The Newsletter5823 juin 2013

La Lettre

Henrik Uterwedde

3 June 2013

Although the quest for solutions to the euro zone crisis have been spattered with Franco-German disagreement both governments have now come together to promote European compromise. National differences, both inevitable and legitimate from an economic point of view, in no way impede vital convergence. Henrik Uterwedde, Deputy Director of the Deutsch-Franzözisches Institut (DFI) in Ludwigsburg has analysed the various stages in Franco-German rapprochement for the Robert Schuman Foundation.

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Front page!

Take a look at the Foundation's new site!

3 June 2013

Take a look at the Robert Schuman Foundation's new site that has been entirely redesigned and overhauled. This new site comprises six parts: "Who are we?", "Robert Schuman's Story and Work", "Our Publications" (organised according to five themes: Policy and Democracy, Economic Integration, Europe and Societies, Enlargements and Neighbourhood, The EU in the World), "Our Events" (conferences and debates ranked in geographical order), "Media" and "The Letter". This bilingual site (French-English) has been totally redesigned; our new search engine will enable you to find the information you require easily and quickly. Finally take a look at our information sheets which are free of access and easily printed.

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Talking Europe hosts Mario Monti

3 June 2013

As part of the partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF), the Foundation is broadcasting its most recent programme "Talking Europe" on its site, whose guest this week is Mario Monti - former President of the Italian Council. Interviewed by the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Mario Monti assesses his action after his defeat in February and the rejection of austerity measures. He also comments on his country's political situation: the rise of Beppe Grillo, the return of Silvio Berlusconi and the policy of the government coalition led by Enrico Letta.

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The Schuman Report is available

3 June 2013

The "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union in 2013" a work of reference on Europe is now available for the very first time on e-books and tablets for 10.99€ on Apple Store, Amazon and Kobo. This 7th edition includes an exclusive interview with José-Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission and contributions by A. Lamassoure, J. Ackermann, S. Serfaty, Lord Dykes and other experts including the best connoisseurs of European affairs. All of the contributions converge towards one message: will 2013 be the year of recovery? The work is also available in paper format on our internet site in both French and English. The book will be presented at the European Parliament on 5th June in Brussels.

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Europe-France: Serious business is about to start

3 June 2013

The Robert Schuman Foundation's Chairman Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published an editorial on his site entitled "Europe-France: serious business is about to start". He reviews the recent rapprochement between France and Germany in the shape of the launch of a joint initiative against youth unemployment and a "Franco-German contribution to strengthen Europe in its stability and growth". According to Jean-Dominique Giuliani this bilateral path will enable the European Union to progress and it will "help towards a possible end to the crisis". "Serious business is about to start," he concludes.

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Financial Crisis

Entry into force of the "two-pack" to strengthen the euro zone's budgetary discipline

2 June 2013

Two regulations that aim to improve economic governance and strengthen budgetary supervision in the euro zone, called the "two-pack" entered into force on 30th May 2013. This legislations sets a budgetary calendar and rules on the countries of the euro zone. As of next year they will have to publish their mid-term budgetary plan before 30th April and publish their draft budget for the following year on 15th October. The Commission will look at each national draft budget and put forward an opinion for 30th November. The "two-pack" also steps up supervision of the States placed under an excessive deficit procedure: those involved will have to communicate information regularly to the Commission on the measures they have taken to correct this excessive deficit and the latter will be able to address them recommendations.

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Recovery of the Greek Economy in 2014 and transfer of 7.2 billion euros by the EFSF

2 June 2013

The head of Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem said on 31st May 2013 that he forecast recovery for Greece in 2014. During press conference in Athens alongside the Greek Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras he added that there might be a further easing in the country's debt to be discussed in "April 2014 if necessary (...) on condition that Greece succeeds in achieving an annual primary budgetary surplus and that it implements its consolidation programme to the full". On 31st May the euro zone transferred 7.2 billion euro that will be used to recapitalise the Greek banks and which are part of a package of 50 billion euros announced the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF).

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Portugal: adoption of a restructured 2013 budget

3 June 2013

During a meeting of Portuguese Finance Minister Vitor Gaspar with the President of the Eurogroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem on 27th May 2013 the latter declared that Portugal could, if necessary, have more time to consolidate its finances. The Portuguese government approved a rectified budget for 2013 during a Council of Ministers on 30th May in a bid to compensate the rejection of several austerity measures deemed discriminatory by the Constitutional Court. "The measures approved privilege a structural reduction of spending and not an increase in taxes," said the official press release published after the Council.

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France: a new record number of unemployed in April

2 June 2013

According to a press release on 30th May 2013 by the French Labour Ministry the number of unemployed in France has reached record heights. At the end of April there were nearly 3,264,400 jobless - i.e.people who had not worked at all in April. This is equivalent to a rise of 1.2% ie 39,800 more unemployed in comparison with March. This further rise brings the number of consecutive months of increases in unemployment in France to 24. If people with reduced activity are included there were 58,100 more unemployed in April ie 4.79 million.

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OECD: the world's economy is progressing but the pace of recovery varies

2 June 2013

On 29th May 2013 Angel Gurria, the OECD's Secretary General presented the institution's most recent economic perspectives. According to this report the world's economy is progressing but there are differences between countries and regions reflecting unequal progress achieved towards recovery and the end of the economic crisis. Historically high unemployment figures are still the biggest challenge for governments to overcome. The world's GDP is due to increase by 3.1% this year and by 4% in 2014. Whilst in 2013 the OECD Member States' growth rate is due to rise to 1.2%, the economic expansion of non-member countries will lie at 5.5%. Regarding Europe Angel Gurria says that "more audacious measures to settle the financial and banking crisis are necessary to enable faster, stronger and more sustainable recovery." He adds that to this effect "the introduction of strong banking union must be speeded up."

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Irish unemployment down

2 June 2013

On 30th May 2013 the Irish statistics bureau published new unemployment figures. According to this data, unemployment fell to 13.7% in the first quarter of 2013 (data adjusted to seasonal variation), against 15.1% in the previous year at the same time and 14.1% the previous quarter. This decline is mainly due however to an increase in the number of part-time jobs. Moreover only people of 35 and over have benefited from this increase in employment. Youth unemployment is continuing to decline in this quarter.

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Unemployment remains stable in Germany in May

2 June 2013

The German Labour Office published its unemployment figures on 29th May 2013. It appears that unemployment adjusted to seasonal variations stabilised at 6.9% in May 2013, as economists had forecast. The number of unemployed did however increase by 21,000 in the previous month.

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European Council

Meeting with the President of the Italian Council

2 June 2013

On 31st May 2013 the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy declared after his meeting with the President of the Italian Council Enrico Letta that four priorities should guide both European and Italian political action in the crisis: financial stability, economic resilience, strenghtening Economic and Monetary Union and above all the fight to counter unemployment. The fight to counter youth employment and the financing of SMEs will feature on the agenda of the next European Council in June.

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Country per country recommendations by the Commission to bring Europe out of the crisis

2 June 2013

On 29th May 2013 the European Commission delivered its recommendations to the Union's countries which should help them overcome the crisis and strengthen their growth bases. José-Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission declared that "the recommendations adopted are part of our global strategy to bring Europe out of the crisis. They are real, realistic and adapted to the situation in each of the Union's Member States." The Commission's analysis shows that a re-balancing is ongoing in the Union since most of the Member States are progressing in terms of budgetary consolidation and are introducing reforms that aim to strengthen competitiveness. However some of them must step up the pace of their reforms or implement them in a more intensive manner. The fight to counter unemployment particularly that of young people, is still the biggest challenge and implies an increased use of active policy on the labour market or even reforms of education and training systems.

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The phasing out of over-fishing brings results

2 June 2013

In a consultation document adopted on 30th May 2013 the European Commission related the state of European fish stocks and revealed what it intended to do regarding proposals relative to fishing opportunities in 2014. At present 39% of fishing stocks in the EU's waters in the North East Atlantic that were the focus of assessment are over- fished against 47% last year and 95% in 2005. Since 2011 the average net profits of the EU's fishing fleets have increased by around 40% which shows that the improvement in fishermen's revenues results from reductions in overfishing, even if fuel costs mean that the fleet has to bear additional costs.

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Negotiations in view of a trade agreement between the EU and Thailand

2 June 2013

The EU and Thailand concluded their first round of negotiations in view of coming to a free-trade agreement on 31st May 2013. This would enable them to strengthen their trade links. Discussions focused on issues as diverse as goods trade, intellectual property rights, public procurement, animal and plant health standards, sustainable development, services and investment protection. Negotiations between the EU and Thailand were started in March.

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Conclusions of the Competitiveness Council

2 June 2013

On 29th and 30th May 2013 the 27 Competitiveness Ministers defined a political agreement on two regulations that aim to reform State aid. These texts should simplify procedures and the definition of categories of State aid. They also decided to step up measures for "intelligent legislation" to limit red-tape that weighs on businesses notably on SMEs. They also adopted new measures that facilitate international scientific cooperation. They finally pointed to the need to continue the European space policy so that it can rise to world challenges more easily.

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Agreement on Schengen Area Governance

3 June 2013

On 29th May 2013 the Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on the governance of the Schengen area. The first point involves assessment mechanisms with which the European Commission will have greater involvement. The second point involves the border code and notably allows the definition of circumstances in which a Member State can step up the controls on its borders with other Member States in the Schengen Area, notably in the event of a serious threat to domestic security.

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Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Singapore

3 June 2013

On 1st June 2013 the European Union and Singapore concluded their negotiations for a partnership and cooperation agreement. This agreement notably aims to strengthen cooperation in the areas of non-proliferation, security, energy, maritime transport, air services, sciences and technologies. It will also facilitate cultural and university exchange.

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Court of Justice

Possibility to suspend the decision extending the European Arrest Warrant

3 June 2013

For the very first time ever the French Constitutional Council decided to turn to the EU's Court of Justice regarding a preliminary question. In its decision delivered on 30th May 2013 the Court answers firstly that the framework-decision did not regulate the possibility for Member States to be able to suspend decisions on the European Arrest Warrant. However the lack of this regulation did not mean that the framework-decision prevents them from using this possibility or that it forces them to introduce it. The Court secondly says that although the framework-decision did not regulate a possible ruling to suspend decisions relative to the European Arrest Warrant some limits have to be set however regarding States' room to manoeuvre.

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European Patents Office

Award of the European Inventor Award

2 June 2013

On 28th May 2013 the European Patents Office awarded the European Inventor Award to six people who "by searching for new ideas" have "fostered technological progress and economic growth, shaped society and improved our daily lives." Hence in the "Research" category the French bio-pharmacist of Belgian origin, Patrick Couvreur, professor at the University of Paris South has been awarded the prize of European Inventor for his research into nanomedicines. The European Patents Office awarded prizes to five other people for their achievements in the categories of "Industry", "SMEs", "Lifetime Achievement", "Non-European Inventor" and "Popular Prize".

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Angela Merkel hosts Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius

2 June 2013

On 29th May 2013 the German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius. Bilateral relations and also economic and European issues were the focus of their discussions. They also discussed the priorities of the Lithuanian presidency of the Council of the EU that will start on July 1st next. Finally the Germany Chancellor expressed her support of Lithuania on its accession to the euro zone by 2015 and to the OECD on condition that the country meets the criteria which this membership implies. Lithuania will be organising the next Eastern Partnership Summit in November.

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Decline in the German Population

2 June 2013

The German Statistics Office "Destatis" announced on 31st May 2013 that the German population had declined by 1.5 million. It now totals 80.2 million inhabitants (on 9th May 2011). Germany counted 6.2 million foreigners living within its borders, ie 7.7% of the population, which is less than estimated. It is the most populous country in the EU ahead of France, which totals 65.5 million people.

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Investiture of Prime Minister Plamen Orecharski

2 June 2013

On 29th May 2013 Plamen Orecharski, an economist without a political label, but who has the support of the Bulgarian Socialist Party, was sworn in as Prime Minister of Bulgaria. The Bulgarian Parliament approved his investiture 120 votes in support by the socialists and MPs of the Liberal Party (MDL - Turkish minority). The 97 representatives of the GERB conservative party voted against, those in the ultra-nationalist and xenophobic party Ataka did not take part in the vote. On the same date the government of experts and politicians close to the socialists and MDL was also approved by parliament. It comprises 17 ministers and 6 women.

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What future for Europe?

3 June 2013

On 5th June 2013 former French Prime Minister Alain Juppé will be taking part in a debate entitled "What future for Europe?" hosted by Nicole Gnesotto, professor at the CNAM and author of many studies for the Robert Schuman Foundation. The debate is being organised as part of a wider context in a series of public conferences that aim to help decipher the new relationship between the EU and economic globalisation. It is obligatory to enrol.

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European Initiative for Youth Employment

3 June 2013

On 28th May 2013 French President François Hollande and Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici hosted Wolfgang Schäuble, the German Finance Minister, Ursula von der Leyen, the German Labour Minister and Enrico Giovannini, the Italian Labour Minister at the Elysée Palace. The ministers presented the work they had undertaken to counter youth unemployment. The head of State stressed the priority of youth employment in Europe and said he hoped that all thought and processes would lead to the adoption of a true plan for youth employment during the European Council on 27th and 28th June next. Mr Hollande then held a joint conference with the Spanish government leader Mariano Rajoy during which they recalled the common goals of this European initiative.

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Helmut Schmidt and Valéry Giscard d'Estaing speak of Europe in Paris

2 June 2013

Helmut Schmidt, former German Chancellor met former French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing in Paris on 29th May 2013. Together they formed the Franco-German couple from 1974 to 1981. They debated on "Europe in 2030: what role for the Franco-German couple?" In their opinion "the only (European) institution that functions is the Central European Bank."

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Franco-German Contribution to the European Council

2 June 2013

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was guest at the Elysée on 30th May 2013 to French President François Hollande. The two leaders presented a "Franco-German contribution" for the next European Council on 27th and 28th June 2013. One of the leading proposals in this contribution by France and Germany comprises the appointment of a "full time president of the Eurogroup who will enjoy greater resources".

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Close cooperation between the Baltic States in Transport and Energy

3 June 2013

On 30th May 2013 Andrus Ansip, Valdis Dombrovskis and Algirdas Butkevičius, respectively the Prime Ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, met in Jurmala to adopt several decisions concerning the introduction of cooperation projects in the energy and transport sectors. They notably planned for a "joint-venture" in the construction of a high speed train by the end of July to develop their transport network with Europe.

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New Government led by Iurie Leanca

2 June 2013

The Moldovan Parliament approved the appointment of a new government on 30th May 2013. It will be led by former Foreign Minister in a bid to end the country's political crisis. 58 of the 101 MPs voted in support of his appointment as Prime Minister backed by a new liberal coalition, however the communist opposition boycotted his appointment. On 31st May the new prime minister presented a programme that notably aims to "introduce European principles in the areas of democracy and rule of law," to liberalise the economy and to attract investors.

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Twelve countries about to end tax secrecy

2 June 2013

On 29th May 2013 another twelve countries including Austria, Luxembourg, Latvia and Estonia signed or committed to signing the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters - a text that was drafted by the OECD. This confirms the international work undertaken to combat tax fraud. "It is an historic moment for the Convention and another victory in the fight to counter tax fraud," declared the OECD's Secretary General Angel Gurria when the signature took place in Paris.

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Latvia, the next OECD member?

3 June 2013

On 31st May 2013 on the occasion of the OECD's annual meeting it announced that accession negotiations were to start with Colombia and Latvia. The "decision taken highlights the OECD's determination to increase the diversity of its members and to strengthen its role as a standardisation body and as a "centre for good practice", declared the OECD's Secretary General Angel Gurria welcoming the decision taken by the 34 OECD's countries. The international organisation also announced that it intended to launch discussions with Costa Rica and Lithuania in 2015 and to cooperate closely with these countries in the meantime.

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More women in economic life

3 June 2013

In an article published by the IMF Christine Lagarde, the institution's General Manager speaks on the position of women in economic life across the world. Regretting the net slowing of progress in this area she recalls that women still only represent one third of the world's active population but also that - amongst the developed and emerging States which are OECD members - the average wage gap between men and women totals 16%. To remedy this situation and because "women's position in the economy is a pertinent question for the IMF", Ms Lagarde presents five factors that justify the need for greater female involvement in world economic life.

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The IMF releases 1.7 billion euros for Greece

3 June 2013

The IMF announced on 31st May 2013 that it had released a further tranche of aid to Greece totalling 1.7 billion euros as part of the bail-out plan to the country undertaken by the leaders of the euro zone. Hence the IMF board says that out of a total 173 billion euros, this payment brings the total amount given to Athens by the IMF to 6.6 billion euros since the announcement of the country's bail-out in the spring of 2012. 28 billion euros of the total sum are to be contributed by the IMF.

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Trade between the EU and Russia

3 June 2013

The goods trade between the EU and Russia increased sharply and reached record heights in 2012. EU exports towards Russia increased to culminate in 123 billion € in 2012; imports also reached record heights of 213 billion €. As a result the EU's trade deficit with Russia lay at 90 billion € in 2012. The deficit is mainly due to the EU's energy imports from Russia (163 billion €) since these are partly compensated for by the EU's export of manufactured goods (108 billion ). In 2012 Russia was the EU's third trading partner after the US and China, representing 7% of the EU's exports and 12% of its imports.

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Unemployment at 12.2% in the euro zone

3 June 2013

According to figures published by Eurostat on 31st May 2013 unemployment (in data corrected to seasonal variations) lay at 12.2% in April 2013 in the euro zone, which is more than in March when it lay at 12.1%. In the EU the unemployment level lay at 11%, which is stable in comparison with the previous month. In comparison with 2012 unemployment has increased since it lay at 11.2% and 10.3% respectively. Amongst the States with the lowest unemployment rates are Austria (4.9%), Germany (5.4%) as well as Luxembourg (5.6%) and the highest rates were recorded in Greece (27% in February 2013), Spain (26.8%) and Portugal (17.8%).

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Slight rise in inflation

2 June 2013

According to a Eurostat estimate published on 31st May 2013 the euro zone's annual inflation rate rose slightly in May by 0.2 points in comparison with April rising to 1.4%. Food, alcohol and tobacco are the most affected products, increasing by more than 3%.

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Franco-German Cooperation in Europe

3 June 2013

The Genshagen Foundation has published a study by Claire Demesmay, Martin Koopmann and Julien Thorel which analyses Franco-German cooperation in Europe addressing the following issues: "Which Franco-German cooperation mechanisms influence the decision making process in Europe?" "What role is played by the institutions and bilateral players?" "Which kind of obstacles does bilateralism encounter and how can it be modernised?" The study is entitled "Analysing, Rethinking, Reforming: Institutions and Processes in Franco-German Cooperation in the European Policy"; this study is available in both French and German.

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Drug Consumption remains high in Europe

2 June 2013

On 28th May 2013 the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) published its annual report. According to the latter illegal drug consumption is still extremely high in Europe: 85 million European adults have consumed an illegal drug in their lifetime and three million Europeans consume cannabis on a daily basis. Cannabis is still the most used drug in Europe in spite of a downward trend said the Monitor. It also stressed that there are more and more new drugs in Europe. 73 new psychoactive substances were detected in 2012 by the European warning system (EWS). In 2011 49 had been identified.

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Competitiveness and Growth in Europe

2 June 2013

On 30th May 2013 Jean-Louis Beffa, the honorary Chairman of Saint-Gobain, Chair of Lazard Asie and Gerhard Cromme, Chair of Siemens' Surveillance Council - together with the MEDEF, the AFEP and the BDI delivered their report to the French President and the German Chancellor. It brings together around thirty Franco-German proposals for competitiveness and growth in Europe" in terms of energy, trade, investment, competition and taxation policy.

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"Le temps des juristes"

3 June 2013

In his essay entitled "Le temps des juristes", Paul Lignières, lawyer and public legal affairs specialist, assesses the end of the crisis and pinpoints the engines of growth that national and European public authorities have at their disposal. In the author's opinion the end of the crisis should be looked for the legal sphere and with renewed confidence in the private sector. He makes three practical suggestions to bring this situation to an end: the development of legal euro-compatible instruments that enable industrial volontarism, reciprocity in the opening of borders as an answer to protectionism and the recovery of confidence via legal means as a key to growth.

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Annual Report on Security, Armament and Nuclear Forces

3 June 2013

The SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) published its annual report on 3rd June 2013 presenting an overview of international security and armament in the world in 2012. The report looks notably into the reduction and modernisation of world nuclear forces, with China being the only country which has the atomic weapon to have increased its atomic arsenal in 2012. It also looks into the number of soldiers deployed in peace-keeping operations across the world and the lack of progress towards a world ban on cluster munitions in 2012.

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Simon Hantaï Retrospective at the Pompidou Centre

2 June 2013

The Pompidou Centre is presenting a retrospective of Simon Hantaï until 2nd September 2013. It is the first in 35 years. Five years after the artist's death - deemed to be one of the major personalities in abstract art, the Pompidou Centre showed nearly 130 of his paintings undertaken between 1949 and 1990. This chronological exhibition reveals the multiple, artistic paths taken by Hantaï, from surrealism to paintings of writing, including what the painter called the "pliage as method", his best known work.

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"Nuage" Exhibition in Arles

3 June 2013

The Réattu Museum in Arles is offering visitors, as part of the Marseilles-Provence 2013 European Capital of Culture, an exhibition entitled "Nuage" that will be open until 31st October 2013. 120 sculptures , videos, drawings, photos, and installations by over 57 artists are on show including Andy Warhol and Man Ray. All are focused on the theme of clouds, the value of which is enhanced by objects as atypical as peanuts, woodlice, inner tubes, pillows, hangers and even pushchairs.

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Europe in the 1950's

2 June 2013

Until 17th July 2013 the Hilaneh von Kories Gallery in Hamburg is devoting an exhibition to the photographs by Bill Perlmutter, who, during the 1950's, worked as the official photographer for the American army. The exhibition entitled "Europe in the 1950's. A soldier's view." brings together the photographs of German, Italian, French, Portuguese and Spanish daily life in the post-war period. The collection is on show for the first time in Germany.

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Opening of MuCEM in Marseilles

3 June 2013

The Museum of the Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean (MuCEM) in Marseilles will open its doors on 7th June 2013. The MuCEM is the first major national museum devoted to the civilizations of the Mediterranean in the 21st century. As of 2013 the museum will present several exhibitions: "The Black and the Blue. A Mediterranean Dream", an inaugural exhibition that will explore the imaginary worlds of the Mediterranean from Bonaparte in Egypt to the present day. "The Gallery of the Mediterranean" will offer a review of the civilisations of the Mediterranean whilst "The Gender Bazar, Feminine/Masculine" will look into relations between the sexes in the Mediterranean.

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"Pissarro" at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

2 June 2013

From 4th June to 15th September 2013 the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum of Madrid is presenting the first Spanish exhibition devoted to Camille Pissarro, one of the founders of Impressionism. More than 70 pieces of his work are on show in chronological order which helps the visitor see where the painter lived and worked, whether this was in rural areas or in major cities.

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Max Pechstein's journeys abroad

2 June 2013

Until 1st September 2013 the Kulturespeicher Würzburg is devoting an exhibition to the work of artist Max Pechstein (1881-1955), one of the most famous representatives of the Expressionist movement "Die Brücke". It is the first time that an exhibition on the artist focuses almost exclusively on the work he undertook during his many journeys abroad. It includes 90 pieces of work on paper and 20 oil paintings.

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Archimedes. Art and Invention Science

3 June 2013

The Museum of the Capitol in Rome, together with the Galileo Scientific Museum of Florence, is hosting the exhibition "Archimedes. Art and Invention Science" until 12th January 2014. This exhibition mixes works of art by the scientist (statues, frescoes, mosaiques, precious manuscripts) with machines made purely using the imagination such as the never ending screw or the lever. The exhibition is divided into eight parts notably devoted to Archimedes's town Syracuse as well as to his influence on intellectuals as important as Leonardo da Vinci or Galileo.

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Oslo celebrates the 150th anniversary of the birth of Edvard Munch

3 June 2013

In 2013 Norway will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of Edvard Munch (1863-1944), one of the most important figures of modern art. The main event of this anniversary will be an exhibition devoted to the painter at the national museum together with the Munch Museum. It will be open until 13th October 2013. It comprises the most ambitious show ever undertaken on the artist and his work rallying 220 paintings.

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3rd and 4th June

EU-Russia Summit (Yekaterinaburg)

6th and 7th June

Justice and Internal Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

6th and 7th June

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Luxembourg)

6th June

ECB Council of Governors (Frankfurt)

10th to 13th June

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Pierre Thibaudat ,Alexandre Brecx, Fanny Cohen, Clara Coornaert,Victor Delage, Bettina Mecklenburg

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°582- version of 3 juin 2013