The Newsletter67118 mai 2015

La Lettre

Michel Foucher, Gilles Lepesant

18 May 2015

As the Riga Summit approaches on the Eastern Partnership the Foundation has published a study by Michel Foucher and Gilles Lepesant. They believe that the radically new geopolitical context typified amongst other things by the Arab rebellions and a new Russian domestic and foreign policy has changed the situation. Even though it explains to a large degree the present difficulties of the European Neighbourhood Policy this new context must not mask thought about the successes and the shortfalls of this policy. They explore the foundation of this geographical theory whereby all of the countries on the edge of Europe should share the same framework and the same prospects simply because they are close.

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Seminar "European Renaissance"

18 May 2015

A final seminar in the series "Mémoires, identité et imaginaires des peuples européens" organised by the Collège des Bernardins will take place on 21st May in Paris. Pascale Joannin, the Robert Schuman Foundation's General Manager will be speaking on the theme "The protection of the privileged area of human hope - does this involve the creation of European Defence?"

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Publication of the 2015 Schuman Report on the State of the Union

18 May 2015

The 9th Schuman Report on the State of the Union (6th in English) has been published and provides insight into vital European issues: strengthening of the euro zone, growth and employment, investments, Energy Union, immigration, terrorism, European Defence and security challenges in the East and the South, transatlantic issues etc... The most eminent personalities Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, as well as the best experts have chosen to contribute articles. The Schuman Report 2015 on the State of the Union is available in bookshops, on the Foundation's site and in digital version. Order your copy!

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Financial Crisis

The EBRD prepared to invest more in Eastern Europe

18 May 2015

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said on 15th May that it was prepared to invest more in the countries of Eastern Europe affected by the recession in Russia but not in Russia itself because of the Ukrainian crisis. "We can increase our investment levels beyond our present levels and we can take advantage of this opportunity in which real requirements exist and real reforms are undertaken," declared the bank's Chief Executive Suma Chakrabarti during a press conference in Tbilisi after the institution's general assembly.

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Improvement of the Employment in Spain

18 May 2015

During a session in parliament on 13th May the president of the Spanish government declared that the employment rate had increased by 9.2% and youth employment had increased by 4.7% according to the most recent social security statistics. 440,000 people found work in 2014 and 600,000 are due to find work in 2015.

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Upgrading the trade agreement between the EU and Mexico

17 May 2015

On 11th May 2015 the European Commission, via its Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, and Mexico via Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, Secretary of State for the Economy, announced that they intended to upgrade the existing trade agreement between the EU and Mexico. The aim is to make this agreement similar to the one signed with Canada. The EU and Mexico are still linked by a free-trade agreement that dates back to 2000.

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Commitments by three European airlines on their anti-trust practices

18 May 2015

On 12th May the Commission accepted commitments on the part of Air France/KLM, Alitalia and Delta, members of the airline alliance SkyTeam regarding three transatlantic routes. The Commission had concerns that the cooperation between these airlines may harm competition for all passengers on the Amsterdam-New York and Rome-New York routes and for premium passengers on the Paris-New York route, in breach of EU antitrust rules. The Commission believes that the commitments made by the airlines should help reduce barriers to market entry or expansion by other airlines on these three routes and it decided to make these commitments binding over a period of 10 years: the airlines will make landing and take-off slots available at the airports affected by these routes, they will conclude agreements that will enable competitors to offer tickets on the flights involved and they will provide information about the deals they make.

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Modernisation of Customs Union between the EU and Turkey

17 May 2015

On 12th May 2015 the European Commission via the intermediary of Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström and Turkey via its Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci met to discuss the modernisation of customs union between the EU and Turkey. This meeting follows a year of technical dialogue and marks the official start of discussions on a modernisation agreement. Each side in the agreement will now be able to start internal procedures to achieve negotiation mandates. Turkey is the EU's sixth trade partner whilst the EU is Turkey's main trade partner. Customs Union between the EU and Turkey dates back to 1995.

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Country per country recommendations adopted by the European Commission

17 May 2015

Under the European Semester the European Commission adopted country per country recommendations for 26 EU Member States (Greece and Cyprus) and for the euro zone as a whole. The Commission recommended that the Council bring the excessive debt procedure against Malta and Poland to an end and to grant the UK two more years for it to bring its government deficit below 3% of the GDP. It will be decided within the next two weeks, after the opinion of the Economic and Financial Committee, whether an excessive deficit procedure will be launched against Finland. France - at present the focus of an excessive deficit procedure has until 10th June 2015 to take effective steps according to the Council's recommendations made in March 2015.

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European agenda for migration

17 May 2015

On 13th May the European Commission set out a European agenda for migration which puts forward immediate action and a long term project that might be taken to remedy migratory issues in the Mediterranean. Finally the Commission would like to launch an operation to dismantle trafficking networks and migrant trafficking. Long term the Commission suggests setting up four types of action for an improved management of migration, i.e. discouraging illegal migration, better border management in the countries of the south of the Mediterranean, a better European asylum system and a new legal migration policy.

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A Committee of 7 experts will provide the European Commission with scientific advice

17 May 2015

A group of seven eminent scientists will advise the European Commission on scientific matters in order to guarantee "transparency and independence" in an area in which the latter has often been accused of having been negatively influenced, announced the Brussels institution on 13th May. The high level group is due to be set in place in the autumn of 2015 said the Science Commissioner Carlos Moedas. The seven experts will be chosen "from around the world, according to their excellence, by an identification committee," he said. They will be remunerated for their work but they will not be employed by the Commission.

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Martin Schulz wins the Charlemagne Prize 2015

18 May 2015

The 57th Charlemagne Prize was given to Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament on 14th May for his constant efforts to strengthen European parliamentarianism and for the democratic legitimation of the European Union. The European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2015, which aims to reward projects that foster the feeling of European identity and integration amongst young people, was given to @RealTime WW1, a Luxembourg project that comprises relating life during the First World War on Twitter and via this the way that Europeans, on whichever side, lived, wrote and prayed for the same things "but just in different languages." The second prize was given to the French project Fronterras-European (Border)line, an internet site that brings together tales of life near the European borders and the journeys taken across them.

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No progress on Greece within Eurogroup

17 May 2015

The 19 Finance Ministers of the euro zone met in Brussels on 11th May. Greece was again the focus of debate but no decisions were taken: the Eurogroup "welcomes the progress made to date" but "more time and more work will be needed to settle pending issues." Finance Ministers also turned to Ireland and Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem congratulated the country on its excellent economic results over 2014 (growth of 4.8% and a government deficit down to 4.1% of the GDP). Finally the Eurogroup focused on economic governance basing themselves on economic forecasts for the spring of 2015. Ministers also addressed the issue of inflation and exchange rates in view of boosting Europe's economic results and its competitiveness.

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Agriculture and Fisheries Council Conclusions

17 May 2015

On 11th May 2015 the 28 Agriculture Ministers met in Brussels. They progressed towards agreement on general guidelines on a proposal for organic farming. This proposal aims to do away with obstacles impeding organic production, to ensure fair competitive conditions between players in the sector as well as improving consumer confidence in organic products. This augurs for an agreement during the Council in June. Moreover ministers adopted conclusions on the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy, the adoption of which was facilitated by the implementation of a consultation between Member States on the issue by the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Finally they formally adopted a regulation on the full implementation of the landing obligation, thereby setting clear goals for the fishing industry.

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Conclusions of the Economy and Finance Council

17 May 2015

On 12th May 2015 the 28 Finance Ministers, who met in Brussels adopted conclusions on the in-depth studies regarding economic imbalances in the Member States, stressing the need to continue structural reform and discussing specific recommendations decided under the European Semester. Moreover they focused on spending forecasts linked to ageing over the period 2013-2060 and adopted conclusions stressing the need to minimise the negative impact on economic growth, notably via the reform of retirement systems, healthcare and long term care. Finally the 28 Ministers discussed the progress achieved under the European Strategic Fund for Investments EFSI and recalled their will to see this activated by mid-2015.

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Strengthening of EUCAP mission in Sahel Niger

18 May 2015

On 13th May the Council decided to step up the EUCAP Sahel Niger mission which is linked to the Commission's migratory strategy in order to fight more effectively against migratory networks. The EU's civil mission in Niger aimed initially to strengthen the capabilities of the country's security forces to counter terrorism and organised crime more effectively. The EUs High Representative for Foreign Affairs notably said that "90% of migrants from West Africa pass via Niger" before going on to Libya. The Council therefore decided to step up the mission's capabilities to counter this via the creation of an outpost in Agadez in the north of the country - a major migratory cross-roads.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council

18 May 2015

The Foreign Affairs Council met on 18th May in Brussels. Ministers condemned the attempted coup d'Etat in Burundi, as well as the acts of violence and the misuse of the country's constitutional order. The Council also established a naval operation to counter the activities of traffickers in the Mediterranean. This operation EUNAVFOR Med, comes under the EU's overall response to the migratory issue in the Mediterranean. During this Council the 43rd meeting of the European Economic Area took place (during which the EEA members said they were pleased with the single market's success that has been extended to Western European countries), as well as the 12th meeting of the Cooperation Council between the EU and Uzbekistan.

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Conclusions of the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council

1 January 1970

The 28 Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Ministers, who met in Brussels on 18th May, assessed the results of European cooperation in the area of education and training under the "Education and Training Programme 2020" which aims to help the Member States modernise their education and training systems. The Ministers insisted on the role of employment amongst young people, a factor of social inclusion, personal fulfillment and active citizenship. They also recalled the role played by education in the prevention of radicalisation and the promotion of European values. On 19th May the Council also decided to increase early payments for the youth employment initiative by nearly 1 billion euro in 2015 in order to free States of the financial burden that is impeding the introduction of measures to help young people integrate the labour market.

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Federica Mogherini speaks to the UN Security Council

17 May 2015

On 11th May the EU's High Representative for European Diplomacy, Federica Mogherini asked the international community to help the European Union save lives in the Mediterranean including via military means. "It is our priority to save lives and prevent any more human losses at sea," she said. She presented an EU plan to the UN which aims to help prevent any further shipwrecks that have already led to 1,800 deaths since the start of the year. This possibly means launching "a naval operation" against traffickers who are obliging thousands of migrants to risk their lives at sea between Libya and Europe and for which the EU has asked the Council's approval.

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The Union for the Mediterranean calls for the protection of migrants

17 May 2015

As they met in Lisbon the leaders of the parliaments which are members of the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM) called on 11th May for their heads of State and government as well as the European Union to step up "humanitarian channels" in terms of migration. In a declaration the leaders of the parliaments or their representatives advocated for more "humanitarian visas" and "a wider search and rescue operation on the part of the EU in the Mediterranean". "Rapid return in dignified conditions of migrants who cannot live legally in the countries where they are now" is also necessary, they added.

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Court of Justice

Award of the 50th Theodor Heuss Prize to the European Court of Justice

18 May 2015

On 16th May 2015 the European Court of Justice was awarded the 50th Theodor Heuss Prize in Stuttgart with German President Joachim Gauck in attendance. The Theodor Heuss Prize is awarded yearly by the Foundation bearing the same name to reward examples of social commitment, civic courage and work that aims to strengthen democracy. The 50th prize was on the theme "Europe: the future of hope". The Theodor Heuss Foundation wanted to reward the Court for its work to promote European citizens' rights in its function as guardian of the EU's legal unity. Indeed the foundation deemed that the Court "enjoys a great deal of trust and via its jurisprudence it strengthens fundamental rights in the era of digitisation and globalisation.

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The Ukrainian President signs the law ratifying the EIB financial agreement

17 May 2015

On 12th May Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed the law on the "ratification of the financial agreement between Ukraine and the European Investment Bank (EIB) under the "emergency credit programme to restore Ukraine". This agreement notably includes a loan of 200 million euro to Ukraine for the implementation of a series of measures over the period 2015-2020 to counter the effects of geopolitical destabilisation following the conflict in the east of the country. The loan will be delivered in tranches of 15 to 40 million euro and will be used to repair infrastructures in the county's east. The financial agreement was signed on 22nd December 2014 by Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and the EIB's Vice-President, László Baranyay.

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Angela Merkel meets Petro Poroshenko

17 May 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Berlin on 13th May. She denounced the infringements being made of the cease-fire in the east of Ukraine in spite of the agreement concluded in Minsk on 12th February last. "If we look at the Minsk Agreement, we have to be honest and say that we have not yet achieved want we want. We still have no total cease-fire", she declared.

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G7 Energy Ministers' Meeting

17 May 2015

The G7 Energy Ministers met on 12th May in Hamburg and reached a unique consensus on the fight to counter global warming. This augurs well for the COP21 conference in Paris in December. Germany, which has made this one of the priorities of the G7 presidency, invited its partners to adopt ambitious goals on the occasion of the summit planned on 7th and 8th June next at the Elmau Castle in Bavaria.

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The G7 Summit Youth puts its ideas to Angela Merkel

18 May 2015

On 11th May 54 young people aged 14 to 18 from 19 countries met in Berlin as part of the G7 Youth Summit organised by the German Ministry for Youth together with UNICEF. This was an opportunity for them to exchange key points that will be addressed during the G7 Summit in June and submit their conclusions to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The young people pointed specifically to the need to attenuate the impact of climate change as well as the imperative to improve social justice and access by girls to education.

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Resumption of negotiations between Cypriot leaders

18 May 2015

Cypriot President Nico Anastasiades and the leader of the northern part of the island, Mustafa Akinci met on 15th May for the first time, before talks on the unification of Cyprus start again. Supported by the UN and its Special Envoy Espen Barth Eide this meeting launched the process to set out a joint vision for a unified federal Cyprus and to enable the organisation of the follow-up to negotiations. At least two meetings per month are planned for, the next one being 28th May.

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Spain adopts a family support plan 2015-2017

18 May 2015

On 14th May the Spanish government adopted the Integral Family Support Plan for the period 2015-2017 with a budget estimated at 5.4 billion €, including nearly 225 measures. The programme aims to protect the family and give value to motherhood by increasing the retirement pension of women who have had more than two children. This measure aims to counter the negative impact had by motherhood on women in terms of wages and retirement pensions that are lower than those received by men. It fosters male/female equality and a sustainable, effective retirement system. According to estimates the Family Plan should include more and more women yearly with 123,500 recipients in 2016 and nearly 455,000 in 2019.

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François Hollande hosts Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk

17 May 2015

French President François Hollande hosted Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk on 13th May at the Elysée Palace. An interview took place during which the two men discussed the situation in the east of Ukraine and the infringements of the cease-fire planned for in the Minsk Agreement signed last February. Arseniy Yatsenyuk then met French economic leaders and went to the OECD.

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Greece struggles to repay the IMF

18 May 2015

In a letter addressed on 8th May to IMF General Director Christine Lagarde, the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and the President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, Alexis Tsipras reviewed his decision to commit Greece to a reimbursement procedure of 750 million euro to the IMF planned on 12th May unless credit was released. Reimbursement would be undertaken by using the "emergency funds" of the Bank of Greece devoted to "extraordinary requirements", since the country is in danger of running short of liquidities unless there is an agreement with its creditors. Indeed negotiations with the EU and the IMF are stumbling at present over the Prime Minister's refusal to reduce retirement pensions and to liberalise the labour market.

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Greece opens up the sale of its biggest port, Piraeus

18 May 2015

Greece opened the procedure to privatatise the port of Piraeus on 14th May originally started by the previous government and one of the key points in the negotiations with its creditors. It informed potential buyers of a revision of the amount relinquished by the State that has dropped from 67% to 51%. Greece has asked the three candidates to place binding offers by September for the purchase of a majority share in its capital. Notably negotiations seem to be progressing with the Chinese company Cosco.

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TV Debate between Andrej Duda and Bronislaw Komorowski

18 May 2015

More aggressive than he has been to date, outgoing Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski (PO) defended his results on 17th May advocating stability and continuity during a TV debate with the victorious, first round adversary Andrzej Duda (PiS). Just seven days before the decisive vote the latter stood as the supporter of change, repeating the promises that his critics believe difficult to achieve. "I am an independent man. I have no superior," said the outgoing President to his opponent, in reference to the undeniable leader of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) Jaroslaw Kaczynski who has been behind Mr Duda's campaign. According to a poll published on 15th May Andrzej Duda is credited with 44% of the vote against 40% for Mr Komorowski. Some 16% of the Poles are still undecided, said the institute Millward Brown. A second TV debate is planned for 21st May.

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The Polish President wants to modify the electoral system

17 May 2015

On 11th May the outgoing Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski announced that he wanted to offer his people a triple referendum. Firstly he wants to modify the present two-round majority electoral system to be replaced by a first past the post system as in the UK. Then he would like to ban the funding of political parties by the State and reform the tax law regarding the taxpayer's advantage. To organise a referendum in Poland the president submits his proposal to the Senate which has 14 days to analyse it and ask, if necessary, for clarifications on the part of the President. The Senate then adopts a resolution which has to win an absolute majority with at least one half of the Senators present in the vote. If the resolution is approved the referendum takes place within 90 days as of the Senate's decision. In Poland the referendum is only binding if at least half of those registered to vote go to ballot.

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End of the Portuguese reform programme

18 May 2015

After four years of structural reform the Portuguese programme is about to end. Three major goals have been achieved, ie. an increase in economic growth, democratisation of society and the Portuguese economy, and opening of the country to the world as well as deepening European integration. The government believes that these structural reforms lay the foundations for all future reform.

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Complete list of UK government members

18 May 2015

David Cameron, re-elected as head of the UK on 8th May last, presented the full list of the members of his government on 14th May amongst whom features many who were part of the previous cabinet: George Osborne, reappointed as head of finance, Theresa May who remains as Interior Minister, Philip Hammond, as the head of British diplomacy and Michael Fallon who will stay as Defence Minister. David Cameron's clear victory also enables him to govern without the Liberal Democrats and certain Ministerial posts have returned to the Tories - Sajid Javid, former Culture Minister was appointed as Business Minister and Amber Rudd will replace Ed Davey as Energy Minister. The government comprises 30 ministers of whom 10 are women.

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Meeting between authorities and opposition in Macedonia

18 May 2015

On 14th May in Macedonia the authorities and the opposition maintained that they "supported democratic values" during a meeting in Skopje in a bid to resolve the political crisis just days after the violent rebellion in the north of the country. This meeting in which Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, leader of the conservative party in power (VMRO-DPNE), its government ally Ali Ahmeti, the leader of the main Albanian party of Macedonia (DUI), the head of the main opposition party on the left (SDSM) Zoran Zaev and Menduh Thaçi, head of the main Albanian opposition party (DPA) took place with the Ambassador of the USA to Macedonia Jess Bailey and the head of the EU's mission Avio Orav.

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Sharp fall in the Ukrainian GDP in the first quarter of 2015

18 May 2015

Ukraine's GDP plummeted by 17.6% in the first quarter of this year, after a year of war in the industrial East announced the State's statistics department on 15th May. In comparison with the previous quarter the GDP fell by 6.5% said the press release. The World Bank estimated in April that Ukraine (45 million inhabitants) was due suffer a GDP decrease of 7.5% in 2015, which is more than last year and also that forecast by the authorities.

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The EU granted asylum to 185,000 refugees in 2014

17 May 2015

The countries of the EU granted asylum to 185,000 people in 2014 of whom 70,000 were Syrians but this effort has been very unevenly split indicated Eurostat on 12th May. Six countries have shouldered most of the burden: Germany (47,555), Sweden (33,025), France (20,640), Italy (20,630), UK (14,065) and the Netherlands (13,250). The effort made by the other 22 countries ranges from 20 refugees in Estonia to 8,515 in Belgium says Eurostat.

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Women in the EU gave birth to their first child at 29 on average

17 May 2015

According to a Eurostat study published on 13th May 2013 most (51.2%) women in the EU had their first child when they were aged between 20 and 29, in contrast to 40.6% who became mothers in the 30's. In addition to this more than 127,000 first children in the EU in 2013 were born to mothers under 20 (teenage mothers) and around 65,000 women were over 40. On average women were 28.7 years old in the EU when they became mothers for the first time.

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GDP rise in the euro zone and the EU in the first quarter of 2015

17 May 2015

On 13th May Eurostat published a euro zone GDP estimate for the first quarter of 2015. The GDP is up by 0.4% in the euro zone and in the EU in comparison with the previous quarter. In comparison with the first quarter of the previous year GDP is up by 1% in the euro zone and by 1.4% in the European Union.

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IMF Report on the Economic Issues in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe

17 May 2015

On 11th May the IMF published a report on the regional economic issues in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe. According to the study the region's economic activity is increasingly divergent, dividing up into three distinct groups: the Baltic countries, Central and Eastern Europe; South Eastern Europe; Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. The main issue at stake in the countries in question is to revive investment and also to introduce macro-economic policies to support domestic demand and major structural and institutional reform to enable debt reduction.

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Presentation of a package of 82 proposals by the Hellenic Business Federation

18 May 2015

During a meeting in which Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis took part on 15th May the Hellenic Business Federation presented a package of 82 proposals that aim to bring economic growth back to Greece. Entitled "Together for Growth" the package notably insists on the fact that Greece's membership of the euro zone is a "national, non-negotiable social contract". Beyond that the package covers a wide range of measures and areas such as taxation, access to financing, energy policy, justice, competitiveness, private sector employment, dismissals and even the regulation of the markets.

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The Biennale of Venice

18 May 2015

The 56th International Art Exhibition of Venice called "All the World's Futures" is open to the public until 22nd November 2015. 136 artists from 53 countries are showing at the official exhibition and no fewer than 44 "unofficial" events approved by Okwui Enwezor, the Director and Curator of the 56th exhibition are spread across palaces, churches and along the Venetian canals.

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Art Fair London

18 May 2015

The third Art Fair in London will be taking place from 21st to 23rd May. More than 150 galleries will be represented; these come from London and the UK and also from 40 other countries in the world. Modern artists and major modern masters will be present. Experts from the Art Institute Sotheby will offering guided tours of the fair presenting the key collections of African, Asian and Eastern art as well as modern arts in the shape of photography and digital art.

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Canaletto. The triumph of Light

18 May 2015

The Hôtel de Caumont, the Art Centre of Aix-en-Provence is running an exhibition until 13th September 2015 "Canaletto. Rome, London, Venice. The Triumph of Light". The exhibition sheds new light on the Venetian Master's work with a special focus on how light is addressed in his paintings. Around 50 pictures and drawings from public and private collections present Canaletto and the different phases of his artistic career in Rome, London and Venice.

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The Primacy of Drawing showing in Brera

18 May 2015

The Pinacothèque in Brera is running an exhibition until 19th July 2015 entitled "The Primacy of Drawing", which compares the drawing of the grand masters with the pictures of the Pinacothèque. The exhibition aims to show drawing as being the soul of painting via drawings and paintings from the 14th to the 20th centuries. Precious drawings by the grand masters are compared closely with their paintings, which are owned or on loan to the Pinacothèque by important international museums notably the Louvre or the Metropolitan Museum.

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"From Picasso to Warhol"

18 May 2015

The Grenoble Museum is running an exhibition until 31st August entitled "From Picasso to Warhol - a Decade of Acquisitions". This exhibition comprising 150 works aims to highlight the important pieces of work acquired or received in donation by the museum over the last decade; it unveils the strength of the collection and points to the privileged links that have developed between the museum and artists during a series of temporary exhibitions.

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18th May

Foreign Affairs (Defence) Council (Brussels)

18th and 19th May

"Education, Youth, Culture and Sport" Council (Brussels)

18th to 21st May

Plenary Session at the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

19th May

General Affairs Council (Brussels)

21st and 22nd May

Eastern Partnership Summit (Riga)

24th May

Presidential election in Poland (2nd Round) ()

26th May

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Development) (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Marion Attia, Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger,Noémie Rossi, Francesca Tortorella, Matthias Touillon

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Migration, European Semester, Trade, Ukraine-Russia, Defence


The Newsletter n°671- version of 18 mai 2015