The Newsletter62619 mai 2014

La Lettre

Yves Bertoncini, Thierry Chopin

19 May 2014

One of the major issues at stake in the European Elections is to appoint the members of an institution which now enjoys significant normative prerogatives - from the budgetary and surveillance points of view. MEPs will have to take decisions focusing on many economic, social, environmental, political and diplomatic issues. Yves Bertoncini and Thierry Chopin establish a ranking of the resolutions according to three main types of issue: the EU's action towards settling the crisis, developments in the basis to European integration and the EU's strategy in globalisation.

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Front page!

Why and how Europe will remain at the heart of the world

18 May 2014

Just days before the European elections the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published a book entitled "How and Why Europe will remain at the heart of the world - A small Treaty on optimism". This book published by Lignes de Repères is available from bookshops and on the Robert Schuman Foundation site in paper format and in digital format for e-readers and tablets.

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Order the Schuman Report 2014 in paper format!

19 May 2014

The European election and the renewal of all of the Union's political institutions offering an exceptional opportunity to analyse the state of the European Union and its development. These issues are at the heart of the Schuman Report 2014, an annual work of reference on Europe. This book edited under the management of Thierry Chopin and Michel Foucher has been published by Lignes de Repères. It is available in paper version on the Foundation's site.

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7 Days before the European Elections: follow the campaign on our site!

18 May 2014

It will soon be time to vote in the European elections. There are only a few days left before we make our choice and decide who will govern Europe tomorrow. If you want to know what's going on in the European elections in the 28 Member States, follow the campaign on the Robert Schuman Foundation's site devoted precisely to the vote. This site recalls the role played by the European Parliament and the powers it enjoys, voting rules, the results of 2009. The parties running are presented along with their programmes, the list of all candidates and surveys can be consulted. And if you still haven't done so download our free app "European Elections".

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Not such a great campaign!

18 May 2014

In an editorial published on his site on 18th May 2014 Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, regrets that the European election campaign is not addressing the real issues and that its content, dominated by euroscepticism, is so limiting.

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The European People's Party has a slight lead just one week before the European elections

19 May 2014

382 million citizens from 28 EU Member States are being called to ballot between 22nd and 25th May next to elect anew the 751 members of the European Parliament. Just one week before the election the gap between the EPP and the PES is still tight but the EPP is just ahead. According to the latest polls the EPP is due to win between 212 and 221 MEPs. The Socialists and Democrats (S&D) are due to win between 194 and 209 seats. The ALDE is due to remain the third biggest group in the Strasbourg Assembly with 62 or 63 MEPs ahead of the European United Left (GUE/NGL) which is due to win between 45 and 52 seats. The Ecologist (Greens/EFA) are due to have between 38 and 52 seats, the European Conservatives and Reformers (CRE/ECR), 43 or 44 seats and Europe of Freedom and Democracy (ELD/EFD) between 33 and 39 seats. The question of the non-attached MPs in the parliament remains, who as they stand, are due to win 38 seats. The parties that are not represented at present in the Parliament may make their entry according to the polls without knowing how they will sit - they are due to win 62 seats. The right is due to win in 14 States: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland and Slovenia. The left is due to win in 10 countries: Bulgaria, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden. In four Member States - Denmark, Greece, Czech Republic and the UK populist or right or leftwing eurosceptic parties are due to win, respectively the Danish People's Party (DF), Syriza, Ano 2011 and the UK Independence Party (UKIP). Turnout may be less than in the last European election in 2009 (43.23%).

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European Elections

A slight recovery in the EU's popularity

19 May 2014

According to a new survey of seven European Union nations by the Pew Research Center published on 12th May 2014, after a dramatic decline in the wake of the euro crisis, positive views of the EU are now on the rise in France, the United Kingdom, and Germany. And faith in one of the EU's founding principles - that European economic integration is good for their own country - is up in the UK, Poland and Germany. But, as the electorate heads to the polls beginning May 22nd, people across Europe overwhelmingly think that their voice is not heard in Brussels, the EU's HQ. Majorities in most countries complain that the EU does not understand their needs and is inefficient.

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19 May 2014

Just as the European election on 25th May is to suffer a record abstention rate in most EU countries an initiative has been launched by young Swedish socialists to encourage European voters to go and vote in the European elections both to counter abstention and the rise of populist parties in Europe.

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Last poll in the Czech Republic

19 May 2014

In the Czech Republic 38 lists will be standing in the European elections in this country which has 21 seats at the European Parliament. ANO 2011 is credited with 20.1% of the voting intentions, ahead of TOP 09 (EPP) with 14.2%, the CSSD (affiliated to the PES), the Prime Minister's party is due to win 12.5%, the Communist Party, KSCM (GUE/NGL), 12.2%, Usvit 7.7% and the ODS affiliated to the ECR (7.2%). The other lists standing in the European elections are credited with under 5% of the voting intentions in the polls, the vital threshold in the Czech Republic to be able to enter the European Parliament.

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Euro2030 Group: for a political Europe

19 May 2014

Just as the European elections will take place in a few days time a group of "Eurocrats" has created an initiative called Euro2030. This group notes that there is a total lack of debate over Europe and believes that "Europe is a political" project that "must be at the heart of democratic debate." It offers "a redefinition of the basis of a new European social contract whilst proposing a multidimensional refounding of Europe that will help it respond to the challenges set by globalisation," notably via the introduction of political union bringing together the euro zone States.

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The Germans believe that the EU is above all a guarantor of peace on the European continent

19 May 2014

The Frankfurther Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) has published a survey together with the pollster Allenbach on how the Germans see the EU. It emerges that most Germans believe that the EU - before being an economic Union of the States in Europe, is a political Union, a guarantor of peace on the continent. Comparing the results of this survey with that undertaken in May 2013 FAZ stresses that the EU's image has improved in Germany and that the crisis that is presently disrupting Ukraine is connected to this development. By correlating answers to the question asking whether the interviewee feels threatened by the crisis in Ukraine, to those about what the EU means to that person, the newspaper indicates that those who say they feel threatened by the Ukrainian crisis (55% of those interviewed) were also those who promoted the political aspect of the EU more and who maintained that the EU's existence meant that there would be no more wars between European peoples (66%). Whilst everyone is speaking of a eurosceptic wave, the survey shows rather that in the most populous countries of the EU we still remember why the EU was founded - a political and economic Union to ensure peace on the European continent.

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The gap is growing between the EPP and the PES in Europe

18 May 2014

As part of the partnership established between the European Parliament and pollster TNS Opinion the European Parliament published its most recent results just 10 days before the European elections. Just as the EPP and the PES were running neck and neck during the entire campaign the gap is now growing between the two major parties in the European Parliament. Hence the EPP is due to win 29.43% of the vote ie 221 seats, whilst the PES is due to win 25.83% of the vote and 194 seats. The third political force in the parliament is due to be the ALDE with 8.26% ie 62 seats. The Greens are due to win 6.92% and 52 seats, the European United Left 5.99% (45 seats), the group Europe of Freedom and Democracy 4.39% (33 seats) and the non-attached 5.06% and 38 seats. The other lists are due to win 8.26% of the vote (62 seats).

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Last debate between the two main candidates for the Presidency of the Commission

19 May 2014

Just days before the European elections, the main candidates for the Presidency of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz, will be debating for the last time on 20th May at 9pm in Hamburg. The programme will be broadcast on the German TV channels ARD and the WDR.

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Tight polls in the run up to the European election

19 May 2014

According to a survey undertaken by the Sigma Dos Institute for the daily El Mundo on 19th May, the People's Party, of head of government Mariano Rajoy, is due to win 21 or 22 seats. The PSOE is due to decline radically to 15 or 16 seats. However several small parties are due to gain ground, like for example the Plural Left (6 seats) and the centrist party UPyD is due to win 3 or 4 seats. According to the survey undertaken by the German TV channel ARD and published on 15th May, the CDU is said to be in the lead with 37% of the vote. The SPD is due to win 27%, the Greens and the Left 9% each, the "anti-European" party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) is due to win 7%. According to a survey Clai-Metronews-LCi undertaken by OpinionWay and published on 12th May 2014, 62% of the French electorate say they will abstain. The UMP is due to come out ahead with 23% of the vote, the FN, 22% and the PS 16%, UDI-Modem 10%, the Greens 9% and the Left Front 7%. In the UK the polls show that UKIP's score is difficult to forecast, with differences of 10 points for this party depending on the institute taking the survey (ComRes/Independent or ICM/Sunday Telegraph). In Poland two parties are running neck and neck - Civic Platform (PO) led by Prime Minister Donald Tusk and the Party for Law and Justice (PiS) led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski (HH and TNS), but the New Right Congress (KNP is credited with 7%.

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Follow the five candidates in the last week of the campaign

19 May 2014

The five candidates chosen by the European parties to run for the presidency of the European Commission have set up special web sites on which their programme and their political position is open for consultation by web users. The candidates are Jean-Claude Juncker for the EPP, Martin Schulz for the PES, Guy Verhofstadt for the ALDE, Ska Keller and José Bové for the European Green Party and Alexis Tsipras for the European Left Party.

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Financial Crisis

Growth nil in France in the first quarter of 2014

19 May 2014

The French national statistics office INSEE published its growth figures for the first quarter of 2014 on 15th May. It indicates that the French economy is "stable" after 0.2% growth in the last quarter of 2013. The main reason for this according to INSEE is the contraction in household spending (-0.5% after +0.2%) and a reduction in final domestic demand (stocks apart), which is said to have pushed GDP down by 0.4%. Another reason for this economic situation is rising imports (+1% after +0.5%) and a slowing in exports (+0,3% after +1.6%): the foreign trade balance is also pushing GDP down (-0.2% after +0.3% in the last quarter of 2013).

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Decrease in Unemployment in UK

19 May 2014

The British Office for National Statistics (ONS) published statistics on unemployment in the UK on 14th May for the first quarter of 2014. It indicates that 2.21 million people were unemployed at this time ie 133,000 less than in the previous quarter and 309,000 less between March 2013 and March 2014. The ONS indicates that there has been a rise in the number of people in economic activity during this period but that this has mainly been due to a rise in the numbers of self-employed. Moreover the ONS indicates that there were 8.85 million economically unactive people in the UK, in other words people who were not seeking, or who could not work. This figure is down by 85,000 people in comparison with the previous quarter and by 155,000 over one year. Finally the ONS states that overall wages have increased by 1.7% in comparison with the first quarter of 2013.

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The German economy in good shape in the first quarter of 2014 (GDP +0.8%)

19 May 2014

German economic growth gathered pace in the first quarter to reach a peak, benefiting from an increase in domestic demand and favourable weather conditions that have boosted the building industry. According to first estimates published on 15th May 2014 by Destatis (the federal statistics office), the German GDP rose by 0.8%, after 0.4% in the last quarter of 2013. The impetus of the start of the year came exclusively from the internal market, with foreign trade holding back growth stressed Destatis.

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Fourth troika assessment of Cyprus

19 May 2014

The recession in Cyprus was not as strong as had been feared this year but recovery will be slower than planned deemed on 17th May 2014 the international creditors who committed to bail out in March 2013. After a fourth assessment the experts in the troika (EU, IMF and the ECB) said that Cyprus continued to respect the austerity conditions fixed in exchange for a loan of 10 billion euro to avoid bankruptcy. "Whilst the recession this year is not due to be as serious as expected the outlook still presents a challenge," deemed the experts in a joint press release.

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After three years and 78 billion euro, Portugal has turned the Troika page

19 May 2014

On 17th May 2014 Portugal officially became the second country under the aid of the euro zone to recover its financial autonomy and, in the footsteps of Ireland, is about to take the first, safety-net free step onto the markets. "Portugal has succeeded in overcoming one of the worst crises in recent history but there is still a great deal of work to do. Budgetary discipline will be a daily responsibility," warned Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho. Like Ireland Portugal gave up the request made of its European partners for a precautionary credit line, taking advantage of a sharp decline in its borrowing rates and its comfortable financial reserves. "It is a final decision, which was considered carefully by the government. We are certain that it is the best decision for the Portuguese," maintained Carlos Moedas, Deputy Secretary of State for the Prime Minister.

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Financial Regulation: a first full review of the reform programme

18 May 2014

Most of the measures planned for in the EU's financial regulation programme have now been adopted said the Commission on 15th May 2014 in a first full review of this programme. The analysis shows how the reforms that have been implemented are going to give rise to a safer more responsible financial framework by strengthening financial stability, deepening the single financial services market and by making it more efficient whilst improving its integrity and the confidence it enjoys. The facts show that the financial regulation programme should lead to advantages greater than the expected costs. There are major positive synergies between many rules (package relative to the requirements for banks own funds and the reform of the derivatives markets). The financial system is already changing and improving. Improvements will continue as the reforms take effect.

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Ukrainian government travels to Brussels

19 May 2014

On 13th May 2014 members of the Ukrainian government as well as interim Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk travelled to Brussels, where they met members of the European Commission and its President, José Manuel Barroso. In a joint press release they announced the opening of a further chapter concerning EU/Ukraine relations. Again the Commission denounced the annexation of Crimea and Sebastopol by Russia and at the same time it condemned the referendum that took place on 11th May in Donetsk. Ahead of the Presidential election in Ukraine everyone agrees on the need for decentralisation in Ukraine as well as the establishment of a corruption-free authorities. The financial agreement of 355 million euro to guarantee the country's transition was signed by both parties. Finally they concluded that the signature on the Agreement on common airspace would take place during the next Council session on 5th June.

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Preparation of the European Council

18 May 2014

On 13th May 2014 the 28 European Affairs Ministers looked into the provisional agenda for the European Council meeting on 26th and 27th June. The latter will focus on freedom, security, justice, the improvement of growth, employment, competitiveness as well as external relations in the light of recent events. They adopted new rules to promote the efficiency of the Union's financial markets, amending and replacing the existing Markets in Financial Instruments Directive ("MiFID"). They adopted new rules for the monitoring of the external sea borders in the context of operational cooperation coordinated by the FRONTEX. A directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals under an intra-corporate transfer was also adopted.

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Blue growth, climate change, security and energy infrastructures

19 May 2014

EU, candidate country and EFTA Environment Ministers met on 14th May 2014 for the Informal Environment Council in Athens. Discussions chiefly focused on the marine environment as the basis for sustainable Blue Growth and on climate change. A debate was also held on the 2030 Climate and Energy framework. Moreover the 28 Energy Ministers met on 15th and 16th May in Athens for an informal meeting. Discussions focused on efficiency, security and energy infrastructures, as well as the major link between the Europe 2020 strategy, industrial competitiveness and climate and energy policies.

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Annual Report on Development and Cooperation

19 May 2014

The 28 Development Ministers met on 19th May 2014 notably took decisions regarding the EU's results in terms of development and cooperation. They first confirmed the full resumption of development cooperation between the EU and Madagascar. Then, they approved their annual report to the European Council on EU development aid targets. In 2013, the EU remained the biggest global donor of development aid. They also adopted conclusions on a rights-based approach to development cooperation. This approach aims to promote all human rights, be they civil or political.

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Africa/EU Meeting on Peace and Security

19 May 2014

On 15th May 2014 the African Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) and the European Union Political and Security Committee (EU PSC) held their 7th Annual Joint Consultative Meeting in Brussels as part of their regular dialogue in the framework of the Africa-EU partnership. The discussions of the meeting focussed on cooperation to tackle the ongoing crises in South Sudan, the Horn of Africa, the Central African Republic, and the Sahel, as well as terrorism, human and drug trafficking, small arms and light weapons, Ukraine. The discussion also dwelt on cooperation as well as means and ways to strengthen African capacities in the area of peace and security.

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Court of Justice

Google dismissed by the European Court of Justice regarding "right to be forgotten"

18 May 2014

The European Court of Justice on 13th May 2014 dismissed Google in a digital "right-to-be-forgotten" case, considering that the operator of a search engine on the internet is responsible for the processing of personal data that appear on its pages. Individuals can obtain, under certain conditions, the removal of links to web pages containing personal data by contacting the former directly the Court ruled.

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Meeting between Angela Merkel and the representatives of the world's main economic institutions

18 May 2014

German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted the representatives of the world's main economic institutions on 13th May in Berlin (IMF, World Bank, ILO, WTO) to review the present situation. "Economic activity has gathered pace but the path to strong, long term growth is still far off," they wrote in a joint press release. Debt levels in "most industrialised countries are still too high". At the same time the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development published a study on the country's economic situation advocating the implementation of economic and social reform - both in the mid and long term so that German economic growth would be "more open and sustainable."

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A German minister invited to the French Council of Ministers

19 May 2014

As part of the commemoration ceremonies for the 1st World War German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier was invited to take part in the Council of Ministers on 14th May. He announced that the German goverment wanted to make a donation of six stained glass windows to France for the Cathedral of Reims. The original stained glass windows were destroyed under German bombing during the First World War. German artist Imi Knoebel is responsible for the creation of the last three windows that will be placed in two chapels. Mr Steinmeier added that Germany would offer these windows to France in memory of this event and as a symbol of what the future of the Franco-German relationship should be.

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Summit for the Security of Nigeria

19 May 2014

Just as the terrorist group Boko Haram (Sunni group supporting the jihad) is stepping up its action in the north of Nigeria and on the borders of Cameroon, a summit for the security of Nigeria was held in Paris on 17th May 2014. Apart from the French President François Hollande the summit brought together political leaders from Nigeria and neighbouring countries (Benin, Chad, Cameroon, Niger), representatives of the EU, the UK and the USA. The summit aimed to increase regional and international cooperation in the fight to counter this terrorist group whose most recent act of war was the kidnapping of more than 270 school girls from a Catholic school in the north of Nigeria. In this sense measures have been taken for the introduction of patrols that aim to find the hostages and to strengthen the rule of law in the country's north. A mid and long term strategy to counter the development of terrorist networks in the region has been implemented and an international socio-economic network for the protection of women's rights and the development of the regions involved has been introduced.

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Meeting between Xavier Bettle and Manuel Valls

18 May 2014

On 15th May 2014 Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel travelled to Paris where he met his French counterpart Manuel Valls. During their meeting the two heads of state stressed the good relations that typify the Franco-Luxembourg friendship. They discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, France's economic situation and that of Luxembourg. They addressed the main issues pertaining to European and international policy. During their meeting Mr Valls and Mr Bettel decided to organise an intergovernmental meeting before the end of 2014 in order to optimise and strengthen cross-border cooperation between the two countries.

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Meeting of the Friends of Syria Core Group

19 May 2014

'London 11' Friends of Syria Core Group comprising representatives of 11 governments including the German, British, French, Italian, Turkish, Egyptian, Saudi and American authorities met in London on 15th May 2014. On this occasion the representatives denounced the organisation of the presidential election on 3rd June qualifying it as "an insult to the memory of the innocent victims of the conflict" and a "parody of democracy". The group also condemned Bachar el-Assad for his personal responsibility in the conflict. The group maintained its determination to provide humanitarian aid in the field "with or without the regime's consent."

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Under the threat of partition Ukraine launches "national dialogue"

19 May 2014

After the loss of Crimea in March Ukraine took another step towards partition on 11th May with the organisation of a separatist referendum in two Eastern regions, which have been denounced both by Kiev and the West. On 14th May the Ukrainian authorities maintained that they would not give in to the pro-Russian separatists' "blackmail", entrenched in the country's east. These comments came during a first "national unity" round table which was followed very closely by the West in a bid to find a solution to the crisis. The Ukrainian Foreign Minister announced that there would be a series of round tables "in the regions". Just as the election date is drawing closer the Central Electoral Commission has sounded the alarm. On 17th May the institution said it was unable to prepare and organise the election due to "illegal action on the part of unknown parties" who had proclaimed their "sovereignty" on 13th May after the independence referenda deemed illegal by the international community.

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The EBRD announces a high risk of recession linked to the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict

18 May 2014

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) announced on 14th May 2014 that Ukraine will sink into a deep recession and that Russia may follow the same path due to the crisis between the two countries, which is also threatening the world's economy. According to new forecasts issued by the institution in London the Ukrainian economy, which just managed to emerge from a year of recession at the end of 2013, is due to contract by 7% in 2014 and the Russian economy will remain in stalemate. In 2015 Ukraine is due to stagnate and Russian growth will lie at 0.6%.

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The OSCE appoints a mediator and launches the most extensive observation mission in its history

19 May 2014

On 12th May 2014 the President of the OSCE, Didier Burkhalter appointed an experienced German diplomat, Wolfgang Ischinger, as the OSCE's mediator in a bid to establish dialogue between the different parties involved in the Ukrainian crisis. To foster the smooth running of the presidential election on 25th May the OSCE will deploy "one of the most extensive observation missions in its history", said Mr Burkhalter. 900 more observers will be deployed to help the 100 already in situ "just before the election," he added. Finally the latter collated positive responses to the roadmap put forward on 12th May. This roadmap, which was written as a matter of urgency and which encourages de-escalation in the level of violence in the country, was put to the four parties involved in the Geneva Declaration dated 17th April.

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Visit by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen to Romania

19 May 2014

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen declared during his visit to Romania that the Alliance will do what is necessary to defend its members by giving priority to the total protection which each NATO member enjoys. Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen met President Traian Basescu, Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Foreign Minister Titus Corlatean and Defence Minister Mircea Dusa. The Secretary General declared that Russia's attack on Ukraine was contrary to all of the principles on which peace and prosperity had been built in Europe. Mr Rasmussen finally recalled that in part, these events have revealed that defence is the source of strong links between Europe and North America.

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Euro area and EU annual inflation up (0.7%) & (0.8%) respectively

18 May 2014

According to estimates published by Eurostat on 15th May 2014, euro area annual inflation was 0.7% in April 2014, up from 0.5% in March. A year earlier the rate was 1.2%. Monthly inflation was 0.2% in April 2014. European Union annual inflation was 0.8% in April 2014, up from 0.6% in March. A year earlier the rate was 1.4%. Monthly inflation was 0.1% in April 2014.

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Euro zone GDP up by 0.2% and that of the EU by 0.3% in the first quarter of 2014

18 May 2014

According to estimates published by Eurostat on 15th May 2014, seasonally adjusted GDP rose by 0.2% in the euro area and by 0.3% in the European Union during the first quarter of 2014, compared with the previous quarter. In the fourth quarter of 2013, GDP grew by 0.2% in the euro area and by 0.4% in the Union. Compared with the same quarter of the previous year, seasonally adjusted GDP rose by 0.9% in the euro area and by 1.4% in the Union in the first quarter of 2014, after +0.5% and +1.0% respectively in the previous quarter.

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Trade surplus: 17.1 billion euro for the euro zone, 3.9 billion for the EU

18 May 2014

According to estimates published on 16th May by Eurostat, the first estimate for the euro area trade in goods balance with the rest of the world in March 2014 gave a 17.1 billion euro surplus, compared with +21.9 bn in March 2013. The first estimate for the March 2014 extra-European Union trade balance was a 3.9 bn euro surplus, compared with +14.7 bn in March 2013.

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Is European Defence dead and buried?

18 May 2014

Nicola Gnesotto, Professor at the CNAM has published an essay entitled "Faut-il enterrer la défense européenne?" with the Documentation Française. The author notes that it is too early to dismiss European defence: although the results are mitigated, undeniable progress has been made and a certain number of factors are working in support of a strategic revival, notably like the reduction of budget allocated to defence in EU Member States. But if a true European defence system is to emerge the EU has to define its political role in the international arena, and become aware of its assets and overcome the differences in ideas that exist between each Member State, and even allow a certain number of them to move forward faster than the others.

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European History book prize 2014 awarded to Christopher Clark

19 May 2014

Author of the book "The Sleepwalkers" Christopher Clarke is the winner of the European History Book Prize 2014. On the occasion of Europe Day on 9th May last the European History Book Prize was awarded by a jury comprising historians and European personalities. Created in 2010 by the Historians Association this prize recompenses a history book that provides the best contribution to the knowledge of the history of the peoples and civilisation of Europe. The book which won this year follows the events of the summer of 1914 and the way Europe marched to war.

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"C'est la vie" - Honoré Daumier and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's Paris

18 May 2014

Influential personalities in the art world, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Honoré Daumer take us to real Parisian venues and into the life of highly colourful characters. The Kunsthalle Hamburg is devoting an exhibition entitled "C'est la vie" to two major French lithographers, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) and Honoré Daumier (1808-1879) which will be running until 3rd August 2014.

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Martial Raysse Retrospective at the Pompidou Centre

19 May 2014

Until 22nd September the public can see a retrospective of the work by Martial Raysse at the Pompidou Centre, Paris. With 200 works, paintings, sculptures, films, photos and drawings the Pompidou Centre devotes a unique retrospective to the work by this visionary artist who lived on the sidelines of dominant artistic trends. He followed an unpredictable, unique, creative path for nearly fifty years. Martial Raysse says nothing of his determination to be an artist other than that it emerged at an early age and quite naturally. The exhibition shows the wealth and variety of Raysse's via a very singular trajectory. It brings together his emblematic work of the pop period during which time the artist introduced many innovations, notably the unique use of neon and film even in his paintings.

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19th May

Agriculture-Fisheries Council (Brussels)

19th May

Foreign Affairs Council (Development) (Brussels)

20th and 21st May

Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council (Brussels)

les 22nd-25th May

European Elections ()

25th May

Presidential Election in Ukraine ()

25th May

Parliamentary Elections in Belgium ()

25th May

Presidential Election in Lithuania (2nd Round) ()

26th May

Competitiveness Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth , Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison,Jelena Isailovic, Marine Le Lann, Salomé Larcher

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

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The Newsletter n°626- version of 19 mai 2014