The Newsletter6245 mai 2014

La Lettre

5 May 2014

Just as the OSCE observers were freed on 3rd May after 8 days of captivity, the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a European Interview with Maxime Lefebvre, Ambassador for France with the OSCE. Reviewing the situation in the Russo-Ukrainian crisis he explains that "everything indicates that the "uprising" in Crimea, then the Russian-speaking region in the east in April was the work of a well organised activist minority supported by external forces."

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Front page!

Why and how Europe will remain at the heart of the world

5 May 2014

As the European elections draw closer the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published a book entitled "Pourquoi et comment l'Europe restera le cœur du monde – Petit traité d'optimisme". Europe is no longer the centre of the world. It is not the leading military force. But to the world Europe is the heart that provides the pace, that feeds minds, culture and which attracts. It is the leading economic and trade power. According to Jean-Dominique Giuliani Europe has all the assets it needs to rise to the challenge. This book published by Lignes de Repères is available in all good book shops and on the Foundation's site.

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Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union in 2014

5 May 2014

Is 2014 a turning point for Europe ? The European elections and the renewal of the all of the Union's political institutions offer an exceptional opportunity to analyse how the European Union is developing. These questions are the focus of the Schuman Report 2014, a yearly work of reference on Europe. This 8th edition includes an exclusive analysis by the French Defence Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, who gives his view of European defence issues. This book, edited by Thierry Chopin and Michel Foucher, is published by Lignes de Repères. It is available in libraries and on the Foundation website in printed paper format and digital version (eReaders and tablets) in the next few days.

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Presidential election in Ukraine

5 May 2014

The Ukrainians are due to elect a new President on 25th May next. The election follows the abandonment of his post and flight to Russia by former Head of State Viktor Yanukovych (Regions Party) and the violent events that shook the country earlier in the year. The head of State is elected for five years. 23 people are standing ie five more than in 2010 - these include Pyotr Poroshenko, Yulia Tymoshenko, Mikhail Dobkin, Pyotr Symonenko and Serhi Tihipko. According to a the most recent poll published on 9th and 16th April by Socis, Pyotr Poroshenko is due to win the election with 48.4% of the vote. He is due to come out ahead of Ms Tymoshenko who is due to win 14% of the vote; Serhi Tihipko, 7.4%, Mikhail Dobkin 6%, Pyotr Symonenko 5.6% and Oleh Tyanbybok 2.1%

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Europe Day

Celebrate Europe - European Parliament Open Day

5 May 2014

On the occasion of Europe Day, European Parliament opened its doors on 4th May 2014 in Strasbourg. The Robert Schuman Foundation was present alongside other actors from civil society, European political groups and European Parliament services (translation, communication, commissions) to present the EU's work and that of the parliamentary assembly. The next open day will be on 10th May in Luxembourg and 17th May in Brussels.

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European Elections

43% turnout forecast in the European elections in Spain

5 May 2014

The Spanish newspaper El Pais published a survey on 27th April regarding voting forecasts in Spain in the European elections. It emerges that only 43% of the Spanish are intending to vote, whilst turnout totalled 46% in 2009. Moreover the newspaper indicates that the People's Party (PP), the party in office and the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), its main rival, are running neck and neck in these elections: according to a survey by Metroscopia/El Pais the PP is due to win 32.6% of the vote whilst the PSOE is due to win 32.2%. Both parties are however far ahead of the other lists running in the European elections, since the third list - a leftwing coalition is due to win 12%.

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Which political programme follows your ideas for Europe?

5 May 2014

Just one month before the European elections the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) has launched a questionnaire together with the German newspaper Die Zeit - in order to help German voters make their choice in the European elections. After having worked with the political parties that are standing in the European elections the newspaper offers readers questions to answer on the EU (euro, foreign policy, energy policy, financial crisis, enlargement ...). According to their answers the newspaper establishes a link with the parties' programmes and indicates how close the ideas people hold are to the electoral programmes of these parties. This kind of initiative which is to be found increasingly in the countries of Europe makes it possible to draw closer to the citizens with questions pertaining to Europe and to encourage them to go and vote to defend their ideas whilst the European elections are those in which the citizens of all countries abstain the most. In Germany only 43.3% of German citizens voted in the European elections of 2009.

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Launch of a new party by pro-European Conservatives

5 May 2014

Members of the British Conservative Party have created a new party called the Four Freedoms Party (UK EPP). Their aim is to re-create the link between the UK and its European influence starting by returning to the European People's Party. In an interview on Euractiv, Dirk Hazell explains that the aim of this new party is to offer an alternative for the pro-European right in the UK who no longer identify with the European Policy of the Conservative Party.

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UKIP announced ahead in the UK polls

5 May 2014

According to two polls published on 30th April UKIP has won more ground in terms of voting intentions in the UK. The TNS-BMRB poll has seen it progress by more than 7 points since the beginning of April to total 36% of voting intentions - 9 points more than the Labour Party and double that of Conservative. The ComRes/ITV poll forecasts 38% ie 8 points more than in April and 11 points more than the Labour Party.

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Financial Crisis

Moving towards the end of the Crisis in Spain

5 May 2014

The Spanish government, boosted by signs of economic recovery, upgraded its forecasts on 30th April - now targeting a clear acceleration in growth and a reduction in unemployment rates which are due to drop below the 20% mark by 2017. The GDP is due to rise by 1.2% in 2014 and by 1.8% in 2015, continuing to gather pace to reach 3% by 2017, announced the Economy Minister Luis de Guindos, qualifying these forecasts as "cautious". The new figures are part of Spain's economic stability programme 2014-2017, approved by the Council of Ministers before being dispatched to Brussels. However unemployment rose again in Spain in the first quarter of this year to 25.93%, close to its historic record. The slight decrease in the number of job-seekers was totally eclipsed by the decline in the working population.

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Decline in unemployment in Germany in the first quarter of 2014

5 May 2014

The German Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) published Germany's unemployment figures on 30th April. It emerges that the labour market has developed well thanks to the German economic situation. The number of German job-seekers fell by 111,000 people to reach 2.9 million. Unemployment has declined by 0.3% to lie at 6.8%.

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Unemployment in Italy lay at 12.7% of the working population in March

5 May 2014

In order to improve the speed of the release of statistical information on the Italian labour market and in line with the agreements made within the EU, Istat published its monthly estimates on the main labour market indicators which resulted from the "population survey". In March 2014 the unemployment rate represented 12.7%, a reduction of 0.1% in economic terms but an an increase of 0.7% over the last twelve months. Regarding the 15-24 year olds without work the rate is up by 0.1% to 11.4% in comparison with the previous month and by 0.8% year on year.

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Portugal: end of the financial assistance programme

5 May 2014

On 2nd May 2014, Portugal successfully completed the final assessment of its accounts by the troika (EU-ECB-IMF) and is about to become the second country supported by the euro area to exit its international bailout (after Ireland). The Portuguese Deputy Prime Minister Paulo Portas, welcomes this twelfth successful evaluation, which paves the way for the conclusion of the assistance programme to Portugal. The satisfecit issued by Portugal's creditors authorises a final disbursement of € 2.6 billion out of a total of 78 billion under the bailout granted in May 2011 in exchange for an austerity policy and a reform programme.

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The European Stability Mechanism has its entire capital

5 May 2014

On 1st May 2014, a press released stated that the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), the euro zone's firewall had reached the paid-in capital of 80 billion euros, the highest in the world for an international financial institution. The 80 billion € mark was reached after payment of a fifth and final instalment of 15.7 € billion by the euro zone States, said the ESM, which has been operational since October 2012.

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First post-financial assistance programme assessment for Ireland

5 May 2014

Representatives of the European Commission and the European Central Bank travelled to Ireland together with the IMF on 2nd May 2014 to undertake their first post-financial assistance programme assessment. Ireland left the Troika programme in December 2013. During this first assessment observers noted that although debt still weighs heavy on private consumption the rise in foreign demand and the stabilisation of domestic demand are helping to maintain positive impetus for Ireland where 72,000 jobs have been created in the industrial sector since mid 2012. Deficits and debts continue to decline thanks to structural reform. The next mission will take place at the end of 2014.

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Cyprus abolishes restrictions on cashing in bank cheques

5 May 2014

On 2nd May 2014 Cyprus lifted restrictions on cashing in bank cheques, an additional step towards the total lifting of capital monitoring which was set in place one year ago. These restrictions were imposed to prevent the flight of capital during the negotiations with international creditors over a 10 billion euro loan to save the island from bankruptcy. "With this new decision on the part of the Finance Minister all restrictions on national transactions have been lifted excepted on the opening of new bank accounts," indicated a press release by the Finance Ministry - at the same time it stated "that all restrictions concerning transactions abroad remained unchanged."

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10 years since the biggest ever enlargement

5 May 2014

May 1st 2014 marked the tenth anniversary of the biggest enlargement of the European Union, which increased from 15 to 25 member states. On that day, the Union's area extended by 25%, whilst the population grew by 20% from 380 to 454 million people. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the largest ever expansion of the European Union, the European Parliament published an infographics summarizing each successive step of new members integration. According to the European Commission the enlargement policy continues to change and establish stability in the countries of South Eastern Europe which hope to join the EU. It lists four advantages of enlargement, like greater prosperity, an improvement in the quality of life, making Europe a safer, more democratic place and finally securing greater influence for the Union in a multipolar world.

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The European Commission forecasts growth of 2% in 2015

5 May 2014

On 5th May the European Commission published its forecasts for spring 2014. It indicated that economic recovery was now confirmed and that GDP growth in the EU was due to total 1.6% and 1.2% in the euro zone in 2014; whilst it was due to rise to 2% and 1.7% in 2015 respectively. It indicated that France's growth will be lower than forecast for the EU and the euro zone with growth lying at 1% in 2014 and 1.5% in 2015. Moreover Germany is due to experience growth of 1.8% in 2014 and 2% in 2015. The Commission indicates that "internal demand will become a vital vector of growth over the forecast period." Hence "consumer spending should progressively feed growth as real revenues benefit from low inflation and the stabilisation of the labour market.

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Informal Meeting of European Healthcare Ministers

5 May 2014

Τhe effects of economic crisis on health and the safeguarding of health systems' resilience, migration and its effects on healthcare, and eHealth, with an emphasis on e-Prescription and m-Health, were the focus of discussions at a two-day Informal Meeting of EU Health Ministers, chaired by Greek Health Minister Spyridon-Adonis Georgiadis in Athens on 29th and 30th April. With regard to the effects of the economic crisis on healthcare, there was wide consensus on ensuring access for all to healthcare and on further systemic improvements. Finally, "the deeper involvement of Health Ministers, as well as health in the framework of the European Semester, were also issues of discussion", added Minister Georgiadis.

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Visit by Catherine Ashton to Belgrade

5 May 2014

On 28th April 2014 during her visit to Serbia, Catherine Ashton, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, met President Tomislav Nikolic and the new members of the Serbian government. Catherine Ashton said that Brussels will support the austerity plan which is to be implemented by the new Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic in the country's bid to draw closer to the European Union. The new leader of the Serbian Parliament Maja Gojkovic stressed the importance of the official visit since it represented significant support to the country on its road to European integration.

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European forces operational in Central Africa

5 May 2014

The EU's forces in Central African Republic became operational on 30th April 2014. Eufor-RCA presently comprises 150 men, mainly French troops from Sangaris and Estonian soldiers. The force will gradually increase in number and comprise 800 men in June, notably sent from Georgia and several EU countries like Spain, Finland and Italy. France is playing a dominant role since it is the "lead country" with several hundred men including the mission's commander, General Philippe Pontiès, in Bangui. Eufor-RCA will primarily be responsible for making safe the airport zone which hosts a vast refugee camp of people who have been displaced by the conflict before extending its missions to two parts of the Central African capital. Its mandate has been set for six months.

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EU announces new support for Ukraine's transition

5 May 2014

On 29th April 2014, in response to the urgent need to mobilise assistance to help towards the stabilisation and development of Ukraine, the European Commission adopted a special support package totalling 365 million €. This package will help the country's transition and boost the role of civil society, promoting and monitoring democratic reforms and inclusive socio-economic development in Ukraine.

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The EU/Indonesia Partnership Agreement entered into force on May 1st

5 May 2014

The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement -PCA - between Indonesia and the European Union entered into force on May 1st. This is the first agreement of this type regarding partners in South East Asia. The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, Catherine Ashton declared that this was a major strategic partnership for the EU given the latter's role in the world arena. Ms Ashton stressed that Indonesia was a key partner and had showed its support in terms of creating increasingly stable and diversified relations.

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Court of Justice

Tax on financial transactions: The European Court rejects the British appeal

5 May 2014

On April 30th the European Court of Justice dismissed a British appeal to overturn the introduction of a tax on financial transactions (FTT) in the European Union which would have sounded the death knell of this reform which the financial community is against. As part of an enhanced cooperation network the principle of this tax has been accepted by eleven EU countries including France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Spain, but not the United Kingdom and its important financial market. London challenged the decision by the European Council to allow some States to establish enhanced cooperation in this field.

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European Agencies

2013 assessment for the European Anti-Fraud Office

5 May 2014

On 29th April 2014, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) published its assessment for 2013. Last year citizens and institutions reported more information of potential investigative interest than ever before. OLAF completed a record number of investigations while reducing their overall duration and it issued the highest number of recommendations in five years. OLAF recommended the recovery of 402.8 million euro for the EU budget, which will help fund other projects and ease the burden on EU taxpayers.

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Joachim Gauck criticizes the Turkish government during his visit

5 May 2014

During his visit to Turkey German President Joachim Gauck criticized the ban on access to social networks implemented by Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government. At a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart, Abdullah Gul, the German President asked whether the independence of the judiciary could be guaranteed in the wake of these events, since the government has moved many judges and police officers. Joachim Gauck deemed that these events highlighted the issue of the freedom of the press.

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Ukraine the focus of Angela Merkel's visit to Washington

5 May 2014

German Chancellor Angela Merkel travelled to Washington on 2nd May 2014. During her meeting with Barack Obama they notably discussed the situation in Ukraine. Ms Merkel stressed her concern about the development of the conflict with Russia - she highlighted the importance of free elections so that the country would have a strong, legitimate, democratic government. Barack Obama and Angela Merkel discussed the introduction of further sanctions. The Chancellor addressed the issue of cyber-security and stressed that a happy-medium had to be found between monitoring terrorist threats and protecting fundamental freedoms. A "cyber-dialogue" is to take place between the two countries in order to set the limits of the NSA's activities. Finally the Chancellor pointed to the major economic interest of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) for the American and European economies and encouraged the completion of negotiations. During her trip the Chancellor met IMF Director Christine Lagarde with whom she discussed the financial assistance that the organisation could provide to Ukraine in terms of its economic reconstruction.

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Franco-German Journalism Prize awarded to Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and Helmut Schmidt

5 May 2014

The Franco-German Journalism Prize - one which is sponsored by a number of actors in Franco-German relations including the Robert Schuman Foundation, will be granting the Grand Franco-German Media Prize 2014 to Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, French President from 1974 to 1981 and to Helmut Schmidt - German Chancellor from 1974 to 1982, "for their remarkable commitment in support of Franco-German and European relations." According to the organisers at the PFAJ, the two politicians played a major role in European integration and in bringing France and Germany closer together. The PFAJ indicates that "beyond partisan divides they succeeded in times of economic crisis to provide new impetus to the Franco-German relationship and helped to shape Europe." The prize will be given in Berlin on 2nd July next.

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Adoption of the stability programme 2014-2017

5 May 2014

On 29th April 2014 the National Assembly, the lower chamber of the French parliament adopted the stability pact, 265 votes in support 232 against, which was put forward by Prime Minister Manuel Valls. In the socialist group 41 MPs abstained and three voted against, a proof of the tension that exists within the majority as far as reforming the country is concerned.

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New national TV channel in Greece

5 May 2014

Eleven months after the sudden closure of ERT a new state channel, NERIT, was created on 4th May 2014. The government closed the old channel in order to save 300 million euro per year. The launch of NERIT has come just weeks before the national and European elections.

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Resignation by Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek

5 May 2014

Slovenian Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek announced on 3rd May 2014 that she would resign from her post. Early elections will take place before the summer declared Ms Bratusek during a press conference. According to the latter elections may take place on 22nd June, since this date is preferred by all parties.

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Ten day visit by the Japanese Prime Minister to Europe

5 May 2014

During his official ten-day visit to Europe Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe travelled to Germany, UK, Spain and France. During his halt in Berlin the Japanese PM and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said they wanted a rapid conclusion to the free-trade agreement between the EU and Japan. In the UK Japanese and UK executives announced a Toshiba/Westinghouse investment on May 1st totalling 243 million € for the development of the UK's nuclear industry. Seven months after the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's visit to Tokyo and Fukushima Shinzo Abe then travelled to Compostelle to discuss Spanish-Japanese relations. On 5th May he met with French President François Hollande.

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Moscow sanctioned by Washington and Brussels

5 May 2014

Whilst the Russian-speaking separatists continue to raise tension in the east of Ukraine, on 28th April the US announced further sanctions against 7 executives and 17 Russian businesses close to Vladimir Putin. Moreover the EU added 15 Russian and Ukrainian names to the list of people under sanction in the Russo-Ukrainian crisis. The addition of the names was decided upon because there had been no de-escalation in the situation in Ukraine. In all 48 Russians and Ukrainians, including people in Crimea are now targeted by an assets freeze and visa bans.

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The IMF approves an arrangement bringing aid to Ukraine up to 17.01 billion dollars

5 May 2014

On 30th April 2014 the IMF's Executive Board approved a two year "Stand-By Arrangement" (SBA) in support of Ukraine. The arrangement amounts to SDR 10.976 billion (about US$17.01 billion, 800 percent of quota) and was approved under the Fund's exceptional access policy. The authorities' economic programme supported by the Fund aims to restore macroeconomic stability, strengthen economic governance and transparency, and launch sound and sustainable economic growth, while protecting the most vulnerable. The approval of the SBA enables the immediate disbursement of SDR 2.058 billion (about US$3.19 billion), with SDR 1.29 billion (about US$2 billion) being allocated to budget support. Regarding the Russian economy the IMF had reduced its growth forecast in 2013 to 0.2%.

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The OSCE and the special observation mission in Ukraine

5 May 2014

On 28th April 2014 the OSCE published its most recent report on the situation in Ukraine and the progress made by the special observation mission. In the region of Lugansk and especially in Donetsk the situation is extremely tense. Two observers of the special mission were temporarily held by the "People's Army of Donbass" in Yenakiveve. Finally in Slavyansk where military observers together with their Ukrainian aides were taken hostage by pro-Russian separatists the situation has improved somewhat. Indeed the seven observers as well as the five Ukrainians were released on 3rd May. Their liberation was one of the reasons quoted by the Ukrainian authorities to justify the military offensive launched the previous day against this town in the south-east of Ukraine.

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Ukraine plunges into violence

5 May 2014

After a bloody day in Ukraine which started with the launch of a military operation in Slavyansk and ended in a violent fire in Odessa, the situation is still extremely tense in the country's east in spite of the liberation of the OSCE inspectors on 3rd May. Armed Russian-speaking rebels attacked a military unit and a recruitment point in Lugansk. In the industrial town of Donetsk separatists took the HQ of the security services (SBU). 2000 people armed with bludgeons and baseball bats occupied the building which was not protected shouting "We shall not forgive Odessa" - a port where violence between pro-Russians and pro-Ukrainians led to more than 40 deaths on the previous day. The head of the Ukrainian anti-terrorist services, Vasyl Krutov deemed, during a press conference in Kiev, that Ukraine was now in a situation of "war": "what is happening in Donetsk and the East is not a temporary uprising - it is war."

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Lifting of quotas on European citizens travelling to Switzerland

5 May 2014

The Federal Swiss Council announced on 30th April that the quotas which were applicable since 2012 and June 2013 on citizens from 25 EU Member States would not be extended. Citizens from these countries may therefore go to Switzerland freely to work or if they have adequate own resources. The transitional measures still remain applicable for Croatian, Romanian and Bulgarian citizens, who continue to be subject to quotas.

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Council of Europe

European prisons are still overpopulated

5 May 2014

On 29th April 2014 the Council of Europe published its annual penal statistics (reports SPACE I and SPACE II) which show that despite a slight decrease in the prison population between 2011 and 2012, these institutions are still overpopulated in Europe. This is particularly true of Serbia, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary and Belgium. Considering the significant share of short-duration prison sentences, with 20% of prison population being in jail for less than a year, experts are calling for States to develop alternatives to imprisonment, recalling that the loss of liberty should be used only as a final resort.

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EU, US and China represent half of the world's GDP

5 May 2014

According to a Eurostat study published on 30th April 2014. In 2011, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the EU represented 18.6% of the world's GDP, expressed in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). The United States was the second biggest economy with a GDP share of 17.1% and China the third biggest with 14.9%. Other countries (outside European Union) with a share larger than 1% are also shown.

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Annual euro area inflation rate up to 0.7%

5 May 2014

Euro area annual inflation is expected to be 0.7% in April 2014, up from 0.5% in March, according to a flash estimate from Eurostat on 30th April 2014. Looking at the main components of euro area inflation, services are expected to have the highest annual rate in April (1.6%, compared with 1.1% in March), followed by food, alcohol and tobacco (0.7%, compared with 1.0% in March), non-energy industrial goods (0.1%, compared with 0.2% in March) and energy (-1.2%, compared with -2.1% in March).

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Euro Area Unemployment at 11.8% in the euro zone and 10.5% in the EU

5 May 2014

According to estimates published on 2nd May 2014 by Eurostat, the euro area seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 11.8% in March 2014, stable since December 2013, but down from 12.0% in March 2013. The EU unemployment rate was 10.5% in March 2014, stable compared with February 2014, but down from 10.9% in March 2013.

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70% of young people see EU membership as an asset in a globalised world

5 May 2014

According to a Eurobarometer survey commissioned by the European Parliament on 29th April 2014, in view of the European Youth Event 2014, European Union membership represents an advantage in a globalised world, according to 70% of young people. The survey was conducted among Europeans aged 16-30 from all Member States. It will serve as a source of facts and figures for the 5,000 young people who will be in Strasbourg from 9th-1th May as they attend the European Youth Events (EYE). The conference will address five main themes: youth unemployment, digital revolution, future of the EU, sustainability and European values.

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Dictionary of the EU's official languages

5 May 2014

A most useful dictionary for French people travelling in Europe has been published by Goursau editions. Ranked in alphabetical order some 200 simple, useful phrases and questions. This dictionary brings together vital vocabulary and will make the first steps in overcoming the language barrier easier.

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Europe in the Storm - Lessons and Challenges

5 May 2014

Herman van Rompuy presented his book on 29th April 2014 entitled "Europe in the Storm, Lessons and Challenges". The first permanent President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy will end his mandate in December 2014. In his book he reviews the years of economic and financial crisis experienced by the EU and the management of these by the leaders of Europe. In his opinion Europe will emerge stronger from these crises.

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"Shared histories for a Europe without Dividing Lines"

5 May 2014

European history is the common heritage of the continent - whilst Europe Day is being celebrated on 9th May, the Council of Europe is launching its first electronic, interactive book entitled "Shared histories for a Europe without Dividing Lines". In a time when many European countries are reducing the place granted in education to European history or are threatening to abolish it, the Council of Europe has drawn up a pan-European tool that covers four major themes: the impact of the Industrial Revolution; the development of education; human rights as they stand in the history of art; Europe and the world.

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Seven of the best 10 restaurants in the world are European

5 May 2014

The British magazine "Restaurants" published its ranking of the 50 best restaurants in the world. In the Top 10 come 7 European restaurants: with the best in the world being the fish dish specialist, Noma in Copenhagen, which already won in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The second restaurant in the ranking is in Spain, the third in Italy and the fifth is British. France comes only 11th in the ranking with Mirazur in Menton then 25th with the Arpège.

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Launch of a new Universal Museum: the Louvre of Abu Dhabi

5 May 2014

It is the first universal museum of the 21st century. The Louvre Abu Dhabi will be inaugurated on 2nd December 2015 in the United Arab Emirates. Its collections will cover all civilisations on all continents, from prehistoric times to the modern day. The Louvre in Paris will run the exhibition "Louvre Abu Dhabi, launch of a universal museum" until 28th July 2014. The exhibition shows a sample of 160 works amongst 500 which have been acquired over five years.

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European heritage: the seven most threatened sites

5 May 2014

Public attention was brought to the seven most threatened European sites in Vienna on 4th May 2014 by the main European organisation that works to protect its heritage, Europa Nostra - and by the Institute of the European Investment Bank. Amongst the seven sites there is the original machinery of the Bourla Theatre in Antwerp, Belgium, the neighbourhoods of Dolcho and Apozari in Kastoria, Greece, the citadel of Alessandria in Italy, the carillons of the Mafra National Palace in Portugal, the wooden churches of south Transylvania and of North Oltenia in Romania, the Colour Row Settlement of Chernyakhovsk in Russia and the synagogue of Subotica in Serbia. The programme for the seven most threatened sites does not comprise funds. It is designed to be a catalyst for action and to promote the strength of example.

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5th May

Euro Zone Finance Ministers Meeting (Brussels)

5th & 6th May

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Athens)

6th May

Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Brussels)

7th May

EU-Japanese Summit (Brussels)

8th May

Foreign Affairs, Trade Council (Brussels)

8th May

Council of the Governors of the European Central Bank (Brussels)

9th May

Europe Day ()

11th May

Presidential Election in Lithuania (1st round) ()

12th May

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Charles de Marcilly ,Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison, Jelena Isailovic, Marine Le Lann, Salomé Larcher

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest / Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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Europe/Heat of the World; 9th May/Celebrations; OSCE/Liberation; Russo-Ukrainian...


The Newsletter n°624- version of 5 mai 2014