The Newsletter5929 sept. 2013

La Lettre

9 September 2013

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published an interview with the European Commissioner for Trade, Karel de Gucht. In his opinion "an agreement with the USA could help end the stalemate. The USA was doubtful about the inclusion of regulatory issues concerning financial services, but at this stage the question is still being discussed. One of the main aims of the negotiations is to ensure that European businesses are no longer subject to the "Buy American" act. He adds that (following) " the implementation of the agreement with South Korea our exports increased by over 16% in one year, providing the EU with a positive trade balance with this country for the first time in 15 years. If we conclude all of the on-going negotiations successfully we could see a 2.2% increase in European GDP."

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Robert Schuman

Visit by Luxembourg Prime Minister to Scy-Chazelles

8 September 2013

On 4th September 2013 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the death of Robert Schuman Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker visited the house where R.Schuman was born in Luxembourg-Clausen, then he travelled to the house in Scy-Chazelles near Metz. Jean-Claude Juncker believes that the Schuman Declaration is still a "programme for the future" with which "borders have lost their pernicious quality." The commemorative day that the Prime Minister qualified as "moving" ended with the screening of a fiction/documentary "Robert Schuman: l'Europe en héritage" by Patrick Basso.

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Commemorative Ceremony in the Salon de l'Horloge

8 September 2013

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Robert Schuman on 4th September last the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation paid tribute to Robert Schuman together with the Delegated Minister responsible for European Affairs, Thierry Repentin in the Salon de l'Horloge at the French Foreign Ministry.

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Tributes made to Robert Schuman on the 50th anniversary of his death

9 September 2013

On 4th September 2013 European leaders paid tribute to Robert Schuman on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his death. The President of the Commission José Manuel Barroso made a declaration in which he insisted on Robert Schuman's importance to the European project. The President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy signed an article in the French newspaper "La Croix" stressing the qualities of Europe's founding father.

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Presidential election in Azerbaijan

9 September 2013

The Azerbaijanis will be electing their president on 9th October next. There are no issues at stake in this presidential election since victory seems to be certain for the outgoing President Ilham Aliev (New Party of Azerbaijan, YAP) in office since 2003. In Azerbaijan the President of the Republic enjoys most of the political power. A candidate in the election must have the signatures of at least 40,000 voters in order to be able to stand. 21 people are officially running and have been registered by the Central Electoral Commission. The question is whether this presidential election will be democratic or not.

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Financial Crisis

Euro Zone: end of the recession according to the OECD

8 September 2013

According to the most recent mid-term assessment by the OECD presented on 3rd September 2013 in Paris by the organisation's Deputy Chief Economist, Mr Jorgen Elmeksov, moderate recovery in growth can be seen in the major advanced economies. The study announces the end of recession for the euro zone even though output is still weak in some countries. The document is still cautious about the euro zone's economic situation however. In this respect it falls in line with the more pessimistic forecasts made by the Commission.

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Decline in employment in the major companies in Italy between June 2012 and 2013

9 September 2013

On 2nd September 2013 ISTAT published new data on employment in the major companies in Italy. In June 2013, in comparison with June 2012, ISTAT recorded a 1.4% decline in employment excluding part time workers. Gross hourly wages and the cost of labour also dropped in comparison with June 2012, by 1.7% and 1.3%.

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Cyprus: Parliament approves two draft bills on the banking sector

8 September 2013

After an initial rejection on 5th September of the two draft bills demanded by the country's creditors, the Cypriot parliament approved them on 6th September thereby by enabling the release of the second tranche of the 10 billion euro bail out plan. These draft bills aim to give the Central Bank the authority to supervise the island's cooperative banks and to recapitalise the Hellenic Bank. The parliament has therefore approved 14 draft bills demanded by the EU and the IMF in exchange for the payment of 1.5 billion euro which will be discussed on 13th September within the Eurogroup.

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France: slight rise in unemployment

8 September 2013

According to figures published by INSEE on 5th September 2013 the unemployment rate in mainland France totalled 10.5% in the second quarter of 2013 i.e. 0.1 points more than in the previous quarter. The number of unemployed (in the ILO sense of the term) has risen over the 3 million mark for the very first time.

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Spain: six months continuous decline in the number of unemployed

9 September 2013

According to a press release by the Spanish Employment Ministry published on 3rd September 2013 the number of people registered for unemployment dropped in August for the six month running but still remains high at 4.7 million. These figures show "a stabilisation in the labour market, fewer job losses. Even though there is still a great deal to do, these are encouraging figures," commented the Spanish Minister for the Economy Luis de Guindos.

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Trade deficit grows in July 2013

9 September 2013

According to a study published by the British Office for National Statistics the trade deficit grew in July 2013. It totalled £3.1 billions in July, in comparison with £1.3 billion in June 2013. This is the biggest deficit since October 2012. As for trade with the rest of the EU the trade balance remained almost unchanged in comparison with June 2013.

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G20 Conclusions

9 September 2013

The G20 heads of state and government met on 5th and 6th September in Saint-Petersburg. The preamble to the meeting's conclusions published on 6th September highlight that the G20 members want to work towards economic recovery and growth, as they committed to support youth employment, investment, world trade and to reduce unemployment. The conclusions recall the need for transparent, reliable financial markets and action that promotes world development. Finally they addressed the issue of climate change which the G20 members continue to counter.

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Greece: GDP contracts by 3.8% in the second quarter

8 September 2013

According to data published by the Greek Statistics Authority the country's GDP contracted by 3.8% in the second quarter in comparison with the same period in 2012. According to the same report the Greek economy registered an improvement in its trade balance notably thanks to a reduction in imports.

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Decline of Unemployment in Ireland

9 September 2013

Unemployment in Ireland declined slightly for the third consecutive month to 13.4% in August - its lowest level since April 2010 announced the Central Statistics Office on 4th September (CSO). Unemployment lay at 13.5% in July and 13.6% in June. It peaked at 15.1% in February 2012, whilst in January 2008 it only lay at 4.9%. In data adjusted to seasonal variations Ireland had 415,300 unemployed receiving benefits at the end of August (a figure that includes part time workers and those in unstable jobs) in comparison with 418,700 in July.

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IMF report on Sweden

8 September 2013

The IMF recommended on 5th September that Sweden take specific measures to remedy youth employment particularly those in the immigrant population. "Vulnerable groups like young underqualified people and foreigners are particularly exposed," maintained the IMF in its annual report on the Swedish economy. "They also face a higher risk of long term unemployment which can lead to a loss of competence and capability to increase their revenues," added the institution.

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More protectionism in the world

8 September 2013

On 2nd September the European Commission published a report indicating that the number of protectionist measures was increasing. Since October 2008 nearly 700 new measures had been introduced. The most frequent measures were applied on borders, those imposing the use of national goods and the relocations of businesses and even those supporting exports or those preserving national industries came next. Since 2008 the countries which had adopted the most restrictions were Argentina (147 measures), Russia (99), Indonesia (73) and Brazil (59) whilst China had only introduced 36 new measures.

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Measures to control the dangers of the parallel banking system

8 September 2013

On 4th September 2013 the Commission proposed rules that aim to improve the regulation of the parallel banking system which represents between 25 to 30% of the financial system. The monetary funds represent around one billion euro and hold 22% of the short term debt securities of businesses and public administrations and 38% of the short term debt of Europe's banking sector. In order to stabilise the parallel banking sector the Commission is proposing that monetary funds hold at least 10% of the assets with a maximum maturity of one day and 20% of additional assets with a maturity of one week maximum so that investors who want to withdraw short term can do so. The Commission wants to force them to diversify their portfolio by limiting the share issued by the funds to 5%. The proposal is to have an own reserve fund of 3%; a framework to control banking interactions would be introduced and transparency rules would be set.

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Informal Meeting of European Defence Ministers

9 September 2013

On 5th and 6th September the 28 European Defence Ministers, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Catherine Ashton and NATO's Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen met for an informal meeting to discuss the Common Security and Defence Policy and to prepare the European Council that will take place in December 2013 which is to focus on defence and security issues. "The worsening security situation in Europe's southern neighbourhood shows that the EU has to strengthen its role in terms of international security. More active involvement by partners in the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy will help reach this goal," declared the Lithuanian Defence Minister Juozas Olekas.

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The Council positions itself on the 2014 budget

9 September 2013

The Council of the European Union took position over the draft budget 2014. In June 2013 the Council came to a political agreement for the multi-annual financial framework (2014-2020). The Council's position in 2014 plans for 142,23 billion euro in commitments which implies a reduction of 6.15% in comparison with 2013 and 135 billion euro in payments i.e. an increase of 1.35%. Payments are equal to 1% of the EU's gross national income. The Council's position is significantly below that put forward by the European Commission. This will be used as a mandate by the Lithuanian presidency to negotiate the EU's budget with the European Parliament. MEPs will have to take position in the week starting 21st October 2013. In the event of divergence a three-week period of conciliation will start on 24th October.

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The Eurogroup President at the European Parliament

8 September 2013

The Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem presented the development of the situation in the euro zone to the European Parliament's Economic Affairs Committee on 5th September 2013. He said that it was "realistic to think that additional support beyond the programme would be necessary in Greece". However no details were given about this. The discussion focused on the emergence of banking union, the fight to counter unemployment and recommendations made per country.

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The State of the Opinion one Year before the European Elections

9 September 2013

Eurobarometer published a survey to measure the perception that Europeans have of the European project one year before the elections on 22nd-25th May 2014. It is the first of three analyses whose publication will continue until the end of October. According to results Europeans believe that free movement and peace are Europe's greatest achievements. The euro is a key element in terms of European identity. The feeling of "belonging" to the EU is up slightly. However an absolute majority of those interviewed say they are not interested in European political issues.

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European declaration on Syria

8 September 2013

The European Foreign and European Affairs Ministers called on 7th September 2013 in Vilnius for a "clear, strong response" to the chemical attacks undertaken in Syria on 21st August. "Given the cynical use of chemical weapons, the international community cannot remain passive," they declared in the declaration published after their meeting. "A clear, strong response is vital to stress the fact that these crimes are unacceptable and that there can be no impunity. We must avoid the creation of an atrocious precedent for the repeated use of chemical weapons, in Syria or elsewhere," they added. The ministers re-iterated that "only a political solution could end this terrible bloodbath, these serious infringements of human rights and the destruction of Syria." "A federative diplomatic process leading to a political solution is now more urgent than ever before. The initiative of a peace conference Geneva II must make rapid progress."

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Serbo-Kosovar Agreement on Telecommunications and Energy

9 September 2013

The Serbian and Kosovar Prime Ministers Ivica Dacic and Hashim Thaçi met with the EU's High Representative Catherine Ashton in Brussels on 8th September 2013. They came to agreement on telecommunications and energy. Major decisions about future local elections in Kosovo to be held on 3rd November next were also taken. Pristina hopes to be freer and is asking for a telephone code that is different from that of Belgrade; as for energy Kosovo is insisting on the establishment of an autonomous supply system whilst Serbia wants to maintain its electricity companies. As far as the local elections are concerned both sides say they are encouraging participation in the election on 3rd November 2013.

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Court of Justice annuls of the freezing of funds from Iran

9 September 2013

On 6th September 2013 the European Court of Justice annulled decisions and regulations of the Council of the European Union which had frozen the funds from Iran of one physical person and seven businesses originally decided because of their links with the controversial nuclear programme in Iran. In its decision the Court deemed that the EU "had not provided evidence" that it had attributed to some of the companies involved and that it had committed "an error of judgement" or "infringed the obligation of motivation and the obligation to communicate" regarding the companies involved. As a result the freezing of the assets decided against these financial establishments and Naser Bateni, director of the one of the companies accused, was annulled. However this decision will not take immediate effect. Sanctions will remain in place until the appeal period has expired i.e. in two months and 10 days or if an appeal was made and until this was rejected. During this time the EU can still decide on further sanctions against the people and organisations involved.

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The ECB refrains from being over optimistic about growth

8 September 2013

The ECB's Council of Governors met on 5th September 2013. Mario Draghi announced that the key rate would remain unchanged at 0.5% and that due to the euro zone's macroeconomic forecasts made in June growth for 2013 had been increased by 0.2% (-0.4% instead of -0.6%). In 2014 growth has been forecast at 1%. Mario Draghi observed that significant progress had been achieved in strengthening the banks' own funds and that household savings had been weakened by the crisis. He did however remain cautious about any euphoria regarding the economy in the euro zone which has just started to grow again repeating that his institution was prepared to act if necessary. He was concerned about the decline in liquidities in circulation and the impact this might have on the monetary market saying that he "was paying particular attention to the situation."

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Last debate in the Bundestag before the general elections in Germany

8 September 2013

German Chancellor Angela Merkel defended her economic results on 3rd September 2013 as she spoke to German MPs, whilst her Social Democrat rival Peer Steinbrück accused her of having increased inequality as they faced each other in their last direct confrontation before the general elections on 22nd September. "It has been four good years for Germany because many people are better off now than four years ago", said the Chancellor who boasted the sharp decrease in unemployment and the recovery of public finances, which in her opinion, are a result of an "intelligent policy" associating competitiveness and solidarity. Mr Steinbrück stressed that the "country had the largest low salary sector in Europe." He denounced a "fracture within German society". According to a recent survey the CDU-CSU led by Ms Merkel is credited with 41% of the vote which is more than the SPD and the Ecologists together (respectively 27% and 10%).

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State Visit to France by German President Joachim Gauck

8 September 2013

From 3rd to 5th September 2013 German President Joachim Gauck travelled to France on a State visit. He held talks with French President François Hollande and Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault. The two presidents travelled to Oradour-sur-Glane to pay tribute to the 642 people who were murdered there on 10th June 1944. This commemorative visit was extremely emotional. On 5th September 2013 Mr Gauck met 200 young people who had benefited from a mobility experience thanks to the Franco-German Youth Office. The German president rejected all notions of "German hegemony" in Europe during this discussion.

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9 September 2013

More than one thousand people demanding the resignation of the government demonstrated in front of the Bulgarian parliament on 4th September, the day that parliament returned to work. Demonstrators promised to revive protest against the "oligarchy". The British Ambassador to Bulgaria, Jonathan Allen called on the government to take heed of the demonstrators. The Ambassadors of France and Germany, Philippe Autié and Matthias Hoepfner recalled on 8th July in a common declaration that "the oligarchic model had no place in Bulgaria".

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No referendum without Madrid's go-ahead

9 September 2013

In an interview with a Catalan radio station on 5th September the Chairman of Catalonia's separatist party Convergència i Unió, Artur Mas, rejected the prospects of organising a referendum on self-government promised for 2014 over the sovereignty of this region of Spain if Madrid did not give its go-ahead. He said he wanted to "act legally" and to negotiate with the Spanish government. If Madrid rejected the idea of organising a referendum he added that he intended to turn the regional elections in 2016 into a vote for the independence of Catalonia.

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Nokia relinquishes its mobile phones to Microsoft

8 September 2013

During a press conference on 3rd September 2013 the Finnish business Nokia announced that the American company Microsoft was due to purchase its mobile phone branch for a total of 5.44 billion euro in the first quarter of 2014. Nokia is now due to focus its activities on services and the development of network infrastructures for operators.

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Ministerial Meeting of Iter Members

8 September 2013

During a ministerial meeting on 6th September at the Saint-Paul-lez-Durance site the seven member countries and organisations in the ITER research project recalled their commitment to this international cooperation project. They visited the work site of the future Tokamak reactor. The meeting aimed to achieve the members' approval of the organisation's projects. It took place at the ITER's HQ on Günther Oettinger's initiative (European Commissioner for Energy and the European Community's representative for atomic energy). The EU decided in June to set aside 6 billion euro to fund the project.

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Debate in parliament over the situation in Syria

8 September 2013

The National Assembly and the Senate debated the situation in Syria on 4th September. In his opening speech French Prime Miniser Jean-Marc Ayrault defended the legitimacy of an intervention in Syria by stressing the atrocity of the crimes committed by the Syrian regime. He recalled that France has evidence which confirms the use of chemical weapons by Bachar el-Assad's regime. The parliamentary groups, which have all condemned the use of chemical weapons, then expressed their disagreement with military intervention. This debate did not lead to a vote.

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Visit by a Delegation from the French Senate to Budapest

9 September 2013

On 4th September 2013 the Hungarian Secretary of State for European Affairs, Enikő Győri and the Director for European Affairs from the Foreign Ministry, Bálint Ódor hosted a French Senate delegation from the France-Hungary friendship group. They discussed possible areas of cooperation between the two countries as well as the future of the European Union and relations between Hungary and the EU. After the meeting with Enikő Győri, Deputy Secretary of State, Gergely Prőhle also spoke with the French delegation. They mentioned political and cultural events to come like the visit of Hungarian President Janos Ader to Paris and the joint exhibition at the Orsay Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest entitled "Béla Bartók and Hungarian Modernism, 1905-1920".

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Economic Forum and Retirement Reform Plan

8 September 2013

On 3rd September 2013 during the Krynica Economic Forum Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk gave a speech on the country's economic situation. On 4th September 2013 the government presented its plan to reform retirement pensions. In order to reduce public debt it has decided to transfer assets from private retirement funds, which are presently invested in treasury bonds, over to the Social Security Office, a state organisation which pays out pensions but whose debt is endemic. The assets invested in treasury bonds represent half of the total amount of the retirement funds, the rest, which is invested in shares in the Warsaw stock exchange, will continue to be managed by these funds.

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Poland: adoption of the draft budget 2014

9 September 2013

The Polish Council of Ministers has adopted a draft budget for 2014. According to a draft budget adopted on 6th September by the government Poland's budgetary deficit in 2014 will drop to 47.7 billion zloty's (11.1 billion euro) against 51.6 billion (12 billion euro) in the wake of the retirement reform decided by the government. This draft is forecasting a GDP rise of 2.5% and inflation of 2.4% as announced in June. Poland's budgetary revenues will total 276.5 billion zlotys (64.36 billion euro) whilst spending will total 324.2 billion (75.47 billion euro).

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American President visits Stockholm

8 September 2013

On 4th and 5th September 2013 American President Barack Obama travelled to Stockholm to meet Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt. Their meeting ended in a press conference in which they spoke of their cooperation in terms of economic development, energy and security. In a joint declaration they promised to promote growth and employment and maintained their support to the free-trade agreement between the EU and the USA which is under negotiation at present. This was the first bilateral visit to Sweden by an American president in office.

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Russo-Armenian Meeting

9 September 2013

On 3rd September 2013 Russian President Vladimir Putin met his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sargsyan in Moscow. The two presidents discussed the need for greater Eurasian economic cooperation. In this sense Armenia's membership of a customs union would be the first step towards the creation of a Eurasian Economic Union. They also said they wanted to settle the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh by cooperating in the Minsk Group. As far as bilateral relations were concerned they strengthened their economic cooperation with an agreement to develop infrastructures and nuclear energy in Armenia with the construction of a new power plant.

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Current account surplus of 35.9 billion euro in the second quarter of 2013

8 September 2013

During the second quarter of 2013 the European Union recorded a current account surplus of 35.9 billion euro according to Eurostat on 6th September 2013. In comparison with the second quarter 2012 when the surplus only totalled 5.9 billion euro the goods account balance was in surplus whilst it had been in deficit and the services account surplus had decreased slightly. The current transfers account remained stable (-14.7 billion euro in 2013 against -14.3 billion euro in 2012).

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0.3% GDP growth in the euro zone and 0.4% in the EU in the second quarter of 2013

8 September 2013

According to data published by Eurostat on 4th September 2013 the euro zone's GDP rose by 0.3% and that of the EU by 0.4% in the second quarter. Portugal recorded the sharpest increase (1.1%) pushing ahead of Germany. Cyprus (-1.4%), Slovenia (-0.3%), Netherlands (-0.2%) and Italy (-0.2%) recorded the highest decreases.

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"1944-2014: Au coeur des femmes"

8 September 2013

Marie-Thérèse Sanchez-Schmid MEP has published a book which reviews the 70 years of progress made by women entitled "1944-2014: Au coeur des femmes". It brings together the portraits of women who have fought for women's rights in France, Europe and the world. This work addresses the issue of gender equality from a humoristic and sensitive angle.

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Report on the situation of asylum seekers in 2012

9 September 2013

On 3rd September 2013 the situation of asylum seekers in 2012 was presented to the European Parliament. The annual report by the European Asylum Support Office presents the condition of asylum seekers in the various countries of the Union. In comparison with 2011 the number of asylum seekers is up by 11%. Many come from Afghanistan, Russia and Syria. The most requested countries are Germany, France and Sweden.

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World Report on Competitiveness

9 September 2013

On 4th September 2013 the World Economic Forum of Davos published its Report on Competitiveness in the World. This 2013-2014 report recalls that figures are more encouraging this year even though growth seems to be slowing in the emerging economies and that it is struggling to revive in the advanced economies. It puts forward a ranking of 148 economies based on a competitiveness index comprising 12 pillars. Switzerland leads the ranking followed by Singapore, Finland, Germany and the USA. France comes 23rd dropping two places in comparison with last year. Finally the report presents an explanatory sheet for each of the countries analysed noting the key indicators and the 12 pillars comprising the World Competitiveness Index.

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Meret Oppenheim Retrospective in Berlin

8 September 2013

The Martin Gropius Museum in Berlin is hosting a retrospective of the Swiss surrealist artist Meret Oppenheim until 1st December 2013 - she would have been 100 years old this year. "Freedom is not given, you have to take it" the artist liked to say. She was born in Berlin on 6th October 1913 and died in Basel, Switzerland on 15th November 1985. The exhibition covers more than 200 of the artist's works. Meret Oppenheim was also a writer, painter and friend of the surrealists in Paris in the 1930's; she sat as a nude model for American photographer Man Ray.

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"When the artist met Clio"

8 September 2013

The Fine Arts Museum of Kadriorg in Tallinn is running an exhibition until 9th March 2014 bringing together a collection of work representing scenes from Estonian 19th century history. The exhibition depicts Clio, the muse of art and history delicately and sensitively in 19th century Estonia.

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"Marc Chagall - Between War and Peace" exhibition in Budapest

8 September 2013

The National Hungarian Gallery in Budapest is hosting 60 paintings by the French painter, Marc Chagall (1887-1985) from 13th September 2013 to 5th January 2014. A parallel exhibition will also be organised to present the most important paintings by Hungarian artist Imre Amos, otherwise known as the "Hungarian Chagall" and who was greatly influenced by his French counterpart.

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Concert in Brussels by Violeta Urmana and the National Symphonic Orchestra of Lithuania

8 September 2013

As part of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Violeta Urmana will interpret Wagner at the Bozar of Brussels on 12th September 2013. The National Symphonic Orchestra of Lithuania will then play "Death and Transfiguration" by Richard Strauss, and "In the Forest" by Lithuanian, Ciurlionis.

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European Capitals of Culture 208

9 September 2013

The Dutch town of Leeuwarden has been selected to share the title of European Capital of Culture in 2018 together with La Valette in Malta announced the European Commission on 6th September 2013. Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture , Multilingualism and Youth said that she was "certain that Leeuwarden would develop an exciting programme of events with a strong European dimension."

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Biennale in Lyon

9 September 2013

Starting on 12th September 2013 and until 5th January 2014 the town of Lyon is hosting the 12th Contemporary Art Biennale entitled "Entre-temps ... brusquement et ensuite". The Biennale's artistic director Thierry Raspail explains in his presentation that this year's cycle completes the fourth of three sessions since the event was launched in 1991. Artists have been able to focus on the theme of "Transmission". Gunnar B. Kvaran is this year's curator.

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"Désirs et Volupté: Victorian Masterpieces" at the Jacquemart-André Museum

9 September 2013

The Jacquemart-André Museum is running an exhibition from 13th September 2013 to 20th January 2014 entitled "Désirs et Volupté: Victorian Masterpieces". Emblematic works by famous English 19th century Victorian artists, including Lawrence Alma-Tadema, Sir Frederic Leighton, Edward Burne-Jones and Albert Moore are on show. The quest for beauty was the leitmotif of these artists who often painted nudes contrasting with the severity of attitudes at that time.

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"Antoine Watteau and the art of engraving" in Vilnius

9 September 2013

Until 10th November 2013 the Lithuanian Museum of Art is hosting an exhibition of work by Antoine Watteau. These works come from the collection at the Louvre. More than 90 engravings based on drawings and paintings by Watteau will also be on show illustrating "the art of engraving à la française."

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les 8th-9th September

Informal Meeting of Agriculture Ministers (Vilnius)

les 9th-12th September

Plenary Session of the European Parliament ()

9th September

General Elections Norway ()

11th September

Speech on the State of the EU (Strasbourg)

13th September

Informal Meeting of Economic and Financial Affairs Ministers (Vilnius)

14th and 15th September

European Heritage Days ()

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest ,Antonello Cadinu, Elise Vignières, Victoria de Posson, Anouk Richard, Bianka Szirjàk

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Syria/Agreement 28;G20/Conclusions;2014 Budget/EU; Report/Competitiveness


The Newsletter n°592- version of 9 sept. 2013