The Newsletter5861 juil. 2013

La Lettre

Franck Lirzin

1 July 2013

The traditional tools of economic policy will only become effective thanks to entrepreneurs. They have to form the core of the European Union's and its Member States' priorities. The role they play in economic dynamics and the creation of jobs is not acknowledged as it should be. Entrepreneurs need the support of all economic drivers if they are to succeed.

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Front page!

"Le souffle et l'esprit de Robert Schuman"

30 June 2013

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Robert Schuman's death on 4th September the latest issue of the review "Journal de droit européen" has published an editorial by the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation Jean-Dominique Giuliani entitled "Le souffle et l'esprit de Robert Schuman". He explains that in the difficult context faced by the countries of the European Union, "Robert Schuman's message is still surprisingly topical".

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Croatia enters the EU

1 July 2013

On July 1st 2013 Croatia became the 28th EU Member State. The Robert Schuman Foundation has published on-line a summary sheet on the country. It offers readers the possibility of consulting its new map of the EU as well as tables on the retirement systems and the distribution of women within the 28 governments which have been updated with Croatia's entry.

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Albania: the rightwing acknowledges its defeat

1 July 2013

Confusion reigned in the evening of the general election on 23rd June in Albania, since both the right in office led by the Alliance for Employment, Well-Being and Integration, a coalition comprising the Democratic Party (PDSH) of outgoing Prime Minister Sali Berisha and 24 other parties, as well as the leftwing opposition led by the Alliance for a European Albania, a coalition of 38 parties led by the Socialist Party (PSSH) and Edi Rama, were claiming victory. Finally on 26th June outgoing Prime Minister Berisha acknowledged his defeat. Turnout totalled (53.52%) and was higher than that registered during the previous general election on 28th June 2009 (50.77%). However no official result has yet been announced. Since 1991 Albania has not succeeded in organising elections that have gone smoothly.

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Financial Crisis

Decline of unemployment in Germany in June

1 July 2013

According to figures adjusted to seasonal variations published on 27th June 2013 by the German Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) the number of unemployed in Germany declined in June. In all Germany had 12,000 unemployed less in June. The country has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the EU. In gross data the unemployment rate contracted to 6.6% in comparison with a previous 6.8% in May, bringing the number of unemployed down to 2,865 million.

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France: unemployment stabilises in May

30 June 2013

On 26th June 2013 the French Labour Minister published the number of job seekers registered in mainland France in May 2013. The number of job seekers without any work at all stabilised in May after constantly rising for two years. In all, the number of job seekers totals 4,795,600. In May the total decreased by 0.1%.

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Aid Plan to Portugal on target in spite of the recession

30 June 2013

The austerity and reform programme launched in Portugal in exchange for international financial aid is still on target in spite of economic difficulties that have been greater than forecast, indicated the European Commission in its 7th intermediary report published on 26th June 2013. "The programme's implementation is still on track overall, in the context of a difficult economic situation," concluded the Commission. "Economic activity in the last quarter of 2012 was much worse than forecast," which led to a decrease in forecasts for the Portuguese economy and an easing in the country's budgetary objectives. According to the figures published by the INE on 28th June 2013 the deficit totalled 10.6% of the GDP in the first quarter against 7.9% in the same period of 2012.

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UK: new plan to reduce spending in 2015-2016

30 June 2013

On 26th June 2013 British Finance Minister George Osborne presented the plan to reduce government spending 2015-2016, which totals £11.5 billion (13.5 billion €) in order to reduce the State's deficit. Savings will come from the end of automatic wage increases for civil servants, and the limiting of some social benefits. Nearly 144,000 civil servants' jobs will be destroyed by 2016. Spending on healthcare and education will be maintained. Investments will be made in the transport, energy and research sectors for a total of 353.7 billion euros. The ONS said on 27th June that the UK had avoided recession in the first quarter of 2013 with a GDP increase of 0.3% in comparison with the previous quarter.

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Political Agreement on the Budget 2014-2020

30 June 2013

On 27th June 2013 during a joint press conference in Brussels the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny and the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso announced that tbey had come to a political agreement over the 960 billion euros budget covering the period 2014-2020. It includes a great amount of flexibility in the use of loans that could be engaged over that period. At present funds that have not been used over a financial year cannot be transferred to the following year nor from one policy to another. They are given back to the Member States. This agreement still has to be approved by a qualified majority in the European Parliament.

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Economic Situation in Cyprus

30 June 2013

On 27th June 2013 the European Commission and the IMF gave their support to the Cypriot authorities' wish to exchange around 1 billion euros in sovereign debt which will soon come to maturity against 5 to 10 year maturity bonds. This measure, which is being undertaken as part of the adjustment programme, should facilitate market access to financing on the part of the Cypriot government.

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Austria: adoption of a recovery plan

1 July 2013

On 25th June 2013 Austria adopted a recovery plan of 1.59 billion euros until 2016 in a bid to boost its economy which has been stagnating since the second quarter of 2012. However it has not abandoned the goal of achieving a balanced budget in 2016. This plan mainly affects the construction industry, childcare, the care of the elderly and flood victims. The grand coalition government is planning for nearly half of this money (745.5 million euros) to be used in 2014.

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Spain: increase in public spending in 2013

1 July 2013

The Spanish government announced on 28th June 2013 that it had approved a cap on spending for 2014 which is up by 2.7% over one year, thereby forecasting a public deficit of 6.5% of the GDP in 2013. The cap on public spending for 2014 was set at 133,26 billion euros in comparison with 126,79 billion in 2013 said the government's spokesperson Soraya Saenz de Santamaria and Finance Minister Cristobal Montoro after the Council of Ministers.

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Budgetary adjustment in Belgium

1 July 2013

On 1st July the Belgian government finalised the adjustment of its 2013 budget and reviewed the main lines of this for 2014, in order to respect its European commitments to reduce deficits announced Prime Minister Elio di Rupo. This is a "good, balanced agreement which combines sustainable savings, new, fair revenues and support to our SMEs" added the head of government who announced 524 million euros in further savings and new revenues. Apart from a rise in the price of tobacco, the government decided to introduce "a minimum tax" on large companies, which, to date used fiscal engineering to limit their contributions as much as possible to the State's coffers.

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European Council

European Council: Youth Employment, Banking Union, Latvia, Serbia

30 June 2013

On 27th and 28th June 2013 the 27 Heads of State and government met for a European Council during which Croatia was solemnly made a member. They looked into the measures to take to settle the youth unemployment crisis declaring that they would employ "all possible tools to support youth employment." The Youth Initiative will be provided with 6 billion euros minimum over 2014 and 2015. The European Investment Bank is due to provide specific help to SMEs which create jobs. They approved, country per country, recommendations as part of the European Semester, as well as the agreement on the multi-annual financial framework 2014-2020 which has to be approved by MEPs. They noted the progress achieved in completing Economic and Monetary Union recalling the priority to complete banking union. Finally they officially confirmed the launch of negotiations of Serbia's membership of the EU.

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Roma integration: the Commission asks for the States to do more

30 June 2013

In a press release on 26th June 2013 the European Commission asked the Member States to respect their commitment to improve the economic and social integration of the 10 to 12 million Roma in Europe. Indeed according to a report the Member States must implement national integration strategies which they presented as part of the EU framework for National Roma Integration Strategies. Member States have two years to implement concrete measures in order to achieve tangible results in support of the Roma.

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Long term investments

1 July 2013

On 26th June 2013 the European Commission proposed a regulation for a new investment fund designed for investors who want to place their money in businesses or investment projects long term. The European Long Term Investment Funds (ELTIF), which are private, will only be invested in companies or projects that require committed funding over long periods of time.

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Cheap phone calls: reduction in roaming costs

30 June 2013

On July 1st 2013 costs linked to the use of a mobile phone in another EU Member State will be further reduced. The downloading of data will decrease by 36%, calls made by 17%, calls received by 12.5% and SMS's sent by 11%. Since 2007 telephone costs from one Member State to another have dropped by 80%.

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Electronic invoicing for public procuration markets

1 July 2013

On 26th June the European Commission put forward a new directive that aims to make e-invoicing the general rule as far as public procuration is concerned. This measure is the first step towards totally dematerialising the procurement procedure. The directive puts forward a European standard that should reduce legal insecurity, red-tape and costs, both economic and environmental. At present in Europe e-invoices only represent between 4 to 15% of all those dispatched.

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Report on Montenegro

1 July 2013

On 26th June 2013 the fourth meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Council between Montenegro and the EU took place. Both sides were pleased with the progress made in terms of the country as a candidate for membership as shown by the two chapters that have been provisionally closed. European leaders warned their Montenegrin counterparts however about the future political goals to achieve, notably in terms of justice, the fight to counter organised crime and corruption. From an economic point of view the delegations' representatives said they were confident about the way the present situation is being managed. They also said that the community acquis were moving forward correctly. Finally both sides exchanged opinions over the use of the pre-accession aid instrument and on the situation in the Balkans.

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Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy

30 June 2013

On 24th and 25th June 2013 the 27 Agriculture Ministers discussed the various changes to provide to the CAP as part of the negotiations with the European Parliament. The Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union indicated that the institutions converged on many vital points like direct payments, the joint organisation of common agricultural markets, the support of rural development and financing, the management and assessment of the CAP. The countries affected by the floods also presented the damage caused by the floods to their agriculture, and the Commission specified the financial measures it intended to deploy to remedy this.

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Enlargement and fundamental values

1 July 2013

On 25th May 2013 the 27 European Affairs Ministers recommended the European Council to accept the launch of membership negotiations with Serbia and a stabilisation and association agreement with Kosovo. They also decided to open a further negotiation chapter with Turkey on regional policy. These negotiations will be launched later on in the year however due to recent events in Turkey. They also discussed the best means to protect European fundamental values in the Member States.

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Bank Recovery

30 June 2013

On 26th and 27th June the 27 Economic and Financial Affairs Ministers defined their position on the directive establishing a framework for struggling banks' recovery and resolution. The latter are to provide the means to anticipate and settle banking crises to national authorities and yet guarantee the upkeep of current operations by minimising the effects suffered by the tax payer. The agreement that was found between ministers should help negotiations between the European Parliament and the Commission to move forward quickly so that the text can be approved before the end of the year. The 27 Ministers also came to agreement on the draft of the budget for 2013, noting the necessary changes for the accession of Croatia on July 1st.

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Europe's support to Tunisia

1 July 2013

On 25th June 2013 Tunisian Prime Minister Ali Larayedh met the presidents of the European Council and the European Commission, Herman van Rompuy and José Manuel Barroso. Both European leaders recalled the importance of relations between the EU and Tunisia. In order to support economic and political reform the EU decided to allocate 40 million additional euros to Tunisia as part of its SPRING programme in aid to the countries in transition in the Mediterranean. The Tunisian Constituant National Assembly started its first debate over the draft Constitution on 1st July.

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Situation in the Near and Middle East

1 July 2013

On 30th June 2013 the 23rd meeting between the Joint Council and Ministerial Meeting of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and the EU took place. This provided an opportunity to review the situation in the various countries in the region of the Near and Middle East and more particularly Syria.

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Germany: no further debt as of 2015

1 July 2013

On 26th June 2013 the German government adopted a financial plan for the next five years. For the 2014 budget it is forecasting additional Federal State debt of 6.2 billion euros. As of 2015 no further debt will be necessary. This year the forecast debt will rise by 8 billion euros to total 25.1 billion euro due to exceptional aid granted for repairs to damage caused by the recent floods.

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Angela Merkel speaks to the German parliament

1 July 2013

On 27th June 2013 German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke to the Bundestag in Berlin on the conclusions of the G8 summit and just before the start of the European Council. As far as the latter is concerned she stressed that "growth and consolidation of public finance were not contradictory". In her opinion sustainable economic growth in the EU would require further structural change in the Member States, a coordinated policy between them as well as a common view of the economy. Moreover she declared that the fight to counter unemployment of young people in Europe was her top priority.

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Anti-Disaster Exercise Taranis 2013

30 June 2013

From 27th to 29th June 2013 a vast European anti-disaster exercise rallying 1500 participants from around 30 countries was organised in Salzburg (Austria) "EU Taranis 2013" simulated several climate disaster situations which required the cooperation of various European services. This exercise organised by the Red Cross with the cooperation of the EU comprised the simulation of a flood during which participants had to manage consequences as if it were a chemical accident. The compatibility of the EU's technical standards was also tested during this operation.

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50th anniversary of the Franco-German Youth Office

1 July 2013

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ), many events are being organised on 5th and 6th July 2013 in Paris. On 6th July in République Square there will be a festival from 1pm to 11pm with a Franco-German village and many free concerts and events. The office was established as part of the Elysée Treaty by Général de Gaulle and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer for the "development of relations between young French and German people" and to "strengthen mutual understanding".

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The Court of Auditors concerned about the public deficit

30 June 2013

In its report on the situation and the perspectives of public finances published on 27th June 2013 the Court of Auditors deemed that France's public deficit might "rise beyond 3.7% of the GDP" as planned in the European Stability Programme. Although French growth was lower than the 0.1% forecast by the government in 2013 "the public deficit may lie at between 3.8% and 4.1% of the GDP" said the Court of Auditors in its report on the public finance situation and perspectives. The first chairman of this financial institution Didier Migaud, explained that "given the extent of the effort planned and low economic growth the Court believes that there is no reason to foresee restorative measures during the year."

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Adoption of youth employment measures in Italy

30 June 2013

On 26th June 2013 the Italian government adopted measures that are designed to foster the employment of young people and delay a one point VAT increase by three months (21% to 22%), due originally to enter into force on 1st July. "A package of around 1.5 billion euro from the European and national funds has been made available for measures whose goal it is to foster the employment of around 200,000 young Italians," declared the President of the Council Enrico Letta after the Council of Ministers.

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Lithuania takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union

1 July 2013

On 1st July 2013 Lithuania took over from Ireland as the presidency of the Council of the European Union. It is the first of the three Baltic States to undertake this task. Lithuania wants to place its six-monthly presidency under the slogan of rapprochement with the former Soviet republics in the east. Lithuania is notably due to host a summit between the EU and six States in the Eastern Partnership - Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

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Czech Republic

The Czech President appoints Jiri Rusnok as Prime Minister

1 July 2013

On 25th June 2013 Czech President Milos Zeman appointed economist Jiri Rusnok to take over from Petr Necas as the Czech Prime Minister. Mr Rusnok who was Finance Minister in the 2000's when Milos Zeman was Prime Minister, will lead a government of experts. However his government might encounter difficulty in achieving a confidence vote in the Chamber of Deputies. Whilst the outgoing government coalition would not have wanted to continue with another leader the opposition parties have declared that a government would only be acceptable if early elections were to be organised in the near future. The next elections are due to take place in May 2014.

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New governor of the Bank of England

1 July 2013

On July 1st 2013 the new governor of the Bank of England, Canadian Mark Carney, took office. The former governor of the Bank of Canada was appointed to everyone's surprise last year by British Finance Minister George Osborne in replacement of Mervyn King whose second term as the British institution's head was coming to an end in June 2013. The Canadian banker has the reputation of being pragmatic and oriented towards public service with a pronounced tropism for communication. Hence some changes are about to occur notably regarding the BoE's communication strategy which should move towards greater forecasting, detail and transparency.

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Europe spied upon

1 July 2013

On 30th June Europe demanded explanation of the American spy programme that is said to have targeted the EU's institutions and millions of European citizens, with Brussels warning of possible consequences affecting the negotiation of the trans-Atlantic free-trade area. "Partners do not spy on each other." We cannot negotiate over a big transatlantic market if there is the slightest doubt that our partners are carrying out spying activities on the offices of our negotiators. The American authorities should eliminate any such doubt swiftly!" announced European Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding."

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A Belgian General takes over Eurocorps

1 July 2013

Belgian General Guy Buchsenschmidt took over as head of Eurocorps on 28th June 2013 during a ceremony that was organised in the centre of Strasbourg where this multinational military structure is based. He has taken over from French General Olivier de Bavinchove who for two years had ensured the command of the corps founded in 1992 by France and Germany. Eurocorps is a permanent, operational command structure that can be deployed for action rapidly, notably as part of NATO and the EU.

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Trans-Adriatic Gas Pipeline

1 July 2013

On 28th June 2013 during a press conference in Baku (Azerbaijan) the company Shah Deniz Consortium announced that it had chosen the gaspipeline project TAP (trans-Adriatic Pipeline) for its gas deliveries by Shah Deniz II (the biggest gas field in the country, notably conveyed by BP, StatoilHyrdo, SOCAR and Total) to Europe. This project thereby enables the circumnavigation of Russia in a bid to diversify supply sources of gas in Europe. Its final trajectory is expected to be announced in 2013 and its implementation in 2019. Before the end of the decade Europe will start to import natural Azeri gas via this future gaspipeline to the detriment of the Russian company Gazprom. By way of its Prime Minister Antonis Samaras Greece welcomed this choice. Since this country is the European starting point for this pipeline it should enjoy the economic benefits of the work and use of TAP.

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Croatia in the EU in figures

30 June 2013

On 25th June Eurostat published the various indicators on Croatia's position in the EU. Croatia's entry into the EU will increase the European population by more than 4 million, for a total of nearly 507 million. The GDP/capita totals 61% of the European average; unemployment totals nearly 18% and the recession 2%. Nearly 11% of the working population is employed in agriculture (in comparison with 5% in the EU). More than 18% of Croats have completed higher education i.e 9% less than the European average.

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Unemployment at 12.1% in the euro zone

1 July 2013

The unemployment rate in the euro zone lay at 12.1% of the working population in May indicated the European statistics office Eurostat on 1st July 2013. This figure is up in comparison with the 12% noted in April 2013. In May 2012 the unemployment rate lay at 11.3% in the euro zone. For the entire EU unemployment remained unchanged between April and May 2013 at 10.9%. It lay at 10.4% previously. The most affected countries are Spain (26.9%) and Greece (26.8% in March 2013). The lowest rates were recorded in Austria (4.7%), Germany (5.3%) and Luxembourg (5.7%).

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Sharp rise in inflation in May 2013

1 July 2013

According to figures published on 1st July 2013 by the European statistics office, Eurostat inflation rose sharply in June in the euro zone to lie at 1.6% in comparison with 1.4% in May. In spite of this rise the inflation rate in the euro zone is below its 2012 level (2.4% in June 2012). The main components of inflation in the euro zone are food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco with the highest annual rate in June (3.2%), followed by energy (1.6%), services (1.4%) and industrial goods, energy apart (0.7%). The rebound in energy prices is contributing to the rise in inflation.

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French-German Partnership: going further!

30 June 2013

The Studies Director at the Robert Schuman Foundation Thierry Chopin and the Deputy Director of the Deutsch-Franzözisches Institut, Henrik Uterwedde looked into the future of the European institutions in an article published in the Figaro on 26th June 2013. They firstly congratulate France and Germany on their recent rapprochement in view of the European Council. They explain that Europe will only progress if joint decisions are made that result from a prior "rapprochement of the German and French positions". Thanks to the French-German rapprochement and "due to the crisis many taboos are now falling away: political union, budgetary federalism , banking, economic and monetary union," they conclude.

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The European Union as a continent wide political entity

30 June 2013

The European Institute for International Relations (IERI) published a study by Franck Debié on 26th June 2013 entitled "The European Union as a Continent Wide Political Entity". This text which first recalls the theory of continental political entities looks into how the EU can be deemed to be an entity like this before moving on to assessing what these theories tell us about the EU's role in the world.

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Energy transition: a challenge for German industry

1 July 2013

The French Institute for International Relations (Ifri) has published a study by Hubertus Bardt on the challenges of energy transition for German industry. According to the author German energy transition will only be a success if it is economically bearable and does not affect the German industrial infrastructure too much.

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"An Expressionist Summer- Bonn 1913"

30 June 2013

The Kunstmuseum in Bonn is celebrating the 100th anniversary of an exhibition devoted to August Macke, who in 1913, organised an exhibition of Expressionist works including those by Max Ernst, Olga Oppenheimer and Heinrich Nauen. Until 29th September 2013 visitors will be able to see these works and spend "an Expressionist summer".

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Victor Man Exhibition at the Villa Medici

1 July 2013

The personal exhibition by Victor Man entitled "In un altro aprile", programmed at the Villa Medici until 1st September 2013, is presenting a series of recent pictural works and some unique pieces which "speak to each other". The exhibits have been set up in the Villa Medici. Indeed the installations set up by the artist are original works which reflect each other. They are the outline of multiple dialogues and yet they do not establish any single direction or path.

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Munich Filmfest

1 July 2013

Launched in 1981 the Munich Filmfest, one of the most popular in Germany, is presenting more than 200 films until 6th July 2013. This festival, one of the most important in Germany just after the Berlin International Film Festival attracts hundreds of thousands of cinema amateurs yearly.

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Modigliani and the Paris school

30 June 2013

The Pierre Gianada Foundation in Martigny (Switzerland) is putting on an exhibition until 24th November 2013 entitled "Modigiliani and the Paris School". This exhibition is focused on the development of Amedeo Modigliani's work (1884-1920) on his arrival in Paris on 1906 until his death in 1920. Around 100 works are on show including emblematic portraits and nudes, as well as the works of the main personalities in the Paris School who were his friends and sometimes his sources of inspiration.

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Karlovy-Vary Cinema Festival

1 July 2013

The 48th International Film Festival of Karlovy-Vary, one of the most prestigious event of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe, will be taking place until 6th July 2013. Managed by Polish film-maker Agnieszka Holland; the international jury will have judge fourteen films whilst around 230 films will be showing.

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Metropolis: Fernand Léger and the Town

1 July 2013

From 6th July to 7th October 2013 the national museum Fernand Léger of Biot (France) is presenting 29 plates from the lithographic album "The Town" as well as the photos of urban landscapes by Fernand Léger. Via these works we can see the French capital as the place for the movement of innovative ideas between 1920 and 1950 and also the emergence of urban modernity in the artist's imagination.

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Avignon Festival 2013

1 July 2013

From 5th to 26th July 2013 the 67th edition of the Avignon Festival will be opening its doors. It is the second biggest festival in Europe after the one in Edinburgh. This festival focuses on around 40 shows, both French and foreign, with over 300 productions. At the same time many meetings with artists and also unique readings, film showings and exhibitions will be organised.

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Lyrical Festival in Aix-en-Provence

1 July 2013

From 4th to 27th July the Aix-en-Provence Festival will be celebrating the anniversaries of Verdi and Wagner, Britten and Poulenc and will be providing a specific element to the Marseilles-Provence 2013 project "European Capital of Culture". Indeed the biggest lyrical festival in France is paying tribute to the greatest of the Mediterranean's tragic heroines: Electra, who burns with the desire to avenge her father Agamemnon, and Helen whose beauty started the Trojan war. The Festival Programme in 2013 offers an opportunity for fruitful dialogue between tradition and modernity, between heritage and visions of the future.

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Penguin and Random House merge

1 July 2013

On July 1st 2013 the British group Pearson and German Bertelsmann announced the completion of the merger between their publishing houses Penguin and Random House (the leading publisher in the US and the UK) which has given birth to the world's leader in the sector. The new entity called Penguin Random House is dominated by Bertelsman which holds 53% of the capital whilst Pearson holds 47%. "This rapprochement creates a true world leader with a sound platform in view of continuing its creative and trade success in a rapidly changing sector," commented John Fallon, Pearson's General Manager. "Together we can and shall invest at a greater scale than if we had remained separate," stressed the head of Bertelsmann, Thomas Rabe.

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1st July

Accession of Croatia to the European Union ()

July 1st

Start of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union ()

les 1st-4th July

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

3rd July

Meeting on Youth Employment in Europe (Berlin)

4th July

ECB Governors Council Meeting (Frankfurt-am-Main)

8th July

Euro Zone Finance Ministers' Meeting (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Pierre Thibaudat ,Alexandre Brecx, Fanny Cohen, Clara Coornaert,Victor Delage, Bettina Mecklenburg

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Membership Croatia; Europe spied upon; European Council; Agreement/EU Budget


The Newsletter n°586- version of 1 juil. 2013