The Newsletter6508 déc. 2014

La Lettre

Simon Serfaty

8 December 2014

Twenty years ago Russia was a mess - no longer an enemy but not even an adversary and certainly not a partner. What was feared most was a collapse that might turn Russia into something resembling the former Yugoslavia, but worse still. Events now confirm it. Russia is back: a bully to former Soviet holdings in Europe, a challenge to the United States and their allies in Europe, and one of the self-proclaimed leaders of the alleged post-Western world, via its President Vladimir Putin.

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Front page!

Death of Jacques Barrot

8 December 2014

The Board of the Robert Schuman Foundation pays tribute to an exemplary European, Mr Jacques Barrot (former minister, former Vice-President of the European Commission, member of the Constitutional Council), who was one its members and who European died suddenly on 3rd December. In the exercise of all of the executive positions he occupied during a prestigious career at the service of both France and Europe, Jacques Barrot embodied exceptional commitment to the unification of Europe. Driven by strong beliefs and highly inspired ideals he unceasingly worked towards achieving a powerful, effective Europe that would be a reality for and function closely with its citizens. The Robert Schuman Foundation expresses its profound sadness and presents its most sincere condolences to his family.

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Presidential Election in Croatia

8 December 2014

The 1st round of the presidential election in Croatia will take place on 28th December. Four candidates are running: Ivo Josipovic, outgoing President, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ), Milan Kujundzic (Croatian Dawn-People's Party, HZ) and Ivan Sincic, the Zivi Zid Movement. The President of the Croatian Republic is elected for five years by direct universal majority suffrage. He can only be re-elected once. All candidates running for the presidency must rally at least 10,000 signatures in order to be able to take part in the vote. According to the polls Ivo Josipovic is due to win the first round on 28th December with 42.3% of the vote and come out ahead of Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (27.3%) and Milan Kujundzic (Croatian Dawn-People's Party, HZ), 11.2%. If none of the candidates wins the absolute majority the two who come out ahead will face each other in a second round on 11th January.

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Financial Crisis

The ECB lowers its economic forecasts

8 December 2014

The European Central Bank (ECB) has reduced its growth and inflation forecasts for the euro zone said its President Mario Draghi after an ECB Governors' Council which took place on 4th December in Frankfurt. Noting the downturn in the economic outlook and the development of prices in Europe the ECB is now forecasting GDP growth of 0.8% this year, 1% next year and 1.5% in 2016, in comparison with previous estimates of 0.9%, 1.6% and 1.9% respectively. Inflation is due to reach 0.5% this year, 0.7% in 2015 and 1.3% in 2016, down in comparison with the September forecasts of 0.9%, 1.1% and 1.4%. Mario Draghi also announced that the ECB had "stepped up preparations" for further support measures to the euro zone's economy recalling that the Council was "unanimous" about introducing them rapidly. To do this the ECB will launch "a specific assessment" at the "beginning of 2015" of the euro zone's economic situation and the results of the measures that have already been implemented. Finally the ECB did not change its main rate at 0.05%.

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Unemployment rising in France in the third quarter

8 December 2014

According to an INSEE report published on 4th December unemployment has increased in France for the third consecutive quarter. It now totals 10.4% of the working population in comparison with 10.1% in the second quarter. In mainland France unemployment totals 9.9% and has increased by 0.2 points in comparison with the previous quarter. Young people have been particularly affected by this increase with an unemployment rate of 23.7%.

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Weaker growth in the euro zone over the last 16 months

8 December 2014

Growth slowed in November in the euro zone to its lowest level in a year and a half which calls for "the immediate introduction of a more aggressive revival policy by the European Central Bank", deemed Markit on 3rd December as it published the PMI index. The euro zone's composite PMI index lay at 51.1 points in November against 52.1 points in the previous month. It is now at its lowest level since July 2013.

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The Greek parliament adopts the 2015 budget

8 December 2014

The Greek Parliament approved the draft 2015 budget on 7th December, 155 votes in support, 134 against. This budget is the focus of a disagreement between Greece's creditors (IMF, EU, ECB), who are demanding additional measures in support of government deficit reductions and the government whose project notably plans for the relaxing of reimbursement conditions regarding Greek citizens' debt towards the state. To MPs Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said that by presenting the draft budget he had "rejected the IMF and EU's demands". The ECB, the European Commission and the IMF are asking the Greek government to find between 2 to 3 billion € in additional revenues. The draft budget is to be approved by Parliament without the "Troika's" agreement which might prevent Greece from receiving the final tranche of aid of 1.8 billion €, of enjoying a line of credit after the end of the programme and of returning to the capital markets. The Greek Finance Minister said however that "a possible extension" of the aid plan will be discussed during a Eurogroup meeting on 8th December in Brussels.

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IMF report on Latvia

8 December 2014

As part of its "monitoring mission" the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a report on the economic, financial and budgetary situation in Latvia on 5th December. According to the IMF Latvia has progressed quickly since the beginning of the economic crisis, as shown by its successful entry into the euro zone and the decreasing nature of its unemployment levels from over 20% to 11.3% and then to 10.6% this year. However economic growth has slowed recently due to low investments and an unfavourable external environment. According to the report the country's outlook mid-term is positive if the geopolitical situation in the east of Europe stabilises and the euro zone economy improves. The report advocates a reversal of the multi-annual trend to pay off bank debt to revive long term investment and to speed up structural reform. Finally the IMF believes that the budget for 2015 is "adequate" even though it highlights that the government has to do more to reduce social inequality.

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New stage for judicial cooperation in criminal matters

8 December 2014

December 1st marked a major stage in terms of judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the EU. Five years after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty the normal powers of the Commission and the Court of Justice now apply to acts in this area as they do in any other area of EU law. The Commission therefore has the power to launch infringement procedures if EU law is not implemented correctly.

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France, Germany and Italy call on Brussels for action regarding tax avoidance

8 December 2014

On 28th November the French, German and Italian Finance Ministers sent a letter to the Commission to encourage the EU to pass legislation on tax avoidance. The three ministers notably asked Pierre Moscovici, the Commissioner responsible for taxation, to ensure that the draft directive to counter tax avoidance (fiscal ruling) is ready by the end of the year. The fiscal ruling means that a company can ask in advance how it will be processed by the tax authorities in a country so that it can spread its costs and profits advantageously between branches in different countries. Pierre Moscovici answered on 3rd December promising to act rapidly. He announced in a letter that he will suggest a roadmap in 2015 to the College of Commissioners in order to identify the necessary tools to counter damaging tax competition. Priority will be placed on increasing transparency, and also the fight to counter tax havens.

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Appointments of two women as heads of new European bodies

8 December 2014

On 5th December the European Commission put forward German Elke König to become director of the Single Resolution Board of the banks in the euro zone, which is responsible for managing the liquidation of failing banks. Elke König is presently the director of the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. The SRB is one of the key elements in the Single Supervisory Mechanism created by the ECB, which is to supervise the banks in the euro zone. Moreover on 1st December Jean-Claude Juncker appointed Ann Mettler as leader of the new European Political Strategy Centre. The latter replaced, as of 5th November 2014, the European Bureau of Policy Advisors.

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Agreement between the Council and the European Parliament on the cultivation of GMOs

8 December 2014

The Council and the European Parliament came to an "agreement in principle" on 4th December on the rules governing permission to grow GMOs in the EU. The text approved by the Member States will enable the adoption of binding legislative acts to restrict or ban the cultivation of GMOs even after they have been approved by Europe as a whole. The European Commission also said that no authorisation for the cultivation of GMOs would be given before 2015. The agreement adopted on 4th December is due to be approved by the Environment Committee at the European Parliament on 15th December then by the "Environment" Council on 17th December which will then be submitted to Parliament's vote during plenary session in January. The Member States will then have one month to formally approve the agreement.

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Transport Council: Single Sky, railway package, infrastructures

8 December 2014

On 3rd December the 28 European Transport Ministers met to discuss the Single European Sky, the fourth railways package and investments in transport infrastructures. Regarding the European Single Sky ministers came to agreement on a general approach to step up the implementation of the measures contained within this proposal. Regarding the railways package they adopted a general approach that aims to repeal the current regulation on the normalisation of accounts of railway undertakings. Finally they approved a series of conclusions regarding transport infrastructures and the trans-European network.

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Justice/Home Affairs Council: data protection, migration, anti-terrorism

8 December 2014

On 4th and 5th December the 28 Justice Ministers met in Brussels and concluded a general approach towards the protection of data in the European Union. They also approved a political agreement with the European Parliament on measures pertaining to cross-border insolvency procedures as well as a general approach on two proposals on the presumption of innocence and criminal proceedings and a regulation amending the European order for payment regulation. They also adopted guidelines for an EU strategy to counter radicalisation and terrorist recruitment and agreed on the urgent need to adopt the directive on the use of passenger data for the prevention of terrorist activities. They welcomed the progress made by operational action identified by the working group for the Mediterranean as well as operation Triton, launched at the beginning of November 2014 by Frontex.

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Competitiveness Council: industry, internal market, research and innovation,

8 December 2014

On 4th and 5th December the 28 European ministers responsible for industry met as part of the "Competitiveness Council" and adopted several conclusions on the "challenges and opportunities" given to European industry focusing on the role played by SMEs and tourism. They adopted a general approach on the revision of the Package Travel Directive that governs the tourism industry. Moreover they discussed the means to strengthen the internal market by adopting conclusions on three main issues: smart regulation, customs risk management to facilitate trade and the application of intellectual property rights. They confirmed their general approach for the modernisation of security requirements on personal protective equipment and cableway installations. Finally from the point of view of research and innovation Ministers approved the conclusions on the progress achieved in the implementation of the European Research Area, the improvement of European competitiveness and Mediterranean cooperation. They also adopted conclusions on the main guidelines and challenges in support of a renewed European space policy.

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Court of Justice

Greece and Italy condemned by the Court of Justice

8 December 2014

On 2nd December the EU's Court of Justice set fines totalling 40 million euro on Italy for its failure to meet its obligations in terms of waste management and coupled this with penalty payments totalling tens of millions of euros, to force the country to bring itself in line. Italy is being sanctioned for not having followed a first decision dating back to 2007 which obliged it to take steps to remedy shortfalls "which are general and persistent" in terms of its management of waste and dangerous materials said the Court. It also fined Greece for not having implemented a 2005 Court decision that noted it had not followed the "Waste" directive. In addition to a lump sum of 10 million euro the Court will oblige Greece - until the 2005 decision has been fully implemented - to pay a penalty, the total of which will depend on the progress made by the country. In all events it will total - if there is no progress - more than 14 million euro per semester of delay in implementing the decision.

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European Agencies

European Agreement for the construction of Ariane 6 rocket

8 December 2014

The 20 Ministers of the ESA Member States, who met in Luxembourg on 2nd December, came to an historic agreement on the construction of a new rocket, Ariane 6, which is due to be launched in 2020. The ESA Council of Ministers committed to an overall budget of 8 billion € for its launchers over 10 years half of which are designed for the development of Ariane 6 and to the construction of a launch base in French Guiana. The remaining four million will finance adaptations to Ariane 5 and the support of launches. France is still the leading country in terms of contributions to this programme totalling an annual 800 million € ahead of Germany (22 %) and Italy (12 %).

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47th Franco-German Economic and Financial Council

8 December 2014

On 2nd December 2014 the Franco-German Economic and Financial Council met at the German Federal Finance Ministry in Berlin. This mini-summit was devoted to the issue of reviving growth. Paris insisted on the need for additional investment whilst Germany asked for structural reform. During this bilateral meeting the German Federal Finance Ministers spoke of the most recent developments in the area of economy and finance notably support to investment in Europe. The Commission's project to grant 300 billion euro for investment was also discussed. The four Ministers, Schäuble, Sapin, Gabriel and Macron agreed on a joint document "Supporting Investment, Advancing Europe".

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Interview with German Chancellor in Die Welt

8 December 2014

The policy undertaken by Moscow is leading to problems for many countries in the European Union's neighbourhood said German Chancellor Angela Merkel as she gave an interview on 7th December to the daily newspaper Die Welt. "Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine are three countries in our eastern neighbourhood which have sovereignly signed an association agreement with the European Union. Russia is causing problems in all three of these countries," declared Ms Merkel. She also said that the reforms started by France and Italy were not enough. The European Commission has "established a timetable whereby France and Italy will have to put forward additional measures. This is justified since both countries are effectively undertaking reforms. But the Commission has also clearly said that to date that not enough has been done and I agree with this."

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New Spanish Healthcare Minister

8 December 2014

On 3rd December Alfonso Alonso took office as Healthcare, Social Services and Equality Minister in Spain. His appointment follows the resignation of Ana Mato. In his speech the new Minister insisted on the need to refocus his ministry's action on society and on access to healthcare by all Spaniards. He maintained that he wanted to give maximum support to the government's work.

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Tightening of Regional Security

8 December 2014

On 2nd December Lithuanian President and the Presidents of Estonia, Latvia and Poland, Toomas Henrik Ilves, Andris Berzins and Bronislaw Komorowski discussed the implementation of decisions taken at the NATO Summit in Wales as well as energy, cyber and information security. This year Polish President Bronislaw Komorwoski was also invited to attend this traditional meeting whose main aim it is to discuss measures to guarantee the region's security.

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France: launch of the Scorpion army programme

8 December 2014

On 5th December the French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian launched the new Scorpion arms programme which as of 2018 will equip the army with new multi-use armoured, reconnaissance and combat vehicles - "Griffons" and "Jaguars" thereby effectively modernising the army. The total amount being invested in this programme is estimated at five billion euro until 2025.

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Meeting between François Hollande and Vladimir Putin

8 December 2014

On 6th December the President of the Republic of France François Hollande travelled to Moscow following his trip to Kazakhstan to meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. He is the first western leader to travel to Russian since the start of the Ukrainian crisis. The aim of this meeting set since the G20 in Brisbane, Australia, was to find paths of reconciliation over the Ukrainian issue. Whilst Vladimir Putin spoke of the territorial integrity of Ukraine the French President recalled that time was of the essence and that "results" now had to be achieved and not simple "progress" regarding this matter. A cease-fire was announced following the declaration that peace talks were to resume as of 9th December in Minsk.

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Approval of the Labour Reform by the Italian Senate

8 December 2014

On 3rd December the Italian Senate approved the Jobs Act labour reform - 116 votes in support, 112 against and 1 abstention. The bill modifies article 18 of the Italian labour law which aimed to protect workers from unfair dismissal. This reform has removed the greatest obstacle to employment in the country. It also provides for measures to help companies that take people on for open-ended contracts, notably via tax incentives.

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New budget approved in Lithuania

8 December 2014

On Thursday 4th December the Lithuanian parliament adopted the State's budget for 2015, taking on board the imminent entry of Lithuania into the euro zone. Worried about Russia's aggressive policy, the budget strengthens the country's defence capabilities. The budget has been calculated in euro for the very first time. Lithuania will become the 19th euro zone country on 1st January.

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The UK can take part again in the 35 measures included in judicial and police cooperation in the EU

8 December 2014

The Council and the European Commission adopted decisions after the UK's notification that it did want to take part in the 35 acts adopted before the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in the area of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Six of these acts include chapters of the Schengen convention pertaining to police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters as well as the Schengen Information System (SIS II, which is the part of the police/justice department of the Schengen data base). The 29 other measures which are not included in the Schengen acquis notably comprise the European Arrest Warrant, Europol and Eurojust.

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Budget rejected in Sweden, early elections announced

8 December 2014

The Swedish government that was formed after the general elections on 14th September last did not succeed in gaining parliament's approval for its draft budget on 3rd December. Hence Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announced that there would be early general elections to be held on 22nd March 2015.

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Further EU aid to Ukraine

8 December 2014

On 3rd December the European Commission disbursed a further tranche of aid totalling 500 million euro to Ukraine in exchange for reform, just as Kiev has chosen a new government. "On behalf of the EU, the Commission has disbursed 500 million euro to Ukraine as part of the macro-economic aid programme approved earlier this year," it indicated in a press release.

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New government in Ukraine

8 December 2014

On 2nd December the Ukrainian Parliament approved the new government team led by Arseny Yatsenyuk. Most of the most important ministers were reappointed, likewise those in Defence and Foreign Affairs. But there are also new ministers including three foreigners: Finance Minister Natalia Yaresko, an American of Ukrainian origin, Economy Minister, Aïvaras Arbomavitshous, is Lithuanian and Healthcare Minister Sandro Kvitashvili, who is Georgian. The government comprises 20 members of whom 2 are women.

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The conflict in Ukraine has displaced more than 1/2 million people says the HCR

8 December 2014

The UN's High Commission for Refugees (HCR) declared on 8th December that fighting in the east of Ukraine had already forced more than half a million people out of their homes and that they have taken refuge elsewhere in the country, whilst hundreds of thousands of others have fled to Russia or neighbouring countries. At the beginning of December 2014 nearly 514,000 people had been displaced by the fighting according to figures released by the Ukrainian emergency aid services. Moreover nearly 233,000 people from Ukraine have requested political asylum in Russia according to the Russian Federal Service for Migration, whilst 8,936 Ukrainians have requested international protection in the EU since October 2014.

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OECD report on migration

8 December 2014

On 1st December the OECD presented its study "2014 International Migration Outlook". This study notes that the trend is rising. According to the OECD one arrival in five comes from Asia. Angel Gurria, Secretary General of the OECD, declared during the presentation of the report, "countries would benefit from immigration more if they consider the migrants as a resource rather than a problem and integration policies as an investment." This report shows that Germany is now the second OECD destination country ahead of the US. We should note that Italy, Spain, and the US, major destinations countries, have recorded a decline in immigration.

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Conclusions of the OSCE Council of Ministers

8 December 2014

The Foreign Ministers of 57 OSCE member countries met in Basel on 4th and 5th December 2014. They adopted conclusions on the OSCE's role in the fight to counter terrorism, notably regarding foreign fighters. Ministers hoped to strengthen cooperation between the OSCE and its Mediterranean and Asian partners. They also discussed the next steps to take in the continuation of the " Helsinki+40 Process". Moreover the Council approved a decision on the prevention of and the fight to counter violence against women as well as a plan of action to promote gender equality. Finally the ministerial meeting was mainly devoted to the political and military situation in the east of Ukraine. The OSCE's leaders noted with "caution" the announcement made by the Ukrainian presidency and the pro-Russian separatists that they were planning a total ceasefire in the east as of 9th December.

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Joint NATO-Ukraine Declaration

8 December 2014

Meeting in Brussels on 2nd December the Foreign Ministers from the countries in the NATO-Ukraine Committee condemned the "continued, deliberate destabilisation of the east of Ukraine undertaken by Russia in violation of international law," notably since the cease-fire agreement signed in Minsk on 5th September. Ministers asked Russia to "review" its "illegal" annexation of Crimea in March last. They also committed to maintaining permanent, revolving surveillance by the air, maritime and land forces in the east of Europe to ensure that "the territorial sovereignty, independence of Ukraine is guaranteed." Finally the Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg said that Ukraine, if it so wished, could become a candidate to join NATO recalling that this was the decision of "an independent country."

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NATO adopts a readiness for action plan

8 December 2014

On 2nd December 2014 the Foreign Ministers from NATO's member states announced that an interim "spearhead" force - designed to strengthen the Alliance's response capabilities would be operational at the beginning of next year and they agreed to maintain their continued presence in the east throughout the coming year. "We shall implement a readiness for action plan in time and across the board," explained NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

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Euro zone GDP rises by 0.2%, likewise that of the EU up by 0.3%

8 December 2014

In the third quarter of 2014 the euro zone's GDP, adjusted to seasonal variations, rose by 0.2%, that of the EU rose by 0.3% in comparison with the previous quarter. During the second quarter of 2014 GDP increased by 0.1% in the euro zone and by 0.2% in the EU. In comparison with the third quarter of the previous year the GDP grew by 0.8% in the euro zone and by 1.3% in the EU in the third quarter of 2014. Amongst the Member States Romania (+1.8%), Poland (+0.9%), Greece, Slovenia and the UK (+0.7%) registered the highest growth rates in comparison with the previous quarter whilst Cyprus (-0.4%), Austria (-0.3%) and Italy (-0.1%) enregistered decreasing GDP rates.

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Study of the creative and cultural markets in the European Union

8 December 2014

On the initiative of the European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers (GESAC), a study was undertaken by Ernst&Young on the creative and cultural markets in the European Union. The study raises awareness of the place occupied by creative and cultural markets in Europe in 2014 and reminds readers of the issues at stake in this area for the future.

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OECD Report: access to basic healthcare safeguarded in Europe in spite of the crisis

8 December 2014

"Healthcare at a Glance, Europe 2014" published on 3rd December by the OECD and the European Commission assesses the quality of access to healthcare according to financial (reimbursements) and also geographical (distance between the hospital/doctor and the patient) criteria and waiting times in the 28 countries of the EU. The report points to an overall reduction in healthcare spending in the EU between 2009 and 2012, (0.6% per year on average, after annual increases of 4.7% between 2000 and 2009). However most countries in the EU have a universal or almost universal healthcare system "which have enabled the protection of access to basic care" even in the countries hardest hit by the crisis like Greece or Portugal notes the OECD. We should note that geographical access issues or waiting times have worsened since the start of the crisis in 2009. Finally according to estimates in the report life expectancy has risen sharply in the EU since the 1990's lying at 79.2 in 2012, i.e. 5.1 years more than in 1990.

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European business must invest more in R&D

8 December 2014

In spite of an unfavourable economic situation investments in R&D by businesses based in the EU increased by 2.6% in 2013. However this increase is clearly below that of 6.8% recorded in 2012. This pace is also below the world average in 2013 (4.9 %) and that of businesses based in the US (5%) and Japan (5.5 %). It should be noted that of businesses based in the EU, 97% of investments in R&D come from companies based in 10 countries. Overall performances depend largely on businesses based in three countries: Germany, France and the UK, which represent two thirds of European investments. The "EU's Industrial Investment Scoreboard 2014", which analyses the 2,500 major firms worldwide, was released on 4th December by the European Commission.

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Fight to counter corruption: Transparency International ranking

8 December 2014

On 2nd December the German organisation Transparency International published its annual report on the perception of corruption. This report gives a score to each country between 0 (the most corrupt country) and a 100 (the most transparent) according to the perception of their performance in the fight to counter corruption. Turkey and China have fallen the most this year. In the EU, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria and also Italy are at the bottom of the ranking, whilst Denmark is the most transparent country in the world. Germany comes 12th, the US 17th and France 26th. Last in the ranking come South Sudan, Afghanistan, Sudan, North Korea and Somalia.

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Report: "Espagne, derrière l'austerité, la reprise"

8 December 2014

The "Institut de l'Entreprise" published a report: "Espagne, derrière l'austerité, la reprise" (Spain, behind austerity, recovery) by Adrienne Brotons, prefaced by Michel Pébereau. This report is the first in a series entitled "Consolidation budgétaire et redressement économique en Europe" (Fiscal consolidation and economic recovery in Europe), which aims to analyse real examples of fiscal consolidation undertaken in Europe since the start of the crisis. The report focuses on Spain, notably in view of the extent of budgetary fiscal achieved and the reforms that have been launched, but also in view of the major role played by Europe as the stimulus for the reform in the project to modernise Spain. The other countries selected for this project were the UK, Ireland and Italy. These countries all share a point in common. Due to events born of the crisis each has committed to extensive fiscal consolidation.

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"Chroniques sur une Union européenne en mal de réforme"

8 December 2014

Panayotis Soldatos, professor at the University of Lyon and the University of Montreal has published a book entitled "Chroniques sur une Union européenne en mal de réforme". (Chronicle of a European Union in need of reform). This book offers an analysis of the EU in crisis when reform is vital and there is an evident lack of European leadership.

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European Book Prize Award Ceremony

8 December 2014

On 3rd December the 8th ceremony of the European Book Prize took place at the European Parliament. This year in the "novel" category the winner was Pascale Hugues with "La Robe de Hannah. Berlin 1904-1914. Anthony Giddens won the prize in the "essay" category with "Turbulent and Mighty Continent. What future for Europe?" in which he sets out the advantages of European integration and calls on European leaders to reconsider its design. The prizes were awarded by Romanian film director, chairman of the jury, Radu Mihaileanu.

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"Portrait Gallery of the Golden Age"

8 December 2014

Until 2016 the Hermitage Museum in Amsterdam is running an exhibition entitled "The Portrait Gallery of the Golden Age" which presents the members of the "golden Dutch bourgeoisie" of the 17th and 18th centuries. This collection of major group portraits includes some of Rembrandts works, such as "The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Deijman", and also paintings by Govert Flinck and Nicolaes Pickenoy.

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The Pierre Gianadda Foundation pays tribute to Swiss painting

8 December 2014

Until 14th June 2015 the Pierre Gianadda Foundation, Martigny (Switzerland) is hosting an "exceptional, exclusive, unique" collection of the most famous paintings created in Switzerland. The exhibition presents historic, genre and landscape paintings and also those depicting animals, still life, symbolism in Swiss art, the nude, children in painting, portraits, self-portraits. On show are works by artists ranging from 1762 to the middle of the 20th century. The most famous works and the rarest by Albert Anker, Ferdinand Hodler, Felix Vallotton and Giovanni Segantini, will be on show exceptionally thanks to partnerships with the Fine Arts Museum of Bern and the Foundation for Art, Culture and History.

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Russian Bauhaus

8 December 2014

The Martin Gropius Museum in Berlin is running an exhibition on the Vkhutemas, often designated as the "Russian Bauhaus", the legendary school of modernist art in the 1920's until 6th April 2015. This is the first exhibition in Germany that shows a major sample - especially focused on architecture - of work by Vkhutemas. The exhibition presents some 250 pieces of work: sketches, drawings, paintings and models. The exhibition was set up by the State Museum Shchusev of Moscow.

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The Rouart: From Impressionism to Magic Realism

8 December 2014

The Fine Arts Museum in Nancy is running an exhibition until 23rd February 2015 which is devoted to the Rouart Impressionist collection. Via portraits, landscapes and still life the public is invited to discover the extraordinary adventure of this family of artists and collectors which was linked to Edgar Degas, Edouard Manet and Berthe Morisot. Nearly 130 works from public and many private collections have been brought together for this exhibition.

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8th December

Eurogroup (Brussels)

9th December

Meeting of Council of Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Ministers - Energy (Brussels)

9th December

Meeting of the Economy and Finance Ministers (Brussels)

11th December

Meeting of the Council of Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer Council (ESPCO) - Employment (Brussels)

12th December

Council of Foreign Affairs Ministers - Cooperation (Brussels)

12th December

Meeting of the Council of Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Ministers (EYCS) - Education and Youth (Brussels)

les 15th-18th December

Plenary Session of European Parliament (Strasbourg)

15th and 16th November

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)

15th December

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly , Guillaume Anglars, Flora Dumont, Helen Levy,Aude Prenassi, Marguerite Richelme, Ombeline Soulard

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Death/Barrot, Ariane 6, Government/Ukraine, Crisis/Sweden


The Newsletter n°650- version of 8 déc. 2014