The Newsletter59530 sept. 2013

La Lettre

Nicole Gnesotto

30 September 2013

In an interview with the Robert Schuman Foundation, Nicole Gnesotto, professor of the European Union at the CNAM addresses the situation in Syria and the EU's response to this crisis. She comments the roadmaps published by the French Defence Ministry (White Paper and Military Programming Law) from the point of view of European defence. Finally she speaks of the hopes offered to the EU in the European Council of December 2013 which will focus on issues of defence.

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Front page!

Réenchanter l'Europe (How do we win back Europe's heart?)

30 September 2013

On the occasion of its 20th anniversary Euralia, together with the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a debate in Brussels on 3rd October on the theme of "Comment ré-enchanter Europe?" (How do we win back Europe's heart?). After the presentation of a study by the Robert Schuman Foundation, undertaken and presented by Julien Zalc, a debate moderated by journalist Pascal Verdeau, France 3's correspondent, between guests from various areas will put forward ideas to revive the European project as the European elections 2014 draw closer. Thierry Chopin, Studies Director for the Foundation will be taking part.

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Debate with Yuri Lutsenko

30 September 2013

Former Ukrainian Interior Minister and opposition leader, Yuri Lutsenko took part in a breakfast meeting on 27th September 2013 at the Robert Schuman Foundation. The focus of discussions was the Ukrainian political situation, the possible signature of an association agreement with the EU and the impact of the latter on the country's domestic political situation. Yuri Lutsenko also spoke of the conditions of detention of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and the difficulties linked to her liberation before the signature of the association agreement. Finally Mr Lutsenko addressed the issue of relations with Russia, its ability to influence Ukraine from a political and economic point of view and the possible consequences if Ukraine draws closer to the EU.

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General elections in Luxembourg: is this the end of the Juncker era?

29 September 2013

The decision taken by Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker (Christian Social People's Party, PCS/CVS) on 10th July to resign (deferred) from his post has led to the organisation of early general elections that will take place on 20th October next. The electorate will be renewing the 60 members of parliament, elected for a five year period. At present six parties are represented in the Chamber of Deputies: the Christian Social People's Party (PCS/CVS), the Socialist Workers' Party (POSL/LSAP), the Democratic Party (PD/DP), the Greens/Dei Greng (LV-DG), the Democratic Alternative Reform Party (ADR), the Left/Dei Lenk (LG/DL). According to the most recent poll by TNS Ilres, published in the Lëtzebuerger Wort and broadcast on the TV/radio channel RTL, the Christian Social People's Party (PCS/CSV) is ahead of its rivals just one month before the election with 33% of voting intentions. The Socialist Workers' Party (POSL/LASP) and the Democratic Party (PD/DP) are due to win 15% each, the Greens/Dei Greng 10%, the Left/Dei Lenk, 4%. The Alternative Democratic Reform Party (ADR), the Communist Party (KRL) and the Pirate Party are only due to win 1% each.

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Giorgi Margvelashvili, favourite in the Presidential election in Georgia

29 September 2013

On 27th October next 3,537,249 Georgians will be electing their president. The election is important even though the constitutional reform of 2010 deprives the head of State of some of his powers to be benefit of the Prime Minister and the Parliament. 23 people are officially running. Any candidate in the presidential election has to be aged 35 at least and has to have lived in the country for a minimum of five years. He must also find the signatures of at least 0.75% of all of those registered on the electoral rolls ie 26,530 signatures. All of the polls forecast the victory of the candidate of the party in power, Giorgi Margvelashvili, with over 50% of the vote. Davit Bakradze is due to win just under 10%, Nino Bourdjanadze, 7% and the leader of the Labour Party Shalva Natelashvili, 4%.

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Early general election in the Czech Republic

30 September 2013

On 25th and 26th October next the Czechs are being called to ballot in early general elections. This election follows the dissolution of the lower chamber of Parliament on 20th August last after the collapse of Jiri Rusnok's government as it failed to win the confidence of Parliament. It also follows the fall of the coalition led by Petr Necas on 10th July (Civic Democratic Party ODS). The Chamber of Deputies comprises 200 members elected for four years. 5 political parties are represented in the Chamber of Deputies at present: the Social Democratic Party (CSSD), the Civic Democratic Party (ODS), Tradition, Responsibility, Prosperity 09 (TOP 09), the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM), Public Affairs (VV). The most recent poll by the institute CVVM, published on 24th September credits the CSSD with 30.5% of the vote; the KSCM is due to win 19.5%; Ano 2011 14% and TOP 09 12.5%, the ODS is due to win 7% and the Citizens' Rights Party 5%.

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The "grand coalition" Social Democratic Party-People's Party re-elected in Austria

30 September 2013

The Austrians chose to re-elect their leaders in the general elections on 29th September. The outgoing government coalition formed by the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) of outgoing Chancellor Werner Faymann and the People's Party (ÖVP) of Vice-Chancellor Michael Spindelegger came out ahead in the election. The SPÖ won 27.1% of the vote and 53 seats (-5 in comparison in the last general election on 28th September 2008); the ÖVP won 23.8% and 46 seats (-4), the Freedom Party (FPÖ), a far right party 21.4% and 42 MPs (+7), the Greens (DG), 11.5% and 22 seats (+3), the Team Stronach Austria (BZÖ) 3.6%. Turn out lay at 65.9% ie -12.9 points in comparison with the general election on 28th September 2008.

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Financial Crisis

First signs of economic recovery in Spain

29 September 2013

On 27th September 2013 the Spanish government indicated that the Spanish GDP will grow by 0.7% in 2014. The unemployment rate will drop to 25.9% in 2014 in comparison with 26.5% recorded in 2013. The Bank of Spain said on 26th September 2013 that the GDP might rise slightly in the third quarter of 2013. Amongst the factors in possible GDP growth in the third quarter is an increase in the sales of cars and a less pronounced decrease in retail sales. On 25th September 2013 Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy confirmed an improvement in the deficit which in 2012 totalled 6.8% and not 7% as forecast - a figure that was confirmed on 27th September.

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The IMF releases 770 million € for Ireland

29 September 2013

On 26th September 2013 the IMF announced that it had released 770 million € in support of Ireland.This sum is part of the international rescue plan that started at the end of 2010 and which is due to terminate at the end of 2013. Ireland is model amongst the euro zone countries which are receiving financial assistance. According to the IMF audit the country's accounts have been deemed satisfactory, but unemployment remains high.

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The IMF mission welcomes Lithuania's recovery

29 September 2013

On 23rd September on its visit to Lithuania, the IMF mission announced in its report that the country's economy was developing healthily and that confidence had returned. The GDP seems to have recovered its pre-crisis level and growth is due to lie at 3.5% in 2014. In spite of these positive details the IMF recalls that Lithuania is not completely out of danger due to external threats. The IMF is encouraging Lithuania to respect the 2013 budget as a precaution and to put forward a credible budget for 2014.

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France: GDP growth in the 2nd quarter and unemployed numbers down

29 September 2013

Figures published on 25th September 2013 by the Statistics Institute of the French Labour Ministry (DARES) revealed a decline of 50,000 unemployed in August 2013. However an abnormally high increase in the removal of names from these lists due to individuals not updating their situation was observed. The Labour Ministry calls therefore for a prudent interpretation of these results. According to INSEE data published on 27th September 2013 the French GDP grew in volume by 0.5% in the second quarter of 2013 after a contraction of 0.1% in the previous quarter. Household consumption increased (+0.4% after -0.1%) and exports rose sharply also (+2.0% after -0.5%). Household purchasing power rose again but less strongly: in nominal terms the gross available income increased by 0.5% after +1.3% in the previous quarter.

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Cyprus receives the tranche of 1.5 billion € from the euro zone

29 September 2013

On 27th September 2013 Cyprus received the tranche of 1.5 billion € planned for by the euro zone to complete the bail-out to a total of 10 billion €. This plan aims to recapitalise the banking sector. This loan will be reimbursed in two payments in 2029 and 2030. Cyprus has now received 4.5 billion € as part of this financial bail out of a total of 9 billion € paid by the euro zone.

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The economic sentiment index up in September

29 September 2013

On 27th September 2013 the Commission indicated that the economic sentiment index improved in September for the fifth consecutive month in the euro zone and was at its highest since August 2011. In comparison with August the index was up by +1.6 points and lies at 96.6 points. In the EU the index rose by +2.6 points and lies at 100.6 points. The financial services (+6.1 points), the construction industry (+4.4 points) and retail trade (+3.6 points) are the most positive. Other sectors have a rising economic sentiment index like industry (+1.1 points), the services (+1.9 points) and, to a lesser degree, consumption (+0.7 points). From a geographic point of view economic sentiment is rising in Spain (+2.5 points), Italy (+2.5 points), France (+1.6 points) and Germany (+0.3 points).

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IMF Report on Italy

30 September 2013

According to a report published by the IMF on 26th September 2013 the Italian economic situation was showing signs of stabilisation with a possible but modest recovery at the end of this year. In its report the IMF explained that without structural reform the outlook for growth remained weak. The report insists on the need to step up productivity and to fight against unemployment. It is also necessary to cut unproductive public spending in order to bring down taxes and to strengthen the Italian banks' capacity to issue liquidities to support the economy as a whole. Political stability will also be a decisive factor in improving the situation.

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Modification to the European Budget 2013

29 September 2013

The European Commission adopted the second tranche of its draft amending budget totalling 3.9 billion euro on 25th September. The 2013 budget did not enable the Union to reimburse the beneficiaries of the programmes funded by the EU. Most of the second tranche of this budget will go to the cohesion policy, whilst 344 million euro will enhance tools that aim to stimulate growth and employment, especially research, student mobility and the financing of SMEs. The Commission suggested that 121 million euro be devoted to victims of serious humanitarian crises. This modification to the budget has to be approved by the Council and the European Parliament.

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Education: stimulating innovation and digitial competence

29 September 2013

The "Open Education" programme launched on 25th September by the European Commission aims to counter technological gaps in schools and universities. Indeed in the EU 63% of all 9 year olds go to schools which are not equipped with performant IT materials, and yet digitial competence will be demanded in 90% of jobs by 2020. The Commission has launched an internet site that enables teachers to share educational resources free of charge.

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The Commission steps up security over medical devices

30 September 2013

The European Commission committed to stepping up legislation regarding medical devices after the breast replacement scandal. Two proposals involve the organisations that check manufacturers of medical devices and were put forward on 24th September 2013. The Commission is proposing a regulation which stipulates that these organisations must respect certain criteria when they undertake their inspections as well as a recommendation detailing the missions to undertake when these organisations do audits and assessments.

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Agreement between the EU and Indonesia on the logging trade

30 September 2013

The EU and Indonesia signed a trade agreement in Brussels on 30th September in Brussels that aims to strengthen the fight against the illegal logging. The agreement stipulates that only wood or derivated products whose legal origin has been checked will be exported to the Union. Indonesia is the first Asian country to conclude an agreement like this and it is by far the most important Asian exporter of wood to the Union.

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Mssrs Draghi and Regling before the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee

29 September 2013

The European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee hosted Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank on 23rd September and on 24th September they received Klaus Regling, the General Director of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). With Mario Draghi they discussed questions pertaining to the practical details required to set up of a single bank resolution system and fund, the upcoming bank balance sheet health checks and next steps for Greece since the ECB will be in the troika long term. With Klaus Regling MEPs wondered whether the ESM could become a safety net for the European Single Resolution Funds and whether it could recapitalise struggling banks. Klaus Regling deemed that the ESM's legal base did not allow for it. But he is prepared to look into other legal interpretations which might justify the ESM taking on this role.

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CAP Reform

29 September 2013

On 23rd September the 28 Agriculture Ministers looked into the new strategy for forests put forward by the Commission on 20th September and addressed issues involving the international agricultural trade. But the meeting focused on the reform of the CAP. The presidency indicated that European Parliament believed that some questions linked to the multi-annual financial framework 2014-2020 were not part of a political agreement over the package to reform the CAP agreed on 26th June. On 24th September the European Parliament and the Council came to agreement on the MFF 2014-2020 from the point of view of the CAP. The agreement is due to be voted on by the European Parliament's Agriculture and Rural Development Committee on 30th September, and by a special Council committee on agriculture on 7th October.

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Competitiveness Council Results

29 September 2013

On 26th and 27th September the 28 Ministers responsible for Competitiveness addressed the main action that has been taken in support of European SMEs and noted the positive results of the "Small Business Act" which has been introduced to help SMEs overcome the economic crisis. They exchanged points of view concerning the competitiveness of European industries from the point of view of energy, climate, trade and research policies. Finally they looked into the new public/private partnerships and adopted some improvements to the Union Customs Code.

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Quartet Meeting

30 September 2013

The representatives of the Quartet - the UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon, Russian Foreign Minister Serguey Lavrov, the US Secretary of State, John Kerry and the EU's High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton together with the Quartet representative, Tony Blair and the heads of the Israeli and Palestinian negotiations, Tzipi Livni and Saeb Erekat - met in New York on 27th September. Discussions focused on progress in negotiations between Israel and Palestine since talks started again on 29th July 2013. Economic initiatives and the strengthening of Palestinian institutions as well as the humanitarian situation in Gaza were also discussed. The leaders recalled the declarations and resolutions of the UN's Security Council and re-iterated their determination to come to an overall solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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Court of Justice

The right to reimbursement even in an case of force majeure

29 September 2013

The EU's Court of Justice decided on 26th September 2013 that train passengers had the right to partial reimbursement of the price of their train ticket if there was a significant delay and even if this was due to a case of force majeure The Court also decided that a railway company could not include in its general conditions a clause exonerating it from paying out compensation.

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The GfK at its highest in six years

29 September 2013

The morale of German households reached its highest level in over six years; historically low interest rates have encouraged Germans to buy according to a monthly survey by the German institute GfK published on 25th September 2013. Its confidence index which measures consumption forecasts for the month to come progressed to 7.1 against 7 in September 2013.

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Towards a CDU-CSU/SPD coalition

30 September 2013

In Germany the Social Democratic Party (SPD) says it is ready to negotiate with the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) led by Angela Merkel. The decision was announced on 27th September by the SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel after a meeting with party delegates in Berlin. "We are going to enter into a phase that will lead to a vote by all of the SPD members," he announced. "During this vote party members will say whether they accept the conclusions of the negotiations which we have undertaken or not." Initial discussions with the CDU will start on 4th October.

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European Arrest Warrant: Croatia falls in line

29 September 2013

On 18th September 2013 the Commission launched the so-called article 39 procedure against Croatia since its legislation was in contradiction with the European Arrest Warrant and also because the Croatian government was taking too long to fall in line with community law. On 25th September Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission met the Croatian Justice Minister Orsat Miljenic who promised to align legislation in order to respect European judicial cooperation in the penal domain. On 26th September 2013 the Croatian government cancelled measures which infringed the European Arrest Warrant. These measures have to be approved by the Croatian parliament. The warrant will then be totally effective as of January 1st 2014.

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Spain: 2014 budget and retirement reform

29 September 2013

On 27th September 2013 the Spanish Council of Ministers approved the 2014 budget and the retirement reform. The government stressed that the new budget is typified by austerity measures and that the long term goal is to bring the deficit below 3% by 2016. Ministries will receive 34,584 million €, which means a 5% reduction in comparison with last year. However spending is of a strong social nature focusing on increasing study grants, research, housing aid and social security. The Council of Ministers also approved a bill on the reform of retirement pensions as they introduce sustainability factor to enable a 0.25% minimum value adjustment in times of economic crisis.

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2014 budget adopted in Council of Ministers

30 September 2013

On 25th September 2013 the French Economy and Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici presented the draft finance law for 2014 to the Council of Ministers. The draft is based on a growth forecast of 0.9% in 2014, after 0.1% in 2013. This budget includes 15 billion € in savings on public spending. The savings are spread to a total of 9 billion over the State budget, local communities and operators and to a total of 6 billion over the social sector. These savings should lead to a reduction in the public deficit down to 3.6% of the GDP in 2014, against 4.1% of the GDP expected in 2013. The European Commission welcomed the major guidelines of this draft for France in 2014 on 26th September deeming it "responsible and prudent" and called for the country to continue its reforms. It will give a full opinion in mid-November only.

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Arrest of the leaders of Golden Dawn

30 September 2013

On 28th September the Greek authorities struck hard against the Neonazi party Golden Dawn as they arrested its historic leader and several of its MPs, ten days after the murder of an anti-fascist musician by one of the party's members. The Greek police arrested Nikolaos Michaloliakos, leader and MP for Golden Dawn and founder of the party in 1980. Four other MPs (out of a total of 18) including its spokesperson, Ilias Kasidiaris were also arrested. Criminal proceedings were launched by the prosecutor against the five MPs who will remain in custody until they are presented to a judge. The arrests, of a judicial nature, are based on the fact that these MPs belong to a "criminal" organisation and also on proceedings for physical violence and murder.

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The troika announces a break in discussions

30 September 2013

The troika of Greece's creditors - the IMF, the European Union, the European Central Bank - announced on 29th September 2013 that there would be a "break" in discussions with the country over the release of a further tranche of aid. "Discussions with Athens will be put on hold, and will start again over the next few weeks," indicated the troika in a joint press release; Its teams have been in the Greek capital since 17th September for a further audit of the country's accounts. After this assessment Greece's creditors had to decide whether to release more aid as part of the bail-out plan granted in the spring, totalling 170 billion euros. In explanation of the break the troika spoke of simple technical questions and maintains that discussions with the Greek authorities have "progressed well" in terms of implementing the savings measures demanded in exchange for financial aid.

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Political Crisis in Italy

30 September 2013

Alarmed at the idea of losing his parliamentary immunity in the near future, Silvio Berlusconi opened a further period of political uncertainty for Italy by pushing ministers in his party to resign. On 28th September 2013 five PdL ministers resigned. The latter did however say how dismayed they were on 29th September. The Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Angelino Alfano notably explained that he was planning to be "Berlusconian" in a different way. For his part the head of the Italian government Enrico Letta announced on 29th September that he would request a vote of confidence of parliament on 2nd October. "We have been working in an extremely complicated situation and we have decided to go to parliament as soon as possible," explained Mr Letta during a TV programme after an interview with President Giorgio Napolitano.

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Lech Walesa Prize

30 September 2013

The annual prize founded by Lech Walesa, the historic leader of the Polish union 'Solidarity' was attributed to the Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky. It was delivered on 29th September 2013 in Gdansk to his son Pavel Khodorkovsky. Founded in 2008 the annual Lech Walesa Prize aims to "reward those who are fighting for entente and cooperation between populations, in the name of freedom and the values which were those of the movement 'Solidarity'."

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United Kingdom

Privatisation of the Royal Mail

30 September 2013

The British postal group, Royal Mail, has been valued at between £2.6 and £3.3 billion (3-3.9 billion €) as part of its privatisation which started on 27th September 2013 announced the government. The initial price offering lies between 260p and 330p per security indicated the government in a press release. The offers of securities to institutional investors and to private parties will end on 8th October in view of a listing on the Stock Exchange on 15th October. London intends to relinquish most of its shares to the market and via the free attribution of 10% of the capital to the 150,000 Royal Mail employees as part of this privatisation which is the biggest since the wave of operations during Margaret Thatcher and John Major's terms in office. After privatisation the British government, which holds 100% of the Royal Mail, will have a 37.8% to 49.9% share if the option of over alotment is not exercised and between 30% to 43.9% if this option is exercised.

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Third international forum on the Arctic in Russia

30 September 2013

On 24th and 25th September 2013 the Russian Geographical Society organised the third International Forum on the Arctic. The Presidents of Russia, Vladimir Putin, Finland, Sauli Niinistö and Iceland, Olafur Grimsson took part in this event. The Forum focused on economic activities in the region and particularly on oil and gas drilling to revive the "Northern Sea Route". Participants stressed the importance of protecting the eco-system as part of the "Strategy for the Environmental Protection of the Arctic".

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Syria: resolution over the dismantling of chemical weapons

30 September 2013

On 27th September 2013 whilst no agreement had been found between the powers on the UN Security Council since the start of the Syrian conflict, the Council adopted a resolution calling for the elimination of the Syrian arsenal of chemical weapons. Resolution 2118 was unanimously adopted. It plans for coercive measures in the event of the non-respect of these demands. A supervisory mission will be set up in Syria but the UN is expecting the government's full cooperation. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon did recall however that in spite of this major breakthrough Syria was still experiencing the horror of the conflict. The Security Council calls for a political solution and for a Geneva 2 conference to take place.

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Fluency in foreign languages

30 September 2013

On the occasion of European Language Day on 26th September 2013 Eurostat indicated that in 2011 two thirds of European citizens of working age (25-64) said they knew a second language. English is the second most studied language in the European Union. Hence in the EU in 2011 83% of pupils in primary and in the first cycle of secondary school as well as 94% of students in the second cycle of secondary education were learning English. French is the second most studied language since 19% of primary pupils and those in the first cycle of secondary education and 23% of those in the second cycle of secondary education were studying it. German comes third and Spanish fourth in terms of foreign languages studied.

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Slowing in inflation

30 September 2013

Inflation slowed in September in the euro zone reaching its lowest ever level since February 2010 according to data released by Eurostat on 30th September 2013. It lay at +1.1% over one year after +1.3% in August. It was the sharp decrease in energy prices (-0.9% against -0.3% in August) which mainly contributed to this new slowing in inflation which still totalled around 2.6% one year ago.

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Debate over the future of the euro and the ECB

30 September 2013

The "Carnets des Dialogues de Matin" by the Diderot Institute have released a transcript of the debate over the future of the euro and the European Central Bank between Henri Guaino, MP for Yvelines and Denis Kessler, CEO of the SCOR group. They both call in their own way for a national development to prevent the collapse of the European monetary system.

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"Towards Budgetary Union in Europe"

29 September 2013

In a report published on 25th September 2013 entitled: "Towards Budgetary Union in Europe", IMF experts believe that budgetary union in Europe would enable a response to the Union's "structural weaknesses". Budgetary union would function like a common insurance mechanism to absorb economic shocks. This would also help to disconnect budgets from national government policies. The loss of sovereignty might then be compensated for by greater confidence on the part of the financial markets.

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Conclusions of the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC)

29 September 2013

From 23rd to 26th September 2013 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) comprising 31 experts and scientific researchers appointed amongst the 195 UN Member States put forward a complete, regular assessment of global warming based on research undertaken across the world. The conclusions of this session, published on 27th September 2013 recall that the Earth is warming up at a high pace and indicate the influence of human activities in the process of climate change. The IPCC's forecasts are alarming and warn against rising sea levels and changes in ecosystem cycles.

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Competitiveness Report on Europe

29 September 2013

The report on industrial competitiveness published by the European Commission on 25th September 2013 indicates that the Member States have progressed in improving the business, export and sustainability environments. However many problems subsist. After significant recovery in 2009 to 2011 European industry experienced another period of decline. The report on competitiveness notes the advantages to promote and the challenges to rise to in terms of industrial policy. It also orients debate over economic policy towards the use of tools that enable improvements in industrial results in the EU in terms of knowledge and productivity.

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The Wittelsbach on the Rhine - the Palatinate of the Rhine and Europe

30 September 2013

On the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the transfer of the Palatinate over to the Wittelsbach dynasty the Reiss-Engelhornn Museum in Mannheim is presenting the exhibition "The Wittelsbach on the Rhine. The Palatinate of the Rhine and Europe" until 2nd March 2014. The Wittelsbach family reigned for nearly 600 years continuously in the Palatinate. Grandiose works of art from the Middle Ages and from the start of the modern era provide a glimpse of the time when the Wittelsbachs were in power leaving their mark on Europe as a whole.

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Matisse and the Fauves

29 September 2013

The Albertina Museum in Vienna is running an exhibition on Henri Matisse and Fauvism until 12th January 2014. The exhibition covers nearly 160 works by the artist and the Fauves who are considered to be the pioneers of modern art. For the first time ever the Fauves' work is on show in Austria. Beyond Matisse the movement also comprised André Derain, Maurice de Vlaminck, George Braque and Kees van Dongen.

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Guerchin's Work in Warsaw

30 September 2013

Until 2nd February 2014 the National Museum of Warsaw is devoting an exhibition to the work of Guerchin, one of the best known artists in Italian Baroque. This is the biggest exhibition on this artist ever organised outside of Italy. The event has been organised by the National Museum of Warsaw and the Embassy of Italy under the patronage of the Italian and Polish Presidents.

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The Russian avant-garde and the Orient in Florence

29 September 2013

Until 19th January 2014 the Strozzi Palace Museum in Florence is running an exhibition on the Russian avant-garde and its relations with Siberia and the East. The exhibition presents 130 pieces of work including some by Vassily Kandisky and offers a sociological and anthropological analysis of the complex reality that artists referred to as they described the various dimensions of the East, from the Asian steppes to India, China and Japan.

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"The nude man in art from 1800 to the present day" at the Musée d'Orsay

30 September 2013

From 24th September 2013 to 2nd January 2014 the Musée d'Orsay is running an exhibition entitled "Masculine/Masculine. The nude man in Art from 1800 to the present day", organised together with the Leopold Museum of Vienna. Whilst the female nude is shown as regularly as it is naturally the male body has not been treated in the same way. However male nudity was for a long time the foundation of academic training from the 17th to the 19th centuries and a leitmotif in Western creation. Based on the wealth of its own resources and public collections the Musée d'Orsay is aiming to deepen interpretive, sociological and philosophical thought about the dimensions and meanings of masculine nudes in art.

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New Guggenheim Museum offer in Helsinki

29 September 2013

One year after the rejection of an initial project the Guggenheim Foundation put forward a new one on 24th September 2013. Richard Armstrong, Director of the Guggenheim Museum and Foundation indicated the symbolic importance of a city like Helsinki for culture and education. According to this proposal the Guggenheim Museum of Helsinki would focus specifically on nordic art. The next stage towards the construction of this museum would be to hold a series of discussions notably over the architecture which would be the focus of a competition. The high cost of a project like this was the reason behind the first refusal of Helsinki's city council. Hence the Guggenheim Foundation has tried this time to find funding on the part of the Finnish State and private investors.

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"Picasso, Léger, Masson: Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler and his painters"

30 September 2013

The Lille Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art (LaM) is organising an exhibition "Picasso, Léger, Masson: Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler and his painters" until 12th January 2014. Since it was opened the LaM has paid regular tribute to collectors, gallery owners and amateurs of art and on the occasion of its 30th anniversary the museum reviews the exceptional history of the Louise Leiris Gallery.

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Opening of the Serpentine Sackler Gallery in London

30 September 2013

The Serpentine Gallery in London has added a new area designed by architect Zaha Hadid, which has been hosting modern art exhibitions in Kensington Gardens since 28th September 2013. The Serpentine Sackler Gallery covers 900m2 comprising an exhibition area and a restaurant. It will be offering a series of eight exhibitions this year. The inaugural exhibition will show the work of Adrian Villar Rojas, a young Argentinian who is running his first show in the UK.

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White Nights in Europe

30 September 2013

On 5th October 2013 several European cities are organising a White Night. White Nights are a cultural event which takes place in several European cities. The aim is to reveal the urban environment by night. This year European cities are hosting the 11th White Nights. As every year it privileges modern creations. Several museums, monuments and parks of European cities are open free of charge. This event, which is mainly situated in Paris, Brussels and Rome, also exists in Montreal and other non-European cities.

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30th September

General Affairs Council (Brussels)

2nd October

"Europe and Democracy" Conference (Paris)

October 2nd

ECB Governors' Council (Paris)

October 3rd

Debate: How do we bring the magic back to Europe? (Brussels)

7th and 8th October

"Justice and Internal Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest ,Antonello Cadinu, Elise Vignières, Victoria de Posson, Anouk Richard, Bianka Szirjàk

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Austria/Results; Competitiveness; Agreement/CAP; Political Crisis/Italy


The Newsletter n°595- version of 30 sept. 2013