The Newsletter n°612 — 10 févr. 2014
La Lettre
Michel Foucher
10 February 2014
Further budgetary austerity measures in Portugal
10 February 2014
IMF and European Commission conclusions after their visit to Romania
9 February 2014
Annual Inflation at 1.6% in December 2013
9 February 2014
No deflation in the euro zone
9 February 2014
Ukraine: the Central Bank reduces its official exchange rate
10 February 2014
Bank of England maintains its rate at 0.5%
10 February 2014
Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council : Ukraine, Central Africa, Cuba
10 February 2014
The Fight to Counter Climate Change
9 February 2014
Stepping up air passenger rights
9 February 2014
Better working conditions for seasonal workers
10 February 2014
Less red tape for citizens moving to another EU state
9 February 2014
Support to copyright
9 February 2014
Bank resolution mechanism: MEPs support their representatives
10 February 2014
Stricter labelling rules regarding the origins of meat
10 February 2014
SEPA: MEPs adopt an additional transitional period
9 February 2014
Joint Press Conference between Turkish Prime Minister and German Chancellor
10 February 2014
Strengthening competitiveness and creating more jobs in Europe
9 February 2014
The German Defence Minister visits Mali
9 February 2014
The German Constitutional Court grants arbitration to the European Court of Justice
9 February 2014
Record trade surplus in Germany
10 February 2014
New talks in view of reunifying the island
9 February 2014
Government reshuffle
10 February 2014
Suspension of work to widen the Panama Canal
10 February 2014
Meeting between François Hollande and Erna Solberg
10 February 2014
Giorgio Napolitano advocates a political Europe to end the crisis
9 February 2014
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite stands again in the presidential election
9 February 2014
Visit by Dalia Grybauskaite in Germany
10 February 2014
David Cameron exhorts Scotland to remain in the UK
9 February 2014
The Swiss vote "yes" to limiting immigration
10 February 2014
Opponent Dmytro Bulatov, a sad symbol of bloody repression in Ukraine
10 February 2014
Poland seeks a European compromise in Ukraine
10 February 2014
Ukraine: MEPs ask for targeted measures
10 February 2014
The EU re-iterates that it wants to sign an association agreement with Kiev
10 February 2014
Public Deficit: 3.1% in the euro zone and 3.5% in the EU
9 February 2014
Europeans and Corruption
9 February 2014
2013, the sixth hottest year since 1850
9 February 2014
The Military Balance 2014
9 February 2014
Publication of the first EU anti-corruption report
9 February 2014
The European Centre to counter Cybercrime is one year old
10 February 2014
Report on Imprisonment
10 February 2014
To counter downloading - let's widen the range of films on offer
9 February 2014
In Leipzig the Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy House has been renovated
9 February 2014
Félix Vallotton: fire beneath the ice
10 February 2014
Exhibition on artistic relations maintained by Berlin and Vienna
10 February 2014
From Matisse to the Blue Rider - Expressionism in Germany and France
10 February 2014
Richard Deacon Exhibition at the Tate Britain in London
10 February 2014
10th February
Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)
11th February
General Affairs Council (Brussels)
17th February
Agricultural and Fisheries Council (Brussels)
17th February
Meeting of Euro Zone Finance Ministers (Eurogroup) (Brussels)
18th February
Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Brussels)
Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0
Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy
De Gasperi-Schuman: the origins of the European Project
Between the Baltic and the Balkans, the new geopolitics of gas
The role of local communities in European policies.
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Charles de Marcilly ,Antonello Cadinu, Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison, Salomé Larcher, Jelena Isailovic, Victoria de Posson
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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