The Newsletter65115 déc. 2014

La Lettre

Philippe Maystadt

15 December 2014

"The announcement made by the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, of a European project that should lead to the mobilisation of more than 300 billion euro in investments recently revived debate over the levers of growth in Europe. Philippe de Maystadt, former President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) puts forward seven proposals that might enable the recovery of investment and stimulate growth and employment in Europe."

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1st round of Presidential election 17th December in Greece

14 December 2014

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras announced on 8th December that his country would be organising a presidential election that should have taken place in the first quarter of 2015. The first round has been set to take place on 17th December. The other two rounds, which are very likely to take place, are due on 23rd and 29th December. The Greek constitution provides that the election of the head of State by Parliament requires a qualified 2/3 majority ie 200 votes in the first two rounds of voting and the vote of 3/5 of MPs in the third round (180). If after three rounds no candidate has been elected the Council of Ministers has to resign within ten days, Parliament is dissolved and legislative elections are then organised.

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Financial Crisis

Conclusions of the IMF and European Commission on Romania

14 December 2014

On 9th December Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta announced that he had come to an agreement with the IMF and the EU on the government deficit of 1.83% in 2015 after tough negotiations with the country's creditors. The project is based on economic growth of 2.5% as well as a GDP deficit of 1.83%. The EU and IMF experts granted 6.3 billion euro ie 0.4% of the GDP to co-finance projects that benefit from European funds. However they opposed a budgetary extension of 0.3% of the GDP for military spending. The IMF and EU negotiators will return to Romania for a further mission in January.

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The IMF shows the link between youth unemployment and the lack of growth in the euro zone

14 December 2014

On 9th December the IMF published a study on youth unemployment in the euro zone. A lack of economic growth linked to the financial crisis is one of the reasons for the rise in youth unemployment. It is the main reason 70% of the time and is found in vulnerable euro zone countries (Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Ireland and Portugal). However growth is not enough to reduce unemployment amongst 15-24 year olds since the IMF admits that labour market reform is also necessary.

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Unemployment at 7.2% in October 2014

14 December 2014

On 9th December the OECD published its results on unemployment in October 2014. The unemployment rate in that month lay at 7.2% ie 43.8 million people in the OECD zone. Within the euro zone the rate remained stable at 11.5% with the greatest reduction recorded in Ireland (0.2 percentage point decline to 10.9% and in Slovenia (0.2 percentage point decline to 8.8%). The sharpest increase was recorded in Italy with a 0.3 percentage point rise to 13.2%). On 8th December the OECD presented its composite indicators for the month of December. It observed that growth continued to slow. This slowing is concentrated in the euro zone whilst other countries are doing better. There has been slow growth notably in Italy and Germany. This confirms recent reductions in the Bundesbank's forecasts. However it would seem that the economic situation in France is stabilising with growth forecast at 0.1% in the final quarter.

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Eurogroup conclusions on Greece and on states' budgets

14 December 2014

On 8th December the euro zone invited France to take additional steps to reduce its government deficit, notably by introducing further structural reform. The 18 Finance Ministers of the euro zone looked into the Member States' draft budgets ten days after the European Commission's assessment. Like the European executive the euro zone notes that France may not fall in line with the budgetary rules in 2015. As a result "additional measures are necessary to bring about an improvement," indicated the Eurogroup in a press release which lauded the "commitments" made by Paris to remedy the weaknesses in its economy. Finally Ministers agreed to grant a two-month extension to Greece's adaptation programme. The new deadline is now set for the end of February 2015 after which time Greece will be able to ask for a further enhanced precautionary line of credit.

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Fitch takes France's rating down a notch

15 December 2014

France's budgetary excesses have cost the country its credit rating which was taken down a notch by Fitch on 12th December. France has dropped from a previous "AA+" to "AA" with a stable outlook. Fitch also qualified the country's economic prospects as "weak" and said that this weighed on the consolidation of government finances and the stabilisation of the debt ratio. "The French economy is due to grow less than the average in the euro zone countries for the first time in four years," stressed Fitch.

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Investment plan: 2000 potential projects for 1.3 trillion euro

14 December 2014

The EU's task force comprising the European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) on investments published a report on 9th December indicating that there is a major potential for investment in the EU. The report has identified nearly 2000 projects across Europe totalling 1.3 trillion euro including projects of over 500 billion euro that might be implemented over the next three years. The report also stresses that many projects have not yet been launched notably because of financial or regulatory obstacles. It makes many recommendations about the type of investment to make, how these should be undertaken and by which means. The Task Force's report was assessed by the Economy and Finance Ministers (ECOFIN) on 9th December and presented to the heads of State and government during the Council on 18th and 19th December.

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The Commission sworn in before the Court of Justice

14 December 2014

President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and the members of the College of Commissioners were officially sworn in on 10th December in Luxembourg before the European Court of Justice. With this "solemn undertaking", the members of the Commission pledged to respect the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, to carry out their responsibilities in complete independence and in the general interest of the Union. Commissioners also promised not to seek or take instructions from any authorities, to refrain from engaging in actions incompatible with their duties and performance of their tasks, and to respect their obligations during and after their term of office."

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New labelling rules on foodstuffs in the EU

14 December 2014

As of 13th December the EU introduced new labelling rules on foodstuffs which were adopted by the European Parliament and the Council in 2011. These rules are harmonised across all of Europe. They will aim to provide consumers with clearer, fuller and precise information on the composition of foodstuffs, especially allergy producing products.

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The Commission approves the first three European Rural Development Programmes

14 December 2014

On 12th December the European Commission approved the first three rural development programmes amongst 118 that aim to "improve the competitiveness of the Union's agricultural sector, protect the countryside and the climate and to strengthen economic and social networks in rural communities." The 118 multi-annual programmes that will be operational on both regional and national levels will receive the EU's support to a total of 95.6 billion € covering the period 2014-2020 via the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). This total will come in addition to national, regional and private funding. Six more programmes will be adopted by the end of the year (more than 20 billion € in 2014).

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European Commission: 2015 Work Programme

15 December 2014

The new European executive is planning to put forward 23 major initiatives including 13 legislative proposals. Conversely 80 texts may be withdrawn, because they no longer match priorities, or have no chance of finding agreement. This document was discussed on 10th December by the College of Commissioners. Its adoption is planned for 16th December.

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Agreement between the Council and the European Parliament on long term investment

15 December 2014

On 10th December the Council came to a compromise with the European Parliament on the regulation that aims to widen the pool of capital available for long term investment in the EU's economy. These European funds would remove impediments to long term investments and stimulate employment and economic growth.

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"Energy" Council Conclusions

14 December 2014

Meeting in Brussels on 9th December the 28 European Energy Ministers debated the action plan 2020-2030 in support of the climate and energy. They also adopted conclusions on the completion of the internal energy market stressing that this was helping "towards achieving all traditional goals in the energy policy" ie reducing energy costs, increasing energy security and integrating renewable energies into the market. They debated the Europe 2020 strategy to identify new energy priorities over the next five years. Finally they adopted a position concerning the draft directive on indirect changes to land use (CASI) in view of starting a safe transition towards bio-fuels, thereby reducing the emission of greenhouse gases and yet providing "clear" investment prospects without threatening those already accomplished in this area.

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Conclusions of the Economic Affairs and Finance Council

14 December 2014

On 9th December the 28 European Finance Ministers approved the investment plan totalling 315 billion € which was put to them by the European Commission and the EIB. The European Council will be called on 18th and 19th December to approve this plan so that the Commission can present a legislative proposal in January 2015 with the aim of having it adopted in June 2015. Ministers came to a political agreement on the insertion of an "anti-abuse" clause in the "parent-subsidiary" directive (to prevent corporate tax avoidance) thereby obliging Member States to integrate this clause into their national legislation before 31st March 2015. Ministers adopted a directive extending the obligatory automatic exchange of information between national tax authorities to prevent tax evasion by individual savers. They came to agreement on the contribution to be made by banks to the single resolution fund, which will enable the funding of the resolution of euro zone banks without having to use public funds. Ministers assessed the progress made regarding the proposal that aims to introduce a financial transaction tax (FFT) in 11 Member States via the "enhanced cooperation" procedure. Finally they presented the warning mechanism report, the conclusions of which show that the macro-economic situation of 16 EU Member States requires in-depth analysis.

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Agreement on youth employment but not on women on company boards

14 December 2014

The 28 European Ministers responsible for Employment and the Education ministers from Italy, Luxembourg and Latvia (trio of the three presidencies) met on 11th December to discuss the means to invest in order to counter youth unemployment using initiatives such as the "youth guarantee". They came to agreement on the reform of the European Employment Services (EURES) in order to provide better employment seeking and recruitment services to citizens across Europe. Finally the ministers did not come to agreement on the draft directive setting a fixed quota of women on the boards of European companies.

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Development Council Conclusions

14 December 2014

The 28 European Ministers responsible for Development met on 12th December and assessed the progress made regarding development issues based on the summary report published by the UN Secretary General. Regarding the EU's participation in the next world conference on financing development planned for July and the UN Summit planned in September 2015 ministers committed to adopting an "ambitious" framework in order to take part in the eradication of poverty and the promotion of sustainable development with the international community. Finally Commissioner Christos Stylianides, the EU's coordinator on Ebola reviewed the economic and human situation in the African countries affected by the epidemic. They then debated the EU's contribution to the fight to counter Ebola stressing that the aid announced by the European Commission and the Council now totals well over 1.1 billion €.

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"Education, Youth, Culture and Sport" Council Conclusions

14 December 2014

On 12th December the 28 Education Ministers adopted conclusions on entrepreneurship in teaching and training and confirmed unequivocally the political agreement concluded on the EU's 2015 budget and the draft amended budget pending for 2014. Ministers adopted conclusions on youth access rights regarding their autonomy and participation in civil society. Finally they discussed an intersectoral approach to youth policies as a means to rising to socio-economic challenges more easily in this area.

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1st meeting of the EU/Ukraine Association Council

1 January 1970

The EU and Ukraine held the first Association Council meeting on 15th December as part of the new association agreement promulgated on 1st November 2014. The EU and Ukraine maintained their common goal to build a "democratic, stable, prosperous country". Both parties also agreed to continue working together on political association and economic integration.

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The EU encourages Turkey to take part in fighting IS

15 December 2014

On 8th and 9th October the head of European diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, visited Turkey together with the Neighbourhood Commissioner Johannes Hahn as well as the Humanitarian Aid Commissioner, Christos Stylianides. They met Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and Foreign Minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu. Federica Mogherini stressed that she would like the EU and Turkey to align their positions against the Islamic State, the threat of which is increasing in both Iraq and Syria. She notably said she would like greater information sharing between Turks and Europeans in order to stem the flow of foreign fighters joining ISIS. Turkey is indeed a major crossing point for Europeans travelling to Syria.

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The EU confirms the resumption of negotiations concerning the Iranian nuclear issue

15 December 2014

The European Union's diplomatic service confirmed on 12th December that negotiations on the Iranian nuclear programme will resume on 17th December in Geneva. The countries comprising the 5+1 (China, US, France, UK, Russia and Germany) and Iran will meet for one day "to continue diplomatic work in view of finding a satisfactory, long term solution" said the EEAS in a press release. Because no agreement was found in Vienna on 24th November, the 5+1 and Iran decided to continue with the provisional agreement concluded in November 2013 and to extend discussions until 1st July 2015.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council

15 December 2014

The 28 European Foreign Ministers met in Brussels on 15th December and focused discussions on the situation in Iraq in order to set out an EU regional strategy in response to the threat posed by the Islamic State and to support the Iraqi government. Ministers also exchanged views on the crisis in Syria with UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura. The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini said that she would travel to Baghdad and Erbil next week. Moreover they agreed on a revised approach regarding Bosnia-Herzegovina without modifying the conditions for EU membership including the implementation of the Sejdic-Finci decision. Ministers will be voting on the entry into force of the stabilisation and association agreement with the EU once the leaders of Bosnia-Herzegovina and its parliament have accepted and adopted a "written, irrevocable commitment" to undertake reforms for EU membership.

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Angela Merkel re-elected for an 8th term as head of the CDU

14 December 2014

On December 9th Angela Merkel, German Chancellor was re-appointed for an 8th term as head of the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU). She won 96.72% of the vote during an election organised at the CDU's federal congress in Cologne. Ms Merkel has led the CDU for the last 14 years. She became the first German woman to lead a major national party in 2000. Her deputies are Volker Bouffier, Julia Klöckner, Armin Laschet, Ursula von der Leyen and Thomas Strobl.

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Adoption of draft bill obliging a 30% share of women on company boards

14 December 2014

The German Council of Ministers adopted a draft bill on 11th December obliging 108 German companies which are both floated on the stock exchange and which also follow co-management rules to have a 30% quota of women on their boards by 2016. Co-management, whose field of application is defined by the law, provides that staff representatives are greatly involved in the company's decision-making. In real terms "we are talking about 170 more women" explained Justice Minister Heiko Maas during a press conference.

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Death of Andreas Schockenhoff

15 December 2014

Andreas Schockenhoff, Vice-President of the parliamentary group CDU/CSU and Chairman of the Germany/France Friendship group since 1994, passed away on 14th December 2014 said the CDU spokesperson in a press release. Elected for the first time to the Bundestag in 1990 he was the coordinator for German/Russian affairs since 2006 during which time he became known for his extremely critical stances against Russia in Eastern Europe. The Foundation, with whom he worked regularly, presents his family and friends its most sincere condolences.

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Referendum in Denmark in 2016 on Europol

15 December 2014

Denmark announced on 10th December that a referendum will be organised by March 2016 to see whether the country will remain within Europol by relinquishing its option to withdraw from the EU's judicial and police cooperation programme. "We want to give the Danes the opportunity to say whether we should keep our model and the withdrawal clauses or replace it with a membership model," said Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt during a press conference. According to a political agreement the referendum is due to take place before the end of the first quarter of 2016 whatever the results of the general elections that are to take place before September 2015. "In the future we want Denmark to be able to take full part in Europol," added Helle Thorning-Schmidt.

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France bids to reform with a draft bill on growth and activity

14 December 2014

On 10th December French Prime Minister Manuel Valls presented the draft bill for growth and activity that is supposedly designed to free up the economy. Amongst the proposals in this bill: the extension of shop-opening on Sundays (from 5 to 12 Sundays per year maximum), the reform of regulated professions notably notary, bailiff and auctioneer (the aim being to relax the rules surrounding the establishment of these professions), and also the liberalisation of the coach industry so that will be in competition with the railway system. The text will be assessed by the National Assembly as of 22nd January.

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Latest report on migratory flows in Italy

14 December 2014

On 9th December the Italian statistics agency Istat published the results of its study on migratory flows in Italy. In 2013 the number of immigrants in the country dropped by 12% in comparison with the previous year. This study also reveals that 82,000 Italians emigrated. These figures are the highest in ten years. The preferred destination of emigrant Italians is the UK, followed by Germany and then Switzerland. The number of Italians returning home has also decreased.

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New government in Romania

15 December 2014

On 15th December Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta gained Parliament's approval regarding the reshuffled government. In all 377 MPs approved the new government and 134 voted against it. Victor Ponta promised to continue towards economic growth coupled with social solidarity measures. The new team now includes ministers affiliated to the majority. Amongst the new ministers Mihai Tudose will occupy the position of Economy Minister whilst Darius Valcov will be responsible for the Budget and Finances.

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Visgrad Group Summit with Swiss President

14 December 2014

On 9th December the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic) met with the President of the Helvetic Confederation, Didier Burkhalter in Bratislava. Energy security was the focus of discussion. Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary notably recalled his country's commitment to the construction of the South Stream pipeline as well as a recent partnership with Russia regarding the construction of new Russian nuclear reactors. The Swiss president insisted on the issue at stake ie the security of Europe.

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New government in Kosovo

14 December 2014

On 9th December Parliament approved the investiture of Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League (LDK) as Prime Minister in line with the agreement signed on 8th December between the two main parties in Kosovo (LDK and PDK). Outgoing Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi, will be Deputy Prime Minister and also Foreign Affairs Minister. The decision became effective on 12th December. The new government comprises 20 Ministers. The EU welcomed the formation of this government which marks the end of 6 months of political stalemate and encouraged it to continue with the political and economic reform and also the fight to counter corruption. The EU's High Representative Federica Mogherini also urged the new Kosovar government to continue normalising relations with Serbia.

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Kosovo acknowledged by the International Olympic Committee

15 December 2014

On 9th December the members of the International Olympic Committee unanimously approved its acknowledgement of Kosovo. Indeed the latter meets all of the technical conditions required to be acknowledged by the IOC as stipulated in the Olympic Charter. It notably matches the definition of the term "country' which features in Rule 30 line 1: "an independent state acknowledged as a country by 108 of the 193 Member States of the UN"; with this it has become the 205th country represented in the Olympic Games.

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New Energy policy for Ukraine

15 December 2014

On 10th December Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk presented the country's new energy independence policy. The latter aims to diversify supply and to increase nuclear energy capacities and market tarifs in the energy sector. The Prime Minister recalled that 60% of Russian natural gas has already been replaced by gas coming from EU Member States. Arseny Yatsenyuk announced a call for tender to attract investors in the modernisation of the Ukrainian gas and transport systems and in the use of gas storage installations.

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American Congress approves stepping up support to Ukraine

15 December 2014

Both chambers of the American Congress unanimously adopted an "Act of Support to the Freedom of Ukraine" on 11th December, which was validated by the Senate on 12th December. This bill allows further sanctions to be taken against Russia and provides for an increase in US military aid to Ukraine notably by enabling the delivery of lethal weapons. US parliamentarians also said they wanted to put pressure on American President Barack Obama, who, for the time being, has refused to deliver such weapons to Ukraine and deems sanctions against Russia "counter-productive" if they are not coordinated with the EU. But he is the only one in power to be able to promulgate this bill and to make it effective. US Secretary of State John Kerry is to meet his Russian counterpart, Serguey Lavrov on 15th December in Rome to discuss the Ukrainian issue and notably this bill adopted by the American Congress.

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The Mediterranean was the "deadliest route in the world" in 2014 says the HCR

14 December 2014

At least 3,419 migrants have died in the Mediterranean since the beginning of 2014 ie 80% of the deaths and disappearances recorded on all seas in the world according to a report published by the UN agency for refugees (HCR) on 10th December. The Mediterranean is also the preferred route by migrants with over 207,000 attempts out of a total 348,000 in the world ie 60% of the illegal sea crossings which targeted Southern Europe. The HCR's report believes that the two main countries of origin of migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean are Syria (60, 051) and Eritrea (34, 561). Finally although the HCR says that it is pleased that 8000 migrants were rescued from the Mediterranean in November 2014, it regrets that some European governments focus more on "keeping foreigners away from their borders than the respect of asylum."

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COP20 Lima: consensus found between the 196 parties participating in the Convention

15 December 2014

The 20th UN conference on the climate "COP20" ended on 14th December in Lima, Peru. The 196 parties at the Convention aimed to come to a consensus on the fight to counter global warming and find an agreement that would be approved at the end of 2015 during the Paris Summit (COP21). Each country will have to deliver a report on its national contribution regarding greenhouse gas emissions before October 1st 2015. For its part the EU has already said, in its energy/climate package 2030, that it wants to achieve a reduction of at least 40% of its emissions in comparison with 1990.

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Employment up by 0.2% in the euro zone and by 0.3% in the EU

15 December 2014

On 12th December Eurostat published figures revealing that the number of people with employment increased by 0.2% in the euro area and by 0.3% in the EU in the third quarter of 2014 compared with the previous quarter. In the second quarter of 2014, employment increased by 0.3% in both zones. These figures are seasonally adjusted. Compared with the same quarter of the previous year, employment increased by 0.6% in the euro area and by 0.9% in the EU in the third quarter of 2014 (after +0.4% and +0.8% respectively in the second quarter of 2014).

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Study on transport in the European Union

15 December 2014

Eurobarometer published a report in December on transport in the European Union. Transport and mobility play a fundamental role in the daily lives of 500 million Europeans. The study brings together information about European citizens and their habits, their opinions in order to improve the transport sector from an environmental and security point of view and in terms of generating growth and employment.

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Report on inequality and OECD tax revenues

14 December 2014

On 9th December the OECD published a report entitled "Trends in income inequality and its impact on economic growth". This report shows that by reducing income inequality economic growth would recover faster. On 10th December the OECD published its annual study on public revenue statistics in the OECD zone. This study observes that the tax burden has reached particularly high levels. Economists in the organisation gave details of each OECD member country. This study notes that Denmark has the highest tax/GDP ratio amongst the OECD countries (48.6%), just ahead of France (45 %) and Belgium (44.6%). Moreover in Spain fiscal pressure is still more than 3 points below its 2007 average.

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The EFSA presents its annual report on pesticide residue levels in foodstuffs

15 December 2014

On 11th December the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published an annual report for the year 2012 which suggests that more than 97% of foodstuffs in the EU contain pesticide residues within the legal limits. The report is based on the analysis of nearly 79,000 food samples taken by 27 EU Member States, Norway and Iceland. The foods with levels of pesticide residues over the maximum were broccoli (2.8%), followed by cauliflower (2.1%) whilst those with the lowest levels were unshelled peas and olive oil (0.1%). No MRL (maximum residue levels) exceedances were detected in either orange juice or in animal products (butter and chicken eggs).

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"Notre Histoire. Les cent dates qui ont fait la nation européenne"

15 December 2014

Philippe Juvin (MEP), has just published a book entitled "Notre Histoire. Les cent dates qui ont fait la nation européenne" with JC Lattès publishing. This book, which is illustrated with a wealth of pictures, relates a hundred dates that have shaped European civilisation, from the journeys of Ulysses to the fall of the Berlin Wall. He covers three thousand years of the European saga, looking into the influence of the Greeks, the union of the Roman empire via its roads, the building of the cathedrals, the Crusades, the spread of the civil code and the fight for freedom in the face of Nazism and Communism.

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"Olafur Eliasson" exhibition at the Louis Vuitton Foundation

15 December 2014

As of 17th December and until 16th February 2015 the Louis Vuitton Foundation is running an exhibition organised by the Danish/Icelander Olafur Eliasson. The location will be filled with light, shadows and optical illusions.

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Rameau at the Paris National Opera

15 December 2014

On the 250th anniversary of the death of Jean-Philippe Rameau the National Library of France and the Paris National Opera are running an exhibition that covers the life of the French composer. From 1733 to his death in 1764 Rameau composed around 20 works for the Court or the Opera of Paris exploring all genres of that time (lyrical tragedy, opera-ballet, ballet, heroic pastoral). From the creation of Hippolytus and Aricia in 1733 to the last performance at the Palais Garnier, in 2012, the exhibition reveals how shows were put together in the 18th century, from behind the scenes, to rediscoveries at the beginning of the 20th century of works that Rameau made for the stage. The exhibition can be visited from 16th December 2014 to 8th March 2015.

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Exhibtion "Body and Soul. Munich Rococo from Asam to Günther"

15 December 2014

The Kunsthalle Museum in Munich is running an exhibition until 12th April 2015 called "Body and Soul. Munich Rococo from Asam to Günther". It covers the 18th century Munich Rococo movement which became the golden age of Bavarian art. The collection presents many artists who lived in Munich from 1720 to 1770 and whose work had a profound influence on the Rococo movement like the Asam brothers, Johann Baptist Straub, Franz Anton Bustelli and Ignaz Günther.

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The MUCEM in Marseilles, winner of the Council of Europe's 2015 Museum Prize

14 December 2014

The 2015 Museum Prize awarded by the Council of Europe was given on 8th December to the Museum of the Civilisations of Europe and the Mediterranean (MUCEM) in Marseilles. The Museum was chosen from three candidates which had been pre-selected by the Committee for Culture at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The museum displayed "a new and innovative concept, in a breathtaking site with outstanding architecture, which perfectly fulfils all the criteria of the Council of Europe Museum Prize," said PACE's rapporteur on the prize Vesna Marjanovic (Serbia, SOC).

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European Cinema Prize

15 December 2014

"Ida" by Polish film director Pavel Pavlikovski was desingated best European film of the year at the 27th prize giving ceremony organised on 13th December in Riga. French actress Marion Cotillard was designated best actress of the year for her role in "Deux jours, une nuit". The prize for best actor was awarded to Briton Timothy Spall for his role in "Mr Turner". French director Agnès Varda was awarded a prize compensating all of her work. British film-maker Steve McQueen won a prize for his contribution to "the cinema worldwide".

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les 15th-18th December

Plenary Session of European Parliament (Strasbourg)

15th and 16th November

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)

15th December

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

16th December

"General Affairs" Council (Brussels)

17th December

"Environment" Council (Brussels)

18th and 19th December

European Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly , Guillaume Anglars, Flora Dumont, Helen Levy,Aude Prenassi, Marguerite Richelme, Ombeline Soulard

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Death/Schockenhoff, Election/Greece, Merkel/CDU, Eurogroup, Diplomacy, Labelling


The Newsletter n°651- version of 15 déc. 2014