The Newsletter59821 oct. 2013

La Lettre

Thierry Chopin, Alain Fabre

21 October 2013

With the speed-up effects of the crisis, Europe managed to hammer out federal instruments to steer the euro with the Stability Mechanism and Fund – the premise of Banking Union. It also moved on to a new phase in terms of budgetary policy integration, with the European Semester, the unique standard to gauge budgetary deficit and it facilitated the ECB's development – a central bank in its own right – towards becoming a lender of last resort. But Europe now has to rise to the challenge of its "social convergence". Thierry Chopin and Alain Fabre suggest that Europe "lay the foundations (...) for an unemployment insurance agreement as the first stone towards social integration."

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Front page!

European Values

21 October 2013

Europe is proud of its founding values and promotes them everywhere in the world. The Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a conference with the Council of Europe, the vital institution for their defence, under the patronage of Jean-Claude Mignon, leader of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on "Europe and its Values" on 23rd October 2013 at the HQ of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. There are still some places available, hurry to enrol!

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Jean-Claude Juncker in the lead in the general election in Luxembourg

21 October 2013

The Christian Social People's Party (PCS/CVS) of outgoing Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker is still the country's leading party:: it won 33.68% of the vote and 23 seats (-3 in comparison with the previous general election on 7th June 2009). It drew ahead of the Socialist Workers' Party (POSL/LSAP) of Alex Bodry which won 20.28% of the vote and 13 seats (=). The Democratic Party (PD/DP), led by the Mayor of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel seems to be the other victor in the election with 18.25% of the vote and 13 seats (+4). Sam Tanson and Christian Kmiotek's Greens/Dei Greng (LV-DG) came fourth with 10.13% of the vote and 6 seats (-1). The Alternative Democratic Reform Party (ADR), led by Roby Mehlen won 6.64% of the vote and 3 seats (-1). The Left/Dei Lenk (LG/DL) won 4.92% and 2 seats (+1). Turnout totalled 91.4%.

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Financial Crisis

Ireland: new austerity budget in 2014

21 October 2013

Two months before its planned exit from the bail-out plan the Irish government unveiled its 2014 budget on 15th October 2013 at the lower chamber of parliament. 2.5 billion euros in budgetary cuts and tax increases have been announced. The Irish Finance Minister Michael Noonan declared that the government would bring the deficit down to 4.8% of the GDP in 2014. Amongst the measures announced as part of the budget notably feature a new bank tax as well as an increase of taxes on alcohol and cigarettes.

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The Portuguese government presents its draft austerity budget 2014

21 October 2013

On 15th October the Portuguese government presented its draft budget 2014. In order to respect the goal to reduce its public deficit to 4% of the GDP in 2014 the government announced major cuts in public spending. Amongst the measures adopted feature the postponement of the retirement age from 65 to 66 years of age, an extension of the weekly working hours in the civil service from 35 to 40 hours, some reductions in civil servants' wages and widows pensions. The Portuguese Finance Minister Mario Luis Albuquerque recalled the country's economic goals in 2014: the country is to introduce consolidation measures totalling 3.9 billion euro i.e. 2.3% of the GDP. In 2014 the government is planning for growth of 0.8% of the GDP and a reduction in unemployment down to 17.7%.

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UK: unemployment stable in August 2013

21 October 2013

On 15th October 2013 the National Office for Statistics announced that unemployment had remained stable between June and August 2013. Indeed it totalled 7.7% over this three month period. The number of people looking for work totalled 2,487 million. The employment rate of 16-64 year olds increased by 0.3 points from March to May 2013.

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Italy, the Council of Ministers approves the draft budget 2014

21 October 2013

On 15th October 2013 the Italian Council of Ministers approved the draft budget 2014 and the financial programme for Italy until 2016. The programme plans for a reduction in taxes on families and businesses via a reduction in labour costs to a total of 14.6 billion euros, 3.7 of which in 2014. The government is planning to reduce public spending that will enable the recovery of resources for public investment to a total of 11.2 billion euro, 6.4 of which in 2014. In order to respect the 2.5% deficit limit in 2014 public spending will be reduced by 3.5 billion euro and further taxes will enable savings of 1.9 billion euro. Finally the sale of public goods will bring in 3.2 billion euro. On 16th October 2013 the Bank of Italy published its report on the country's macroeconomic situation. At the end of 2013 the Italian economy will record a GDP contraction of 1.9%.

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Economic Recovery?

21 October 2013

On 14th October 2013 the 17 euro zone Finance Ministers reviewed the reforms and fiscal adjustments of countries under financial assistance. Ireland and Spain will come to the end of their programmes - deemed to have been successful - at the end of December. In Portugal competitiveness is improving and the economy is stabilising but the pace of reform has to be maintained. In Greece the debt level is still high and the business climate as well as competitiveness must be improved. Moreover the ministers reviewed the progress made in terms of Banking Union and believed that the quest for private financing sources was necessary.

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A new "infrastructure" for transport in Europe

21 October 2013

On 17th October 2013 the European Commission put forward nine main corridors (2 north-south, 3 east-west and 4 diagonals) which will form the transport infrastructure of the European single market. The Commission will devote 26 billion euro over the period 2014-2020. The central transport network will be linked to a vast regional and national network covering the EU. The goals are to ensure that by 2050 all European citizens will be no further than 30 minutes from the network but also that journeys will be safer, easier and quicker. This network will comprise 94 ports linked to rail and road networks and 35 cross-border projects to reduce bottlenecks.

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Which enlargement policy in the future?

21 October 2013

On 16th October 2013 the European Commission presented its "enlargement package" stressing the importance of the Copenhagen Criteria and the values of the European Union. It insists on the rule of law, economic governance, democracy, the respect of fundamental rights and the settlement of conflicts between European countries. The development of the negotiation process with Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia (ARYM), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania Turkey and Iceland was developed. In its yearly follow-up report the Commission proposed granting candidate status to Albania which has been aspiring to this since 2009. The Commission is advocating taking up talks again with Turkey again, in spite of the repression in June. This move might not be understood by public opinion.

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Broadband in Europe

21 October 2013

On 17th October 2013 the European Commission announced that all European households would be able to connect to broadband internet since satellites that have filled the gaps in terms of fixed and mobile networks have been set in place. Broadband internet access across the entire Union was the goal set in 2010 and this was achieved two months ahead of target. An internet site has been launched so that European citizens can see the range of broadband satellite offers available.

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EU-Canada: Economic and Global Trade Agreement

21 October 2013

The European Commission and the Prime Minister of Canada announced on 18th October 2013 that it had concluded a global economic and trade agreement. It is the first free trade agreement between the EU and a G8 country. The EU-Canadian Agreement will do away with 99% of customs duties between the two economies and should increase the bilateral goods and services trade by 23% (or 26 billion euro) which will benefit growth and employment on both sides of the Atlantic. Thanks to this agreement the EU's annual GDP level could rise by around 12 billion euro per year. After this political agreement the process will continue to settle any pending technical issues. The agreement then has to be approved by the Parliament and the Council.

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Acting against arms related violence

21 October 2013

The European Commission put forward suggestions on 21st October 2013 on the means to counter arms related violence in Europe. It covers the action to take Union wide using legislative means, operational action, training and financing in response to the threats that come from the illegal use of firearms.

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Women as board members

21 October 2013

On 14th October 2013 the European Parliament's Women's Rights and Gender Equality Committee and the Legal Affairs Committee approved (40 votes in support, 9 against and 2 abstentions) a project that proposes that by 2020 at least 40% of companies' board members (of firms quoted on the stock exchange) in the EU should be women. This vote came at the same time as the publication of a European Commission report on women's representation in decision making posts. The report indicates an increase in the percentage of women in managerial posts in the main firms quoted on the stock exchange in the Union, since there were 16.6% in April 2013, in comparison with 15.8% in October 2012. Moreover women's representation is also rising on non-executive boards (17.6% in April 2013 in comparison with 16.7% in October 2012) and amongst leading executives (11% in April 2013 against 10.2% in October 2012).

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Hearing over the surveillance of European citizens by the USA

21 October 2013

On 14th October 2013 the European Parliament's Civil Liberties Committee held the seventh hearing on the surveillance of European citizens by the American National Security Agency (NSA). MEPs condemned the mass storage of personal data of Union citizens deeming that this infringed both international and European law as well as the legislation of the Council of Europe. Various means of compensation for citizens were then addressed.

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Strengthening safety requirements on products in the EU

21 October 2013

On 17th October 2013 the European Parliament's Internal Market Committee adopted two projects to strengthen product safety requirements and rules to monitor the market. These measures should harmonise safety rules on products across Europe. Regulations cover all goods sold in the EU which do not enjoy the cover of specific legislation. The aim is provide an overall safety net for consumers. MEPs supported the European Commission's proposal to label "the country of origin in order to improve product traceability. Moreover MEPs suggested the introduction of additional, voluntary labelling:"Safety tested in the EU".

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Banking Union

21 October 2013

On 15th October 2013 the 28 Economy and Finance Ministers adopted a regulation creating a single supervisory mechanism for banks and other credit institutions thereby establishing a first "pillar" in Banking Union in Europe as well as a directive updating transparency requirements on regulated markets which aim to guarantee investor confidence in the Union. They prepared the European Council of 24th and 25th October 2013 which will aim to strengthen the coordination of economic policies.

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No agreement on employees' secondment

21 October 2013

On 15th October 2013 the 28 European Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer Ministers took several initiatives to support youth employment. The European Semester 2013 was examined in preparation for 2014. Moreover a debate on the Economic and Monetary Union's social dimension took place. However the ministers did not come to agreement over a general direction concerning the secondment of employees.

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Conclusions of the Environment Council

21 October 2013

On 14th October 2013 Environment Ministers notably adopted conclusions enabling the preparation of the Parties Conference at the UN's Framework Convention on Climate Change that will take place in Warsaw from 11th to 22nd November 2013. Ministers also looked into the final text which is the focus of a compromise between the Council and the European Parliament as far as the means to enable the achievement of CO2 emission reduction goals are concerned. Finally there was an exchange of opinion about the draft regulation on the transfer of waste in order to improve the fight to counter the illegal transfer of waste.

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Conclusions of the Fisheries Council

21 October 2013

Ministers responsible for fisheries and agriculture came to agreement on 17th October 2013 on fishing quotas of certain types of fish in 2014 in the Baltic Sea. They exchanged views about upcoming consultations between the EU and Norway over fishing quotas. Finally they adopted a position on two draft regulations concerning the common fishing policy.

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Dynamic European Trade

21 October 2013

On 18th October 2013 the 28 Trade Ministers noted the trade questions in the association agreements with Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia in view of the Eastern Partnership Summit at the end of November in Vilnius. Moreover ministers approved two mandates: the first for the negotiation of an investment agreement with China; the second for free-trade negotiations with the countries in the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN). Ministers also confirmed that they wanted to establish a legal and financial framework for the settlement of State-investor litigation. They were positive about the economic and trade agreement with Canada. They did not come to agreement to allow the publication of the negotiation mandate given in June to the European Commission to reach a free-trade agreement between the EU and the USA.

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Foreign Affairs Council Decisions

21 October 2013

On 21st October 2013 the EU's Foreign Ministers expressed concern about the situation in Syria, which is increasingly alarming and called for a political solution as well as the respect of human rights. They also noted the preparatory work for the Eastern Partnership Summit that will be taking place in Vilnius on 28th and 29th November 2013 where the association agreements with Moldava and Georgia might be initialled and signed with Ukraine. Moreover ministers met with Burmese opposition leader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and discussed the country's democratic reforms. Finally conclusions on the situation in Yemen, in Bosnia-Herzegovina and in the Central African Republic were adopted.

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Nuclear power in Iran: conclusions of the negotiations in Geneva

21 October 2013

On 15th and 16th October the Group of Six (5+1), comprising the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (US, France, China, Russia, UK) together with Germany undertook intense negotiations with Iran. Meeting in Geneva under Catherine Ashton, the EU's High Representative, delegations looked into Teheran's proposal to reduce its nuclear arsenal if it benefits from an easing in the international financial sanctions weighing on the country. In their conclusions Catherine Ashton and the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif welcomed the "positive atmosphere" which reigned during the negotiations. They said that the next meeting was planned on 7th and 8th November to continue negotiations on the end of the Iranian nuclear crisis.

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Four priorities for European Defence

21 October 2013

In a report that was published on 15th October 2013 the EU's High Representative Catherine Ashton identified four priority sectors in which to strengthen European Defence. These are the development of MALE drones (medium altitude long endurance), the development of a common satellite communication system for military/civilian use, cyber-defence, the acquisition of in-flight re-fuelling planes. These proposals are being suggested in view of the European Council on 19th and 20th December that is to be devoted to security and defence in a context in which military budgets are declining as a whole. In her report on the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) she maintains that "cooperation has become vital" if the European Union is to have the capacity "to respond rapidly to security challenges - cybersecurity, space, energy, maritime and border security."

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German Economic Forecasts by the country's four main institutions

21 October 2013

The four main German economic institutes changed their growth forecast for 2013 on 17th October 2013 as far as Europe's leading economy is concerned. Germany can however count on investments and consumption to recover in 2014. In 2013 these four institutions, of varying economic trend, are now counting on feeble growth of 0.4% against a previous forecast of 0.8% in April. The 2014 forecast has fallen to +1.8% against a previous +1.9%. "The German economy is recovering, carried along by domestic demand," explained a press release by IFO in Munich, DIW in Berlin, IW in Halle and the RWI in Essen.

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A CDU/CSU-SPD Coalition in Germany

21 October 2013

Angela Merkel's CDU, the CSU and the SPD agreed on 17th October 2013 to start negotiations in view of forming a government coalition. This agreement comes after three rounds of exploratory discussions in the wake of Ms Merkel's victory in the general elections on 22nd September. On 20th October delegates of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) approved the decision taken by their leaders to start negotiations with the CDU led by Angela Merkel in view of forming a government. The start of talks is set for 23rd October.

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Grenoble Conference and EU Strategy for the Alpine region

21 October 2013

The representatives of seven States which lie in the Alps (France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland and Liechtenstein) signed a resolution on 18th October 2013 for the development of a European "Alpine Strategy" to fund future joint projects. The seven signatory countries hope to have their project adopted at the December European Council which will enable them to benefit from new funds from the European institutions. Developments in the mountains, transport, national parks, safety problems in the Alps, with its natural dangers and tourism are amongst the subjects which the States might then be able to look into.

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Digital Economy

21 October 2013

In a declaration published on 18th October 2013 the German and French employers' organisations, the BDI and the Medef, called on the European Council to develop innovation and the digital economy in Europe. The BDI and the Medef have noted that Europe is sadly lagging behind in terms of research and innovation in comparison with the USA and South Korea. In 2011 it only devoted 1.94% of its GDP to R&D spending, in comparison with 2.77% in the USA. They are asking for the establishment of a Franco-German digital space that aims to offer businesses harmonised legislation and funding that foster the launch stages. They call on European heads of State and government to develop a European innovation strategy and that these guarantee a certain amount of legal security.

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The Greek Parliament removes immunity from 6 "Golden Dawn" MPs

21 October 2013

On 16th October 2013 the Greek Parliament lifted immunity on six MPs of the far right party "Golden Dawn" who have been accused by the Greek authorities of belonging to a criminal organisation. Out of 300 MPs more than two-thirds supported the lifting of immunity. This decision is in line with the offensive by the government against this political organisation. The Greek Parliament is being called to discuss the possible suspension of public funding to "Golden Dawn" on 22nd October.

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Visegrad Group Summit

21 October 2013

The heads of government of the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia) met on 14th October 2013 in Budapest. During a press conference after the meeting Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban indicated that these four Central European countries expected the EU to support the use of nuclear energy. The V4 also supports shale gas extraction and its members agreed on the creation of a shale gas market forum for the introduction of a regional gas market. During their meeting the four heads of government also signed two joint declarations: one on cooperation in terms of security and defence and the other on stepping up activities covered by the International Visegrad Fund.

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Italy: launch of "Mare Nostrum" operation against illegal immigration

21 October 2013

On 14th October 2013 the Italian government, under the impetus of the Italian President of the Council, Enrico Letta, launched a new operation to improve control over the southern shores of the Mediterranean and to limit illegal immigration. The operation will be called "Mare Nostrum" declared Defence Minister Mario Mauro. The government will use landing craft to coordinate helicopter operations. Other ships and military plans will also be used. The operation, stresses a government memorandum, is both of a military and humanitarian nature. Indeed it is designed to dissuade illegal immigration and also to assist immigrants from a humanitarian point of view.

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The OECD approves a roadmap in view of Latvia's membership

21 October 2013

On 15th October 2013 the Council of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) took place in Paris. Amongst other matters it approved a roadmap for membership negotiations on the part of Latvia. It established various stages in view of accession by Latvia. According to Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs this signature indicates that Latvia is on the right path to join the OECD and become a Member State and that this would enable it to access the "best possible analyses in the field of economic policy."

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UK: building of two nuclear EPR power stations

21 October 2013

On 17th October 2013 the British government agreed to Chinese participation - even as a majority - in the construction of a nuclear powerplant in the UK. This announcement is the first stage in the completion of the memorandum for cooperation in civilian nuclear projects signed by the British and Chinese governments. France is also involved in the British nuclear venture. The EDF group and the British government signed an agreement on 21st October 2013 thereby sealing the terms trade relative to the construction of two nuclear plants at Hinkley Point in the country's south-west. This investment is estimated at 19.9 billion euro.

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Release of Yulia Tymoshenko?

21 October 2013

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych took a step towards releasing former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko on 17th October 2013, as requested by the EU before the signature in November of the association agreement. He declared that he would sign a law enabling the transfer of Ms Tymoshenko abroad on medical grounds. "There is no law (on prisoners' healthcare) in Ukraine that would allow Ms Tymoshenko to leave for care abroad (...). If Parliament adopts a law like this I shall approve it," declared the President. On 18th October the party in power delivered a draft bill to Parliament which would, if it were adopted, enable Yulia Tymoshenko to leave the country. The text introduces changes to the Criminal Procedure Code authorising this kind of transfer including the decision that has to be taken by the courts. It is stipulated that the prisoner must come back to Ukraine after the end of his/her treatment abroad.

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Norway: appointment of new government

21 October 2013

On 16th October 2013 King Harald V of Norway appointed the new government representing the Conservative Party and the Progress Party. Prime Minister Erna Solberg presented his coalition government in which the Progress Party notably gained ministerial position in Oil (Tord Lien) and Finances (Siv Jensen, the populist party's leader). Parity has been respected with 9 women out of the 18 people in charge of ministerial portfolios. The Conservative Party leads 11 ministries.

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Judgement by the European Court of Human Rights

21 October 2013

The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights gave a final decision on 21st October 2013 on the length of detention of the ETA militant, Ines Del Rio Prada. The Court concluded that Spain had infringed several articles of the European Convention of Human Rights by delaying the release of Ms Del Rio Prada, who stands accused of terrorism by nearly nine months. By doing this Spain had hoped to apply the new "Parot Doctrine" retroactively since the bill entered into force after the prisoner's conviction. But according to the Grand Chamber Spain had infringed article 7 of the Convention which stipulates that no sentence can be attributed without legislation. Hence the court concluded that the defendant was the focus of illegal detention and asked Spain to ensure that she would be released as quickly as possible.

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Judgement by the European Court of Human Rights on the Federation of Russia

21 October 2013

In the affair Janowiec and others v Russia, the European Court of Human Rights concluded that it did not have the competence to examine the adequate or inadequate nature of an investigation undertaken into events prior to the adoption of the Convention in 1950. It notably stressed that Member States must fall in line with its requests in terms of evidence and it deemed that by refusing to communicate a vital procedural decision that remained classified Russia had not met with this obligation.

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Decline in inflation in September 2013

21 October 2013

On 16th October 2013 Eurostat indicated that the inflation rate was down in the euro zone (-1.1%) and in the EU (-1.3%) in September 2013. In August this year inflation lay at 1.3% and in September 2012 it lay at 2.6%. Annual inflation in September 2013 lay at 1.3% in Europe whilst it lay at 1.5% the previous month. In September 2013 inflation lay at 0.5% in the euro zone and at 0.4% in the EU.

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In 2012, 60% of internet users purchased on-line

21 October 2013

On 15th October 2013 Eurostat indicated during a week devoted to "on-line purchasing" which took place from 14th to 20th October 2013 that 60% of internet users purchase on-line. The most frequent purchases are clothes, journeys and even holiday accommodation. In the European Union 75% of people aged 16 to 74 used internet over the last twelve months and amongst them 60% said they had made an on-line purchase. Internet users who buy the most come from the UK (82%), Denmark (79%), Sweden (79%), Germany (77%), Luxembourg (73%) and Finland (72%). The countries with the lowest share of internet purchasers are in Romania (11%), Bulgaria (17%), Estonia (29%) and Italy (29%).

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August 2013: international goods trade surplus in the euro zone

21 October 2013

On 16th October 2013 Eurostat indicated that in August 2013 the international goods trade lay in surplus of 7.1 billion euro in the euro zone whilst it lay in deficit of 2.8 billion as far as the EU was concerned. In comparison with July 2013 exports adjusted to seasonal variations in August 2013 were up in the euro zone (+1%) and in the EU (0.3%). Imports in August 2013 in comparison with July 2013 had also increased in the euro zone (+0.2%) whilst in the EU they fell as a whole (-1.1%).

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Surplus in current accounts of 39.4 billion euro

21 October 2013

On 17th October Eurostat indicated that the EU recorded a surplus of 39.4 billion euro in the second quarter of 2013, compared with the second quarter of 2012 and a services account surplus of +41.7 bn. In the second quarter of 2013, compared with the second quarter of 2012, the deficit of the goods account moved into surplus (+18.1 bn euro compared with -11.2 bn) whilst the services account surplus grew (+41.7 bn compared with +39.7 bn). In the second quarter of 2013 the income account deficit decreased (-4.0 bn compared with -11.5 bn), while the deficit of the current transfers account increased (-16.5 bn compared with -14.5 bn).

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Perception of solutions to the crisis

21 October 2013

A Eurobarometer survey published on 18th October aims to gauge the perception Europeans have of the economic and social situation as well as of the ongoing reforms in Europe. One European in two (50%, -5) believes that he would be better protected against the crisis if his country "took coordination measures" with other EU countries, 41% (+3) say they would feel better protected if their country took "individual measures". Moreover Europeans believe that the EU (22%) and the national government (21%) are the best placed to act "most effectively" against the impact of the crisis.

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IMF: study of fiscal consolidation in the euro zone

21 October 2013

On 16th October 2013 the IMF published a study on fiscal consolidation in the euro zone and the capacity of structural reform to relieve the problematic introduction of the latter. Results show that structural reform can effectively ease the negative impacts of fiscal consolidation in the EU's core countries. Conversely in peripheral countries structural reforms do not really attenuate negative effects of fiscal consolidation on economic activity.

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Commission report on the implementation of the "nitrates" directive

21 October 2013

The Commission has delivered its report to the Council and the European Parliament regarding the implementation of the "nitrates" directive. This directive dated 12th December 1991 notably planned for Member States to give the Commission reports on the implementation of the directive over the period 2008-2011. Based on these reports the Commission has analysed the state of water protection from nitrates. It concludes that the pressure placed by agriculture had decreased in comparison with the 2004-2007 period, that the monitoring of water quality had improved and that the quality of action programmes was better. But it points to the fact that there are "critical areas" where progress still has to be made. It does however laud the progress made thanks to the "nitrates" directive which it deems very effective. The Commission is encouraging all Member States to continue its implementation.

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Edvard Munch in Hannover

21 October 2013

The "Sprengel Museum" in Hannover is showing its own collection of prints by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch (1863-1944) until 26th January 2014. The artist was a pioneer of Expressionism. The exhibition comprises many woodcuts, drawings and paintings.

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Antonello da Messina's art - from the Mediterranean to Flanders

21 October 2013

The contemporary art Museum of Trente and Rovereto (MART) is running an exhibition until 12th January 2014 on Italian painter Antonello da Messina, a 15th century artist. The exhibition was organised thanks to contributions made by the region of Sicily, the "Galleria Borghese" in Rome, the Thyssen Collection of Madrid and national museums in London, Philadelphia and Washington. The exhibition shows the artist via his training in Naples until he arrived in Venice.

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Award of the Man Booker Prize Winner 2013

21 October 2013

On 15th October 2013 the Man Booker Prize 2013 was awarded to New Zealander Eleanor Catton for her book "The Luminaries". This eminent British award is given yearly to an English work of fiction. This year the work looks at the period of the goldrush in New Zealand in 1850 via a character who wants to make his fortune. The novelist is, at 28, the youngest prize winner in the history of the award and her 832 page novel is the longest ever to have won the prize.

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International film festival in Bergen

21 October 2013

The international Bergen film festival will be taking place from 23rd to 30th October 2013 in Norway. Launched in 2000 when Bergen was the European capital of culture the festival is the most important in Norway in terms of the number of films shown. The festival attracts increasing numbers of visitors yearly. More than 120 films from countries all around the world are shown every year in October.

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International Contemporary Art Fair in Paris

21 October 2013

From 24th to 27th October 2013 the Grand Palais in Paris is hosting the International Contemporary Art Fair. This fair has taken place every year in October in Paris since 1974. It brings together a great number of contemporary exhibitors from all over the world. Although the Grand Palais centralises a great number of pieces of work the FIAC also takes place in several other venues in Paris, like the Jardin des Tuileries, the Jardin des Plantes and on the banks of the Seine.

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"Painters, Witnesses of their time" at the Pinacothèque in Paris

21 October 2013

Three exhibitions are taking place at the Pinacothèque in Paris from 11th October 2013 to 16th March 2014 on the subject "Painters, Witnesses of their time". "The Brueghel Dynasty" presents this exceptional family which depicted the most typical scenes of their epoch over three generations, illustrating a style of life and customs from Flanders and Northern Europe. "Goya and Modernity" focuses on the official role Goya played at the royal court. "Chu Teh-Chun, pathways to abstraction" take us into an abstract world through the work of a modern Chinese painter, whose starting point is nature.

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Géricault in Frankfurt

21 October 2013

The Schirn Museum of Frankfurt is paying tribute to the French painter Géricault. The exhibition entitled "Géricault, images of life and death" is running until 26th January 2014. Théodore Géricault (1791-1824) was quite typical of the Romantic artist. His short, tormented life gave rise to many legends. With his paintings, ranging from the romantic to scenes of horror and the detached view of science, Géricault played an important role in the visualisation and constitution of the modern individual. The exhibition in the Schirn Kunsthalle is the first in Germany to be devoted to Géricault alone.

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"Surrealism and the Dream" at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

21 October 2013

The exhibition entitled "Surrealism and the Dream" is running until 12th January 2014 at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid. Paintings, drawings, sculptures and photographs by many artists like André Breton, Salvador Dalí, Paul Delvaux, Yves Tanguy, René Magritte, André Masson, Max Ernst, Jean Arp, Claude Cahun and Paul Nougé, are on show with the aim of presenting the fascinating relationship between dreams and image in surreal art.

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21st October

Foreign Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

21st to 24th October

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Tuesday 22nd October

General Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

23rd October

"Europe and its Values" Conference (Strasbourg)

24th and 25th October

European Council (Brussels)

25th and 26th October

General Elections in the Czech Republic (Czech Republic)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest ,Antonello Cadinu, Victoria de Posson, Anouk Richard, Bianka Szirjàk

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest ; Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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The Newsletter n°598- version of 21 oct. 2013