The Newsletter n°628 — 2 juin 2014
La Lettre
Corinne Deloy
2 June 2014
The elective principle in the European Union
2 June 2014
Results - European Elections
2 June 2014
Our interventions in the media on the European election results
2 June 2014
Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission
2 June 2014
Andrus Ansip, Commissioner
2 June 2014
Poland wants the highest post
2 June 2014
Change Europe - now
2 June 2014
Decline of merchandise trade in the major OECD economies
2 June 2014
Conclusions of the IMF observation mission in Spain
2 June 2014
The number of job seekers up by 0.4% in April
2 June 2014
Euro zone: economic confidence improves
2 June 2014
Cyprus lifts the last restrictions on movements of capital within its territory
2 June 2014
The Portuguese Constitutional Court invalidates three 2014 budget measures
2 June 2014
Conclusion of the 5th IMF observation mission in Greece
2 June 2014
Markit Manufacturing Industry Index declining
2 June 2014
Conclusions of the informal dinner between EU heads of State and government
2 June 2014
Lack of financial resources hinders the marketing of innovations
2 June 2014
Water quality excellent at most of Europe's bathing sites
2 June 2014
Ukraine and Russia: gas
2 June 2014
Energy Security: global strategy to strengthen supply security
2 June 2014
The use of internet increasing in the EU, especially among disadvantaged
2 June 2014
Building growth: recommendation per country in 2014
1 January 1970
EU economic sanctions extended until 1st June 2015
2 June 2014
Informal General Affairs Council
2 June 2014
ECB: progress in strengthening banks and sovereign funds
2 June 2014
Herman Van Rompuy win the Charlemagne Prize
2 June 2014
Wolfgang Schäuble wants to re-organise the Commission around "Super Commissioners"
2 June 2014
Angela Merkel meets the Georgian, Moldovan and Ukrainian heads of government
2 June 2014
Belgium: resignation of the government; Bart de Wever becomes point of contact
2 June 2014
King Juan Carlos abdicates
2 June 2014
Matteo Renzi calls on the EU to address reform
2 June 2014
Turkish Constitutional Court lifts the block on YouTube
2 June 2014
Male only government in Hungary!
2 June 2014
Launch of the campaign for referendum on independence in Scotland
2 June 2014
General elections in Slovenia on 13th July
2 June 2014
Successful Presidential election and continued anti-terrorist operation in Ukraine
2 June 2014
World Bank pays 750 million dollars to Ukraine
2 June 2014
Hungary condemned by the ECHR
2 June 2014
Vocational Training in Germany
2 June 2014
One quarter of Europeans have used an illegal drug during their lifetime
2 June 2014
European Values - Developments and Divides
2 June 2014
Guillaume Gallienne plays Lucretia Borgia at the Comédie Française
2 June 2014
1564-2014 Michael Angelo
2 June 2014
Fourvière Nights
2 June 2014
les 3rd-4th June
Meeting of NATO Members' Defence Ministers (Brussels)
les 4th-5th June
G7 Summit (Brussels)
les 5th-6th June
Justice and Internal Affairs Council (Luxembourg)
les 5th-6th June
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Brussels)
5th June
ECB Governors Council (Frankfurt am Main)
6th June
70th anniversary of D-Day (Normandy)
Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy
De Gasperi-Schuman: the origins of the European Project
Between the Baltic and the Balkans, the new geopolitics of gas
The role of local communities in European policies.
António Costa, a Socialist from the South, to preside over the European Council
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Pauline Massis Desmarest , Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison,Jelena Isailovic, Marine Le Lann, Salomé Larcher
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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