The Newsletter58524 juin 2013

La Lettre

Thibault Boutherin

24 June 2013

On July 1st next Croatia will become the 28th EU Member State. This new enlargement, the 6th since 1950, bears several interesting factors which are also salutory reminders addressed to the Union and States' political leaders.

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Front page!

What is the political future for Ukraine?

24 June 2013

The CERI is organising a debate on 26th June together with the Robert Schuman Foundation entitled "What is the political future for Ukraine?" The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation Jean-Dominique Giuliani will be speaking alonside Vitali Klichko, the Chairman of OUDAR (Ukrainian Democratic Alliance) and Christian Lequesne, the Director of CERI. It is obligatory to enrol.

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Talking Europe hosts Dalia Grybauskaité

24 June 2013

As part of the partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF), the Foundation is broadcasting its latest programme 'Talking Europe' on its site whose guest this week is Dalia Grybauskaité, President of Lithuania, which will take over the rotating presidency of the European Union on July 1st next. Dalia Grybauskaité presented the priorities of the presidency over the next six months which include the fight to counter youth unemployment and the reform of energy policies.

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Both Left and Right claim victory in the Albanian general elections

24 June 2013

The day after the general election on 23rd June 2013 in Albania the right in office led by the Alliance for Employment, Well-Being and Integration, a coalition comprising the Democratic Party (PDSH) of outgoing Prime Minister Sali Berisha and 24 other parties on the occasion of this general election, has claimed victory just like the Alliance for a European Albania, a coalition of 38 parties (including the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) of Ilir Meta), led by Edi Rama's Socialist Party (PSSH). On 25th June, and according to partial results, the opposition asked the alliance rallied around the outgoing Prime Minister to acknowledge its defeat. According to the Central Electoral Commission (KQZ) turnout (52.63%) was higher than that recorded in the previous general election on 28th June 2009 (50.77%). It allowed the extension of voting time so that all of those who wanted to fulfil their civic duty could do so, enabling polling stations to close later than planned. As we go to press 75% of the voting slips have been counted.

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Financial Crisis

IMF Report on the Spanish Economy

24 June 2013

The IMF published the conclusions of its annual assessment of the economic situation in Spain on 19th June 2013. It highlights that the country has made major progress on the path to economic recovery notably thanks to the reforms that have been introduced, but it also stresses the need for further measures. The IMF is also calling Madrid and the European authorities to foster the creation of jobs and at the same time continue consolidation in the banking sector. It believes that the Spanish economy might recover growth before the end of the year but adds that the difficult outlook forecast for the banking sector - which is still weak - may delay recovery.

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Ireland: new tranche of aid approved by the IMF

24 June 2013

On 17th June 2013 the IMF approved the release of a further tranche of aid totalling 950 million euro as part of the bail-out plan for Ireland that was introduced in 2010 by the troika (IMF-ECB-EU). In its report the IMF lauds the "continued" implementation of the reform required by the creditors. It stresses that there was modest economic growth in 2011 and 2012 and an increase in employment in the first quarter of 2013. However it believes that "economic recovery was not well established and that the dangers of debt sustainability remained." The IMF notably forecasts a peak in the Irish public debt this year (around 123% of the GDP).

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Hungary: the government announces further austerity measures

24 June 2013

On 17th June 2013 the Hungarian government announced further austerity measures to prevent the country from being subject to another excessive deficit procedure fromwhich it has just emerged. At the end of May the European Commission suggested the end of the procedure launched against Hungary. The measures introduced notably comprise an increase in terms of taxes on telecommunications, mining, financial transactions and bank transfers. They will enter into force in August 2013.

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New rules for the ratings agency

24 June 2013

Since 20th June 2013 ratings agencies have been subject to stricter, more transparent rules given the leading role they play on the financial markets. Apart from greater independence and more transparent rules the ratings addressed to the EU's Member states must match quality criteria and will have to be published on a European ratings platform as of 2015. These measures are being introduced following international commitments taken during the G20 meeting of 2008 in Washington.

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France: economic forecasts for the end of 2013

24 June 2013

According to figures published on 20th June 2013 by INSEE, unemployment is due to continue rising until the end of 2013 to total 10.7% on mainland France. Regarding France as a whole (including overseas territories), the rate is due to rise to 11.1% in the last quarter of 2013, against 10.4% on the mainland and 10.8%, including the overseas territories, in the first quarter. According to INSEE France's GDP is due to recover by 0.2% in the 2nd quarter of 2013 in comparison with the previous quarter. However it is due to stagnate in the 3rd quarter and increase slightly again by 0.1% in the last quarter. Over 2013 as a whole this will not prevent a slight recession of 0.1% in comparison with 2012. Inflation is due to decrease and remain below 1% by the end of 2013.

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Privatisations in Slovenia

24 June 2013

On 21st June 2013 the Slovenian Parliament gave the greenlight, 46 votes in favour 20 against, to fifteen privatisations as part of an austerity plan that aims to prevent the country have to turn to Europe for aid. This first wave of privatisations notably involves the country's leading telecoms operator Telekom, the second biggest bank NKBM, the airline Adria Airways, the ski manufacturer Elan and the airport of Ljubljana. This was announced on 9th May by Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek during her presentation of the plan designed to stabilise the country's finances which have been severely affected by the crisis.

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Towards banking union

24 June 2013

On 20th June the 17 members of the Eurogroup came to an agreement on the main features of the direct recapitalisation instrument for banks in the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). Bank recapitalisation may total a maximum of 60 billion euro and will be subject to certain conditions. The eligibility criteria for States and banks when they make their request have also been set.

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Alignment of the Channel Tunnel

24 June 2013

On 20th June 2013 the European Commission exhorted France and the UK to fall in line with European railway rules regarding to the management of the Channel Tunnel. Amongst the problems caused by the non-transposition of the 2001 railway package, the Commission insists on the reduction of rail access costs, on the independence of the railway regulation authority and the review of the convention of the use of Eurotunnel and other operators. France and the UK have two months to respond to the European Commission's motivated opinion.

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First visit by new Bulgarian Prime Minister to Brussels

24 June 2013

The new Bulgarian Prime Minister Plamen Orecharski, who was sworn in 29th May last met the NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen for the first time on 20th June 2013 in Brussels. Their discussions notably focused on Bulgaria's contribution to the Alliance during the economic crisis. The Bulgarian head of government then met European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and the President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy on 21st June. They focused on the preparation of the next European Council which will take place on 27th and 28th June in Brussels - subjects included the economic situation and the country's policy and more particularly the respect of rule of law and the use of European funds.

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Trade Defence

24 June 2013

The most recent statistics for the defence of trade were published on 20th June 2013 for the first five months of the year showing the development of anti-dumping, anti-subsidies and protection measures. On 31st May 2013 85 anti-dumping and 10 compensatory measures were observed, whilst 42 surveys were ongoing in March.

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PRISM debate in the European Parliament

24 June 2013

On 19th June MEPs stressed that it was urgent to protect the personal data of European citizens on the internet in the wake of the PRISM scandal. The representatives of various political groups demanded the rapid implementation of legislation that enabled a better defence of European citizens and businesses almost on a par with that enjoyed by the Americans. "The PRISM affair has opened our eyes, showing us that it is urgent to move forward to sound legislation," maintained Viviane Reding, the European Commissioner for Justice.

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Adapting to climate change

24 June 2013

On 18th June 2013 the 27 European environment ministers supported the European Commission's strategy to counter climate change and asked for the main European policies to take greater account of this challenge. This strategy adopted in April 2013 notably plans the promotion of the work undertaken by the Member States and to integrate the climate objectives fully into all European policies.

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New rules to strengthen banks

24 June 2013

On 20th and 21st June 2013 the ministers of 27 Member States adopted a text detailing the capital requirements for banking institutions introducing tougher rules governing banks and investment businesses own funds (the CRD IV package). The new rules will be published in the Official Journal before July 1st 2013 and implemented before 1st January 2014. They also suggested an allocation of 2.5 billion euro to a fund for the poorest covering the period 2014-2020. They also decided to step up work by the adjustment fund for globalisation against youth employment. They stressed the importance of improving women's representation in businesses and the media. They strengthened legislation governing tobacco.

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Agreement to counter VAT fraud

24 June 2013

On 21st June 2013 the 27 European Finance Ministers decided to grant a further period of time to Spain, France, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia for them to correct their excessive deficits. They decided however to re-open a procedure against Malta. They also approved the entry of Latvia into the euro zone on 1st January 2014. They decided to support the work undertaken by Portugal and Ireland by extending the maturity of part of the loans granted to them by the European Financial Stability Facility. They came to a political agreement on a package of measures that aim to help fight VAT fraud more effectively.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council

24 June 2013

On 24th June 2013, the Foreign Ministers of the 27 EU Member States recalled that they wanted to find a political solution to the Syrian crisis and decided to step up humanitarian aid to the country, which now totals more than 1 billion euro. They also insisted that they wanted to find a two state solution to the conflict that opposes Israel and Palestine. Finally they lifted the travel ban on the Belarus Foreign Minister so that discussions might resume again whilst re-iterating their criticism of the present political regime.

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Progress in dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia

24 June 2013

The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton met the Prime Ministers of Kosovo and Serbia on 20th June 2013. They discussed the progress achieved as part of the agreement that was found by both sides in April, notably in terms of justice, police and future elections. The High Representative declared that she would relate the progress made to the members of the Council and the European Council over the next few days which is due to discuss Serbia's bid to join the European Union.

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Adoption of a communication on a global approach to the Syrian crisis

24 June 2013

The European Commission and the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton adopted a joint communication on 24th June 2013 "Towards a comprehensive EU approach to the Syrian crisis". The text maintains that the EU notably supports the introduction of an international conference "Geneva II" on Syria, that it will ensure that humanitarian aid is reaching war zones, that it will increase its aid of 400 million euro for Syria's economic, humanitarian and development requirements in 2013 and it will promote solidarity with vulnerable populations who might be displaced towards the Member States of the European Union.

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50 years after Kennedy, Barack Obama delivers a speech in Berlin

24 June 2013

On 19th June 2013 at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, American President Barack Obama,alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel, addressed a crowd of nearly 6,000. His speech came nearly fifty years to the day after John F. Kennedy's "Ich bin ein Berliner". He called for the construction of a "world of peace and justice". The American President also pleaded for a one third reduction of nuclear arms and promised to step up work to counter climate change. He also defended "the protection of private life" as the scandal over the Prism programme rages. He concluded his speech with "Germany and the USA must be the leaders of hope".

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German TGVs allowed to use the Channel Tunnel

24 June 2013

The German rail company may soon be able to take its passengers to the UK. After three years of careful assessment the safety committee gave its greenlight to take high speed trains (ICE3) into the Chunnel, said Eurotunnel. Because of delivery dates given by Siemens the first German trains will not be able to use the Tunnel before 2016.

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Germany: the CDU-CSU's electoral programme

24 June 2013

In a document totalling nearly 130 pages entitled "together for Germany's success", the CDU and the CSU are promising, if they win the general election on 22nd September 2013, an increase in family allowance and in mothers' retirement pensions. According to the electoral programme there will also be a new way of calculating income tax that should progressively favour families with children. The document excludes any tax increases. The CDU-CSU also maintains its commitment to Europe. "Germany will only succeed if Europe succeeds as a whole," maintains Chancellor Angela Merkel.

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Demonstrations against the government in Bulgaria

24 June 2013

For the eighth day running thousands of Bulgarians demonstrated on 21st June 2013 in the country's major towns against the oligarchy and "for morality in politics". "We are asking for the oligarchy to quit political power so that Bulgaria can develop according to European standards," stressed the demonstrators in the declaration that was broadcast on the social networks. On 20th June Bulgarian President Rossen Plevneliev exhorted the political classes to listen to the demonstrators who have been demanding morality in the country's leading organisations. The opposition movement GERB declared on 18th June that it would no longer sit in Parliament where it held the greatest number of seats, whilst further popular demonstrations target the government supported by the socialists.

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Further reform to the Spanish civil service

24 June 2013

After having assessed the report by the European Commission relative to a reform of the civil service (CORA) which includes 200 recommendations the Spanish government announced on 21st June 2013 that it intended to save around 6.5 billion euro by 2015, notably via a rationalisation of the civil service, the reform of local communities and public employment measures. The new goals presented by the Spanish Vice-President Soraya Saenz de Santamaria are the strengthening of budgetary discipline and public transparency as well as a more effective civil service.

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Olli Rehn at the National Assembly

24 June 2013

European Commissioner Olli Rehn was auditionned at the National Assembly in Paris on 18th June 2013. He addressed a speech to the members of the Foreign Affairs, Finance, European Affairs Committees covering the main points of the recommendations made by the European Commission of France as part of the European Semester. He said he was confident in the French authorities in terms of their positive answer to the Commission's expectations, notably from the point of view of retirement funds and the reduction of the cost of labour, recalling the need to bring the French deficit below 3% by 2015. He also addressed MPs on the future of economic and monetary union before answering their questions.

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Social Conference for Employment in France

24 June 2013

For the second year running "a social conference" took place in Paris on 20th and 21st June, which notably focused on employment and retirement pensions. Split into six thematic round tables government representatives, employers and the unions set out a social calendar for the months to come. The government drafted a roadmap which is the base for its action in terms of social policy for the next year. To boost employment, the roadmap set the goal of training 30,000 additional job-seekers in four months, so that posts that have not been filled find takers. A vocational training reform has been launched. However the document does not set a goal for the measures to adopt to achieve coverage of the retirement pension system deficit.

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New Greek Government

24 June 2013

The new cabinet of the Greek government was sworn in on Tuesday 25th June 2013, after a reshuffle undertaken by the Greek Prime Minister conservative Antonis Samaras. The reshuffle was made necessary by the exit from the government coalition of the small moderate leftwing party DIMAR in the wake of the state audiovisual crisis. More posts were granted to the socialists from the coalition. Evangelos Venizelos is now the Deputy Chair of the govenrment and head of diplomacy. The socialists now have one quarter of the portfolio and four ministries instead of two in the previous government. Adonis Georgiadis, a defector from the far right party LAOS, is now Healthcare Minister. Yannis Stournaras will still retain the key portfolio of Finance. He is responsible for steering negotiations with the troika and for the launch of reform in the country.

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European Declaration by Enrico Letta

24 June 2013

In Rome, for his first press conference to the foreign press the Italian head of government Enrico Letta delivered a strong plea in support of Europe, as he hoped to turn Italy into a "more pro-European country", "at the forefront of the building of the United States of Europe". The priority in doing this is banking union, said the Italian head of government, which is "fundamental for savers, businesses and for Europe's reliability." Another absolute priority was the fight against youth unemployment, which will be the decisive theme of the next summit in Brussels and which has to be addressed in his opinion "in view of the European elections next year." "If we return from Brussels with a weak, routine message we shall be creating the conditions for a future European Parliament that will be the most anti-European in the history of the European Union," he warned. The Italian head of government also insisted on the importance of a trade agreement between the US and Europe deeming that the cultural exception should not "lead to us missing this historic opportunity."

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OECD report on the fight to counter transnational corruption in Poland

24 June 2013

Poland has to step up its work to counter transnational corruption says the OECD in a report published on 20th June 2013. "Poland has still not succeeded in undertaking legal proceedings concerning transnational corruption" twelve and a half years after the implementation of the OECD's anti-corruption instruments. This situation is all the more regrettable because of "an increase in international trade activities on the part of Polish businesses, and that the risk of transnational corruption might increase in the mid and long term."

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Decrease in Portugal's population

24 June 2013

At the end of 2012 Portugal totalled 10,847 million inhabitants, ie 55,109 less than on 31st December 2011 (-0.52%), according to an estimation published on 17th June 2013 by the national statistics institute (INE), which notes an historically low birth rate and increasing emigration. With a population that has been declining since 2010, Portugal recorded 89,841 births in 2012, against 96,856 in 2011 (-7.2%) and a negative natural balance of 17, 757 individuals. The number of births has fallen "under the 90,000 threshold for the first time since we started to collate this data" stressed the INE in a press release saying that the fertility rate had also reached a "historically low level of 1.28 children per woman."

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Czech Republic

Czech Republic: progress towards forming a new government?

24 June 2013

Czech President Milos Zeman intimated on 23rd June 2013 that he supported the formation of a government of "experts" in order to settle the crisis caused by the resignation of Prime Minister Petr Necas in the wake of a corruption and abuse of power scandal. "I believe this option to be realistic. I shall call it a "government of experts" therefore a government comprising professionals who understand the problems encountered by their ministries," declared Mr Zeman. The outgoing coalition as well as the opposition immediately expressed their reticence about this idea, calling for early elections instead. Mr Zeman will announce his final decision on 25th June during a press conference.

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Agreement on the fight to counter tax fraud

24 June 2013

The G8 Summit took place on 17th and 18th June 2013 in Lough Erne. The leaders of the eight countries agreed on the need to increase growth and employment. They also declared that they wanted to revive the world's economy by supporting demand and by guaranteeing public finance and reforming national economies. They plan to take action in three areas: trade, via the signature of several important agreements, taxation, by fighting money laundering and notably by introducing the automatic exchange of banking and tax information and also transparency.

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Agreement between the British and Chinese central banks

24 June 2013

The Bank of England (BoE) and the Chinese Central Bank signed an agreement on 22nd June 2013 establishing reciprocal 3‑year, sterling/renminbi (RMB) currency swap line as London makes a bid to become the reference marketplace in the West for the yuan. The maximum value of the swap is set at 200 billion renminbi (the Chinese currency, commonly called the "yuan"), ie 24.8 billion euro said the BoE in a press release. "This swap line can be used to promote bilateral trade and support financial stability if the economy demands it," it added.

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Border agreement between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia

24 June 2013

On 19th June 2013 Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina signed an agreement on the management of their joint border. The agreement plans, on the one hand, for measures regarding crossing points and the conditions for crossing so that they are in line with European norms. It also enables people living close to the border to cross with greater ease so that the border maintains a certain amount of dynamism. As of July 1st 2013 and the entry of Croatia into the EU, Bosnia-Herzegovina will have a border of over 1,000 km with the EU therefore it will be one of the longest land borders.

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Economic Forum in Saint-Petersburg

24 June 2013

The 17th International Economic Forum of St. Petersburg took place from 20th to 22nd June. On 20th June Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte held a press conference alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Dutchman notably stressed the importance of trade and the increase in investment flows between the two countries. He also mentioned the issue of Human Rights. German Chancellor Angela Merkel met the representatives of the Russian and German business environment.

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Guido Westerwelle demands the liberation of Tymoshenko

24 June 2013

On 21st June on his visit to Kyiv, German Foreign Minister, Guido Westerwelle denounced the "selective justice" practised, in his opinion, by the Ukrainian government and asked for the main opposition leader, Yulia Tymoshenko, to be released from prison and for her to be able to travel to Germany to receive medical treatment. The EU indicated that Ms Tymoshenko's imprisonment made any signature of the association agreements (including negotiations that have already been finalised) and free-trade with Ukraine impossible. Guido Westerwelle spoke with opposition leaders and the Yevguenia Tymoshenko, the opposition leader's daughter before meeting President Viktor Yanukovych.

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Adoption of the FAO's working programme and budget 2014-2015

24 June 2013

The members of the UN's organisation for food and agriculture (FAO) adopted a Work and Budget Programme on 22nd June 2013 for the period 2014-2015, after their 38th conference. The budget, which totals 1,208 billion dollars is up by 2.2% in comparison with that of the previous year and should enable the FAO to implement its work programme that includes five strategic goals.

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High disparity in GDP per capita in the EU

24 June 2013

According to a Eurostat report published on 19th June 2013 the GDP per capita varied in 2012, depending on the Member States, between 47% and 271% of the EU average. The highest level was seen in Luxembourg where it was two and a half times that of the EU average. Austria, Ireland, the Netherlands and Sweden lay at around 30% over that average. However countries like Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Hungary and Latvia lay at 30% to 40% below average, whilst Romania and Bulgaria lay at more than 50% below that figure.

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In 2012 the EU protected more than 100,000 asylum seekers

24 June 2013

On 18th June 2013 Eurostat announced that more than 100,000 people had gained asylum in the EU in 2012 ie around 20,000 more than in the previous year. Germany took in the greatest number, followed by Sweden, UK and France. Most of those who benefited from the protective status of asylum were Syrian (18%), Afghan (13%) and Somali (8%).

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Taking better care of the elderly

24 June 2013

The OECD and the European Commission have published a joint study focusing on the care to provide to the elderly ("A Good Life in Old Age"). Whilst the number of elderly people over 80 will have doubled by 2050 rising from 4.7% to 11.3% in the EU, the public authorities are already experiencing problems in providing adequate care to the elderly with reduced physical and mental capacities. Low levels of care, often due to a lack of communication between hospitals, doctors and care structures lead to pointless sejourns in hospital. According to the report "major reform is necessary to improve the services provided to old, fragile people and to protect them at sufficiently high levels." This means "stepping up work to raise the level of care given at home."

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London and Paris are still the most expensive cities in the EU

24 June 2013

In 2012 London and Paris were still the cities in the EU where real estate prices are the highest, according to a study by Deloitte published on 20th June 2013. This highlights the growing heterogeneous nature of the real estate markets per country. In comparative terms, Russia is the country where access to property is the hardest, where people require an average of 10 years gross annual salary to access a new property of 70m2. Conversely Denmark is the country with the greatest accessibility to property where people only require 2 years of gross salary to access a comparable property. According to the study although prices have continued to rise in the UK (+13.5% in comparison with 2011), Russia (+11%) and in Germany (+9.1%), growth has been much more moderate in France (+2.5%) and in Belgium (+3.1%) and prices have fallen in Italy (-3.6%), Spain (-6.2%) and in the Netherlands (-6.9%).

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Annual Report by the Agency for Fundamental Rights

24 June 2013

The European Agency for Fundamental Rights published its annual report on 18th June 2013 which reviews achievements in terms of fundamental rights in the European Union as well as the challenges that remain in this area. This year the report focuses mainly on the economic and social crisis that has been affecting the European Union and which has tested fundamental rights as well as democratic legitimacy. The document addresses the adoption of a Union directive establishing minimal standards concerning rights, support and the protection of victims of crime. It also looks at the effect of budgetary restrictions on social services, education and healthcare for vulnerable groups like children.

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Marseilles Festival - Dance and Multiple Arts

24 June 2013

The 18th Marseilles Festival devoted to dance and multiple arts will take place until 12th July 2013. American choreographer Bill T Jones is the guest of honour at this event and he will be presenting three of his choreographies. The Israeli Dance Company Batsheva, led by Ohad Naharin, a world famous creator, will also be presenting a show at this festival. On this occasion of the Marseilles-Provence 2013 European Capital of Culture, there will be three high points that will extend into August, November and December after the usual three weeks of the summer programme.

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"New Waves" at Tokyo Palace

24 June 2013

Tokyo Palace in Paris is presenting the exhibition "New Waves" until 9th September 2013. It is devoted to curators whose role it is to design and organise exhibitions. On this occasion the museum has granted all of its programming to 21 young curators or international curator groups, each having an area in the Palace to design an exhibition. Around 30 Parisian galleries are also working together at Tokyo Palace and are inviting a young curator into their areas.

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Teriade Lesbos Treasures on show in Athens

24 June 2013

The Byzantine and Chrisitan Art Museum of Athens is hosting an exhibition that brings together some "books" illustrated by original prints of Picasso, Matisse, Chagall, Miro and Le Corbusier published between 1943 and 1975 by the major Greek art publisher Teriade. On show are notably prints by Fernand Léger, a "Bible" as seen by Chagall and the famous "Poem of the Right Angle" by Le Corbusier. These were formerly on show in the museum created by Teriade on his native island of Lesbos. The prints, which had been damaged by damp and sun, were "saved" thanks to a European structural fund grant.

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Lowry and the Painting of Modern Life

24 June 2013

From 26th June to 20th October 2013 the Tate Britain of London is devoting a major exhibition to the landscapes of British artist Laurence Stephen Lowry. It is the first exhibition of its kind organised by a public institution in London since the artist's death. Entitled '"Lowry and the Painting of Modern Life" the exhibition focuses on urban scenes and industrial landscapes painted by Lowry and also links between themes and some 19th century painters like Vincent Van Gogh, Adolphe Valette and Camille Pissarro.

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The strength of Emil Nolde's colours

24 June 2013

The Frieder Burda Museum of Baden-Baden is showing the works of Expressionist Emil Nolde until 13th October 2013. Via 55 oil paintings and 20 water colours this exhibition presents the central themes of Emil Nolde's artisitc creations, all linked to the emotional strength of the colours he used :"Colours were my happiness. It is as if they loved my hands." (Emil Nolde)

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Heinrich Mann and France

24 June 2013

For the first time in Germany an exhibition is exploring the way that France influenced the life and work of Heinrich, Thomas Mann's elder brother (1871-1950). Until 3rd November 2013 the "Buddenbrookhaus" in Lübeck is holding an exhibition showing how the writer viewed France. "A dreamer and idealist" according to the exhibition's curator Manfred Flügge, Heinrich Man was also "visionary" regarding Franco-German relations).

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24th June

Foreign Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

24th and 25th June

Agricultural and Fisheries Council (Luxembourg)

24th and 25th June

Plenary meeting of the COSAC (Dublin)

25th June

General Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

les 27th -28th June

European Council (Brussels)

1st to 4th July

Plenary session of European Parliament (Strasbourg)

1st July

Accession of Croatia to the European Union ()

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Pierre Thibaudat ,Alexandre Brecx, Fanny Cohen, Clara Coornaert,Victor Delage, Bettina Mecklenburg

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Banking Union; Fight/VAT/Fraud; Greece/Reshuffle?; Bulgaria/Demonstrations


The Newsletter n°585- version of 24 juin 2013