The Newsletter58417 juin 2013

La Lettre

17 June 2013

After reviewing his four years as Chair of the FAO, Luc Guyau looks at the food crises of the last few years which have been typified by hunger riots and a rise in natural resource prices. Regarding the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) he pleads for the introduction of a Common Food, Agricultural and Territorial Policy that would make the countries in the north of Europe, which do not take much interest in agricultural issues, to assume their responsibilities.

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Front page!

Culture and Policy in Europe

17 June 2013

The Social History Institute is organising a seminar on 24th June 2013 entitled "Europe: culture and policy". The idea of European culture as well as the challenge of communitarianism will comprise the main theme. Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation and Magali Balent, Project Manager will be on the panel of speakers. It is obligatory to enrol.

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Talking Europe hosts Androulla Vassiliou

17 June 2013

As part of the partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF), the Foundation is broadcasting its recent programme "Talking Europe" on its site, whose guest this week is European Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou, responsible for culture and education. Following the free trade agreements with the USA the Commissioner explains why Europe has to act in order to protect its "cultural exception".

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Financial Crisis

7th review of the bail-out plan to Portugal

17 June 2013

On 12th June 2013 the IMF concluded the seventh review of the bail-out of 78 billion euros granted to Portugal in 2011. The new tranche of aid granted to Portugal totals 657 million euros. The IMF believes in its report that significant progress had been achieved regarding the structural reform agenda as well as in terms of fiscal and external adjustment. However the organisation stresses that Portugal must keep up this work to improve its competitiveness, long term growth as well as fiscal consolidation.

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The Netherlands has to save more

17 June 2013

On 10th June 2013 the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) announced that the Netherlands should save between 6 and 8 billion euros if it wants to bring its public deficit within the European limit of 3% of the GDP in 2014. According to the Central Bank "without additional policy, the public deficit will increase and rise beyond 3.5% in 2013 and 3.9% in 2014." The Hague announced on March 1st 2013 that it would have to save 4.3 billion euros more in 2014, which is more than the previous budgetary cuts in order to respect the European limit.

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"Less volatile but slower growth" in 2013 according to the World Bank

17 June 2013

On 12th June 2013 the World Bank revised its global growth forecasts downwards maintaining that the world's economy was going to continue in 2013 at a slower pace than last year (2.2% of the GDP this year, just below the 2.3% recorded in 2012). The financial institution said in its report that this revision was linked to a stronger recession than forecast in Europe (-0.6% this year in comparison with -0.1% forecast to date) as well as a slowing on the markets of some emerging countries. "Growth has not been slowed because of a problem with demand but rather because the high growth we witnessed before the crisis was due to a bubble," explained Andrew Burns who managed the writing of this report.

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Spanish Public Debt Rising

17 June 2013

The Spanish public debt rose sharply over the first quarter of 2013 to lie at a new record of 88.2% of the GDP. This is higher than the European limit of 60% of the GDP. The country's debt rose by 15.2 percentage points in comparison with the same period in the previous year, a rise which is linked both to the central administration and the 17 autonomous regions according to figures published on 14th June 2013 by the Bank of Spain.

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European Council

Herman van Rompuy's visit to Slovakia

17 June 2013

The President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy travelled to Bratislava in Slovakia on 12th June 2013. He met Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico. They mainly discussed the economic and social situation of the countries in the euro zone. The high level of unemployment in Europe was addressed in particular and Mr Van Rompuy stressed that measures to counter unemployment, notably that of young people should be introduced both on a national and European level. He recalled that this question would be focus of the next European Council on 27th and 28th June - he presented five measures that would be discussed there. Mr Van Rompuy delivered a speech on the occasion of the National Convention on the European Union, the aim of which is to discuss nationally Slovakia's membership of the EU and European policy.

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Collective legal redress mechanisms

17 June 2013

On 11th June 2013 the European Commission presented a recommendation that targeted Member States with the intention of introducing a series of common non-binding principles relative to collective redress mechanisms. These principles should enable the collation of individual complaints within the same infringement framework for one single legal procedure, so that this is easier for the complainant and access to justice more effective. The Commission is recommending that all Member States be equipped with a national collective redress system to this effect and that they establish several common principles. It also advocates, as far as is possible, the use of alternative methods in the settlement of complaints.

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Digital Progress in the EU

17 June 2013

On 12th June the European Commission published its annual scoreboard on digital progress. According to this document all of the EU is covered by basic broadband and more than half of the population has high-speed broadband: 54% of Europeans have an internet connection over 30 megabits/second in comparison with 49% one year ago. However only 2% of households subscribe to an ultrarapid broadband connection (over 100 megabits/second), far from the EU's goal which is set at 50%. The table also shows that 70% of Europeans use the internet regularly (at least once a week) in comparison with 67% one year ago. Amongst the poorest this share totals 54% in comparison with 51% a year ago.

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The EU launches a procedure at the WTO against China over steel tubes

17 June 2013

On 13th June the EU, by way of the Vice-President of the European Commission Antonio Tajani, announced that the EU had lodged a complaint with the WTO against China in the affair of the stainless steel seamless tubes from the EU. Japan also launched a complaint against China just a few months ago on the same issue. The EU's complaint comes in the context of the rise in tension between the EU and China with a series of trade disputes ranging from solar panels to telecoms, seamless tubes, crockery and wine.

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The fight to counter tax fraud

17 June 2013

On 12th June 2013 the European Commission suggested the extension of the automatic information exchange mechanism between the EU's tax administrations as part of the fight to counter tax fraud. In virtue of the proposal, dividends, added-value and all other forms of financial revenues and accounts would be added to the list of categories that are part of the automatic information exchange system in the Union whose future system will be the biggest in the world.

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Action plan for the European steel industry

17 June 2013

On 11th May 2013 the European Commission presented a major action plan for the future of the steel industry in Europe. Deeming that the countries of the EU have always had a major role to play in the market, whose demand is due to grow over the next few years, the Commission has prepared a new political strategy. It mainly comprises boosting demand by supporting competitive supply. To rise to modern challenges this strategy is based on the climate policy and investments in research and innovation. In the EU 360,000 people work in the steel industry, for a total turnover of 170 billion euros per year.

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Enhancement of Nuclear Safety

17 June 2013

On 13th June 2013 the European Commission presented its proposal to reform nuclear safety in the EU. The Member States will notably have to ensure that radioactive waste in the event of an accident are inexistent, and organise joint assessment missions of the power plants every six years. New power plants will also have to offer greater guarantees of safety if the core is damaged - all powerplants will have to be equipped with an accident control centre which is hermetic to external risks (radiation, flooding, earthquakes etc ...).

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Greenlight to the appointment of the Croatian Commissioner

17 June 2013

MEPs gave their support to Neven Mimica on 12th June 2013 for him to become a Member of the European Commission, 565 votes in support, 64 against and 64 abstentions. Mr Mimica will be responsible for consumer policy. For a long time now MEPs have pleaded for greater importance to be given to consumers in European legislation. The new commissioner is officially due to be appointed during the European Council in June by a qualified majority vote. He will then join the President of the Commission Barroso on 1st July 2013 - the day Croatia enters the European Union and will remain there until 31st October 2014, the date set for the next Commission to enter into office.

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Schengen Reform

17 June 2013

On 12th June 2013 MEPs supported two texts relative to the reform of the Schengen area. Inspection teams comprising experts from the Member States, the Commission and European agencies will now be able to undertake surprise visits within the borders, and take part in external controls after issuing a 24 hour warning. The re-introduction of border controls within the internal borders will remain exceptional as a last resort and for a limited amount of time and also if there are threats to national security. The text says that migratory flows are not deemed a threat. The text still has to be approved by the Council before it enters into force.

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Improvement of the European Diplomatic Service

17 June 2013

On 13th June 2013 MEPs asked for the European External Action Service to be more ambitious. They believe it urgent to improve coordination with the other institutions, leadership, visibility and responsibility of this service which must also develop strategic planning and implement more effective means to respond to crises.

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Stepping up financial reforms

17 June 2013

On 13th June 2013 MEPs exhorted Members States and the European Commission to step up the promised financial reforms. The resolution gives details of the legislation that has been delayed due to a lack of agreement at the Council, including the guarantee of savings over 100,000 euros, frozen since the start of 2012. The text calls on the Commission to put forward the suggestions that it announced, notably on legal safety in securities legislation which is now two years overdue.

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Reconstruction and Democratisation of Mali

17 June 2013

on 13th June 2013 MEPs re-iterated their commitment to defend the territorial sovereignty, unity and integrity of Mali. They said they were pleased that the French had intervened supporting these principles as a first stage in the reconstruction and democratisation of Mali. They have asked the EU to make greater commitment in this process. They support a political process in Mali that will enable the country to achieve political stability and economic prosperity long term. They welcomed the creation on 6th March 2013 of the national dialogue and reconciliation committee. They have requested that a roadmap be implemented rapidly to ensure transition until the re-establishment of constitutional order and the rule of law across the country as a whole via the organisation of democratic, free, fair and transparent elections in 2013.

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Male/Female Equality is one fo the EU's fundamental principles

17 June 2013

On 13th June 2013 the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy recalled that gender equality was one of the EU's fundamental principles. However it has to be applied to the full. The publication of the European Gender Equality Index which shows statistics in eight areas (work, health, money, knowledge, time, power, equality and violence), comprises an innovative tool in this sense that should help public policy. Women's employment in the crisis is a vital issue.

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Transport Council

17 June 2013

On 10th June 2013 the 27 Transport Ministers detailed the measures that have to be taken in support of the interoperability of the railway networks, notably distinguishing the responsibilities of the European Railways Agency from those of the national agencies. They also approved measures in support of road safety, particularly the identification of dangerous vehicles and the registration of documents as well as air safety regulations. They then revised the rules governing naval equipment to bring them in line with the EU and the Member States' international commitments and to make them clearer and simpler.

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EUROSUR Agreement

17 June 2013

On 14th June 2013 the Council approved the agreement concluded on 29th May 2013 with the European Union on EUROSUR, the EU's external border monitoring system. The text notably includes the creation of coordination centres by the Member States. It will apply to land, maritime and airport borders and will enter into force on 2nd December 2013 on the southern and eastern borders of the EU and as of 1st December 2014 as far as other borders are concerned.

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EU-USA Trade Agreement

17 June 2013

The 27 European Trade Ministers agreed on 14th June to exclude the audiovisual sector from the trade negotiations mandate with the USA. The negotiations mandate to launch trade talks between the EU and the USA was approved. "The audiovisual services are not in the mandate for the time being but might be included at a later date," explained Karel de Gucht, European Commissioner for Trade. However, to do this, all of the Member States would have to agree.

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The European Elections will take place from 22nd to 25th May 2014.

17 June 2013

The next European elections to select the European Parliament's 751 MEPs have been brought forward. They will take place between 22nd and 25th May 2014 depending on the Member States. On 12th June 2013 MEPs defined the distribution of the seats between the various national delegations in these European elections. Apart from Germany, which will lose 3 seats to total 96 as planned in the Lisbon Treaty, 12 other Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal and Romania) will also each lose one seat. This new distribution, in the name of pragmatism, does not respect one of the vital principles defined in the Lisbon Treaty which demands degressive proportionality: France will be the least represented country in comparison with its population, with over 882,000 inhabitants per MEP, ahead of the UK (866,000), Spain (more than 855,000) and Germany (852,000). The best represented country is Malta with one MEP for 69,000 inhabitants.

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The Court in Karlsruhe assesses the purchase of sovereign bonds by the ECB

17 June 2013

The German Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) in Karlsruhe, which has been addressed by eurosceptic politicians and economists held hearings on 11th and 12th June 2013 on the ECB's programme to buy back sovereign bonds from struggling States. For the German Constitutional Court "it is a question of deciding how the ECB is using competences which have not been given to it and that the German constitution does not allow it to transfer" explained Andreas Voßkuhle, the Court's President in Karlsruhe. No decision on the part of the court is expected in the short term.

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Rebuilding of the "Berliner Stadtschloss"

17 June 2013

On 12th June 2013 German President Joachim Gauck laid the foundation stone of the "Stadtschloss", the residency of the Kings of Prussia which is to be rebuilt in the centre of Berlin. At the end of work, planned for 2019, the castle will show the non-European treasures of the Berlin museums in the "Humboldt Forum". The rebuilding of this monument has been extremely controversial due to its cost. The German parliament defined a cap on spending at 590 million euros.

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New bridge between Bulgaria and Romania

17 June 2013

The Bulgarian and Romanian heads of government, Plamen Orecharski and Victor Ponta chaired the inauguration of a new bridge over the Danube on 14th June 2013. This is the second construction on the 470 km of river border between the two countries. "This bridge which brings communities together and which also creates vital trade links is a powerful symbol of the region's European policy," said the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn.

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Nicos Anastasiades in France

17 June 2013

On 12th June 2013 French President François Hollande hosted his Cypriot counterpart Nicos Anastasiades at the Elysée. The preparation of the European Council on 27th and 28th June was the focus of discussions and the two leaders notably agreed on issues of growth, banking union, support to youth employment which they want to make a priority. Mr Anastasiades added that a stable presidency of the Eurogroup as well as a reassessment of the European Parliament were desirable. Regarding bilateral relations between Cyprus and France, the French President qualified them as excellent and recalled the possibilities of energy collaboration between the two countries. The Cypriot President also thanked France for its "historic support" in settling the problem of the island's division.

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Maiden trial flight of Airbus A350

17 June 2013

The new A350 Airbus undertook its maiden trial flight on 14th June 2013. This is a vital stage for the plane which should enable the European manufacturer to compete against Boeing on the long-haul market. The inaugural flight took place at the airport of Toulouse-Blagnac where the Airbus factories are situated.

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The Bourget Show hosts the giants of the aviation world

17 June 2013

The 50th air show rallies all of the players in the world aviation industry focusing on the most recent technological innovations on 17th to 23rd June. The competition between Airbus and Boeing, the two unchallenged giants in aviation, will be played out on lucrative long-haul airplanes. The European manufacturer increased pressure on 14th June before the show had even opened as it undertook a successful inaugural flight of the future A350, thereby demonstrating that it was close on the trail of the Boeing 787 Dreamliners and the 777. Airbus is even planning a flight over the show at the end of the week with this new generation plane, comprising 53% composites, whose entry into service is planned for the end of 2014. The first four days of the show will be reserved for professionals followed by three days which will be open to the public.

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Future of the Greek State audiovisual industry?

17 June 2013

The Greek State Council, the highest legal instance in the country, decided on 17th June to suspend the government's decision to close the State radio-television station ERT. Programmes will resume "temporarily" whilst the final decision is taken and also whilst a new State restructured audiovisual group is put together. Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, who decided to close ERT on 11th June suggested to his government partners just minutes before the publication of the Council of State's decision that they revoke his decision that has been severely criticised in Greece and abroad. Mr Samaras has also had to promise to undertake a ministerial reshuffle "after the New Democracy" Congress at the end of June.

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Portuguese President in Strasbourg and Brussels

17 June 2013

From 11th to 13th June 2013 the Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva travelled to Strasbourg and Brussels. He met the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, the President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy and President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso. In a speech to MEPs he notably explained that austerity could not be the only means used to settle the crisis in the EU. In his opinion the EU had not responded quickly enough to the euro crisis and had not defended economic growth and the creation of jobs adequately. Moreover Mr Barroso announced an agreement between the European Commission, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Portuguese authorities which aims to facilitate the funding of SME's via the EIB.

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Czech Republic

Resignation of Prime Minister

17 June 2013

On 17th June 2013 Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas handed in his resignation to President Milos Zeman, who will replace him until the appointment of a new government. This announcement follows as charges were filed on 14th June 2013 against seven people, including Jana Nagyova, the Prime Minister's chief of staff as part of an investigation into corruption and abuse of power. On 13th June the Czech police announced that it was undertaking a major operation at the government's HQ and at the defence ministry, mobilising 400 police officers from the anti-organised crime brigade. Petr Necas's government, weakened by it budgetary austerity policy and by many corruption scandals, has survived five motions of censure since it took office in July 2010 but it has not enjoyed a parliamentary majority since 2012.

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G8 Research Ministers Meeting

17 June 2013

Research Ministers of the G8 countries who met on 12th June 2013 in London discussed global scientific challenges and notably antimicrobial drug resistance, climate change, energy security and neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer. After the meeting they signed an agreement in which they suggest new areas of joint work for the G8 countries including global research infrastructure development and free access to research data.

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Speech by David Cameron on the UK's role in the world

17 June 2013

British Prime Minister David Cameron delivered a speech on 10th June 2013 on the position of the UK in the world. He recalled that his country should try to find a balance between national withdrawal and too much opening to globalisation. He explained that the "battle for the country's future" should be undertaken on a national level as well as abroad. Finally he pinpointed three weaknesses that are preventing the country from being competitive in the world: an indebted, imbalanced economy, an oversized social protection system and a low performing education system. He explained that the UK's influence depended on stepping up diplomatic representation and even the country's presence in international institutions including the European Union.

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Summit of the Presidents of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe

17 June 2013

On 12th and 13th June 2013 the Summit of the Presidents of Central and Eastern Europe took place in Bratislava. On the occasion of this 18th Summit that brings together 29 Heads of State, the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy delivered a speech on cooperation between the EU and its neighbours as well as on the future of the European Union. The Slovakian President Ivan Gasparovic believed that "more of Europe was the best way to emerge from the crisis" and all participants insisted on the need to strengthen European integration in spite of the problems that the Member States were facing due to the financial and economic crisis. The Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski declared that the European project had to remain attractive to the EU Member States and to those who hoped to join.

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Official visit by the Canadian Prime Minister to the UK and France

17 June 2013

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper travelled to London on 13th June 2013 to meet the Queen Elizabeth II, British Prime Minister David Cameron and to give a speech to the Houses of Parliament. The two Prime Ministers discussed the priorities of the G8 summit which will be taking place in Northern Ireland on 17th and 18th June and notably taxation. They also agreed on the need to achieve political transition in Syria. On 14th June he travelled to Paris to meet French President François Hollande and his counterpart, Jean-Marc Ayrault in order to launch the enhanced cooperation programme between Canada and France.

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Satisfaction of the Security Council after agreement to normalise relations between Pristina and Belgrade

17 June 2013

The UN Security Council declared on 14th June 2013 that it was pleased with the historic agreement signed on 19th April last between Belgrade and Pristina under the aegis of the EU relative to the normalisation of relations. "The agreement on 19th April represents a major achievement and a decisive step for Belgrade and Pristina and should help to find a peaceful solution to problems that have divided the parties for a long time," declared the Special Representative of the UN's Secretary General and head of MINUK. Liaison officers of Serbia and Kosovo, responsible for facilitating communication and monitoring the implementation of agreements made as part of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, officially took up their posts on 17th June in Belgrade and Pristina. The deployment is part of a plan to implement the agreement signed in April by Belgrade and Pristina focusing on the normalisation of their relations.

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Surplus of international goods trade balance

17 June 2013

According to the first estimates published by Eurostat, the EU's statistics office, published on 17th June 2013, the euro zone recorded an international goods trade balance surplus of 14.9 billion euros with the rest of the world in April 2013 compared to +3.3 billion in April 2012. In April 2013, in comparison with March 2013, exports adjusted to seasonal variations decreased by 0.8% whilst imports increased by 0.5%. In the EU a surplus of 9.2 billion euros was recorded in April 2013 in comparison with -13.4 billion in April 2012. In April 2013 in comparison with March 2013 exports adjusted to seasonal variations decreased by 0.2% whilst imports remained stable.

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Inflation rising

17 June 2013

According to a Eurostat publication released on 14th June 2013 the annual inflation rate increased by 0.2% in May in comparison with the previous month, totalling 1.4% in the euro zone and 1.6% in the EU. Over one year this rate has declined by one percent in both areas. Inflation was negative in Greece (-0.3%), and Latvia (-0.2%) and it was over 3% in Romania, Estonia and in the Netherlands.

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Decline in Employment

17 June 2013

Eurostat indicated on 14th June 2013 that the annual employment rate had declined by 0.5% in the euro zone and by 0.2% in the EU in the first quarter of 2013 in the previous quarter. Over one year the decline was respectively 1% and 0.4%. The Baltic countries are those where employment has grown the most whilst it has declined the most in Greece, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus and Italy.

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Asylum and Immigration Legal Handbook

17 June 2013

On 11th June 2013 the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the European Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) published a second practical handbook of European law devoted to asylum and immigration law. This handbook takes on board the jurisprudence of the ECHR and the European Union's Court of Justice. It also includes the EU's directives and regulations applicable in this area as well as references to the European Social Charter and to the Council of Europe's criteria. The handbook addresses the issue of the law governing the situation of citizens from third countries in Europe and covers a vast range of issues notably access to asylum procedures, restrictions to the freedom of movement, forced return and economic and social rights.

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International Migration Outlook 2013

17 June 2013

On 13th June the OECD published its "International Migration Outlook 2013". The report notably stresses that after three consecutive years of contraction during a period of crisis migratory flows are once again pointing towards OECD countries, mainly because of the trends seen in the EU. Migration within the Union has increased by 15% after having fallen by 40% during the crisis. The OECD explains however the employment outlook has grown darker for immigrants with one in two immigrants being out of work in Europe and looking for a job for more than 12 months. According to the report an increase in employment rates of immigrants would have significant economic effect especially in countries where immigrant populations are high and have been established for a long time, as in France for example.

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Journey to Germany in the footsteps of Mozart

17 June 2013

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was only seven when he left Salzburg on 9th June 1763, just 250 years ago, on a journey across Europe with his parents and sister. The German courts were their first destination. Until 2nd October 2013 the 18 German towns (including Munich, Schwetzingen, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Worms, Frankfurt, Mainz) are inviting you to relive the journey of the Mozart family and to attend many concerts played by prestigious musicians.

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PhotoEspana 13 Festival in Madrid

17 June 2013

Madrid is hosting the International Photography and Visual Arts Festival "PhotoEspana 2013" until 28th July 2013. Nearly 70 exhibitions are being organised in the town focusing on the theme of "The body. Eros and Politics". An "off festival" and an "OpenPhoto" section are also presented alongside the official section.

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Project [I] by Loris Gréaud at the Louvre and the Pompidou Centre

17 June 2013

French artist Loris Gréaud, known for his superproductions, both experimental and spectacular, is presenting his new project, mysteriously called "[I]" in Paris. The artist will be showing under the pyramid of the Louvre and in the forum of the Pompidou Centre from 19th June to 15th July 2013, which will mark the first time these two major Parisian museums have worked together. Both presentations, which take the shape of monumental sculptures, are complementary.

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Full showing of the Nibelungen Ring by Wagner at the Scala of Milan

17 June 2013

The Scala of Milan is putting on two full shows of "The Nibelungen Ring" from 17th to 29th June each performed "in a week, as Richard Wagner would have wanted it" and conducted by Daniel Barenboïm. This is a logistic challenge that the famous Italian theatre had not undertaken since 1938. This year, which is the celebration of the bicentenary of the birth of the German composer, the Scala is showing four operas comprising the Ring: its prologue, "Rheingold" followed by three days "The Walküre", "Siegfried" and the Götterdämmerung."

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Festival of the Caracalla Baths

17 June 2013

The opera "Dido and Aeneas" by Henry Purcell opened on 13th June 2013 the summer opera season of Rome, which is taking place until 10th August at the splendid venue of the Caracalla Baths. The grand stage at Caracalla, which offers 3,500 seats in the Roman ruins, will be hosting classics such as "La Cavalleria Rusticana" by Mascagni or "La Tosca" by Puccini. Dance will have a particular place in the summer programme with a tribute to choreographer Roland Petit and two evenings when Robert Bolle, the lead dancer of the Scala in Milan will perform with the American Ballet Theatre. A concert with Ennio Morricone - who will be conducting - is also on the programme.

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Max Ernst at the Beyeler Foundation

17 June 2013

Until 8th September 2013 the Beyeler Foundation is presenting a major retrospective devoted to the artist Max Ernst. Using 160 paintings, collages, drawings, sculptures and illustrated books all of his phases of creation will be presented to the public. The artist, who was born in Germany in 1891, lived in the USA in exile as of 1941 and adopted the French nationality in 1958. He was one of the major artists in the Dada and Surrealist movements.

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17th and 18th June

G8 Summit (Lough Erne)

18th June

Environment Council (Luxembourg)

18th June

Competitiveness Council (Luxembourg)

20th June

Euro Zone Finance Ministers Meeting (Luxembourg)

les 20th-21st June

Employment, Social Policy, Consumer Policy (Luxembourg)

21st June

Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

23rd June

General Elections in Albania ()

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Pierre Thibaudat ,Alexandre Brecx, Fanny Cohen, Clara Coornaert,Victor Delage, Bettina Mecklenburg

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Negotiations EU/USA; Airbus/A350; Czech Republic/Resignation; Greece/ERT


The Newsletter n°584- version of 17 juin 2013