The Newsletter58127 mai 2013

La Lettre

Thierry Chopin

27 May 2013

With the crisis, vital debate over the future of European integration has been set and notably the issue of "political union". This debate, that has been ongoing for several months at the highest level in Germany was echoed just a few days ago by the President of the Republic of France, François Hollande who says he wants to take the initiative in terms of European affairs, notably on issues relative to "European economic government" and "political union".

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Front page!

Montenegro's membership of the EU: what are the issues at stake?

27 May 2013

The Robert Schuman Foundation, together with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the CEDEM, are organising a conference in Montenegro on 31st May 2013 entitled "Montenegro's membership of the European Union. Constraints and Stakes". Patrice Verchère, MP and Chairman of the France-Montenegro Friendship Group at the National Assembly, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation as well as François Badie, head of the Central Corruption Prevention Department (SCPC) at the Justice Ministry will be speaking on what is at stake as far as this is concerned.

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Solving the crisis: when and how?

27 May 2013

The March issue of the financial decision makers' review "Echanges" has published an article by the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani. Today, more than just analysing the reasons that led to the economic crisis, the question is about solving it. Europe is working on this and is moving slowly in the right direction," he explains.

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General Elections in Albania 23rd June

27 May 2013

The Albanians are being convened to ballot on 23rd June next to renew the 140 members of the Assembly of the Republic, the only chamber in Parliament. MPs are elected for four years by a proportional vote in 12 constituencies. Each party has to win at least 3% of the votes cast (5% for a coalition of parties) in order to be represented in Parliament. Six political parties are represented there at present: the Democratic Party (PDSH), 68 seats; the Socialist Party (PSSH), 65 ; the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI), 4 ; the Republican Party (PRS), 1 ; the Justice, Integration and Unity Party (PDIU), 1 ; the Party for the Unity of Human Rights (PBDNJ), 1. Half of the Albanians (49,50%) say that they are not really interested in the electoral campaign.

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Financial Crisis

Portuguese initiatives to revive the economy

26 May 2013

On 23rd May 2013 the Portuguese government presented a series of measures for economic recovery. "It is now time to invest," declared Vitor Gaspar, the Portuguese Finance Minister during a press conference alongside the Economy Minister Alvaro Santos Pereira. For businesses to have adequate financing, one of the leading measures in the programme proposes the introduction of a tax rebate in support of companies which invest during the second half of 2013. Hence the government hopes to encourage businesses that are still hesitating to invest in Portugal this year.

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Non-EU Trade Surplus of 1.5 billion euros in April

27 May 2013

According to a provisional estimate by the Italian national statistics institute (Istat) published on 23rd May 2013 the country recorded a trade surplus of 1.464 billion euros with countries outside of the EU against a deficit of 901 million euros in the same period last year. Exports increased by 6% in April over one year whilst imports declined by 10.3% said Istat.

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Adoption of the "Golden Budgetary" Rule

26 May 2013

On 24th May 2013 the Slovenian Parliament adopted a modification to the Constitution to include the "Golden Budgetary" rule which will enter into force in 2015 as well as amendments to limit the use of the referendum. The text recording the "golden budgetary" rule was adopted 78 votes in support, 8 against. The golden rule plans for government spending and revenues to be balanced mid-term, with exceptions only being possible in "extraordinary circumstances". These still have to be defined. Parliament also set stricter conditions for the request of the organisation of a referendum. This modification of the Constitution was adopted by 86 MPs, with one vote against. From now on a referendum will no longer be possible on the initiative of members of parliament. To date a group of 30 MPs could ask for the organisation of a referendum, now it will only be possible with the signature of 40,000 voters.

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British Growth Confirmed

27 May 2013

The UK recorded growth of 0.3% in the first quarter thereby enabling it to avoid its third recession since the start of the financial crisis in 2008 said the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 23rd May 2013. Year on year the country's GDP grew by 0.6%. This return to growth on the part of the UK is due in particular to the development of stocks after a statistical adjustment. It has also been fed by a 0.2% rise in industrial production in comparison with the previous quarter as well as by a slight rise of 0.1% in household consumption.

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European Council

Progress but no real results either in terms of energy or taxation

26 May 2013

On 22nd May 2013 the 27 Heads of State and government decided to strengthen the European energy policy. The introduction of the internal energy market is still a priority, likewise the diversification of supply sources and energy efficacy. The wish to pool efforts to reduce the energy bill is encountering obstacles such as contradictory national interests and pressure on the part of industrialists who are against regulations. In terms of taxation they stress the need to counter fraud and tax evasion which implies the automatic exchange of information, greater international cooperation, a more effective fight against tax havens and an adaptation to new challenges. They did not manage however to lift all of the barriers and are counting on an agreement by the end of the year to remove banking secrecy in part.

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Herman van Rompuy calls to step up links with Turkey

27 May 2013

On 23rd May 2013 the President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy travelled to Turkey where he met political leaders, diplomats and representatives from the economic world. He stressed the urgent need to reach agreement on the liberalisation of visas between the EU and Turkey and recalled the importance of economic links, which are notably due to trade and strong economic growth in Turkey. He also encouraged Turkey to continue its "courageous" dialogue with the Kurds and emphasised the need to continue strategic high level dialogue on issues of common interest like Cyprus, Syria and the peace process in the Near and Middle East.

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Improving measures to counter youth unemployment

27 May 2013

On 24th May 2013 the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy, called on the 27 Heads of State and government to step up measures to counter youth unemployment which is reaching record levels. A guarantee for young people and an alliance for apprenticeships together with national employment plans should help to improve the situation. The European Council in June is due to address this issue to try and find solutions that will reverse the trend so that young people can be offered a more prosperous future and to support recovery.

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Modernisation of 300 maritime ports

27 May 2013

On 23rd May 2013 the European Commission launched an initiative to improve more than 300 maritime ports in the EU. These new measures "will foster investments and create jobs where they are most needed." In addition to rules in support of improved results, investments as part of the interconnections in Europe mechanism should help improve access to inland sites. Of the 1,200 maritime ports in the EU 319 are considered a priority as part of the Transeuropean Transport Network (TEN-T).

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Industrial strategy in support of electronics

26 May 2013

On 23rd May 2013 the European Commission launched an extensive campaign that aims to rally 100 billion euros in private investments for the micro-and nanotechnologies sector. In order to stop Europe lagging behind in this area the Commissioner for Digital Strategy, Neelie Kroes declared that she wanted "rapid, close coordination of public , as well as national, regional investments in Europe." The goal she has set to achieve is 20% of the world production of microchips "which is realistic if we direct our investments well," she said.

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The future of European energy

27 May 2013

On 21st May 2013 MEPs adopted a resolution calling for a guarantee on the diversification of energy resources by 2030. They notably proposed the introduction of binding goals and incentives for investment in order to develop the proportion of renewable energies. On the same day they reached agreement with the Council on the security of offshore oil and gas operations. Companies that want to use hydrocarbon reserves at sea will now have to establish reports on the dangers associated with their activities and offer measures in the event of accidents and show their ability to manage these potential accidents both materially and financially.

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The European Parliament sets a framework to the free trade agreement with the USA

27 May 2013

On 23rd May 2013 MEPs adopted a resolution requesting that Parliament be fully involved in negotiations on the future free-trade agreement with the USA. They stressed that non-tariff restrictions and access conditions to public markets were the main impediments. They also called for cultural and audiovisual services not to be included in the negotiation mandate.

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Banking Supervision and the fight to counter tax fraud

27 May 2013

On 22nd May 2013 MEPs approved the Single Banking Supervision project recalling the importance of granting greater power to the European Central Bank (ECB) whilst stressing the need for greater democracy on the part of this institution. The final text will be adopted at a later date as soon as the inter-institutional agreement on transparency and supervision rules between the ECB and the European Parliament have been defined. MEPs also adopted a resolution on 21st May to counter tax fraud and evasion, inviting the Member States to set out a joint list of tax havens, and to agree on measures to make good the fiscal gap and to step up the exchange of information.

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Measures to protect victims of violence extended to all of Europe

27 May 2013

On 22nd May 2013 MEPs extended the measures to protect victims of violence across all of Europe. Hence victims will enjoy measures of protection - particularly women and children, who are victims of domestic violence - and so they will no longer lose these rights when the travel to another European country.

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Parliament supports diversified retirement systems

27 May 2013

On 21st May 2013 MEPs adopted a resolution on a strategy for adequate, secure and viable retirement systems. They are asking the States to introduce and maintain diversified retirement systems stressing the role of State financed retirement pensions in order to guarantee decent living standards for all.

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European supervision of national media laws

26 May 2013

On 21st May 2013 MEPs adopted a resolution in support of the freedom of the media in the European Union. They notably call for the European supervision of national media laws in order to preserve the sector's freedom and pluralism. The text stipulates that changes to Member States' legislation regarding the media, which facilitate government intervention in the sector should be assessed yearly across Europe, that the directive on audiovisual media services should be reviewed and that journalists' working conditions should be improved.

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Strengthening Democracy and Solidarity in Economic Governance

27 May 2013

On 23rd May 2103 MEPs adopted a resolution in which they call for greater democracy and solidarity in economic governance. National parliaments should have greater involvement in European governance and in the elaboration of national reform. Moreover the social consequences of reform should be estimated better in order to limit their negative effects. Incentives should be made to support solidarity.

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General Affairs Council

27 May 2013

On 21st May 2013 the 27 European Affairs Ministers addressed the issue of the Union's relations with Russia, deciding to organise regular meetings that focus on questions of freedom, security and justice as part of the Council of Permanent Partnership EU/Russia. They adopted a regulation imposing a final compensatory duty on some imports of PET from India. A declaration was also approved on the launch of research cooperation on the Atlantic Ocean with the USA and Canada.

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Agreement on the Tachograph Regulation

27 May 2013

On 24th May 2013 the Council came to a European compromise on negotiations on a new tachograph regulation - the speed recorder - used in road haulage. The aim of the new project, which will replace the 1985 regulation, is to make fraud more difficult by reducing redtape. The present manual recording of the vehicle's position will be replaced by an automatic recording thanks to "satellite geopositioning".

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One Commissioner per Member State

27 May 2013

On 22nd May 2013 the European Council decided to maintain one Commissioner per Member State in spite of the initial measures in the Lisbon Treaty, which planned for a reduction in the number of Commissioners College. According to the Lisbon Treaty the number of Commissioners should be equal to two thirds of the number of Member States unless the European Council decides unanimously otherwise. Therefore on 1st July there will be 28 European Commissioners. This decision follows the claim made by Ireland during the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty since the Irish feared that they would no longer be represented. This disastrous decision will not make citizens' understanding of European integration any easier. It is the Council that represents the States, not the Commission. This will make the decision making process more complicated, more technocratic and more political.

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Syria, Afghanistan and Turkey

27 May 2013

On 27th May the 27 EU Foreign Ministers decided to lift formally the embargo on arms to the Syrian rebels whilst maintaining all of the other sanctions against the regime. However no arm is to be delivered before August 1s so that Ministers can assess the results of the Geneva II Conference that will bring together the regime, opposition and the international community. On the same day the 27 Foreign Affairs Ministers extended the European policing mission in Afghanistan (Eupol) until 31st December 2014, which is the planned date of departure for NATO's fighting troops from the country. A 108 million euro budget was allocated to run this mission from June 1st to the end of 2014. The latter is designed to "set in place, under Afghan management, a permanent and effective police force." However Turkey's accession to the EU is still in stalemate due to Ankara's refusal to fulfil its obligations. "The EU also notes that Turkey has made no progress towards normalisation in its relations with the Republic of Cyprus," whose northern part has been occupied by Turkish troops since 1974.

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The French President in Leipzig for the 150 anniversary of the SPD

27 May 2013

On 23rd May 2013 the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) celebrated its 150 anniversary together with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande. During the ceremony the French president praised the labour market reforms in Germany launched in 2003 by former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and pleaded for greater European integration. He lauded the role played by Franco-German friendship in that integration recalling the joint agenda in Paris and Berlin marked by a Franco-German initiative for youth employment and the introduction of "Banking and Economic Union".

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Angela Merkel is still "the most powerful woman in the world" according to Forbes

26 May 2013

In its latest edition published on 22nd May 2013 for the third year running the American magazine Forbes puts German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the lead position of the "100 most powerful women in the world . She is followed by Dilma Rouseff, the President of Brazil. The second European comes 7th, in the shape of French woman Christine Lagarde, the IMF's Secretary General.

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Angela Merkel hosts the Chinese Prime Minister in Berlin

27 May 2013

On 26th and 27th May 2013 Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang met German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. The Chinese leader, who took office in March, came to the German capital for a three day visit. Discussing the disputes between the EU and China over solar panels and telecommunications equipment Ms Merkel declared that Germany and China rejected "protectionism". The Chinese head of government repeated his disagreement with the EU to introduce a tax on Chinese solar panels. Brussels has also decided to launch an anti-dumping inquiry into Chinese telecommunications equipment.

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Germany: the most appreciated country in the world!

27 May 2013

According to a survey by the BBC published on 23rd May 2013 Germany is said to be the most appreciated country in the world ahead of Canada, the UK, Japan and France. All of the criticism against the country and its leader, Ms Merkel, do not seem founded nor shared by citizens. Answers take into account details such as its cultural influence, political stability, the level of democracy and lifestyle.

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Boyko Borissov abandons forming a government, Plamen Orecharski appointed

26 May 2013

On 23rd May 2013 Boyko Borissov, former Bulgarian Prime Minister and leader of the GERB which won the general elections on 12th May (97 seats) abandoned the idea of forming a government. The GERB also turned to the Constitutional Court on the same day to request the cancellation of the electoral results. Bulgarian President Rossen Plevneliev therefore appointed economist Plamen Orecharski, the candidate put forward by the Socialist Party, to form a government. The socialists (PSB) who won 84 seats are putting forward a government of experts supported openly by the Muslim minority party MDL (36 seats) and by the ultra-nationalist party Ataka (23 seats). This is a curious assembly since usually the left denounces the far right, a case of double standards!

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A new German/Spanish agreement against youth unemployment in Spain

27 May 2013

On 21st May 2013 the Spanish Employment Minister Fatima Banez and her German counterpart, Ursula van der Leyen, signed an agreement in Madrid which aims to support employment and vocational training of young Spaniards in Germany. Hence "nearly 5,000 young Spaniards will be able to take advantage (...) of vocational training opportunities or stable, qualified employment in Germany," declared Fatima Banez.

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Guido Westerwelle's speech on the future of Europe

26 May 2013

On 24th May 2013 German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle gave a speech entitled "France, Germany and the future of Europe" in Paris. He stressed that Germany had already shown a great deal of solidarity towards its European partners in the past and that this support was in Germany's interest: "If our European neighbours are doing badly, long term we shall do badly too."

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Speech on European Defence

26 May 2013

French President François Hollande spoke on 24th May 2013 of France's desire to "launch a new stage in European Defence" indicating that he will make proposals in this direction by the time the European Council takes place in December 2013, which is to be devoted to the subject. "Recent military operations have shown how much we have to work with the EU, notably to be effective in times of crisis. This is why France wants to launch a new stage in European Defence," he declared. He said that his proposals "would focus on our presence in the Balkans, the Mediterranean, the Near East and in Asia." "They will involve cooperation missions" particularly in "the areas of air transport, observation satellites, supplies and drones."

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The Netherlands

Dutch-German Meeting

27 May 2013

On 23rd May the German Chancellor Angela Merkel met her Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte. During a press conference the chancellor recalled the "strong link" that united the two countries, notably from an economic point of view since the Netherlands is the "Germany's second most important trade partner after France." Both political leaders recalled that there were many joint projects for Europe." "We can now move forward in Europe on issues of banking supervision," declared the chancellor "but also on youth employment, social reform via a policy to supervise public accounts and investments." Mr Rutte announced that the Netherlands intended to bring its deficit down to 3% of the GDP in 2014 and that it was not going to ask for any extra time.

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First official visit by the Czech President to Poland

26 May 2013

The President of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman, made his first official visit to Poland on 23rd and 24th May 2013. He met his Polish counterpart Bronislaw Komorowski as well as Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Their discussions notably focused on bilateral cooperation and more precisely on energy and transport. They also discussed their cooperation within the Visegrad Group, which includes Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia and also cooperation within the EU.

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New German/Portuguese Agreement

26 May 2013

On 22nd May 2013 the Portuguese Finance Minister Vitor Gaspar met his German counterpart Wolfgang Schäuble in Berlin. The German minister has promised to provide technical and financial support to Portuguese SMEs via aid from the federal development bank KfW. According to Mr Schäuble this establishment will also provide technical assistance for the introduction of a new Portuguese development institute which will make major investment contributions to sustainable growth and to the creation of jobs in Portugal. Moreover the two ministers stressed the need to create banking union fast, likewise greater Economic and Monetary Union in order to avoid the fragmentation of the financial markets.

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IMF Report on the UK's economy

26 May 2013

On 22nd May 2013 the IMF published its annual report on the UK's economy. It calls on the UK to take further steps to encourage the recovery of its economy by notably taking advantage of low interest rates to increase investments. It also welcomes London's "flexibility" in terms of reducing its budgetary deficit and deems that the British economy is showing "encouraging" signs of improvement. The IMF does note however that the UK has not recovered strong, sustainable growth, with investments remaining low and the youth unemployment rate being particularly high. The institution called on London to opt for a "clear strategy" in order to enable the return of Lloyds Bank and the Bank of Scotland, which for the time being belong to the State, to the private sector.

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David Cameron meets François Hollande in Paris

27 May 2013

On 23rd May 2013 French President François Hollande and British Prime Minister David Cameron met in Paris for a working dinner to discuss the Syrian war. They notably stated that they wanted to "act as Europeans, with all Europeans." Moreover both countries agreed to join the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), thereby demanding that oil and mining companies fall in line with new rules governing the fight to counter corruption. This initiative requires businesses in the extractive industry to reveal what they are paying to governments. Likewise governments have to communicate what they receive on the part of these industries. This commitment is the focus of the G8 agenda on 17th and 18th June next.

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British MPs approve gay marriage

27 May 2013

On 21st May 2013 British MPs approved, on third reading, the draft bill enabling same sex marriage, 366 votes in support, 161 against. The House of Commons' approval came after the rejection on the day before of a conservative amendment that threatened to delay and even "derail" the bill. This draft has indeed been the focus of high tension within the Conservative Party of Prime Minister David Cameron. This validation does not however mean the end of the legislative process for the draft bill since it will be presented as of 22nd May to the House of Lords. Discussion over the text will start at the beginning of June.

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New government in Iceland

26 May 2013

The new Icelandic government, comprising members from both of the victorious parties in the general elections in April last, the Progress Party (centre) and the Independence Party (right), entered office on 23rd May 2013. Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson, the leader of the Progress Party is Prime Minister, whilst Bjarni Benediktsson, head of the Independence Party occupies the position of Economy and Finance Minister. The government comprises 9 ministers including three women. On 22nd May a government agreement was presented which notably includes the organisation of a referendum on the country's accession to the EU. At the moment, and as long as this referendum has not taken place, negotiations with Brussels have been suspended.

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High disparity in regional unemployment numbers

27 May 2013

On 22nd May 2013, Eurostat indicated that the rate of unemployment continued to vary strongly from one European region to another. The Tyrol and Salzbourg, which are the least affected areas, have a rate of 2.5% whilst the Spanish enclave of Ceuta totals a rate of 38.5%. The unemployment rate is less than 5.2% in 52 of the 270 European regions studied (NUTS2) including 22 in Germany and is higher than 20.8% in 25 regions including 11 in Spain, 10 in Greece and 4 French overseas districts.

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Youth Participation in Democratic Life

26 May 2013

A Eurobarometer survey, which assesses youth (15-30 year olds) participation in democratic life, was published on 24th May 2013. 73% of interviewees of voting age had been to ballot over the last three years. 47% knew the electoral method applied to MEPs for the European Parliament. Regarding the European Elections in 2014 64% of those interviewed say they intend to go and vote. The main reasons in support of this vote are the importance of democracy (94%), the importance of Europe and the European elections (90%), and because voting is the best way to influence political decisions (83%). The main reasons for not voting are that their votes will change nothing 64%, and 61% believe that they do not have enough information. We should note that 18% are against the EU.

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Amnesty International publishes its annual report

26 May 2013

On 23rd May 2013 Amnesty International published its annual report on the situation of human rights in 159 countries. The report focuses on the fate of refugees and migrants for whom the world has become more dangerous "because of a lack of international action in terms of human rights." The NGO accuses States which seem more inclined to protect their borders than the rights of the citizens or those who are seeking a better future. Amnesty International also reviews the situation in Syria in 2012 and highlights the failure of the international community to bring the bloodshed to an end. As every year the report reviews the Human Rights situation country by country.

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OLAF Annual Report

26 May 2013

On 23rd May 2013 the EU's Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) published its 13th annual report. It indicates that the length of investigations have decreased by 22% over one year to reach an average length of 22 months. The volume of information received and processed however has increased by 21%. Moreover OLAF ordered the recovery of 284 million euros, 94.5 million of which have already been collated. Internal re-organisation and the setting out of new procedures are the source of this improvement in OLAF's activities.

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From the Ermitage to Norfolk: "Houghton Revisited"

26 May 2013

Houghton Hall in Norfolk is putting on an exhibition entitled "Houghton Revisited" until 29th September 2013 which provides visitors with an opportunity of (re)discovering the masterpieces of the Ermitage sent back to their home land, the UK. The descendents of former British Prime Minister Sir Robert Walpole were indeed obliged to sell his magnificent collection of art to Catherine II of Russia. This brings together masterpieces by the painters of the 18th century including Van Dyck, Poussin, Albani, Rubens, Rembrandt, Velazquez and Murillo.

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Strong women in the world

26 May 2013

The Women's Museum in Bonn is presenting 33 portraits of women by the artist WKFM (Wolfgang Klaus Maria Friedrich) until July 21st 2013 of Cologne. For his exhibition "Stronger than ..." WKFM went in quest of famous women on all continents. Hence he presents in his "Polit-Pop-Art" style many celebrities like Rosa Louise Parks and Margaret Thatcher, and also lesser known personalities such as the President of the African Union Nkosana Dlimini-Zuma.

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The 10th European History Days

26 May 2013

From 31st May to June 1st the 10th European History Days is offering more than 30 conferences on the cultural history of the continent from 1000AD to modern times to improve understanding and gain better knowledge of modern Europe. This programme will relate the history and geography of the cultural and artistic movements that have shaped European civilisation. The conferences will focus on areas of linguistic and religious influence, the intellectual climate, literary and musical trends, the dominant cultural practices of each period and their spread across the Europe. The 10th European History Book Show will also take place over these two days. The 4th European History Book Prize, placed under the aegis of Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament will also be awarded.

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The Louvre-Lens Museum presents "Rubens' Europe"

26 May 2013

The first exhibition by the museum Louvre-Lens will be on until 23rd September 2013 and will illustrate Rubens' era via more than 170 of the artist's works, his models and some of his contemporaries. Showing European culture which was important to Rubens, the exhibition brings together both paintings, drawings, sculptures and pieces of art and tries to recreate the dynamism of "Rubensian creation" by illustrating the spectacular nature of his inspiration. It also offers views of intimate moments revealing a more personal side to the artist. For clarity the exhibition is organised around six themes including "Europe of Courts" "Religious Emotion and Baroque Faith".

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The System of Objects Exhibition in Athens

27 May 2013

Collecting, what, why, how: the exhibition "The System of Obejcts", which is open until 30th November in Athens, explores these questions by presenting a series of over 600 works by the greatest collector of modern art, Dakis Joannou. Walking through a maze the visitor views the works of stars on the art market, a joyful collection of pop design from the 60-70's, and fashion creations.

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Post-classici - copying ancient art in modern Italian artwork

27 May 2013

17 contemporary Italian artists invested the areas of the Roman Forum and the Palatine as part of an exhibition devoted to the links between contemporary art and Antiquity. It will be open until 29th September 2013. The work by these artists, which is spread all over this unique area of ruins and monuments in the heart of Rome were mainly made especially for this exhibition which is entitled "Post-classici".

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Opening of European Penderecki Music Center

27 May 2013

The European Penderecki Music Center, sponsored by the famous Polish composer and conductor Krzystof Penderecki, was inaugurated on 21st May 2013 in Luslawice. This project, which is co-financed by the EU, notably aims to train future musicians and to become one of the most prestigious centres in Europe in this area. The academy also has a concert hall that seats 650.

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International contemporary art exhibition of the Biennale of Venice

27 May 2013

The 55th international contemporary art exhibition of the Biennale of Venice will be taking place from 1st June to 24th November 2013. This is one of the most prestigious artistic events devoted to contemporary art. The Biennale is mainly set up in the Giardini where many exhibition pavilions represent artists and various guest countries. In a symbolic gesture the French and German delegations decided this year to exchange their pavilion buildings for the very first time.

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27th and 28th May

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Brussels)

29th and 30th May

Competitiveness Council (Brussels)

29th May

The Commission presents its recommendations country by country ()

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Pierre Thibaudat ,Alexandre Brecx, Fanny Cohen, Clara Coornaert,Victor Delage, Bettina Mecklenburg

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

European Council, Parliament/Session; Merkel/Forbes; Ports; Iceland/Government


The Newsletter n°581- version of 27 mai 2013