The Newsletter62726 mai 2014

La Lettre

Corinne Deloy, Pascale Joannin

26 May 2014

The right wing came out ahead in the European elections that took place in the 28 EU Member States between 22nd and 25th May. The European People's Party (EPP) won 28.36% of the vote and 213 seats – a number in decline in comparison with the previous election 4th-7th June 2009 (- 61 seats). In four Member States the European election was dominated by the populist forces: the People's Party (DF) in Denmark, the Front National (FN) in France, the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) in Greece and the UK Independence Party (UKIP) in the UK. A sharp rise in populist support was seen in several other countries: in Germany, in Austria, Belgium, Spain, Finland, Hungary, Italy and Sweden.

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Front page!

European Elections 2014: analysis and consequences

25 May 2014

On 27th May 2014 the Hanns Seidel and Robert Schuman Foundations are organising a conference at the Goethe Institute in Brussels on the results of the European elections. First Manfred Weber, MEP, and Deputy Chair of the EPP group, member of the Constitutional Affairs Committee will analyse the results. Secondly Pascale Joannin, General Manager of the Robert Schuman Foundation will debate alongside Karel Lannoo, director of the Centre for European Policy Studies on the consequences that result from this election.

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What kind of answer can we give to the eurosceptics?

26 May 2014

The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani published an editorial on his internet site on the results of the European elections. He analyses the rise of populism in Europe that has merged in with the "old, latent euroscepticism" and the criticism made of the EU in the crisis. In his opinion the eurosceptic challenge has both been launched at the institutions of Europe and the Member States. "It means that we have to speak truthfully, assume choices - first at home - before sharing them," he explains.

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Dalia Grybauskaite is re-elected as President of the Republic of Lithuania

26 May 2014

Outgoing Head of State Dalia Grybauskaite who was standing as an independent candidate but with the support of the centre-right opposition of the Homeland Union-Conservatives (TS-LK), the Christian Party (KP) and the Liberal Movement (LRLS) was re-elected as President of the Republic of Lithuania in the 2nd round of voting with 57.87% of the vote. She beat MEP and former Finance and Transport Minister Zigmantas Balcytis (Social Democratic Party, LSP) supported by the Labour Party (DP), who won 40.14% of the vote. The election took place on the same day as the European elections. The Lithuanians voted mainly in favour of the Social Democratic Party in the European election and elected a liberal candidate in the presidential.

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Pyotr Poroshenko wins the presidential election in Ukraine in the first round

26 May 2014

Pyotr Poroshenko, an independent candidate supported by the Democratic Alliance for Reform (UDAR) led by Vitaly Klichko (who was elected Mayor of Kiev on 25th May), was elected in the first round of the Presidential election in Ukraine on 25th May. He won 55.9% of the vote and took the lead over former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (Panukrainian Union-Motherland –Batkivshchyna) who won 12.9% of the vote. Oleh Lyashko (Radical Party) came third with 8% of the vote, ahead of independent Serhiï Tyhipko, who won under 5% of the vote. The presidential election heralded the defeat of the nationalist candidates: Oleh Tyahnybok (Svoboda) won 1.3% and Dmytro Yarosh (Right Sector, Pravy Sektor), 0.9%. Around 2 million Ukrainians were prevented from voting by the separatist forces in the country's East and notably in the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. The authorities in Kiev had set up polling stations so that voters in Crimea could go to ballot if they so wished.

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Nationalists of the New Flemish Alliance win the general elections in Belgium

26 May 2014

The New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), the nationalist party led by Bart de Wever won the Belgian federal elections taking 20.33% of the vote and 33 seats (+6 in comparison with the same kind of election on 13th June 2010). The N-VA came out ahead of the Flemish Democratic Christian Party (CD&V) led by Wouter Beke, which won 11.65% of the vote and 18 seats (+1); the Socialist Party (PS) of Prime Minister Elio di Rupo, led by Paul Magnette, won 11.64% of the vote and 24 seats (-2). The Flemish Liberals and Democrats (Open VLD), led by Gwendolyn Rutten, won 9.81% of the vote and 14 seats (+1), the Reform Movement (MR), Charles Michel's liberal party won 9.58% of the vote and 19 seats (+1); the Flemish Socialist Party (SP.A), led by Bruno Tobback, 8.86% of the vote and 13 seats (=) and the Humanist Democratic Centre (cdh) of Benoît Lutgen, 4.92% of the vote and 9 seats (=). The Flemish ecologists of Groen! chaired by Wouter Van Besien, won 5.34% of the vote and 6 seats (+ 1) and Ecolo, a French speaking party led jointly by Olivier Deleuze and Emily Hoyos, 3.26% of the vote and 6 seats (- 2), a clear decline. Ecolo, which is now considered to be a mainstream party (which sometimes forms obscure political alliances) and no longer as a party of contest, did not succeed in attracting those disappointed by the Socialist Party and undeniably suffered due to the break through made by the far left.

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The rightwing win the European elections marked by a populist ascension in several Member States

26 May 2014

The right wing came out ahead in the European elections that took place in the 28 EU Member States between 22nd and 25th May. The European People's Party (EPP) won 28.36% of the vote and 213 seats – a number in decline in comparison with the previous election 4th-7th June 2009 (- 61 seats). The drop in the number of Christian Democrats has not been to the benefit of the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) which won 25.17% of the vote and 189 seats (-7). The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) took third place in the European election with 8.52% of the vote and 64 seats (- 19). The Greens/European Free Alliance won 6.92% of the vote and 52 seats (-5). The European Conservatives and Reformers (CRE/ECR) won 6.13% of the vote and 46 seats (- 11); they came ahead of the United European Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL), which won 5.59% of the vote and 42 seats (+ 7). Europe of Freedom and Democracy (ELD/EFD) won 5.06% of the vote and 38 seats (+7). Finally the non-attached won 5.46% of the vote and 41 seats (+ 8). There remain 66 new MEPs who do not belong to any political group; together they won 8.79% of the vote. For the first time in the history of the European elections turnout was up slightly. It totalled 43.09% ie+0.9% in comparison with the election on 4th-7th June 2009.

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European Elections

Schulz-Juncker Debate on German TV

26 May 2014

Candidates for the Presidency of the European Commission from the main European political parties, the European People's Party -EPP - and the Party of European Socialists (PES), Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz debated one last time on 21st May 2014 on German TV channel ARD. In a studio that was open to a selected public which was representative of the German population, the candidates mainly debated the controversy over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership -TTIP - which is under negotiation at present between the USA and the EU and data protection. They notably highlighted the fact that the EU would not give in to US demands and standards either as part of the TTIP negotiations or concerning digital data protection.

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European elections results

26 May 2014

Consult our "Elections" site and the results illustrating the composition of the political groups and Member States in the European Parliament as well as the detailed results in the 28 Member States per political party.

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Financial Crisis

The Czech Republic has to settle long term unemployment says the OECD

25 May 2014

The OECD published a new report on 21st May on the Czech Republic in which it analyses the country's situation. The organisation stresses that the Czech Republic has done the necessary to create a stable, attractive environment for investment but highlights that more must be done to counter unemployment which is affecting 6.7% of the population. According to the OECD the solution to long term unemployment and youth unemployment is to be found on a local level by taking real steps to develop competences and economic development policies.

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Growth of 0.4% in the first quarter of 2014 in the OECD zone

25 May 2014

The OECD published its growth estimates for the first quarter of 2014 for the OECD and euro zones on 20th May 2014. The organisation indicates that the OECD zone grew by 0.4% in the first quarter but with major differences between countries. In Japan, Germany and the UK the GDP experienced growth of 1.5% and 0.8% respectively for the latter two, whilst in France and the USA growth rates were almost nil in spite of growth of 0.2% and 0.7% in the previous quarter. The OECD indicates that the GDP in the euro zone is stable at 0.2%, whilst it has decreased slightly in the EU as a whole.

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IMF mission conclusions in Germany

25 May 2014

The IMF observation mission in Germany ended on 19th May 2014 with the publication of its conclusions. Experts stress that additional investments in infrastructures, greater clarity regarding the regulatory framework of the energy sector and reform to increase competition in the services sector would help towards growth in Germany and the euro zone. Moreover experts indicated that future increases in the German minimum wage should take on board the secondary effects on employment in the regions with the highest unemployment rate. Finally banks should continue to strengthen their position in view of the upcoming ECB report.

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Possible signs of economic recovery in the Netherlands

25 May 2014

Although 2013 was marked by a rise in unemployment and a contraction of the Dutch economy, the rise in exports and investments is a potential sign of recovery. This is the conclusion of the government report on the state of the economy in 2013 as presented to parliament on 21st May by Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem. The report will be the focus of a debate in the Chamber on 28th May 2014.

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UNEDIC forecasts a rise of 103,200 job seekers in 2014

25 May 2014

UNEDIC (the National Interprofessional Union for Employment in Industry and Trade) published its financial forecasts for 2014 and 2015 on 22nd May. It indicates that the number of job seekers is due to rise by 103,200 people in 2014 contrary to hopes expressed by the government. This implies a rise of 1.5% over one year. In 2015 the association indicates that the number of job seekers is due to increase by 55,000 people. It indicates that France will experience a dual movement in terms of a reduction in the government deficit and but an increase in the debt, which is due to rise by 3.6 billion euro by the end fo 2015, whilst the government deficit is due to decrease from 3.7 billion to 3.6 billion euro.

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Ukraine: the EU disburses the first tranche of aid totalling 1.6 billion euro

25 May 2014

On 20th May 2014 the European Commission disbursed a first tranche of aid totalling 100 million euro in its financial aid as promised to Ukraine, which is facing major economic difficulties. The Union committed to make macro-financial aid of 1.6 billion euro a reality very quickly. This was decided after the signature of the political chapter of an association agreement between the EU and Ukraine on 6th March. The disbursement of 500 million additional euro "is expected in the next few weeks, once legal procedures have been settled in Ukraine," said the Commission in a press release.

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Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili visits Brussels

25 May 2014

European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili met on 21st May in Brussels to discuss political progress and security in the country and the region. They discussed the state of progress of cooperation between the EU and Georgia and of the future of Georgia in the European arena. The European Commission maintained its commitment and support for the association agreement and the economic integration of Georgia. Both sides maintained that their values and their final goal were shared ie strengthening cooperation between the EU and Georgia.

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New rules facilitate State research, development and innovation aid

26 May 2014

On 21st May 2014 the European Commission published a report establishing the framework for State aid in the areas of research, development and innovation. Although State aid is normally prohibited in order not to bias competition and trade between Member States it is allowed under certain conditions. Promoting research, development and innovation is one of the EU's goals. The Europe 2020 strategy identifies research and development as a key factor to achieve smart growth goals that are sustainable and inclusive. Indeed the Commission defined that the main goal to achieve would be 3% of the Union's GDP to be invested in R&D by 2020.

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Report on the functioning of the Schengen Area

26 May 2014

On 26th May 2014 the European Commission published its 5th half-yearly report on the functioning of the Schengen Area for the period November 1st 2013 to April 30th 2014.

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Agriculture and Fisheries Council: plant protection products, food loss and food waste

25 May 2014

On 19th May 2014 the 28 EU Agriculture Ministers supported the introduction of a coordination centre that aims to develop additional tools to counter disease in minor crops, as suggested in a Commission report. Ministers considered action to reduce food loss and food waste useful, as long as food safety is not undermined. Also, conclusions were adopted including the new EU Forest Strategy published by the Commission in September 2013.

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The Member States sign an agreement on the banking resolution fund

25 May 2014

On 21st May 2014 representatives of 26 European Union Member states (except Sweden and United Kingdom) signed an intergovernmental agreement on the transfer and pooling of contributions to a single resolution fund that will be established as part of Europe's Banking Union. The agreement will complement a regulation recently agreed with the European Parliament on the creation of a Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM), which establishes the fund and also features a central decision-making board. The Single Resolution Fund will be fully financed by bank contributions.

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Youth, Education, Culture and Sport: multilingualism, cultural heritage

25 May 2014

The 28 Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Ministers met on 20th and 21st May 2014 in Brussels. They adopted conclusions on an effective training scheme for teachers, multilingualism and the development of linguistic competences. They also adopted conclusions on a quality guarantee supporting education and training. Regarding young people they adopted conclusions on the Union's mid-term 18 month Youth Work Plan. They discussed Leeuwarden (Netherlands) in terms of being a European capital of culture candidate in 2018 - as well as cultural heritage as a strategic resource for a sustainable Europe. They also discussed a Union Working Plan for sport (2014-2017) which completes and strengthens the impact of activities launched as part of the Erasmus+ programme in this area.

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Competitiveness Council: Space, Trade Secrets, Financial Framework

26 May 2014

On 26th May 2014 the 28 Competitiveness Ministers from the 28 Member States said they were pleased with the progress made in the area of space both from a technical and trade point of view. They stressed that it is vital to establish adequate, sustainable, transparent relations between the EU and the European Space Agency so that the effect of European investments in this area can be maximised. Ministers also came to agreement on the creation of a new legal framework for the protection of trade secrets. They also adopted three legislative acts in the own resources package linked to the EU's multi-annual financial framework (MFF) 2014-2020.

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ECB Forum Portugal

26 May 2014

On 26th and 27th May 2014 the ECB's Forum is taking place in Sintra, Portugal. The main theme of this forum is "monetary policy in a changing financial world". Christine Lagarde, IMF Director opened debate alongside Mario Draghi, the ECB President. The first session on 26th focused on monetary policy in the new regulatory environment and the second on 27th focuses on monetary policy and balance sheet adjustment with Paul Krugman.

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The European Countries and the Maghreb call for dialogue in Libya

25 May 2014

Foreign Ministers of the 5+5 group - comprising 5 Maghreb countries (Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritiania and Tunisia) and 5 EU countries (Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal) met in Lisbon on 22nd May 2014 for the 11th meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Western Mediterranean. They called for dialogue between the different political actors in Libya, which is at present suffering renewed tension. In their conclusions ministers call "on the General National Congress (GNC, Parliament), the government, political leaders and actors engaged in the field in Libya to "act together for consensus over the introduction of democratic institutions."

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Immigration at its highest level in twenty years in Germany

25 May 2014

Germany recorded the highest migratory balance in 20 years in 2013 - with the number of people settling in the country exceeding departures by 437,000, announced the statistics institute Destatis on 22nd May 2014. This is the highest figure since 1993. Most of the new arrivals in Germany come from EU countries. Net immigration from the EU totalled 300,000 people last year. More precisely the main countries of origin were in Central Europe, with Poland taking the lead with net immigration of 72,000 people, ahead of Romania (+50,000). But immigration from some countries in the south of Europe, sorely affected by the crisis, increased last year, with people notably coming from Italy (32,000/ +52%) and Spain (22,000/ +19%).

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Wolfgang Schäuble: towards a better European Union!

25 May 2014

In an editorial published on 21st May 2014 in the German daily "Frankfurther Allgemeine Zeitung" German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble advocated a strong, modernised Europe, with clear competences and greater democratic legitimacy for its institutions. Mr Schäuble stresses the need for "double democracy" - both national and European.

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Immigration and Growth -priorities of the Italian presidency

26 May 2014

Designed by Italian senior school students, the new logo Italy has chosen for the Presidency of the Council of the European Union represents a swallow in flight with blue wings, a red head and a green beak. According to the students who designed it, this logo represents friendship, hope and freedom. The logo was presented by the Secretary for European Affairs Sandro Gozi together with Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini, who will coordinate the Italian presidency as of June. Sandro Gozi recalled that the priorities of the Italian presidency are reform in Europe and the impact Erasmus has had on creating a new generation of young Europeans.

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Rise in the number of European Union migrants in the UK

26 May 2014

Immigration by EU citizens to the UK rose "significantly" in 2013 according to a quarterly report by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published on 22nd May. 201,000 European citizens moved to the UK over the period 1st January to 31st December 2013. This was 43,000 more than in the previous year (158,000 European immigrants). Whilst the labour market was opened to Romanians and Bulgarians on 1st January 2014 leading to panic reaction in the UK regarding a "tsunami" of immigrants the ONS figures show that immigration from both of these countries had risen in 2013.

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18th International Economic Forum in St-Petersburg

26 May 2014

The International Economic Forum organised yearly by Russia in St Petersburg opened its doors from 22nd to 24th May 2014 in a morose atmosphere since many Western company heads were not there and with the Russian economy suffering sanctions linked to the Ukrainian crisis. This year nearly 34 foreign company heads withdrew and did not take part in the forum. In a speech delivered on 24th May Vladimir Putin announced various reforms that aim to lend credibility to Russian actors as partners with the rest of the world. He said to the Chinese delegation that Russia wanted to turn totally towards the East - towards Siberia and the Pacific.

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Meeting between François Hollande and Serb President Tomislav Nikolic

26 May 2014

Serb President Tomislav Nikolic met his French counterpart François Hollande during a working lunch on 22nd May just as Serbia is suffering severe flooding. During their meeting the two presidents discussed the situation in Serbia and highlighted the good relations that typify relations between the two countries. François Hollande highlighted France's help to Serbia both in terms of equipment and rescue teams. Both presidents pointed to the good economic relations that bind the two countries.

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President elect, Poroshenko wants to "bring the war to an end" and take Ukraine towards Europe

26 May 2014

Pro-Western billionaire Pyotr Poroshenko was declared the winner of the presidential election on 25th May in Ukraine. As a priority he said he wanted to bring the war in the separatist East to an end where the election barely took place - he also wants to take his country towards European integration. Credited with nearly 54% of the vote by the exit polls the 48 year old business man, twice minister in previous governments, did not wait for the official results to state the first measures he would take as head of State; he would travel to Donbass which is in the grip of a pro-Russian armed rebellion, "bring back peace to Ukraine" and convene early elections this year. He also said that he would never acknowledge the referendum undertaken in March in Crimea.

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Seals: the WTO rejects Canada and Norway's appeal against the EU's embargo

25 May 2014

The WTO rejected the appeal made by Canada and Norway on 22nd May which challenged the EU's embargo on products derived from seals. The World Trade Organisation, which had been consulted regarding the EU's embargo introduced in 2010, had already rejected the countries' appeal in November 2013. The EU justified its embargo referring "the public's moral concerns", deeming that the hunting methods were cruel. After a hearing in March the appeal tribunal at the WTO repeated on 22nd May in Geneva the decision highlighting for the first time the issue of animal welfare linked to trade imperatives.

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Employment rate of the 20 to 64 year olds in the EU decreased in 2013

25 May 2014

According to estimates published on 19th May 2014 by Eurostat, the employment rate of the population aged 20 to 64 in the European Union showed a clear pattern during the last decade: it rose steadily from 66.7% in 2002 to 70.3% in 2008, then fell with the financial crisis to 68.9%, and has since continuously decreased to 68.3% in 2013. The Europe 2020 strategy target is to have an employment rate of at least 75% in the Union by 2020. For the age group 55 to 64 in the Union, the pattern is quite different: the employment rate has grown steadily from 38.1% in 2002 to reach 50.1% in 2013.

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CNIL report on the preponderant place of personal data in the digital age

25 May 2014

On 19th May 2014 the Chair of the National IT and Freedom Committee (CNIL) Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin presented the 34th annual report to be published by this administration. The number of complaints received decreased by 6.6% in 2013 to total 5,640 and the CNIL made 14 sanction proposals. According to the CNIL this stabilisation is the result of better information; the main cause of complaint comprises opposition to featuring in a file, all sectors counted together and the exercise of the right to access digital information. The CNIL believes that the figures show the preponderant place of personal data and increasing citizen awareness. The report offers legal analyses regarding the 'right to be forgotten' and the extra-territorial application of laws of third States in terms of data protection. Finally the CNIL indicates that it will launch debate in 2014 regarding issues at stake in terms of the idea of "digital death".

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The European Union at a cross-roads

25 May 2014

The French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) published an opinion in May 2014 entitled "L'Union Européenne à la croisée des chemins". It notes the weaknesses of the present system and believes that the EU "must be redesigned to place the citizens at the heart of a new political project." It indicates the fundamental issue at stake in the European elections regarding further progress and indicates that we cannot elude the fact that the "crisis, globalisation and the development of political and economic power struggles in the international arena have shaken citizen confidence in the EU's ability to respond to the challenges which it is facing." With this opinion and in line with the interview it held with the Robert Schuman Foundation's Chairman Jean-Dominique Giuliani, the CESE aimed to provide its contribution to the "way and means of providing the EU with new impetus which motivates and which is ambitious."

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Franco-German energy cooperation: the birth of European Energy cooperation?

26 May 2014

The Senate recently published a report on Franco-German energy cooperation. It indicates that "Franco-German energy cooperation had focused until recently on the transition over to renewable energies." The rapporteur looks into the theme of energy transition by distinguishing between the purely technical aspect of the issue - which is quite precisely the focus of a Franco-German initiative - and the macro-economic aspect - which has been neglected to date. The Senate believes "the time has come for the two main producers of renewable energy in the EU to look into coherent investment plans that call for mature technical entities which will not become obsolete too quickly.

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Bowie rocks Berlin

25 May 2014

After the Victoria and Albert Museum of London, the Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin is running the spectacular media show "David Bowie" until 10th August 2014. This was one of the most frequented exhibitions in the London museum's history and now it is in Berlin. On show are 300 objects from the David Bowie Archives which cover the musician's development and illustrate the polyvalent nature of his work. David Bowie's Berlin years (1976-1978) are considered to some of his most productive. He produced three albums in Berlin as well as the Berlin trilogy "Low", "Lodger" and "Heroes". In 2013 he produced a single in Berlin: "Where are we now?"

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Gerhard Richter: pictures/series

25 May 2014

The Beyeler Foundation in Basel is devoting the biggest exhibition ever produced in Switzerland to Gerhard Richter. It will be running until 7th September 2014. For the very first time it will present series, cycles and spaces created by the artist - arguably one of the most important of our time. The public is invited to view around 100 pictures - figurative paintings (portraits, still life and landscapes) as well as abstract works. Two glass objects and around 64 overpainted photographs complete the exhibition, which covers Richter's most important periods from 1966 on and integrates more recent work that has never been on public view.

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"Winter Sleep" wins the Palme d'Or at the 67th Cannes Film Festival

26 May 2014

On 24th May 2014 the Palme d'Or at the 67th Cannes Film Festival went to Nuri Bilge Ceylan for "Winter Sleep." The Turkish film director is no stranger to the Croisette, since the Festival has already awarded him the Grand Prize twice and once granted him a prize for the best scenario. He devoted his Palme d'Or to Turkish youth and notably to the young people who have died over the past year, during anti-government demonstrations. Timothy Spall won the prize for the best actor for his role in "Mr Turner" by Mike Leigh. The best actress prize went to Julianne Moore in "Maps to the Stars" by David Cronenberg. The Grand Prize was awarded to Italian Alice Rohrwacher for "Meraviglie". Finally Xavier Dolan (Mummy) and Jean-Luc Godard (Adieu au Langage) shared the Jury's Prize.

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Opening of Soulages Museum in Rodez

26 May 2014

The Soulages Museum - named after the French artist Pierre Soulages, opened its doors in Rodez on 30th May. An abstract artist, Pierre Soulages wanted a museum that would be open to creativity. A temporary exhibition hall covering 500m2 will be devoted to other contemporary artists.

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les 25th-27th May

Conference on Monetary Policy organised by the European Central Bank ()

26th May

Competitiveness Council (Brussels)

27th May

Informal dinner between EU heads of State and government (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth , Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison,Jelena Isailovic, Marine Le Lann, Salomé Larcher

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

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The Newsletter n°627- version of 26 mai 2014