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Robert Schuman

"Robert Schuman: l'Europe en héritage"

1 September 2013

On 4th September 2013 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Robert Schuman the General Council of Moselle will be showing the film "Robert Schuman: l'Europe en héritage" in Metz with Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker in attendance. This 55 minute documentary-fiction covers Robert Schuman's life, his fight for Europe and his moments of tranquillity in Scy-Chazelles.

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Order Robert Schuman's only book "For Europe"

1 September 2013

Fifty years ago on 4th September 1963 Robert Schuman, otherwise known as the "Father of Europe", passed away in his house at Scy-Chazelles. Unfortunately he did not see the publication of his book "For Europe" which came out just a few days after his death and which has been translated into 20 languages. The Robert Schuman Foundation invites you to re-read the only book written by this "Father of Europe" in order to understand his ideas. This document reveals deep thought about the future of the continent. "For Europe" is available in French, English and German from the Foundation's site.

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Front page!

What kind of European policy for Ukraine?

2 September 2013

On 5th September 2013 the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a conference with Yuriy Lutsenko former Ukrainian Interior Minister and one of the leaders of the present opposition movements. He will be speaking on the theme of "What kind of European policy for Ukraine?"

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Syria: for a European initiative

2 September 2013

The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published an editorial on his site on the Syrian crisis. He calls for a European response to settle the conflict. He explains that "in the international arena there are things that only Europe can do. Preferring a political, diplomatic path rather than an uncertain military solution is one of these," he concludes.

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General Elections in Austria: another grand coalition?

2 September 2013

6.5 million Austrians will be renewing the 183 members of the National Council (Nationalrat), the lower chamber of Parliament on 29th September next. According to a most recent poll by Spectra, the SPÖ, led by Chancellor Werner Faymann is due to win the elections on 29th September next with 29% of the vote. It is due to pull ahead of the ÖVP which is due to win 27%. Together the two parties would have the absolute majority and might be able to continue their alliance as head of the State. The FPÖ would take third place with 20% followed by the Greens, 15% and the Team Stronach, 8%. The far right BZÖ is flirting with the 4% mark, vital to be represented in the National Council.

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Financial Crisis

Spain: recession slightly weaker in the second quarter

1 September 2013

According to figures published on 29th August 2013 by the National Statistics Institute (Ine), the recession in which Spain has been plunged for the last two years, was more moderate in the second quarter. The GDP contracted by 0.1% in comparison with the first quarter. Spain recorded a contraction of 1.6% of its GDP in 2012, which was higher than the previously forecast 1.4% according to officially revised figures.

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Slight rise in unemployment in Germany

1 September 2013

According to figures adjusted to seasonal variations published on 29th August by the German Employment Agency, Germany had 7000 more job seekers in August in comparison with the previous month. This rise follows several months of decline with -7000 in July and -13,000 in June. According to adjusted data the unemployment rate lay at 6.8% in August, unchanged for several months.

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France: rising unemployment continues in July

1 September 2013

According to figures published by the French Labour Ministry on 27th August 2013 the number of job seekers without any activity at all rose in July by 8,100 people including the overseas departments. This is the 27th consecutive month in which the figure has risen. In all 3,546,600 people were registered with the employment agency in July. Moreover the index which includes those registered and who have worked part time, rose to a very high level in July (+52,000 i.e. +1.1%). The number of long term unemployed (registered for over one year) also rose sharply (+1.7% over one month and +16.2% over a year).

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6 billion in savings in the Netherlands

2 September 2013

On 27th August 2013 the Dutch authorities announced that the government coalition in office had come to an agreement to make 6 billion euro in additional savings. The exact detail of what these savings area will be given on 17th September next and should help the Netherlands respect the 3% deficit limit set by the EU's Stability and Growth Pact.

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Croatia: GDP and unemployment up

2 September 2013

Since October 2012 Croatia's GDP has been rising, however it is still in the negative; from -2.3% it rose to -0.7% in June 2013. This growth can be explained by tourism, restaurant services and activities linked to electricity, gas and air-conditioning supplies. Unemployment remains high since the Croatian statistics bureau estimated it as 18.5% in July 2013 whilst it only lay at 15% at the end of 2012.

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Unemployment in Denmark, decline in July 2013

2 September 2013

The unemployment rate in Denmark fell in July to its lowest level since October 2009, to 5.7% according to figures published on 29th August 2013 by the Danish statistics institute. After remaining at 6 to 6.2% for a year the rate that is adjusted according to seasonal variations started to decline in February.

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Finnish budget 2014 supports growth and employment

2 September 2013

The Finnish government has agreed on the 2014 budget. It is emphasising growth and employment. The Finnish economy is facing structural issues involving growth, the sustainability of public finances and the economic climate. The Finance Minister believes that the GDP will grow by 0.5% this year and by 1.2% in 2014 thanks to domestic consumption and exports. Unemployment will only decline slowly due to weak growth.

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The return of growth in Europe

2 September 2013

During the European Alpbach Forum on 29th August 2013 European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, Olli Rehn, spoke of three vital conditions to revive growth in Europe. Firstly Europe must be able to make real economic adjustments. Competitiveness must return and this will be achieved thanks to change and innovation. Then structural changes and vital economic activities for growth must be financed. This is why an integrated European market financed via banking union is important. Finally for sustainable growth public financing must be healthy. This includes sustainable social security and an improvement in public spending on education, innovation and infrastructures.

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New regulations on biocidal products

2 September 2013

A new regulation on biocidal products applicable since September 1st 2013 significantly strengthens the safety and simplifies the authorisation procedure governing biocidal products used and marketed in the EU. Biocidal products are chemicals used to kill organisms likes parasites and germs (ie mould and bacteria) and include insecticides, disinfectants and industrial chemical products like anti-fouling paints on ships and products to protect materials.

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The European Parliament criticises Russian restriction measures taken against Ukraine

1 September 2013

On 28th August 2013 MEPs of the Foreign Affairs commission criticised the Russian measures that are blocking Ukrainian confectionary imports due to the quality and safety of the products. Via these restrictions Moscow is putting pressure on Kyiv so that Ukraine will join the Customs Union which Russia has formed with Kazakhstan and Belarus. MEPs believe that it is an act of intimidation in order to discourage Ukraine from concluding the Association Agreement with the EU. Brussels has asked Kyiv to counter selective justice, to improve the electoral framework, and to launch the reforms concluded in the Association Agreement.

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The ECB wants to double the number of women within its management corps

1 September 2013

According to a press release published on 29th August 2013 the European Central Bank's board wants to double the number of women occupying management posts. By the end of 2019 35% of the intermediary management posts (heads of division, deputy heads of division, heads of section, senior advisers, advisers) and 28% of the executive positions (general managers, deputy general managers, directors and chief advisers) should be held by women. Right now the Governors' Council comprises 23 members - all of whom are men. The institution's general board has two women only out of 14 positions. To reach these goals the ECB is implementing an action plan in support of gender diversity.

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Court of Justice

The Court of Justice rejects the reprieve on the repay ruling imposed on SNCM by the Commission

2 September 2013

On 30th August 2013 the European Court of Justice rejected the reprieve on the repay ruling applicable to the maritime company SNCM totalling 220 million euro in public subsidies which were paid out by the French government. On 2nd May 2013 the European Commission condemned France to be repaid by SNCM because it deemed that peak season services could not be included in service delegation.

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Germany: the IFO index up in August

1 September 2013

The business climate improved in Germany in August thereby confirming the recovery of Europe's leading economy which started in the second quarter according to an index published on 26th August 2013 by the institute IFO. Its business indicator progressed to 107.5 points against 106.2 in July.

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Historic visit by the German President to Oradour-sur-Glane on 4th September

1 September 2013

German President Joachim Gauck will travel to France on 3rd to 5th September. On this occasion he will go to the village of Oradour-sur-Glane on 4th September with French President François Hollande. In this village 642 people, including 205 children, were executed by the SS Division "Das Reich" on 10th June 1944. Both presidents will walk through the ruins and will go to the place where the population was executed. The German President's visit shows the strength of Franco-German friendship. His entourage stresses that this visit is one of the "historic gestures of reconciliation, like the Kohl-Mitterrand handshake" in 1984 in Verdun.

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Televised debate between A.Merkel and P.Steinbrück

2 September 2013

In view of the general elections on 22nd September 2013 German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Social Democrat rival Peer Steinbrück faced each other on September 1st in a televised debate. In a poll published on the same day Angela Merkel's CDU was credited with 39% of the voting intentions against 23% for the SPD. On the spot surveys were divided. Some gave Angela Merkel a slight lead. "Peer Steinbrück's expectations were clearly greater than those put forward by Angela Merkel." Will he succeed in polarising the debate to mobilise the undecided whose votes he needs in order to win the election? The answer is no. The only certainty: which kind coalition will there be in Germany? CDU-CSU/FDP or a grand coalition?

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EON inaugurates an electricity-gas conversion site in Germany

2 September 2013

The German number one energy company EON inaugurated a pilot site to convert electricity into gas on 28th August 2013. The aim is to stock surplus energy produced by renewable energies. The German group said in a press release that the Falkenhagen site "uses wind power to run a system of electrolysis which transforms water into hydrogen which is then injected into the regional gas system." The hydrogen produced integrates the mix of natural gas in various applications such as domestic heating, industrial processes, mobility as well as the production of energy.

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German Population: increase of 0.2% in 2012

2 September 2013

The German population increased by 0.2% in 2012 in comparison with 2011 to total 80.5 million at the end of December. This was only due to "a sharp increase" in immigration according to statistics published on 27th August 2013. Last year Germany, Europe's leading economy with its ageing population had 196,000 people more than the previous year according to the statistics office, Destatis. The increase has not been as sharp since 1996.

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Appointment of five new company heads and wage capping

2 September 2013

The Belgian government appointed new heads of five state businesses on September 1st 2013. As they did so they made radical cuts to their salaries which would not rise beyond 290,000€ gross per year. "This decision helps re-establish a kind of wage justice (...) We have to put an end to the indecency of some wages," maintained the Public Company Minister, Jean-Pascal Labille who was behind the reform. Nine months before the general elections in May 2014 the issue of appointing the major heads of the public sector and their remuneration had been poisoning the government led by Elio di Rupo for the last few weeks.

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Croatia gives in to Brussels' pressure regarding judicial cooperation

1 September 2013

In a letter addressed to the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic announced on 28th August that Croatia was going to relinquish a dispensation which it had granted itself in terms of the European Arrest Warrant. The bill challenged by Viviane Reding, the European Commissioner for Justice, was adopted just three days before the country joined the EU and enables the exclusion of the Communist era and that of the Serbo-Croatian conflict (1991-1995) from the scope covered by the warrant. Croatia at first raised the tone but then backed down. In the event of a standoff the Commission could have reduced Croatian access to European funds or submit it to a compliance test with European law. The European Commission is expecting Croatia to implement its political intentions.

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Conference of Ambassadors

1 September 2013

During the Conference of Ambassadors on 27th to 29th August 2013 the inaugural speech by French President François Hollande was dominated by the Syrian crisis. He stressed the importance of "European solidarity" in the settlement of the conflict. Speaking of the euro zone crisis he announced that in November there would be a second conference for European Youth Employment. He deemed it necessary to reorient the European project with "a stabilised presidency of the Eurogroup" and a "harmonisation of fiscal and social rules". He pleaded for an "energy community which can guarantee the interconnection of networks." He said he hoped that Europe would define its own rules to protect private data. Finally he defended "a differentiated Europe" hoping that France will go further "with the countries which decide to be the pioneers."

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Syria: what will France do?

2 September 2013

French President François Hollande and the President of the National Syrian Coalition Ahmad Al-Assi Al-Jarba met on 29th August 2013. France reiterated its full support ot the Syrian opposition. The French president called on the international community to bring the escalation in violence to a halt. French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault met the leaders of the parliamentary groups on 2nd September prior to the debate planned for 4th September. Will this debate be the focus of a vote as in the UK? - with the same result - or like the American President has requested in Congress?

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Retirement reform

1 September 2013

On 27th August 2013 French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault announced the major guidelines of the retirement reform after two days of talks with the social partners and before presenting his project to the council of ministers on 18th September next. In this draft reform the length of time to make contributions will be raised to 43 years; employer and employee contributions will increase in 2014 and a "work hardship" account will be introduced as of 1st January 2015, which will be funded by businesses.

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Italian President appoints four life senators

2 September 2013

On 30th August 2013 Italian President Giorgio Napolitano appointed four life senators in line with article 59, paragraph two of the Constitution, Maestro Claudio Abbado, Professor Elena Cattaneo, architect Renzo Piano and Professor Carlio Rubbia. All four have worked for the country and have been rewarded for their exceptional achievements in the areas of science, art and education.

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Abolition of the IMU real estate tax

2 September 2013

The Italian government came to an agreement on 28th August 2013 to abolish of the unpopular real estate tax. The IMU on the main residency and on agricultural land will cease to exist as of 1st January 2014 and the payment of the two parts planned for 2013 (ie slightly more than 4 billion euro) will not take place announced the President of the Italian Council Enrico Letta during a press conference after a Council of Ministers meeting. This "radical change" was "absolutely necessary" notably regarding issues of "fairness" and was part of the government's programme he stressed.

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The Constitutional Court rejects an austerity measure

2 September 2013

On 29th August 2013 the Portuguese Constitutional Court rejected part of the draft bill that aims to dismiss civil servants, thereby strike a blow to the government's austerity policy. The bill planned for those civil servants who have been laid off to follow a requalification procedure. They would then receive 63% of their salary for six months then 50% the following six months. If after one year they had not been repositioned they could then be dismissed. With this measure the government aimed to make budgetary savings of 894 million euro over three years 50 million of which in 2013. The Portuguese government will "rapidly put forward another alternative" to the austerity measure that has been draw up with its creditors, but rejected by the court because it is deemed contrary to the Constitution declared Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho on September 1st.

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A woman banker appointed Secretary of State at the Treasury

2 September 2013

The Portuguese Prime Minister appointed an economist, the financial director of a major bank, as Secretary of State at the Treasury on 29th August 2013. Her predecessor resigned after his name was quoted in a high risk financial product scandal. Pedro Passos Coelho appointed Maria Isabel Castelo Branco, a graduate in economy and a former financial director of the BPI bank indicated the government in a press release. This choice was accepted by President Anibal Cavaco Silva.

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Czech Republic

Milos Zeman validates the dissolution of the lower chamber

1 September 2013

On 28th August 2013 the Czech President Milos Zeman formally validated the dissolution of the lower chamber thereby confirming that general elections will be held on 25th and 26th October next. The next general election should end the political crisis caused by the collapse of the Petr Necas's government in office since July 2010 and the refusal by the Chamber to grant confidence to a government of experts which was appointed as a result.

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Ramona Manescu appointed Transport Minister

1 September 2013

On 26th August 2013 MEP Ramona Manescu was appointed Transport Minister of Romania in replacement of Relu Fenechiu, who was sentenced to five years in prison in a corruption scandal. The first successor to the Transport Minister put forward by the centre left government Ovidiu Silghai had to withdraw after the anti-corruption court launched proceedings against him.

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The British Parliament votes against military action in Syria

1 September 2013

On 29th August the British Parliament rejected a motion 285 against 272 votes put forward by Prime Minister David Cameron who was defending the principle of military intervention in Syria in response to the use of chemical weapons of which Damascus stands accused. This is a severe defeat for the Prime Minister. He promised to respect Parliament's vote and the British Secretary of Defence announced that the UK would not take part in any possible military action in Syria.

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Stefan Füle meets the Ukrainian opposition

2 September 2013

The Commissioner for Enlargement and the European Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Füle spoke on 29th August 2013 with the members of the Ukrainian parliamentary opposition, Vitaly Klichko (UDAR), Oleh Tiahnybok (Svoboda) and Arseniy Yatsenyuk (Batkivshyna). This meeting took place to guarantee Ukraine's European ambitions. In order for Ukraine to fulfil Europe's conditions in the signature of the Association Agreement in November 2013 at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius, the legislative work to be set in place demands the support of both the parties in office and the opposition. All agree to follow the European agenda. They will have to fight to counter selective justice, improve the electoral framework, reform the organisation of the general prosecutor's office and develop a better business environment.

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Unemployment at 12.1% in the euro zone in July 2013

1 September 2013

According to figures published by Eurostat on 30th August 2013 unemployment in the euro zone, adjusted to seasonal variations, lay at 12.1% in July 2013, which was stable in comparison with June. In the EU the unemployment rate lay at 11%, which was also stable in comparison with the rate noted in June. Amongst the Member States the weakest unemployment rates were recorded in Austria (4.8%), Germany (5.3%) as well as in Luxembourg (5.7%) and the highest were in Greece (27.6% in May 2013) and in Spain (26.3%).

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The euro zone's annual inflation rate down to 1.3%

1 September 2013

According to figures published by Eurostat on 30th August 2013 the euro zone's annual inflation rate was estimated at 1.3% in August 2013, down in comparison with July when it lay at 1.6%.

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France Culture celebrates its 50th anniversary

1 September 2013

On 6th, 7th and 8th September the radio channel "France Culture" will be celebrating its 50th anniversary. Since it was launched in 1963 France Culture has placed creation, knowledge, current affairs and major international issues at the heart of its programmes, alternating and bringing together subjects like science, philosophy, economy, politics, history and religion. On this occasion France Culture has published a book "50 ans de France Culture, le livre anniversaire" by Anne-Marie Autissier and Emmanuel Laurentin. It is the story of an exceptional radio channel in the media world.

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Launch of the European Heritage Days

2 September 2013

The European Heritage Days were launched on 30th August 2013. In September in fifty countries, millions of people will have free access to thousands of historic and cultural sites which are rarely open at other times of the year. For the very first time a new portal with a home page and a map of Europe will help visitors see all of the events ongoing during the European Heritage Days.

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22nd Festival of "Le Chant du Gros"

1 September 2013

On 5th, 6th and 7th September 2013 the 22nd Festival of the "Chant du Gros" will be taking place in the heart of the Franches-Montagnes in the Swiss Jura. With a capacity of 10,000 people per evening, three stages and an exalting ambiance, concerts under big tops, the Chant du Gros has now an inevitable event.

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International Festival of Photojournalism

2 September 2013

The International Festival of Photojournalism, "Visa pour l'Image" is being held in Perpignan until 15th September 2013. Thousands of photography amateurs are rallying to admire the exhibitions that are put on across the town and to take part in meetings with professionals. Open air evening shows in the Campo Santo cloister cover striking events of the past year and will lead to debate over various issues of society.

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Enescu Festival in Bucharest

2 September 2013

The 21st edition of the "George Enescu Festival" will be taking place until 28th September 2013 in Bucharest. This international event offers one of the most beautiful works by the composer as well as a series of works by other composers, like Richard Wagner and Giuseppe Verdi. The festival transforms the city of Bucharest into a "capital of creativity".

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Exhibition: "Leonardo da Vinci: Universal Man"

2 September 2013

The Galleria dell' Accademia in Venice are putting on an exhibition until December 1st 2013 "Leonardo da Vinci: Universal Man". It brings together a series of 52 drawings that cover the artist's career and his thought trajectory from idea to creation.

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4th September

50th anniversary of the death of Robert Schuman ()

5th September

ECB Governors' Council (Frankfurt/Main)

5th and 6th September

G20 Summit (Saint Petersburg)

les 6th-7th September

Informal Foreign Affairs Council (Vilnius)

les 9th-12th September

Plenary Session of the European Parliament ()

9th September

General Elections Norway ()

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Pauline Massis Desmarest ,Victoria de Posson

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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