The Newsletter59928 oct. 2013

La Lettre

Jacques Barrot

28 October 2013

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published a European Interview with Jacques Barrot, former Vice-President of the European Commission and member of the Foundation's Board. Interviewed about the catastrophe off Lampedusa he believes that it was a "European disaster in which Europe does not stand adequately by its peripheral Member States." In this, a time of populism, when Member States might be tempted to close their borders, Jacques Barrot advocates that the "free movement of European citizens not be brought into question."

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Front page!

Regionalisation and decentralisation in Europe

28 October 2013

The Council of Europe's Congress of Local and Regional Authorities will take place from 29th to 31st October 2013 in Strasbourg on the theme: "Europe in Crisis - the Challenges of Local and Regional Democracy." As part of this session Magali Balent, Projects Director at the Robert Schuman Foundation, will be speaking on 30th October at a round-table devoted to "regionalisation and decentralisation in Europe in a context of economic crisis - recent developments."

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"Against illegal immigration, conditions have to be set on aid"

27 October 2013

On 22nd October 2013 the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani signed an article in the newspaper Le Monde, putting forward suggestions which France should propose to other EU Member States as part of the European Council on 24th and 25th October in the fight to counter illegal immigration. He also took part in a radio programme "Du grain à moudre" on France Culture on this same issue. He called for "the fundamental problem to be addressed" via the development of cooperation with the origin countries, stepping up development aid and fighting against illegal immigration.

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Tribute to Tadeusz Mazowiecki

28 October 2013

The Robert Schuman Foundation has lost a friend. Tadeusz Mazowiecki has just passed away. He made democratic transition possible in Poland. The first "Prime Minister" in the first government appointed after the round table which followed the elections in 1989, he succeeded in completing this especially difficult phase in Poland's history with an unfailing determination and also exceptional intelligence. The love of his country, his sound faith, his democratic, European beliefs found expression in a gentleness which enabled the strength of certitude. The certitude of his country' s European vocation, certitude that freedom would triumph over totalitarianism together with physical and moral courage; this is what typified Tadeusz Mazowiecki who will be missed in Poland - a great European.

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Czech Republic: narrow victory, without a majority for the Social Democrats,

28 October 2013

The Social Democratic Party (CSSD) came out ahead in the election with only 20.45% of the vote and 50 seats (6 less in comparison with the general elections on 28th and 29th May 2010). ANO 2011 managed to make an exceptional breakthrough winning 18.65% of the vote and 47 seats. The Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM) came third with 14.91% of the vote and 33 seats (+7). TOP 09 won 11.99% and 26 seats, (-15), the Democratic Civic Party (ODS) 7.72% and 16 seats, (-37), Usvit 6.88% and 14 seats, finally (KDU-CSL) led by Pavel Belobradek will return to Parliament after a three year absence with 6.78% and 14 seats. Turnout totalled 59.48% ie 5 points less in comparison with the general election on 28th and 29th May 2010. It will therefore be difficult to form a majority government coalition.

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Victory for Giorgi Margvelashvili in the first round

28 October 2013

Giorgi Margvelashvili (Georgian Dream-Democratic Georgia), candidate of the party in power was elected president of the Republic of Georgia in the first round of voting with 62.12% of the vote ahead of Davit Bakradze (United National Movement ENM), who won 21.72% of the vote. Nino Bourdjanadze, leader of the Democratic Movement-United Georgia came third with 10.18% of the vote. Turnout totaled 46.6% i.e. 17.87 points less in comparison with the previous presidential election on 5th January 2008. Bidzina Ivanishvili, Prime Minister announced that he would be leaving office on 24th November next. Three people have be pre-selected to succeed him: Interior Minister Irakli Garibashvili, Defence Minister Irakli Alasania and Deputy Prime Minister Kakha Kaladze, who is the favourite. The other question raised is what will happen to outgoing President Mikhail Saakashvili who could not run again?

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Financial Crisis

Germany: growth forecasts for 2014

27 October 2013

On 23rd October 2013 the German government presented its new growth forecasts. "The German economy has now recovered a sound growth curve," said outgoing Economy Minister, Philipp Rösler. According to forecasts the German GDP is due to grow slightly more than planned in 2014. Although in 2013 Berlin is still counting on GDP growth of 0.5%, the forecast for 2014 has been raised to 1.7%. Unemployment is due to decline to 6.8% in 2014 - i.e. its 2012 level.

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Spain: end of the recession but unemployment still high (25.98%)

27 October 2013

According to figures published by the Spanish Central Bank on 23rd October 2013 the country recorded growth of 0.1% of the GDP in the third quarter of 2013 after nine consecutive months of recession. According to figures published by the INE on 24th October 2013 unemployment decreased between July and September to lie at 25.98% for the second consecutive quarter. In the third quarter the country registered 5,904,700 unemployed i.e. 72,800 less than in the previous quarter announced the INE. In the previous quarter unemployment in Spain lay at 26.26%.

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France: unemployment up in September

27 October 2013

According to data published by the unemployment agency "Pôle Emploi" on 24th October 2013 the number of job seekers without any work at all registered at the end of September had increased by 60,000. It lay at 3,295,700 in mainland France. This number is up by 1.9% (+60,000) after a decline of 1.5% in August (-50,000). In all the number of unemployed registered with Pôle Emploi increased by 0.3% (+10,000) between July and September 2013. Over one year it had increased by 8.1%. Taking into account those who have been partly employed the number of unemployed totalled 4,843,400 in September (5,141,000 if the overseas territories are included).

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UK: growth of 0.8% in the third quarter

27 October 2013

According to an estimate published by the British statistics office on 25th October 2013 British growth registered at 0.8% in the third quarter - its highest rate in the last three years after 0.4% in the first quarter and 0.7% in the second. Clearly gathering pace since the spring the British economy is benefiting from the monetary action of the Bank of England which is encouraging the recovery of the real estate market and consumption.

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Fifth report by the Task Force on Greece

28 October 2013

On 22nd October 2013 the European Commission published its fifth report on the technical assistance provided by the Task Force for Greece - TFGR). This task force is supporting Greece in the introduction of structural reform. For example it has freed up investments for infrastructures, supported the reform of the civil service, made the management of the Union's structural funds more effective and helped to fight against money laundering and corruption.

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European Council

Decisions of the European Council 24th and 25th October

27 October 2013

On 24th and 25th October the 28 heads of State and government insisted on the importance of the digital economy to strengthen productivity, growth and competitiveness. In a particular context, with revelations about American phone-tapping, all insisted on the cyber-protection directive and on the framework for data protection to achieve the goal of a single digital market by 2015. At the same time France and Germany launched a joint initiative supported by the other Europeans to try to find an agreement with the USA regarding information issues by the end of the year. Moreover the issues linked to the coordination of economic policies will be addressed more during the Council of December 2013, whilst the introduction of the banking supervisory mechanism was welcomed as a decisive step towards Banking Union. In addition to this leaders will sign the association agreement with Ukraine at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius on 28th and 29th November 2013. Finally in response to the tragic events that occurred in the Mediterranean the heads of State and government explained that it was necessary to act on the origins of these uncontrolled migratory flows, notably in the countries of origin and transit. They called for a strengthening of FRONTEX but also for other tools like the Task Force for the Mediterranean. The Commission will present a report on this point on 5th and 6th November next.

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Standardised VAT declaration in the Union

27 October 2013

On 23rd October the European Commission proposed the introduction of a standardised VAT across Europe implying that businesses will provide the same basic information in the same time scales across all of the Union. The goals aim to reduce costs, red tape and to facilitate the respect of fiscal obligations and to make the Member States' tax administration more effective.

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The Commission's 2014 Work Programme

27 October 2013

On 22nd October 2013 the European Commission adopted its working programme for 2014 and highlights employment, the completion of Banking Union, a single market and the digital strategy. Moreover the Commission insists on the implementation of the multi-annual financial framework 2014-2020, in order to counter youth unemployment. Finally for the first time ever a list of legislative proposals that had already been adopted were included in the working programme in order to promote legislative projects that may be completed over the next few months.

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EU-China and EU-Japan trade meetings

28 October 2013

On 24th October 2013 the fourth high level meeting for economic and trade dialogue between the EU and China focused on the challenges and opportunities for cooperation and the opening of economies. Negotiations aim to achieve more balanced trade, an increase in trade opportunities and a strengthening of economic cooperation. Moreover the third round of negotiations on the free-trade agreement between the EU and Japan took place in Brussels, from 21st to 25th October 2013. Each side looked into issues relative to non-tariff barriers, to the continued opening of Japanese public procurement and to the future free-trade agreement.

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Aid to Syrian refugees

28 October 2013

On 28th October 2013 the European Commission announced that it has released a further package of 85 million euro to assist Syrian refugees including 5 million to help the country's students to continue their studies in Europe. Half of the sum, 40 million, will be used in Syria on healthcare and education programmes under the management of UNICEF and to fund UNESCO's activities. 40 million will be allocated to work to help displaced Syrians in Jordan.

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Budget: completing the 2013 budget and agreeing on 2014

28 October 2013

On 24th October 2013 MEPs approved an amending budget of 2.7 billion euro for 2013, 428 votes in support, 44 against and 76 abstentions. This will prevent the EU finding itself in a position of it being unable to pay. Moreover on 23rd October it cancelled the reduction of investments in support of employment and growth - 480 votes in support, 119 against and 86 abstentions - put forward by the Council for the budget in 2014. They reintroduced funding in terms of international policy such as humanitarian aid to the Near East and aid to Syrian refugees. They granted supplementary funds to the agency which manages the EU's external borders, FRONTEX. After this vote a 21 day period of conciliation will start in order to come to agreement over the 2014 budget.

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The European Parliament counters organised crime

28 October 2013

On 23rd October 2013 MEPs adopted a non-legislative resolution, 526 votes in support, 25 against and 87 abstentions, which aims to counter organised crime, corruption and money laundering as part of an action plan covering the period 2014-2019. Europol says that around 3,600 international criminal organisations were operating in the Union in 2013. Amongst the priority measures taken to counter this phenomenon features the freezing and confiscation of assets. Moreover MPs repeated their requests for the creation of a European Prosecutor's Office to coordinate national investigations and to counter crimes that affect the EU's financial interests. Finally they asked for stricter sanctions against human traffickers and greater protection of victims in order to eradicate human trafficking and forced labour.

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Strengthening the safety of medical devices

27 October 2013

On 22nd October 2013 MEPs adopted 569 votes in support, 79 against and 44 abstentions, measures to tighten up monitoring and certification procedures to guarantee the safety and traceability of medical devices, such as hip replacements and breast implants. Moreover they approved, 525 votes in support, 21 against and 132 abstentions, the strengthening of ethic criteria and the transparency of in vitro medical diagnostic devices used in DNA, pregnancy and diabetes testing.

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Suspension of the EU-USA Agreement following spying on banking data

27 October 2013

On 23rd October 2013 MEPs asked - 280 votes in support, 254 against and 30 abstentions in a non-binding resolution - for the suspension of the terrorism financing tracking programme (TFTP) with the USA. This request follows accusations of spying by the American National Security Agency (NSA) on European citizens' banking data managed by the company SWIFT. Moreover MEPs are inviting the Member States of the EU to allow an investigation by Europol's Cybercrime Centre.

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Aung San Suu Kyi receives the Sakharov Prize awarded to her in ..... 1990

27 October 2013

On 22nd October 2013 during a ceremony at the European Parliament in Strasbourg the Burmese opposition leader, Aung San Suu Kyi was finally able to receive the Sakharov Prize awarded to her, 23 years ago in 1990. She was imprisoned for 15 years before being freed in 2010 and elected as MP in by-elections in 2012.

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"Lampedusa should be a turning point for Europe"

28 October 2013

On 23rd October 2013 in a non-legislative resolution that followed the events off the coasts of Lampedusa MEPs recalled that the Member States were legally obliged to help migrants in distress at sea and that legal access to the Union must be preferred to illegal entry. They also call for them to show solidarity, to be responsible and to coordinate their work together. Finally the European Parliament declared that "Lampedusa should be a turning point for Europe."

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Adoption of the border surveillance system: EUROSUR

28 October 2013

On 22nd October 2013 the 28 European Affairs Ministers adopted a regulation creating the European border surveillance system (EUROSUR) that aims to step up border control within Schengen. They agreed to launch chapter 22 on regional policy and structural instrument coordination on 5th November as part of Turkey's membership negotiations after three years of stalemate. This latter point may be misunderstood by many citizens.

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Enhancement of the EMU's social dimension

28 October 2013

On 24th October 2013 during the Social Summit the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy and the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite met with social partners to strengthen the social dimension of the European Union and the euro zone. Discussions focused on the Commission's proposal to strengthen the EMU's social dimension. The aim is to involve social partners to a greater degree and to guarantee effective social dialogue both nationally and on a European level.

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Declaration by the Friends of Syria

27 October 2013

On 22nd October 2013 the Friends of Syria Group (Germany, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, USA, France, Italy, Jordan, Qatar, UK and Turkey) met in London with the representatives of the Syrian National Coalition and announced in a press release that they supported the UN Security Council's resolution which states that a transition government has to be introduced in Syria. "Assad and his close colleagues will play no role in Syria" maintained the 11 members. They also condemned the escalation in violence on the part of the Syrian regime. Finally they recalled their support to the Syrian opposition inviting it to join in peace negotiations at the Geneva II conference in November 2013.

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Court of Justice

The Volkswagen Bill respects the free movement of capital

27 October 2013

On 22nd October 2013 the EU's Court of Justice refused the implementation of sanctions against Germany concerning the Volkswagen Bill. In 2005 the Commission turned to the Court in Luxembourg deeming that the three measures in the Volkswagen Bill were contrary to the free movement of capital guaranteed by the Union. After the Court's decision in 2007 Germany repealed the first two measures but maintained the measure concerning the reduced lower blocking minority. The Commission again turned to the European Court of Justice. In its decision on 22nd October 2013 the Court said that this measure was not contrary to the free movement of capital - as a result of this Germany had respected the obligations which resulted from the 2007 decision.

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Bank Assessment Criteria in the euro zone

27 October 2013

On 23rd October 2013 the European Central Bank (ECB) presented its bank assessment criteria in the euro zone. The ECB stressed that the review must ensure bank transparency and encourage the return of private investor confidence. The ECB said that it will be asking 124 banks for a an own-fund ratio of 8% and that it will be assessing the risks apparent in their reviews as it looks into their liquidities, their debt levels and their financing.

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Constituent Session at the Bundestag

27 October 2013

One month after the general election on 22nd September representatives of the Bundestag met for a constituent session on 22nd October. Norbert Lammert (CDU/CSU) was re-elected leader of the Bundestag by 591 votes. This 18th legislature comprises 631 MPs, 230 are newly elected. The youngest is 26 years old and the eldest 78. There are 402 men and 229 women ie 36.29% - which is the highest rate in the Bundestag's history. According to the table of women within the 28 national parliaments published by the Robert Schuman Foundation Germany lies 8th. It is above the European average of 27.19%.

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World forum on green growth

28 October 2013

On 21st and 22nd October 2013 Copenhagen hosted the third world forum on green growth. This year the forum focused on "improving the efficacy of resources in the value chain." It rallied 450 personalities from the business world, the public sector and civil society in view of creating public-private partnerships for sustainable development. On this occasion UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called for a transition towards clean energy for sustainable development. Several points were negotiated between participants: financing to find solutions to urban water wastage; the reduction of food waste; the deregulation of green trade; the management of water resources as well as the public supply of ecological infrastructures.

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Greenland lifts its ban on mining on the island

28 October 2013

After years of hesitation Greenland has decided to launch itself into the mining adventure by granting its first major iron mineral concession and by opening up uranium mining. This autonomous territory of Denmark is counting on its mineral resources to develop an economy which is largely dependent on subsidies paid out by Copenhagen, fishing, hunting and breeding. It has a wealth of natural resources and the melting ice-cap is making these more accessible. The Industry and Minerals Minister, Jens-Erik Kirkegaard gave a positive sign to investors on 24th October 2013. The government has delivered a British mining company, London Mining, with a 30 year drilling licence to explore iron ore potential which is due to produce 15 million tonnes per year. Parliament repealed the ban that had been applied to the extraction of uranium since 1988 15 votes to 14.

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Western Mediterranean Economic Forum (Dialogue 5+5)

28 October 2013

On 23rd October 2013 the first Western Mediterranean Economic Forum (Dialogue 5+5) took place at the HQ of the Union for the Mediterranean and brought together ten countries (Algeria, Spain, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal and Tunisia). Rallying heads of business and high level representatives from the main companies and employers' associations in the Western Mediterranean, this event aimed to enhance economic cooperation between the countries of Western Europe and the Maghreb. In his introductory speech the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy addressed the issue of immigration which in his opinion requires a European solution and the control of migratory flows starting in the countries of origin and transit.

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Meeting between French Prime Minister and the President of the Italian Council

28 October 2013

French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, hosted the President of the Italian Council, Enrico Letta on 25th October 2013. They discussed ongoing reforms in France and Italy, the situation in Europe and bilateral relations in view of the next Franco-Italian summit which will take place in Rome in November. Discussions also focused on major European issues from the introduction of banking union, the follow-up to Lampedusa and the protection of personal data.

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The Greek Parliament suspends the public financing of the party "Golden Dawn"

27 October 2013

On 23rd October 2013 the Greek Parliament adopted a text, 235 votes in support out of 300, which plans for the suspension of all State aid to a party whose leader or one tenth of the MPs are being prosecuted for the formation or participation in a criminal organisation", which is the case with Golden Dawn. In 2013 this party, which has 18 MPs in parliament, received public funding to a total of 873,000 euros.

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Xavier Bettel asked to form a government

27 October 2013

On 25th October 2013 Xavier Bettel, Mayor of Luxembourg and head of the Democratic party was asked to form the next Luxembourg government since he wants to form a coalition with the socialists and the Greens. Hence Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister since 1995, whose party (CVS) came out ahead on 20th October in the general election, has been ousted. "Having noted that the three parties want to form a government," the head of State, Grand Duke Henry received Xavier Bettel "to ask him to form a new government."

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European diplomacy seeks solution in the Tymoshenko affair

28 October 2013

On 23rd October 2013 MEPs approved a resolution in which they repeated their wish to see the EU sign an association agreement with Ukraine during the Vilnius Summit planned for 28th and 29th November next. However they stressed that this signature will only be undertaken if the conditions set by European Foreign Ministers in December 2012 are fulfilled. On 22nd October 2013 the Polish and Swedish Foreign Ministers, Radoslaw Sikorski and Carl Bildt met Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to ask for a rapid settlement to the Tymoshenko affair. Moreover during the Foreign Council on 21st October 2013 German Minister Guido Westerwelle stressed the need to release Ms Tymoshenko in order for the association agreement with the EU to be signed.

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Cyberdefence, anti-missile defence, interconnection

27 October 2013

On 22nd and 23rd October 2013 NATO Defence Ministers made progress on the issue of the interconnection of forces and promised to organise more training and exercises in order to preserve the experience acquired in Afghanistan and Kosovo. Regarding cyberdefence NATO is on the right path to grow its capacity to protect its own networks. Moreover ministers together with their Afghan counterpart Bismillah Khan Mohammadi, looked into the progress achieved in Afghanistan, as well as the training, advisory and assistance missions for the Afghan security forces which are due to be launched after 2014. Finally during the Russia-NATO Council ministers did not manage to settle their disagreement over the sensitive issue of anti-missile defence.

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The mandate of EDA's Director extended

28 October 2013

Claude-France Arnould has been granted another year's mandate as Executive Director of the European Defence Agency on the recommendation of Catherine Ashton, the EU's High Representative for External Affairs. Ms Arnould was originally appointed for a three year period and will therefore lead the agency until 15th January 2015.

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Council of Europe

Publication of GRETA's third activity report

27 October 2013

The Council of Europe's group of experts against human trafficking has published its third general activity report. This report reviews the work accomplished by GRETA from August 1st 2012 to 31st July 2013. It exhorts the signatory States of the Convention on Action against Human Trafficking to step up their fight to counter all types of human trafficking. GRETA's chairman, Nicolas Le Coz also says in the report's introduction that he wants to launch a new wave of ratifications of the Convention. He also highlights that he wants to involve the private sector and the media more in the fight to counter human trafficking. Since the entry into force of the Convention five years ago the group has acted to protect and compensate trafficking victims in various Member States.

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Euro zone and EU public debt up to 93.4% and 86.8% of the GDP

27 October 2013

According to figures published by Eurostat on 23rd October 2013 at the end of the second quarter 2013 the public debt/GDP ratio lay at 93.4% in the euro zone against 92.3% at the end of the first quarter of 2013. In the EU the ratio increased rose from 85.9% to 86.8%. In comparison with the second quarter 2012 the public debt/GDP ratio increased in the euro zone (from 89.9% to 93.4%) as well as in the EU (from 84.7% to 86.8%).

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40% of the EU's territory is covered by forest

27 October 2013

On 25th October 2013 Eurostat indicated that in 2012 40% of the EU's territory was covered by forest and other wooded areas , 25% of it comprised cropland, 20% grassland and only 5% by artificial zones like buildings, roads and rail networks. Forests and other wooded areas cover more than half of Sweden (76%), Finland (72%), Estonia (61%), Slovenia (60%) and Latvia (56%).

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Verona: landscapes in 15th to 19th century art

27 October 2013

The Gran Guardia Palace in Verona is running an exhibition on landscapes in European painting from the 15th to the 19th centuries, notably focusing on Impressionism and Monet. The exhibition comprises 90 pieces of work and amongst the artists on show we find Canaletto, Monet, Renoir, Degas, Manet, Gauguin and Van Gogh.

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Exhibition on the Roman Emperor Augustus

28 October 2013

The Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome are devoting an exhibition to the Roman Emperor Augustus until 9th February 2014. This is being organised as part of the 2000 year commemoration of his death in 14AD. The exhibition presents the stages in Augustus's story. The adopted son and grandson of Ceasar, Augustus put an end to the bloody battles delivered by the Roman Republic by establishing the Empire. His reign lasted no less than 40 years - the longest in Rome's history. The exhibition presents a selection of works (statues, portraits, bronze, silver and glass furniture etc...)

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Emil Nolde at the Belvedere in Vienna

27 October 2013

The Belvedere Museum in Vienna is running an exhibition until 2nd February 2014 with the works of German Expressionist painter Emil Nolde (1867-1956). This is a selection from the Ada Seebüll and Emil Nolde Foundation collection comprising landscapes, townscapes of Berlin, religious scenes and some of the artist's "unpainted images" cycle.

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Frankfurt celebrates Albrecht Dürer

28 October 2013

The Städelmuseum in Frankfurt is devoting an exhibition to the most famous German Renaissance artist, Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). 190 of this works are on show at the Städelmuseum until 2nd February 2014, which bears witness to the artist's influence over his contemporaries and the variety of his production: paintings, prints and drawings. This exhibition notably highlights his quest for harmony via the study of mathematics and geometry.

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Jordaens Exhibition at the Petit Palais

28 October 2013

The Petit Palais is running an exhibition entitled "Jordaens 1593-1578 - the Pride of Antwerp" until 19th January 2014. Thanks to exceptional loans by the most important French and international museums the 120 pieces of work on show at the Petit Palais show the wealth and variety of the artist's inspiration, from family portraits to large religious works, from the famous Flemish Proverbs series to banquet scenes and tapestry cartoons.

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27th and 29th October

Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs (COSAC) (Vilnius)

28th and 29th October

Annual EU Strategy Forum for the Danube Region (Bucharest)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Charles de Marcilly ,Antonello Cadinu, Victoria de Posson, Anouk Richard, Bianka Szirjàk

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Tribute/Tadeusz Mazowiecki; European Council; VAT; Immigration; Czech Elections


The Newsletter n°599- version of 28 oct. 2013