The Newsletter5878 juil. 2013

La Lettre

Jean-Claude Mignon

8 July 2013

To a certain extent Europe is a victim of its own success. It has forgotten that it was established to defend peace, the rule of law and democracy. We absolutely have to return to basics if we want citizens to support European integration again. The Council of Europe is particularly skilled in defending this Europe of values even if it needs to reform as it has started to do. In brief and to be more precise, the message is clear. Europe has to be more political and, as far as possible, speak with one voice, focusing on what is vital.

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Financial Crisis

ECB maintains its main rate unchanged at 0.5%

7 July 2013

The ECB's Council of Governors decided on 4th July 2013 to maintain the bank's main rate at 0.50%. The facility rates on the marginal loan and the deposit facility will also remain unchanged, at 1% and 0% respectively. During his monthly press conference the ECB President Mario Draghi gave reassurance about his wish to continue supporting the euro zone's economy. "Our position on the monetary policy comprises maintaining an accommodative stance as well as promoting stability of the monetary market," he declared.

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Unemployment down in Ireland

7 July 2013

According to fresh data released by the Irish national statistics office (CSO) published on 3rd July 2013 the country's unemployment rate declined from 13.7% in May to 13.6% in June 2013. This is good news given the country's most recent growth publications. Indeed on 27th June 2013 the CSO announced that the country had fallen back into recession after three months consecutive decline in its economy. The GDP contracted by 1% in the third quarter last year, by 0.2% in the following quarter (in data revised downwards) and by 0.6% in the first quarter of this year. The economy notably suffered a decline in household consumption and exports.

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Unemployment down in June in Spain

7 July 2013

On 2nd July 2013 the Spanish Secretary of State for Employment, Engracia Hidalgo presented the unemployment figures for June. They had dropped further for the fourth consecutive month by 127,248 unemployed (-2.60%) but figures are still high (4,76 million, which means 148,411 more unemployed over one year). Except for the agricultural sector (+0.75%) unemployment contracted in all other sectors, notably in services (-2.97%), building (-2.56%) and industry (-2.48%). Moreover amongst the under 25's the number of unemployed declined by 7.41% (33,961 people) in comparison with the previous month. During this presentation Ms Hidalgo stressed that although generally June is a good month for employment, Spain had "never (...) succeeded in achieving such a significant reduction," as in that particular month.

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The French Trade Deficit increases to 6 billion euro in May

7 July 2013

The French Customs announced on 5th July 2013 that France's trade deficit had grown by more than 1.5 billion euro in May 2013, ie a total of 6.01 billion mainly because of the collapse in the export of transport materials. "The decline of deliveries of transport materials is proving to be decisive but the decline of electronic and electric goods' sales is also of importance," Customs notably declared in their press release. To be precise exports totalled 36.1 billion euro i.e one of the worst monthly results since 2011, a black year for French foreign trade. "After a two month high deliveries of products in the aviation and naval industries have declined," and "the decline is also notable for the rail industry," concluded the Customs authorities.

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The ECB lifts the eligibility suspension on the Cypriot debt

8 July 2013

The European Central Bank (ECB) announced on 5th July 2013 that, after a temporary period of ineligibility, it was again accepting the Cypriot debt in guarantee to loans it grants to euro zone banks after the success of the Cypriot debt exchange programme totalling one billion euro. "The ECB's Governing Council took into account the improvement in the sovereign debt ratings of the Republic of Cyprus after the success on 1st July of transactions that were previously announced by the country's Finance Ministry," explained the ECB.

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European Council

Tour of President of the European Council in the Balkans

7 July 2013

On 1st July 2013 after a meeting with the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy in Belgrade, Serb Prime Minister Ivica Dacic declared that Serbia aimed "to complete EU accession negotiations rapidly and finalise the process efficiently." Herman van Rompuy maintained that Serbia "had the full support of the European Council on its path to the EU" whilst stressing the need to continue work to implement the normalisation agreement in terms of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. He then went on to Kosovo where he congratulated Kosovar Prime Minister Hashim Thaci on his commitment to support the conclusion of the agreement with Belgrade, which he deemed a model of the "spirit" of the EU based on a logic of peace and reconciliation.

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Trade and Scientific Cooperation EU/Japan

7 July 2013

On 3rd July 2013 Japan and the European Union announced that they had finalised a second round of fruitful negotiations in Tokyo in view of a free-trade agreement, which, in the long run should unite the two parties. The next round will take place in October 2013 in Brussels. On the same day they announced they were launching six new joint research projects in IT, with the aim of achieving internet that is 5000 times faster than the present average European speed.

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Energy Cooperation between Algeria and the EU

8 July 2013

Algeria and the EU signed a document stepping up their energy cooperation on 7th July 2013 announced the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso. This memorandum of "strategic agreement" that has been in negotiation since 2008 is "a development tool for energy cooperation between Algeria and the EU," declared Mr Barroso. The document "establishes a cooperation framework in the areas of hydrocarbons, renewable energies, energy efficiency, regulation and technology transfer," said Mr Barroso who signed this document with the Algerian Prime Minister.

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Maritime Transport: Relaxation of Customs Formalities

8 July 2013

On 8th July the Commission presented a communication that aims to ease customs formalities relative to ships, i.e. the relaxation of administrative formalities, the reduction of waiting time in ports and the improvement of the sector's competitiveness. The commissioners and exporters of freight complain that when they want to dispatch merchandise in Europe via short maritime routes, heavy administrative charges in ports lead to additional costs and major delays - ships can wait hours, even days before clearing customs. These formalities make the maritime sector less attractive in comparison with other modes of transport, particularly road transport.

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New record number of Erasmus students in the university year 2011-2012

8 July 2013

According to figures published on 8th July more than 3 million students have benefited from Erasmus grants since the start of the programme in 1987. The statistics, which focus on the university year of 2011-2012, show that the programme enabled more than 250,000 Erasmus students to undertake part of their higher education abroad or to undertake an internship in a foreign country to improve their employment prospects. Amongst the countries taking part in the programme the most popular destinations in 2011-2012 were Spain, France and Germany. Moreover the Spanish were the highest in number to leave for another country, followed by the Germans and the French.

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Two years after the EU/Korea free-trade agreement: positive results

8 July 2013

On July 1st 2013 the second anniversary of the free-trade agreement between the EU and South Korea was celebrated. Until now the implementation of this agreement has taken the automotive sector forwards which in 2012 registered an increase in sales of 2.27%. Trade in services has also risen in terms of the numbers of sectors covered and commitments to market access. The Agreement also planned for the abolition of non-tariff barriers, especially in the automotive sector.

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Report on the situation in Hungary adopted by the European Parliament

7 July 2013

After a tense debate on 2nd July the European Parliament adopted the report on the situation of fundamental rights in Hungary on 2nd July - 370 votes in support, 249 against and 82 abstentions. The report deems that "constitutional changes in Hungary are systematic and reveal a general trend that draws away from the European values as defined in article 2 of the Treaty on European Union." MEPs asked "for an assessment (in the case of the non-respect of the report's recommendations) of an opportunity to implement the mechanisms included in the treaty (...)" which allow sanctions against the Member States which have infringed European fundamental values. Finally MEPs declared they wanted to form a high level group to supervise the EU's values in all Member States.

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New European Ombudsman

7 July 2013

On 3rd July 2013 MEPs elected Irishwoman Emily O'Reilly as the new European Ombudsman in replacement of Nikiforos Diamandouros. As the first woman to occupy this position, she will have to process the complaints lodged by European citizens that involve cases of poor administration in the EU.

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European Parliament gives the greenlight for Latvia's accession to the euro zone

8 July 2013

On 3rd July 2013 MEPs adopted, 613 votes in support, 67 against and 29 abstentions, a resolution agreeing to Latvia's accession to the euro zone as of January 1st 2014. The resolution welcomes the "extraordinary work (achieved by the Latvian population) to overcome the financial crisis" whilst also stressing that Latvia had to keep up the pace of reform to strengthen its economic governance structures and reduce its parallel economy.

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The European Parliament approves the European financial framework 2014-2020

7 July 2013

On 3rd July 2013 MEPs approved, 474 in support, 193 against and 42 abstentions, the compromise agreement found with the Council and the Commission on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020. MEPs notably achieved greater flexibility between the budgetary posts as well as a review of the budget in 2016.

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American Spying and Cybersecurity

8 July 2013

MEPs debated the recent revelations regarding the PRISM affair, on spying on European citizens as a whole, as well as specific spying including that of European institutions. They stressed that these practices were unacceptable in a relationship of so-called 'confidence'. The Commission of Civil Liberties was notably responsible for an investigation that it has to deliver before the end of the year. Moreover on 4th July 2013 MEPs adopted stricter sanctions against any cybercrime activities. They are planning heavy prison sentences for attacks on sensitive networks and against the use of zombie networks as well as the involvement of liable legal persons. National authorities will also have to cooperate in the event of a threat.

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Multi-lateral agreement on services

8 July 2013

On 4th July 2013 MEPs called on the Commission to put forward a text which will serve as a multilateral negotiation base on services in the context of the WTO. This text is to guarantee fairer competition between businesses. MEPs however called on the Commission to defend the EU's economic interests as well as its idea of public service.

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Digital and Connected TV Agenda

8 July 2013

On 4th July 2013 MEPs adopted a resolution calling for the rapid completion of the single digital market. This indeed is of high economic potential and the legal and economic contexts have to be improved. In this regard MEPs are advocating greater investment in human capital in order to remedy the penury of competences. Consumer confidence also has to be improved by guaranteeing greater flexibility, security and inter-operability. They also adopted a resolution on connected TV asking the European Commission and Member States to adapt the legal framework that governed this so that a safer, more effective, more generalised system could be implemented.

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Priorities for the Banking Sector

8 July 2013

On 3rd July 2013 MEPs set the priorities for the reform of the banking sector in a resolution adopted by 528 votes in support, 87 against and 73 abstentions. They notably called for a better separation of banking activities by establishing a clear distinction between the financing of the real economy and their operations on the markets. The governance of banks and the personal responsibility of the administrators engaged should also be more transparent. Finally in the event of bankruptcy access by depositors to their savings must be guaranteed likewise basic, vital activities (credit, payment, deposits).

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Report on the financial transaction tax adopted

8 July 2013

On 3rd July 2013, the European Parliament adopted a report on the financial transaction tax in the 11 countries taking part in the enhanced cooperation agreement (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Estonia, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia). The report supports the European Commission's proposal with some modification proposals and hopes to achieve a wider field of application. It notably proposes that participant countries be allowed to apply a higher rate for risky "over the counter" transactions and non-payment of the tax to be made more costly than its payment. The Parliament's role on issues concerning taxation is only consultative. It is up to the 11 Member States taking part to come to agreement.

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The European Union declares war on youth unemployment

7 July 2013

Nearly six million young people are without work in Europe. On the invitation of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Labour Ministers of the 28 EU Member States, the French President, François Hollande, the President of the Spanish government, Mariano Rajoy and several other European leaders met in Berlin on 3rd July 2013 to set up real measures to act against this scourge. A package of measures was adopted after the conference like vocational training, apprenticeship, sandwich courses, professional and geographical mobility and financial aid for young people.

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Abdication of King Albert II

7 July 2013

On 3rd July 2013 Belgian King Albert II officially announced that he intended to abdicate from the throne to be replaced by his son Prince Philippe. Albert II believes that his age and his health no longer allow him to fulfil his office as he would like. Aged 79, Albert II chose to abdicate on 21st July, on the Belgian National Day, after 20 years on the throne.

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The IMF supports social and economic measures undertaken by the Bulgarian government

7 July 2013

On 3rd July 2013 the IMF supported the Bulgarian government, sharply criticised by the population, in its efforts to aid the poorest and businesses, whilst retaining a certain degree of fiscal stability. Hence it declared that the political problems had, to date, only had a limited impact on the economy but were still a threat, due to uncertainty in the euro zone. It advised the government to continue structural reforms and implement measures to reduce unemployment which now totals 10.8% of the working population. Regarding the review of the budget planned for by the government the IMF deemed the goal of a deficit of 1.4% of the GDP in 2013 as achieveable whilst the government had forecast that it might grow to 3.8% of the GDP.

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Bulgaria - a new round of elections?

7 July 2013

On 5th July 2013 Bulgarian Head of State Rossen Plevneliev exhorted political leaders to extend their hand to demonstrators who have been protesting for the last three weeks against corruption, otherwise the only other solution will be to organise a new round of elections. "For 22 days there have been continuous demonstrations in Bulgaria and I have not seen one politician take on board what is happening and explain clearly to the nation what he intends to do," declared Mr Plevneliev in a radio-tv speech. "If nothing else helps, if no attempt is made to come a agreement, then the only democratic solution will be to organise elections," he said.

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The Croatian President hosts the political leaders of the Balkans

7 July 2013

On July 1st the day it joined the EU Croatia hosted the heads of State of the Western Balkans for a meeting that aimed to improve relations in this region which hopes to integrate the EU. The aim of this meeting - which brought together the heads of State from Slovenia, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia as well as the three members of the collective presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina - was the creation of a forum that aims to discuss the region's common interests. It hence marks the start of regular meetings between the heads of State of eight countries, to which a political leader of one of the EU Member States or a European institution will systematically be invited (the 8+1 initiative).

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800 million euro for Spanish SME's

7 July 2013

On 4th July 2013 Wolfgang Schäuble, German Finance Minister and Philip Rösler, the German Economy Minister, together with their Spanish counterparts, Luis de Guindos, Economy Minister and José Manuel Soria, Industry Minister, presented the loan agreement signed between the German public investment bank KfW and the Spanish Credit Institute ICO. As part of this agreement the KfW will grant 800 million euro in loans to the ICO which will invest this money in Spanish SME's. This agreement finalises the announcement made in April in Spain of a bilateral plan that aims to provide SME's with liquidities and to encourage investments and the creation of jobs in Spain.

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Berlin and Paris want to step up their energy cooperation

8 July 2013

On 2nd July 2013 the first Franco-German conference on energy took place, bringing together the French and German environment ministries, researchers, top ranking industrial executives and political decision makers. The two ministers maintained that France and Germany wanted to make the energy transition a focus of cooperation between the two countries. The conference led to an assessment of interactions between the energy policies in the two countries, to define the effects of synergy and to draw lessons of experiences made by both sides. This cooperation should continue even if there is a new French minister on 3rd July.

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Franco-German Employers' Cooperation

8 July 2013

On 3rd July 2013 Pierre Gattaz was elected chair of the main French employers' organisation, the Medef (Mouvement des entreprises de France) with 95% of the vote. On 5th July the French and German employers announced the creation of a "permanent committee" to put forward "joint proposals" and to "influence" governments on "both sides of the Rhine" but also European bodies. During a press conference with the chairman of the German industries' federation (BDI), Ulrich Grillo, Pierre Gattaz spoke of their "firm wish" to "increase" Franco-German cooperation. This committee, steered by both men will "draft joint proposals on all vital issues involving the development of our economies on priority themes (...) which are growth, competitiveness and employment."

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Draft bill on male/female equality

8 July 2013

On 3rd July 2013 the French Minister for Women's Rights, government spokesperson Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, presented a draft bill for equality between men and women as she spoke during a council of ministers. This draft bill puts forward a range of measures to counter continuing inequalities between men and women. It notably includes professional equality, the fight to counter specific female precarity, women's protection against violence, their image in the media, parity in politics and also in terms of social and professional responsibilities.

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Dalia Grybauskaite hosted by François Hollande

7 July 2013

On 2nd July 2013 French President François Hollande hosted his Lithuanian counterpart Dalia Grybauskaite whose country is undertaking the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the next six months. The two leaders discussed the Multiannual Financial Framework. They also said "they wanted Banking Union "to continue to be established over the next few months." François Hollande declared that he fully approved the two goals which the Lithuanian president wishes to target over the next semester i.e. network interconnexion, European energy policy as well as an Eastern neighbourhood policy.

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Priorities of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union

8 July 2013

On 3rd July Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaité presented the six month programme of the Lithuanian presidency of the Council of the European Union to the European Parliament. In her speech she said she was happy that citizens and businesses in the European Union continued to strengthen the European economy. "It is our turn now to take over," she said, adding that "all Member States and institutions should focus on the construction of a credible, open Europe where there is growth". Most MEPs asked for work to focus on the fight to counter youth unemployment, the completion of the internal energy market by 2014 and the rapprochement of Eastern partners with the EU.

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Visegrad Group Meeting

7 July 2013

On 2nd and 3rd July 2013 the Visegrad Group which brings together Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia met in Wisla as part of the handing over of the presidency from Poland to Hungary (July 1st). Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski stressed the group's political and economic potential as well as the interest it represents for the European project. The Association of States of Central Europe in the areas of infrastructure and the human sphere formed the focus of discussions. In this context Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich joined the discussions. Following this the group firmly declared that it supported Ukraine's integration into Europe. Regarding former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko the Ukrainian president declared that he was looking into solutions that fell in line with the Ukrainian law.

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The euro will not be the Polish currency in the short term

8 July 2013

Poland will not be able to adopt the euro for several years to come, notably because the transfer over to the European currency demands a revision of the Constitution maintained Prime Minister Donald Tusk on 6th July 2013 in an interview he granted to the newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza. "We shall not enter the euro zone without modifying the Constitution (...) and we do not have the necessary majority for this either presently nor, in my belief, in the future parliament," declared Mr Tusk. A two-thirds majority is required to make changes to the Constitution in virtue of which the Polish Central Bank (NBP) can decide to emit the currency nationally.

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The Portuguese government coalition avoids collapse

8 July 2013

Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho announced on 6th July the appointment as Deputy Prime Minister Paulo Portas. "I put forward Paulo Portas as Deputy Prime Minister who will be responsible for the coordination of economic policies and relations with the troika", announced Mr Passos Coelho. Mr Portas is the head of the conservative party, CDS-PP, whose alliance with the Prime Minister's Social Democratic Party (PSD) has guaranteed the coalition in office since June 2011 the absolute majority in Parliament. There were fears of government collapse after the resignation of Finance Minister Vitor Gaspar and thereafter the failure of the implementation of the financial rescue programme granted by the EU and the IMF in May 2011. The agreement still has to be approved by the Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva. Apart from the appointment of Mr Portas the head of government confirmed the appointment of Maria Luis Albuquerque as the new Finance Minister.

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Draft bill on the referendum on belonging to the EU

8 July 2013

On 5th July 2013 British MPs voted in support of a draft bill designed to guarantee the organisation of a referendum by 2017 on the UK belonging to the EU. The 304 MPs present out of the 650 in the House of Commons, nearly all Conservatives approved this text unanimously, opening the way following a parliamentary process. Foreign Minister William Hague deemed that "it was a good start for the draft law, it strengthens our commitment to organising a referendum by the end of 2017, for or against remaining in a reformed EU." He added that labour had tried to make the draft bill fail, suggesting "they will try later on to prevent it in various ways."

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Eurobarometer Survey: Europeans and Green Products

8 July 2013

In July 2013 Eurobarometer published a survey on European attitudes regarding green products. This survey which focused on six points (including European attitudes to green products, the importance of the environmental factor for European citizens and the reliability of products) notably suggests that Europeans support the introduction of environmental action. More and more of them are changing their consumption habits and are taking the environmental factor into account when they go shopping.

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The volume of retail trade sales up by 1% in the euro zone

8 July 2013

According to Eurostat estimates published on 3rd July 2013, in May 2013 the volume of retail trade sales increased by 1% in the euro zone and by 1.2% in the European Union in comparison with April. Over the same period the "food, drink and tobacco" sectors have grown by 0.9% in the euro zone and by 1.5% in all Member States. The non-food sector has progressed respectively by 0.9% and 1%. We should note that sales in the retail trade have increased in all Member States where data is available, except for in Romania (-3%), Hungary (-0.4%) and Bulgaria (-0.3%).

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Euro zone: upward trend of unemployment to 12.2% noted by Eurostat

7 July 2013

Unemployment in the euro zone in May was revised upwards to 12.2% due to an error in the data concerning France said Eurostat on 2nd July 2013, just after the official publication of this macro-economic indicator. "Unemployment in May 2013 in France was revised upwards by 0.5 percentage points. The adjustment has led to an increase of 0.1 points in unemployment in the euro zone and the EU," indicated Eurostat in a press release.

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The world role played by the euro suffered from the 2012 crisis according to the ECB

7 July 2013

The international role played by the euro, the world's second most important currency after the dollar, suffered due to the crisis in 2012, according to an ECB report published on 2nd July 2013. This has emerged in a decline in the euro's share in the world's foreign currency reserves by more than one point, dropping to 23.9% at the end of 2012 in comparison with 25.1%, a year ago, at constant rates. The role played by the euro also declined in the debt market, down to 25.5% in comparison with 26.2% at the end of 2011. "Tension on the sovereign debt market in the euro zone had probably impeded the emission of international debts in euros," explained Jörg Asmussen, a member of the ECB's board, however the improvement that has been confirmed by several surveys allows us to conclude that this decline in the euro's role "hit a low in the second half of 2012 and that the phenomenon has now even reversed."

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The Senate for a "Defence Eurogroup"

7 July 2013

In order to re-balance relations between Europe and the EU in the area of Defence and to provide a "collective European defence tool", the Senate published a report on 3rd July entitled "Pour en finir avec l'Europe de la défense. Vers une défense européenne." This advocates the creation of a Defence Eurogroup based on the model devoted to finances which would coordinate the European military policy. "It would feature a central core, the Franco-British Lancaster House agreement. Germany and Italy have to be part of it." This council of Defence Ministers that would have a "stable presidency" would draft an EU level white paper, define joint programmes and provide Europe with a truly autonomous defence capability.

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Image barometer of public services in Europe

8 July 2013

From 10th to 21st June 2013, the pollster BVA undertook a survey on the image of public services in Europe amongst the citizens of five EU countries (UK, Spain, Italy, France and Germany). Several conclusions can be drawn from this: employment is the European no.1 priority and even more so that of the French. European opinion of their public authorities' work in the various areas quoted is negative overall and is especially contrasted according to a north-south axis. Finally France's neighbours involved in this survey are more or less concerned by the financial situation: 64% believed it positive in 2010 - at present this figure lies at 48%.

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The Myth of Cleopatra

7 July 2013

For 2000 years Cleopatra has fascinated and influenced art, literature, music and the cinema. Until 6th October 2013 the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn is offering the public a rich, contrasted image of this "eternal diva", who has been our heritage over the centuries. Countless texts, pictures, photos, sculptures and extracts of films brought together by the Bundeskunsthalle show at which point in each period, each artist has re-created "his/her" Queen Egypt.

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Chagall: Modern Master

7 July 2013

The Tate Liverpool is devoting an exhibition to artist Marc Chagall until 6th October entitled "Chagall: Modern Master". The exhibition explores Chagall's development from the 'naïve' folkloristic narratives in his early work, towards his unique style combining fauve, cubist, expressionist and suprematist influences while reflecting his native Jewish Russian culture. "Chagall: Modern Master" also focuses on the years the artist spent in Paris, Berlin and Russia and on the way these periods in various European capitals made his visual language so specific.

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Roy Lichtenstein Retrospective at the Pompidou Centre

7 July 2013

Until 4th November 2013 the Pompidou Centre in Paris is putting on a retrospective exhibition devoted to Roy Lichtenstein. After having led the avant-garde of pop-art for several years, Lichtenstein went beyond this. In a short space of time he was seen as a post-modernist artist then, in the last years of his life he almost became a traditional painter. After touring Chicago, Washington, London this retrospective which presents 140 pieces of work including 46 sculptures as well as many canvasses that are on show for the first time, leads to the discovery of a formal artist who finally looked more into lines and colours rather than the object of representation.

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25th Young European Theatre Meeting

7 July 2013

The 25th Young European Theatre Meeting is taking place in Grenoble from 5th to 14th July. The festival theme is focusing on the 18th century Enlightenment movement. The festival will end with a production of the French Revolution believed to be the culmination of that period. The 2013 Meeting will be hosting 20 theatre troops from 15 different countries.

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91st festival in Verona

8 July 2013

The 91st Verona Opera Festival will be taking place until 8th September 2013. Giuseppe Verdi, whose 200th birthday anniversary will be celebrated this year will form the central theme. Aida, the Arena's leading title is being presented in two different productions. Placido Domingo will perform in Nabucco.

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Montreux Jazz Festival

8 July 2013

The 47th Montreux Jazz Festival is being held until 20th July 2013 and is hosting the greatest jazz artists as well as those from the rock, blues and folk worlds. During this festival visitors will be able to attend shows by Prince, Diana Krall, Randy Crawford, Paolo Conte, Ben Harper and Marcus Miller.

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Chorégies of Orange

8 July 2013

From 11th July to 6th August 2013 the Chorégies are taking place at the Roman theatre of Orange. This festival of opera and classical music originally began in 1869 and has existed in its present form since 1971. This year it is hosting "Un ballo in maschera" by Giuseppe Verdi and "The Flying Dutchman" by Richard Wagner in celebration of their anniversaries. Lang Lang and Roberto Alagna will be playing.

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8th July

Euro Zone Finance Ministers' Meeting (Brussels)

9th and 10th July

Economic and Financial Affairs Council ()

15th July

Agriculture and Fisheries Council ()

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Pierre Thibaudat ,Alexandre Brecx, Fanny Cohen,Victor Delage, Bettina Mecklenburg

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°587- version of 8 juil. 2013