The Newsletter5967 oct. 2013

La Lettre

Julien Zalc

7 October 2013

Julien Zalc analyses the state of European public opinion for the Robert Schuman Foundation just months before the European elections. Contrary to popular belief after many years of crisis during which time European public opinion has clearly worsened there seem to be some signs which show that the situation is improving. Indeed at a time when the economic outlook for 2014 carries hope, public opinion does appear to be recovering.

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Front page!

Europe's Values

7 October 2013

Europe is proud of its founding values and promotes them across the world. With the Council of Europe, the vital institution for their defence, the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a conference under the patronage of Jean-Claude Mignon, leader of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, on "Europe and its Values" on 23rd October 2013 from 2pm to 6pm at the HQ of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. On-line enrolment is obligatory.

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"From the Schuman Declaration to For Europe"

6 October 2013

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Robert Schuman the Robert Schuman Foundation has published "From the Schuman Declaration to For Europe". This book presents the political and diplomatic context which was specific to the Cold War period. It includes the all of questions that are still topical regarding European integration, i.e. the nation, federalism, culture or the roots of Europe. Published by Editions Lignes de Repères, it is available in bookshops and on the Foundation's site. Order it.

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Financial Crisis

Spain: rise in the public debt and unemployment - IMF report

7 October 2013

On 30th September 2013 the Spanish government presented its draft law on the 2014 budget. The government maintained that the public debt was to reach 98.9% in 2014 and that at the end of 2013 it was due to total 94.2% of the GDP. According to data published by the Labour Ministry and the Spanish social security on 2nd October 2013 after six months of decline the number of unemployed increased by 25,572 in September 2013 to a total of 4.72 million people. On 30th September 2013 the troika (IMF, Commission and ECB) ended its mission in Spain. According to a report Spain was applying the necessary measures to reform its banking sector. However in order to strengthen banks' lending capacity and to support recovery Spain must introduce three measures rapidly: follow-up and increased supervision of the financial sector; upkeep of sufficient capital to avoid a downturn in lending conditions which are already difficult; strengthening of European policies to relieve financing costs.

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Italy: rise in unemployment in August 2013

6 October 2013

On October 1st 2013 the Italian Statistics Institute (Istat) published a report on the labour market in August 2013. According to the data published the unemployment rate rose by 0.1% in comparison with July 2013 totalling 12.2%. Youth unemployment (15-24 year olds) totals 40.1% increasing by 0.4% in comparison with July 2013.

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Germany: budgetary deficit and unemployment decreasing

6 October 2013

According to the latest official forecasts by the German Finance Ministry the country's budgetary deficit will only be 0.2% this year. In April last the government forecast a deficit close to 0.5%. As in 2012 Germany will also be able to communicate an almost balanced financial situation to the European Commission explained the ministry in its press release. Unemployment in Germany decreased again in September 2013 according to figures published on October 1st 2013 by the German Federal Labour Office. The unemployment rate dropped by 0.2 points to lie at 6.6%. In September 2013 the number of job seekers totalled 2,849,000, a decrease of 97,000 in comparison with the previous month but 61,000 more in comparison with September 2012.

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World Economic Outlook

6 October 2013

On 30th September the IMF published the third chapter of its report on the world economic outlook. In this chapter the IMF defends the idea that financial crises synchronise economic output. Indeed the institution shows that economies were strongly correlated during the financial crisis to the "point of moving along in harmony". This correlation is not limited to the advanced economies but it also involves developing countries.

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Portugal wins a new satisfecit from the troika

6 October 2013

On 3rd October 2013 the troika (IMF, European Commission, ECB) ended its visit to Portugal which started on 16th September 2013. Portugal gained the satisfecit on the part of its international creditors for the implementation of its austerity plan but it will not benefit from any further relaxation in its deficit goals announced the government. The greenlight by the experts of the troika opens the way to the payment of a further tranche of 5.6 billion euro said Portugal's creditors in a joint press release. "We have achieved a new positive assessment as part of the economic and financial assistance programme," said the Portuguese Finance Minister Mario Luis Albuquerque during the presentation of the conclusions of the 8th and 9th assessments of the country's rescue plan.

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Romania - unemployment and the IMF

7 October 2013

According to data published by the National Statistics Institute of Romania on 1st October 2013 the unemployment totalled 7.5% in August 2013 - the same level as July. However the rate had risen by 0.6% in comparison with August 2012. The number of young unemployed (15-24 year olds) increased by 5,000 in comparison with July 2013. The need for a reform of the labour market especially from a wage point of view was one of the points on the memorandum on economic and fiscal policies in the aid programme set out by the IMF and the Commission signed on 12th September 2013. The IMF is forecasting growth of 2% of the Romanian GDP in 2013.

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Greece: the budget forecasts the end of recession in 2014, GDP at +0.6%

7 October 2013

On 7th October 2013 the Greek government presented its draft budget for 2014. According to the latter Greece will emerge from recession in 2014 with GDP growth of 0.6% after six years of contraction. The government is forecasting a deficit of 4% of the GDP in 2013.

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Simplifying European legislation

6 October 2013

In a communication published on 2nd October 2013 the European Commission explained in detail (area of action by area of action) how it intends to take new measures in view of simplifying or withdrawing EU legislation, to simplify the burden weighing on businesses and to facilitate their implementation. This communication follows a review of all EU legislation. The Commission also announced that it intended to publish a scoreboard in order to follow the progress achieved from a European and national point of view. This action is part of its programme for fitness and performance in terms of regulation (REFIT).

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Not enough women in IT's

6 October 2013

On 3rd October 2013 the European Commission published a study indicating that if the number of women in the IT's and Communications sector increased it would be beneficial for the European economy and digital industry. Figures show that amongst 1,000 women with a first degree only 29 have an ITC qualification and only 4 work in this sector. Moreover women are under-represented in positions of responsibility; only 19.2% of workers in the ITC sector have a woman manager, whilst the figure totals 45.2% in other sectors. According to this study the GDP could rise by around 9 billion euro per year if women were better represented in the ITC sector.

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Strengthening the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union

6 October 2013

On 2nd October the European Union suggested the strengthening of the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union. In its communication it suggests including more unions and employers in the definition and implementation of strategic recommendations both on a national and European level as well as having an improved use of Member States' and the Union's budgets to relieve social distress and remove obstacles to professional mobility. The communication focuses on three points: closer monitoring of social issues, employment, better coordination of policies as part of the European semester; greater professional mobility and greater solidarity and finally more social dialogue.

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A more unified market: regulated professions

6 October 2013

On 2nd October 2013 the European Commission adopted a communication announcing the assessment of national regulations governing access to certain professions. The Commission aims to improve access to professions in the Member States by creating a more balanced, transparent regulatory framework. Regulated professions are those for which a qualification is necessary or the title of which is protected. The communication suggests a transparent approach in which each member State would communicate a list of regulated professions. A European map of regulated professions will be drawn up so that European citizens know what the conditions for entry into regulated conditions in each of the Union's country are. In a second phase the States will be invited to assess the obstacles that limit access to certain professions in their territories. This process should lead to dialogue between the various Member States.

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20 million euro for Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific

7 October 2013

The IMF and the European Commission agreed on 4th October 2013 on a contribution of €20 million for the Regional Technical Assistance Centres (RTAC's) in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. The IMF welcomed this aid on the part of the European Commission which it deems vital to support the RTCA's in these regions and their member countries. Moreover this aid programme proves the added value of the partnership between the European Commission and the IMF. It meets the development goal set by the European Union.

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Irishwoman Emily O'Reilly takes offices as the new European Ombudsman

7 October 2013

On October 1st 2013 Emily O'Reilly left her position as Ombudsman of the Republic of Ireland and took up her new post as European Ombudsman. She takes over from P. Nikiforos Diamandouros who is retiring after having occupied this office for more than ten years. The Ombudsman investigates cases of poor administration on the part of the EU's institutions and organisations. Any Union citizen, resident, business or association with its statutory seat in an EU member state can lodge a complaint with the Ombudsman. The latter offers rapid, flexible, free means to settle problems encountered with the EU's administration.

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Modification of the 2014 budget by the European Parliament's Budgets Committee

6 October 2013

On October 2nd 2013 the European Parliament's Budgets Committee approved the reduction of the 2014 budget by around 10 million euro. The budget in real terms could have risen sharply following a rise in inflation estimated at 1.7% in 2014, and due to additional costs linked to the end of the legislature (+2.1%) as well as to the Croatia's accession (+0.17%). The vote on 2nd October enabled a limitation of the increase in the budget to 1.9% in comparison with 2013. Secondly the committee cancelled the reduction of investments in support of growth and employment that the Council put forward in July. Financing of international policy such as humanitarian aid to refugees or to the Near East have been re-established. MEPs will define their position on the budget 2014 during a plenary session on 23rd October. After this vote 21 days of negotiation in conciliation with the Council will begin.

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Vote on the reform of the CAP

6 October 2013

The Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development at the European Parliament adopted the agreement on the multi-annual financial framework on 30th September 2013 regarding the reform of the CAP decided on 24th September after an informal meeting between the parliament, the Council and the Commission. This vote confirms that the levels of co-financing include a voluntary base of 85% for the development of under developed regions, outermost regions and small Aegean islands and that degressivity will total a rate of 5% for sums over €150,000. This vote has to be confirmed by all of the European parliament in the plenary session of October or November.

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Conclusions of the General Affairs Council

6 October 2013

On 30th September 2013 the 28 European Affairs Ministers studied the progress in legislative measures concerning the cohesion policy 2014-2020 which aims to reduce the differences between the regions of the European Union. Moreover ministers gave advice to the presidency in order to finalise negotiations with the European Parliament over several pending issues. Finally they prepared the next European Council on 24th and 25th October.

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Rights of access to a lawyer

7 October 2013

On 7th October 2013 the Council adopted a directive on the right of access to a lawyer as part of criminal proceedings. Following the entry into force of this directive the Union's member countries will have three years to fall in line with European law. The directive sets minimal rules regarding the rights governing access to legal aid, to the principle of confidentiality between lawyer and suspect, the right to inform third parties of a person's imprisonment, the right for a person remanded in custody to access a lawyer in the executing State and to appoint a lawyer in the issuing State.

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Court of Justice

EU Embargo on seal products

7 October 2013

The European Court of Justice confirmed the ban on trading in products using seal skin derivatives on 3rd October 2013 - the only exception being products that come from traditional hunting undertaken by Inuits for non-lucrative ends. The Court of Luxembourg rejected the appeal lodged by the main Canadian Inuit Organisation Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami asking for permission to trade seal products in Europe. However the dispute between the EU on the one hand and Canada and Norway on the other continues since Ottawa and Oslo deem that the ban does not affect EU members which use other slaughter methods. The WTO is to take a decision about this within the next few months.

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Court of Auditors

EU support to the Democratic Republic of the Congo

7 October 2013

The European Court of Auditors published a critical report on 1st October 2013 regarding the EU's support to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (RDC). Hans Gustav Wessberg, a member of the Court responsible for the report deemed that the "EU has to be more demanding vis-à-vis the Congolese authorities". The report indicates that less than half of the programmes studied will produce the results desired and it is difficult to suppose that their effects will be lasting. The Union is one of the RDC's main partners in terms of development and is promoting good governance and human rights, however its aid has to be more effective and realistic in terms of programme design and the goals targeted.

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The ECB prepared to "use all of the tools at its disposal"

6 October 2013

On 2nd October 2013 the European Central Bank (ECB) maintained its main interest rate at 0.5% and said that it would use all the tools at its disposal to help the euro zone on the path to recovery, which it deems "fragile". Its President Mario Draghi re-iterated that this accommodating monetary policy would be used as long as necessary. In the face of a "weak, unequal, fragile" recovery the euro zone's GDP rose by 0.3% in the second quarter after six successive quarters of contraction. "The ECB is ready to use all of the tools at its disposal," he said. "The ECB has a wide range of tools available including another LTRO if necessary" in other words a massive, long term, inexpensive credit line, designed for banks - "as opened by the institution at the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012," said Mr Draghi before adding "we are ruling out no option."

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Nobel Medicine Prize

7 October 2013

The Nobel Medicine Prize was given to Americans, James Rothman, Randy Shekman and to German Thomas Südhof on 7th October 2013 "for their discoveries concerning vesicle traffic, a major transport system in our cells". The three prize winners have discovered the mechanism that enables the transport of molecules produced by the cells "to the right place" and the "right time". These discoveries have notably helped show how some illnesses can start when the condition of the vesicles (support to the transport of molecules made by the cells) deteriorates.

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European Arrest Warrant

7 October 2013

Croatia gave in to pressure on the part of the EU on 4th October 2013 as it cancelled the measures that limited the range of the European Arrest Warrant adopted just before it joined the EU on July 1st, thereby enabling the country to avoid the threat of sanctions on the part of Brussels. The Croatian parliament modified the law in question which will enter into force on January 1st 2014 by a wide majority as requested by the EU. The law in question limited the range of the European Arrest Warrant to affairs post August 2002. The text was adopted three days before Zagreb joined the EU on July 1st.

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France receives the first A400M, a new generation military plane

6 October 2013

On 30th September 2013 France received the first A400M, a new generation military plane. The A400M "which France absolutely needs" is also "a European achievement" explained the French Defence Minister Mr Le Drian. Equipped with four turbo-drives it can transport up to 37 tonnes over 3,300 Km then land on unprepared ground, like sand for example, with armoured vehicles and helicopters on board. It has taken 10 years for this "technological gem" to be developed.

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Declaration by François Hollande on the CAP

6 October 2013

On the occasion of the 22nd Livestock Summit on 2nd October 2013 the French President François Hollande delivered a speech on the new CAP guidelines 2014-2020. He explained that the first priority was to support breeding with a reorientation of nearly one billion euro towards this area of activity. He also announced a convergence of progressive aid as of 2015 with the aim of putting an end to disparity. France is the leading beneficiary of the CAP receiving 63.7 billion euro 2014-2020 divided between direct aid (7.7 billion per year) and rural development aid (1.2 billion euro per year).

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New "ROMACT" Programme for better integration on the part of the Roma

6 October 2013

A new programme (ROMACT) aiming to promote the integration of Roma using a new approach combining housing, education and employment was launched in Hungary on 4th October 2013 in the presence of the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Laszlo Andor and the Hungarian Minister of State for Social Inclusion, Zoltan Kovacs. ROMACT will focus on enhancing the capabilities of local and regional authorities for a better integration of Roma in five countries: Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy and Slovakia. ROMACT is a joint project with the Council of Europe, the European Commission and the European Alliance of towns and regions for Roma inclusion. The initial phase of the programme will benefit from a budget of 700,000 euro.

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Results of the referendum on the abolition of the Upper Chamber of Parliament

6 October 2013

On 4th October 2013 the Irish voted by referendum against the abolition of the upper chamber of parliament which the government had put forward. The electorate voted for the "no" to the abolition of the Irish Senate (Seanad Eireann) by 51.73% (634, 437 votes) against (591.937) votes in support of the "yes" according to official results. Turnout totalled 39.17%.

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The Letta government wins the confidence of both Chambers in the Italian Parliament

6 October 2013

On 2nd October 2013 the Letta government won the confidence of both chambers of Parliament. In the morning of 2nd October he easily won the confidence of the Senate with 235 votes out of 307. After a week-long internal discussion the "People of Freedom", Silvio Berlusconi's party, decided to approve the government. In the afternoon of 2nd October Prime Minister Enrico Letta went to the Chamber in which 435 MPs out of 630 voted in his support.

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The Electoral Commission of the Italian Senate is suggesting the expulsion of Silvio Berlusconi

6 October 2013

On 4th October 2013 the Electoral Commission of the Senate approved the expulsion of Silvio Berlusconi from the Senate by an overwhelming majority. This came after his final conviction for tax fraud. The written motivation of the decision will be published in three weeks time. The final decision on the expulsion of Silvio Berlusconi will soon be taken by the Senate as it meets in plenary session.

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The EU's envoys sign a request for a pardon for Ms Tymoshenko

6 October 2013

On October 4th October 2013 the European Parliament's envoys to Ukraine, former president of Poland, Aleksander Kwaskniewski and former president of the European Parliament Pat Cox, presented a request for the pardon of political opponent and former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko to the Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. "I met the representatives of the European Parliament's mission Cox and Kwasniewski. They have given me permission to announce to you today that during a meeting with Viktor Yanukovych they delivered a request for a pardon which they have signed themselves," declared Ms Tymoshenko's lawyer Serguey Vlassenko.

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Unemployment totalled 12% in the euro zone in August 2013

6 October 2013

On October 1st 2013 Eurostat indicated an unemployment rate of 12% for the euro zone and 10.9% in the European Union in August 2013. This represents 26,595 million men and women in the Union, 19,178 million in the euro zone. In comparison with the previous month unemployment remained stable whilst in comparison with August 2012 the unemployment rate was up since it lay at 11.5% for the euro zone and 10.6% for the European Union. The most vulnerable countries are Spain and Greece with respectively 26.2% and 27.9%, where the most recent figures date back to June 2013. However the countries with the lowest unemployment rates are Austria (4.9%), Germany (5.2%) and Luxembourg (5.8%).

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Ireland, Greece and Portugal have received 90% of the loans granted by the IMF in 2013

6 October 2013

According to the IMF's report published on October 1st 2013, Ireland, Greece and Portugal, all three receiving financial aid from the IMF, have received 90% of the funds granted by the organisation in 2013 (financial year ending in April). All of the funds have been released as part of a bail-out plan set out with the European Commission and the ECB. According to the report Ireland has received 4 billion dollars, Portugal 3.6 billion and Greece 3.2 billion.

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"La guerre la plus longue. L'Occident dans le piège afghan"

6 October 2013

On 25th September 2013 Calmann-Lévy publishing released a book by Hervé Asquin entitled "La guerre la plus longue. L'Occident dans le piège afghan". This book reviews a long war that has been costly for the West. The author criticises the Afghan conflict, "an asymmetrical war", in which none of the disasters suffered by Afghanistan have been contained.

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Atlas of French Influence in the 21st Century

6 October 2013

Robert Laffont publishing house and the Institut Français have published an atlas of French influence in the 21st century under the guidance of Michel Foucher, geographer and member of the Robert Schuman Foundation's Scientific Committee. Via comparisons with other world powers the atlas analyses the real position of France and also the way it is seen from one nation to another. Apart from being a simple panorama this atlas asserts and shows the extent of the influence of "France" in the world.

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The history of Italy via royal carriages

6 October 2013

Until 2nd February 2014 the Venaria Royal Palace in Turin together with the Quirinal of Rome and the Palais Pitti Museum in Florence, is organising an exhibition on royal carriages used by Italian sovereigns between the 18th and 19th centuries. From the times of the Risorgimento to Italy's Unification and Rome's proclamation as the capital, the exhibition presents the carriages of the Bourbons of Naples, the Kings of Sardinia and the Grand Duke of Toscany. Amongst the carriages presented feature the Berlingot of 1789, one of the last symbols of the Old Regime which belonged to Victor Emmanual 1st.

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"Georg Baselitz. Background Stories"

6 October 2013

The Galerie NeueMeister in Dresden is devoting an exhibition to the German artist Georg Baselitz untill 2nd December 2013 (born 1938) entitled "Background Stories" (Hintergrundgeschichten). Baselitz set this exhibition up himself on the invitation of the museum in celebration of his 75th birthday. In this exhibition Baselitz creates links with old masters like Cranach, Vermeer, Rembrandt, Rayski, Monet and Caspar David Friedrich; visitors can view reproductions alongside Baselitz's works.

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Exhibition devoted to Félix Vallotton

6 October 2013

The "Félix Vallotton: Fire under ice" exhibition is taking place at the Grand Palais until 20th January 2014 and is offering the public a new angle from which to view Félix Vallotton's work (1865-1925). Vallotton was a genre-breaking Franco-Swiss artist, painter and a pioneer of wood cut who had an extremely personal and resolutely modern style associated with the Nabis. Recognisable amongst all others his paintings stand out due to their refined colours and precise drawings. This exhibition of some 170 paintings and wood cut is the first retrospective devoted to Vallotton by a Parisian museum in over 50 years.

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"Andy Warhol. Life, Death and Beauty" in Mons

6 October 2013

The exhibition "Andy Warhol. Life, Death and Beauty" organised by the Beaux-Arts Mons in Mons is running until 19th January 2014. The event is being produced by the Andy Warhol Museum of Pittsburgh with curator, Gianni Mercurio. Works that are rarely presented in Europe are on show to the public.

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Joan Miro at the Burgos Cathedral in Spain

6 October 2013

The Reina Sofia Museum and the Seattle Museum are devoting an exhibition in the Burgos Cathedral to Joan Miro until 20th January 2014. The exhibition focuses on the painter's production between the 1963 and 1981. In all 18 paintings, 8 drawings and 27 sculptures are on show.

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Frankfurt Book Fair

7 October 2013

From 9th to 13th October 2013 this year's prestigious book fair is taking place in Frankfurt, a world venue for book professionals. Brazil, self-publication and start-ups will be the focus of attention this year. 7,100 exhibitors from the world over will be present. "We have 39% of the authors from the German speaking world - Germany, Austria and Luxembourg, the rest is international," said Director Jürgen Boos. The event is due to attract 250,000 visitors over five days.

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7th and 8th October

"Justice and Internal Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

7th to 10th October

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

10th October

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Luxembourg)

les 11th-13th October

Autumn IMF and World Bank Meetings (Washington)

14th October

Eurogroup Meeting (Luxembourg)

14th October

Environment Council (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest ,Antonello Cadinu, Victoria de Posson, Anouk Richard, Bianka Szirjàk

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

ECB; Politics/Italy; IMF/Outlook; Roma


The Newsletter n°596- version of 7 oct. 2013