The Newsletter62328 avr. 2014

La Lettre

Gilles Lepesant

28 April 2014

After the enlargements of 2004, 2007 and 2013 the number of EU Member States has almost doubled and a convergence process commenced, that was briefly halted by the 2008 crisis. To continue the economies of Central Europe will have to move beyond a price-competitiveness based development model. The cohesion policy is a precious tool but is not a guarantee for successful modernisation in itself as the vulnerability shown by the states of southern Europe to the crisis has illustrated, although they were the main beneficiaries.

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Front page!

Euroscepticism and Nationalism in Europe

27 April 2014

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Greece is organising two conferences in Athens and at the University of Thessalia, Volos, on 28th and 29th April 2014 on the challenge set by euroscepticism and populism in Europe just weeks before the European elections on 25th May. Magali Balent, Project Manager at the Robert Schuman Foundation will be taking part in the two conferences and will be speaking of the rise of populism in France, the ideological divergence between the different European extremist parties and the possibility of these parties forming a group in the next European Parliament.

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One month before the European elections: Forecasts and analyses

28 April 2014

On Tuesday 29th April the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, will present an analysis of the political parties running just one month before the European election at the Permanent Representation of France at the European Union. A summary of the polls (D-30) will also be presented. Discussions afterwards will try to provide answers to the following questions: What are the main trends in the campaign in the 28? On 25th May will there be "A Grand Coalition according to the German model?" An election marked by "a" European far right? What impact will the eurosceptics have on the future European Parliament?

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Order the Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2014!

28 April 2014

Is 2014 a turning point for Europe ? The European elections and the renewal of the all of the Union's political institutions offer an exceptional opportunity to analyse how the European Union is developing. These questions are the focus of the Schuman Report 2014, a yearly work of reference on Europe. This 8th edition includes an exclusive analysis by the French Defence Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, who gives his view of European defence issues. This book, edited by Thierry Chopin and Michel Foucher, is published by Lignes de Repères. It is available in libraries and on the Foundation website in printed paper format and digital version (eReaders and tablets) in the next few days.

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Follow the European campaign in one click

27 April 2014

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published a special internet site that gives full coverage of the European election campaign in the 28 Member States. It recalls the role and powers of the European Parliament, the voting rules and the 2009 results. It presents the parties and their programmes, the list of candidates and the polls. It provides information about the issues at stake across all of Europe recalling the composition of the groups in Parliament now and of the forecasts for the vote that is to take place between 22nd and 25th May. In addition to this a "mobile" app is can be downloaded free of charge on Apple Store and Google Play in French and English.

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Who are Europe's true enemies?

27 April 2014

In an editorial published on his site on 26th April, Robert Schuman Foundation Chairman Jean-Dominique Giuliani deems that Europe now has enemies and highlights the links between the eurosceptics and all types of extremists and also Putin's strategy.

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Re-election of Gjorji Ivanov and his party's victory in the general elections

28 April 2014

The outgoing head of State Gjorgji Ivanov (VMRO-DPMNE) came out ahead in the 2nd round of the presidential election on 27th April with 55.25% of the vote ahead of Stevo Pendarovski (SDSM) who won 41.17% of the vote. The Macedonians were also called to renew the 120 members of the Sobranie (Parliament). The VMRO-DPMNE led by outgoing Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski won with 42.18% of the vote and 61 seats ahead of the SDSM which won 24.91% and 34 seats. The DUI-BDI, member of the outgoing government coalition won 13.48% of the vote and 19 seats; the Albanian Democratic Party (PDA-PDSh), 5.83% and 7 seats, National Democratic Revival (RDK) won 1.56% and 1 seat likewise Citizens' Option for Macedonia (GROM).

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The Belgians are called to ballot for the "election of all elections" on 25th May next

28 April 2014

8 million Belgians are being called to ballot on 25th May next to renew their MPs, senators, their regional representatives and their MEPs. National MPs will be appointed for five years (instead of a previous 4). The electoral reform which changed the federal voting procedure is supposed to bring about greater stability. The N-VA is the focus of the electoral campaign. Elections on 13th June 2010 led to an electoral earthquake. The New Flemish Alliance N-VA led by Bart de Wever won 18.65% of the vote and 28 seats in the Chamber of Representatives (20.64% of the vote and 9 seats in the Senate). Bart de Wever has set a 30% threshold, whereby it will be impossible to ignore his party, which seems likely given the most recent polls. The PS is still in the lead in Wallonia: it is credited with 29.3% of the vote. In Flanders the N-VA easily dominates the political scene.

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The issues at stake in the European elections

28 April 2014

382 million citizens from 28 countries of the European Union are being called to ballot from 22nd to 25th May next to renew the Parliament whose HQ is in Strasbourg, and which is the only European institution to be appointed by direct universal suffrage. The Netherlands and the UK will be voting on 22nd May, Ireland on 23rd; Latvia, Slovakia and Malta will vote on 24th May. The Czech Republic will go to ballot on 23rd and 24th; Italy 24th and 25th May. The other 20 Member States will be appointing their MEPs on 25th May. In all 751 MEPs will be elected for a five year period during this election whilst the Strasbourg Assembly has 766 members today. The European elections on 22nd-25th May 2014 will be different from any of those which have gone before it. The adoption of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009 enables the citizens of Europe to influence the choice of the President of the European Commission.

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European Elections

Latest seat forecasts for Parliament

27 April 2014

What will the European Parliament look like after 25th May? To have an idea of the results the European Parliament and TNS Opinion are offering a weekly forecast of how the seats will be distributed in the hemicycle. Hence according to estimates dated 23rd April 2014 the European People's Party (EPP) is due to be in the lead with 215 MEPs, the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) is due to have 209 MEPs, the Alliance of Democrats and Liberals for Europe (ALDE) 57, the European United Left and Nordic Green Alliance (GUE/NGL) 48, the Greens/European Free Alliance (Greens/EFA) 45, the European Conservatives and Reformers (ECR) 40, Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) 30, the non-inscrits 39 and finally the "others" category 68 MEPs.

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Debate between four candidates to the presidency of the Commission

28 April 2014

On Monday 28th April Jean-Claude Juncker, (European People's Party), Martin Schulz (Party of European Socialists), Guy Verhofstadt (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe) and Franziska Keller (co-candidate with ecologist José Bové), all candidates for the Presidency of the European Commission debated for 90 on Euronews. Greek Alexis Tsipras (European Left Party) was not present. According to observers the debate was consensual and did not lead to any one of the candidates standing out in particular. Since the Lisbon Treaty in 2009 the heads of State and Government are now obliged to propose a candidate for the presidency of the Commission for approval by the European Parliament and take the elections results into account.

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Europe's not Dead!

28 April 2014

Just one month before the European elections citizens initiatives are multiplying across Europe in a bid to counter the spectre of abstention during the elections on 22nd-25th May 2014. Whilst the collective "Happy Voting" has already created a buzz in the sense that MEPs and citizens were filmed dancing to "Happy" by Pharrell Williams a new clip has also been put on line by YouTube, taking up European scenes from cult films. From Pulp Fiction to OSS117, not forgetting Folie des Grandeurs. Viewers can see Samuel Lee Jackson, John Travolta, Louis de Funès, Romain Duris and Jean Dujardin - this video shows that "Europe's Not Dead!" and invites European citizens to "continue its history".

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Financial Crisis

Spain's GDP rising in the first quarter 2014

27 April 2014

On 24th APril just as the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy declared that in the light of the country's economic results in 2013, 2014 would be the year of recovery for Spain and the Spanish economy, the Bank of Spain announced that the country's GDP had risen by 0.4% in the first quarter of 2014 - whilst growth had totalled 0.2% in the last quarter of 2013. In addition to this the Bank of Spain is forecasting annual growth of 0.5% in the first quarter of 2014 and believes that its forecasts are in line with its growth forecasts of 1.2% in 2014 and 1.5% in 2015.

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Alleviation of the Greek Debt?

28 April 2014

Deputy Finance Minister, Christos Staïkouras, announced on 23rd April that Greece had succeeded in making a primary surplus in 2013 (ie apart from servicing the debt) of 1.5 billion euro. The European Commission confirmed this saying that "a primary surplus matching 0.8% of the GDP had been observed by the European Statistics Bureau, Eurostat. This information will help Athens towards the opening of discussions over an alleviation of the country's enormous public debt, which reached 175.1% of the GDP in 2013. Finally the country received the first tranche (6.3 billion euro) of the total aid (8.3 billion) negotiated on April 1st by Eurogroup as part of the European Financial Stability Fund.

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Euro zone: activity up, unemployment down

28 April 2014

In April the euro zone recorded the highest rate of growth in nearly three years in terms of its private activities, leading to the creation of jobs in all regions, indicated Markit on 23rd April as it published its monthly PMI indicator - a barometer that is published ahead of the official growth figures. The euro zone PMI composite which measures both activity in services and the manufacturing industry lay at 54 according to a first estimate, ie its highest level since May 2011. It reached 53.1 in March. When the index rises above 50 points this means that activity is rising, and it is declining when it falls below this threshold.

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Portugal: last tranche of EFSF aid

27 April 2014

Portugal, which is about to come to the end of its bail out of 78 billion euro granted three years ago, will be receiving the final tranche from the euro zone in June announced the support fund, EFSF. The disbursement of this sum of 1.2 billion euro was validated on Thursday after the 11th assessment of the bail out plan decided in the spring of 2011. It is the EFSF's last payment; it will have disbursed 26 billion in all.

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France: 3.349 million job seekers in March

28 April 2014

The Employment Ministry published unemployment figures for France on 25th April 2014 for the month of March. It reveals that the number of job seekers stabilised at 3.349 million in March. This is relative since although unemployment amongst the under 25's fell by 0.8% in March 2014 and by 2.6% between March 2013 and March 2014 unemployment amongst older people continued to rise with 7,300 more senior members of society now unemployed.

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Meeting of G5 Finance Ministers in Paris

28 April 2014

The G5 Finance Ministers (France, Germany, UK, Spain, Italy) met in Paris on 28th April 2014 to discuss measures to take in the area of tax fraud and tax evasion. During their meeting ministers stressed the importance of the adoption of a new world standard by mid-2014 on the automatic exchange of tax information, published by the OECD on 17th January 2014 and adopted by the G20 in February. Ministers stressed that tax evasion was the collective responsibility of countries and financial centres. Moreover ministers welcomed the progress made by the EU and stressed the importance of including the new measures on the exchange of tax information in European law.

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United, open, stronger Europe

28 April 2014

On 25th April the European Commission published a review of its work in support of its citizens and businesses during the last mandate. This on-line brochure covers the main achievements made by the Commission led by Manuel Barroso and each Commissioner gives precise examples of the progress made in his area of competence. M. Barroso declared, "Given the present upheavals we can no longer content ourselves with the status quo. Although the past five years have been marked by constitutional issues which have been formally settled by the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty, those years were also were experienced under the threat of the financial crisis and sovereign debt. Given these difficulties we are trying to be proud for having maintained a united, open and stronger Europe for the future."

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Further European sanctions against Russia

28 April 2014

On 28th April the European Union added 15 names of Russian and Ukrainian leaders to the list of people sanctioned under the Russo-Ukrainian crisis. The addition of these people was decided because no de-escalation in the situation in Ukraine has occurred. Sanctions will enter into force on the publication of the EU's Official Journal. The 15 are deemed to be "responsible for activities that compromise or threaten the territorial integrity, the sovereignty and the independence of Ukraine." In all 48 Russians and Ukrainians, including people who live Crimea were targeted by the freezing of assets and visa bans in the EU. Moreover 22 Ukrainians, who were active under the previous regime are being sanctioned with a freezing of their assets for "the embezzlement of public funds".

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Agreement with USA against tax evasion

28 April 2014

Belgium and the USA announced on 23rd April 2014 that they had come to an agreement which will help strengthen the fight to counter tax evasion. This comes under the American framework law FATCA, which will enter into force this summer. "This agreement will lead to a better respect of tax obligations on an international level. The FATCA agreement creates the framework for the automatic exchange of financial information between Belgium and the USA," indicated the Belgian Finance Ministry in a press release.

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Population decline

27 April 2014

The population of Spain decreased in 2013 for the second year running to 46.7 million people due to the departure of many foreign residents. On January 1st 46,725,164 people were included on town registers, ie 404,619 less (-0.9%) than a year ago, according to temporary figures published on 22nd April by the National Statistics Institute (INE). Although the number of Spanish residents rose slightly by 0.3% to 41.7 million, the number of foreign residents has decreased sharply by 9.8% to 5 million (10.7% of the population in all). Many EU residents count amongst those who have left with a 13.3% reduction to 2 million.

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Stability Programme 2014-2017

27 April 2014

On 23rd April the French government indicated that it wanted to bring the deficit down to 3% of the GDP by 2015. French Finance Minister Michel Sapin presented the stability programme for 2014-2017 to the Council of Ministers. The text is due to be submitted to the Assembly's vote on 29th April before being addressed to the European Commission. The latter will have a month to answer, in the knowledge that France was placed under surveillance at the beginning of March, just like Spain and Ireland, after having already benefited from two postponements in terms of reaching the 3% goal. The government explained that "its priority is to enable growth to gather pace and for private employment to progress long term." It is forecasting GDP growth of 1% in 2014, 1.7% in 2015 and 2.25% in 2016 and 2017 when its responsibility and solidarity pact has had time to take effect.

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Donald Tusk advocates a European Energy Community in Paris and Berlin

28 April 2014

On 24th April 2014 French President François Hollande met with Polish Prime Minister D. Tusk. During their meeting they addressed the Ukrainian crisis and re-iterated the importance of the upcoming presidential election to provide the Kiev transition government legitimacy. In terms of energy François Hollande called on Europe to adopt an independent energy policy speaking of a European energy community, which would enable the 28 to be independent vis-à-vis energy suppliers like Russia. On 25th April in Berlin D. Tusk met Angela Merkel. During their meeting the two heads of government regretted that Russia still had not implemented the measures included in the Geneva agreement and stressed the importance for Europe to have an independent energy policy free of the dangers of international relations.

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Czech Republic

Fifth anniversary of the Eastern Partnership in Prague

28 April 2014

EU representatives and some Member States (Austria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden) and most of the countries involved in the EU's Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine) met in Prague for a two day summit on 24th and 25th April 2014. This year marks the programme's fifth year launched in 2009 in Prague, during the Czech Presidency of the European Council. This meeting provided an opportunity for participants to review the years that have passed and to discuss future perspectives, which have complicated by the situation in Ukraine. The absence of Belarus in this regard is a sign of the present tension and within the Eastern Partnership.

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Agreement with Ukraine on gas deliveries

28 April 2014

Slovakia and Ukraine came to an agreement over deliveries of gas to Kiev from Western Europe. This is supposed to reduce Ukraine's dependency on Russian gas announced the Slovakian Economy Minister on 26th April 2014. "The two countries came to an agreement which will help Ukraine receive gas," declared Minister Tomas Malatinsky in a press release. In virtue of this agreement signed on 28th April wester suppliers could deliver gas to Ukraine via an old, reserve gas pipeline from Vojany in eastern Slovakia which had been idle until now. An EU member and Ukraine's neighbour, Slovakia is strategically situated to enable the delivery of gas from Europe towards Ukraine which is under threat of supply cuts on the part of Russia.

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Political Crisis in Slovenia

28 April 2014

Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek, in office for the last thirteen months in Slovenia, lost the leadership of her party on 26th April, which might lead to a new political crisis in the country. Ms Bratusek was defeated during party congress vote Positive Slovenia (PS). Zoran Jankovic, founder of the PS and Mayor Ljubljana won 422 against 338 votes. Ms Bratusek announced that she would resign from her post of Prime Minister if she lost the support of her party.

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Kosovo MPs Approve New War Crimes Court

28 April 2014

On 23rd April Kosovo's parliament approved a project for the establishment of an international war crimes tribunal for atrocities committed during the Kosovo Serb conflict (1998-1999). The project was backed by 89 MPs out of 120, 22 voted against and two abstained. One of the court's first tasks will take up a survey being conducted by a special EU team to investigate the allegations contained in the "Marty Report" published in 2010 by the Council of Europe. Furthermore, the Parliament also approved the extension of the mandate of the EU's police and justice mission EULEX until June 2016. For her part the EU's representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Catherine Ashton congratulated the Kosovar Parliament on this decision to create an international court and declared that this showed that Kosovo had opted for a better European future.

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Aleksander Vucic, new Serb Prime Minister

28 April 2014

Thanks to the mandate given by President of the Serb Republic, Tomislav Nikolic, the new Prime Minister Aleksander Vucic formed a government on 27th April. Aleksander Vucic was elected in Parliament 198 votes in support, 23 against, after the win by the Progressive Party in the last general elections. The new Prime Minister stressed that the government's main goal which comprises 18 ministers is to continue economic reform as well as to privatise the 153 state-owned companies, to develop the private sector as well as to make budgetary reforms, especially in the area of spending.

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Turkish Prime Minister presents his condolences to the grandchildren of Armenians murdered in 1915

27 April 2014

On 23rd April 2014 and for the first time ever the Turkish Prime Minister presented his condolences to the grandchildren of the Armenians who were murdered in 1915 during the massacre of this community. The Prime Minister presented his condolences but not his apologies since Turkey does not acknowledge the genocide of the Armenians. However he did say that it was a human duty and that the desire on the part of the Armenians to commemorate their suffering was totally understandable.

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Downturn in the situation in Ukraine

28 April 2014

For the past week Russians troops have been gathering on the Eastern border of Ukraine (40,000 men) and is "undertaking manoeuvres". The government in Kiev has responded to Moscow's threats and stepped up the number of its troops on the border launching a third anti-terrorist mission on 25th April. On the ground the rebels, although freeing one of the eight OSCE observers on 27th April are still holding seven of them. The OSCE leader of the exercise, Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter spoke of an "unacceptable" situation and called for the guarantee of the international observers' security. The rebels are also holding four Ukrainians who were with the OSCE observers but they have not appeared in public.

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G7: further sanctions against Russia

28 April 2014

Given the escalation in tension in Ukraine the leaders of the seven most industrialised countries came to agreement on 26th April 2014 on the principle of implementing further sanctions against Moscow. Western leaders "agreed to ask for a greater role to be played by the OSCE in Ukraine" which already has around 12 observers in Ukraine being held by separatists.

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The International Criminal Court opens the preliminary exam into the situation in Ukraine

28 April 2014

The Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court opened a preliminary investigation into the crimes committed before and during the fall of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych announced the ICC on 25th April. "The ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has decided to launch a preliminary inquiry into the situation in Ukraine in order to determine whether (...) the necessary criteria are there for a wider investigation," indicated the ICC in a press release.

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Canonisations of Jean-Paul II and Jean XXIII

28 April 2014

Pope Francis canonised Jean XXIII and Jean-Paul II on 27th April during a mess which several hundred thousand people attended in St Peter's Square Rome. "We declare and define as saints the blessed Jean XXIII and Jean-Paul II and we include them in the list of saints and establish that in all the Church they be devotedly honoured among saints," said the Argentinean Pope in Latin to the applause of the crowd. The two reliquaries were then taken to the altar: one containing a small phial of Jean-Paul II's blood, the other a piece of Jean XXIII's skin.

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Euro Area and European Union government deficit decreases

27 April 2014

According to Eurostat estimates on 23rd April 2014, in 2013, the government deficit of both the euro area and the European Union decreased in absolute terms compared with 2012, while the government debt rose in both zones. In the euro area the government deficit to GDP ratio decreased from 3.7% in 2012 to 3% in 2013, and in the Union from 3.9% to 3.3%. In the euro area the government debt to GDP ratio increased from 90.7% at the end of 2012 to 92.6% at the end of 2013, and in the Union from 85.2% to 87.1%.

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Working conditions: deterioration and disparities in worker satisfaction

27 April 2014

Eurobarometer published a survey on 24th April 2014, which looks at how the quality of work has been affected by the crisis. While just over half of European workers perceive working conditions in their country to be good (53%), a majority (57%) nevertheless think that their working conditions have deteriorated in the last 5 years. Although most workers are satisfied with their own working conditions (77% on average in the EU), there is a very wide disparity across Member States, ranging from 94% in Denmark to 38% in Greece. Generally, most workers express high levels of satisfaction with their working hours (80%) and health and safety at work (85%).

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France in the EU

27 April 2014

INSEE (the French statistics institute) published a study on 24th April entitled "France in the European Union." Focusing on five themes (The EU: an economic power, united in diversity; Inequality, poverty and social protection in Europe: a review and impact of the crisis; Europeans and work in seven socio-economic categories; reducing early school drop-out: a central goal in the Education and Training Programme 2020; and External agricultural and agro-food trade). This is accompanied by technical sheets with the study analysing the state of the EU and the position of France within it. It emerges that in terms of social inequality France is within the European average and that it is doing better than some of its neighbours in terms of poverty and social exclusion, notably thanks to the stabilising role played by social transfers.

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Publication of a report on "Poland in the European Union (2004-2014)

27 April 2014

The Polish national statistics office (GUS) has published a comprehensive report on the country's situation in the EU on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Poland's accession. Entitled "Poland in the European Union: 2004-2014" the study (available in English and Polish) presents data on the country's socio-economic situation, the EU's 2020 strategy, the use of the European funs, the Union's regions and finally a database of statistical information on Poland.

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Nouvelles d'Eco: Saison 1 - 2013/2014

27 April 2014

The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation's Scientific Committee, Jean-Paul Betbèze has published a book entitled "Nouvelles d'Eco: Saison 1 - 2013/2014" in which he makes a compilation of all of his appearances in the media, publications and blog entries that have been published on his internet site. Jean-Paul Betbèze believes that "the French and the economy are "les liaisons dangereuses" and a strange mix of disdain and "bonjour tristesse". He offers over a year of blog entries, responses and small drawings, speaking of ourselves and others. The idea is also to be as direct as possible to understand our problems and find solutions. This is because there is danger and because it is a matter of urgency. Here is an itinerary of this long year of media response. Bon voyage!"

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Désir d'Europe! by Jacques Pansard

28 April 2014

In his most recent book published in February 2014 Jacques Pansard maintains that the EU is undergoing an identity crisis that is threatening its existence. Also according to the author "the Swiss "yes" in the referendum on 9th February shows the importance of one of the EU's key missions: to build a better balanced economic pole within which it will no longer be necessary to emigrate to live and progress. Why not take inspiration from the success of a misunderstood democracy which valiantly resists all international turpitude, Switzerland?" This book helps the reader to understand the country, its history, its political system, the results of its socio-economic model. It concludes with the levers which might inspire its neighbours. We might then be able to have another vision of a Europe of Peoples.

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The Philharmonic Orchestra in Berlin has created its own label

28 April 2014

According to a press release the Philharmonic Orchestra in Berlin announced on 24th April 2014 that it was creating its own label "Berliner Philharmoniker Recordings" . It is under this label that "certain interpretations by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra will be recorded," explains the orchestra. "For the first time ever the orchestra is taking over technical and editorial responsibility for its recordings," it stressed.

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Celebration of Shakespeare's 450th birthday

28 April 2014

The team at the Globe Theatre in London where Shakespeare performed are organising a year of events and venues for the 450 anniversary of the birth of the Bard. The theatre troop is making a world tour playing Hamlet, putting on educational workshops in the theatre itself and researchers into Shakespeare's works will be sharing their views of this birthday. The full list of events organised is available on a specially dedicated website.

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French and German Impressionists in Zilina

28 April 2014

The Považské Museum of Zilina in the north of Slovakia is running an exhibition from 26th April to 8th June devoted to the French and German Impressionist movements from 1869 to 1930. Works by artists such as Bonnard, Cézanne, Manet, Renoir have been brought together so that people living in the region can come and admire these paintings which are usually housed in various foreign museums.

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The Myth of Cleopatra

28 April 2014

The Pinacothèque in Paris has been running an exhibition since 10th April on the legendary figure of Cleopatra - the show will be running until 7th September 2014. Looking back at the woman and the legend the exhibition brings together archaeological works from the time of Ptolemy, together with pictures, sculptures and works of art - from Ancient Rome to today. Visitors can see how the legend around Cleopatra came about and how it developed.

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les 29th-30th April

Informal Council on Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumers (Athens)

29th April

Debate: A month before the European Elections: Forecasts and Analyses (Brussels)

5th May

Euro Zone Finance Ministers Meeting (Brussels)

6th May

Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Charles de Marcilly ,Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison, Jelena Isailovic, Marine Le Lann, Salomé Larcher

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial; Debate/EU;Candidates; Stakes/European Elections; Sanctions/Russo-Ukra...


The Newsletter n°623- version of 28 avr. 2014