The Newsletter62114 avr. 2014

La Lettre

Magali Balent, Corinne Deloy

14 April 2014

The perspective of a rise of the far right parties in the upcoming European elections in May 2014 is feeding debate in the media and is leading to fears of them being able to impeded decisions in Parliament and a result affect the functioning of the European Union. The aim of this paper is to look into the credibility of this scenario. To do this the study analyses the ideological coherence of this political "family" and the influence it sways over European public opinion in order to provide a better assessment of the possible electoral rise of these parties in the European Parliament and the creation of a parliamentary group which would enable them to weigh more in the debates and defend their ideas better.

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Front page!

Publication of the Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2014!

14 April 2014

Is 2014 a turning point for Europe ? The European elections and the renewal of the all of the Union's political institutions offer an exceptional opportunity to analyse how the European Union is developing. These questions are the focus of the Schuman Report 2014, a yearly work of reference on Europe. This 8th edition includes an exclusive analysis by the French Defence Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, who gives his view of European defence issues. This book, edited by Thierry Chopin and Michel Foucher, is published by Lignes de Repères. It is available in libraries and on the Foundation website in printed paper format and digital version (eReaders and tablets) in the next few days.

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"After the Hungarian general elections: Hungary, France and Europe"

14 April 2014

After the general elections in Hungary on 6th April 2014 the friendship group France-Hungary at the National Assembly and the Embassy of Hungary in France are organising a joint seminar on 17th April on relations between Hungary, France and Europe. The Robert Schuman Foundation Chairman Jean-Dominique Giuliani will be speaking at the second round table on the theme of "The perspectives opened by the Hungarian general elections on 6th April 2014; Hungary and European public opinion."

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Presidential election in Macedonia: a second round will be necessary

14 April 2014

Outgoing head of state Gjorgji Ivanov (VMRO-DPMNE) easily came out ahead in the first round of the presidential election on 13th April in Macedonia. He won 51.63% of the vote ahead of Stevo Pendarovski (SDSM) who won 37.55%. Iljaz Halimi (PDA-PDSh) came third with 4.49%; Zoran Pospovski (GROM) won 3.61% of the vote. Although the outgoing president of the Republic Gjorgji Ivanov won the absolute majority, he only won 25.19% of the votes of those registered, which is far from the 50% +1 required by the electoral law to win in the first round. A second round will therefore be organised on 27th April at the same time as early general elections.

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Presidential election in Lithuania on 11th May (1st round)

14 April 2014

The Lithuanians are being called to ballot for the first round of the presidential election on 11th May. The president of the Republic is elected every five years by direct universal suffrage. He is not allowed to undertake more than two consecutive mandates. Apart from outgoing president Dalia Grybauskaite six other people are standing: Zigmantas Balcytis, MEP and former minister; Arturas Zuokas, Mayor of Vilnius; Bronis Rope, Mayor Ignalina; Naglis Puteikis, MP; Arturas Paulauskas, MP and former leader of parliament and Valdemar Tomasevski, MEP. According to a poll by Vilmorus Dalia Grybauskaite is due to win 40.9% of the vote, Zigmantas Balcytis 10.3%, Arturas Paulauskas 9.6%, Bronis Rope 4.1%, Valdemar Tomasevski 3.4% and Arturas Zuokas 2.3%. If no candidate is appointed in the first round a second round will take place on 25th May. Dalia Grybauskaite was elected in the first round on 17th May 2009.

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European elections

Debate between Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz

13 April 2014

The candidates of Europe's two main political families (EPP and PES) running for the presidency of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz, appeared in their first TV debate on 9th April 2014 organised by TV channel France24 and RFI radio. The two men acknowledged that the crisis was not over, that budgetary discipline was necessary, that one of the priorities should be youth employment, that access to loans by SMEs had to be facilitated and that Europe should fight to counter illegal immigration.

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Best European election posters awarded prizes in Berlin

14 April 2014

The best German posters for the European election were given prizes during a ceremony on 7th April 2014 at the Museum of Communication in Berlin. Graphic arts students won a trip to Brussels to visit the European institutions. The best posters will be shown in the biggest stations in Germany.

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And now, en route for Europe!

14 April 2014

On 10th April 2014 the Robert Schuman Foundation hosted experts and journalists in its Paris offices for the launch of the European campaign. Robert Schuman Foundation Chair Jean-Dominique Giuliani and his team presented their new internet site and their latest studies and forecasts. For a better understanding of what is at stake in the European election and to follow the campaign live consult our new site devoted to the European elections.

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Happy Voting

14 April 2014

Whilst more and more parties and structures are launching their campaign for the European elections, the League of Young Voters has launched an initiative called "Happy Voting" to encourage citizens to go and vote. Copying the world hit "Happy" by Pharrell Williams it has made a video bringing together "famous Europeans" like Captain Europe or MEPs such as Labour Michael Cashman. The project wants to go viral and reach European citzens and counter abstention. For the time being the video has been seen more than 42,900 times and the Facebook page has nearly 2,200 friends.

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Financial Crisis

The unemployment rate in the OECD zone up to 7.6% in February 2014

13 April 2014

The OECD published its harmonised unemployment figures on 9th April 2014. The unemployment rate in the OECD zone was up by 0.1%, to 7.6% in February 2014 after three consecutive months of decline. Hence 46 million people are now unemployed. In the euro zone the unemployment rate was stable at 11.9% in February for the fifth consecutive month. Unemployment was up by 0.2% in the Netherlands (7.3%), and by 0.1% in France (10.4%) and Italy (13%) whilst it had fallen in Spain (25.6%) and Austria (4.8%) and the Republic of Slovakia (13.9%). The unemployment rate was stable in Germany (5.1%).

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IMF Economic Perspectives

13 April 2014

On 8th April 2014 the IMF raised its growth forecast for the euro zone slightly for this year but warned of the danger of economic stagnation and deflation. In its initial economic forecasts the IMF is optimistic about growth of 1.2% in 2014 for the euro zone - instead of 1% in January - and an acceleration of this rate to 1.5% next year. Although the euro zone has succeeded in settling some problems that came with the crisis, the dangers are still there says the IMF. Amongst these are "weak recovery, inflation which is still below the target set by the European Central Bank and the financial fragmentation". Of all of these problems inflation is the "most worrying".

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Meeting of G20 Finance Ministers in Washington

14 April 2014

Just as the next summit of heads of State and government of the G20 will take place on 15th and 16th November 2014 in Brisbane, Australia, the G20 Finance Ministers met in Washington on the sidelines of the spring meetings organised by the IMF and the World Bank. During their meeting they committed to continuing work towards sustainable growth so that their growth strategy will include ambitious, realistic, real measures and to achieve strong, sustainable, balanced growth. These measures will include the creation of jobs and the fight to counter tax fraud and tax havens.

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World Trade Growth in 2014 and 2015

14 April 2014

WTO economists announced on 14th April 2014 that world trade was due to record modest growth of 4.7% in 2014 followed by a slight acceleration of 5.3% in 2015, after two years of stagnation.

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For better corporate governance

13 April 2014

On 9th April 2014, the European Commission issued a proposal amending Directive 2007/36/EC regarding the encouragement of long-term shareholder engagement and Directive 2013/34/EU regarding certain elements of the corporate governance statement. Against this background, the objective is to contribute to the long-term sustainability of EU companies, to create an attractive environment for shareholders and to enhance cross-border voting by improving the efficiency of the equity investment chain in order to contribute to growth, job creation and EU competitiveness.

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Creation of Support Group to Ukraine

13 April 2014

On 9th April 2014 the European Commission created a "Support Group" to Ukraine to coordinate the financial effort made by the Member States, external donors and the IMF. The "Support Group" has to "identify and coordinate with the Ukrainian authorities the aid they need to stabilise the economy and the political situation and to aid reform". The Support Group's work may be extended to Georgia and Moldova, which are due to sign an association agreement with the EU.

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First EU Transport Scoreboard

14 April 2014

0n 10th April 2014 the European Commission published its first EU scoreboard on transport. It compares Member State performance in 22 transport-related categories and highlights for most of these categories the five top and bottom performers. The Netherlands and Germany top the scoreboard with high scores in 11 categories, followed by Sweden, the UK and Denmark.

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Tough standards in the civil use of drones

13 April 2014

On 8th April 2014 the European Commission proposed to set tough new standards to regulate the civil use of drones (or "remotely piloted aircraft systems" - RPAS). The new standards will cover safety, security, privacy, data protection, insurance and liability. The aim is to allow European industry to become a global leader in the market for this emerging technology, while at the same time ensuring that all the necessary safeguards are in place.

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Agriculture Council: Ministers discuss the CAP, the fruit, vegetable and milk sectors

14 April 2014

On 14th April 2014, the 28 EU Ministers exchanged views on a report on the functioning of the fruit and vegetable sector since its reform in 2007. They discussed the legal base of the payment of a surplus tax that is due when quotas are exceeded. Moreover they progressed in terms of reforming the CAP as they accepted delegated regulations on the part of the Commission. They adopted directives on radio equipment in the internal market and on the widespread use of the electronic fragmentation in public procurement as part of the reform of the audit market. They also adopted a directive on fluorinated gases.

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Resumption of negotiations on the Iranian nuclear question in Vienna

14 April 2014

Following the resumption of negotiations on the Iranian nuclear question the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Catherine Ashton declared on 9th April 2014 that a third round of negotiations had just been completed; the aim is to come to an overall agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue as planned in the Joint Action Plan. The aim is still to bring positions together as close as possible in order to start the drafting of a final document during the next meeting planned for May.

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Ukrainian Crisis: new sanctions by the European Union

14 April 2014

On 14th April 2014 the 28 European Foreign Ministers devoted a major part of their work to the Ukrainian crisis. They condemned the action undertaken by armed individuals in the towns in Eastern Ukraine. Attempts to destabilise Ukraine must stop. They repeated their support to the unity, sovereignty, independence of Ukraine and to its territorial integrity. They invited Russia to do the same and for it to reject the most recent acts of lawlessness in the East of Ukraine and to help stabilise the situation. They firmly condemned the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sebastopol. Finally four more people were added to the list of pro-Russian Ukrainians sanctioned for the embezzlement of public funds. This list included 18 people to date - their assets have been frozen and the issue of visas has been restricted since the beginning of March.

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Court of Justice

Directive on dat archiving invalid

13 April 2014

On 8th April 2014 the European Court of Justice declared the directive on the archiving of data invalid. According to the court the directive comprises major interference and is particularly serious in terms of the fundamental rights of the respect of private life and the protection of personal data without this interference being kept to the strict minimum. The directive on archiving data aims to harmonise Member States' measures on archiving certain types of data generated and processed by communications service providers that are accessible to the public or public communication networks.

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Mercedes-Benz: the best month in history

14 April 2014

German car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz sold more cars than ever before in March 2014. In 158,523 vehicles were delivered to clients (+13.3%). "Since the start of the year we have recorded a monthly two-figure increase in sales rates," declared Ola Källenius, a member of Mercedes-Benz Cars executive board, responsible for sales. In Europe the company sold 76,587 vehicles in March (+7,6%) ; the UK was the main growth driver (+19.8%). In Germany, Mercedes-Benz, sold 25,544 cars and was again the top of the range name with the greatest number of vehicles being sent out on the road (+1.0%).

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The German government presents a balanced budget

13 April 2014

The German government presented a balanced structural budget to the Bundestag on 8th April 2014. Next year Berlin hopes to be able to do without any further debt emissions - a first since 1969. Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble explained to the Bundestag - "We do not want to be top of the class but we think that it isn't bad if we stick to the rules that we've been given. We shall not create a climate of confidence in Europe if we continually infringe the rules."

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Reform of the renewable energy bill

13 April 2014

The German Council of Ministers adopted an indepth reform of the bill on renewable energies on 8th April 2014. It aims to improve the planning of the energy revolution and to stabilise electricity prices. In the aim of integrating renewable energies to the market the reform will also lead to the obligatory direct marketing of green electricity produced by new installations. The project plans for green energies in Germany to produce between 40 and 45% of all electricity used by 2025 and between 55 and 60% by 2035.

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Angela Merkel visits Greece

14 April 2014

German Chancellor Angela Merkel travelled to Greece on 11th April to provide her support to Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras in his programme of reform, whilst the Troika welcomed the progress made by the country to reduce its deficit. During their press conference Antonis Samaras and Angela Merkel stressed how much progress Greece had made since the summer of 2012 indicating the return of significant confidence to the financial markets. Accompanied by young entrepreneurs Angela Merkel stressed the major impact that German SME investment has had in Greece. The Chancellor highlighted the fact that the country was still not out of the crisis and that work had to continue. Finally she lauded the work undertaken by the Greek government in terms of its work during the Presidency of the European Union - one achievement of which has been the completion of negotiations for the introduction of Banking Union.

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A woman heads the Central Bank of Cyprus

14 April 2014

Chrystalla Georghadji took office on 10th April 2014 as the head of the Central Bank of Cyprus thereby becoming the first woman to occupy this type of post in the euro zone. She has the heavy task of bringing her country's banks out of the crisis. On the verge of bankruptcy due to the high exposure of its banks to the Greek debt the country achieved a loan of 10 billion euros in March 2013 as part of a European bail-out. Ms Georghadji, 58, has distinguished herself as a general auditor responsible for monitoring public spending since 1998, by her reports that have denounced the waste and corruption on the part of public organisations. She takes over from Panicos Demetriades who resigned after he was severely criticised for his management of the financial crisis. "I am aware that people, like capital, are leaving Cyprus," she declared during her investiture, saying that "in the extreme economic conditions which the country is facing she shared the "feeling of insecurity and mistrust that businesses and households experience on a daily basis."

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Rejection of the referendum on Catalonia's independence

14 April 2014

Spanish MPs debated the project to hold a referendum in Catalonia on 9th November 2014 on the region's independence. After seven hours of debate MPs rejected this request 299 votes against, 47 in support and one abstention.

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New Legislation on fisheries

14 April 2014

The Spanish government announced on 11th April 2014 that it was introducing new legislation on patents and maritime fishing. The aim is to improve the situation of the socio-economic sector of fishing and aquaculture and to counter illegal fishing. The Agriculture Minister Miguel Arias Canete explained that the new legislation would strengthen the infractions/sanctions system to monitor the import of fishing products and to guarantee the sustainability of the sector. This new legislation also promotes the economic diversification of fishing and the aquaculture sector to "boost fishing zones".

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General policy declaration by Manuel Valls to the National Assembly

13 April 2014

Appointed on 1st April 2014, Prime Minister Manuel Valls gave his general policy declaration to the National Assembly on 8th April in order to gain parliament's confidence. During his speech Manuel Valls announced several fiscal measures; he also announced the reduction of the public deficit and measures in terms of energy and also in the realm of national education and the administrative division of the French territories. The National Assembly gave its confidence, 306 votes in support 239 against and 26 abstentions. On 9th April the government was strengthened with the appointment of 14 Secretaries of State including Harlem Désir, former First Secretary of the Socialist Party, who was appointed to European Affairs.

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Historical Visit by the Irish President to London

14 April 2014

The Irish president Michael D. Higgins travelled to London for an official, four-day visit from 8th to 11th April 2014. This was the first visit by an Irish head of State following Queen Elisabeth II's journey to Ireland in May 2011. This meeting provided an opportunity to promote the close relationship between the two countries, whilst healing the wounds caused by the conflict in Northern Ireland. On 9th April, President Higgins met Prime Minister David Cameron to discuss bilateral relations between their two countries and their future cooperation.

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Adoption of a financial and economic programme for the next three years

13 April 2014

On the proposal of Head of government Matteo Renzi and Economy and Finance Minister Pietro Carlo Padoan, the government adopted a Economic and Financial Programming Document on 8th April 2014. This document illustrates a real initiative that embodies the country's pro-active commitment to undertaking economic structural reform which aims to stimulate growth and employment. This document comprises three parts: a stability programme, a national reform programme and public finance. According to this programme the deficit is not due to be over 2.6% of the GDP at the end of the year before returning to 1.8% in 2015.

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The town of Slupsk - winner of the Europe 2014 Prize

14 April 2014

The Europe Prize 2014 - is given yearly by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to the town that ensures the promotion of the European ideal in particularly active manner. This year it went to the town of Slupsk in Poland. The town indeed played a pioneering role in terms of international cooperation by signing in 1988 a tripartite agreement with Carlisle and Flensburg which led to the exchange of experience in the area of local autonomy. PACE's Social, Healthcare and Sustainable Development Committee also stressed that many activities that the town had developed are not just restricted to local administration but also addressed its inhabitants particularly young people, organisations, foundations and cultural and educational institutions.

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Scottish National Party Conference -SNP

14 April 2014

The Scottish National Party (SNP) held its spring conference in Aberdeen on 11th and 12th April 2014. The meeting provided Scottish Prime Minister Alex Salmond with an opportunity to recall his party's commitment to Scotland's independence, which he links to a wider movement than partisan politics, disassociating the vote from internal political stakes saying that a vote in support of the "yes" was not a vote for the SNP in 2016." Concerning the electorate the race is still tight according to polls between the supporters of independence and those for the upkeep of Scotland in the UK.

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New Ministers in the UK

14 April 2014

Following changes to the British cabinet linked amongst other things to the resignation of the Culture Minister new ministers are now making their debut in government. Isajid Javid is the new Minister of State for Culture, Media and Sport and Equality Minister; Nicky Morgan Financial Secretary to the Treasury and Women's Minister was also appointed to the Most Honourable Privy Council of the Queen and Andrea Leadsom, Economic Secretary to the Treasury.

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NATO warns Russia in the Ukrainian Crisis

14 April 2014

Whilst Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Anders Fogh Rasmussen was visiting the Czech Republic on 10th April where he met the new Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka he warned Russia against any further action that threatened to breach the territorial sovereignty of Ukraine. According to Anders Fogh Rasmussen Russia must stop accusing others for acts that it is committing and put an end to the present escalation. During his meeting with Mr Sobotka Mr Rasmussen also recalled that NATO's commitment to collective security was unshakeable and that the Alliance was taking legitimate steps to counter the instability caused by Russia's illegitimate action.

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Peak in tension in the East of Ukraine: potentially a generalised armed conflict?

14 April 2014

On 12th April 2014 the Ukrainian government denounced a "Russian" attack after a series of assaults by armed pro-Russian groups against towns in the East of the country which is under the threat of collapsing more than ever before. In the face of these attacks the Ukrainian government announced on 13th April that it had launched an "anti-terrorist" operation to take back the town of Slaviansk. Moscow responded by demanding the authorities in Kiev to stop "the war against its own people". Finally, in a last vain bid on 13th April the UN and the EU called for "de-escalation". Catherine Ashton, the head of European diplomacy repeated the EU's support to Ukraine. Interim President Oleksander Turchnyov spoke on 14th April of the possibility of organising a referendum on the status of the country at the same time as the presidential election on 25th May.

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Council of Europe

Suspension of Russia's voting rights

13 April 2014

On 10th April 2014 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe suspended the voting rights of the 18 Russian members until the end of 2014 as a sanction against the annexation of Crimea by Russia. In a resolution adopted 145 votes in support, 21 against and 22 abstentions after three hours of debate, the Assembly maintained that the military occupation of Ukrainian territory, the threat of military intervention, the acknowledgement of the illegal referendum and the annexation of Crimea 'are undeniably a serious infringements of international law."

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UN gives the greenlight for the deployment of 12,000 Blue Berets in Central Africa

13 April 2014

The UN Security Council gave the greenlight on 10th April 2014 for the deployment of around 12,000 Blue Berets in Central African Republic (CAR), in a bid to make safe a country that has been in a state of anarchy and violence for a year. According to the terms of the resolution adopted unanimously, according to a French proposal, these 10,000 soldiers and 1,800 policemen will make up the MINUSCA - Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in CAR. In five month's time they will take over from the 6,000 soldiers from the African army MISCA in situ alongside 2000 French soldiers. Europeans have also promised 800 men. The "transfer of authority" between MISCA and MINUSCA, ie the effective deployment of the Blue Berets has been set for 15th September and the initial mandate for this new short mission runs until 30th April 2015.

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1.4% reduction in housing prices in the euro zone

14 April 2014

According to estimates published by Eurostat on 10th April 2014, for the fourth quarter in 2013, in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2012, there has been a 1.4% decline in housing prices in the euro zone and a decline of 0.1% in the EU. In comparison with the third quarter of 2013 housing prices declined in the fourth quarter by 0.7% in the euro zone and by 0.3% in the EU.

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37% rise in young graduates in higher education

14 April 2014

According to figures published by Eurostat on 11th April 2014 the share of young graduates in higher education increased to 37% and the rate of early school dropout has decreased to 12%. A constant increase in the share of people aged 30 to 34 who have completed higher education has been observed in the EU rising from 24% in 2002 to 37% in 2013. The aim of Europe 2020 is to increase the share of people holding a higher education diploma to at least 40% of the population in this age bracket in the Union by 2020.

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The European Central Bank's Annual Report

13 April 2014

The Annual Report, released on 7th April 2014, describes the activities of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and reports on the Eurosystem's monetary policy of the previous year. It was presented to the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and the European Council by ECB Vice President, Vitor Constancio. The report is divided into different chapters dealing with: economic developments and monetary policy, ECB operations and activities, entry of Latvia in the eurozone, European and international issues, external communication and accountability, and the institutional framework.

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Limiting global warming

14 April 2014

The intergovernmental panel on climate change published a press release on 13th April 2014 which noted an acceleration in greenhouse gases between 2000 and 2010 in spite of the effort undertaken to limit them. The results of their study are detailed in a report entitled "Climate Change 2014: attenuating climate change" which is the third in a series of reports established by work groups on the panel. According to researchers the greatest stake in slowing climate change is to succeed in dissociating greenhouse gas emissions from economy and population growth.

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Report on the application of the Fundamental Rights Charter

14 April 2014

According to the fourth annual report on the application of the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights that the European Commission published on 14th April 2014 the Charter is continuing to rise in terms of its importance and visibility. Indeed the EU's Court of Justice is implementing it increasingly in its decisions whilst national judges are increasingly aware of its scope and ask for the advice of the Court of Justice on this text. The European Commission has tried to make this Charter a reality by taking measures that are designed to promote and defend the rights that the Charter grants to the Union's citizens.

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Reductions of world military spending

14 April 2014

According to figures published on 14th April 2014 by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri) world military spending totalled 1,750 billion dollars in 2013 ie a decline of 1.9% in real terms since 2012.

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Launch of the on-line review Eutopia

14 April 2014

Seuil Editions, together with Editorial Debate (Spain), Fischer Verlag (Germany) and Laterza (Italy) have launched an on-line multilingual review called "Eutopia" which aims to "put Europe at the heart of intellectual debate". The publication will focus on a monthly issue devoted to one of the most topical issues in Europe; the first edition will be on immigration. An area for dialogue will provide space for philosophers and historians to express themselves; interviews with "New Europeans" will be published as well as studies on the memory of Europe. The publishing houses involved are open to new members in order to bring life to the project.

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"Matisse: cut outs"

14 April 2014

From 17th April 2014 to 7th September the Tate Modern in London is devoting an exhibition to artist Henri Matisse and his "cut outs". This is the biggest exhibition of Matisse cut-outs - a process that was invented by the French artist at the end of his life. The exhibition brings together some 120 pieces of work from the world over - museums and private collections. Amongst the work on show are several Blue Nudes, the emblematic work by Matisse (1869-1954).

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The Infinite White Abyss: Kandinsky, Malevich and Mondrian.

13 April 2014

The North Rhine Westphalia Collection is running an exhibition at the Museum K20 in Düsseldorf on the theme of the white surface in the works of Wassily Kandinsky, Kasimir Malewich and Piet Mondrian. For these avant-garde painters not only was white a part of their palette of colours but it was also a symbol of the future. The three famous artists saw a development in abstract art towards higher spirituality and a new order in society. The exhibition is on until 6th July 2014.

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Easter Festival - Aix-en-Provence

14 April 2014

The town of Aix-en-Provence is hosting an Easter Festival until 27th April for the second year running. It is an ambitious, demanding event devoted to classical music, designed for both music lovers and newcomers. From the Philharmonic Orchestra of Vienna to the Quatuor Tetzlaff, and the incredible cellist Yo-Yo Ma, Ophélie Gaillard and the Philharmonic of Radio France - the best groups and musicians will be performing.

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Easter Festival - Baden-Baden

14 April 2014

Until 21st April 2014 some of the biggest names in classical music will be in Baden-Baden at the heart of the Black Forest for the annual Easter Festival. On the programme this year - the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra under Sir Simon Rattle with two performances: "Manon Lescaut" by Puccini, a co-production with the Metropolitan Opera of New York and "St Jean Passion" by Bach under Peter Sellars.

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Easter Festival - Salzbourg

14 April 2014

The Easter Festival of Salzbourg is taking place until 21st April 2014. In his capacity as artistic director Thielemann has placed Richard Strauss and his opera "Arabella" at the heart of the festival. Mozart's "Requiem" together with Strauss's "Metamorphosen" will be on the programme. This concert will be performed on the anniversary of the death of the festival's founder Herbert von Karajan. Strauss's operas, "Don Juan" and "Don Quichotte" and the first of the "Four last songs" and the "Malven" by Strauss will also be on the programme.

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Alexandria the Divine

14 April 2014

Alexandria was the first megapole in history founded by Alexander the Great. It became the world's first ever universal capital. The Bodmer Foundation has brought together manuscripts and unique objects that tell the city's story, as well as that of its founder, the symbols of an encounter between East and West - the exhibition is running until 31st August 2014.

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14th April

General Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

les 14th-17th April

Plenary session - European Parliament (Strasbourg)

14th April

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Luxembourg)

14th & 15th April

Foreign Affairs Council extended to Defence (15th) (Luxembourg)

17th April

Four party meeting on Ukraine (EU, USA, Russia and Ukraine) (Geneva)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Charles de Marcilly ,Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison, Jelena Isailovic, Marine Le Lann, Salomé Larcher

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Schuman Report 2014; Ukraine/Tension; App/Elections/EU; G20/IMF/WTO; UN/Central ...


The Newsletter n°621- version of 14 avr. 2014