The Newsletter58815 juil. 2013

La Lettre

Hubert Rodarie

15 July 2013

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published an analysis by Hubert Rodarie entitled "Financial Reforms: progress or regression?" The aim of this study is to make a mid-term assessment of the reforms implemented in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.

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Financial Crisis

Poland: decrease in inflation and growth

15 July 2013

On 8th July 2013 the Central Bank of Poland (NBP) published its monthly report on inflation. According to its forecasts inflation is due to decrease significantly in 2013 (to 0.8%) in comparison with 2012 and is due to increase slightly over the next few years (1.2% in 2014, 1.5% in 2015). The report notes a contraction in the GDP which fell to lie at 0.5% in the first quarter of 2013 in comparison with 2% in 2012 (preliminary estimates). In 2013 the bank is forecasting a GDP of 1.1% which is 0.2% less than forecast initially. In view of an improvement in Poland's external situation and the in-flow of European Funds as part of the recently adopted European budget 2014-2020 the bank is expecting a GDP increase over the next few years (2014:2.4%; 2015:3%).

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The IMF provides its roadmap for the euro zone

15 July 2013

On 8th July the IMF provided its roadmap for "the recovery of growth and employment" to the euro zone. Although the IMF acknowledges the progress achieved over one year when the very survival of the euro was at stake, "the centrifugal forces within the euro zone are still a threat and weigh on growth." It notably stressed the burden of budgetary adjustment and the record levels of unemployment which are threatening "long term growth potential". "In this context reviving growth and employment is imperative", maintained the IMF pleading for action on four fronts in the euro zone: restoring banks' results to revive credit, progressing towards full banking union, providing adequate support to the economy short-term, implementing structural reform to create growth.

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The OECD sees an improvement in the euro zone's economy

15 July 2013

Most of the world's main economies are due to witness a slight improvement in their economic situation whilst some emerging countries will stabilise or slow according to advanced monthly indicators published by the OECD on 8th July 2013. These indicators designed to anticipate turning points in activity in comparison with the trend continue to show a positive upturn in growth for the euro zone. The indicator for France reveals stabilisation, growth will recover in Italy and come close to its normal pace in Germany. According to these indicators growth also seems to be recovering in all of the OECD zone which includes the wealthiest countries on the planet.

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New tranche of aid for Greece

15 July 2013

On 8th July 2013 the 17 Finance Ministers from the euro zone looked into the results of the third assessment mission in the second bail-out plan to Greece and said they were satisfied. The Greek government has indeed implemented many budgetary and structural reforms. The euro zone ministers therefore recommended the payment of a further tranche of aid to Greece (4 billion) over the next few months and called on it to continue its work.

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Economic and Finance Council: European Semester and entry of Latvia into the euro

15 July 2013

The 28 Economy and Finance Ministers published recommendations on Member States' economic, budgetary and employment policies on 9th July 2013 - excluding Croatia a new Member State and four countries that are already implementing an adjustment programme (Cyprus, Greece, Ireland and Portugal). This exercise heralds the conclusion of the European Semester 2012 which enables the mutual monitoring of macroeconomic policies. The ministers also confirmed Latvia's entry into the euro zone on January 1st 2014. Latvia will therefore become the 18th euro zone member. The exchange rate has been set at 0.702804 last for one euro. Finally ministers approved a 7.3 billion euro increase in the European budget 2013 in order to cover pending payments.

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Hungary: economic forecast for 2013

15 July 2013

On 12th July 2013 the Hungarian government published the latest figures on the country's economy. According to Economy Minister Milhaly Varga in 2013 and 2014 the budgetary deficit will remain below 3% of the GDP. As a result the introduction of further taxes will not be necessary. Concerning growth the government is forecasting 0.7% growth this year. Moreover for the period March to May the employment rate improved. The number of people aged 15 - 74 engaged in professional activity totalled 3,910,000 ie 62,000 people more than one year ago at the same time. However according to the Central Statistics Institute (KSH) on 11th and 12th July gross industrial output contracted by 2.1% in May 2013 in comparison with May 2012 and consumer prices increased by 1.9% in July in comparison with the previous year.

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Slovenia: revision of the 2013 budget

15 July 2013

On 11th July the Slovenian parliament approved the revision of the 2013 budget thereby deepening the budgetary deficit to 4.4% of the GDP because of a worsening in the crisis and in order to be able to finance the banking system which is heavily in debt and held by the State. The previous budget approved under the Jansa government was counting on a deficit of 2.8%. With this budgetary review public spending in 2013 will total 9.6 billion euro and revenues will total 8.1 billion.

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France loses its triple A

15 July 2013

On 12th July 2013 France lost its triple A with the financial ratings agency Fitch. It has been downgraded to AA+ with a stable outlook over the next two years. Fitch is questioning the short and mid term development of output, unemployment and of the State deficit and stresses that it disagrees with the government about growth forecasts. It is forecasting a 0.3% contraction in the French economy in 2013, then growth of 0.7% in 2014 and 1.2% in 2015 whilst the French government is expecting growth of 0.1% in 2013, 1.2% in 2014 and 2% in 2015 and 2016. France has already lost its triple A with the two other ratings agencies: Moody's where it is rated Aa1 with a negative outlook, and Standard and Poor's where it is rated AA+ also with a negative outlook.

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Moving towards a single resolution mechanism in view of Banking Union

15 July 2013

On 10th July 2013 the European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services, Michel Barnier presented the European Commission's proposals for the introduction of a single resolution mechanism in view of completing Banking Union. This system will enable rapid, effective decision making without there being any doubt about the effect on public finance." The project notably plans for a Single Resolution Council comprising representatives from the ECB, the European Commission and the Member States involved, which will enjoy wide-ranging powers. There will also be a Single Resolution Fund, financed by the banks.

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Success of the European health insurance card

15 July 2013

On 11th July 2013 the European Commission announced that 15 million more people obtained the European Health Insurance Card in 2012 bringing the number up to 190 million in all. The European Health Insurance Card helps overcome urgent medical requirements in all 28 Member States as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The application on telephones and tablets also enables rapid access to a full service such as the details of the nearest medical services for example.

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More than 22 billion euro for research and development

15 July 2013

On 10th July 2013 the European Commission announced that the EU and businesses were going to invest more than 22 billion euro in research and development including over 17 billion for five priority areas over the next seven years. These projects called "joint technological initiatives," involved innovative medicines, combustion and hydrogen batteries, bio-industries, less pollutant aviation and electronic components and systems. These will be public-private partnerships in the Member States and a great number of businesses and research centres.

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Blue growth for the Mediterranean

15 July 2013

On 11th July 2013 the European Commission presented a study calling for the development of maritimes zones and notably for exclusive economic zones to enable the development of the Mediterranean region. Maria Damanki, the European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs believes that "the Mediterranean has enormous unused potential." A more effective development policy would help attract greater investment and support various local activities thereby helping them to modernise. Energy, aquaculture, tourism, mineral resources and biotechnologies are particularly promising sectors which could support economic recovery.

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European Higher Education in the world

15 July 2013

On 11th July 2013 the European Commission presented a communication on the situation of the European university system in the world. It insists on the need for better training for the 19 million students spread over 4000 European universities, 85% of whom are not mobile. The new Erasmus + programme will enable the allocation of 400 million euro per year to international exchange programmes.

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Mario Draghi speaks to the European Parliament

15 July 2013

On 8th July 2013 Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank presented his economic priorities to the MPs of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee at the European Parliament. After having presented the measures taken by the ECB notably the upkeep of its rates at an historically record low and loans in the banking sector he pointed to the difficulties associated with financial fragmentation in the European Union and the problems that arise as a result for SMEs in their access to financing. Finally he insisted on the need for banking union in which the ECB will be obliged to play a leading role.

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W. Schäuble qualifies Banking Union as a project with "feet of clay"

15 July 2013

In an interview in the German daily "Bild" published on 12th July 2013 German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble qualified the proposal for Banking Union put forward on 10th July 2013 by the European Commission as a project with "feet of clay". "If a bank has to be closed it is a decision that has far-reaching consequences and which cannot be taken by Brussels alone. We do not want a situation in which Brussels decides and the countries pay. Responsibility and decision making have to go hand in hand. We answer to the citizens and Parliament," explained W. Schäuble.

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Angela Mekel speaks on German TV channel ARD

15 July 2013

During an interview on the German TV channel ARD on 14th July 2013 the German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke in support of stricter rules governing the protection of personal data across European and internationally. "Our data protection law is good. But if Facebook is registered in Ireland, then Irish law applies and because of this we want harmonised European laws," she declared. She added that the population was worried about the use of data outside of Germany and that she "expected firm commitment on the part of the American government that it would respect German law in the future."

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Further accusations against Mariano Rajoy

15 July 2013

On 9th July 2013 the Spanish daily 'El Mundo' published - without saying where the information came from - a written document whereby the President of the Spanish government, Mariano Rajoy, is said to have received additional illegal salaries for at least three years (from 1997-1999) when he was minister in M. Aznar's government). This document is attributed to Luis Barcenas, former treasurer of the People's Party (PP) at present in prison because of corruption. The scandal which is shaking the party in office in Spain developed further on 14th July 2013 with the publication of text messages between the head of government, Mariano Rajoy and the former treasurer. According to the newspaper 'El Pais' they show the "complicity" between the two men and prove that they were in contact with each other in March 2013 contrary to Mariano Rajoy's declarations to date.

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Finnish President on an official visit to France

15 July 2013

From 9th to 11th July 2013 Finnish President Sauli Niinistö travelled to France for an official visit to the Elysée Palace. During his meeting with French President François Hollande on 10th July 2013 they notably discussed bilateral relations, Europe's financial situation and also that of Syria and Egypt. During a joint press conference the French president especially insisted on the vision of international affairs shared by both leaders. Moreover youth employment and European Defence were addressed. Regarding European Defence Mr Hollande announced that the two politicians "would make proposals during the European Council on this issue at the end of the year."

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Visit by Jean-Marc Ayrault to Romania

15 July 2013

On 11th and 12th July 2013 the French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault undertook an official visit to Romania. He met with the Romanian President Traian Basescu and Prime Minister Victor Ponta. The political leaders stressed that it was up to Romania to integrate its Roma citizens better whilst benefiting from support from both France and Europe. Regarding Bucharest's membership of the Schengen area Mr Ayrault recalled France's support but said that membership had to be undertaken in two stages. The first of these comprised an opening of air borders. He added that this should be done by strengthening all security and integrity measures of this space "because we have a common battle to undertake against corruption and crime in all shape and form." Finally several bilateral agreements were signed on 11th July 2013 including one which involves the building of a giant laser near Bucharest.

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What's your European profile?

15 July 2013

On the occasion of the European Citizenship Year, the National Assembly is offering people the chance to discover what kind of European you are. Answer 12 questions to understand what kind of European you are. In addition to this 12 stars to learn and shine in Europe!

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Greek State television resumes service

15 July 2013

On 10th July 2013 the Greek Audiovisual Minister Pantelis Kapsis announced that "state television programmes would resume "within the next few hours". The surprise closure of the state tv channel ERT in June for budgetary reasons led to the suppression of 2,600 jobs. The Greek government is planning an interim period of around two months with temporary programmes (films, documentaries etc...) before calling on journalists of the former ERT.

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Jean-Claude Juncker resigns - general elections in Luxembourg

15 July 2013

On 11th July 2013 after a long debate on the previous day about the Luxembourg information service scandal that engages the responsibility of the Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, the latter was forced to resign. He met Grand-Duke Henry to ask him to dissolve the chamber of deputies and to convene early elections. Hence early elections may take place on 20th October 2013, seven months before the normal deadline in May 2014. The outgoing Prime Minister was confirmed by his own party (CVS) during an extraordinary congress to stand again. The parliament should remain in office until 8th October next.

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New Narrative for Europe in Warsaw

15 July 2013

On 11th July 013 the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk inaugurated the General Assembly of the initiative "A New Narrative for Europe", that brings together 250 personalities from the cultural, intellectual and scientific world. The project launched in Brussels on 23rd April 2013 will be implemented as part of three meetings in Poland, France and Germany. The idea is to provide joint inspiration with the help of intellectuals, artists and scientists as they take part in a public debate long term. "We need to breathe new life into the European spirit and create a genuine European public space," stressed Mr Barroso during the event's inauguration in Warsaw which focused on "Forms of imagination and thinking for Europe".

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Speech to the nation by the Portuguese President

15 July 2013

In a declaration to the nation, Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva said on 10th July 2013 that the centre-right coalition in office since June 2011 was able to undertake "all of its tasks" but he called for the construction of a government for "national salvation" which would enjoy the support of the socialist opposition. Regarding early elections the President mentioned the possibility of elections being held in June 2014. However this proposal was rejected because is might delay the adoption of the Portuguese government's budget for 2014 and force Portugal to ask for a second rescue plan. After this political crisis the Portuguese government asked on 11th July 2013 for the postponement of the troika's assessment until the end of August or the beginning of September, as well as the simultaneous implementation of the 8th and 9th assessment so that the bail out plan can be finalised within the planned time.

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Czech Republic

Appointment of a new Czech government

15 July 2013

The new Czech "government of experts" led by economist Jiri Rusnok was appointed on 10th July 2013 by President Milos Zeman. Mr Rusnok's government will replace that of Petr Necas, the outgoing Prime Minister who resigned in the wake of a corruption and abuse of power scandal. The government of experts comprising fifteen members who bear no official political label only has a slight chance however of being approved by parliament. Indeed the outgoing coalition which wants the government that resigned to continue work until the next elections has 101 votes out of 200 in the lower chamber. Mr Zeman might decide however to leave the new government in office, since the Czech Constitution does not stipulate any time scale for a second bid to form a government if the first fails. Parliament has 30 days to express its opinion on this new government.

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The Romanian Transport Minister sentenced to five years in prison

15 July 2013

Romanian Transport Minister Relu Fenechiu was sentenced on 12th July 2013 to five years in prison due to his involvement in a corruption scandal. Mr Fenechiu has resigned from his post as minister but is still an MP. The post of Transport Minister will be undertaken by the Prime Minister Victor Ponta who will serve as interim minister. In its most recent report on the Romanian legal system, the European Commission, which is monitoring the development of rule of law in Romania, criticised the presence of ministers who were being prosecuted or under investigation in the government. Moreover it is the first time that the Romanian courts have sentenced a minister in office to prison.

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London withdraws from EU judicial measures but maintains the arrest warrant

15 July 2013

On 9th July 2013 the UK government confirmed in parliament its intention to withdraw from 133 European justice and police measures. However the government is planning to re-enter 35 of these measures including the European arrest warrant as well as measures concerning participation in Europol, the EU's police cooperation office. According to the Lisbon Treaty the UK has until 1st June 2014 to present its decision to withdraw totally from these European cooperation measures in the police and judicial areas which would then cease to be applicable as of 1st December 2014.

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Polemic over the salary rise for British MPs

15 July 2013

The recommendation made by the British parliamentary standards authority (Ipsa) to increase the salary of MPs by 9.3% over two years in the midst of an austerity cure was met by immediate opposition on 11th July 2013 including on the part of those who would benefit from this increase. Ipsa's project plans for MPs' annual salary to rise from £66,000 to £74,000 (from 76,800 to 85,500 euro) in 2015 which is the same as nearly three times the median British salary (£26,500). The plan also suggests a reduction in several advantages that would affect restaurant or taxi bills as well as over generous retirement leaving parties.

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The ICTY reinitiates an indictment for genocide against Karadzic

15 July 2013

On 11th July 2013 the ICTY reversed the acquittal of the former political leader of the Serbs of Bosnia, Radovan Karadzic for the role he played in the massacre of Muslims and Croats of Bosnia in 1992. Last year he was acquitted of this charge. This judgement only concerned one of the eleven indictments brought against Mr Karadzic. However the decision on 11th July does not mean that Karadzic has been found guilty since his trial is still on going at present. This means that the indictment in question will feature in the new list of accusations which the judges will have to assess. This decision was taken 18 days to the day after the Srebrenica massacre.

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Franco-Swiss Convention on inheritance and tax evasion

15 July 2013

As an extension of the European Council of 22nd May 2013 and of the G8 of 18th June 2013 a new Franco-Swiss tax convention on inheritance was signed on 11th July 2013 by Pierre Moscovici, the French Economy and Finance Minister and his Swiss counterpart Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf. On its ratification this convention should lead to the end of the "tax exile of people with large fortunes who try to organise their inheritance in favourable tax conditions for their descendants living in France", according to the French Economy and Finance Minister. Inheritance will be taxed by the country where the heirs live and not by the State of residence of the deceased. Regarding the place of residence of the deceased, heirs will be taxed in France under certain conditions. The convention also plans for a lifting of restrictions on "requests for information."

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The ECHR condemns the UK for its legislation on life imprisonment

15 July 2013

On 9th July 2013 the European Court of Human Rights condemned the UK for its life imprisonment legislation, deeming that any life sentence should be reviewable after a certain period of time - which is normally 25 years. The Court was addressed by three British prisoners sentenced to life, who believed that the set nature of their sentence comprised inhuman and degrading treatment. The Court upheld their complaint explaining that in order for a life sentence to be compatible with article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights "there had to be a possibility of freedom and a possibility of reassessment," of the case. But British legislation that was modified in 2003 stipulates that prisoners sentenced to a life sentence no longer automatically qualify, after 25 years in prison, for an assessment of their case and early release, on the decision of the public authorities. The British government explained that it reformed the law so that this kind of decision was no longer the responsibility of the executive.

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EU International Goods Trade Surplus with South Africa

15 July 2013

On the occasion of the sixth EU-South Africa Summit on 18th July 2013 Eurostat the EU's statistics office, published data on trade and investment between South Africa and the EU. After a contraction in the trade of goods between the EU and South Africa in 2009, exports peaked at 26.6 billion euro in 2012, whilst imports rose at a more moderate pace to total 20.5 billion euro in 2012, which is lower than the peak of 24.6 billion recorded in 2008. As a result the trade in goods from the EU with South Africa registered a surplus of 6.1 billion euro in 2012 in comparison with +1.3 billion in 2010 and +4.4 billion in 2011.

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45% of European internet users want better results or more speed

15 July 2013

According to the most recent Eurobarometer study published on 8th July 2013 which looks into the way Europeans use the internet connection time seems to be a key issue. Indeed nearly half (45%) of European households would like to move into a higher internet subscription category or change provider to have a faster connection. The study also revealed that more than half (54%) of households limit their national and international calls using a mobile phone because of costs. Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission believes that "it is unacceptable that half of the population has to limit its telephone calls because of costs and it is unacceptable that the lack of a single connected market justifies these restrictions."

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How can the EU help Member States reduce their spending?

15 July 2013

The Bertelsmann Foundation has published a study on the means available to the EU to help Member States reduce spending (The European added value of EU spending: Can the EU help its Member States to save money?). According to the authors Member States might save around 1.3 billion euros per year by integrating their consulate services and they could save nearly 9 billion by creating a joint armed force.

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"Banking Union: the position of German savings banks"

15 July 2013

The French institute for international relations (Ifri) has published a study by Georg Fahrenschon, the Chairman of the German Savings Banks' Federation (Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband -DSGV) entitled "Banking Union : the position of German Savings Banks". The author is against the creation of European banking supervision deeming that firstly the treaties have to be modified. Indeed he believes that granting supervision to the European Central Bank requires the revision of the treaties, a strict separation of powers within the ECB and specific European administrative law.

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Birth rate down in Europe because of the crisis

15 July 2013

According to a study by the Max Planck Institute for Demography in Rostock (Germany) published on 10th July 2013 the birth rate declined in all countries affected by the crisis - except for in France where the fertility rate is maintained at 2 children per woman. In most European countries - especially in Greece, Portugal, Spain and Ireland - the decrease in births follows closely in line with the recession and the rise of unemployment since the start of the financial crisis in 2008.

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Global Corruption Barometer 2013

15 July 2013

According to the Global Corruption Barometer published by Transparency International on 9th July 2013 more than one person in four says that they had paid a bribe over the last twelve months. Nearly 9 people in ten say however that they want to counter this phenomenon and two thirds who were asked to accept bribes say they refused, which seems to show that States, civil society and the private sector must step up their work to encourage populations to counter corruption. The Barometer reveals that there is a confidence crisis regarding the political classes and conveys citizens' doubts about the efficacy of judicial institutions. In 51 countries political parties are deemed to be the most corrupt institutions (55% of those interviewed believe that government action bows to specific personal interests).

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WTO annual report

15 July 2013

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) published its annual report in which it presents the main developments in trade negotiations as well as their implementation and follow-up. The report devotes a chapter to the settlement of disputes which have been submitted by the Member States in the event of a trade litigation, the number of which has increased sharply. Major conflict such as that over bananas opposing the EU against several countries in Latin America have been settled. Finally the report presents the WTO's action in support of developing countries to help to build up their trade capabilities notably by granting longer deadlines.

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Publication of a new issue of the review "Géoéconomie"

15 July 2013

The most recent issue of review "Géoéconomie" includes an interview with the French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius on the position of "France in the diplomatic economic battle". An article by Josephy Nye, the founder of the Soft Power concept looks into balances of power in the 21st century. This issue brings together articles on Africa, the Arctic, Murmansk, South Korea, and also on French diplomacy, the policy implemented by French President François Hollande, the Welfare State crisis, the French cultural exception and even on the French forests.

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Hiramatsu, the water-lily pond. Homage to Monet

15 July 2013

As part of the second Normandy Impressionist Festival devoted to the theme of water the Impressionism Museum in Giverny is putting on an exhibition until 31st October 2013 by Japanese painter Hiramatsu Reiji, entitled "Hiramatsu, the water-lilly pond. Homage to Monet". This exhibition brings together 30 paintings by Hiramatsu Reiji which are on show for the first time in France. This complements the large selection of Japanese prints in the Claude Monet collection, together with work by the latter.

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Inauguration of 30th Dance Festival Impuls Tanz

15 July 2013

The modern dance festival Impuls Tanz is taking place in Vienna until 11th August 2013. Started in 1984 on the initiative of Karl Regensburger and the Brazilian dancer-choreographer Ismael Ivo, it is one of the most important dance festivals. For four weeks, more than one thousand dancers, choreographers and teachers from the world over will be present for the 30th festival. Amongst the favourite dancers are South African William Kentridge, Belgian Wim Vandekybus and Briton Akram Kahn, originally from Bangladesh.

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"Of Dawn and Light"

15 July 2013

The "Hypo Kulturstiftung" in Munich is devoting an exhibition to Nordic painters until 6th October 2013. This exhibition is entitled "From shadows to light" and brings together 125 pictures from five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) dating from the period 1860 to 1920.

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From Picasso to Dubuffet: "l'Art en guerre" at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao

15 July 2013

The Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao is putting on an exhibition entitled "l'Art en guerre. France 1931-1947: from Picasso to Dubuffet" until 8th September 2013. This shows how, in the face of the Nazi occupation and in a context of oppression experienced by France in the Second World War, artists rebelled against official instructions by drawing up new aesthetic responses that would transform the future of art. On this occasion over 500 pieces of art by around one hundred artists including Georges Braque, Jean Dubuffet, Marcel Duchamp, Alberto Giacometti, Vassily Kandinsky, Pablo Picasso and Joseph Steib are on show.

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Athens Festival

15 July 2013

The 2013 Athens and Epidaurus Festival is presenting many artists from the world of theatre, music and dance. This major event staged in the Herod Atticus and Lycabette theatres in Athens, as well as in the Epidaurus theatre has taken place yearly from June to September since 1955. After focusing on Greek theatre and musical representations, the festival has widened its rang over the last few years with the introduction of modern theatre, music and dance.

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Salzburger Festspiele 2013

15 July 2013

From 19th July to September 1st 2013 the opera, theatre and classical music festival of Salzburg will be taking place. On the occasion of the 2013 festival that was launched in 1920 by Max Reinhardt and Hugo von Hofmannsthal, tribute will be paid to composers Richard Wagner and Giuseppe Verdi along with new, modern Japanese music.

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15th July

Agriculture and Fisheries Council ()

18th July

EU-South Africa Summit (Pretoria)

19th July

Meeting of G20 Finance Ministers (Moscow)

21st July

King of the Belgians Albert II abdicates in favour of his son Philippe (Brussels)

22nd July

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Pierre Thibaudat ,Alexandre Brecx, Fanny Cohen,Victor Delage, Bettina Mecklenburg

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Banking Union; Latvia/Euro; Luxembourg/Elections; Corruption; UK/Justice


The Newsletter n°588- version of 15 juil. 2013