The Newsletter59714 oct. 2013

La Lettre

Claude Bartolone

14 October 2013

This European Issue covers parts of the speech delivered by the leader of the French National Assembly, Claude Bartolone, as he closed the Robert Schuman Foundation's conference on the role played by national parliaments in European integration which took place on 2nd October 2013 at the National Assembly.

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Front page!

Exceptional debate between Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and Herman van Rompuy

13 October 2013

On 9th October 2013 the Robert Schuman Foundation organised an exceptional debate with the Linklaters consultancy and the newspaper "Les Echos" between former French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy on the future of the European Union. The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation hosted the debate. This unique conference looked into the real stages of European Integration over the next 10 to 15 years and the possible stumbling blocks that might be encountered. The participants reviewed the expectations of the new generations of Europeans for whom it is vital to provide certainty in order to invest. The Foundation has put a video of the debate on-line on its site together with a series of photos.

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Values of Europe

13 October 2013

Europe is proud of its founding values and promotes them across the world. With the Council of Europe, a vital institution for their defence, the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a conference under the patronage of Jean-Claude Mignon, chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on "Europe and its values" on 23rd October 2013 at the HQ of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. It is obligatory to enrol on-line.

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Which European strategy in the face of illegal immigration?

14 October 2013

The chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published an editorial on his site entitled "Lampedusa: emotion and reason- which European strategy should be adopted in the face of illegal immigration?" In his opinion "the European Union cannot just improve maritime surveillance" it has to go further and could "plan to use force, including in the ports of origin". The strategy would involve all EU Member States and requires the cooperation of the 28 states in order to "undertake a real fight to counter unscrupulous smugglers."

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Ilham Alyev re-elected for a third term in Azerbaijan

13 October 2013

Outgoing President of the Republic, Ilham Alyev (New Azerbaijan Party, YAP) was re-elected on 9th October 2013 during the presidential election in Azerbaijan. In office since 2003, taking over from his father, Heydar, who led the country almost non-stop between 1969 and 2003, he will now be undertaking a third five year term as head of the country. Turnout was slightly lower than in the previous presidential election on 15th October 2008: 72% (-3.64 points). In the evening of 10th October the European Union called on Azerbaijan to settle the "problems" pinpointed by the OSCE's observers' mission. Amongst these the OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) notably identified "the manipulation of electoral lists" and "restrictions of the freedom of expression and the right to peaceful assembly."

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Financial Crisis

Belgium: agreement on the 2014 budget

13 October 2013

On 8th October 2013 the Belgian Ministers came to agreement on the 2014 budget. The government saved 561 million euro, enabling a reduction of the Belgian deficit to 2.15% of the GDP. The budget will devote 263 million euro to measures to revive the economy which should support employment, businesses, competitiveness and also improve buying power.

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The bank of France lowers its growth forecast in the third quarter

13 October 2013

The bank of France has revised its growth forecast for the third quarter downwards. The institution now believes that France's GDP will only increase by 0.1% in this period according to a monthly economic report on industry and services published on 8th October 2013. Last month the bank of France estimated that the GDP was going to rise by 0.2%.

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Greece: unemployment totalled 27.6% in July 2013

13 October 2013

According to data published by the Greek Statistics Institute on 10th October 2013 unemployment totalled 27.6% in July 2013. The number of people in work decreased by 136,714 in comparison with the same month in the previous year and by 14,219 in comparison with June 2013. The number of people unemployed increased by 126,251 in comparison with July 2012 and by 729 in comparison with June 2013.

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Ireland: the end of the bail out plan is in sight says Prime Minister

14 October 2013

Ireland is on the right path to emerge from the EU-IMF bail out plan mid-December announced Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny on 12th October 2013 but there is still a way to go before the country recovers its former economic health. "This evening I can say that Ireland is on the right path to emerge from the EU-IMF rescue plan on 15th December. And there will be no going back," he declared at Fine Gael's national conference. The Irish government had to accept the EU-IMF bail out in 2010 because of the crisis. It is due to present its new budget on 15th December.

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2014 Budget Agreement in the Netherlands

14 October 2013

A final agreement on the 2014 budget in the Netherlands was reached on 11th October 2013 after several weeks of intense negotiations announced the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. The 2014 budget will include 6 billion euro in savings to bring the country's deficit below the European limit. The new agreement includes 600 million additional euros for education, re-introduces free school books and plans for additional allowances for the handicapped. These allowances will come from tax increases on waste and on the supply of water, a reduction in "subsidies to companies" as well as the cancellation of an employment bonus to senior employees. The chairman of the Dutch Central Bank said on 7th October that he felt that the Netherlands was going to emerge from recession in the third quarter.

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IMF and World Bank Annual Assemblies

14 October 2013

From 11th to 13th October 2013 the Annual Assemblies of the World Bank and IMF group brought together the main leaders from the public sector - central banks, finance and development ministries - and from the private sector together with experts from universities, to address world issues linked to the world economic outlook, to the fight to counter poverty, towards economic development and the effectiveness of aid.

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Which European strategy to counter illegal immigration?

13 October 2013

On 9th October 2013 the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso and the European Commissioner for Internal Affairs, Cecilia Malmström travelled to Lampedusa. During a joint press conference with the head of the Italian government, Enrico Letta, Mr Barroso declared that "Europe stood by the inhabitants of Lampedusa" (...) "this kind of accident should not happen in Europe, greater effort has to be made, there must be greater cooperation between all Member States." Declaring that "Europe could not look the other way," he announced aid of 30 million additional euros for Italy to manage the migratory flows. Cecilia Malmström repeated that the 28 Member States were going to set up a vast "security and rescue operation" of migrants in the Mediterranean.

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The Commission unveils list of 250 infrastructure projects

14 October 2013

The European Commission presented a list of 250 vital infrastructure projects in the energy sector on 14th October 2013 (140 in the area of transport and electricity storage, 100 in the area of transport and storage of gas as well as LNG and several projects linked to oil and smart networks). These "projects of common interest" will benefit from faster procedures concerning the granting of licences and better regulatory conditions. They will be able to access the financial support of the interconnection mechanism in Europe which will be allocated a budget of 5.85 billion euro for transeuropean energy infrastructures 2014-2020. Once completed these projects will enable Member States to integrate their energy markets and to diversify their energy sources thereby helping to bring energy isolation on the part of some to an end.

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Stepping up professional mobility

13 October 2013

On 9th October 2013 MEPs adopted a directive - 596 votes in support, 37 against and 31 abstentions - aiming to introduce a European professional map in order to enable some professions such as doctors, pharmacists and even architects to establish more easily in other EU countries. Moreover a warning system will be introduced to prevent medical professionals who have been convicted in one European country in the Union from establishing a practice in other.

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Vote on the tobacco directive

13 October 2013

On 8th October 2013 the European Parliament approved the tobacco directive - 560 votes in support, 92 against and 32 abstentions - in a bid to make tobacco products less attractive. The text stipulates that the up to 65% of the surface area of packs of cigarettes must be covered with a health warning. Moreover menthol and fruit flavours and small packages are due to be banned. MEPs refused the sale of electronic cigarettes exclusively in chemists shops and deemed that they should be regulated like medicines only if they pretend to having curative or preventive properties.

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Malala Yousafzai, winner of the Sakharov Prize 2013

13 October 2013

The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of the Thought 2013 was awarded on 10th October 2013 to Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani militant who is supporting the education of girls. The President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz said that "by awarding the prize to Malala Yousafzai the European Parliament was acknowledging this young woman's incredible strength. Malala Yousafzai is courageously fighting for all children to have the right to an education. At present around 250 million girls in the world cannot go to school freely. The award ceremony will take place on 20th November in Strasbourg.

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The Environment is the focus of MEPs concern

14 October 2013

On 9th and 10th October 2013 several directives involving environmental issues were approved. MEPs adopted a directive - 626 votes in support, 17 against and 11 abstentions - that aims to make sports and pleasure boat engines safer and to reduce their gas emissions by 20%. They also supported legislation banning the toxic metal cadmium in batteries and accumulators used in certain tools such as saws, screwdrivers and drills. This ban will enter into force on 31st December 2016. The European Parliament also achieved the ban on mercury in button batteries as of autumn 2015. Finally MEPs asked for an inquiry into the effect of non-conventional fracking on the environment.

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Adoption of border monitoring system EUROSUR

14 October 2013

On 10th October 2013 MEPs approved the introduction of a border monitoring system 479 votes in support, 101 against and 20 abstentions. Eurosur aims to improve the management of Europe's land and maritime borders by increasing information exchanges between Member States and the European border agency FRONTEX. This will include data sharing in real time between the various authorities and monitoring tools like satellites and ships' reporting systems, by way of a protected communication network.

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Humanitarian aid for Syrian refugees

14 October 2013

On 9th October 2013 MEPs adopted a resolution calling on the European Commission to introduce humanitarian aid to support Syrian refugees and a humanitarian conference designed to help Syria's neighbouring countries to manage the flow of refugees. MEPs also invited Member States to offer fair, effective access to asylum procedures.

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Justice/Interior Council Conclusions

13 October 2013

On 7th and 8th October 2013 the 28 European Justice and Interior Ministers defined a general guideline for the directive on the criminal protection of the euro and other currencies against counterfeiting. The directive on the right to access to a lawyer in criminal procedures and the legislative package on the governance of Schengen were adopted. Ministers agreed on the temporary move of the European Police College (CEPOL) from Bramshill to Budapest. They debated the "one-stop-shop" mechanism as part of the bid to protect data; they discussed the conflict in Syria as well as the shipwreck off Lampedusa. They noted the interim report by the Commission on the Member States' implementation of rules relative to free movement. Finally they met their Eastern Partnership counterparts to discuss the future in their specific areas.

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Railway safety, satellite navigation and air traffic

13 October 2013

On 10th October 2013 the 28 Transport Ministers came to agreement on a general approach to new rail safety rules (the revised directive known as "the 4th railway package" is a revised version of the railway safety directive dated 2004), the certification rules of the safety of European satellite navigation systems (GNSS) and the regulation on the financing of the work of the European Agency for Maritime Safety (AESM). Moreover they adopted a joint position enabling the extension of the mandate of the company managing the introduction of the new European system for the management of air traffic (SESAR).

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European Budget 2013 - additional funds

14 October 2013

On 14th October 2013 the Council approved a revision of the 2013 budget. Regarding spending a total increase of 3.9 billion euro was approved to address unpaid debts. Following floods and fires a fund was also created for Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Romania totalling 400 million euro. As far as revenues were concerned a reduction in customs duties (-4 billion euro) and VAT (-383.8 million) is being planned for. However an increase in own funds is planned which will be provided by Member States GDP (+3.1 billion euro) and fines (+1.2 billion).

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The ECB concerned about the independence of the Hungarian Central Bank

13 October 2013

In an opinion published on 7th October 2013 the European Central Bank (ECB) expressed its concern about the independence of the Hungarian Central Bank (MNB) after its merger with Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority (HFSA). The ECB questions the fact that the Hungarian government did not take into account the opinion issued by the ECB before parliament's adoption of this merger. The ECB also warns against giving new tasks to the MNB without granting it further financial means which might damage its ability to undertake its work independently. Resulting from the MNB/HFSA merger a new body will be created within the MNB, the Financial Stability Council, the director of which will be the Chairman of the MNB.

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The German Book Prize granted to Hungarian Terezia Mora

14 October 2013

The German Book Prize, which makes an award for the best novel of the year, was granted on 7th October 2013 to Hungarian writer and translator Terezia Mora for a her work "Das Ungeheuer" (The Monster). The jury lauded an "overwhelming novel, which fits perfectly into our era." The 700 page novel tells the story of an obese IT expert who travels around Hungary and then Southern Europe looking for a place to scatter the ashes of his wife who committed suicide. At the same time he reads her diary in which the deceased wrote down her experience of depression. Terezia Mora, who is 42 years old and originates from Hungary, lives in Berlin.

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Guido Westerwelle supports Ukraine on the path to Europe

13 October 2013

On 10th and 11th October 2013 the German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle travelled to Ukraine to take part in an international conference "The Way Ahead for the Eastern Partnership" organised in Kyiv. He met government and opposition representatives to discuss the association agreement between Ukraine and the EU which might be signed in November 2013. He confirmed his support to the project but he also stressed that there were still issues that needed to be settled, notably in terms of the respect of human rights. A memorandum by the German Foreign Minister highlights "that the offer made to Ms Tymoshenko for her to come to receive healthcare in Germany was still valid but that the decision lay in the hands of Ukraine."

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Austria: outgoing Social Democrat Chancellor is to form a government

13 October 2013

Outgoing Chancellor, Social Democrat Werner Faymann was asked on 9th October 2013 by Austrian President Heinz Fischer to form a new government after the Social Democratic victory (SPÖ) in the general elections on 29th September last. Having won the greatest number of votes (26.8% ie 52 seats in parliament) the SPÖ intends to lead negotiations to renew its alliance with the Conservatives of the ÖVP, which came second with 23.9% of the vote and 47 seats.

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Death of Wilfried Martens

13 October 2013

Former Belgian Prime Minister Wilfried Martens passed away on 10th October 2013. Leader of nine Belgian governments from 1979 to 1992 he had to face many unstable political situations, community tension and managed to revive the Belgian economy. He had been President of the EPP (European People's Party) since 1990. A great European has left us.

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The International Cooperation and Public Business Minister resigns

14 October 2013

Heidi Hautala, the Finnish Minister for International Cooperation and Public Business Minister resigned on 11th October 2013 after admitting that she asked a public company to withdraw a complaint made against Greenpeace militants.

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Shale gas: fracking still banned in France

13 October 2013

On 11th October 2013 the French Constitutional Council decided to validate the law dated 13th July 2011 banning the use of and drilling for shale gas in France via fracking. This technique presents several dangers for the environment. The council was solicited by the Texan company Schuepbach Energy LLC which won to licences to drill in the south of France before these were withdrawn following the approval of the 2011 law.

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Acquisition by Aegean Airlines of the Greek company Olympic Air

13 October 2013

On 9th October 2013 the European Commission authorised the acquisition of the Greek airline Olympic Air by its Greek rival Aegean Airlines. Due to its financial difficulties Olympic Air was going to be forced to quit the market and offer its rival market shares. After a Commission inquiry in April 2013 the latter concluded that it was not very likely that another airline would enter the national domestic flights market in Greece. Moreover the inquiry revealed that there was no other credible buyer for Olympic.

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Water Summit in Budapest

13 October 2013

After the Water Summit that took place in Budapest on 8th-11th October 2013 participants adopted a final declaration which sets out real recommendations for the sustainable development goals post 2015. The five political recommendations in the declaration are as follows: the creation of precise, well defined goals; an integrated approach to water management; the promotion of good governance in terms of water management; the use of water to create growth and green economies; the creation of new means of financing.

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Meeting of the "Arraiolos" group in Krakow

14 October 2013

On 8th and 9th October 2013 the heads of state of Germany, Finland, Italy, Latvia, Poland and Portugal met in Krakow in the Wawel Castle, for a summit of the "Arraiolos" group (which brings together the previously mentioned countries as well as Austria, Hungary and Slovenia). The Bulgarian and Estonian Presidents were invited. They discussed economic reforms, both national and community - especially the functioning of the single market. They also discussed economic links with the USA and the need to sign a transatlantic trade and investment agreement.

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Romanian Deputy Prime Minister accused of electoral fraud

14 October 2013

On 7th October 2013 Romanian Deputy Prime Minister Liviu Dragnea was accused of electoral fraud during the referendum in 2012 which sought the destitution of the President of the Republic. According to the prosecutors Mr Dragnea had "coordinated a complex mechanism in which he involved several people over whom he had influence with the aim of changing the results of the turnout." His aim was to collate a 50% turnout in order to validate the result.

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New Secretary of State for Scotland

13 October 2013

The British Secretary of State for Scotland, Michael Moore was ousted from cabinet on 7th October 2013 in the government re-shuffle just one year from the referendum on the region's independence. Michael Moore, who said he was disappointed to leave government, is being replaced by Alistair Carmichael. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg justified this decision by the need for "a different experience" in the run-up to the referendum on 18th September 2014. Clearly the more aggressive, combative style of Alistair Carmichael should help to overcome the pressure exercised by Alex Salmond, the nationalist Prime Minister of Scotland and block out the secessionists. Michael Moore is the only member of the cabinet, that rallies 21 of the most important ministers apart from Prime Minister David Cameron, to be affected by this the second government reshuffle.

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Nobel Prize 2013

14 October 2013

This year's Nobel Prizes were awarded from 7th to 14th October 2013. There are four Europeans amongst the winners. On 7th October 2013 the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology was awarded amongst others to German Thomas C. Südhof. On 8th October 2013 Belgian François Englert and Briton Peter Higgs received the Nobel Prize for Physics. On 9th October 2013 the Austro-American Martin Karplus won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry jointly with two Americans. On 11th October 2013 the Nobel Peace Prize went to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) "for its work in eradicating chemical weapons." This organisation whose HQ is in The Hague is fighting for the destruction of chemical weapons across the world.

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A government coalition in Norway

14 October 2013

On 7th October 2013 the Norwegian Conservative Party, which won the general elections on 9th September 2013 with Erna Solberg as its leader and the Progress Party, a populist, anti-immigration party, agreed on the formation of a minority government coalition which is due to enter office very shortly. The Liberals and the Christian Democrats did not manage to agree but they granted their support "without participating" in this coalition. A joint programme was drafted by the two parties. Outgoing Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg announced his resignation on 14th October 2013.

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Industrial output up in August 2013

14 October 2013

On 14th October 2013 Eurostat indicated that industrial output corrected to seasonal variations was up in the euro zone (+0.1%) and in the EU (+0.5%) in August 2013 in comparison with July 2013. The previous month industrial output had decreased in the euro zone (-1%) and in the Union (-0.6%). In comparison with August 2013 industrial output is down in the euro zone (-2.1%) and in the EU (-1.6%).

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Quality of life in European cities

13 October 2013

In October 2013 Eurobarometer published a survey on the quality of life in European cities. The EU's citizens say they are satisfied with their city in Aalborg (99%), Hamburg (98%), Zurich, Oslo, Copenhagen and Groningen (all 97%). However satisfaction is below 75% in Athens (52%), Naples (65%), Palermo (71%). Differences in satisfaction levels between cities are often due to public transport, healthcare services, sports facilities, cultural centres, green areas, and even the maintenance of public areas. The report highlights the fact that Europeans are not really satisfied with their schools; the most dissatisfied were noted in Palermo (50%), Naples 48%), Athens 45% and Bucharest (44%).

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Study of Adult Skills

13 October 2013

On 8th October 2013 the OECD and the European Commission published a study on literacy, numeracy, calculation and problem solving skills in the technological domain of people aged 16-65 in 17 EU Member States. According to results one adult in five in Europe has weak reading, literacy and calculation skills. 25% of adults do not have the digital skills required to use ITC's effectively. Moreover the study shows high disparity between the Member States. The conclusions of the study stress the need to invest more in education and training.

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The IMF's World Economic Outlook

13 October 2013

In its report entitled "World Economic Outlook" published as a complete work on 8th October 2013 the IMF notably looks into the outlook for the euro zone in 2014. Even though the recession should end in the euro zone with 1% growth in 2014 recovery will be "sluggish" says the institution. France and Germany will be the leaders in the revival of growth in 2014 in both countries. Moreover the emerging countries of Europe will continue moderate growth in 2013-2014 but an extended recession in the euro zone would be "a major danger" for them deems the IMF.

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Renationalisation versus Europeanisation

13 October 2013

On 10th October 2013 the think-tank "Policy Network" published an article by Thierry Chopin, Studies Director at the Robert Schuman Foundation which comments the work by Damian Chalmers entitled "Democratic Self-Government in Europe". In this work the author puts forward five solutions to the EU's deficit of legitimacy. These five solutions are all possible using the treaties as they stand and following the principle of strengthening the control of the Member States, notably that of the national parliaments over European institutions. Thierry Chopin goes further: in his opinion European citizens, more than the Member States' institutions, should take part in strengthening the Union's political legitimacy.

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The European Union's migratory policy

13 October 2013

La Documentation Française has published a work entitled "La politique migratoire de l'Union Européenne" in the series '"réflexeeurope" by Corinne Balleix, Phd Political Science, and a lecturer at Sciences Po, Paris. In this book the author reviews the EU's migratory policy in a context of globalisation, successive enlargements and the economic crisis. Even though the most recent treaties have planned for a joint migratory policy the author shows that the Member States still occupy a major position in the management of migratory flows. After looking into the stages of the European asylum and immigration policy Ms Balleix highlights the role played by the Member States and examines the management of the Union's external borders.

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Denmark's break-through to modernism

13 October 2013

The Kunsthalle of Hamburg is devoting an exhibition to Danish painting until 12th January 2014 entitled "Denmark's break-through to modernism. The Hirschsprung Collection from Eckersberg to Hammershøi". The exhibition brings together work covering the second half of the 19th until the beginning of the 20th centuries.

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Renaissance and Dream

14 October 2013

The exhibition entitled "Renaissance and Dream- Bosch, Veronesa, Greco" is running at the Museum of Luxembourg in Paris until 26th January 2014. The Renaissance lent dreams extraordinary importance. Bringing together nearly 80 pieces of work by illustrious artists of the Renaissance, from Jérôme Bosch to Veronesa, Dürer and Le Correge, the exhibition reveals this golden age of the depiction of dreams.

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Mondrian exhibition in Amsterdam

13 October 2013

The Museum of Amsterdam is devoting an exhibition to Dutch painter, Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) until 5th January 2014. He was recognised as being one the pioneers of abstract painting. The exhibition entitled "Mondrian in Amsterdam 1892-1912" aims to look into how the painter who lived and worked in the city during his youth discovered his own style. The exhibition brings together more than 60 pieces of Mondrian's work in the city where they were painted one hundred years ago.

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Velazquez and the Court of Philip IV in Madrid

13 October 2013

The Del Prado museum in Madrid is running an exhibition on Velazquez until 9th February 2014. The latter was a painter at the court of Philip IV, King of Spain. The exhibition analyses the painter's work during his second trip to Rome in 1649 until his death in 1660.

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Lucian Freud in Vienna

13 October 2013

For the first time in Austria the Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna is showing the works of British artist Lucian Freud (1922-2011) who is one of the greatest modern artists. Lucian Freud was one of the grandchildren of the famous Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. The exhibition has brought together all of the works by the artist which he himself considered to be vital creations. Amongst the canvasses on show in Vienna are some of his most famous pictures: portraits representing the Freud family, Queen Elizabeth II and artists such as Francis Bacon, self-portraits and also landscapes as well as still life. The exhibition is running until 6th January 2014.

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"Paul Klee: Making Visible"

13 October 2013

The Tate Modern is hosting an exhibition devoted the work of Paul Klee from 16th October 2013 to 9th March 2014. A radical figure of European modernism, Paul Klee and his works defy all categorisation. The exhibition starts with the First World War when Paul Klee started to develop his strokes of abstract patchwork painting. Then it focuses on the time he spent with Bauhaus teaching and working. The exhibition ends in the 1930's which brought radical change to Klee's life, forcing him to flee to Switzerland.

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The International Modern Art Fair in London

14 October 2013

The 11th Frieze London will be taking place from 16th to 20th October 2013. Frieze London brings together 152 of the main modern art galleries in the world covering 30 countries. This year the international fair is devoting a part of its exhibition to African modern art. The "1.54" exhibition whose name is inspired by the 54 countries comprising the African continent will be presenting high quality African art by 15 carefully selected galleries.

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The Lyon "Lumière" Film Festival

14 October 2013

The 5th "Lumière" Film Festival is taking place until 20th October 2013. This week which is rich with events offers an opportunity to discover or re-discover classic films, rare or unique work in 38 cinemas and screening venues. On the programme feature exhibitions, meetings with guests and educational workshops.

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14th October

Eurogroup Meeting (Luxembourg)

14th October

Environment Council (Luxembourg)

15th October

Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

15th October

Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Council (Luxembourg)

les 17th-18th October

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Luxembourg)

18th October

Trade Council (Luxembourg)

20th October

General Elections in Luxembourg ()

21st October

Foreign Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

21st to 24th October

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest ,Antonello Cadinu, Victoria de Posson, Anouk Richard, Bianka Szirjàk

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial - Immigration - Environment - Nobel Prize - Sakharov Prize


The Newsletter n°597- version of 14 oct. 2013