The Newsletter62512 mai 2014

La Lettre

Philippe Delivet

12 May 2014

The free movement of people is a fundamental acquis of European integration. Introduced as part of the Internal Market it was extended with the Schengen Agreements. It is also inexorably linked to European citizenship. However, real difficulties have affected the free movement of Europe's citizens. Closely associated with the building of the Internal Market it seems to have suffered the loss of impetus by the latter and also the serious consequences of the crisis. This study by Philippe Delivet highlights the serious difficulties which the European Union has to overcome. In his opinion free movement must go hand in hand with the progressive completion of economic and social convergence.

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Front page!

Order the Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2014!

12 May 2014

Is 2014 a turning point for Europe ? The European elections and the renewal of the all of the Union's political institutions offer an exceptional opportunity to analyse how the European Union is developing. These questions are the focus of the Schuman Report 2014, a yearly work of reference on Europe. This 8th edition includes an exclusive analysis by the French Defence Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, who gives his view of European defence issues. This book, edited by Thierry Chopin and Michel Foucher, is published by Lignes de Repères. It is available in libraries and on the Foundation website in printed paper format and digital version (eReaders and tablets) in the next few days.

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Pourquoi et comment l'Europe restera le coeur du monde

12 May 2014

As the European elections draw closer the Robert Schuman Foundation's Chairman Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published a book entitled "Pourquoi et comment l'Europe restera le coeur du monde - Petit traité d'optimisme". (Why and how Europe will remain the centre of the world - a small treaty of optimism). This book published by Editions Lignes de Repères is available in all good bookshops and on the Robert Schuman Foundation site in paper format and in digital book form for e-readers and tablets. In an interview on France Inter, Jean-Dominique Giuliani explained that Europe is still the "centre of a lively world in which it is envied and copied everywhere.".

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"Des visages sur des clivages"

12 May 2014

The Robert Schuman Foundation and Notre Europe-Institut Jacques Delors have published a study co-signed by Yves Bertoncini and Thierry Chopin on the issues at stake in the European election. The first part recalls the range of powers enjoyed by the European Parliament and the role played the political groups. The second part presents the "geometrically variable majorities" which form in the European Parliament depending on the subjects being voted upon: "consensus majorities", "grand coalition majorities" and "confrontational majorities". Thanks to data provided by VoteWatch Europe this study shows how French MEP's have voted - depending on their partisan alliance, on the occasion of around twenty emblematic votes during the 2009-2014 legislature. The third part provides information about the effect of the vote on 22nd-25th May next.

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European Elections

Debate between the Candidates for the Presidency of the Commission

12 May 2014

On the occasion of the European Elections on 25th May debates between the candidates from the various European political parties for the position of President of the European Commission (Jean-Claude Juncker EEP, Martin Schulz PES, Guy Verhofstadt ALDE, José Bové and Ska Keller, Greens and Alexis Tsipras European Left) are becoming more frequent. Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz debated on German TV channel ZDF on 8th May then on 9th May in Florence with José Bové and Guy Verhofstadt. On 13th May a debate will take place on French TV channel LCI with Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz and on 15th May a debate between all of the candidates will take place at the European Parliament in Brussels and broadcast in most European countries on television, radio and internet.

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Round table: "Is Europe slipping away from its citizens?"

12 May 2014

The Virtual Centre of Knowledge on Europe is organising a round table on the theme "Is Europe slipping away from its citizens?" on 15th May 2014 at the European Auditor's Court together with Mady Delvaux (LSAP), Charles Goerens (DP), Viviane Reding (CSV) and Claude Turmes (Déi Gréng). It is obligatory to enrol.

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Dany Boon and Guillaume Gallienne commit to Europe

12 May 2014

To motivate voters the association "Europe without Borders" is broadcasting a clip "Rock the Eurovote" in which several artists commit to Europe. These include actor Guillaume Gallienne, comedian Dany Boon, actor Virginie Efira, singer Féfé and artist Plantu.

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The Spanish are still pro-European in spite of the crisis

12 May 2014

On 9th May 2014 Spanish government head Mariano Rajoy issued a warning to voters who might be tempted by a protest vote in the European elections on 25th May. "Some believe that we can vote any which way and play with the vote to punish a political party about something that does not affect their life, that Brussels and Strasbourg are far away, that here we decide nothing. We have to explain that this is not the case," declared Mr Rajoy during his first campaign speech in Saragossa. The People's Party in office in Spain came out ahead in the voting intentions with 20 out of 21 MEPs (33.7%) against 24 at present, ahead of the Socialist Party (PSOE) which is due to win 18 or 19 MEPs (31%) against a present 23 according to a poll by the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS) published on 8th May. This poll also shows the rise of the left (IU and ICV), which is due to win 5 seats, ie three more than in 2009 and that of the centrist party UPyD (three seats in comparison with one in 2009). The Spanish are still mainly "rather, quite or very much in support" of the EU (58.3%) against 29.9% who feel "rather, quite or very" much against according to a CIS survey. 43.1% of those interviewed believed that entry into the EU on January 1st 1986 has been of "benefit" to Spain against 30.5% who thought the contrary.

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A wide majority of Italians support the EU and the euro

12 May 2014

A wide majority of Italians say they support the EU (77%) and the euro (69%) just fifteen days before the European Elections said a survey published on 8th May 2014 in the daily "La Stampa". To the question about whether a person supported or opposed the EU 77% of those interviewed said they were in support. 17% were against and 6% had no opinion. Italian law bans the publication of any surveys within the fifteen days preceding the election.

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Survey in Poland: Civic Platform ahead

12 May 2014

The Civic Platform, PO - led by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk - which is resolutely pro-European, is running ahead in the polls as the European elections to be held on 25th May draw closer. With 35% of the voting intentions in the most recent poll published on 10th May in Newsweek the PO is ahead of the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski credited with 30%. This party has toned down its traditional eurosceptic discourse during the electoral campaign. Third, the Social Democratic SLD, extremely pro-EU has the support of 13% of the electorate. According to pollster Estymator which undertook the survey none of the small parties or anti-European parties will rise beyond the eligibility mark of 5% in Poland.

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Dalia Grybauskaite wins the first round of the presidential election (2nd round on 25th May)

12 May 2014

Dalia Grybauskaite easily won the first round of the presidential election on 11th May in Lithuania. She won 45.89% of the vote and will face MEP and former Finance and Transport Minister Zigmantas Balcytis (Social Democratic Party, LSP) who won 13.63% of the vote in a second round. Arturas Paulauskas (Labour Party, DP) came third with 12.02% ahead of Naglis Puteikis 9.33%; Valdemar Tomasevski (Electoral Action for Poles, LLRA) 8.23%; the Mayor of Vilnius Arturas Zuokas (Civic Movement for the Revival of the Homeland and the Future -TAIP) 5.22% and Bronis Rome (Farmers' Union, LVLS), Mayor of Ignalina 4.15%. Turn out totalled 52.14% ie an almost equivalent level as that recorded in the first round of the previous presidential election on 17th May 2009 (+0.34 points).

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Early general elections in Kosovo

12 May 2014

1.5 million Kosovars are being called to ballot early on 8th June to elect anew the 120 members of the Kosovo Assembly, the only chamber in Parliament, which was dissolved on 7th May 90 votes in support, 4 against and 3 abstentions. This general election follows Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi's unsuccessful bid to convince MPs of the creation of a national armed force. MPs are elected for four years by a proportional system. 20 seats are reserved for the minorities: 10 for the Serbs, 4 for the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians, 3 for the Bosniaks, 2 for the Turks and 1 for the Gorani (a Slav speaking Muslim community). 14 political parties are represented in the Kosovo Assembly, 9 of which represent the minorities.

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Financial Crisis

Eurogroup Conclusions

12 May 2014

On 5th May 2014, the 18 euro zone Finance Ministers said they were pleased with the conclusion of Portugal's 12th and last assessment mission undertaken by the Commission, the ECB and the IMF. They deemed that Portugal's adjustment programme was on the right course to be completed. Finally they said they were pleased with the Portuguese authorities for their successful implementation of the programme. Then they stressed the recovery prospects in terms of growth for Greece which reflected the remarkable adjustment measures deployed by the Greek citizens and the authorities. They discussed the European Stability Mechanism, the economic situation of the euro zone and the project to up date the budgetary plans of Austria and Germany.

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Towards a financial transaction tax

12 May 2014

On 6th May 2014 the 28 European Finance Ministers adopted harmonised rules regarding the recovery and resolution of banks after the approval of the European Parliament. They then adopted conclusions on macro-economic imbalances in the Member States, in the light of the opinions given by the Commission. Regarding currency protection, a directive was adopted on the protection of the euro and other currencies against counterfeiting. Amongst the measures adopted features a regulation that aims to make the European Solidarity Fund a more responsive, simpler tool to use. Finally the financial transaction tax between 11 Member States will be introduced by January 1st 2016.

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The World Economy is growing stronger according to the OECD

12 May 2014

The OECD published its spring economic outlook on 6th May 2014 in which it analyses the world's economic situation. The OECD notes that the world's economy is growing stronger in the wake of the economic crisis ongoing since 2008 but that major dangers persist. Hence "urgent action is still necessary to reduce unemployment and to rise to the challenges that have come with the crisis." In terms of growth in the 34 OECD member countries it is due to gather pace to each 2.2% in 2014 and 2.8% in 2015. The OECD indicates that the world's economy will grow by 3.4%, in 2014 and 3.9% in 2015.

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Historic but insufficient reduction in unemployment in Spain

12 May 2014

Unemployment in Spain declined significantly in April but this is still "absolutely insufficient" deemed the head of government Mariano Rajoy on 6th May recalling the country's dramatic situation with nearly 5 million out of work. Over one month the fourth economy in the euro zone witnessed a 2.33% reduction in the number of unemployed - 111, 565 people less, which means that this was the "best April" since the start of the collection of statistics in 2001 announced the Labour Ministry. Over one year the reduction has been even more remarkable with 304,892 unemployed less on the job market ie a reduction of 6.11%.

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Decline of Unemployment in Greece

12 May 2014

The decline in unemployment in Greece, one of the highest rates in the euro zone, continued in February dropping to 26.5% - slightly down over one year and also over one month for the second month running indicated the Greek statistics institute Elstat on 8th May. Over one year unemployment has decreased by 0.2 points indicates Elstat since it lay at 26.7% in February 2013. Over one month the unemployment rate declined by 0.1 points, since it lay at 26.6% in January.

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Unemployment in Portugal declines to 15.1% in the first quarter

12 May 2014

Unemployment declined to 15.1% in the first quarter against 15.3% in the last quarter of 2013. The downward trend has been ongoing for the last year announced the national statistics institute, INE, on 9th May. Over 2014 the Portuguese government and the European Commission are forecasting an unemployment rate of 15.4% against 16.3% in 2013. Unemployment has been declining since the first quarter of 2013 when it reached a record high of 17.5%, a figure that was reviewed slightly downwards by INE after a first estimate of 17.7%.

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Open Day at the European Parliament in Brussels

12 May 2014

On 17th May 2014 the European Parliament is organising an open day in Brussels. On the agenda will be a debate about the European elections, a visit to the hemi-cycle, a meeting with European political groups and various speakers who will be present to show visitors around and help them learn more about the EU. The Robert Schuman Foundation will be holding an information stand in the hall of the Parliament on this occasion.

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Ocean innovation as a source of sustainable growth

12 May 2014

On 8th May 2014 the Commission presented an Action Plan for Innovation in the 'Blue Economy' to help use ocean resources sustainably and drive growth and jobs in Europe. Indeed two thirds of our planet is covered by oceans and seas. If we manage them in a responsible manner, they can provide sources of food, medicine and energy while protecting ecosystems for generations to come. However, in order to make this possible, we need to know more about our seas and oceans.

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Cohesion Policy

12 May 2014

The European Commission has placed new information sheets on line per country on the internet site DG REGIO. They provide information on the strategies planned by the Member States for the financing period 2014-2020, notably regarding the distribution of funds allocated as part of the cohesion policy and the main investment priorities. In 2014-2020 the UK will manage 13 operational programmes under the EU's cohesion policy. Of these, seven will receive funding from the European Regional Development Fund (one for Northern Ireland, two each for Scotland and Wales, one for Gibraltar and one for England) and six will receive funding from the European Social Fund (one each for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and ibraltar, two for Wales).

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EU/Japan Summit

12 May 2014

On 7th May 2014, during the 22nd EU/Japan Summit Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Presidents of the European Council and the Commission Mr. Herman Van Rompuy, Mr. José Manuel Durão Barroso, re-iterated their commitment to concluding a comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement with for deeper political, global and sectoral cooperation over the coming decades. They also underlined the importance of strengthening the trade and economic relationship between the European Union and Japan, and of the early conclusion of a highly comprehensive and ambitious Free Trade Agreement (FTA)/ Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) which would play a vital role in this regard. The Japanese Prime Minister also met NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on 6th May 2014 and signed a document to launch an individual partnership and cooperation agreement between NATO and Japan.

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Closing of the reform of the common fisheries policy

12 May 2014

On 6th May 2014 the Council adopted a regulation concerning the European Fund for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), which replaces the existing European Fisheries Fund, following a first reading agreement with the European Parliament. The EMFF's overall objective is to support the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and to help develop the Integrated Maritime Policy of the EU funding for some of the priorities identified.

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Conclusions of the informal Transport Ministers' meeting

12 May 2014

On 8th May an informal meeting was held in Athens bringing together the Transport Ministers of the 28 EU Member States and of the EEA. President of the Hellenic Republic, Karolos Papoulias attended the meeting and highlighted the importance of improving road safety in order to reduce the number of road deaths to zero. Ministers stressed the need to develop financial instruments and to think about optimizing the use of available resources. Secondly, they looked into whether these resources would be sufficient and how the gaps using these resources should be completed.

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Conclusions of the Trade Council

12 May 2014

The 28 Trade Ministers, who met on 8th May 2014 discussed the issue of liberalising the trade of environmental goods, a WTO initiative. Ministers called for a start of multilateral negotiations in view of removing customs duties on products that help towards sustainable development.

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Further sanctions against Russia

12 May 2014

During a Foreign Council on 12th May 2014 in Brussels the 28 Ministers addressed human rights issues, Myanmar, the Arctic and Ukraine. In their conclusions they maintained the importance of the EU's role in the international area and the EU's overall approach. They decided to extend the list of targeted sanctions in the absence of any de-escalation in Ukraine. Thirteen Russian or pro-Russian names were added to the list of the 48 already targeted by visa bans or a freezing of their assets, likewise sanctions were directed towards two businesses who were making profits due to Crimea's annexation to Russia.

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Court of Justice

European Court annuls the law allowing the exchange of information about road safety offences

12 May 2014

In a decision dated 6th May 2014 the Court of Justice annulled the directive on the cross-border exchange of information on road safety offences on the basis that the legal foundation of this directive was not correct. The directive was based on the competence in terms of police cooperation, whilst the Court believes that it should be based on transport safety. The Court has called on the Commission to put forward a new directive based on a right legal foundation and due to the importance of the subject it plans for the effects of the annulled directive to apply for the next year so that a painless transition can take place.

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Governing Council of the European Central Bank

12 May 2014

The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) met on 8th May 2014 and decided not to change the key ECB interest rates. ECB President Mario Draghi stressed that the Council "had had a serious discussion about the (euro's) exchange rate which is very important for price stability and growth. In prolonged periods of low inflation strengthening the euro is a serious issue." Mario Draghi continues to maintain that he is not anticipating deflation, synonymous with a general decrease in prices. He even believes that inflation has reached a low and should progressively rise. He promised to "monitor the effects of the crisis in Ukraine" very carefully. "The geopolitical dangers, as well as developments on the financial and emerging markets, may affect euro zone economies negatively" he indicated.

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Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades makes an official visit to Germany

12 May 2014

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades and German Chancellor Angela Merkel met on 6th May 2014. During a press conference the German Chancellor gave her support to the work undertaken by the Cypriots for the resumption of reunification negotiations as well as the introduction of a common declaration under the aegis of the UN. The Cypriot President and the German Chancellor discussed the island's economic situation and the state of progress in the implementation of the stabilisation programme. They also said there might be a possibility of German investment in exploring the island's natural resources which could transform Cyprus into an energy centre long term and might be a new opportunity for the EU's energy independence.

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François Hollande and Angela Merkel in Stralsund

12 May 2014

On 9th and 10th May 2014, French President François Hollande met German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Stralsund. This informal meeting intended to tighten the links between the two leaders. Angela Merkel and François Hollande drafted a five point declaration on Ukraine. In their joint press release they called on all of those involved for restraint. Both leaders called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to "send more signs of de-escalation" to enable the smooth organisation of the elections. In François Hollande's opinion the Ukrainian crisis shows that France and Germany need to commit towards drawing closer together in terms of their energy policies. "Energy Europe will undeniably be in the mandate we shall give to the future European Commission," said François Hollande.

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François Hollande: "the Europe I want"

12 May 2014

French President François Hollande published an article in the daily "Le Monde" on the occasion of Europe Day on 9th May. Entitled "The Europe I want" the French President defends Europe denouncing the rise of eurosceptics and recalling what Europe has done for France and for peace on the European continent. François Hollande recalls how Europe helps French households' daily lives and warns the electorate of the consequences that a eurosceptic vote will have on the economy and on the French position in the world. He also says that "France needs Europe as Europe needs France" and that it is unrealistic to believe that France can develop independently, far from globalisation which regulates international activity.

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Viktor Orban re-appointed as Prime Minister

12 May 2014

Head of the Hungarian government, Viktor Orban, who made a landslide victory in the general elections on 6th April was officially re-appointed to office on 10th May 2014. The new Hungarian parliament that was formed after the April election re-appointed Mr Orban as Prime Minister with a two-thirds majority. It convened for the first session on 6th May. For the first time a Jobbik member was appointed as Deputy leader of the Assembly.

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G7 Energy Ministers' Conference in Rome

12 May 2014

During the G7 Energy Ministers' Conference on 6th May 2014 ministers drafted a document, the main outline of which will be presented at the next meeting of heads of state and government in Brussels in June. Ministers concluded that it was necessary to increase the security of energy supplies as part of the development and modernisation of infrastructures and that it will be vital to draw up strategies to create greater diversification and an efficient use of energy resources.

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Pyotr Poroshenko - candidate in the Presidential election in Ukraine meets Bronislaw Komorowski

12 May 2014

Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski and Ukrainian presidential candidate Pyotr Poroshenko met on 9th May 2014 in order to assess the situation in Ukraine and discussed prospects of settling the crisis. Mr Poroshenko declared that he wanted to maintain a strategic Polish-Ukrainian partnership and to cooperate with Poland on European integration, the reform of local government and the fight to counter corruption. The Polish president said that he supported work towards the reform of the armed forces and suggested the creation of a Polish, Ukrainian, Lithuanian brigade which would be based in Poland. On 10th May the Polish President met José Manuel Barroso, President the European Commission who was on a trip to Krakow. The two leaders called on Member States to stand as one over Ukraine and to support the organisation of the presidential election on 25th May.

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Situation still tense as the Presidential election date approaches in Ukraine

12 May 2014

Tension remains high in Ukraine as the presidential election draws closer on 25th May. The latter should enable the election of a successor to Viktor Yanukovych. Interim Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk warned of "provocation". In the West, which believes that the smooth organisation of the election is vital is accusing Russia of doing everything it can to destabilise Ukraine and to prevent the election taking place. Western leaders also declared that they were sceptical about the withdrawal of thousands of Russian troops, as announced by Vladimir Putin, who have been deployed along the border with Ukraine over the last few weeks. As for the pseudo referendum on the autonomy of Donetsk which is said to have collated 89% of "yes" votes and a turn out of 75% - it has been deemed illegal. On 12th May 2014 the President of the European Council travelled to Kiev where he met Arseny Yatsenyuk. Herman van Rompuy repeated the EU's support to those in office in Ukraine during its transition. He recalled how vital the presidential election of 25th May is and promised that the EU and the OSCE would do everything in their power to ensure that it was organised according to the rules.

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Council of Europe

124th Ministerial Committee Meeting

12 May 2014

Around thirty Foreign Ministers including Russian, Serguey Lavrov and Ukrainian, Andrei Deshchitsa met in Vienna on 6th May 2014 to take part in a meeting of the Ministerial Committee of the Council of Europe, with the Ukrainian crisis being the focus of debate. In the conclusions of this 124th meeting as well as calling on States for the utmost caution so that an open door can be left open to de-escalation, the themes of protecting minorities and the issue of the upcoming Presidential election in Ukraine were the focus of heated discussion. Indeed "many have stressed that these elections which have to be prepared via an inclusive process, comprise a major step in the consolidation of the country's democratic progress." Finally many delegations stressed that "it was imperative to protect minority rights, ie those of the Russian speaking population in Ukraine together with those of the Tatars of Crimea and the Roma."

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NATO Secretary General visits Poland and Estonia

12 May 2014

According to NATO's Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen the Ukrainian crisis shows that defence is important more than ever before and that it is also urgent for the Allies to work towards the joint development of modern military capabilities in order to reverse the trend of decreasing defence budgets. Following his talks with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Mr Rasmussen declared that cooperation on both sides of the Atlantic is the most appropriate and most natural way to guarantee our security. He insisted on the fact that the Alliances must strengthen their capabilities by stepping up investments and cooperation. Mr Rasmussen then travelled to Estonia where he met Prime Minister Taavi Roivas and President Toomas Ilves. The Secretary General then joined the ambassadors of the NATO countries for a visit of the Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence.

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Europeans in 2014

12 May 2014

The European Commission has published a Eurobarometer on how Europeans see Europe and the EU in 2014. It emerges that overall Europeans are rather satisfied with the life they are leading (75%) in spite of a negative perception (65%) of the state of the national and European economy (58%). 54% believe that their professional situation is good - a state of affairs that has not changed since the last Commission study. Moreover 64% believe that their household's situation is good (+1% in comparison with the last report) but 76% believe that the employment situation in their country is bad. This does not affect the quality of life in the Union since 56% feel that their quality of life is good nationally and 58% believe this is so on a European level.

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European Union trade in goods deficit with Japan decreased

12 May 2014

According to Eurostat estimates published on 6th May 2014, over the last decade, European Union international trade in goods with Japan has been typified by a regular fall in Japan's share in the Union's total trade in goods, more significantly in terms of imports and a significant decline in the trade deficit. The share of imports in the Union from Japan more than halved, from 7.9% in 2002 to 3.4% in 2013, and the share of Union exports to Japan fell from 4.9% to 3.1%. In 2013, Japan was the Union's 7th most important trading partner, compared with 4th in 2002.

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L'Europe par l'économie? Des projets initiaux aux débats actuels

12 May 2014

Under the management of Sylvain Schimann the Robert Schuman House has published a series of analyses that focus on "L'Europe par l'économie? Des projets initiaux aux débats actuels (Europe via the Economy. From the Initial Projects to Present Debate). By looking into historic legacies and by putting today's debates on European economic integration into focus, various studies, together with a pluridisciplinary approach, help to review economic and monetary integration and to sketch out possible paths for the future of the European project.

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Re-opening of the archaeological museum of Heraklion

12 May 2014

On 6th May 2014 one of Greece's main museums, sometimes considered the second biggest in the country, opened its doors again to the public after being closed for seven years for intensive restoration work. Founded in 1883 and established in an earthquake resistant building built in 1937, it is home to a collection that is representative of Prehistoric times and of the history of Crete covering the 5,500 years ranging from the Neolithic to Roman times. The biggest collection of Greek Minoan artefacts from the Palaces of Cnossos, Phaistos, Malia, Zakros and Aghia Triada is on show. The exhibition will now be open from 8am to 8pm daily.

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Monumenta 2014 invites Russian artists Ilya and Emilia Kabakov

12 May 2014

Monumenta, which has been an annual venue since 2007, invites a major international artist on each occasion to the Grand Palais. After Anselm Kiefer, Richard Serra, Christian Boltanski, Anish Kapoor and Daniel Buren, Ilya and Emilia Kabakov will be exhibiting under this great glass dome measuring 13,500m2 and 35 meters in height. In this, the 6th year, the two Russian artists are offering the public a journey through a utopian town "The Strange City" until 22nd June 2014.

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Cannes Festival 2014

12 May 2014

The Cannes Festival will be taking place from 14th to 25th May under the chairmanship of Jane Campion. 18 films are running in the competition. Screening hours have been published and are now accessible. On the agenda some of the films are creating particularly enthusiasm on the Croisette - both in and outside of the competition - "Grace de Monaco" and "Welcome to NY". "Deux Jours, une nuit" "Saint Laurent", "Adieu au langage", "L'homme que l'on aimait trop" and "Lost River" are also top of the list.

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10th European Museum Night on 17th May

12 May 2014

As each year all kinds of museums across Europe will be opening their doors to the public free of charge. Each visitor will be able to wander through museums devoted to the fine arts, popular crafts and traditions, science and technology etc ... Appointment at sundown on 17th May in nearly 3,300 museums everywhere in Europe.

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The opening of the library in Sarajevo 22 years after its destruction

12 May 2014

The reconstructed building of the famous "Vijecnica" - the national library of Sarajevo - the architectural gem of the Bosnian capital and also the symbol of the destruction it suffered during the intra-community war of the 1990's, was inaugurated on 9th May, Europe Day. The Mayor of Sarajevo, Ivo Komsic declared that Vijecnica was the symbol of the will to overcome the past and of the hope for a better, different future.

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12th May

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

13th May

General Affairs Council (Brussels)

13th May

Resumption of negotiations between Iran and the major powers of 5+1 on the Iranian nuclear issue (Vienna)

19th May

Agriculture-Fisheries Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Pauline Massis Desmarest , Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison,Jelena Isailovic, Marine Le Lann, Salomé Larcher

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Campaign/European elections; ECB; Ukraine/Tension; EU/Japanq; Financial Transact...


The Newsletter n°625- version of 12 mai 2014