The Spanish government presented the results of its employment policies to the Upper Chamber of Parliament on 26th May 2015. Mariano Rajoy, leader of the Spanish government recalled that 578,000 Spaniards had found work between April 2014 and April 2015: "from negative growth and recession we have moved on to positive growth and job creation". Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, Deputy Prime Minister and Fatima Banez, Employment and Social Security Minister highlighted the progress achieved by Spain and said that 600,000 jobs will be created in 2015. These employment policies will require a significant budget of 4,764 million euro in 2015, ie an increase of 17% in comparison with last year. 44% of these funds are affected to training and 31.5% to the promotion of stable employment and the inclusion of the most vulnerable groups.

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New Government in Finland

1 June 2015

On 28th May the Eduskunta, the Finnish Parliament, appointed Juha Sipilä as the new Prime Minister, 128 votes in support, 62 against. On the previous day negotiators came to an agreement on a government programme and the allocation of ministerial posts. On 29th May Finnish President Sauli Niinistö officially announced the composition of the Finnish government to be led by Juha Sipilä. Then government will comprise 14 ministers: 6 are from the Centre Party including Olli Rehn for the Economy, 4 from the True Finns including Timo Soini for Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister, and 4 from the National Coalition (Kokoomus), including Alexander Stubb for Finance; five of the ministers are women.

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Manuel Valls and Matteo Renzi at the Economy Festival in Trento

1 June 2015

The Economy Forum of Trento is taking place until 2nd June on theme of social mobility. On 30th May the heads of the French and Italian government, Manuel Valls and Matteo Renzi debated on theme of "Italy, France and Reform". They said they shared the same view of the line to follow: undertaking reform, introducing a policy to foster growth in all EU countries.

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The Queen's Speech during the investiture of the new British Parliament

31 May 2015

On 27th May Queen Elizabeth II addressed the members of the British Parliament on the occasion of the opening of the new legislature. She announced David Cameron's government's main plan: guaranteeing the country's economic stability, increasing living standards via employment security, increasing energy security, controlling immigration, improving the school and healthcare systems (NHS), reforming the EU and promoting an effective foreign policy in the quest of the stabilisation of regions in conflict. After the speech there was an initial parliamentary debate during which members of both houses debated the content of the legislative programme and the House of Commons submitted it to a vote.

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Meeting with François Hollande, Ewa Kopacz and Angela Merkel

1 June 2015

British Prime Minister David Cameron met French President François Hollande on 28th May as part of his tour of Europe regarding the UK's status in the EU. He then met his Polish counterpart on 29th May in Warsaw before travelling to Berlin to meet Chancellor Angela Merkel. During this trip Mr Cameron said he wanted to reform the Union to make it more competitive and more attentive to British expectations. The "status quo is not satisfactory" he declared. The British Prime Minister said he would not oppose greater integration within the euro zone, which is sought by the French and German governments. The Chancellor said that some reforms might be in the interest of Germany like the reduction of "red-tape" and better rules regarding social services fraud for example. "We shall find common positions," she said.

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"Should the UK remain a member of the EU?"

31 May 2015

On 28th May the British government presented a draft bill laying out the details of the referendum that will take place by the end of 2017 on the UK "remaining in the EU or not" showing that the Prime Minister wants to move forward on this issue as quickly as possible. "Should the UK remain a member of the EU?". This is the question that Britons will have to answer with "yes" or "no". The consultation will take place at the end of 2017 at the latest or maybe even next year. It is the first time in forty years that the British people have been consulted on the place of the country in the EU. The last referendum on the UK remaining a member of the European Economic Community dates back to 5th June 1975 when they chose to remain a member.

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Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria launch a new gas pipeline project

1 June 2015

The four countries have signed a joint declaration for the construction of the Eastring by 2018 - a new gas pipeline that will link Central Europe to the south east of the continent. Two options are still under negotiation: a first circuit of 832km will pass via Slovakia, Romania and Hungary; a second totalling 1,274 km in length would cross Bulgaria. This project that should enable the supply gas from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Cyprus and Russia, has the advantage of re-using the existing Eustream infrastructure in Slovakia with a capacity of 20 billion cubic metres per year.

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Tirana and Belgrade commit to working towards stability in the Balkans

31 May 2015

The Serb and Albanian Prime Ministers - Aleksandar Vucic and Edi Rama committed on 27th May to working towards improving their unsteady relations - in spite of their disagreement over Kosovo - to guarantee peace and stability in the Balkans. "Relations between Albania and Serbia, between Albanians and Serbs are key to the region's future," said the Albanian Prime Minister during a joint press conference hoping that the two countries would follow the Franco-German model of reconciliation after the Second World War. They then took part in the Vienna Economic Forum in Tirana to discuss the European future of all of the Western Balkans.

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Entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Bosnia-Herzegovina

1 June 2015

On 1st June 2015 the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and Bosnia-Herzegovina entered into force - this aims to strengthen the partnership both from an economic, political and trade point of view. According to Federica Mogherini, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security "a new chapter is starting." Indeed with this agreement Bosnia-Herzegovina will be strengthening its institutional framework. Moreover from an economic point of view this agreement will increase the confidence between the country's consumers and investors by offering new outlets for European businesses. Finally there will probably be a rapprochement in terms of standards and legislation between the EU and the Bosnian institutions.

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Signature of the agreement between the EU and Switzerland on tax transparency

31 May 2015

On 27th May the EU and Switzerland signed a new historic agreement on tax transparency. This agreement notably implies an automatic exchange of information regarding European citizens' banks accounts between Switzerland and the EU. It aims to bring Swiss banking secrecy to and end and European capital flight to Switzerland. This agreement will enter into force in 2018. Negotiations in view of similar agreements are ongoing with Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco and San-Marino.

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Kyiv Security Forum

1 June 2015

On 28th and 29th May 2015 the 8th Kyiv Security Forum took place. Yearly this event brings together the members of governments, representatives from international organisations as well as experts for an exchange of views on security and defence regarding the region of the Black Sea and Europe. The Ukrainian crisis was therefore the focus of discussion at the Forum this year. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko spoke of the conflict in the Donbass and Crimea and the security issues that this has raised - not only for Ukraine but also for Europe as a whole. During his speech the Ukrainian President pointed to the need to establish a new world security model. In another speech Alexander Vershbow, Delegate Secretary General of NATO spoke of Russian action in Ukraine, NATO's support to the Ukrainian government as well as the need for this country to continue its reform programme.

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The EU has to do more to help migrants

31 May 2015

Europeans must do more to help migrants who cross the Mediterranean deemed the UN's Secretary General Ban Ki-moon just before a visit to the EU on 26th May, which is waiting on the UN's greenlight to undertake a naval operation against traffickers. Europe "can provide more aid" he declared during a joint press conference in Dublin with Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny calling for greater effort in terms of the rescue operations in the Mediterranean. "I exhort European leaders to settle this problem in a fuller and more collective manner," he added stating that any approach also ought to include an attack against the "roots" of the problem in the countries of origin. "We must all do our best to save lives," insisted Mr Ki-moon.

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Tony Blair resigns from his post as UN Special Envoy for the Middle East

1 June 2015

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair announced on 27th May that he would be resigning from his post as the UN's Special Envoy for the Middle East Quartet. "As the UN's Special Envoy over the last eight years Mr Blair has shown unfailing commitment to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and has provided long term contribution to work to promote economic growth and improve daily life on the West Bank and in Gaza", said the Quartet in a press release. The Quartet that was formed in 2002 mainly aims to mediate between Israel and the Palestinian Authority to take the peace process forward. His resignation will take effect in June.

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Round up of trade results between the EU-Japan 2014

31 May 2015

On the occasion of the EU-Japan summit on 29th May in Tokyo Eurostat published data on trade and investments between Japan and the EU. Imports from Japan totalled 54.6 billion euro in 2014, whilst exports lay at 53.3 billion euro. As a result the EU's trade deficit with Japan has declined significantly and was almost in balance in 2014 at -1.3 billion euro. Japan is the EU's 7th partner, representing just over 3% of the all of the EU's goods trade with the rest of the world in 2014.

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Publication on the quality of life in Europe

1 June 2015

On 1st June 2015 Eurostat published a new survey entitled "Quality of Life in Europe - Facts and Views", which combines objective and subjective opinion indicators given by individuals on their situation in the EU Member States, in order to cover all aspects of personal well-being amongst Europeans. A 'quality of life' framework has been developed and is organised along 8+1 dimensions: material living conditions; productive or main activity (covering employment); health; education; leisure and social interactions; economic and physical safety; governance and basic rights; natural and living environment; and overall life satisfaction. Amongst the study's results we might note that the Union's residents are satisfied overall with their personal relations, 7.8/10 of the time, but they are not as satisfied with their financial situation with an average score of 6/10. Regarding employment residents are relatively satisfied with an overall score of 7.1/10.

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9 Europeans in 10 support the EU giving humanitarian aid

31 May 2015

A Eurobarometer study dated 29th May notes that nine Europeans in ten want the European Union to continue providing humanitarian aid. This is a two point increase in comparison with the last survey undertaken in 2012 in spite of the economic crisis that is proving slow to settle. Christos Stylianides, European Commissioner responsible for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management said he was "proud of the strong support that European citizens show for Europe's humanitarian action." According to this survey 76% of Europeans are aware of the action the Union has undertaken in terms of humanitarian aid (against 68% in 2012), notably during the major crisis such as the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.

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Annual Report by the European Ombudsman

1 June 2015

On 26th May the European Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly released the annual report 2014 during which time 2079 complaints were lodged and 325 investigations were launched. On top of this 17 investigations were launched on the sole initiative of Ms O'Reilly. The Ombudsman's work notably led to the public distribution by the European Commission of documents linked to the TTIP negotiations, the monitoring of Frontex's work and the clarification of the role played by "groups of experts" at the European Commission.

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Reforming fiscal governance in the EU

1 June 2015

In a May 2015 report the IMF delivers a series of proposals to reform fiscal governance within the EU. According to the IMF although various measures were taken by the EU and its Member States during the crisis, which did indeed strengthen fiscal policy, the latter have made the European fiscal framework significantly more complex and made it more difficult to implement. Moreover in this report the IMF puts forward a series of measures that aim to simplify the general European fiscal policy framework, to introduce a single fiscal anchor with a single operational rule and to improve the implementation of the fiscal framework likewise the respect of this.

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Commission report on Trade and Employment

1 June 2015

On 1st June 2015 the European Commission published a study on trade and employment entitled "EU Exports to the World: Effects on Employment and Income". This study which offers individual data for each of the 28 EU Member States maintains that 31.1 million jobs are supported by the Union's exports to the rest of the world i.e. an increase of +67+ between 1995 and 2001. In France for example some 2.2 million jobs are supported by exports to the rest of the world ie 10% of total employment.

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"Of Gold and Ivory Paris, Pisa, Florence, Siena, 1250-1320"

1 June 2015

The Louvre-Lens Museum is running an exhibition "Of Gold and Ivory Paris, Pisa, Florence, Siena, 1250-1320" until 28th September 2015. Thanks to loans from about 20 European museums the exhibition explores the artistic exchange between the capital of the kingdom of France and what is now Tuscany in the second half of the 13th century. Via 125 pieces of work it reveals the relationship between the major sources of artistic creation, which at the time were Paris on the one hand and Florence, Pisa and Siena on the other.

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Henry Darger at the Museum of Modern Art Paris

1 June 2015

Until 11th October the Museum of Modern Art in Paris is running an exhibition on Henry Darger a mythical figure of 20th century painting and a major representative of "Outsider Art". Thanks to a donation by the Darger estate and loans by the MOMA New York, the collection of Outsider Art of Lausanne and private collections the exhibition covers Darger's strange world which is a mix of the imaginary, historical narrative and popular American culture.

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Impressionism/Expressionism Exhibition at the Alte Nationalgalerie Berlin

1 June 2015

The Alte Nationalgalerie of Berlin is organising an IMEX exhibition (Impressionism/Expressionism) until 20th September. From 1896 on the Museum's Director Hugo von Tschudi started to collect Impressionist works before the museums of other European capitals, like Paris and London, had even started to do so. Twenty years on his successor, Ludwig Justi, also started to collected Expressionist works as of 1918. This exhibition compares the two movements at the start of the modern era which shared an anti-academy style, often scenes depicted outdoors and an attachment to making a direct transcription of experiences with light, colour and emotion.

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Agnes Martin Exhibition at the Tate Modern

1 June 2015

The Tate Modern, which hosts the British national collection of modern and contemporary art, is running an exhibition devoted to Agnes Martin (1912-2004) from 3rd June to 11th October 2015. During this exhibition visitors will be able to view the work of this Canadian-American artist as well as her development over the decades.

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Andy Warhol Exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Krakow

1 June 2015

The Museum of Contemporary Art of Krakow is hosting an exhibition of works by Andy Warhol until 30th August: "Ten portraits of Jews of the 20th Century". The exhibition reviews a series of portraits of academics, politicians, and personalities linked to the world of culture who marked the 20th century. Amongst these features Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Golda Meir, Gertrude Stein and Franz Kafka.

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3rd June

ECB Governors' Council (Frankfurt/Main)

7th and 8th June

G7 Summit (Schloss Elmau)

8th June

Telecommunications and Energy Transport Council (Luxembourg)

8th to 11th June

Plenary Session of European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Marion Attia, Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger,Noémie Rossi, Francesca Tortorella, Matthias Touillon

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

EU/Japan, Elections/Denmark, Migrations, EU Budget/2016, Investment, G7


The Newsletter n°673- version of 1 juin 2015