The Newsletter67226 mai 2015

La Lettre

Corinne Deloy

26 May 2015

The Polish outgoing head of State, Bronislaw Komorowski (Civic Platform PO) was beaten during the 2nd round of the presidential election on 24th May with 48.85% of the vote by Andrzej Duda (Law and Justice, PiS) who won 51.55% of the vote. Turn out in the second round was higher than that recorded on 10th May last totalling 55.34%. Aged 43 Andrzej Duda will take over from Bronislaw Komorowski on 6th August next.

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Presidential Election in Latvia

1 January 1970

On 10th April last the outgoing President of the Latvian Republic Andriz Berzins informed his fellow citizens that he did not want to run for a further term in office as head of State. The Latvian head of State is elected for a four year mandate (renewable once) by the absolute majority of the 100 members of the Saeima. Four people are officially running in the presidential election on 3rd June next: Raimonds Vejonis, co-chair of the Green Party of Latvia (LZP) and chair of the Green and Farmers' Union (ZZS), present Defence Minister ; Egils Levits, judge at the European Court of Justice, supported by the National Alliance (union for All for Latvia (VL) and the Union for the Fatherland and Freedom (TB/LNNK)) ; Martin Bondars (Regions Alliance, Latvijas Regionu Apvieniba, LRA) ; Sergejs Dolgopolovs (Harmony Centre, SC), MP.

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Publication of the 2015 version of the Schuman Report on the State of the Union

26 May 2015

The 9th (6th in English) edition of the Schuman Report on the State of the Union has been published. It gives readers an overall of view of present current affairs: strengthening the euro zone, growth and employment, investments, Energy Union, immigration, terrorism, European defence and security challenges in the East and South, transatlantic issues etc ... The most respected personalities including Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, as well as the best experts have chosen to contribute articles. The Schuman Report 2015 on the State of the Union is available in bookshops, from the Foundation's site and it digital form. Order your copy!

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Financial Crisis

IMF publishes its annual assessment of the Polish economy

25 May 2015

On 18th May the IMF published its annual mission conclusions on the Polish economy which has enjoyed recovery since 2012-2013 due to greater integration into the world economy. Growth continued to gather pace at 3.5% in the first quarter of 2015 whilst inflation remains low. Structural reform and stronger policy to boost productivity and fostering income convergence seem to be vital in targeting long term, even recovery.

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The Bundesbank's Monthly Report

25 May 2015

According to the Bundesbank's monthly report in May the German economy is due to continue to grow over the next few months thanks in part to private consumption. In the first quarter of 2015 the economy only grew by 0.3%, unlike the 0.7% in the previous quarter. Improvement in the economy overall and the depreciation of the euro should lead to new opportunities to export outside of the euro zone. The report believes that the emergency liquidities made available to the Greek financial institutions is protecting them from default and ensuring the solvency of Greece. The bailout should be decided by the Finance Ministers under the guidance of the national parliaments believes the Bundesbank.

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Euro zone: private activity growth slows in May

25 May 2015

According to a study published by the Markit consultancy on 21st May private activity growth slowed in May in the euro zone for the second month running - this is slight but is being compensated for by an encouraging rise in employment. The composite PMI index lay at 53.4 against 53.9 in April said Markit.

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Decrease in Unemployment in Ireland

26 May 2015

The unemployment is at a six year low in Ireland dropping below 12% to 9.9% in the first quarter of 2015, which represents 212,800 unemployed. Indeed 13,000 jobs were created in the last quarter of 2014 and 12,500 in the first quarter of 2015. The government wants to bring unemployment down to 8.8% in 2016. Ireland, which ended its European rescue plan 18 months ago, now has the highest growth rate in the EU.

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Annual IMF economic assessment of France

25 May 2015

The IMF has confirmed that the French is recovering in the short term with a growth forecast of 1.2% in 2015, but mid-term potential growth seems to be even weaker than before the crisis. "After practically four years of stagnation," the French economy has an 'output gap' of 2 to 2.5% of the GDP; growth of 2% will be required over several years in order to catch up and to enable the creation of jobs. The IMF recommends that France go further in its structural reforms by offering the "possibility for social partners to negotiate with greater flexibility at the company level regarding working hours and wages"; limitation on SMIC increases in line with inflation rates; modification of unemployment benefits to "encourage beneficiaries to go and look for a job"; and reduction of "impediments that dissuade small businesses from going beyond certain numbers of staff".

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Presentation of a new agenda for "better legislation"

25 May 2015

On 19th May 2015 the European Commission adopted a programme entitled "Better legislation" the aim of which is to enable the EU's policies to achieve their goals more effectively. To this end the programme aims to increase the opening and transparency of the decision making process in the EU, to improve the quality of this new legislation via the implementation of an improved assessment of the impact of draft laws and amendments, as well as promoting the constant, appropriate review of present European legislation. The European Commission has announced a series of measures including the strengthening of the Regulatory Fitness (REFIT) programme, the transformation of the impact analysis committee into an independent regulatory assessment body as well as a project for a new inter-institutional agreement. According to Frans Timmermans, the first Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the programme, the Commission "is determined to modify both what the Union does and how it does it."

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Meeting between Jean-Claude Juncker and David Cameron

26 May 2015

The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker met the UK's Prime Minister David Cameron on 25th May. The latter has promised that a referendum will be held by 2017 so that British citizens can decide whether the UK will stay in the European Union or not. Mr Cameron would like to renegotiate the links his country has with the EU, notably the issue regarding social benefits being granted to migrants. Jean-Claude Juncker said he was determined to "come to a fair agreement with the UK". Brussels was the starting point of a European tour by Mr Cameron who will be travelling to Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Poland as well as Germany this week.

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Debate in European Parliament on fundamental rights and EU values

26 May 2015

On 19th May MEPs debated the situation in Hungary, fundamental rights and EU values following remarks by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on the possibility of re-introducing the death penalty in Hungary and the government's public consultation on immigration. European Parliament President Martin Schulz opened the debate and welcomed Mr Orban before handing over to the Latvian Presidency of the Council. Vice-President of the Commission Frans Timmermans recalled that the re-introduction of the death penalty would go against the EU's fundamental values and would lead to the implementation of article 7 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) which provides for the possibility of depriving a Member State of its voting rights within the Council.

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European Parliament resolution on foreign development aid

26 May 2015

In a resolution adopted on 19th May 2015 in plenary session MEPs asked the 28 EU Member States to respect the goal that aims for 0.7% of their national income to be devoted to foreign development aid. They then called on the Member States to establish multi-annual budgetary timetables to achieve this goal by 2020. They took advantage of this opportunity to re-iterate the need to introduce regulatory frameworks vital for the effective mobilisation of national resources in developing countries as a key source of financing, whilst recalling the major role played by the private sector in this sphere.

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Presentation of the strategy for the single digital market to the European Parliament

26 May 2015

On 19th May 2015 Andrus Ansip, Vice-President of the European Commission presented the Commission's strategy for the establishment of the single digital market to the European Parliament. Commissioner Ansip was able to give details to MEPs about the Commission's priorities to enable improved consumers and business access to digital goods and services in Europe as well as an optimisation of the growth potential of the European digital market. The European Parliament now has to respond to the proposal via the drafting of an initiative report that will entail the work of several parliamentary committees i.e. the industry, internal market, culture committees as well as the legal affairs committee. The single digital market will be on the agenda of the European Council of 25th and 26th June.

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Adoption of stricter rules to counter tax fraud and the financing of terrorism

26 May 2015

On 20th May 2015 MEPs adopted the fourth directive to counter money laundering the aim of which is to step up the fight against the financing of terrorism as well as against tax fraud. Amongst the new binding rules features the obligation for real company owners to be recorded on a central EU Member State register. These registers will be open both to authorities and to people with a "legitimate interest", such as for example investigative journalists. Moreover they adopted a regulation on the "transfer of funds" thereby aiming to improve the traceability of the latter. The Member States now have two years within which to transpose these measures nationally. The regulation will become directly applicable 20 days after its publication in the EU's Official Journal.

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Defence: the EU must be prepared to respond to further security challenges

26 May 2015

On 21st May 2015 MEPs asked for the implementation of better security and defence measures in order to provide an improved response to emerging challenges, i.e. the fight to counter terrorism and organised crime, the strengthening of cyber-defence and an adapted response to migratory issues. They demanded that Member States use the tools that are part of the common security and defence policy more effectively by closing the gap between internal and external security measures and by pooling all available resources. To this end they stressed the importance of the European Council on 25th and 26th June. Moreover they insisted on the need to adapt the financing of the EU's civilian missions and its military operations to new requirements. Finally they demanded that the European Commission as well as the Member States foster the emergence of a real European defence market.

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Conclusions of the General Affairs Council

26 May 2015

On 19th May 2015 the 28 European Affairs Ministers met in Brussels and adopted a regulation that will raise early payment for the youth employment initiative by one billion euro in 2015. Moreover and in line with the extraordinary European Council meeting of 23rd April regarding migratory pressure in the Mediterranean, the European Commission and the Council informed ministers of the progress of work in this area. The Commission put forward its agenda for Migration to which ministers provided their initial remarks, whilst the Commission still has to publish its legislative proposals. Finally ministers prepared the European Council of June, notably via the assessment of the provisional agenda that will address a certain number of points regarding security and the economy. In this regard the Council was informed of progress made in the report by the four presidents on Economic and Monetary Union.

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Conclusions of the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council

26 May 2015

The EU's Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Ministers met in Brussels on 18th and 19th May. They assessed the results of European cooperation in the area of education and training under the programme "Education and Training 2020", then they adopted conclusions regarding the strengthening of socio-educational work that should help social integration and active citizenship. Ministers then exchanged views on the role played by education in the prevention of radicalisation and in the promotion of European values. Finally a debate took place regarding the future of the European audiovisual policy under the single digital market strategy. Finally they adopted the decision to appoint Plovdiv (Bulgaria) and Matera (Italy) as the European Capitals of Culture 2019.

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Towards an improvement in the EU-ASEAN partnership?

25 May 2015

On 18th May 2015 Federica Mogherini, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and the European Commission adopted a joint communication entitled "the EU and ASEAN: a partnership with a strategic goal". This document highlights a certain number of proposals to provide new impetus to the EU-ASEAN relationship thereby aiming to create a more coherent sectoral cooperation framework as well as developing greater political relations. Amongst the measures brought to the fore in the communication notably feature a strengthening of work on climate change via political dialogue over the environment and sustainable development, a doubling of financial support allocated by the EU to ASEAN's regional integration process (170 million euro) and even the implementation of the common work to achieve the signature of an inter-regional free-trade agreement between the EU and ASEAN.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council

26 May 2015

The 28 Foreign and Defence Ministers formally established an unprecedented naval operation on 18th May to counter migrant traffic in the Mediterranean after a series of deadly shipwrecks announced the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini. "The decision to establish an EU naval operation to break the "business model" of the smugglers' and traffickers' networks in the Mediterranean has just been taken." This mission named "EUNAVOR Med" will deploy warships and surveillance planes belonging to the armies of Europe off the Libyan coast, which has become a major trafficking platform.

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Conclusions of the 4th Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga

25 May 2015

On 21st and 22nd May the 4th Eastern Partnership Summit took place in Riga which brought together the leaders of European and the representatives of the six Eastern European members of the Partnership i.e. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. After lauding the progress achieved over the last few years and the implementation of a strategy for greater visibility in the Eastern Partnership's activities, Europe's leaders recalled the need to strengthen political and military cooperation in Eastern Europe, notably regarding a solution for Ukraine. The States also agreed on the consolidation of the rule of law via greater independence of judicial power and the fight to counter corruption. Finally they committed to promoting the development of economic activity via support to businesses, energy security and the mobility of people.

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24th Meeting of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and the European Union

26 May 2015

On 24th May in Doha (Qatar), the 24th meeting between the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) led by the Qatari Foreign Minister, with the European Union including a delegation led by the High Representative Federica Mogherini. The GCC and the EU recalled the importance of strengthening their relations to introduce a sound base for regional and international stability. Foreign Ministers debated their concerns and their joint priorities regarding the situation in the region and notably in Yemen, Iran, Libya, Syria and Iraq and on the peace process in the Middle East. They said they were determined to overcome political, social, economic and security challenges together, and addressed issues regarding the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) that will take place in December.

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The ECB urges governments to act

25 May 2015

The euro zone's economic outlook is better at present than it has been since the start of the crisis in 2008 estimated the President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Mario Draghi on 22nd May. "The euro zone's economic outlook is better today than it has been for the last seven long years (...) but a cyclical recovery alone cannot solve all of Europe's problems," deemed Mr Draghi, on the occasion of a forum organised by the ECB in Sintra, Portugal on 21st to 23rd May. He called on European governments to take advantage of this upturn to address structural reform. These fundamental reforms, notably in the labour market "could release major sources of untapped output, employment and well-being gains and (...) this would play a vital role in guaranteeing that the present cyclical recovery gathers strength," he maintained.

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Launch of European Military drone

26 May 2015

On the side lines of the Council on 18th May, German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen, her French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian and Italian Roberta Pinotti signed a protocol agreement to develop a European drone by 2025 and announced that they wanted to undertake a definition study, due for completion by 2017. Airbus Group, Dassault Aviation and Finmeccanica said they were pleased with this announcement in a joint communication and say they will undertake a study in view of a European MALE drone over the next two years.

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6th Petersberg dialogue on the climate

26 May 2015

The 6th Petersberg Climate Dialogue took place on 18th and 19th May 2015 in Berlin bringing together ministers and representatives of 35 countries with the aim of preparing for the COP21 in Paris. German President Joachim Gauck, German Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius launched the conference on 18th May. The next day Chancellor Angela Merkel re-iterated her commitment to the success of the COP21 in Paris and French President François Hollande insisted on the urgency of acting for the climate but also on the opportunities created by this. Ministers encouraged the implementation of convergence on key issues before the Paris conference by including the various parties involved such as businesses and civil society.

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Cooperation agreement between Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey to counter illegal migration

26 May 2015

Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey signed a tripartite agreement in Sofia on 25th May to counter illegal migration and trafficking. This agreement will become a reality with the creation of a police and customs cooperation centre that will enable the three sides to exchange information in real time on the border post of Kapitan-Andreevo, an area where the three parties have joint borders. Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey are facing major migratory issues that are being made worse by the conflict in Syria.

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Results of the Spanish local elections

26 May 2015

On 24th May local elections were held in Spain revealing a weakening of bi-partism between the People's Party (PP) and the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE). The PP in office for the last four years won 27% of the vote in the town council elections, ie a loss of 10 points in comparison with the 2011 elections and its worst score since 1991. The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party only won 25% of the vote ie a decline of 3% in comparison with the elections in 2011. Although Podemos did not win any regions it did win the two biggest Spanish towns: the town hall of Barcelona goes to Ada Colau, who won against the Catalan independence supporters and Manuela Carmena, supported by Podemos, is running favourite to win the town hall of Madrid if the PSOE supports her.

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The 2015 report by the Italian National Statistics Institute

25 May 2015

The Italian Statistics Institute (ISTAT) published its 2015 on 20th May. The picture that emerges is one of recovery. Growth, investment, employment, citizen and business confidence, rising consumption augur well for the end of the crisis for Italy. Positive figures do not apply to Italy as a whole however - some southern regions are not following trends of growth and remain in a consolidated position of disadvantage in comparison with the rest of the country.

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Andrzej Duda elected President of the Republic of Poland

26 May 2015

The outgoing head of State Bronislaw Komorowski (Civic Platform PO) was beaten during the second round of the presidential election on 24th May with 48.45% of the vote by Andrzej Duda (Law and Justice PiS) who won 51.55% of the vote. Turn out in the second round was higher than that recorded on 10th May last and totalled 55.34%. Aged 43, Andrzej Duda will take over from Mr Komorowski on 6th August next.

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John Bercow re-elected as Speaker of the House of Commons

26 May 2015

On 18th May the newly elected House of Commons, the UK's lower chamber of Parliament, met for the first time to appoint its Speaker. John Bercow, Speaker at the House of Commons since June 2009 was re-elected without a vote in that no member of the House had objected to him standing again. If one MP had raised an objection a vote would have taken place with all of the Members voting. A new session of Parliament will be held on 27th May with the traditional Queen's Speech.

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UK Businesses and Scientists sound the alarm on keeping the country in the EU

25 May 2015

Businesses are now sounding the alarm before the possible exit of the UK from the EU. "With a referendum possibly within the next 18 months this is not the time for industry to show timidity regarding the EU," maintained Airbus CEO Paul Kahn on 20th May. Mike Rake, the head of the Confederation of British Industries (CBI) the country's main employers' organisation called on businesses to make their voice heard to keep the country in the EU. "The EU is vital to our national prosperity," he said, "it helps us define a trade programme, to be part of a vast free-trade agreement (under negotiation with the USA) and of being able to compete with world giants like China and India." In a letter to The Times on 22nd May a group of eminent scientists deemed that "the public does not know that the EU is a blessing for British science and innovation." "The scientific community is working closely with the EU in a very positive manner (...) Our opinion is shared by thousands of researchers who have rapidly joined the "Scientists for EU" campaign on the social networks", wrote the letter's signatories, who include 2001 Nobel Prize Winner, biochemist Paul Nurse and the professor of astronomy Martin Rees. The latter qualifies the prospect of a "Brexit" as a disaster at a time when European research is just beginning to rival that of the USA.

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The Slovakian President meets the Ukrainian President

26 May 2015

During an official visit to Ukraine on 20th May Slovakian President Andrej Kiska met his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko. The two heads of State discussed the importance of international support to Ukraine in the integration process of the EU as well as the action taken to counter Russian aggression. They also discussed the situation in the Donbass. Mr Kiska said that Ukraine was clearly respecting the Minsk II agreements unlike the pro-Russian separatists. Mr Poroshenko noted that the Ukrainian army had captured two Russian soldiers in the country's east which comprises "irrefutable proof of Russia's aggression against Ukraine and of the presence of the Russian Armed forces in Ukraine itself." Finally the Slovakian President maintained that his country did not acknowledge the illegal annexation of the Crimea by Russia.

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7th Meeting of the EU-Albania Stabilisation and Association Council

26 May 2015

On 18th May 2015 the 7th EU/Albania Stabilisation and Association Council meeting took place. This meeting was the first of its kind since the European Council's decision on 27th June 2014 that granted Albania the status of candidate country. As a result discussions focused on the progress achieved by Albania regarding the five priorities set by the EU i.e. corruption, organised crime, justice, administrative reform and human rights. The EU lauded the reforms undertaken by the Albanian government in these areas and invited Tirana to continue its efforts.

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53rd EU-Turkey Association Council meeting

26 May 2015

On 18th May the 53rd meeting of the EU-Turkey Association Council took place in Brussels. This meeting provided both partners with an opportunity to exchange views on security issues and migration. Hence issues pertaining to the fight to counter terrorism and the need to strengthen EU-Turkish cooperation in this area were addressed, likewise the reception of Syrian and Iraqi refugees by Turkey and finally Turkish-European cooperation to counter illegal migration. Moreover this meeting provided an opportunity for European leaders to re-iterate the importance of the EU's relations with Turkey, which remains a major Union partner as well as being a candidate country. Leaders notably reviewed the reforms still to be undertaken for Turkey to be able to move forward in terms of its membership.

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The Ukrainian government is planning a moratorium on the payment of its external debt

26 May 2015

The Ukrainian government is planning a moratorium on the payment of its external debt just as the country, on the verge of default, is negotiating the restructuring of the latter, indicated the Ukrainian Finance Ministry on 19th May. The government has submitted a draft bill to parliament which gives it the right to "introduce a moratorium if necessary, to defend the interests of the Ukrainian people." "Ukraine is in an extremely difficult economic situation and the payment of the external debt is question of justice." The debt increased by 40 billion dollars under Viktor Yanukovych who was overthrown in February 2014 after three months of pro-European unrest in Maidan Square.

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Council of Europe

Annual session of the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers

26 May 2015

On 19th May the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers met for its 125th annual session. Foreign Ministers adopted an additional protocol under the Council of Europe's Convention for the prevention of terrorism in order to address the problem of "foreign terrorist fighters". With this agreement the 47 States of the Council of Europe are due to outlaw certain types of activities such as the intentional participation in terrorist groups and establish a mutual rapid information exchange network. Other measures were adopted to counter violent extremism and radicalisation at school and on the internet. Finally Belgium handed over the reins of the organisation to Bosnia-Herzegovina after presiding over the organisation for 6 months.

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Publication of Eastern Partnership figures

26 May 2015

A Eurostat devoted to the Eastern Partnership launched in 2009 between the EU, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia was published on 20th May on the occasion of the 4th Summit that took place in Riga on 21st and 22nd May. These countries are all very different from the EU both from a demographic and economic point of view: only 5.8% of the population of Azerbaijan is over 65 years old (in contrast to 18.5% of the population of the EU), only 47.4% of the population of Moldova has a job (against 69.2% in the EU). The GDP per capita in these countries lies between 1,700€ (Moldova) and 6000€ (Azerbaijan), against an average 27,300€ in the EU. The goods trade between the EU and its eastern partners was almost balanced in 2014 with a deficit of 15.5 billion € in the trade of raw materials, and in surplus of 15.9 billion € in terms of manufactured goods. The EU's leading partners in these countries is still Ukraine and the leading trade partners for the countries in the Eastern Partnership are Germany, Italy and Poland.

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Stabilisation of annual inflation rates in the euro zone and the EU

26 May 2015

In April 2015 the annual inflation rates in the euro zone and the EU lay at 0%, said Eurostat. In April 2014 these rates lay at 0.7% and 0.8% respectively. The lowest inflation rates over the period were seen in Greece (-1.8%), Cyprus (-1.7%) as well as in Bulgaria and Poland (-0.9%). Conversely and still during the same period, the highest annual inflation rates were recorded in Malta (+1.4%) as well as in Austria (+0.9%).

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Surplus of 15.1 billion euro for EU current account in March 2015

26 May 2015

In March 2015 the EU recorded a current trade account surplus said a Eurostat study on 22nd May, i.e. a decrease in comparison with February 2015 (+18 billion euro), but a major increase in comparison with the previous year (+7.6 billion euro in March 2014). The services account recorded a surplus of 14.2 billion euro in March 2015. Over 12 months from April 2014 to March 2015, the current account recorded a surplus of 122.2 billion euro - very slightly up in comparison with the 12 months ending March 2014 (+121.3 billion euro).

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Report on the state of nature

26 May 2015

The fullest assessment ever made of the state of nature in Europe was published by the European Commission on 20th May as part of the "Birds" and "Habitats" directives. The study draws up a mitigated picture of the conservation of habitats and species in Europe: although 52% of birds are out of danger, 15% are "threatened, declining or decimated". A certain number of species and habitats are doing better although progress still remains to be achieved: the state of conservation of 60% of protected species under the "Habitats" directive is still quite negative. The report also presents targeted measures of successful protection under the LIFE programme that has enabled the increase of certain populations of birds.

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Report on bathing water quality

26 May 2015

With 95% of sites falling in line with the directive and 83% being of excellent quality, Europe's waters were in a satisfactory condition in 2014. This is what emerges from the annual report by the European Agency for the Environment (EAE) published on 20th May which compares the quality of waters sampled from over 21,000 European sites (28 Member States, Albania and Switzerland). Sites where the quality of the water was inadequate have until the end of the 2015 season to fall in line with the directive.

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The Man Booker International Prize awarded to Hungarian writer Laszlo Krasznahorka

26 May 2015

Hungarian author Laszlo Krasznahorka was awarded the Man Booker International Prize 2015 on 19th May. This award is only given every two years to a living author of any nationality for novels penned in English or translated into English. It is not given to one title only but to the author's entire work.

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Artists' Rooms Stuttgart

26 May 2015

The Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart is running an exhibition until 27th September entitled "Artists' Rooms" which, for the first and the same time, is showing the work of 13 artists. Some of the work has never been on show before.

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Award ceremony at the Cannes Festival 2015

26 May 2015

The closing ceremony of the 68th Festival of Cannes took place on 24th May. French film director Jacques Audiard won the Palme d'Or for his film Dheepan, which follows the life of a Sri Lankan immigrant in France. The Grand Prize was awarded to Hungarian director László Nemes for his film "Saul Fia" whilst the Jury's Prize went to Greek director Yorgos Lanthimos for "The Lobster". Rooney Mara and Emmanuelle Bercot won the Best Actress Prize for their role in "Carol" by Todd Haynes and "Mon Roi" by Maïwenn, whilst the Best Actor Prize was given to Vincent Lindon for his role in "La Loi du Marché" by Stéphane Brizé.

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26th May

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Development) (Brussels)

28th and 29th May

Competitiveness Council (Brussels)

29th May

EU-Japan Summit (Tokyo)

Newsletter Archives

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Marion Attia, Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger,Noémie Rossi, Francesca Tortorella, Matthias Touillon

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Elections/Poland, Spain, Latvia, Legislating Better, Climate


The Newsletter n°672- version of 26 mai 2015