The Newsletter6113 févr. 2014

La Lettre

Corinne Balleix

3 February 2014

After the dramatic events in Lampedusa and in view of the post-Stockholm programme EU cooperation with third countries will emphasise strengthening third countries' borders and the processing of asylum requests outside of Europe via the externalisation of European procedures or the regional protection programme. The place granted to resettlement programmes or to the development of humanitarian visas does not seem quite as certain.

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Front page!

2014, a European Year

3 February 2014

Robert Schuman Foundation chairman Jean-Dominique Giuliani published an editorial on his site entitled "2014, a European Year" in which he reviews the results of past years. This year will notably see the election of new faces to the European institutions (Parliament, Commission, Presidency of the European Council, and the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy. Jean-Dominique Giuliani believes that to overcome the crisis "which is not yet over" it will be necessary to accept indepth revision of European institutional practices."

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Foundation in the think-tank ranking of those with highest social network profile

3 February 2014

The Robert Schuman Foundation has been classed in the ranking established by the Marco Recorder blog on Brussels think-tanks as having one of the highest profiles on the social network. The Foundation (@robert_schuman) features 10th in number of Twitter followers. Thank you for following us!

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Financial Crisis

Spain recovers growth

3 February 2014

The Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE) published its provisional growth forecast on 30th January 2014 for 2013. It notably indicates that Spain experienced GDP growth of 0.3% in the last quarter of 2013 which has helped the country emerge from recession. Over the entire year the figure contracted by 1.2%. These figures will be confirmed by the INE in a report in February.

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1.9% growth in the UK in 2013

3 February 2014

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) announced in a report on 28th January 2013 that the British economy had grown in the fourth quarter of 2013 by 0.7% in comparison with the third quarter of the same year. At the end of 2013 the country's GDP was more than 2.8% higher in comparison with the last quarter of 2012. The ONS believes that the GDP grew by 1.9% in 2013 - a record for the British economy since the economic crisis in 2008. This is over the British government's forecasts which had been up for December 2013.

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Consolidating euro zone growth

3 February 2014

On 27th January 2014 Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem confirmed that the euro zone was gradually emerging from the crisis and that economic recovery was consolidating. He also welcomed Latvia which had become a regular member since the adoption of the euro on 1st January 2014. Regarding Portugal the programme is still on course whilst in Greece work has to continue. In Spain the financial sector programme ended successfully on 22nd January 2014 but the pace of reform had to continue. The Eurogroup's priorities for the months to come are to encourage structural reform in order strengthen sustainable growth and complete Banking Union. Finally Jeroen Dijsselbloem said he believed that he did not fear the spread of financial turbulence encountered by the emerging economies to the euro zone.

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No reversal of the unemployment curve in France

3 February 2014

On 27th January 2014 the French Employment Ministry published the latest unemployment figures for 2013. It is revealed that the reversal of the unemployment curve, which had been one of President Hollande's priorities has not occurred. Although the number of job seekers was lower in 2013 than in 2012 and although the ministry indicates an almost "stable situation" as far as the unemployment figures are concerned France still hasn't settled its employment problem.

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European Citizens' voting rights abroad

3 February 2014

On 29th January 2014 the European Commission published recommendations for the Union's Member States (Denmark, Ireland, Cyprus, Malta and the UK) which have a regulation depriving some of their residents from voting in the national elections because they live in another Member State. According to the Commission practices like this affect the right to free movement even if according to the treaties the Member States can choose who can take part in national elections or not. These measures are also contrary to the principle of European citizenship which aims to grant European citizens more rights and not to withdraw them.

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Improving the resilience of credit establishments

3 February 2014

On 29th January 2014 the European Commission put forward new rules that aim to prevent major banks dealing on own account in high risk markets. Moreover thanks to this legislation the supervisory authorities would be able to make banks separate their activities in terms of deposits and trading which are deemed risky if they compromise financial stability. At the same time the Commission adopted measures to increase the transparency of several transactions in the parallel banking sector.

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Confidence in the economy up in January 2014

3 February 2014

On 30th January 2014 the European Commission said that the economic sentiment indicator was up by 0.5 points in the euro zone in comparison with the previous month (December 2013) and totalled 100.9 points. The EU's sentiment indicator also rose (+0.9 points) to lie at 104.7 points. Confidence has grown in two the five main euro zone economies ie Germany (+0.7) and in France (+1.1) whilst it has remained unchanged in Spain and Italy. However it worsened in the Netherlands (-1 point).

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"Eat well to feel well"

3 February 2014

On 30th January 2014 the European Commission suggested bringing two programmes designed for schools under one banner, ie the programmes in support of the consumption of fruit and milk. The aim is to counter poor eating habits as well as obesity. The Commission is suggesting emphasis be placed on educational measures in order to raise children's awareness of healthy eating habits, the consumption of agricultural products as well as issues related to sustainability, the environment and food waste.

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6.5 billion euro to finance the new common fishing policy

3 February 2014

The representatives of the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission decided on 28th January 2014 to grant 6.5 billion euro to finance the new common fisheries policy. This agreement establishes the distribution of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) enabling the implementation of the new common fisheries policy for 2014-2020.

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EU-Russian Summit

3 February 2014

On 28th January 2014 during the EU/Russia Summit the President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy stressed that the Eastern Partnership was not contrary to Russian interests. This European policy aimed to create a more stable economic and institutional environment for better access to the market and increased trade relations which would create new opportunities for all including Russian companies. Moreover he encouraged the signature of association agreements with Moldova and Georgia. The Union said it was ready to sign the association agreement with Ukraine if Kiev returned to the path of democracy in which the freedom of expression and assembly were guaranteed. Finally the EU and Russia committed to developing their strategic partnership in the fight to counter terrorism.

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New rules on noise pollution in airports

3 February 2014

On 29th January 2014 the EU's Member States adopted a compromise that was reached between the Council and the European Parliament which harmonises the rules defining operating restrictions in order to limit noise pollution. The agreement aims to find a happy medium between citizens' quality of life in terms of protection against noise and the need for air transport.

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Mortgage loans and Croatian deficit

3 February 2014

On January 28th 2014 the EU's 28 Economy and Finance Ministers adopted a decision on Croatia's excessive deficit, as well as recommendations to put an end to this. Moreover they adopted a directive to create a single market for mortgage loans, in the wake of the agreement achieved with the European Parliament. Finally the Greek Presidency presented its programme regarding economic and financial affairs for the next six months and the European Central Bank informed ministers of the implementation of the single supervisory mechanism.

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Ivica Dacic and Hashim Thaçi meet Catherine Ashton

3 February 2014

On 27th January 2014 the Serb and Kosovar Prime Ministers Ivica Dacic and Hashim Thaçi met EU High Representative Catherine Ashton to continue work to normalise Serbo-Kosovar relations as agreed in April 2013. They discussed parliamentary elections and local Serb elections that will take place on 16th March 2014. Finally the next meeting has been planned for 12th February 2014.

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End of Geneva II Conference on Syria

3 February 2014

On 31st January 2014 the Geneva II Conference in Montreux, Switzerland came to an end after ten days of negotiations. Syrian leaders and those from the opposition agreed with the Joint Special Envoy sent by the UN and the Arab League, Lakdhar Brahimi on the date of the next round of talks. Mr Brahimi declared during a press conference that limited but acceptable progress had been made in the negotiations. Some points of agreement had been identified and might be used as a base for the next time, which is due to begin on 10th February. The UN's Deputy Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs declared that she was disappointed by the negotiations and that she was concerned about the disastrous humanitarian situation in the country.

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Quartet Meeting

3 February 2014

On 1st February 2014 the representatives of the UN, Russia, US and the EU met as part of the Quartet which is aiming to establish peace in the Near East. The meeting focused on the way the Quartet could support the US in the peace process in Israel and Palestine. Following this meeting Catherine Ashton, the High Representative for the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy stressed the importance of the work already accomplished on the part of the Israeli and Palestinian authorities. She also recalled the EU's support to the peace process between Israel and Palestine.

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Angela Merkel presents her policy to the Bundestag

3 February 2014

On 29th January 2014 German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered her first speech to the government as head of the grand coalition. She set out the main lines of her policy for over one hour: budgetary discipline, investments for the future, strengthening social cohesion, responsibility in the European and world arenas. From a European point of view the Chancellor hopes to step up economic cooperation. Angela Merkel also advocated greater commitment by Germany in Africa alongside other European countries.

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50th Conference on Security in Munich

3 February 2014

During the 50th Munich Security Conference on 31st January-2nd February 2014 the US and the EU called for greater transatlantic cooperation deemed vital to rise to multiple challenges, from Ukraine to Syria, "that cannot be solved by one country alone". At a time when the strategic pivot started by Washington towards Asia is leading to fears of Europe being neglected, Secretary of State John Kerry and his Defence counterpart, Chuck Hagel attended the Security Conference with a message: the West's prosperity and security cannot be divided.

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Telephone conversation between Ms Merkel and Mr Putin

3 February 2014

On 29th January 2014 Russian President V. Putin had a telephone conversation with German Chancellor A. Merkel. They exchanged views over the state of bilateral relations between the two countries especially in view of the 15th round of Russian-German talks which will take place in Germany in April. At the heart of debate also featured Syria and Ukraine. Regarding Damas both countries committed to finding a solution to the crisis as part of the Geneva process. Regarding Ukraine Berlin and Moscow stressed the need to avoid "external" interventions in the internal crisis.

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OECD Report on France: "Working better with Age"

3 February 2014

On 30th January 2014 OECD presented its report on ageing and employment policies in France. It concludes that "France must do more to promote quality work for senior citizens." The transition from employment to retirement is earlier in France than in other OECD countries. The international organisation is encouraging France to counter discrimination to make conventional dismissal harder to undertake against senior workers, to strengthen the employment agency's role in supporting senior citizens, to include the seniors' needs in the supply of professional training and to foster professional reconversion.

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State Visit by François Holland to Turkey

3 February 2014

French President François Hollande undertook a State visit to Turkey on 27th and 28th January 2014. He met Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkish President Abdullah Gül. François Hollande stressed that Turkey should still show that it could respect the democratic principles of the rule of law, independence of the judiciary and human rights - all issues which are disrupting the country at present. President Abdullah Gül re-iterated that the EU was still Turkey's strategic goal and work was being done to take negotiations forward.

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Franco-German Economic and Financial Council

3 February 2014

On 27th January 2014 the 46th Franco-German Economic and Financial Council took place in Paris, together with the French Economic and Finance Minister, Pierre Moscovici, German Ministers Sigmar Gabriel and Wolfgang Schäuble, leaders of the central banks, Christian Noyer and Jens Weidmann. The Council meets four times a year and aims to strengthen economic and financial cooperation between France and Germany. Lauding the EU's work participants agreed to continue European strategies in terms of growth, employment and banking supervision. They stressed it was a priority to come to a final agreement on the Single Resolution Mechanism. France and Germany also committed to creating a common measure regarding the financial transaction tax.

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The Visegrad group announces closer cooperation with Ukrainian civil society

3 February 2014

On 29th January 2014 the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad group (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic) met in Budapest to discuss the Ukrainian crisis. In the final press release they showed their concern about the situation in Kiev calling for an immediate halt to the violence. They called on the political parties in government, on the opposition and demonstrators to "maintain a stable, democratic and united Ukraine". They said they wanted to finance support projects for civil society in Ukraine via the "International Visegrad Fund". Finally they asked for a strengthening of the Erasmus + programme so that Ukrainian students could study in the EU's member states.

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E. Letta presents the priorities of the future Italian presidency of the Council of the European Union in Brussels

3 February 2014

On 29th January 2014 the President of the Italian Council Enrico Letta met the President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy and the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso in Brussels. The head of the Italian government announced that he intended to organise in Rome in July a European Council devoted to youth unemployment. He also insisted on the work undertaken by his government to re-balance Italy's accounts.

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18th Italian-Spanish Summit in Rome

3 February 2014

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy travelled to Rome on 27th January 2014 to meet his Italian counterpart Enrico Letta on the occasion of the 18th Italian-Spanish Summit. The two heads of government stressed the importance of completing European Banking Union before the end of this year in order to reduce the fracture of the European financial markets. Enrico Letta highlighted the European elections which will provide the new legislature with an opportunity to focus more on growth issues. The two men stressed the similarities of their economies and pointed out that their economic policies focused on reversing the unemployment curve and reviving the economy via growth some signs of which were seen at the end of 2013.

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Launch of new group "Fiat Chrysler Automobiles"

3 February 2014

On 29th January 2014 Fiat's Executive Board gave the go-ahead for the reorganisation of the group with the launch of a new holding "Fiat Chrysler Automobiles" (FCA). The new group is the 7th biggest car manufacturer in the world. The new company's HQ will be in the Netherlands and its shares will be floated in Milan and New York. According to the press release by the Fiat SpA board the company's new programme will be presented in May 2014.

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Polish diplomacy on the front line in the Ukrainian crisis

3 February 2014

On 30th January 2014 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk met the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso in Brussels. They explained it was necessary for all violence to stop in Ukraine so that the situation could stabilise. For his part Mr Barroso recalled that Poland was an important model for transition towards democracy and integration in the EU. On the same day Mr Tusk also met French President François Hollande in Paris. They agreed on the need for a common European position on the Ukrainian crisis. On 31st January Mr Tusk travelled to Berlin where he met Chancellor Merkel. They expressed their support to the opposition calling for a peaceful solution to the crisis.

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Czech Republic

New Czech Government

3 February 2014

Czech President Milos Zeman appointed the government of Bohuslav Sobotka on 29th January 2014 with a programme focused on growth and job creation. This appointment brings a long political crisis to an end. It was originally caused by a series of corruption scandals. This government comprises eight ministers from the Social Democratic Party (CSSD), six members from the ANO movement and three Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL). Three ministerial posts have been given to women. Lubomir Zaoralek (CSSD) has been given the Foreign Affairs portfolio. Martin Stropnicky (ANO) has been appointed Defence minister. The Finance Ministry has been given to ANO leader Andrej Babis. The three parties have a 111 seat majority out of a total 200 in the lower Chamber; a confidence vote will take place on 18th February 2014.

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The UK toughens its policy towards immigrants

3 February 2014

Whilst Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg announced on 29th January 2014 that the UK was going to host the "most vulnerable" Syrian refugees to honour the British tradition of support to populations in difficulty the lower chamber of Parliament voted on third reading a draft bill that aims to toughen up access conditions to the UK for immigrants outside of the EU. The draft aims to limit access to services, installations, to the labour market and reviews marriage laws with people from other countries. The draft bill will now be sent to the House of Lords for discussion. The draft was tabled by Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron's government in October 2013.

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Franco-British Summit

3 February 2014

On 31st January 2014 the French President François Hollande travelled to the UK for the Franco-British Summit. He met Prime Minister David Cameron. The two men signed a common declaration stipulating their commitment towards safe nuclear energy and the opportunities for trade in terms of climate and energy. They also said that they wanted to step up cooperation between the two countries in terms of defence. However European issues revealed differences in opinion between the two States.

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International Mediation to settle the Ukranian crisis?

3 February 2014

Just hours before the arrival of the EU's head of diplomacy, Catherine Ashton in Ukraine on 4th February 2014, the Ukrainian President declared that he was prepared to hold early general and presidential elections to put an end to the political crisis. Following many demands from the opposition for international mediation the American State Department's spokesperson, Jennifer Psaki declared on 3rd February that the US had talked with the EU of possible financial aid to the Ukraine. This hypothesis of American and European support to Kiev would "be made after the formation of a technical government and when the country returned to the path of economic recovery with the help of the IMF, explained the spokesperson. On the same day the Ukrainian parliament started talks about a possible revision of the Constitution. It might review the 2004 text and reduce the President's powers to the benefit of the Prime Minister. On 28th January Prime Minister Mykola Azarov resigned and Parliament repealed the anti-freedom laws approved on 16th January. On 29th January parliament approved a bill guaranteeing an amnesty for imprisoned demonstrators on condition that opponents agree to evacuate occupied public buildings. The amnesty and the anti-freedom laws were signed on 31st January by President Viktor Yanukovich.

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Council of Europe

A new president for the Parliamentary Assembly

3 February 2014

MP Anne Brasseur, former Minister and former President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg was elected on 27th January 2014 by an absolute majority, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). She succeeds French MP Jean-Claude Mignon whose two year mandate has come to an end. The latter is the official candidate for the post of Secretary General of the Council of Europe standing against the present Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland and Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger former Justice Minister in the governments of Angela Merkel and Helmut Kohl, who are also running for election.

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Greater efficacy for the European Court of Human Rights

3 February 2014

On 30th January 2014 the President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Dean Spielmann gave an annual press conference to present the activity report 2013. He highlighted the ECHR's good results notably in terms of efficacy : the number of pending cases in 2013 had dropped below the symbolic level of 100,000 cases (99,900 in 2013) whilst it lay at 160,000 in September 2011. The president also listed the States which were the source of most cases: Russia, Italy and Ukraine. Turkey moved from second to fifth place. The ECHR can be referred to by 800 million inhabitants of the 47 Members of the Council of Europe for the infringement of the European Convention of Human Rights.

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EUFOR CAR under the UN

3 February 2014

The EU's Political and Security Committee confirmed on 28th January 2014 the appointment of the French Division General Philippe Pontiès as commander of the military operation in Central African Republic. Indeed on 20th January 2014 the Union's Foreign Ministers approved the launch of an EU military mission in Central Africa in support of the French and African Forces. Moreover the UN's Security Council gave a unanimous greenlight to the European forces in Central Africa which will be under the mandate of the UN.

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2.6 billion nights spent in tourist accommodation in the EU in 2013

3 February 2014

On 29th January 2014 Eurostat indicated that the number of nights spent in tourist accommodation in the EU totalled 2.6 billion ie an increase of 1.6% in comparison with 2012. Since 2003 this figure has continued to rise except in 2008 and 2009 because of the financial crisis. A new record has been achieved yearly since 2010. France remains in the leads in terms of destination with 405 million nights (+1.1%) ahead of Spain (387 million, +1.0%), Italy (363 million, -4.6%), Germany (355 million, +1.3%) and the UK (320 million, +6.5%).

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Unemployment at 12% in the euro zone and 10.7% in the EU

3 February 2014

On 31st January 2014 Eurostat indicated that the unemployment rate lay at 12% in the euro zone and at 10.7% in the EU, in December 2013. This represents 26,200 million men and women in the EU, 19,010 million of whom are in the euro zone. The most fragile countries are Greece (27.8% in October 2013) and Spain (25.8%). However the countries with the lowest levels are Austria (4.9%), Germany (5.1%) and Luxembourg (6.2%).

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0.7% inflation in the euro zone

3 February 2014

On 31st January 2014 Eurostat indicated that inflation in the euro zone was down in January 2014 lying at 0.7% instead of 0.8% the previous month. The main elements comprising inflation are food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco with an annual rate of 1.7%, services 1.1%, industrial goods (energy apart) 0.2% and energy -1.2%.

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Germany divided - revival of German art in the post-war period

3 February 2014

The British Museum will be inaugurating an exhibition devoted to German art in the post war period from 6th February 2014 to 31st August. Entitled "Germany Divided - Baselitz and his generation", the exhibition will be presenting over 90 canvases and photos exploring how six key artists in the post war period redefined German art on both sides of the Iron Curtain. The work on show comes from the Duerckheim Collection.

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Cezanne Exhibition at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

3 February 2014

The Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum will be showing a selection of works by Paul Cézanne (1839-1906) from 4th February to 18th May 2014. These paintings were created in the last two years of the artist's life in 1905 and 1906. It is the first time in 30 years that a Spanish museum has exhibited Paul Cézanne's work. He is deemed to be the father of modern art. The show will focus on two themes that mark Cézanne's painting - his landscapes and his still life.

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International Film Festival - Berlin

3 February 2014

The 64th Berlinale - the International Berlin Film Festival - will start on 6th February 2014 and will be showing 23 films in its official selection. 20 of them will be vying for the Golden Bear, which will be awarded on 15th February 2014 by a jury chaired by American film producer James Schamus. Tribute will be paid to British director Ken Loach in the shape of an honorary Golden Bear.

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3rd to 6th February

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

3rd February

Humanitarian Conference on Syria under the aegis of the UN (Rome)

6th February

ECB Council of Governors (Frankfurt am Main)

10th February

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Charles de Marcilly ,Antonello Cadinu, Raphaël Frison, Victoria de Posson, Anouk Richard

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial; Economy/Finance; Ukraine: Mediation; Defence


The Newsletter n°611- version of 3 févr. 2014